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The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California • 6

San Francisco, California
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0 THE SAtf FRANCISCO EXAMINER- -THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1013. a Socialists Win Oakland Girl to Be Local Star hile Will Supply Ore for Bcthlohcm StrengthTcst torney Lcaa that he and Pollock only were Involved, and that Polloi r.iiut Itlm and then himself, but this Is din-proved by the fact that the bullet Rich killed Pollock was found to be of different calibre than thai ot Pollock' revolver. I1SH BY LQIV GHURCH ISSl -mm aaaaM- Defeat Plan of F. of L. Admlnlstri Five Hundred Million Tons to Be Gained Footlight Fame Abroad tlon to Require Straight Voting.

FRESNO, October i.Disatisfied Sent Via Canal. NEW YORK, October 8. live hun REFUGEES JOIN HEROICALLY TO REBUILD HE Town Without Light and Meat, Residents Stand Together as Waters Subside. dred million tona of high-grade Iron element In the California Stata Federation of 1-JiLior lute thin nftrnnon Senator Declares California Dr. Alexander Mann of Boston SALTS FINE FOR ore In Chile are under leuso to the Uethlnhem Steel Company and, will be brought to Bethlehem at tha rate of mora than a million tons a year Elected President Over High Church Candidate.

Suffer and Fears Another. Panic as Result. were able to defeat by a very narrow margin tho attempt of tha administration leaders to amend the constitution to require straight ticket voting. ACIIIWIEYS beginning In 1916 by a fleet of vessels operating through the Pans ma The amendment, requiring a two- United States Senator Geurae ft thirds vote, was beaten, even though NEW YORK. October 1 What was canal, We eat too much meat, which Perkins, senior member of California's Officers of tha company ao testified the administration secured 19,234.

a r.alnst 11,028 votes for the opposU ion. congressional delegation, returned this afternoon at th hearing In the clogs Kidneys, then the Back hurts. from Washington lust evening to his home In Vernon Height, Oakland, for i This vote cannot be taken as a looked upon the first test of voting strength between the high church and low church factions tuuie lute to-day at the triennial convention of the Protectant Episcopal Church, when the Rev. Dr. Alexander Munn, dissolution suit against the United States Steel Corporation.

brlf visit before, returning to the test of the GREAT LOSSES SUFFERED national capital to complete his offl- Charle A. Buck, vice-president of light us between Haggerty and Mer-rylHM, for president, the vote being clal Unties. Jn pussing. It Is notable the company, said that the company would operate Its own licet of ore confused by local Ikhucs. rector of Trinity Church, Boston, was Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get eliiKftish and clogged and need a fjunhlng occasionally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney regioii.

severe headaches, th.nmai in tnllllii liver. The Socialists still claim that they vessels. that. In tha twenty years In which Senator Perkins has been In the Snn ate, he has been absent from his seat during sessions only nineteen days, and then on account of Illness. will have a majority of the convention on to-morrow's ballot to ele.H Stricken People Sleep on Floor In Two Halls When Homes Are Swept Away.

elected ptesldent of the House of Drputlws. Dr. Mnnn wua candidate of the low church dement and defeated tha high church candidate, the Rev. lr. W.

T. 11 aim rector of Fear Worse Illness acid stomach, sleeplessneHS and In an Interview Senator Perkins at Mcrryfleld. On many minor tssuei, the opopsltlon seems to be badly divided, the San Francisco and th Ixs Angeles antl-almlnlstration factions being at outs with each other. II sorts or biaauer aisom. You simply must keep your kidneys active and clean, and the iiio- wm.

arhm ftr tiulll In tacked the tariff bill, declaring that It would wjtrlc For Chairman Hill Trinity Church, New York, by the vote of 2D0 to i The electlt of Jir, Mann was re great harm to the country and particularly to this Slate. He said that the history of the nation had showed th kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Baits from any good druir store here, take a table. garded by members of the low church Rail Chief Speeding Home; Suffers that, about every twenty years, "In an Sheriff's Deputy Is party as a victory. One result of the vote, they declared, would be that Lung Trouble. SpR-'LU Duptb-h to "Ilia Ewminar." tho question of changing tho denom national name to tho American Catlt Shot in Mine Strike PORTLAND October for breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act flue.

