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National Republican from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 2

Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1. 1 ycimMi(n ASHINCTOM CITY, D.O. THURSO AT M0RS1NU FEBRUARY 14,1170 I tit Cor, 111 lit mnH near tnoh At W. JT. MURTAOH Editor and Proprietor Weeanautnadertnkeloretare rjeted cost a 4 tlcetlonc Ciil-I! ater wlliil rrefote preserve pic isrb whcUar oa tulMM ilJltt'd to WW ttion, Pr.rUt.r uirirfli'teif, lIEVKKTIOlVf grant's nicsmoai.

Mri. Grant receptions will bo held CTCiy Tuesday dnrlcf tbo season, between tba hours of 3 and 4 p. m. irunn blaihe'b ascsftioxs. Tbe recepllova of tbe Speaker of the llouo ofKerreienUUTCtwmbe at hit residence, 403 Fineenth street, from 0 to 11 o'cloc oo each Friday cfTemng of tbo seasoQ.

Mits. mini's receptions. Mrs. BUlno'i rertlons will be hcM erery Wednesday of the season, between tho hours or Sand 5 p.m. diplomatic convn.

Al Hie Russian Legation Madamo do CaU- enty will recclre on Thursdays, from until np. m. At tho Argentine Legation Madam a da OarcU will rccelro on alternate Monday CTenlnij, commencing on Monday, January 3, and will be at homo on Saturdays, from 2 until 5 p.m. X.ADY LITER ATF.GRH AT 1.AIIUC, There la nothing In tbU world I admire bo much a woman of talent, lndaitry and prudence. 1 rotor more particularly to womon wb.o havo taken to literature, and owe nothing to friendship for their popularity.

Such woman battles nobly with mo ma or ronano. la Mir reliant. In Jewn cnt and rarely condcacaoda to ask the assistance of her friends Jo rcUlnir before the public. Bho fsels proud In tho poticulon of ner euu, dui nsTcr orerratos tbem. Her mannera Indicate tho retiring ladyj her wnoia caiuro sensutrsi her thoughts are fixed on tho object of her ambition.

Such a woman cam nut mtie for the thowy rut menu of that Indefinable Jade called "fain. society," noTcr forces herself upon tho public Sho tools grateful to tho press for what It says of her, but rarely courts Its farors. 6ho prefers to wait tintll pnbllq opinion has pissed Judgment upon her real worth, rather than purchase notoriety with questionable means. I am proud of tho acquaintance of several ladles of this ds scrlptlou, whose merits tho public ha to been quick to recognize, and whoso famo Is of real ralne Thcio women have done something for onr literature. They have Ira-presicd a good moral on raanyyoungmlnds.

I am howcrer sorry to say that Washington bus Juitat this time a superabundance of women, who hare taken to literature, of an entirely oppoalto character. These dam-ids, too Idle to go out nursing, and loo proi to tako In washing, haro for somo time been drifting about loose on tho outskirts of what is called fashlonablo society number three. They aro extremely light hearted, and not very heavy-headed. Like a tipper ship they spread an Immensa deal or canvas for tho alio of tho hull, and one surprised to boo how they stand up undor It. lu fine they dass In fall feathers, and may bo seen on the Avenue of a One after, noon, dashing along at a brlek pace, af-f cling a masculine air, and looking Tery (ike whole millinery shop oat Tor an alrlne.

1 hare at this moment oao of these gay 1 anucrcrs in my eye, a certain nut i-uuo-1 racna, as she delight In writing herself 'down lu the Horn TrulTUer. Fhllo mena Is an exact counterpart of a dozen or so of these bright-colored butterflies, who dart about Washington mounted on the very smallest literary reputation. Miss Fhllomena Is very severe on our mother toaguat cuts and slays It la various ways, and serves It up with the solids or her own vanity. Fhllomena Is, tome, a very lore of a woman. She trarola on her pretensions, and makes a good thing of too.

She knows the value of cramming herself down tbs public's big throat, and for that pufposo boll Is her delicately embroidered flag In tha personal column of the IToau Truth TUr, a journal of high moral character, remark able as affording an asylum for females who travel In tho shadow or literature, when Fhllomena sails up tbo Arenuo of a fino afternoon, her friends of the Diplomatic Corps drop her so end of smiles and bowij moderate crinoline moves aside with aiton-Ubraent as sho sweeps along, and young Washington turns to take a sly look over bis shoulder, whlsh Fhllamcna feels Is In admiration of her literary reputation. She has cultivated a dellcato acquaintance with tbe critics, and affects wonderful respect for tho press. Mr. tht Ditty Sfotctr, Its dear, good friend. Mr.

Fudge, of tho Sat fay rUitytf has said no end of pretty things other. Wloows, of the Wtikty Cultivator, has mounted her ltterary ability oa the highest horse, and kept It galloping be- roro the publio for the last six months. I btvo several times puxxlod my brain to find out the secret of Fhllomenas aoqualntanco with those learned and very worthy censors of literature. A friend, hlmtelf an acquaint auco and admirer of Fhllomena, let me Into It one day. This friend writes profound essays oa graro subjects for tho Dtsp ThttJur, a woekly Journal devoted to the interest! of ladigeut booksellers.

lie received a letter from Fhllomena one day, saying how much she admired an essay on thought, which sua had been told was from bis prn Fhllomena declared nothing In this worll would afford her more real pleasure than to meet one whose mind was stored with such rich gifts. My friend could not roilitahlntsodellcately conveyed There alwoyr a dash of gat Ian try In his oioaltlon. So, buttoning up his courage, ii called one morning, and was ushered by tin urchin la liver Into sumptuously sho holds her litera ry court. MlssFhllemenallvesln street) considers It necessary to her literary repu tation, as well aa her political Influence to do so. Bho was arrayed la a style of negilfti quite captivating, and reclined on tho softest of lounges.

My friend was sur prised to find oue of sosmall a literary repu tation Indulging lu such splendor, rallo inena received him with an case of manner aud freedom truly surprising. Tito min utes In her company and his native bastifal-ncss had vanished, and ho was as much at home ae If he had been a Congressman and an old acquaintance. 8Uo n. ml red Ms riling, no 1 made boM to tell him so. JIo had not a moro attentive rcilerf She had several times told suvudl of her friend the highest obJ a other -iiuUilon was to write like him Fhllomeua, euggmtcd that perhaps ho would join her orer a cup of tea.

Sho hod a weakness far leu It refreshes her thoughts. Sho Indulges la It Juil before sitting down to write a sonnet fur the lUm Tru(-lilUr, When old aud particular friends call, (she hopes to call Ulro, cue soon,) Cboy walk out to k's, and etloy jutit toujur. They get them up so deli cately My friend had a dash of gallantry in him, and could not resist an Invitation so ingeniously cxteadod. Tho air Is refresh- lug and If you would not consider It rude," said he, should bo hippy If yon would uoaor mo with your company; pcopio or a literary tarn should consider themselves old friends." jou BrP injac, too kind' ua rcyiivu, wun a low courlcsyi "I don't kuowwhyl ihould not neifpt jour Invitation "There certainly oull tmtlilng Ira-iroi Ma lot rruiui my fikudi iVii.lf aViiiMri' rotnrned Phlibmena craphaikallyi "but peopls bare got tote so prudish, and so much Is said against a woman of a literary torn. A young woman Uko mo might bo a Tery angel and tocletyM talk about her.

Howsrer we'll take the responsibility." And away Phllomena tripped to get her bonnet and shawl. When she reappeared, docked out la her finery, my friend has sine laid she reminded him of two huge millinery establishments rolled Into one. Away they tripped, Thllomena feeling certain aha had made a conquest, and my friend wishing htmislf at tho opera. My mend, out of sheer politeness, suggested that Miss r-hllomena stlect tho supper, which eho dldt and from such a Tarlcty of dishes that ho Ugau to get alarmed lest his purse bo found delluiuent. She, howercr, restored his courage by laying, condescend-Ugly, It was not every on she would go to such places with.

