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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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FACES YY fade and wither with time; the bloom of the rose if only known to tlie It a 1 thy woman's cheeks, Tlie is strain caused by ailments and '( pains peculiar to the sex, and the labor and worry of rearing a family, ran often be traced by the lines itt tlic woman's face tlie or wrinkled face and se "fci-liiiBs of weakness" liavc their -'in the derangements and irrcKulantics to women. Tlie functional de- painful disorders, and chronic we'iknesse-i of women, can be cured wilu. Dr. I'ierce's J-'avoritc Trescriplion. 1'or the the rescnpuon it aids nature in Ibe for the change.

ItV a nil-theme! prescribed for tliirty in the diseases 01 Dr V. i'HTci' chief consulting physician to'the invalids' Hotel Ji.sti- llniT.ilo. X. Y. Dr.

I'ierce's 1-avunte Prcscritnic.n UK: ciiroinc inflammation of the>!;- ntetnbranes which cause such CKhaiiMiiiK' 'irains upon tin: system. nervon-i pu.xuation, disorders arisiiiK' from of the female organs and functions. Jtrs. JLNMI: of ffolltml-. t.anf w.ix'siek for over Hurt years with 1 thciiwvrt.

pain in ttic- back livad, nml nt woul'l Much a wriik. lire-el Cwl- inK up in I he moniimr, mid nt timoi nervous chills. Tin- pliysicianii differed as to n'liat my discdso hul tlicm me any As n-. 1 taking Pleicc's Favorite scrinliuu, to TOLD OI' 1 TYPEWRITERS. Conditions Influencing tho Chancos of in Soared of Work.

IIIH Wl.lcli Uliiy no Snrvloo to Tlioio CoiitrinpliitliifT tlio Kind i'( Is Vt'iuittul. "Is it triii! that employers of raphers and typewriters ru-e inclined to clisyriininutc between pr-jtty. pirlsund women of mature ag-cV" New Yorlv Sun reporter a man who is "brought into iluily relations with ero- ployew who has helped hundreds of women to secure places. "Genei-illy was tho reply, "when the -same deg-ree of fitness is shown business men maK-u little or no discrimination, but there arc scores of liruas in the city who prefer mature women. My observation sutisUes rue that any woman under-forty who has ability, vivacity and neatness of appearance stands on precisely tlie same plane as the younger sisters of her profession.

Too many women who follow this pursuit lose ambition in their work when they reach tho age of thirty, because they so.e all about them a host of girls fresh from nehool earning- perhaps the same pay as those far more experienced. The reason inexperienced pirl receives this consideration is that when first cnter- pon ollice duties she lakes groat pride in hen- work and her employer feels that sho can then be relied upon nnd has no serious thoug-'hts of marrying- for at least a few years. "Tlie at which most young- women commence the practice of stenography and typewriting ranges from seventeen to twenty-three years, and as comparatively few remain in offices long-er than live years, it is naturally inferred that who have reached mature have long since passed the period'of thoiv first business zeal, and therefore cannot counted ou as permanent. It is found, too, that in matters of correspondence every business man lias his idios3 ncrasies, be they important or otherwise, which his em- ployes inust respect, and a beginner is apt to conform more- closely to the BpcciQe methods and details required in her thnM one who for years has known other forms and customs from she finds it difficult to free herself. Despite this there are doubtless from three to five hundred women in this city above thirty years of age who pursuc'shorthand and typewriting for a livelihood, though it is believed that not or.e in ono thousand commences tho study after sho has reached this age.

The few who do arc oftentimes women -who have been thrown by domestic circumstances upon their own ciTorts and do not seek the profession cither because of special adaptation or love of the work." The reporter was told, also, that some men favor the employment of young because they are less troublesome than their elders in demanding- short hours and frequent holidays. At the beginning of her career a girl has not leK.ruoi! to annoy her employer with tho daily "May I go at three this uf tcmoon?" or: "Do you mind i.f I leave this work till to-morrow?" She Is content to do whatever is assigned to her. is always alert and neatly attired, and is as yet Ig-uorant of tho tricks of the trade." On the other hand a woman with several years' experience is better able to judge the mood trad temperament of her employer, and knows when to interrupt or offer a suggestion. She is neverjlusterecl and seldom undertakes a task beyond her power, and her superior capability is always shown in tho finished document. ECULIAR In combination, portion acd preparation of ingrcdi- SarsapariUa possesses great cwmtive value.

