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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 5

Logansport, Indiana
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'A, 7 FREE Open Daily and Evening, 1 321 Pearl Street. Welcome to All. MONEY TO LOAN! ind Notes Bought In any sura over $25 at lowest rates." large amounts 6 per cent. GEO. B.

FORGY. MONEY TO LOAN, my turn at LOWEST rnteK. Jfnvan only, Honey always In hand. No re 1 tape or delay, luterct-l and principal payable In Logout- port. Special arrangements ae to payment 'o1 principal smd Interest, made to suit tSe wlsnei of Borrower.

For further partloTilara apply to Fred W. Hanson, On Mondays, Fridays or Saturdays. 214 Fourth street, opposite Court House. DR. D.

SNOW, OFFICE and Residence 10S Pawnee St. LOGANSPORT, IND. Special Attention Given to Acute and Chronic Diseases and Diseases of Women and Children. Consultation Free. Night Bell Promptly Eesponded to.

MONEY, general Insurance and All kinds of In i pltondlD. nret olana companies. tneiit policies pnrohafed, Bonds of written tor parties holding of iron a bond IB required. FKABX, ST. S.

M. loss on DOLAN'S OPERA HOUSE. THREE NIGHTS. Friday anfl Saturday, April 3d anu4tn, Monday, 'April 6fli: Plancfliett's Charming Opera Chimes ofl Normandy Will be given by a strong cast, large chorus and lull Orchestra. New and Elegant Costumes! Bright 'and: The production will be under the auspices of the lady managers oi the Free Reading Room And direction of Mri ADMISSION 50c.

GALLERY 25c. Xo extra charge lor reserved-sea's. Tickets now on sale at Keesllne's drug store and by the ladles of-the Reading Room Management. The Opera Pinafore is alsoJn active preparation and will be given, with special scenerj, costumes stage effects and large chorus, assisted by the Logan Greys; who In a- body', t' gether with bis Sisters and Cousins and Ws Aunts will accompany Sir Joseph Porter on his tour oi inspection. DOLAN'S OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY.

Tuesday" April 7th. A. C. Ciiinter'K Great Comedy-Drama, MR. BARNES, Of New York.

Produced nndar the management of Mr. FRANK W. SAN.GER Of the Broadway Theater. Mow York, with the original Ciistand Scenic Effects, eluding, the.famous Railroad Scene T3c, 50c, 25c. FNini JO OPERA HOUSE, C.IMVj|L.IOn IHD1ANAPQU3.

SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF THE.WORLD'S GREATEST ACTRESS, BERN HAR DTI IN VICTOREAN SARDOU'S TWO GREATEST PLAYS. APRIL 14, "FEDORA" APRIL 15, "LA TOSCA" Pltltnted with the tamo Great Company and tht EUborato Scenery, Costumes and Propertict were employed in New York. PRICES OF RESERVED SEATS: All Lower Floor, $3. All 2d Floor, $2. All 3d Floor, $1 Sale of Seats Begins MONDAY, APRIL 6tl.

Eeitt ttcuied by wilting or Dicton It Talbott, Indiinapolb, Ind. SPECIAL or mm nduced Apply to Agent When you want Gallon the GrandBazaai as they are the certifiec agents, we can save you the jobbers profit The Grand Bazaar 307-4th street. Mrs. Parisian Face Bleach Golden Hiir Wash, Mamma Dura, for devel opinif the Rusma, for. removing superftu ous hair.

Bane drcsiinr. All goods wholesale and retail. 'Send a cts. for Illustrated circular Full line of fine hair.eoods. Mrs.

R. W. Allen, Wood, Detroit. Sold by dniecists. DR.

E. M. HATCH, HOMMEOPAXHI-iT Physician and Surgeon. Office, McCaffrey Block Broadway Cor. Sixth St Residence, 1122 Hlgli Street, Logunsport, Ind Daily Journal.

SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 4. Chimes of-Normandy to-night. 'Make your ice contracts with John Baker. mch24dtf Granulated sugar, 21 pounds for $1 at McCaffrey. Go's.

Standard A sugar, 22 pounds for at McCaffrey Co's. Hon. T. F. Palmer, of -'Montieello R.

B. Whitsett is in St. Louis spend ing a few days with his parents. David M. DeMoss and Elizabeth Cunningham are lice'nsed to wed! Will Randolph and -John Leonard went to RoyaL'Center last evening.

I'can' supply you all with dressed chicken Eubler. Mrs. Giffe is improving slowly and it is thought she is now convalescent. A repetition of the charming operai Chimes of Normandy, at Dolan's tonight. It is said that pound officer Will Cullen will resign, his position on the force to-day.

If vou want a smooth, dreamy smoke that will make you happy, huy a "Rene" of Johnston Bros. Moses Leary is back to -his office again after a -few weeks acute suffering with an abcess in his ear. Mrs. P. H.