She reminded my friend that she had a remarkably delicate arpettto. tie told mo It was remarkable to seo how much it took to apply It. As supper proceeded Fhllomena opened the big budget of her heart longings and disappointments. She must keep up her literary reputation, and dash la magnificence down the ranks of society. How to do thsie was firing her a deal of trouble.

Iter lart noril, (U was a sensation norel,) her publisher told bor, did not do well) but It was entirely owlog to his want of tact. According to Thllomena her publisher had unad her Tery shabbily. and ought to bars been hanged. Tens of thousands of copies had boon sold; the critics had called her the beautiful and accomplish 1 "authoress," and described her book as a very marrel la literature, and yet, "don't you think," she said, "I can's get a cont of htm 1 Tbo truth was rhllemsna got tho gool natured fellows of the pre to Tain pralso on her book, to say she was beautiful, ae-compllshed and distinguished. Bat the pub.

He did not care about beauty la an author, and understanding tho trick, could not be got to a wallow Fullomena's novel, which tho poor pnbtlsber, who was amiable enough to undertake It, was forced to sell to market women for fly Fhllomena wished my friend was a lawyer, for then she would put her case against the publisher Into his hands. Her honest demand could not, she was sure, be a cent less thantwelre hundred dollars. Tho poor publisher waa out of rocket at least five hundred dollars, aul there, was no sympathy for him. This book had evidently been tho death of Fhllomena, aad afforded the key to all her troubles. She had built a score or two of castles with It, and they had all vanished Into air.

She was four hundred dollars boblnd with her landlady. Bho has sundry little accounts oat to the amount of two thouiaud dollan or so, run up with good-natured tradesmen, who were taken la with the report of her being an heiress. Fhllomena played tho helress-dodga very successfully. It paid better than literature, which has left her a long way behind. Fhllomena drew a clip-plog from her portmonle, and gave It to my friend, saying It was an extract from tho Horn TrutivttUr, It described Fhllomena as tho "beautiful and accomplished author- and aald she would favor tho public with a reading at an early day.

Dolter, her friend, she said, wrote It, and she wished be had left the beautiful out. Tbo truth was, Fhllomena wrote It herself, and a dozen more Justltkett, and gave Bolter no peace until he put them In. "Perhaps," said she, condescendingly, "you will be ktad enough to do mo a similar favor la the Dup Thlnltri It will assist la keeping me before tho pub lic, you know, and 1 propose to give a read lag from tua poets. Of coarse mv frisadeonld not resist, and tbafore many days hat paiied the Dup Thlnktr endorsed what the Ifanu Truth- Utler had said of Fhllemsna'e beauty and talents. Fhllomena travels on ksr beauty as well as her pretensions.

Wbatsrer she underiakss Is taoroughly "walked Into." 8he now proposes to delight the great pnb-lie with a reading. The great public cares aethlng for readings, and won't go a step to hear amateurs. Fhllomena knows this. Dot she Is resolved to glvethe readier. Dat there are always varleus difficulties la the way.

The Inexorable landlord must have his rent In advaaee. Fhllomena gets up a subscription, and calls on certain dlgnlta rics, of whom she demanis tribute In names and money. Shsmakss aspsclalty of Congressmen and Cabinet Ministers. Ihcre is no such thlsg as resisting ksr chirms and ksr pretty Import unities. Those who will not giro tea dollars she lets off with five.

Fhllomena sails the paper sho holds In her hand a roll-list of her friends. Through dint of perseverance Fhllomena scrapes to gether about 300. I doubt If sho ever gave a reading. To tell the real truth, I admire Fhllemena. I admire her for writing her self dowo tho "beautiful aud accomplished authoress." I admire her for the victories she galas orsr irrepressible editors and Congressmen Jast from tho country.

admire her for tho way she drives a bargain for fame. Bha gives modesty tbe cold shoulder better than aoy other woman within my knowledge. Fhllomena, being In want of dry goods, plays hsr charms off on certain Impressible tradesmen, who have a weakness for getting Into society. Bho makes the acquaintance of ilr. Qreenenougbj through a friend who has a boarding-house acquaintance with Mm.

Greenenough la struck with Fhllo mena artless manners, and tbo result Is a dsspsrate flirtation, aha brloglog all her bat terles to bear on Orsonenonghs weakest points, areeuenougu. believes tho girl la lovo with him. Invites her to the opera, makes ber certain little presents. IIo Is proud of tho prospect of getting Into literary socl ety. But Fhllomena carea nothing for his heart.

Her bead aad heart aro on his silks and shawls. Ho gives Fhllomena an Invitation to look In at his place of business somo fine day. Exactly what Fhllomeua wanted. Bho looked In one dayj waa so delighted with his stock of silks, aud made such a selection. Tho bill was only two hundred dollars, and Mr.

Qreeuenough waa good enough to send It homo with the goods. Moro than that, he was kind enough to tell the messenger to say waa no matter about the money now. The end of tho quarter would do. "I admire Greenenough," says Fhllomena, to herself) "bo will not bo eo ungallant as to press payment, even If I don't pay him then." In another week Fhllomena makes tho acquaintance of Mr. Dawes, tbo Jeweler, and cuts Greeneooogb and his dry goods dead She Is sore to do Dawes out of a fine set of diamonds, and then cut him.

Bbe will then make the acquaintance of a friend at Brown it Robinson's. Fhllomena has been busy for some time getting up a testimonial to hsreslf. She has got a document of great length, setting forth Ike desires of the many frit ads who want to get up this tsstlmoulal to her. Fhllomena wears a doable veil, sbs so modest Tbo testimonial hangs fire for a time. Her friends do net coma np to time.

Bo she sots her doabl veil, pals hsr own shoulder to the wheel and resolves there shall bo no break down to tbe testimonial. Sbs pajs her respects to certain distinguished gentle-msu and "public characters." Such men are very auaceptlble to female Influences. Sho stale her business In the most winning manner) points Mr. Amiable, a dlstU-gnlshed politician, to what tbe Dally Jiloatr aaysln pralso of her. Mr.

Amiable expresses oVJsctloei does not like to havo his name brought before tbo public so frequently. Ho la requisted dally to become the great father of a testimonial, and begins to think all Washington eogatrd in similar enterprises Ho really docs noi know what to do. Would Uie to assist tho young lady thus energetically trying to support herself. FhUonlTcnativercomcs all Mr Aralable's ob- i Jectlons, and firAlIy succeeds In carrying off his namo and tribute to tbe amount of 990. A mere trifle, says Fhllomeua, for so high an official.

Fhllomena writes now and then for tho Baaday papers. It Is "horrid drudgery," sho says, and they only pay her a dollar a column. These starvation prices sho declares enongh to send a young and unprotected female to destruction. I havo mora than onco thought a dollar a column moro than Fhllomena's efforts ta tho Sunday papers worth. howsrer, confess not to bo a good Judgo of the value of such writing.

Miss Fhllomena Is an excellent Judgo of mankind, aad knows exactly how to btlog a Congressman down, ustng tho artillery of her eyes. She writes the most dulcet letters to gentlemen of reputed wealth and gallantry, requesting an Interview at soma appointed place. There Is a dash of mystery la Fhllomena's notes, which excites tho curiosity of the gallant gentleman. She Is snro to effect tho desired Interview, at which she presents hersslf fortified with a double veil. Fhllomena has a dozen apologies to offer for meeting gentlemen at such places, and opens the budget of her distresses.

Bho took advantage of the gentleman's well known liberality, sho says, to request an In terview, tho object of which Is to solicit his aid In getting up the testimonial her friends havo designed. The gentleman expected a very different meeting with a Tory different object. He is surprised and disappointed at tho turn affairs haro taken, and begins to wish himself at homo In tho bosom of his family. "I have heard, sir," says Fhllo meua, "how ready you were to assist a fe male la distress, and knowing your great wealth, thought you would llko to assist my friends with your namo and a trifle say one hundred dollars Hero Fhllomena raises her second veil. Tho gentleman Is perplexed at finding himself la a public saloon, known to seven tenths of the visitors, and with a lady, under suspicious circumstances.

lie makes van ous apologies, none of which Fhllomena seems inclined to accept. Tho trifle sho requires would not he felt by tho gentleman, considering his great wealth and then there are tho names of Wllklns, Jenkins, Hsrman and Ferklns, all friends of his. Ills namo will remove tho great mountain of all her troubles, and set her firmly on her literary feet. This Is a punishment tho gentleman did not eipecti but she makes a breach In the fortress of his sympathies, which ho repairs with his namo and fifty dollars. The gentleman la glad to get off at that, Is disappointed at the character of the Interview, and, swearlog never to bo caught In such a trap agalo, they hare a cream together, and Fhllomena disappears chuckling over her victory.