Thla famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lltbla, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and evil day," the opponents of tha protective school would get control of Congress and that "each drastlo downward revision of the tariff was followed by a period of business and financial depression: wages were low olio Church probably would not be Louis W. Hill, chairman of the board of directors of the Great Northern placed before the convention. Railroad, who Is speeding eastward hm CltVltV Three Men Held, One of Whom Was Dr. Henry Anstice of Now York was ered; credits Impaired, many times elected secretary. It also neutralises the acids so It no longer Irritates, thus ending suspended, and tha nation went on a special train because of a cold contracted In the mountains Saturday, complained of pains in his left lung The House of Bishops at an Seriously Wounded In Melee.

CALUMET, October g. Eleven ar through what we call a 'panic' executive business meeting to-day "The Underwood-Simmons law," yesterday and friends fear his condi elected Bishop Boyd Vincent of South rests were made to-day In connection with the fatal shooting of Joseph NOME fAlaka), October 8. With tha subsidence ct the waters that demolished lialf of Name, the tnhab-Itanta are clean lh out and repairing their damaged butidinrs. They are showing a heroic spirit and facing the winter with fortitude. Tha city la In darkness at night tha clectrlo light riant having been destroyed.

The Tally "NuKt 1 Issuing a email edition under great difficulties. Kagl'H' Hall arid tha Pioneers' Hall were filled last rilicht with refugees, Who slept on the floor. There In no meat In Nome except the small supply that wei In butcher ahops not affected by the storm. The large plant of the raclflc Cold fcHor-agq Company Is a total loss of 150,000. Captain Tom Ross and his life saving crew worked bravely on the aandsplt and savrd life and property.

Their own station was swept away. I.osi:s Ann heavy. continued the Senator, "makes drastlo tion Is more serious than at first in ern Ohio chairman and re-elected Dr. reduction In duties from agate to sslno Pollock a sheriff's deputy, by men Samuel Hart of Connecticut secretary dlcated. tHUl with Bill Burns, a noted Montaua'gulde, were In the mountains supposed to be strikers, at Hurontown The Cathedral of St.

John tho Divine, mis morning, nut oniy three wre bladder disorder. Jad Salts Is harmless: Inexpensive; mnkea a delightful effervescent llthla water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist savs he sella lota of Jad Salts to folks who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while It Is only trouble. of Glacier National Park when over It 'Is conceded that these new duties will not raise sufficient funds to provide for the expenses of the Federal Government. held, the others being released this taken by a severe blizzard.

They lost afternoon. their way and after wandering seven "Therefore, it has been supplement One of the trio Is Joseph Manerlch, hours were found by a rescue party. now but a promise of Its future mng-nlflcenco, could not hold the great throng which gathered fur the opening service of devotion this morning, when the Right Rev. William Law-rence, bishop of Massachusetts, preached. The Episcopal robes and the symbols of the church home In ed by the Income tax, which it Is esti who was shot through the stomach by Pollock, and who Is in a serious con dition In a hospital.

Los Angeles to Have Manerlch has told ProKPcntlng At mated Will provide about $85,000,000 annually. To my way of thinking, this Is, In effect, transferring tills tax from the foreign producers, who have heretofore paid tariff duties, directly to the people of the United States, at the same ttme throwing open our markets to the foreigner and thereby Poor Man's' Lawyer the procession of bishops made an Im presslve display. Among the marine looses are the Two Men Killed in Supervisors Authorize Appointment giving him a large part of our schooner Helvedere, the tug Yorkey, the Iiellanee Second, the power chooner llattlc the schooner Rea, Vera McCord, Oakland Girl, Who Comes to Oriental Theatre Stock as Leading Woman Under New Ordinance. JSissjIal PhpaVn to "The Enumnor." NATl'RAL TARIFF WALL. Duel With Shotguns the power schooner Mary Austin, tho Personally Conducted Excursions LOH ANGELES, October 8 The "California has more at stake than tug Courser, the tug Immaculate, the tug New York, the eight lighters be appointment of a lawyer for the any other State," he said.