Ryan of Springfield, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ryan on West Market street.

The latest importation in Japanese novelties-have just arrived at the Bazaar. Watch for the opening day. Mrs. Wilkes, returned to her home in New Yorlif- yesterday, after a visit atrtnV home of Tier grandfather, Dr. G.

-If: Wanted, every lady in Logansport to" know that B. sells famous -Blush, of Roses 1 for' the 2 April is making a bad record for itself. Such days as yesterday are hot looked -for at this particular season of the year." Come to the fire sale to-day, and if it rains we will, sell you a fast black silver handle umbrella, for only 98 Rule. To-day manufacturers' samples of beaded, wraps at worth last ihance. Come and save $3.2.5 on each Palace.

We are just marking out the finest line of queensware ever displayed in this city; prices will surprise Gi-ana Bazaar. J. H. llosenstock, the Pan Handle baggageman, has gone to New York, sailed there to attend the funeral of his father who died Wednesday. The funeral of Mrs.

Carrie Erwin will-be held Sunday afternoon ot 2:30 o'clock from 'the residence on the South Side, by Rev. Marsh. Hon. L. B.

Custer of this county, las been appointed one of the State 'air the new law reorganizing the State Board of agricul- H. M. Winters, the shootist, authorizes the Journal to state that he ready to shoot with Abe Boyer, of for the championship of he The leading young colored people of the city organized a social club to. be known as H. at the home of Miss Mary Allen on Cicott street Wednesday At the Bee Hive-a magnificent line of home spun camel hair goods in tans and light plain and heavy, only 42 cents for goods that are now selling everywhere at 571 cents.

It is said that the Logan Greys are on the point of disoanding, owing to a lack of interest among the majority of the members. Should his crack company fall, 'twould be ndeefl-a matter of regret. THE NEW RAILROAD. A New llullrottd in Contemiila-tloi From TUroiijrli to- UiixiNiiort to Chicago. The project to construct a railroa from Indianapolis to Chicago, th line passing through this city, has a last arrived at definite proportions the company-which has been forme to operate the road having- been inebr porated under the laws of the State with an authorized capital stock $4,000,000.

The incorporators include a numbe of prominent citizens of Loganspor and well known capitalists of this par of the State. They are N. S. Byram E. G.

Cornelius and T. E. Helwig- of Indianapolis; Q. A. Myers, C.

Jeffras, W. A. Osmer, A. R. Shroyer, A H.

Hardy, J. C. Nelson, W. E- Lyhrook E. N.

Talbott, S. P. Sbeerin and J. Elliott, of Logansport; H. E.

Daven port, of Sheridan, and N. A. Jeffras, of Cincinnati, Ohio. The directors are N. A.

Jeffras, Cincinnati, N. S. Byram and E. G- Cornelius, of Indianapolis, Dr. W.

Davenport, of Sheridan, Dr. E. Leybroork, of Young-America, and A. H. Hardy, A.

R. Shroyer, S. Sheei-in and E. N. Talbott, of thi: city.

The Directors will hold a meet ing in this city to-day. Frank Record. Frank Stapleton is playing ball in California this season. That he is keeping up his record is shown by the following notice in the Frisno Republican of recent' date; "The team has played thirty-eight games since August 24, 1890, and won twen ty-six. Stapleton leads the team on averages.

He was at bat 75 times made 17 runs, 25 base hits, assists and 1 error. He played 19 games and his batting average is .333, anc fielding average .981. Stapleton has had an offer from the Portland management. By and by when Frank Stapelton, the young pitcher, is making a ffood record in some minoi league, the California magnates wil begin to comprehend that they let a sterling player slip through their fingers. Since Stapleton pitched his firs game in the late winter league of this city, the Call has maintained that he was worthy of a place in the California league, and the game at Fresno last Saturday bears out that claim.

Fov thirteen innings he faced -McCloskey's sluggers from Sacramento, and, according to the score, held them down to thirteen safe hits, winning the game. There must be merit in the lad when he can perform such The Firctt Step. Perhaps you are run down, cant eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning, you are taking the first step into nervous prostration You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Surprising results follow the use of.

this great nerve tonic and alterative. Your appetite returns, good digestion is restored, and the liver and kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50 cents 'at B. F.

Keesling's drug store, 6 A and Club. The movement set on foot some little time ago to organize a social and business club in Logaasport "will reach a head one way or the other this evening as a all the business and professional men who have signified their willingness to enter a club will be held at the small court, room this evening at 7:30 to act on the matter. The object of this iluh will be to promote business and social relations between the members and to generally seek to advance the interests of the city. Let all who lave subscribed to this scheme attend the meeting to-night. Commendable.

