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Moberly Weekly Monitor from Moberly, Missouri • Page 4

Moberly, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i Local and Personal Brake in an this week. IJ'oelile is laying off T. M. "Willolt went to today nM a business trip. Ralph Vail oily, is in Jack'son- attending the fair.

John Lamb one day at the Jacksonville fair. 'W. L. McOlrew was in Columbia' yesterday dii 'business. 'Miss Anna Sundayecl with friends in Brunswick.

AJbert has a sick child -at his hom'e. i 'Tom Moberly and family-are in Oklahoma on a visit with friends. Joe Harlan is visiting his sister, Mrs. Carter, near! Darksvillc. Trvin of Holliday, Is hore on business today, Engineer AVill-Blackwell is-laying oft this week on the sick listr Brakonmn Guy Vallcly'is lay-' ing on" and the big a I.

Jacksonville. John from New Franklin -leaking a visit with home folks. Mrs. of north Ault street, is fast, rqcoyering from a stivorc' illness. Miss Flu m.

n's; of Liberty, isv visiting Mrs, Bnrnham, 'south' of town. Llo.ytf Bann.ett has secured a position. brakeinaii on the AVabash. Engineer Jfcnry J3reuseh is lay ing oft' suffering with a derated tooth. Senator Stone arid Governor will speak at Glark at the fair on Sopteinber DO and .11.

Arthur AVest and wifehave returned from an enjoyed, visit to relatives in Columbia. Conductor J. P. Shields and wife have returned from a visit in Kansas City, Rev. C.

C. Selccmann. went to Brown's Station this afternoon Avherc he will pi-earl) tonight. Brakeinan Benjamin, has been a patient at the hospital for some 'time, went to his home today. Goo.

W. Sparks today rented E. Hogan's residence at 115 street to 1 Prof. Buck, .1 member of the High School. Several regiments of soldiers passed through' Mobcrly, today, en route from St.

Hi ley, Kansas. Louis to Fort Passenger- train double headed afternoon on travel No. 2 was into Moberly this account of heavy mm tralm; -are guests MTS. L. Trainmaster C.

A. Ross WHS down today from Moulton O. AV. of Ktngman, is in the city and will, spend several weeks with Moberly friends. Miss Ethel Miller has returned to Macon, after a visit with M'o- berly relatives and friends.

AVill Foster, has returned to his home in Joplin after a visit with his Mrs. Lou Phipps. Harry Jj-ii-worth was in Jacksonville yestei'day attending the fair. Miss Kcytes- ville, is" visiting her sister, Miss Bess 6 'Bryan, in th is city. Miss Eva Be! eher came down today from Jacksonville and will visit friends during the carnival.

the Everhart team at' Harris Springs on next Sunday. Ike. FeTdenli'eimer went to St. Louis tills" afternoon on a business trip. Miss Minnie -of''Paris, is the guest, of Misses-Mary and Smith.

Hoy Smith, who is arming Middle Grove; 'is here -visiting'old friends and taking in the carnival. J. and AVill Hinton, attended the Jacksonville fair today Christ and M'iss Tolson, of Hinitsville, visited in'Mo'borly'today. AVado 'Morton, of Randolph Springs, is the guest of Mrs. Laura, Gregory.

Fred last evening a brief visit wi tli home Barbers are talking of raising rates for shaving because since August. 4 they have had to'shave so many long-foees. Fireman Albert trunibo has returned to the Ifospital' for treatment' being unable to resxune work. Recorder Hugh Hinton returned from Jacksonville where he attended the fair. He reports a heavy rain there this morning.

Brakeman Burton 'went to Higbce today for a visit with relatives and friends. 'Engineer Ben AVatson was here IJrom Brunswick yesterday spend ing the day witli home folks. Miss Lucilc of New Franklin, is the guest of Miss Eva Burnham. Fireman C. C.

