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Moberly Monitor-Index and Moberly Evening Democrat from Moberly, Missouri • Page 1

Moberly, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VOLUME FRIDAY, APRIL 1904, MOBERLY, MISSOURI. ESTABLISHED 1870. W' 1 Your Money's Worth at all Times WOMEN'S i Stylish Oxfords. 250 pairs Women's Oxfords in Patent Colt, Patent Leather and fine V'ici Kid; twelve new Spring Styles to choose from, including the Concave, Military Cuban The Oxfords are regular $2.50 Quality; we place them on sale to-day at 175 Pairs Women's Oxfords of the highest grades, in Patent Colt, Ideal Kid, and all the swell Shades of tan leather, hand sewed, turned soles, with Louis or Military Heels, and very Latest designs. Most unusual values, at OJ.UU Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes, HEALTH AND VITALITY I II 3DXV.

mm Tho (front remedy for nervous prostration and nil diseases of tlio jtoncnttlvo AFTER USING 8ALC MY JOHN P. MOBCRLY MO. WALL PAPER We are the Originators'of INTERIOR DECORATIONS in This City. We have the best Selections from Half a Leading Factories. Workmanship the best to be had.

PRICES THE LOWEST. I ft WWW I H. S. TRITCH CO. Shoes among my offerings in the Shoe line'for this Season.

Shoes that combine STYLE, QUALITY, and above all COMFORTABLE FITTING SHOES. The new ideas in Shoe Making--New Lasts, New Patterns, New Heels; Everything New that enhances the -looks and fit of shoes. If vou are not a customer you are urcred to join the throngs that buy shoes at an exclusive Shoe Store, are First-Class and always Our Study. Fell From Roof. YoHtorday aftornooh O.

Spurling fell from tho rooC of Mrn. Quaylo's on Fourth Htroot rind struck tho ground on bin hoad and sbouldcrt). Ho waH injured sovoroly and WHH convoyed to thiH homo on south Ault Htreot and medical aid summoned Ho paHHOd a very restless night being doliroiw a part of tho timo Today ho IB resting easy but is vory soro An Aged Lady Dead. Mrs Elizabeth Bolton diod at tbo family residence 910 Franklin street at 12 o'clock last night of general ao- bility at tho ripo old ago of 80 yours Mrs Bolton was born in England in 182-l'and has resided in Moborly since 1S77 and during all those years hero she has mado many friends. Sho was a good, kind and loving and charitable to nil, true and noble mother, a consistent mombor of tho M.

E. Church. Sho loaves to mourn hor clomiwo one daughter, Mrs. John I'loyd, of thin city. Tho funoral services will bo hold- tomorrow nfrornoonfat 2 :00, conducted by Kov.

li'nitlioi 1 from tho Williams Htroot Church, burial in Oakland Reception to Rev Gaitherand Thursday evening tho First. M. E. Oburcl) WJIH well filled with tbo members and friends who had groot thoir now pastor and'b'is Iho was informnl and aftor all had mot Kov Gait nor" and wife and greeted one another they wore invited into tho Sunday room whore refreshments wero sorv- od upon tub 1 OH previously arranged Rev Gaithor besides being est pulpit orator, is also a good Bing- or Ills wifo Is an ncoompliuhod musician All present wished Kov imd Mrs Gaithor pioasnnt year among us Lesson of a Lowly Life. Thoro woro sincoro mourners who shod bittor tears in Now York tho other dny at tho funoral Mrs Mary Jane Ihompson For.

yoars shb was a nurso in wealthy family, being mother nml grandmother to tho children And tho children a lid tho children's friends, ns they grow to manhood, retained thoir lovo for hor Throng!) hor faithful service for '10 years sho formed a wido acquaintance outside that family among Us friends who hoi 1 romnrka- blo qualitlos eccentric Goorgo Francis Train found bor to bo ono of tho fow-womoii'Jio could'admiro Yot sho was only a servant 'After all, tho conventions of life are but thoir crust It doesn't mutter much really wh'at one's position life may bo, so'long us ono fills it well. Tlio main thing Is to fit into ono'n placo, whatever tlio place' may bo, infl when ono does tlmt other hiiigs take care of thomslovos. Tho iiicpiiipotoiit 'splto of lis jowolod 'crown and glided tJhrono ind Haltering courtiers," has fewer friends'and 'knows loss hiip- )hiCSH than cho humblest of his Mib- ccts who is i.n hurniony with his environment It is an error to say wo cannot all lo groat Tho trouble is wo cannot all rocog- what things are -great. Wo cannot correctly judge between tbo shining tinsel and tho "dull, true Could wo all loarn to do woli; with all our zeal and energy, tho thing that lies nearest us, that thing, how- over little, would become groat. Tho poor 'enthusiast who put his lifo into the of tho llrst rndo Jons did a hu'mblo tiling, yot ho lifted mankind nearer to myriads of now worlds.