You ihoold IT. It is a characteristic mistake of beginners to look upon their ability to take dictation as the 1 only essential condition and to regard typewriting as of secondary importance. Their ideas also of punctuation and the typographical appearance of a letter are often defective; while the mature operator who has been trained in her work knows the importance of this part of it and realizes better that it is the typewritten sheet that proves her competence, not the pages of shorthand, about which her employer knows or cares nothing. Investigation indicates that personal beauty is not essential to obtaining the place of stenographer or typewriter. la many places, particularly in large offices and banks, where there are young infin clerks, mature women are desired, and often those of plain appearance.

The book's of an employment; bureau show that a woman's application is filed for reference no note whatever is kept her personal appearance, but merely a plain statement of her speed and experience the salary expected. It is none less true, however, that among pliers and typewriters good judgment in matters of and bearing goes a long way toward giving an impression nf neatness and civility, and oft-n uvi'rweighs shortcomings which might be detrimental to the applicant. The women in this business who givo promise of employes are nearly always preferred, and one who possesses proper qualifications and sufficient determination need have no difficulty in finding place where licr services will be well appreciated find paid for, whether she be twenty or forty 3-ears of age. M'nil In Xiivy. One of the difaculties in the- ward- rooin of a cruising man-of-war is to have newspapers and periodicals follow the ship promptly from place to place.

Such things are subscribed for with tho v.ntlerslanding that the address shall be changed in accordance with a schedule furnished to the publishers, but it sometimes happens that the itinerary is changed, and the whole scheme falls into confusion. Then the accumulating stock of periodicals is forwarded in of the ship, and it sometimes happens that mail matter for a cruising vessel finally reaches its destination completely covered with the forwarding orders of different post of- flcos. Once there was a little girl, as the saying goes, and sho and her brother loved to pose in tableaux of their own couedving. At the time when the Greek play of "Antigone" was given in the city, they heard much talk about it from their ciders, and were all to produce something brilliant themselves, ou their own littlo stage. "Let's play Antigone!" suggested licrtha, at last, when tl old folks had been again talking it over.

"All right," responded Toip; "I'll be Antigone." "No, you can't. She was a lady! I'll be Antigone." "All right. You may. I'll be George Washington, and come in and toll her about my hatchet." So the rehearsals were begun, and things went swimmingly. One day, however, Bertha got a little fractious and longed for change.

"I guess 1 don't like Antigone very well," she said. "I don't like her name." "All right," said obliging Tom, "let's alter it." can wo call her?" "Mary Tigouc, That's a real" good name." The priraa donna approved tho change and the play wont Youth's Companion. Unrortun'iitely Apropos. There lives in a certain small town a poor minister with a large family, which his salary docs not begin to cover literally. So the congregation have donated cast off clothing for tho children, and even tho poor minister's wife goes to church in tlio last year's bonnet and cloak of a deacon's wife.

The poor lady, says an exchange, grown used to this, and docs the best she can with the conglomeration of dresses, cloaks and hats which are sent her, though the result is somewhat tragic. However, sho has always felt that she did nobly by the children, and if the dresses and clothes and'trousers were misfits none were ever unkind enough to saj anything about it. Last summer, however, she dressed the nine hopefuls with great and marched them to church. She was a little late and just as she opened the door and started up the aisle her husband thundered from the pulpit: "Even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." Ho did not see the joke, but the congregation tittered and the mother was ready to cry. habit of sacredly regarding the truth, of carefully respecting the property of others, of scrupulously abstaining from all acts of improvidence which can involve him in distress, nnd he will just as likely think of rushing into an element ia which he can not breathe, as of lying, or cheating, or stealing.

RraPiOTHERSl We Olfer You a Remedy Which I Insures Safety to Life ol Alotherand Child. After unloc ono Boule of 1 suffered butlltUo pr-ln. und dldl tnot that wjakoaw afte In Mich ASMS Uaitor Sprlnss, Kan. MM1 or 1 on of II bottle. Book to Moilicra mai Frw.