Quinley is at the hospital with'a'mashed foot, the result of a coal gate falling on it, Mrs. Martha Hedges is con- fiiied to her home, No. 130 Bed- Dorcl street with a badly sprained arikle, Dusenberry; of Bed ford street, has returned from a visit with her daughter in Burton, Mr. Lewis, of'east Carpenter streetf w-hb has been ill fOT some time with! typhoid fever, is reported as so7nebetter. wife and attersn faind of Frjin'k Kirby all wife and AVill Martin have returned from a visit of a week with relatives rieal 1 Darksvillc.

Ed Kaufman and 'wife returned last night from a pleasure trip to the points of in Colorado. Fireman Fred'Powell and family have returned from a visit to relatives and friends in Bloom- fiuld, Iowa. Mrs. G. A.

Brown, south Morley street, who has been'sojourn- ing at Harris Springs for the past few weeks, returned home today. Mrs. of Mexico, is the guest of her. parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. Jones on cast Carpenter street Miss Irene Sterner, a. charming young lady Armstrong, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs Math Markhnid, on south Clark street. AV.

L. Mays, from -Afton, enrolled this'week at the Moberly "Business College in shorthand. AVill Klein's young child is very the family borne west of the a wo ks i co plaint. Mr. and AV.

Thackston and.Mr. and Mrs. H. AV. Owen have returned from'a visit 1 in New Mrs.

J. J. Christian, living south" of town, is'quite ill with bilious fever. Her son, is also on the sick list. Misses.Daisy-Mangns and Dora Ra gsd al re tu rn ed to day, from a very enjoyable visit with friends in Armstrong-.

Mrs. O. R. Keithley 'and little, son James arrived yesterday from Tronton Jlor a visit with Moberly relatives and friends. Miss Myrtle Stewart and Mrs.

0. II. Snell arrived today fronV Kansas City and will be the guests of for some time. Tec cream or shipped anywhere. Candy Works.

Miss Dundee of Fcldcnhcimor's popular salc'sla- dics is taking a -vacation of two weeks, beginning tqday. MJss Selma Koblitz returned today from Bel View church in' the Macon circuit-where she has been singing in a revival meeting for Key, Lockart. 0. Katxcr, Mrs. Lillian Strong Miss'Louise AVhitmore.

spent Sunday with relatives in Higbee, making the trip in their automobile. J. IT. Meyei-s, the florist, dcpnrta Tuesday for Hobart, lahoma, for a protracted visit to her daughtci 1 Mrs. AVil- 1 in ins, and fainily.

Mrs. Cummings and son, AYil- lic Suppe, have returned from an enjoyed sojourn at Niagara Falls mid, points'in Canada and all in the north and cast. AVill and Loretta Chisholm returned yesterday from Macon wlrere they visited relatives last week arid attended the funeral of their aunt, Frank Dessert. Nadiue Blackwell and mother -have -returned from Columbia where they arranged for Miss Blackwell's entrance into the university this fall. AV.

Greenland'' and Earl Christy thrown to the gjronnd and received slight -bruises when their hurdy-gurdy derailed this morning near Kan- dolph Springs. ATrs. Fentcvn, of Farror street, has decided to-quit keeping room (irs and will occupy (i part bl ttie home with her daughter, Mrs. Ed'CorOi-ay, oh Barrow sireot. Miss 'Clara 'WilrHer bxpiictfe to leave the Inst of tile; wbelt; an extended trip in -iltiiioiSi Miss Thulia confined to her lionie, oii i street, suffering with typlioid.

vcr. If redoriclr, paiiied by his brother ajid er, Mrs. H. B. lvetehum Jim Roe, Den i son; Texas, arrived yesterday on a visit with his sister, Mrs.

F. Brensch. Mr. 4 Roe was formerly an engineer of this city and resided on Bedford street. Pearl Hunt, a former Ran- dolph'county boy, now engaged in mercantile business in Globe, Arizona, visited old friends here yesterday, He has been cast buy ing goods.

Rev. R. A. Bartlett, after performing the Gilfillan-Facsslcr mar ceremony this morning returned to Excello to complete his vacation. Miss Alice Covalt, of Parsons, Kansas, is the guest of her brother-in-law, Geo.