I wish Washington had an asylum, pro vided with swearing machines, Into which all our literary Fhllomcnas could retire, and do tho stata some real service. A. C. F. AiroToin Accidxht ok thb TmrBza.

The female trapeze performer at tbe Front Street theatre, little Zoe, fell onco or twice while executing ber performances last evening. Tho first tlmo she fell Into tho net which Is spread below for tho purpose, and was not hurt, bat ifler the net had been re moved, with a view or cloaloc that part of tae periormancc, ano vest area anoiocr iriai rrom a rrcai nccni. spnnzinir who a sommersault and catching a rope, when tho rope suppoa urouga ner nana ana boo icu to tbe stage, striking upon her fact and knees. She was taken np and carried be hind tho scenes, but subsequently again ap peared on lue stage, mougn snowing evwent marks on ber race and person of Injury received. These trapeze and kindred performances, endangering Ufa and limb, are notnleasant to look upon, however aston ishing they may be.

aod should be discarded as means oi jiauuc cnvcrwuumcnii zim mort Sun. 25 I. Hew AdTortiMmenU. rAMTKO- BITTJATIOlf AS FARM MSCf- I li aiiaii febSt-S. offle EIOnTXKS ROOMS.

Bo PeBBailvaala aveaao, between rar aad-a half and nixth etreete Apply to 11 jurtwaroa, oppotue. rail iw IhIb1d Dalh Run. wtlh hat aad jld watr. and leeatei on tbo aaeoad d-er froat, 3SISH. reamrlvaala afeaa.

earner Tweatr aeeoad etrtet. (Flr.t ward i UH rANDISd AHDCOMPLBTBOUTriT FUR KKftT, called Taflp Hill, near fart toUlailon siarviaad Apply ton a juuna-X, No JOO reairlTl ateaae, batwen tr-sad a half and Sixth etreete fe34 3w yosi ORPUABB COURT, rsnaeav tl. 1IT0. DttlriM of ColumKla. rih(mptvm Wunti.totelt la the of rTMita 11 moid, executrix of of Johe Jlebb, deeeaiad.

tha axaeatrlx afore aid ba, with tha approbation of the Orphaee iMtletuast and dletrlbntlon of ma iereonai anata oi aaia ueeaaaao. aaa or me aeiete In hand, a far aa laa earn bate be a eol-lected andmraed lata tnoaer when aad whom all the eredltort and halra of aald daeeaaed aro notlSed Iv attend, with thalr elaltne properly too bed, or liter mar otherwUe by law ba ox-cladad from all beeaSI In aald deead'e aalalai provided a aopy af IbUo'dar oa pnbllabad oacaa weanior tnrea wwu naTioaai. Aaron A LATIMER, Anct'ra jkJ (uoaaaaora lcuoiro uo TRUST RE'S (ULIOP FRKTCn PLATS MtR-JtOKtf, BBU8-SIL8 ABU TUBti Ptf CAR. PKTS. WALMOT AND MSIIOlJAWf PARLOR AHbrilSMUKH rtrRBITORB.tUKCOTTAOB HAMBBtt fUlTBi FRENCH I'lIlMA DIHNBH PbT.aRUOKiRYANDULAHSWARK.DIHlBO.

lttidM AEfU klTCH.a KtUDlflll.A. Ae AT A0lnOK. Iptnaaf a Jui af IrnJ J.La.1 (ha T. IJSth day of Deearabar. UM.aad dolyj BT raoordad la Liber Wo.

jALb tha ahattal raearaa far rJH.Juf..u..i.. r.aitr. la tha DUtrltt a r.lflmtili. 1 villi aII afc nitklla as WBDNKsDAY. al 10 "looki at home If 3 JO, (old Bam hr.

1 II street, belween Flfteealk atraat aad Var moat aveano. a vary excellent aaeortmeal of uonaepoia nrnnur, te qiiiii uptriv Parlor Balte.Upholeierad I a Plmh, plocaa Preach Plata Mantel and Pier Mirror Marble ton ant other lablee Hrneeele.Threo plyand iBcraln rarpale nill sad Bronte Chandelier and Chandelabra KUfar. UoeewooH Tablee Three lie botany Book Caae Maboxaor Hair cloth Sofa an 1 Chair Walnut lfxlenlon Dinlni, Table French China Dinner riiMli.n bbbI (llaaawar Rafrlcaralnra Welnal aad Mahof aar Uedateada, larean and waauaiaaoe. Uahoffany Wardrobe Window Bbade oak Cottage Chamber Snlte.lO piece Waiant vraanis: taoia, wiin uiu Hair and uuii Hauroaaea Feather Belator aad Pillow olored Kairalnia.TatUI Ste Ifliahaa Uainlallaa. Aa As IB( aaa untiti.i' Term cash COOPER A LATlMKK.

Anetleaear. Uw af IhaTraalaa COOPBR LATIMRB. (Star Aacttoaeen aTSf-THB AROVB SSLB lo FURTUBR POST- '(iJfBDuetll lUSlilali LdOPAR LATIMER. NOTICE -CIIARLR4 MILLBR DAVItlfl Withdrawn from the Arm of a AT. J.

MILLER, tbo bnetaee will, from end after thl dale, Fthrnary 31, lb7J, be oendnotod by THOMAS M1LLXR UUH ALAROE LOT OF FINE PINEAPPLES. Dsnaaaa and Haveee (lraaaee jaat raealvad at JOIM'll II. SIIAlfrlb.LU, 143A PaoBaylvaala aveaae, feU II bet, fweldh aad Thirteenth at NOTICE -ALL PRRBOBB 1SD8BTHDTO THE lata Arm of OOTLK TuWEUn ara heraby rxinealed iieallal th" Hook aad nttllonery Store a MIMill aad settle theaama or bafnra the lt of April, MV vv HvvaH, lbTu. otberwlae tae claim wme pieces in nit. nla elf-Id Axlfsee r.lHK MACllU WANMIM4J MACIIIMK.

Warranted lo giro eatlsraallon Prle 111. Th mosey paid for lam wtll be rstarasd if Airlcnlmral Vfarchoaae Lonlalaaa aveaa. f10 eulw Belween fllatb asd Teeth tte A 04rapluU siioitiaent of WATCHES. by all Ibe reliable waken of London, eopasbagee, and Geneva Alio, all tba different ety la of AMERICAN WATCnKS atgi-aily rtducel rale 91. W.

ClAIeT A JetTflcral, 1107 1'eaairlvaula avsuuo, between Eler tall, and Twelfth streets Mi21 Letter from apeak DlalM oa lh aMU Fnbllo Xxfllreo. Heessev BSFiutpTtrtfiiil YrsunroTos fMry tiit, LSTO I MrDtiaSm In the confusion which has arisen In somo of tho public Journals about estimates and appropriations and disburse ments, tbs Impression has been created that GtneralGrant'a administration has expended mori money la the same time than Its Immediate predecessor. This is totally erroneous, aa tho balance-sheet, on a comparison of official figures, will clearly establish. Tbs present Administration has been la power nearly a year, and we can compare that period with tho closing twelve months of rreaident Johnson's administration, rrom March 1, 1613, to March 1, ItCO, tbo total reeelpts Into tho Treasury were a little over avoid fractions for tbe sake of perspicuity. Every dollar of this was expended, and tho pnbllo debt for tho same period Increased about 10,000,000, as appears from the official publication of tbe Treasury Department, thus showlog a total expenditure for tho year of three hundred and seventy-four million dollars, (t 374,000,000.) Tbo total receipts into tho Treasury for the first year of General Grant's administration, estimating for the few remaining days, will amount to abont thrco hundred and ninety-four million dollars, ($394,000,000.) Out Of this sum total ilgtoy tiUBUnt have been applied to the payment of the public debt, thee leaving for the current expendi tures of Government, Including Interest on tho public debt, three hundred and fourteen million dollars, ($314,000,000,) or ility mil- tlont bis fAaa irm ixptndtt in thi tanu (imi by rruuUnt Jotmfnt admlnlttttlton.