All claims not consistent with the 3igh character of Syrup of Figs are purposely avoided by the California Tig Syrup Company. It acts gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, jleansing the system effectually, but is not a cure-all and makes no pre- that every bottle will not substantiate. Urndlield Female Regulator Should be used by the young woman, ihe who suffers from any' disorder peculiar to her sex, and at change of if is a tonic; benefits all who -use Write the Bradfield Regu- atbr Atlanta, Ga. For particu- ars. Sold by Ben Fisher Co.

too Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Harp have re- urned from Florida.

They are so well pleased with the Land of Flowers bat they have decided to dispose of heir interests here and return to Florida to reside permanently. Horse Clipping. I am prepared to do horse clipping style at Earl Stuart's Livry stable. WARNER. STUKGEOX.

marSldGt A -WESTERN GALE. Much Damage by Heavy Wind in Kansas and Oklahoma, Several Buildings Wrecked High Water at Washington A Severe Storm in New York. SWKl'T THE J'KAIBIES. ARKANSAS C'ITV, April A terrible wind and snowstorm swep over this section of the Wednesday night. Several small build ings were wrecked and plate glas windows in stores were broken by the flying debris.

One of the Indian schoo buildings at Chilloeco was unroofed The storm was not in the nature of a cyclone, but came sweeping up from the northwest. The temperatun dropped 20 degrees in thirty minutes No lives have been lost so far as heard 'from, though the damage in the coun try has been, considerable. OKLAHOMA CITY, O. April terrible windstorm prevailed her' night, doing considerable damage am Wednesday resulting in the seriou injury of' Sally Dale. An finished "brick building was blown down, covering the building con taining the Dale millinery establish ment, and crushing in the roof.

sisters were in the house at the time but the olfler one escaped unhurt. Firi started in the ruins, but was cxtin guished before much damage had been done. GUTHBIE CITY, April One the worst windstorms this vicinity ha ever experienced swept over this town Wednesday night. A number of smal buildings were torn down and a num ber of people were injured, though non seriously. The reports from the coun try districts come in very slowly, bu there is evciy reason to believe that cat tie have drifted away, and much dam age is feared from wire fences.

WASHINGTON, April There have been fears of a flood in Washington during the last two although th assurance of the signal office has abatec the uneasiness. The rain has been coming down in torrents, and with the exception of a few days it has rainet continuously for two weeks. The Potomac has risen about 7 feot flooding portions of the town near the river. The cellars of the main Wash ington market on Pennsylvania avenue are flooded, as 'is Harris' theater. GKOEGF.TOWN, D.

April 3. In Georgetown some loss has already been entailed by the high state of the Poto mac. Considerable damage has been done on the canal at dams Nos. 4 and 6 where a washout has taken place and large section of the 'new cribbing de stroyed. causing a.

loss of between $5,000 and NEW YORK, The heavy storm swept Over this section Thursday night did considerable damage particu larly to the east of New York. The storm outside of this city was ac companiedj, in many places bj heavy, wet snow, and this aidec by the high wind demoralized the tel graph wires to a great extent. Tha wires begaji. to fail at 1 o'clock a. m.

and withirifiuilf an hour there was not a single wife to Boston out of a regulai complement of fifty. Hartford, Providence and Springfield wires failed a little later, and until o'clock a. m. New York city was completely cut ofl from telegraphic communication with eastern, points with the exception oJ New Haven. Till iireakfaxf Over.

"Do you know," said a matron, whose married life extends over a score, of years, "that I attribute in a considerable degree the happiness of our life to a custom -which my husband and myself have unfailingly we never do any talking-, hardly speak to one another, indeed, before breakfast. He quite a confirmed bachelor when I married him, and he told me soon afterward that until he had taken his breakfast coffee he held the most morose and gloomy views of every thing. I thought at first this was a little peculiar, but when my attention was called to it I found that too, found life much more agreeable and small burdens much more bearable after I had broken my night's fast. Many wives tell me their most available time to talk 'over things' is during the dressing hour. I always feel like begging them to try some other time.

It is a mental exertion to discuss the ways and means of this exacting existence of ours too great a one, I tliijk, to be indulged in before breakfast. Journal. WAPAKO.NKTA, 0., April a. The west bank of the St. reservoir 'is nearly washed and houses for miles around are flooded.

A large gang of men are at work repairing the break. The Laky Erie esU-rn railroad rack is under water for some distance and business at oil walls is almost intrrely suspended. The loss to property has already reached Sd-JO, 000. All In the Family. WASHINGTON, April The national congress of Salvador has counted the election returns and finds that Presi- lent Ezeta, who obtained control of he government by the revolution, has seen almost unanimously elected for a errn of four years.