A. Trinder and family. She is cnroutc home from Des Moines. Postmaster John AV. Scott and George AV.

Sparks are out at the waterworks this -afternoon fishing and Capt. George will find in our an apt pupil. M'at IVIcHiigh has gone to Lake Geneva, AVi scon sin on a pleasure trip of a of weeks, His.mother and sister are sojourning there. Miss Minnie Johnson, of Cairo, arrived yesterday and will make an. extended visit with her aunt, Mrs.

J. H. Cameron and family, on south Morley street. Officials of the Modern AVood- nrof' America, arc City purchasing about two mil- ion dollars -worth of municipal bonds. The paving of Sixth street has been completed and the street all ready to pen for tra f- fie in a few days.

The value of property on the street has been largely increased since the paving 1 was laid. Rich 'Correll was up from'Clark today advertising the Clark fair, wHich will be held -on- September' 9, 10 and 11. He also billed Hunts- vilie and Charley Maynard, of St. Louis, spent Sunday in this city the wel'- r.oirie guest of his brother, AVil- liam Maynard and family. Charley loo'lving well after recovering from his long illness of last Avinter.

E. G. well kfnowu former AVabasli employ, now firing on the Rock Island'out of- Trenton came'-in today with his family and went to Jacksonville this afternoon where he visit with relatives and attend the fair. Miss Rose Fairbank, of south Morley street, is entertaining' Misses 'Minni'e Isbistcr and Lyn Oolb, of Hannibal this week. They are taking in the carnival and other festivities of the week.

Dr. AV. Sparrow departed this afternoon for an extended bus incss trip in southwest Missouri and in Kanshs'and Nebraska. Pie goes in the intorest of the Modern AVoodmen. Fireman P.

J. Lynch, o'f south Ault sti'ect; is suffering a badly ulcerated which is vi hi a great deal of and for a time it was feared that blood poison would develop. Miss Ida; of Excello, returned yesterday from, a trip all through Colorado. She sptfnt sev era! honrs with friends in -'ffoinff to her home last i ing. 'Mrs.

L. 0. elones and son, Lowell, who have been visiting for some tiniQ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.

J. Lowe in Hannibal, will return tnis week. They will be 1 aceompaniect by Miss Jessie Lowe. Kincaid and in a pi'b- state of north. They report 'a and feel inuch Deneiittediby tlierr outing.

Superintend cut of Culvert has Turner's property ic strecet, now occupied by Harris and family. The latter will Ino've'to St. Louis in September. AVm, Dessert, of Denver. Avlio was call eel to'Macon last week to attend the funeral oi his mother, Mrs.

Frank Dessert, spent Sunday hi Moberly with relatives and. will leave in a few days for his home. 'Brakeman Chas, McCall, who fell "from- a h.bxvear. a.bont a week ago arid has since been receiving treatment at; the hospital, spent today wjth his home folks; but will return to Moberly tod ay after spending Sunday She will be. in charge of Miss Jefferson's millinery store while Miss Jefferson' is in St, Louis and Chicago buying fall AViiile 'traveling on a AVabash train between La Plata and Atlanta, Mfc.

Roy Union, of St. -birth "ta a ba by passengers contributed, a purse of cblris to the baby which will AVabash, Mrs. Union is now iii La, Plata with friends; The AVabasli Railroad reports for 'months ended May 31 last, including lines aud Crross earnings, operating expense's, net earnings $6,214, 280; -other $1132,916 to-, tal income, interest, taxes, deficit, $286,717,: J. Hunt, 'aiid spent the day quests of Hunt's sister, Mrs. Thomas Bogie a-nd family, of Clark.

street. 'General passed tJirough M'oberly today in his private ear attached to 2, enroute from Excelsior Springs to St. Louis. Judge AV. W.

Ruc'ker, is in Mobe rly today meeting the committ- cemen froni the various counties of the Second District. The judge is much pleased with his vote in, the district particularly Randolph: vote, Ire having received his largest majority -in this county, slightly 2500, or 300 better than his; own county did for him. H. G. of the Corrugated Culvert has arrived in our city aud is supervising the construction of the company's shops north of the M.