Sold by all BECCUTOB Best Blood Purifier, Appetizer and Nerve Tonic. It That Tired Feeling GOES UP IN SMOKE. Much Property Destroyed by Fire at New Orleans and Sioux City. Loss by Both Fires Will a Full Winds Put Firemen at a Disadvantage. Mai-eh At abont 1 o'clock Thursday morning fire destroyed Kerns? collin box inanu- fautory on South 1'cturs street, between Oirod and Lafayette streets.

A iiiph wind prevailed at the time, and tite air was filled spai-lcs. l-'inully, at about o'clock, these sparks ignited a number of -uncovered bales of eotton lyinfTiii the yards of the International cotton press, 7 blocks distant. llai-d Work iln-mcn. The -liremen worked hard, but were unable to do more than to confine the ilinnos to the press'yards, which comprise an area of two squares bounded by South Peters, Front, Calliope and 'Ki-ato streets. "Between 15,000 and bales of eottou were' destroyed.

The entire fire department was called to tlie scene and remained for six hours. The loss will probably exceed all covered by insurance. FIJtK SWKlsrS SIOUX CITV. IA. Wind Fans tlio Flames Which CetHc- j-onel Control or l-'irointrn.

SlOUX CITV, March at 10 Thursday morning started in. the four- story fi-frae buildinjf of the Wusturn Transfer Implement company, corner of Second and Iowa streets, and got completely beyond the firemen's control. At 12 o'clock the fire spread to tlie Sioux City Linseed oil works, the largest in the country, and it was completely consumed. The whole city is threatened owing to the fierce sale which is blowing, and Mayor Fletcher has telegraphed to Missouri Valley, Lemars and other towns for The loss already amounts to S700.00Q. At 1:35 p.

m. the fire was practically control. RIGHT. I'cnco Commln.Hlonon) Moot In Confurenco Wants War Continued. IJOXDOX, March Central News dispatch cfrom Shirnonoseki says the credentials of the parties to the peace conference at that place were submitted found to have been prepared in due form and to confer full power on both sides.

Thursday's conference began at 2:30 p. m. und ended at 4 o'clock. Li Hunff Chanpr, with his suite, is quartered in a hotel. YOKOHAMA, March 21.

It is expected that the negotiations for peace between China and Japan will not be successful. The army is the dominant power in Japan and the military men are bent upon continuing- the campaign. Fresh troops are being' hurried forward. In the house ol representatives, notice has been given of a motion declaring that the time for peace negotiations has not arrived. LONDON, March Hong Kong dispatch to the Globe says the Japanese have blockaded the port of Tainsui on the northwest coast of Formosa.

1'iirlN Greou Kecowmondod. WASHINGTON, March foreign demand for apples grown in the United States has always been in excess of the supply. Great Britain alone, during the nine months ending September, 1S94, paid the orchards of the United States $2,500,000. In view of the fact that the entire apple crop is sometimes threatened by the worms that infest the trees. Secretary Morton has had the matter investigated and finds that spraying with a solution of paris green is a simple and effective remedy which he urges all farmers and horticulturists to try.

Murder Indictment 111., March Lauge, chaired with the murder of Harrison W. Harris, an old soldier who lived at Alton, and also Annie Gottsn- truc, an Alton young lady, was placed on trial Thursday in the circuit court on the first charge. State's Attorney Glass announced that the indictment against Lange was missing, but was given permission to substitute a certified copy. Col. Wravcr Cu.vrr.vsooGA, March Leroy Weaver, aged Si years, died Thursday of bronchitis.

In 5ST7 President appointed him governor of Jsew Mexico, which office he resigned after three months. Col. Weaver attained the rank of brevet colonel in diplomatic missions, on which he was sent by the confederate; government. Can Have Xlit-lr Own Interpreters. CoNSTA.NrrxoFij'E, March government after considering the matter for a week has decided to allow the foreign-members of the Armenian commission oi -to have their own interpreters.

In cotisequence of this decision the various foreign embassies are now sending- interpreters toMoosh. Kefusc to Accept tin March E. DeMu- rua'-ra, minister to Washington, cabled his "resignation March H. The mw- ister of state has refused to accept ifc- ATLANTA, March The ex- slaves 'of Atlanta are preparing to organize an association to which none oi the later-day darkies will be admitted. After the association has been orrjarir ized it is intended to have state associations, and then take in all the old- time nCRToes all the slave-holding- states.