These figures aro taken from official records, and thslr accuracy cannot bo questioned. It will bo observed that tho receipts were twenty-six millions ($34,000,000) more la Genoral Grant's first year than la Mr. John son's last year. Orer twenty million dollars of this must bo credited to tho Internal reve nue, which has been much more faithfully collected for It will bo noted that this large Increaso In amount has been derlrod from diminished and contrscted sources of taxa tion, many of tho taxes In force during a part of the year 18GS-'C3 having been repealed before President Grant camo Into office. Whether regard, then, bo had to the fidelity with which the rereoae Is collected, or tho economy with which It Is expenTltd, tho comparison for tho past Is undeniably and overwhelmingly In favor of the present Administration.

For tho future tho fullest confidence may bo Indulged. Tho House of Representatives Is vigorously seconding the efforts made by Mr. Dawes, the able and upright chairman or the Appropriation Committee, to curtail expenditure wherever It may bo donej and I am very sure that for tho ensuing year Secretary Boutwell will exhibit a financial record even moro satisfactory to tax payers than that of tho year which is about to close. Very truly, yours, J. Q.

Blaimi JontontKn Avgutta, JAiU, Tun New Moauoit Motkmmt. A correspondent of the New Tork bun. writing from Bait Lake City on tho 11th Instant, states that abont the 20th or this month Brlgbam Toung and a few of tho higher dignitaries would leavo that city on a tour Bout ostensibly to pay a visit to tbe lower settlements, but in reality to penetrate the lower portion of tho Territory of Arizona, bordering on tho Mexican line, and there ae'ect a new placo of rendexrons for tho gathering of tbo Saints. As soon as arrangements can be perfected, all those who live in polygamy will bo removed from this section or tho country to settle In this new State of Zion. As tho mala object of tho Cullom bill Is to suppress poly gamy, win in iuis manner uo iur when the bill Is Passed there will bo no poly gamy In Utah to oappress, and If Govern ment tuouiq leci aiiposca voj'rroevutu iutui la their new abode they can quietly remove within the Mexican lines, and then defy tho laws oi tuo country witnotu icar or molestation.

JXXTA Dry Goods. TtTEW NTOHKI NKW NruillM! GREAT INDUCEMENTS UIFLRM) TO ALL IN WANT OF aDXt'S" G-OODS- WblteDBD 8PRSADS ttm CO to 3 l.tttiTardiof CUhCK If Alflhi4Ka. real cheap Bf8 LII4KIfrronS7to43pryard BLArlKiraat freally radacclprtcea CKIB ULSNKKT4 all wool, SI AJ pr pair All Linen PKIIIORO TOWELS aUl'fccoie Foil Una FJ.AH ft KLH, chaap NaPklNnand DUYLlKi. very cha.p A baollfal Una Sprlai Dr.M Ojod and Shawl Jaat racatved a I arc ainca oi uoaivrr at rninmg iiima EIIUUV IIAXTKU, i4ureayifaaiaaTaa' First Class Dry Hoods nt Coat For Cask. boiaeaileUtMida.

Irtah and Table Llaen. Bvpraxa Sloiba, Freaeh Merino, trench Poplin. Black oode of ery variety. Snpcrtor Loaf aad inara Ialaiey Kbawi. Llama t.aa ramie iua auw ta.

Black Lyonabtlk eNeta TelTeleeaa, black and Colored bllka aad Hattae, Clulba, Caaakmarea, 4 Uianxtla. Laaiaa', ueata'. ana )' box llahlloaerr. Caubrle. Mam i wniuuooo eaen ae reoea, riaid.

aaqea aa wiuaiiiiii, lantuaci GOODS FOR ART BIAIOH OF TUT TBAR lhatareatked for, will be chews, aa Ike COAT 1b all emcee at escc aamed Wabave marked downs ltrteletof 11 It IS A 1 1 Utile aver half thalr eoit, to dote ihetn out lndealrablexaoda will basoldataeaeriaao. Oar object I to entirely eloee np the bnilns of the Brw nine ear day H. TA ri.R A fhl3 If Bo 7MCenlta Market Spat HKAT OAnUlN8 IN DIIY UUOUS. HfJhfKJ UOUD8 BELIIT it NADUAIN, GREAT HEDU0TION1 JOHNSON COLLET, IVo. SB BULUICET SPACE, navenartol dowe their ttock of DR1 GOODS and CAKI'kTa 4HireoBt lo redece Btoek be fvre taking Inventory In February, Coffee, Tcai and apicei Pokin and Ycddo Tea Store, Ninth street, between I) and li.

VKVM TKANH TCAhm Choice 1.A3 1.43 Eilra aji.TS 1JW liunpovrder loiiHirlnl UoIoub Pare Splcea, whole or ground Cofleet Mocha, Java, Ceylon, Lagoayra, and Rio xreeaorroatleJ. Coffee ruaatod fraah every day aal gronad to Alao, large etock of Brcakfact Coffee only 'AQ cesUperpoand. H. A. OLCOTT ft-fr-tf t31Mutli at.bvt.

It aim K. Skates, SKATES, JSjt Cost. The )a-gat Btotk In tho ally at lha BTOVE WAXSROflUi of II. UBBUOKT, fM It 031 PeuusylvaiMla MveiiHa. ChUaWarc i dmxA.

uLasswari, CDTLBRT ivn PMTin wmu We keep coBttauily on hand a full it ek ef Ike above Uoodc, of Snetlqaailly, alike lowed mar VevoBlh tireL Arehiteoti. 11 ARCHITECTS, Brttt, cfpotlta Pest OtRci OepsrVnant- -ai'ai ijjw VINAHUIAL ARD COHHBttOIAL. Was his (ir w. Yet. is, WO.

Jar Oooka fcOo.ruralsatbafolliwloce:uotaUoosoraov. tinmen! seeurltlssr vying SiUint U.fl.S-i.lMl 11TK JlB'i rive Twenties, n.Twntli. 10., 111. rivt Twfotlsi.Junfc Juiryci, us HsV Ill ft riva-Tweatisi JB A n.9.ea.llll Ill lll'l s-u'sltes my lUtf Taa-Fertls 113U -M' 1,1 US 11IX UelO WVi Kw Yoc, 1'tfcruiry 21-1 p. tn 0tton quiet and wsk mUSl ciuhi leuaui HID i 94 eeati sua r-il-n Cuba lOSIll csntsi Forte Kloo lid llVf tiats.

Flour dull aad uosbeng id Wheat ii aod lower. Corn nulet and steadrt 1 01(j new 8SQ90 coats, llr dall and a eta liu flrmert Spirits HO 10 eents) rsfiotd 294 ctats UolJ.lii. B1LTIKOR1 kfABXt-r. DxtTlMoaa, tab. 33 market for flour raav ba Quoted nraer.

aiee- ltlly for Illo braadt. Halsi war reported thl ruornloff for lllo af l.otM aarrsls City Mills Extra and "kiouat Vernon' alSAi 1.000 hatrala da. "Kialna" tt as SOi anil aate also salts two or tttrsa diva staee of ow Darren mi Krai unj mini extra lor Rio, laeludiBf "fjodorus," "Mouat vsraon," "Dsrsaaatsr," at litre ptl barrel Htssat advises from Bio raport Bal' 1 1 mora flour la mora favor thaa cllbtr Rich monitor Triaita breads, with sslss al hlftasr prloaa. which is of ssursavary trstirjlsc to our miliars. Tbo laoaldansod was alsoulrlr active this mornlaf, aod wo rrport aalei of tu Darraia naiiara nipir ai i4'4iiii, WO barrels Howard Straat do.

bsr-Wsstsra Lxtra at 13 80.349 barrtls Haward treat do. at SMTHQI 44, aod ISO barrals Fain-llr at front to IT par barrel. but the supply was lltht. lalea ware reported or rennivivama red, up town dellvsry, at il 23Q1 U. 1,100 do far dtllverr at the rolot.

at Si 39. 4.000 do Harvlaad do at 1.1IO1.30 for common. SI HOl IS for fair to fena, ana in ao. wait at si wi s. nArn-Tha market li dull to-dav.