C. A. building and in a short while the-machinery will, be installed and Avork of;al'actnring the company's Saffer is genial gentleman, a thorough business man and we think will he has secured a good location for his'business. AVe Avelconie him and his family to 'Moberly. NOTHING AT PARK.

On account of the aud street carnival there will be thi i at Fo rest park any afternoon or night this week. There will be considerable on the program however Sunday all next week and big crowds are loo'ked for each day and night. WILL TAKE DEPOSITIONS. Attorneys George Robinson, of Mexico, aikl Chap Crawley, of Keytesville, were in Moberly today, intending to take in the case of Joe Kirby against the Wabash, a suit for $25,000. damages.

They were unable to get 'service, however" and the taking of depositions was postponed; until Saturday. They be taken before Attorney Mi: J. Lilly. Mr. suit the Wabash is set for trial at the Sept te rm of th Ch a i to co un tv court at Salisbury.

0 ST. LOUIS LIVE STOCK MARKET Special Report to the Monitor. National Stock Yards, 111., Aug. 19, 1908. Cattle'receipts 6000; half'Tex- as; no choice natives here.

Best sale brought $6.35, best heifers $5.35, butcher steers and heifers mixed $6.15. The general trade was about tea wi th esterd a.v, win mea'ns the same as a. week ago on all steers, and 10 to 15 cents higher than a week ago on all butcher cows and heifers. Canners and bulls strong; stockers and feeders active steady prices, under light Outlook strong on choice, well finished cattle; about steady on others. Hog receipts 7000; market opened steady, and tops $6.90.

The elose was 10 to 15 cents lower than the opening. Bulk of the hogs sold at $6.50 to $6.80, the quality being very common. A little further decline may be experienced, the next clay or two, owjng to whether receipts are light or heavy, but the prospects certainly look good for good hogs during the next thirty to sixty clays. Sheep receipts 6500; best lambs- '25 cents lower 'than yesterday. Sheep 10 to 15 cents lambs top yearlings top mutton sheep $4.25, top breed ing ewes $5.00.

Outlook steady on good grades. NATIONAL LIVE STOCK COM MISSION COMPANY. 999999 -P-- PERSONAL AND LOCAL "Bnford HuJen Avith oue.inser-. tipii got.a^boy to work in his "box ball NISE 'S PONY BAN AWY; BUYS RESIDENCE PROPERTY W. H.

Kivett has purchased th-3 residence and lot at 317 Jefferson avenue, belonging to AV. H. Slaughter, of Clark and will hold it an investment. Mr; Kivett traded his. automobile to Mr.

Slaughter as part payment. HEMP WILL RETURN. The fans will rejoice in the aii- nonnceinent that Gfra Hie Hemp, the popular third baseman, wity fi nigh -til vsea son a i th at position you want anything, Jet your want be known through the Monitor and you will get results. Paul Pueblo, is the guest 06 his cousin, Miss Mary Owsley. Miss Maude Smith, of AVaken- da, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs.

C. P. Vandiycr. Mcsdamcs J. Y.

Bradley, Fox and Brock, went to the Jackson- v.ilie fair today. blisses Lillie and Ethel Foster, of St. Louis, are visiting Moberly-friends. Fred Williams went to St. yesterday for a visit with relatives and friends.

Airs. Alary L. Alsot and Mrs. George McElroy. ofN ew Franklin.

nre the welcome guests of Mrs. J. C. Livesay, of South Fifth street, while attending the. Chaulauqua.

Brakeman AV. E. Murray is at the hospital suffering with chills and fever. the wife of Mr. Gulh- rie, living near the waterworks, a fine baby last night.

All parties are doing nicely. WANT COLUMN FOB room house. Gall at 827 S. 3o1x furnwhed rooms for light house keeping. Address Monitor office! the' poiiv oiit -e son tli ofitoSvn after They left; pony un and it bccaine frightened and ran away, going north on Williams street.

The, 'seat was thrown out of but very fortunately the rig was not badly damaged. The animal was cut in -several places. i I FRANK T. WOODS Frank fornierly of this place, now located in Montana, arrived today arid will make a visit -and business trip- in Frank is looking fine aud is pros paring in his western home. Plis many friends were all glad to see him again.