There is no humbler, yot greater, thing in this world than tho training Of a child to high ideals of manhood and womanhood. Faithful nervico-is a medium that equalizes all. it iiro but thin crust, and them Is 119 true nobility but in superiority of service. This servant this noblo who did hor task woli and who died tho other day, sinoorely mourned by hundreds had a lot in lifo that tho highest and proudest of. us might envy- Do you and I do as much? Does even a day close when we cannot soo a mountain of things wo might have done and did not? And yot do wo out continually complain about our lack of opportunities and.lpb.i8t hpw, if wo bad this or that, or If things wore thus and so, could do so much bettor? Tbero is a lesson for all of us In tbo useful lifo or this liumblo nurno who 'found nothing loo lowly 'or her esaUing touch, Ed Diekorsou died at bis homo 01 west Coatos street, this ai of complications of disenses'ngec 09 years.

Ho was a consistent member of tho Fourth E. Church, and Marmaduke and leave to mourn his demise! mother, three, brothers sis- tors. Two of the brothers reside at Huntsvillo and the mother, 1 two sis- tors and a brother resiaet) in. Virginia. Mr.

Dickerson' bna'boen a resident of Moberly for 'number of years and is well and' favorably known to nearly every in the city. His was a quiet; and unassuming nature, kind and noble in his dealings with his friends and was greatly loved by the children 'the city and if over' had an enemy no one knew When tho'South called for. volunteers to defend her homes and; her rights shouldered;" his gun and fought valiantly for his-principles. He ia a 'charter rnemoer Mnrm'aduke camp.

The.Juneral be conduct- CcVat the'Fon'rtb street M. E. Church' at '10- o'clock morning ahipboll oflibiating. Iiitermemi Tn Oakland' )llVl Card of Wo wish to! extend. our -hewrttelt thanks to the friends- so kindly; assisted -us during; tho illness in'd death of our beloved biwband and fabter, J.

B. and may each one-of you ilnd.aa kindund' sympatblislng'friends '-did, MRS. 'AND Look Pleasant. cannot, of 'course, all be handsome, And its bard all to be good. Wo are sure now and tnon to be'lone- Jy, And wo don't always do as we should To bo patient in not always -easy, To bo cheerful is muoh' harder still, But at least we can always bo pleasant If wo make up our minds that wo And it pays every time to.

bo kindly, Although you fool worried and If you smile at tho world and look The -world-will 1 smile at So ti-f'fto brace -up-and look -pleasant No matter how are down. Good is always contagious, But you banish yow frionds -when you fro-wn. THE BURLINGTON'S fATTRACT- IVE SUMMER TOURS. TO COLORADO, UTAH AND BLACK HILLS Only one faro plus CO cents round trip to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Salt Lake City and tbo' Blank Hills. Daily from Juno 1 all summer limits.

TO CALIFORNIA. From August 1C to September round trip for 947.GO from St. Louis; SCO. 00 from Chicago; ij.lG.OO from the Missouri river. Oiily more returning via- Pu- rf got Sound.

WHY NOT YELLOWSTONE -PA'RK? Tlio cheapest rates to this wonderland over made. TO MINNESOTA Very low rates to thlsjwromer rori of 10,000 lakes. NEW ST. LOUIS-KANSAS CITYLINE Watch for the opening in June of tho Burlington's ''-new and shorter 279 miles between St Louis and KansaB City STOPOVERS IN ST LOUIS Stopovers for the Exposition allowed -on through -tickets (except Colonist) Buy througn over the Burlington Consult initial agent, or write tho undersigned ior rates, routes, berths, specific information and publications. C.