Deatli ot nn Editor. lir.ooKLYX. March 21. James M. HeatlK-rton, the founder and editor ol the rinmbur.V Trade Journal, one of the oldest trade papers in the country, died ut his residence in this city, ag-ed 54 years. I.ost Kuiiiii KrernUj Foini.l. MADRID. March It was officially announced Thursday that boat be- lon' to the missing eriuser Iveina RceiJti! had boon found on tlie beach Inquest Inilrllnltcly LOXDO.N-, March The inquest into loss of the steamer Elbe, which has been in progress at Lowestoft for some time, lias been indefinitely postponed. Scveru Storm the MKiliHTrsir.i-iin. TO.UI.O.V.

Miii-ch 1 A terri lie storm is alony this eoaat, the Mediterranean. LibJ-rrtton. WoornvAJiD, 0. March 2J. mob broke into jail here Wednesday niffbt, overpowering 1 the guards and deputies, and three prisoners, AVill Blaeksliear, Tom Yost and Edwin Lain-, were liberated, United Altar Yuiirs.

PJIII.LIIT, March A romantic courtship, which beyan thirty- two years afro in this place, terminated happily when Sabius Main and Miss Sarah J. Thompson were married. I'Orn 1.0 IlBVH I'CilCO. SKV YORK, March A special dispatch from liarrauco, Peru, says that through' the intervention of diplomats a provisional government for Peru has been formed. March The treaty between Japan and the United States were formally exchanged Thursday.

PiiiLADEi.riHA, March Howard Sommeral, assistant trainmaster the Philadelphia Reading railroad ut Port Richmond, this city, it was announced Thursday, had disappeared ivith the salaries of a number of em- ployes and with funds belonging- widows who were the monthly recipients of various sums from the heading Relief association. T'ILE MARKETS. Gralu, I'rovlHionH. CHICAGO, MiJrch 21. Quiet nnd imcliunKCd.

as follows: winter straights, clours. sac- onds, Jl.SOiiiOO: low (frailes, Spring S3.OOii3.JU: str.itxhts. baiters', low Knulcs, 31.V5iiU.Si>; Red Dog, Rye, $2.303150. Weuh and lower, Cash, May, lul i Moderately active and firm. No.

2 and No, 2 Yellow, No. 3, No. 3 Yellow. 'MJi 645c; W-y, July, bcptcmbci Easier, with fair trading. No.

May July, Samples: No. 3, No. 3 White. No, -J, i'JSiOKC! No. WhJtc, Quiet firm: prices shade bettor, 2 In store.

5Sc; sample lots. outside choice; No. 3, about 4935U: May delivery, Batber dull; also easy. 4, SO.ttSec; No, 3, for lair to choice, and No. 2, MESS Trading was quite active and prices higher.

Quotations ranged ut $1L753 11.87S4 (or cash regular: $11.032,11.75 for Marun. and lor May. Ituiherqulot and higher. Quotations ranged at (£0.75 ror cust: S8 for Murca; for May, and Si. 9337.00 for seller July.

LIVE Per pound: Turkeys, ague; ChlcUens, Ducks, OSllc; Geese, per dozen, Creamery, J0319c; dairy, PuckinK Stock, SaOc. LIQUORS Whisky quoted steady at persallonror hiprhwines. NEW YOUK, 2L State and western quiet, steady. No. dull, steady.

-May. 00 GJ July, Ausust, September, lilj-ii DeccmSer, GSllic- No. 2. dull, easier. May, 51 51Ko: July.

SOJiSSOSc: Septenilier, No. SiJ.fffji.'ii No. quiet, weaker. May. STQUIc: western.

Firm. Extra iness. S7.50-iS.i>; family. PORK Quiet, flrrn. Mess.

Sl3.0Dij;3.jD. ijuict, steady. Steam rendered. Bcrriiit-Best fresh firm and fairly active; western dairy. do.

creamery, new. II -i-Jo; old 1 do. factory, fii ICc: itaitatioa creamery, rolls. -c. Fancy, linr-: state, larse.

do. faucy colored, lliic; do. -white. Uc: da, small. SSIic.

Fair demand: firmer; western, I3i Live Stock. CHICAGO. JIarcn 21 active and feelin; flraj. Prices 5c hisfaer than yestcrrday's closing figures Sales ranged at S3.4o£4.45 for Piss; 4.iO for for pacning: i4.3S.i-l.OJ for mixed, and for heavy packing and shipping lots. CATTLE-Market and feeling rather firm.