"Cali poor man" was authorized to-day longing 'to the John J. Sessnon Com fornia will always have a tariff wall Guardianship of Girl Precipitates by the County Board of Supervisors pary. The latter company's loss is 175,000. Most of the boats named which her products must meet not a tariff made by law, but a barrier Double Tragedy. The new otm-er is to be known as ISM the "public defender" of the county Speuiil b) lmd wire, Uie lorcfM.

la the wo. Id. are worth more than each as Immutable as the heavens which siid It win devolve on turn to de FORT SMITH October 8. shine so bountifully upon us. We are I eE Jlo In a shotgun duel nr Athens, How separated from the consuming mar fend all persons too poor to engage an attorney.

This will do away with ard county, to-day, both participants kets for our products by the mighty were Killed. The dead are W. B. Bur Sierra Nevada and Rocky mountains, the system of appointing private at torneys from the bench. nette, a farmer of Athens, and Fred the lnter-mountaln plateau and the Stover, a farmer of Bonham, Texas plains of the Mississippi valley.

Burnetta was shot near the hear "What earthly chance do our com Tug-of-War Trophy by Stover, but shot Stover in the chest as he dropped dead. Stover's modities have in competition with European products on the New York threat to take his 11-year-old daugh market, with no tariff Given Bricklayers ter from Burnette caused the tragedy Stover and his wife separated seven In regard to the prospects of the Hetch Hitchy bill, the Senator suid that he had assurances that there were sufficient votes In the upper Vera McCord Bears Striking Resemblance years ago. Mrs. Stover and he daughter since then have been llv house to carry the measure, and he lng at the Burnette home. When 10 rresiaent Jackson, Her uranduncle.

was hopeful of its prompt passage, But he admitted that there was some opposition on the part of severs VERA McCOKD. a daughter Victors in Labor Day Tournament Get Silver Loving Cup. Bricklayers' Union No. 7 last night was presented with a silver loving cup won at the Labor Day tug-of-war tournament- The cup was donated by the Sorensen Jewelry Company. The presentation speech was made by P.

H. McCarthy, president of the Building Trades Council. John A. John-sou, president of the union, accepted the trophy. Two large dredgers, the property of the Robtrts Mining Company, and the Bious-Alaska Mining Company, were destroyed.

Among the other large losses are: Tliorulf Lehmann, general merchsn-diee. $10,000: electric power plant, Consumers' Milk Company, 910.000; Elite Baths, City of Nome, pumping plant and fire house, 138,000. JVO DANGER OF KAMIXE. WAPHINQTOX, October 8. Reports the Federal Bureau of Education from Nome say there Is no dansrer of famine there because of the recent Hdal storm.

Reindeer representing 760 tons of meat are within driving distance of the stricken city. The Red Cross authorized Mayor Hones of Nome Immediately to draw on It for for relief work. The Mayor was asked to report what the needs of the sufferers were and was fissured that further aid would be forthcoming. SEATTLE SENDS RELIEF. SEATTLE, October 8.

The Chamber of Commerce has raised $2,300 for the relief of the Nome storm sufferers, beside a large quantity of lumber and other building material All relief supplies are carried free between Seattle and Nome by the steamship companies. The last boat for Nome from Seattle will sail the 25th. The Chamber of Commerce an that he spoke seriously to her of Go tourist via Rock Island Lines in modern, electric lighted, comfortable tourist cars. Excursion manager in charge to see to your pleasure and comfort en route. Choice of three routes via Los Angeles and through Salt Lake City and Colorado.