Tha ra. celpts were SO ooo bushels, and ws note sales of out uw dhch waua at vj.9 oanti, aaa I OCX) to 7,000 boshelsyellow at from S3 down to aa aaau, iaa laiiar vioiinf dull at 0091 eenta or prima, RvtK ala was reported to-dav of 100 bush els at cents Out Sales to ilar 1,000 bnahels at cants utrtti aieauy. i-afftt Thn marks! Is Arm with a faod la-fluiry, but to-day wa hsva heard of no sales. Tf Quote Jtlo la bond at UH1 seats. fald, for food ta prims, aad dalr paid at SOUH ssata for good to prime, and HQlt etnts.

k1x 'or eholoe to laaey lots Pteek here to-dar la Brst heads 17,000 escs Rio. Cotton The market eoatlnues dull and df- rested here uader the further decline la cold, hoar II Is somewhat firmer at pool. Thcra Is little loqulry, and we hear nt nrt aula a (hla raornlnr. Wanuol bland nnmlml aa Inllaw. rlci SOUfilll cent for ordinary, 31021 aeota for good oMInarr, UOU.

eonie for low middling, and eents fornlddllns; Molaitet mere ie lonreeij nnytnine; uomj In this article, but we quotei Uuba at SO cents for elaredL43Q4Seeats for Musoovndo. 1'oito Jtleo at I5tf03 cent, and bngltah Island at SO fjiO eents per gallon The stock here Is upward or 5,000 hhda chiefly Cuba Mill Ftrd Wafjuote Ilrownttuff as be for. at 83 ceut for Uitr. an I Mlddlloxo at 30fli 33 eents for light, and 43013 cent per busbel or neary Proviiiont The market continue strong nd buoyant Liutk meat Is especially ln- Julred for, and buyers are ire ring quite reelr 11 oente forshoulders 14 eoats for rib aid, and lli seals for elear rib, but holders ak higher price. Dacon we now quota flrmt Sbouldera at 13i cent, and sides at UH cents for rib ilJee, and lqQloJ eents for elear rib The last sale of lard wa at lftU cent, and we quote mess pork attWT6Q27 peroarrei Harnllna ataailv at ftUflJI aenta for 4IICCtll Himtl UU UU.

WW I UUII air prime in me om imtn eaic ire nitin( wnnin 1 hla tin dxo Salt Liverpool is la lair suppir and moderate demand, as followattl SSOIl TSforOrnund Alum, and S3 MQI3 10 per seek for Fine. Turk Iiland wa quote dull end nominal at 4)940 ceate afloat, and 8 90 cents per bushel fur lots from store We have no further sales to ie SaU- (ort, but we quote again ae follows, vlu or fair to good reMnlne; lot) 10f ent grocery Uubt lOffillUeentaiOuDaOvatrlfugalBStl 12l4 cts i do rorto tiico euq lSVtCtst uu Porto Itlco Uemrare vacuum pan cent Rtjtncd buoart Prices are quoted today again as follow! Hard Urusbed at ltUeents, audortdo at 13ets. for A. whltei li'jj etc, lor circle A) n-s ccnie lor u4 ceni tor lLtra U. and Wi tents for vcllow Strupi We quote as follows, vlst (lalveit at larjw ei i uiumore uoiuen at osuea Alarvland do COJBjJ ct i Monumental Saftt: el i Uhciapeake 43311 el i Usntoii Ool tis.

loasa ct and MoLaiics Syrups at SuOSJ, coma Sftdt Clover I dull and heavy thl mornlns. and ealea are con flood to retail lota We quote atafUSSi'i ior isirioprime lot iimotny and flx also dull IIAftxy XV continue to quote Trm at DO cents Maikttdull To.tJty evanlBg. Ihev" llotlanl, at Wealay chapel, by Hev. Peyton Hrown. albi xt ririnron, of llaltlmore.

Mi asd UWa tun llTSTT. of Ihle lty mm. JOlINbON -On WeJnf-aJjy, the S3d lattant, at o'clock am, Maat hLi sa, tba oaly child of Hubert and Mary Ana Johneuo. eied 1 year aad 34 dar rharnaaral wl Ilahan 'aneral will lake place from lha reel laaae of hlaparaat. Bo 313 alreet.

between Keeood aad i niro, iiieaa. at au mia iianraaai) aiieraooB, the llth leal BOTBI SB OnTneaday, the 31 Intt UoTSkta, la ibeouth year o( hi axe The frlaed of the family aroreepeetfiilly lavltei le attend hla funeral fiom blalate realdaace. Ho 111 Mlfaoorl avenue, on thl (Thanday) after auoe, theflth laat at 3 o'clock Undertaken. 1IAUVK7. ALOM0 V1AHU HArlVEY iMArtFl, UNDERTAKERS.



AND HORTICULTURAL TOOLS, In fall itotk. TtriiT'a if wwa rrm a firiDES. DRILLS. Ae QUAN03 AND AQUICULTCniL IMTLB- HENTS, 10 Tall Bipply. rLOWS.

PLOW CASTIMG8. CULTIYA-TORI, Ac. JOHN A. Hi ITER, Actlcltnrl anl Seed Waraboaa. bef Klalk and lentbeSl fablQ wlir SpecialNotice.

ROBERT FULTON 311 RIKTH STREET, Ilctwcen I) itrect Penn, jlr.nlt, nT. rtcntlr ntd. tot LOANING MONEY ON Hercliaixtls. or Kvery lenerlptlort AT TKS LOWEST RATES. BUMBOP fUOOANDOVHUATlX PERCBaT.

Open EVERT DAT (Snaday exeepted) fromfl a ta. to la -The only Christian Lena Offlea In tb Dietrich. KO-486! REDUCED JH0.48G AT MAilKRITEll'S. lI.Tlni.ttltl. It.

hihi i. maailr UrK. cn.le. loUallo. of papkhiianoinos, window siiaues, I'KJTUllU FRAUt-S, PIOTUnK OORD AND TAhfcl.S, PlUIURbHINOS.

NAILS. PAlNTINdS, hNdUAVINOS, UIIKOMOS, BWIba 1IUAUKETS, 1.0. An4,toek., poitlbla prfor 0 A 11 0 A nNTIL TUB PIBIT OP MARCH NEXT week slat looes kanl Bieolal Notices. K3fSjnVKffTII WARD IIMUI KB.