Prices ruled hlgner on best ots. Quotations ranged at JS. choice to extra steers: 55.03 i.S.£0 for good to choice S4.SO for fair to good: S4.00Q4.55 for com- cion to medium for Butchers' Steers; for Jitockers; 4.40 for Feeders: Sl.503.-I3i for Cows; $3.00 S4.30 Jor Heifers: for Bulls: 83.003 4.60 for Texas Steers, and 50.for Veal CsJTes. PLEADED NOT GUILTY. Now Vork'i roller Ofllclulu Ap- In Court.

YOKK. March of the indicted police officials appeai-cci before Justice InR-raharo in the court of over terffliner Thursday and pleaded not guilty to the indictments returned against them Tuesday- The absentee was ex-AYarden James T.urns, who is said to be our, of the city. It is said that the defense will be prepared by Col. K. C.

James, who will have the assistance of Tracy. Boardmaii A Platt. A. ,1. Elkus.

Emannel M. Friend and Louis .1. Grant. Some police records which have been missing from the files of the department for over twelve- years were returned in a most unexpected manner to Chief Clerk Kipp Thursday. They are a portion of the record which was wanted by the Le.xow committee and which that committee the department, for not having on file.

CLEW TO BULLION STEAL. Tr.tii.miry People Will Investigate Sale ot Silvop*. YiiWixiA. March oon- Muclion with the short.afre in the branch I'niU-d Slates mint at Cm-son it Is stated that Joseph nousrlass. a bi-nUer, purchased two bars oi silver bullion uvo months ago, which it is supposed ciime from the mint, as the bullion contained no gold, while bullion front the mines in this locality always contains gold.

This sale will be the subject, of an investigation. IraHion is transferred back and forth between departments ot the mint receipts arc given, which fix the responsibility when a loss occurs. The smelting and refining is believed to be the department which is short. "DR. HENRY COPPEE DEAD.

ttnivo Soliiiiir anil Prominent Educator PIISHOH Pi'. HKTHI.KIIKM. Va- Coppee, LL. ne.tiiig president of Le- hig-h university, died Thursday morning of heart disease, agod 7-1. He was in the class of MO at Yale and graduated at -st Point hi 1S45.

lie was breveted captain for gallant and meritorious conduct in the Mexican war. He was professor of English literature at the University'of Pennsylvania from to 1SOO, and was then elected president of Lehigh university. He Designed in nnd has been acting president since Dr. Lamberton's death. time of his death lie was regent of Smithsonian institution, having been first appointed in 1S74.

ROBINSONS SENTENCED. Cliircnco Gets Imprisonment for Lltv and Sadie Xwonty Yearn. BUFFALO. X. March 2MO o'clock Thursday morning the jury in the Robinson case reached an agreement.

At JO o'clock a. m. the court'Opencd and the verdict was read, which declared Clarence Robinson hod been found guilty of murder in the second degree and Sadie Robinson of manslaughter in the first degree. The judge sentenced Clarence to life imprisonment and Sadie to twenty years. New Lumber Field Opened.

Asur-AXJX March hundred million feet of pine on Red Cliff Indian reservation hasbceu thrown open for 'Joggers, as a result of action taken by the government. iiiit-v Vjfi rcti. YALi'AKATSO. March lirown and James Williams, of Chicago, were held to the circuit court in bonds of for attempting to rob the saloon of Thomas Ward. While at work discovered by the night police, and, after a desperate running fight, were captured.

Figlit AiTionir IluiiKHrlann. Ind. March bitter quarrel among the Hungarians at this place has resulted ia the murder of George Otke by Andres Honey. The quarrel has involved nearly all the Huns living in the settlement known as Oklahoma. An Ontario 'failure.