Walsh has released by the Signals and Sunday's game will likely Aether he or -Hoffman is to piny -short dur- the- "remainder'' of the season. AIDED BY COMRADES. Almost prostrated by the intense heat, Joseph Meyer, the 89 year old walking from San Texas, to Indianapolis, Ind, arrived at'Ccn- tralia yesterday. Blinds raised there to buy him- a ticket to. St.

Louis. He a prjrse of $25, contributed by old army coinrades whom he kne.w. MADISON NEWS. From The Times. Dr.

Ash and Frank Ash, of Mo bcrly, were 'liere Tuesday to see their sister. Miss May, who is seriously ill with appendicitis. Joe living west of 'Middle Grove, is building a modern two farm. work. story residence on his Laslcy is doing the SPECIAL POLICEMEN.

Chief Police John Hogg is making active preparations to see that the city is properly "policed ring th earn i val. Tli ppl ice- in en that have been appointed to do police duty this, week J. R. Childers; Robert, Bassett, 1 'Will Baird, George Melon and Edgar Golvin. HdRJSES PELL ON HILL.

Two hack -horses fell yesterday evening on Fi-anklin street steep hill going "out to forest Park. The animals slid for ten or; fifteen feet, but fortunately no damage was done, Drivers should carefijl. this hillV as it entirely, too steep for fast Wi sonV Wabash bridge man is a new patient in the, hospital, suffering with'malarial'fe- ver. Mrs Gertrude of Queen City, haw returned, home after an extended visit i to -her parents, and Willett." The aged-in other of J. J.

Herman died at his home in the Mt, Pleasant neighborhood Saturday. Her death was due to general debility, owing to her advanced age The remains were shipped to for Ruf'e Bean says that he did not mow his corn in the Spring- as he intended, but is now looking around for bigger and strong, er cribs to hold it. He just simp- 1 pi on gh ed an 1-a gh ed a d. laug lied until now he has a bumper crop. Prod Thompson and-wife moved to Mobcrly this week where Fred 1 open a clothing store in 'September.

They are a- niong our best and most deserving young people and will make Moberly fine Mrs. Obe Todd is th residence of Henry Hays, west of town, quite ill with appendicitis. She was here shopping Tuesday morning and on her way to her became so ill- that she had to stop. at the residence of Mr. Hays; cfbctor was called who pronounced-her disease to be appendicitis.

'Carter Alexander in company with his sister Miss Nellie, of Par is, is visiting their brother, John Alexander and family of- city and taking in the Great Patterson shows. bearing letter E. Finder return to 633 Ault street 'Ji at 137 Bedford FOR ctfok flour chest, stand and table and' wash stand. Call at 107 Ha good street, back of Central school. or, four fiiriiished feoft and hard plenty of shade! Apply at 333 Bast Rollins St.

second hand roll top desk, and a second copying -'press. Address H. O. care Monitor, Moberly, Missouri. 94d3x old pocket book, containing a sura of money.

Owner can have same by calling at the- Monitor oflice, describing property and paying for this advertisement. d3 pocket book containing $15.25, in old pocket book $10 bill and $5 bill and silver qimr ter. Return to the Monitor office. FOR rooms furnished complete for light keeping, with in Inquire at 335 North Williams St FOR good large rooms furnished for light housekeeping, with and toilet in the house; 334 North Williams street, FOR Porter street, a 4 room house-with barn, buggy house, smoke house, scoai shed; three acres of ground, and pump; ail new. Inquire at the Oliver HojteL for Thosf OfLeary, for information.

Will rent reasonably to those who bought peaches, from Wilkersoa Nursery return empty crateiptO; Holtsinger livery barn, Clark, St. Within, the next week and ceive pay for FOR SALE, 40 acres, 5 room house, good barn, 4 chicketa houses, poultry yards, 2 acres 10 timber, all under fence, some hof cask Balance 6 "per entj, only niilei city limits. See G..

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