B. OGLE, Traveling -Passenger Agent, WAKELEY, General Pssenger Agent, 00-1 P3no Street, St. Louis, Mo. Charles Yale's'verlastingDev-. il's Auction" which for twenty- one years held the confidence of theatre going'public to the extent of 'annually-resurrecting the Room Only" sign in all cities from tho Atlantic to tho Pacific coast, an nouncos that, tho present season marks tho twenty-second edition of this phonomonal spectacular play, and that tho latest production of tuls famous show piece -undoubtedly tho best that has yet been presented; It will appear at HalJoran's theatre Saturday April Tho location is what.

people want when looking for a house. I have tlio house andJocation too. See me at once.HJlS'Re'ed'street. early tariy Good JRoads. much ntorbst- i it.

to bo allowed to. A premium for one mile Of bes 'road moans competition, means ox 'poriment, moans development of new ideas. An idea at first may bo crude finally develop into something most useful and practical. Franklin drew lightning from cloud and proved electricity and lightning wore one at tho time. Others.caught tb idea and now lookat what olectricit; has done.

Bagby advanced the idea offering a premium for a milo of tho best road. Xo one knows whore tha idea may lead or what it may do velop. Unless it is clay or coal dump perfect material for making roads has not boon lonml. It must bo hard, but not too hard. It must bo durable.

It must be comparatively free from dust. It must not bo permeable, to water, except to a very limited extent. It must bo. elastic. It must not be subject to decay.

--It must not become soft during a rain. It must stand tbo freezing of. winter.with/its contraction and tho warmth of summer with-its expansion. groat many experiments have boon made without success. Tho ma of coal dumps haw been tried at Bovior, Macon county, Missouri and the reports from there are most favorable.

No doubt this will be tried, hero if Dr. Bagby's premium scheme is carried out. Clay roads jroperly dragged are enthusiastically spoken practical men who have tried These of course will como in competition if Dr. Babgy'e flchemo is adopted. This plan will result in tho build- ng of many miles of good roads and on various, plans.

It is not reasonable to suppoHo there will be "nly one competitor for qnch There vill bo-'manylcompetitors, for each nilo'of good road bnilt and each'mile good road iVthat much, and the best will bo. adopted-and carried 'There is a.widespread feeling in.rbe Jnitod States in favor of. good roads." -Now-York has issued bonds o'tho amount ot of lollars to- bo used for tho benefit of wagon roads. Most-of tho states in the Union arc moving in that direction. It is gratifying to that Randolph county is alive to her own interotu and there is a wide spread and intense interest" in this matter.

Something must and will be done. Indeed something is doing already Tho neighborhood which takes the lead in building good roads will hold il, and will havo and should have the first bonoilts CLARKSON "In Dixie Land." The Moroy Stock company which opened a week's engagement at the Grand last night with "In Dixie Land" scorns to havo put its best foot forward in decidedly creditable producton from every point of view, for tbo play was beautifully mounted and well acted. Miss Luella Moroy had an exacting role and it tested her merits as an emotional actress.of. Hcopo and power. Sho rose to- tlio requirements and impressed bernoU as an artist, for hor character of LouiHO Duroo was really strong supporting company made a good impression gouor- ully.

Tbo''members are lor most piirt strangers to a San. Aiitonia audience, 'this being tho company's first visit hero, but they are likely to become better known through a liberal Antoni.i Express. The Moroy Stock company open a weeks engagement in Moberly Monday night April. 25. Their opening play will DO "In Dixie Land." Prices 15c, 25 and 35 cents.

Seats on sale Saturday. FeldenhQimer's Shoe Department. With every purchase of one pair'of Shoes at Feldonheimer's Shoo Department entitles tho purchaser to a chance on a lino thoroughbred Shetland ponoy. f-eldenheimer's. RUBBLE Scene from "THE DEVIL'S AUCTION" at" Halloran's Theatre Saturday night Brakoman VanZandt has severed his connection with tho Wabash.

Jim Corner, a Wabnsh machinist, is laying off on tbo sick list Roy Gardner, a Wabash brakeman, is laying off on account of sickness. Conductor Perry Scott ia confined to his home tho victim of rheumatism Calvin St John, resumed work at tho shops yesterday aUer a few day's sickness Engineer Harvo Turner is running temporarily on passenger trains ISos. 19 and 20. Charles Finnoy, division foreman of the St. Louis fencing gang, is laying off on tbo sick list.