MoNTTiEAX, March dith O'JBrien. stock brokers, have made an assignment. The. liabilities arc about $100.000. the 'largest creditor being the Quebec bank, 000, part of which is secured.

mk-n. Mignonette, that at the moment is a perfume greatly in favor for its delicate and refreshing fragrance, is compounded as well from some of this regular stock in the perfumer's, laboratory, an'd even violet extract is two-thirds ol it due to the sweetness of cassie. orris and attar of almonds, though violet is the most popular perfume. The true, extract of the purple flower is made in France, is costly and only to be bought at a few places in York. Its rare sweetness is expressed from the violets that at Caanos and Grasse, where the mignonette attains what to American eyes is unbelievable perfection of size, color and odor, and where the roses owe their sweetness chiefly to the bees, who sprinkle into hearts the pollen frota the blooming orange trees.

man may na rial ess as a post and still not be to run Men's is Unt within us enables us look at our neighbors ai our other self. Men's Era- ih- Cli II Hnnn like pallovr tlornlosr nnn of earth. It will be well for joubrfore venturing Iriio a'r, cbaiBwl, iierbars, with the malaria or provocative of rtieamatlc twlnits. to take a of BO-WICK'S Stomach Ei'- wrs. yourself from atmospheric Inflnenoes tttre-tenlnK to Mealth If you hsppea rained atoo, uye the same preventive.

avoid the or a cold. warmth lofusexl Into the circulation by -bis stomachic. Its inv eoratlnif and projertlM commend appredaUrc of the fact that prevention Is better ihan caia. UsetbeBltteri lor dtupepsli, buloosn'M, TMsrwoinBB and kidney rick KNOWLEDGE Srings comfort and improvement and ieuds to personal enjoyment when used. The many, who live bet- Mr than others and enjoy life more, with -'ess expenditure, more promptly tlie world's best products to ihe needs of being, will attest Devalue to' health of the pure liquid principles embraced in the Syrup of Figs.

Its excellence is due to its presenting a tl-e form most acceptable and pleas- to the taste, the refreshing and truly properties of a perfect lax- itive- effectually cleansing the system, lispellin" colds," headaches and fevers -nd permanently curing constipation. 'i ha- given. satisfaction to millions and net -vith approvsl of the medical because it acts on the Kid- Ws LSvor and Bowels. without weaK- -niiig them ami it perfectly free from objectionable substance. Syrup of Fiirs is for sale by all drug- in 50c and" SI bottles, but it is man- by the California Fig Syrup onlv, whose name is printed on every also the name, Syvup of Figs, Ui bemc will informed, you wiU any substitute if tMIIIIIIMIII PAP CALEHPAR For 1 1895 A Desk Calendar is a necessity most convenient kind of storehouse for memoranda.

The Columbia Desk Calendar is brightest and handsomest 0 all of dainty silhouettes and pen sketches and entertaining thoughts on outdoor exercise and sport. Occasionally reminds you of the superb quality of Columbia Bicycles and of your need of one. You won't object to that, of course. The Calendar will be mailed for five z-cenl stamps. Address Calendar DepmrtnKnt, POPE MFd.

Mntuoo'thli piper. Hartford, Conn. Plllc, Their CMS -ml Almse. Pills are by far the btst cathartic to use, but you must not abueo their use by babitunlly depending on them for dally stoolB. If you will use 'linehart'8 i'illa you Vill nod them to 'egulato the bowels and afford regular itd free daily stools, by an occasional of one pUl Sold by F.

Keee- log and Keystone drug elore, Children Cry for ditcher's It you lack strength, with no appetite, takeRlnebart'e Pills. Ooeadoee. Soid by B. F. Keeslicg and Keystone drug store.

Children Cry for Castorla. Tale l.Ip« and Cneeki Are a sure sign ot nionucb worms In children, and if not removed the sjmp. toms are more alarming by frightful dreams, nervousnese and spasms. Tho best remedy to use is Rlneburt'e Worm Lozeogee. Tbey always remove all kinds of worms and the worm nest.

Sold by B. F. Keeellng and Keystone drugstore. rhen rick, we rino was Child- eHe cnod for Caatarifc raeo oceanic Jllss. aeo cranp to Casufflfc jnien MMJ Ctuiaren, tnem If your- child cas pile Hpa or is fretful, give Rloehart's Worm ges.

Sold by B. F. KsesHng and Keystone drug Children Cry for Pitcher's Captoria. for Orel rinjr Mrs. Wioetow'o Suottnufe Syrup hai seen usefl lor over fifty jeart by millions Of mothers for tDelr cbilCren wbile teethicff, with perfect eoccess.

It soothes the child, sofienu the gome, allays all pain, cures wild colic, and Is the best remedy for dUrrboea, It will relieve the poor little euffcrer immediately. Sold by In erery part of the world Twenty-five A bottle. Be sure and ask for "Hrf. Wlnslow'B, SootblDR Sf.

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