IDBLIOAB OLTJB-Tbara will ba niatlaf Of Ulilabat Dalaasr'a Hall.arar of Pair aad a balf Ureal aad Harvlaad aveaaa. thli ThUBsnir KTBRllfO, al IJO alock, wbea (Baer will baaUeUd for tbs saaalat year Alt risk B.pabllsaas art sorelall tavlled fe34 ll Tim niOHT RET DIIIIOP ill laalvr AT VUAKI- lW CARROLt riBBUaVT attp Sti irt Vim asuJ a a lk.l..Ala..alll V. Ju JiJ tfcaithooltaraf poor bers by lha iotas tlatkallea1 rrlasifaUtr, a-TW-KFIiaHTl OV PVTfllAS- -w ameera aaa aaeaiaars ar ma Kata-bona Ldfo tt if. Kalthti af Pplblai, itiiiiHi raw at aipnt a Flrblk trool eealkoael an BATUlDAvK EVIMM, Fabraarr 1870. for tbe B-T7T-TKAciiKns' unifiTian -Tha Teaahers af lb Poblte BehaaU are at la a aireai apiui aaorca oa VabroarrU.

all! n. m. There will ba DA' addrttiea dletlaiaUhed frUeda of a4aatlon. aid a letters npta 1 tha Lata lira. If A Amldei Sbiia aaa i aaracivr i I R1C1UKDS, fetMl Star Snpt rablle schools S-TJT-MTICli: -I)H aUMDKUI.ANIl BVnV will raplr ta Df.WblU ibe asbleal af tbe Paraeron THUKIBAY UVblJTUf tbo Sltk lul Tha leolara la free loan, aedwlll eoiaaiaeca al pteeUol; aaa win eoiaaiaeca at riveiaeir ei olertraf Iba ellt, wllhent dUltactloa mhIi.Ii 4 a elnak Iba tkeat dUltactloa.

are la- vuaa la iat ihii oa lis piauorki, as isr aa mj ba.pealbl fS3 XI ti.KAlafiW IhAdil.trlhAllAB At tan A I A Ka peer have been eeUblUhed St tbs fellowfaa piaaaat Al the eerier of Jtlaetentk iliaat and rtanijl vaalaaTaaQa. a i.J Tklrn il.ull Al tka oeraev of ronr-and-a half atrrei asd ITVlIf Ordertdrawabr tVa Boelellea tutor-J la the rt raiiai laa lIVBfttXt apiKir," Wilt ba Tha tiaaa af tha kraaS aaa aoan ratlna will can tnaaaaa THDRflDAT. Febravrr Hib, at 10 a in Braeka far ardera can ba eMelao from tha US' denlcaed. BBIlKlXI. fetl It tflurj Called SlaieaArair rr-PlPTn WAltli iitcPltiii.inaM ItK CLUB -There will boaiatle- of lbs Fifth Ward Kapnbllcae Cli at tbechnnl Honae, rvoua AllRepnbll' tant are tavlled to attend uy oraor oi TUB rRESIOI.fT.

UHAND IlKUrtlON UP 1'UltITY nut at thalr ttAnmi at Wii.v.ll Unpirlii aa TIIDRSOAT EVKXIItU next, tb Slih tail al 7 "Wo clock Peactaal atieedtnce reinclJ ica i OF COLORADO. Urpjamtned IToTsnber 13, HOT FtonejanaTIowaan, Traaldaat WrtLiAH Moaa, Secretary Have ob oxhlblilea epeclmea Ore aad Sllrer Brlek from ibelr mlaea. A limited a out of the Stock of Ih Com-raay foraale, at price that will pay larxr an laveatment Orricxi SOI levenlh bUmI In the toome of Hall Koei, May Unlldlag febU 1m ROI3, adcea or Blaa Hob fer the c'ly of Ueorgelewn will In ae.aloa at Market Heaae Hair ea WBUHKSDAT aad TFIUUSDAT. FebraarygSdaBd 31 from 9 a aa to aad from 6 ra lo 10 etch day for the rerpAM of eorreettag the poll llata A bit will cloteth eeaaloa for reifttrallna vetet wtll Tra ihemaelveaecerdlBil A SUMOHSoV. OBUEOK LOARlBT, Jadieeef Kiactlan eor-OPKlCKOP TUB NK KKSKT MOTOAL L1FB INnURAHCS CUM PAST, ISlUarkelBtnet.

Bbwark, Hoy lS. Kellc I hereby elven that JOUB LiaHTIR la the oaly aathoriied Agent of onr Contra ay la WaahlaaUia. aad that ba la lha oalv one coratali. aloaed to eollecl (aaJ each tab acent be nay aroalat to doao I Fremiti me onpollclee aad re eipia aaa mm lur taat pnrpnaa nraaca vmm ao iu a D.O CHARLES I at reel, 'WaaMesten. XEB 0 LAT URUt.

Tlae Prtaldaat, PV AOCOUATS ai-eeown a-ywr-. OPF1C1CR.S fabll 6m --nRHOVAL -DIt. IV Wa PUT. KSff TIK UfFlCB will hereafter be at til Uatreat. aorthwett, belween Seventh edhlahth Btreete kealieaoa ae berelofora, 1103 "lret, norihweat.

fthraa aail Blar 1 frbl tsrj 0 11111X7 1ILKHNINII II BBSLT1I. aad wa arfalaa a a nt onr readcra who mar ba aenerlax from ear of the 111 to wblrhfleah il htr to call at the Medical caae tbat have fonad no relief Uewber a baa rpceatly Sited np at treat axpae, a eplendld Electro Uaeaetle lletand Cold Air Bilh, by inaaa af whtcb ki ta nranarad lA treat all i hrnnta aaaaa, aad will uretj rretl relief aad a cere In all cnrabl case He ba a Bfparate depart meal for ladle fc8 tf aSf-PKUBONS IfinKDTlCO TU TI1K at- loineeaiaieoi mbxtt' ona. wiil Bad a atatement of Ibelr Indohtedaeea al th-lr eU place of bnalaeaa. aa Mlath itraat. Bad Wu UaiTT 1 aethorbad to receipt for tbo elaltne ea yineM, natll Pabraary Hit.

after which time will be iUea to uatternT for collet Uoa jaoi oouim i vnuatain, aatUeee a-JMSOTIOli: TO HUDBCKinKItSTO Hie NATIONAL IllCfUULlUAN In UKUKOKTOWN and the Klrat tianif ronia nereieiore cervea by lit Thomas Oliver, oomprlaina; tb city of Ueorge. town and lhat part of Ibe city of Waahlaxloa waa beveBteoath etreet weat have bean transferred byhtmtefttr bell, who will collet liora tbe came from the 11 day of Pebrnary. 1170, All money dne prior lo lhat data will becollocied by Oliver. fehl tf -35TKOTICK TO HUliyCItlUICUIs TO Tlfc 'KEPOBLICAM 'IM TUK PlPilt aarvad lathe ruin aa4 Sixta wardebyUr. I lJa.

videon.hava bee trtnafarrtdby him to Mr Ueorx Kraft, aentbeaal corner of 3d oaat aad fiaat Canltol etreela. who will collect from theeanie from tba Nt oi Binary, itiv. aii money aaa prior lo i wlllbeoollcctejbr Mr Vavldeou mttru stukic. fids? eppoelte Maieale Temple. Drnx.

Medi ggrMWKETIlKAKTS AMD W1VIC8. naal aealea eavelopee Addreaa. ROWAKI) dk caiaiieivuia, PoBBiyl. JaTT tea Clerffrman, while 13 retldlaxlaliunih America ae mualonary, dUcovered aaaiaandaimpl remedy for tbaanr of Hervone Weaknei, Early Decay, DUoeae of Ibe Urinary and Hetutael Urian. acd lb whole train of dlaardre bronihl on by banernl aad yUieae habit.

Ureal nnmbrhavo boon cored by hi aeble remedy. PrompUdbradealr to beneBlthe aHllelel aad nnforlnnate, I will aeai iu a aoaled eavjup. lo any oae who aeeda It, yasa peaAaea Addj jusiru i.ixin, aT. BlhUHngna Naur J-k lltly H0TKL8 AND IlKBTAUKANia UNITE I) STATES HOTEL reiinsjlvnntn Avenue, Rear Hie Cupltol. iiAm2v Kooraa can be lad with or wlthoat meals Plral cUaa fable board at VT Pr weak fel If BEAK tiiia 'virnuiu Aiaw iiuiei IB uewiy ana einaaouy fSmUbed throeahoat, sod ll Hill of Parela not egeelled laQBallty aad variety by any hooe la tbobtaie Special lull of Itoouu always redy far Weddloe aad Jri Traveling Pat airBBBmeat aro oral cia in ever; Plica of Board hae bean Sxadlowli arraBgemeate are Oral claa In ovary rpct Tbe 'ivaui (jubiu un unfit iitiuiswiu) raiu.

pi darclty of money I at the reasonable aura of ffa iraaa TEL Uelr hoi home roun, Proprietor, Lite one of the Prpprlators ef the axchana llntol My eoacbsraato aul from all depots and ateamboBl tendinis ST. CLOUD HOTEL, C0R. NINTH AND FSTS, Tae moet central location In tbe city trained I Uly oifKatte the Pnient Office aod afe0Bla Tciople, anil oa block from th Qeueial Pott OnlceDc patlmaet. table D'Hole and Baloon oa Ibe European plan Blexnntly faralaned Ihronibont The retreat cars, common, Hag with the Cap. nicD iwj, Kxacnuvc aianaloB, Ticaanry, War aod Navy Departments, and tbe Dahlaiore and Ohio Railroad un wt, pace ine inor BIHH E.


fall lo; BLSTAURANT AND D1N1NU KOOU, Corner If lath and itreclc, gppoilt Patenl Ofllee, UYsTBKh In every etyle Jacob boexer tcela braUd LAUBKBEKK. Maaaay, llnaton A To 'i celebraledXXandXXX ALBON DKAUOItT. HIEALS 1UKNISI1ED TO GENTLEMEN atsny time, TroiaOa. 11111 p.m. Jo4 tf BRIDAL PRESENTS.