His brother, Anonio Ezeta. was elected vice president. The city, wood and hay market has een changed of the street improvement being made on Sixth treet, from the corner of Sixth and 3road way to a point just east of the fflce the Forrest Mills on the city's roperty. This change is rather for he better as such a market at theCrst amed point had certain obvious draw acks which made it a sort of an eye- ore there. The latter place is out of he wuy and fully as good for all puf- oses.

Carter Holmes, MAKERS of NECKWAER CHICAGO, March 23, 1801. OTTO KRAUS, Logansport: Dear recent order is just completed and goes forward by to-day's express. have used'every effort to make your Goods to the highest standard trust they will open to your entire- satisfaction and warrant a continuance of your esteemed patronage. We are Yours Respectfully, i GARTER HOLMES. The above Neckwear has arrived and we respectfully solicit your inspection.

OTTO A KRAUS. BEEF, IRON, As a Tonic. Sold bv C. PUR CELL, Druggist, 418 Market Street, Near Pearl. FACTS BRIEFLY STATED.

Minneapolis millers talk of curtailing the production of flour of a dull market. T. J. one of the.earliest settlers in Sioux City, drank some carbolic acid by mistake and died. Miss Hattie Ford, of Lake City, was burned to death Wednesday, her clothing catching tire at a Charles Severe, a private watchman at Champaign, 111., was severely wounded while trying to capture a couple of burglars.

Advices from ifonroe county, W. say that the laboring people, principally farm and' timber workers, wei-e suffering for food. The Coralville dam, 1 -on the Iowa river near Iowa City, loi, was--'carried away by high water. It is will be required to replace it. i The Minnesota, senate passed the bill requiring newspaper articles that reflect on anyone's character to be signed by the names of their authors.

A Cincinnati sculptor a design.fpr a monument to be erected on the summit of Lookout mountain in Tennessee, commemorating the valor of both armies who fought on that historic battlefield. The great reaper shops at Springfield, the second largest in the-world, will in a few days be offered for sale under foreclosure. They, cost 81,500,000. the which cost $50,000. High water in the Trempeleau river did great damage to the Green Bay.

St. Paul -track between Whitehall and Dodge, Wisconsin, and trains have not got through sincL' Tuesday and not run regularly before next Charles the San Francisco pugilist who was convicted last "weels of manslaughter for shooting DavH Greever, a noted stockman of Kansas City, while the latter was attempting to assault Clifford's wife, was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. For gallantry" in the Wounded Knee affair the president, has awarded cer-' tificates of merit to Nathan Tellman, chai-d Costner and 'William Girdwood, privates of the Seventh cavalry. He has also directed that the pay of these men be. -increased two dollars per month.

Acqnitteil. LOCISVIU.E,- April cases of grave Blackburn and Brant, and the Mukes, who have been on trial 'ia fersonville, since jury returned a verdict of The residents of New Albany and Jeffersonville are, greatly displeased wit the result of the jury's deliberations. J'lUuters on a Strike. EVANSVH.LK, Ind April painters-went out on a Thursday. They have been twenty cents an hour.

Their is for 'eight hours 'and an advance of teu -f-t cents an hour. v6 iiaoeed for ANA'ATOLIS. April o. Forbes, the colored boy who an outrage on Bertha Phipps, in nearundel county in November was hanged here at 10:06 o'clock a. m.

Immigration In Stitch. NEW YORK, April 3. During' the month of March 42,757 immigrants rived at this port, or 13,343 i in 1SS9. Italy-leads the list with 7,859. Direct Tux Claims Paid; WASHINGTON, April tax claims of New Jersey, $333,614, of Ohio, $1,833,025, have been paid byj the treasury, Do you know that you a chimney to fit your lamp that will last till some accident happens to it Do you knowthat Macbeth's pearl top or "pearl glass that chimney You can have dealer will get insist on it.

He may tell you it costs him three times as much as some others. That is true, rle may say they are just as good. Don't you-believe they may be. better for him he may like the breaking. Plttsburg.

GEO. A. MACBETH Co. Both tie method and results Syrup of Figs is it is pleasant! and refreshing'to the taste, and actil gently yet promptly on the Liver and Bowels, cleanses tern effectually, dispels colds, aches and fevers and cures constipation. Syrup of Figs is tl only remedy of its kind ever pr duced, pleasing to the taste acd 'a ceptable to the stomach, prompt its action and truly beneficial'in effects, prepared' only from thermos healthy and agreeable substances, excellent qualities to all and have made it the popular remedy known.

Syrup of Figs is for sale in and SI bottles by all leading gists. Any reliable druggist' who 1 may not have it on hand will'prQi cure it promptly for any one "whol wishes to try it. Do not accept substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP SAN FRANCISCO, CAL IQIHSVILLE, KY. HFW tfOftX.

Keeslingand all Druggists..

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