Passenger trains Nos- and 13 were ono hour and forty-five minutes late out of St Louis today Conductor R. Carter is laying off on tho sick-list and John Wright is on bis run during hie absence. Brakemnn Hodges wont to Kansas City today to 'spend a few days with relatives and friends. Braeman Singleton has resigned liis position with tho Wabnsh and left last night lor Oklahoma where lie lias secured employment. Will Koonan, Wabash machinist apprentice will probaoly resume work Monday after a several day's lay off suffering from a mashed- hand.

Will Hinton, a popular young Wabash fireman, has been dismissed rom the hospital. He has boon suffering from a severely sprained hip 'or the past weak, but is now much bettor. Coulter, clerk in tho general offices at St Louis. is a pntiont it tho hospital here, Is very Jow with and is not expected to survive the next -IS hours His sister, and son Bovorly, and daughter Miss ula, are at his bedside Dale Fisher, a Wabash employe, vho is at present an in ma to of the Vabasb hospital, suffering withrhou matism, with heart complications, osts woli during the day, but at nigl uffers light attacks of tho disease. As soon as ho is able ho will go to Arizona with the bopo ol being Thc Katy depot at- Moonevillo was Wednesday night at about 3:30 o'clock, while Agent Walsh-was lunch The- money drawer was broken open and $JC In silver and a 2-caIlber revolver was taken.

A nan of medium sissc. weighing about 40 pounds, smooth shaven and at- Ired in a black suit, was seen to oave the depot about the time tho urglary Is supposed to havo occuir- ed The officers hero have been no- i fled aad are working on the caso Married. Henry Limerick Brown were united'in 'marriage. at 11 o'clock at the of tho biide'a father, John tho Park school the Rev. W.

Featherston, ofllcialing. The bride is one of Moberly'u, nicest young ladies, with nil the, accomplishments that arc necessary to make homo happy Tho groom is a machinist in. Wabash shops hero and is a steady young man with host Of The young married couple loft afternoon for Evansvillo to stives. Tho Monitor joins'their IB extending congratulations. vs.

Kansas City Great preparations are being for the game Sunday afternoon Miller's park, between the Signals and tho Kansas letics. Both teams are composed: of good players and the victory botly contested for'.. tbo twirling for the. Signnlf, Gilpatrick will do like worn tor Athletics. Gilpatrick is a good tho gamo last Sunday Athletics and Sedalia he struck six men in the first three inninge This is an exceedingly good and Sunday's game will not easy one for the Signals as they not had much practice.

The Signals have ed to their places but the following. players will bo Edwards, ins, Shililng, and Meyers. K. C. Bulterworth, Kendall, Mnllon, 2nd base; George, Smith WeUhner, .1 Riddle, LABOR Each locaK union 1 Trades and Labor, Assembly ot ly are requested delegates to bo present at 'the-'next regular meeting of the Asuembly- hold Friday April 22, 1904 at p.

m. Business of importance cerning tbe telephone troub como ovory C. On April 2S, we-wlll a special snlo of Blue and Layer Cakep. Special prices layer cakes. 85-3 MRS.

M. SALE 450 yards of now Spring- Dross Goods in Fancy Mixtures worth 65 and 75 cents For. yards of Colored Mohair Brillianteens 50 inches wide Green and 57lc Navy, Garnet, Browns extra values at 300 yards 50 in. Black Broadcloth, an extra SI.25 value most stores get SI.50 for same grade Q9p Sale price UfcU Our $1 50 Black Broadcloth Sale Price Ono pc. extra finoxNavy Ker-J soy 56 inch worth; I.

Cfl; 82.50, salo 11UU. One pc. black 56 Kersey S2 value. I'l One lot fancy Voiles in Blue' and White;" Grey and White'and Black; and White, regular 81.50; value latest stylo dj I I fl'' goods, salo I i I U' One lot fancy Suiting-in Champagne and White, Green and White and Blue, and White 81.50 values, (D I ll-' Sale I i l.ll." SMO $2.75 Shower Proof Suitings for 'JRaiu Coats, Skirts' or 'it seems to be little too fino for the trade. $1.90 So we will, to close it oat, make a price of The above goods are all Seasonable, Stylish Goods, but I am badly overstocked on Dress Goods and am taking this method to unload.

I. B..

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