BTEHMNQ BlLVin WARI, UlCn FARII rANOT GOODS, fEARL AND DIAMOND JEWILRr. AUu ceii.r.l aud looqa, umiiq.i up.cuU7 ir bridal rnnsENTa. M. tv. UAI.T 1107 rcDoaylv.DlA at.uu., El.r.

eum tnd Tw.lilb mM af QeltmVni, OhTa. will "CiT no IIo aud oovlaakx Orocerie. AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, 1418 and 4300. Opp. Wllfard.

Hotel. TEAS! TEAS 11 Ws ar salllniTeasBooeatspar ponad cheaper laa aaa ba nnrihatad aleawbera Ureal eara It Ukea la anaorlet tha bel aad Isaet lavarsd Taaa, kaaplsf la view for otr oailonsra ECONOMY AND HEALTH. HIVB BO CeaU TER rOBMt, All U.a w.rr.kUJ (It. COFEEE lereby saving ll PLMfTATION OEYLOK. rnioK LIST.

Or 44H, JJeeefcA. Plaatallofl 40Matt OOceal JavaleeanlB lverBeat) 4ft Java, (Cerlea 3 du Marlcabo 1 Lainyrn 3U Rio, 3( 30 and 39eat Iloleli, retlaaraateaai boarding hoace keeper, whom larceoeaalltttaof Ceffw. can ecoeomiio InlhilBMIeta by lef onr bkBAlC FAnTCOrrSE, Ptice4e)teaU per ponnd. STJG111S, "Mouer eemDraico tjaioaiar, a Baveymera Elaar' celebrated Loaf, Pewdevad Coffee, boil new Tork, IB eta. Beit DcmararBKajter.l4rte rone kico aagar, iwi cm FLOUR.

Welch Fleer, beat. BJ3 31 rersack rarrallblaaorrianr, A AX 1 IMMI lha IJrahaiB flear Tbla la area ad fraaa eircirq wnaai. OatUaal. Cra arllc. rarlsa, White aad Tsliew I CANNED GOODS.

SfiOdos Peaches JMMtdoB Corn. florbsm immi oot Tomatoea, "eoreieaa. seuudot aa Kvarv varUI Lima Bnn.Lebetr, sad at very lowest price. inroiiTitD jtaUaB.faatolBOalCo,) apora, iLenll ffrereeAOe Chow tbow. Creaa BlaebwsfP aaton OlBxer, Chow Chow, Rard I nee, i Boaelaia, Haaeaa of every dirlptloa.

harrla Fnailii. Heoteb Marmalade. Maecaront and Vrmllla. Hcotcb Maecai Ollvaa, la rtaaa aaa be-Iba ail taw. rox'aOalatlae, Pdam PapHayo.

Cheddar Cbceae. SUNDRIES. no.oUt,, prtMlBm. P. d.

H.IUrdV" BorB.U'.t X.v.1.',, M.r.B. 3STCTTS. BAY LEAVES, IRISK M.3, snoEs.oRonND and wiulb, COIIATES TOILET EOArS. WINES AND LIQUORS, A large uaaltty ef those rlA sad excellent CALIFORNIA WINES nit received, per clipper I Klgge Alao a complete aaurtment ef IMPORTED WINES AND LlSXWtIl3. A traatvarUtyof COOI SI as always on hand.

MALAriAOKAPES TEAS OnepowJer. 9I.OO. Extra heat II 1 9 Imperial, el tleatll 0(1 Japta, nocolnreif, at.Kl, Ileal IV9 Yonaanvaon. ai.Sl.Al Rail II HO. Oolonx.

Rtack.UOo Si IlyaoBa.VOe, Ql lie! St. 3, All Tea warranted to give ajlrecrrea SYRUPS. Uoltar'e nUtaeBJ.egTultehoner, I no Uelden, SI I Porto Rico Uolaatea. Haw Orleana Uolaaae. new crop, SJ1 Every grade of Melaiice N13W YOIUC llUTTlSTt.

Several Dairies of CflOICS NEW TOnXT BUTTER jnai recaivaa at Choice Imported Luxuries, CONSISTING OF Roqncfort Cheese. Treoch Pea, Mnahroom. A'parainc, atrlax Bcbbb, HlniTad ullvee, flaw PetteV Paiee Ore. Black TraBea, Boaelesa Hardlaaa, Aachovloa, Pelted Meats, Capres.QoeeaOllvee.Sanees, CaUnna, Precervad Pre It, Jl Ilea, and the flaetl EnglUU Brtakfast anil Jipaitse Tcsl ALIO, Tha Celebrated Qaaitr Seap Balls, With a Large Aiaortneat ef ciiuice fahii.y unocrmci, IrecpectfBllycollcltaaharooflhepebllePatrea. af inaranieelag eatlre aallafaalloa Wag Place, ear ArltBiUnMoUl, delTtf MorthweclCor lead FtTuaeth cWaata.

W. j. REDSTRAKE, SJUOCEKYASDYARIETTNTOUE, No. SOB New Tork ihTesine, Conaer myis-tr Hixlli atroec. noasrio Baowxixo.

Atmaeo AfiaeasTex. HUOUNIKU HIDDI.KTON, nOLESALBANDPkBTAILaROCERt. axd aiALxas ta TEAS. WJlia, WIIIBKT, CIGAE8, TOBACCO. AC, At the Old Staad of OEO A THOSAPABKER A I Opposite MatropollUa WaihlBjtta, fef eolf Fawn Broken.

Betwaeu Poor and ahalf and Blxth (lm mediately la rear of Nalleaal Hotel Honey loaned In all lint on tehee, Dla mcBdc, Jewelry, Bllverware. Werlg Ayparel, fnraltar and MeTcbeadlca af avcrv daaarlatlea The liberal term go ara teed Por fair llahmeat lathe city New nambrL4T4 felO If TIODNMED 4 AUTlluIlXTT. 4U BTJRNSTINE'S LOAN third elaor aonlh of i'tmu. Afsnes, Real Estate, Uold a Jewelry, Bllver Plate, Piano, rernllnre, Ladle1 aad OeaUeioett Wearing Apparel ef alldeeerlp lion, Ac OLDaULDANDBlLTBRDOtJanT. myTT-tf Faints, OUj, BUILDEnS, CONTRACTORS.

Attention ts called te my ateek ef TAINTS, OIKS, GLASS, Which lam offering apeclel lndaromnt fortaah. Alao taler I Coa Oil. lamps, Chlmaay. VfUV. AteoheL Ulne, TurpenllBc.

Brashes. LocIb, kt IUAHTIS, No 310 Oktreet.aod 08 LoaUfaae areata, bet hlxlh and Beventh at nndar Maaloa Hon. Plumbing and Gat-Fitting, into POWER, IM.lfMUrUM AMI JAN.l'ITTi:nH, AID PBALtSS IV (Jitsl'lxturei, Ho 4KJ Ninth street, between and Retreat, Ae-riole agent fer Moll's Lelebraied Tabolai Oven Ban tea I Bwing Knchinn- piHANriTBfVAEI.TMKWIaxU A II I Tho Ule.t Improved Maablae la the Market Leek buicu. airaiant Its taoveuMaUi aiah htraULi Mueaa. darahlet aasy la oar reel werx on every viriwfc n'Ut Amniementi, Etc.

F1 XU ST OniND LEVEE arris ANCIENT ORDEK Olf OOOD FELLOWS, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, TUESDAY, MAROU 1, 1170. The Ixeenllve Cowmlllea weald laferm their rrleada aad the pnblle leal Ih moet com plate at. Ma ate have boon made lo make talc, onr rlret Levee a xraad enteeee. aad wonld gaaraaie aneventag'e pteaeere to all who favor aa with their prae Theeetlrememberihlp will epyear la Tall He- Tickets, Oao Dollar, admitting Oeatlemaa end Lailea.cenbahadof Ibe Committee, oraay men ber of (be Order A Kaeee. If.

iHtea). a.A-H BtlT P.L bhrirtxlcer. Tower. Vfn Bewar "hS if reataa KpaUlBg Rapier. Proprietors and Manager LS MAOOll LStT WEEK AUOlB MITLllg aiiTi.iicrr..

Who will appear la hr own baantifel ereatloa appear la bt own bean KTIIBj.lTTIRdKILX ri aiiKit.K WBD3EIDA1 sndTHUKlDAf SiailTB. Pb LAST TWO XiaUTS of tU.bollf.l Deint1 Dram, entitled ranriioif, tub littlb crick kt, WHhapproprlaU Pee ner r. Metbaeleal Bffecle. Maale. aed a fepleadld Cl of Charxtere, Panehoa, the Cricket Micgie MlUhsll Te morrow PARbwHL bffEV OP MAfiaiS MITCHELL.

Aadfiretnlihlor LITTLE DAUEFOOT The Parcra Keae Oratd EcglUL Optra Troape coimoBcco MeaJay Alfht nxt.rb ta f9 a IX. or TniBBACTixa awd wontaa IK NATURE AND ART, In balk karepa and America. leteUer W)lh ittiklaglarlptaral baa, and the OlaMlaatUa of eeue rtf the prtaelpal eitlei ef the world. In Ilia alte. will ba aaSlbllad at WAUOll uiurFL, f.Ati.r AfTfelril itri.l at mA A natll CplilHlll.eafHIOAT EVEIaO.tSlh Inal Ttei MBit ATIONAL TI1EATUE.

UarrecoJeat'd end Trlami hast Inel af ra mri itua OBAUD RNOLIhH OPHSA CASL SOIA.C, Ugwi A Propria tort ui li tract or. DB VtVo, bntlaea Utntf II. JACKbOH. Sicca Manayer BIX KIUrlT AND A MATIUKX Comma)- MOM DAT. rebrnary With Walla'a beaatlfa' sad tmpnlar Opera, HA BIT A I A.

MAltlTAKA MUS, PABEPA RPgA In bar grral asd nr. tailed role ef MAMTAMA, with MK" HK. OUtN, MK8llt CAsTLE, 1 AWRgnCC, thl grat appearance) 8 0 CAMPUELL It HOWARD, aBdotbere CoBdBctor.Ma. CABL UOSA TUtenAT. Feb OinL DebBt of the yoBlhfnl, ehannti Prima Doeaa lie; MsjaalyJaTtiealre.

Loadon. MlfU KUSB HEKHEE. lahermnct admirable rle of Arflae. lawhlch ban erehe has achieved great nce ON WBONBIDAT. Moearl'imskter wotk, (grettlmaln Inglltb.

TUBMABKU01OP P1UAH riQAKO no niiiT Keaervad Rata In Orcheatra, tx la Par. Jnette, gt i Dreaa Clrala. 1 60 1 Admiaaloi. ialoony, SfO. Pal fr eai fer the Aral three Blxh-o Vera THUKRDAT at a at M-trot! Co ftaleforaay ghl and Maltnee begin eaPrlday fol3 If ORAND UONOEHT.

A 0 raid Concert wtll be given af ODD PELLOWE' HALL. Cfsvy Tar Oa MO DAT BVXMRO, P.brnsry SS. al PKOr ESPUTA. TlskeltODcesui Children hslf prise Reaervsd Beats coal extra fell At pnoc QRESS IN SPAIN. HOW M.

R. CillK Will dellvertbla letaraallag anl Mpiltr Lee tar, nndar lha iBaplee of lie Yenag Mea'a LINCOLN HALL, OK HtlDAY EVENINO. labruaryas. Ticket laelndlai Bervcd BeaU. cbIi to ba had at the rottae of the Aeaoclatlon, ae at Valleatyne a Book Slor fell St rii THIRD ASH UAL LIVIB OP COLCUBIA COUMAXDERT.

No KIlianTI TKUPLAR. WIlLBXatkl At TIB HEW UASONIC TEMPLE, TCESDAT SVESIlta, UAUCH 1, 18TD I ctoel r. aheald be given early feft-eoll WABBIiraTON CONSEKVATORYOP HOlIC, ATTXB riXLOSSOP THE PIR3T COSOREOATIONAL CHURCH, Corner of TealhaedO lrt. Otreraanrx Maalaal PoplU received al all line PaeClrcatirc, at lha Maileandl addresa ll fel law 41 tik Elarei, or tULLARD, Director BIlSTUOI'OMTAn HAM. AND Tarltty Theatre.

PBHNSYLVANIA AVENUk Between EUvevlh and Twelfth elaelo. Open a very alghl with a Anl claa variety enter talnuent. apl MASlKnADK aun A1V IIILDKBN, AtllARUT DONRaUE'a, Tealh atreel. fwnrth door eonlh of fadelH Pcanaylvaala avenne Attorneyi, Agents, to Tf UOHH lTHKY, Attornc ami Counacllor-at-Law WASniHQTOy. D.

C. n1 ENUT LTLES, iTA Dbliuyi.u ivaifiiid, iiv om till jiiBia street. nBpclalatUnllonelventelNTEUNALRETEIIOR BUalKEtib, aad the maklagnper Income Stale' meals fe7 8m JAMBS M.BCOVIU (KM WILLCSX. SCOYEL W1LLC0X, ATTORNETI AND CODNSILLOES-AT-LAW, HO 4 AlAltlLKT IfAOlfit (Boabb er Tbabb Reem,) vTABDIXOTON. 0, Predicate alt United States Courts aad before the Department 118 1m E.

0. WEAVER, JUWTICKOiyU'IIIElMSACID,, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT, No. 1S01 Bevealh street, bet 8 aad atmta. A NDllEWll.UIlVALL. Xx.

Attorn ej.nt.lJiWf RICIIAB T. HEUniCK, roHUMiiora('I aw. Offlee removed from He JO atrt to No UOO atreel, between Thirteenth and Peorteenth atroela Cbron. pl THOMAB WILSON, HINE WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Mo.l r.Brud..llC5l., W.alil.ctM Iniuranco. 1 CONTENTED MIND 18 BOMB "Winy you cannot have you tht owitr of property that is not tnturcd.

The danger of Fire at this teaeon of the year it frcat. If you tcould get rid of the ntrvout and feeling you have when you hear the Fire Alarm towided, go to the Offlee of A. S. rilA TT J- SOX, t'e. 3 Voung ilen'e Clirutian Association Building, comer and ttreeC, and inture in their geod, prompt paying Companite, the UOilB of Alrw Ytrl, the riUENIX of Uartford, the rONKEKSand NEW YOJIK, and IheFIREUBirSofMui Don't delav- Batt WOW.

d.8-tf j-i a ail. Stoves, Etc. IlKrAllU FOU JBTUVE8, 11ANOKB, uin nai at UUYll'H 8 nVK KAUTOIIT. alUNrNIII BfllLhT, BRIHa NAME ANDHUMIigROPBTOvT Dili.b flAiiK irn-ir m.ik atii, tVA.

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