Dining car service. An Economical and Delightful Way of Making a Trip Across the Continent. M' Stover returned to take possession of his daughter, she asked permission to kiss her mother good-by. Burnette and Mrs. Stover were at work In a Held, and when the girl told them of the arrival of her father, Burnette entered a rear door armed with a shotgun.

The men tired at one another at almost the same time. of George B. McCord of Oak undertaking a stage career. Senators, who take the position that giving to San Francisco these lights Will be establishing a precedent in relation to the control by the government of water lights which might She was given a part In a play land, an actress whose rise to which Hawtry produced, called "The President," and her success was in embarrass irrigation projects In other theatrical fame in London was the sensation of a season, bus been engaged as leading woman of the stock ituntaneous. From that ttme she has had none but leading roles.

Her first leading part was in "When We Were Twenty-one," which-had a long and CITY BREVITIES! company at the Oriental the old Savoy Theatre. States. KAHX TO STUMP EAST, ISptcUl by leaned wire, the luntyat io tho world. WASHINGTON, October g. Con rressman Charles F.

Curry left to uccessful run In London. Miss McCord recently left an en After that she returned to this Railroad Fined $3,100 For Overworking Men country and has starred In many sue gagement as leading woman to Henry Miller In New York, to visit her cessrui plays, botn under her own management and as leading woman parents in Oakland on account of day for California. The California members remaining here are Representatives Church, Raker, Kahn and Bell. Kahn la scheduled to stump portions of Maryland, New Jersey and Massachusetts in the pending State campaigns. for Henry Miller and James er father's illness and, during her Federal Court Acts Under Provision Hackett.

Miss McCord bears a striking re stay there, successful overtures were made to her by the management of Found uuFfluarloua lu Fifth avenue South, Charles Kempf, BOO Railroad avenue, was taken to the Potrero Emergency Hospital. Detectives be-lleve that Kempt was beaten by footpads. A warrant was United yenterdny tut the arrest of B. Ghiotto on a charge of passing a worthless check for $25 Henry Mortara, 139 Ellis street, swore to the complaint. P.

J. Coding waa eharged yesterday with embezzling $250 from Mario Muffle, 825 Bush street. A warrant was issued for his aireKt. semblance to President Jackson, of Common Law. LOS ANGELES, October 8.

The San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Rates and literature on request the theatre. which she comes by naturally as she la a grandniece of Andrew Jackson Before golrg on the stage, Miss QUEER ONES IN THE NEWS Lake Railroad Company was fined on her mother's side. nounced yesterday that a fund would be raised to assist In relieving the distress at Nome. A telegram was tsent offering; assistance from the TICKET lt Market St. Man FraaclHco Nit Si.

fratTamrnta OFFICES 1326 Broadway Oakland SIS So. Spring tt. I.os AaKrlrs Suddenly becoming craved vliile McCord was well known on both sides Of the bay as a talented amateur actress as well as a charming society girl. Some years ago, while "do This successful actress also comes raturally by the fighting spirit which helped her to make a success. Her $3,100 to-day in the United States District Court on a charge of working Its employees overtime under the Interstate Commerce law.

undergoing a dental operation at the convention of the North Central Mis-siourl Dertal Association, at yeFterday, a patient attacked F. V. Thompson Gen'l Western Agent ing" the London season as a guest of Sir George and Lady Lewis, she met Charles Hawtry at a dinner. local organisation. Members of the Chamber of Conv merce with Interests In Alaska be lieve the appeal for assistance is ur and stampeded the delegates.

He paternal great-great-grandfather was a noted Indian fighter, her great-grandfather fought In the Revolutionary war, her grandfather fought in the Mexican war, her father fought in the Civil war and her brother was en offlcer in the Spanish war. The British actor was so impressed Severe Rheumatic Pains Are hurled the gas machine through a stent and every step should be taken with the vivacity of gesture and expression with which Miss McCord told several stories or calilornia lire by Ban Francisco to provide Immedl lite necessities. The Chamber of Commerce will re window and It fell In an automobile occupied by two women. A basket-full or forceps and a chair followed. The women escaped inury.

Several dentists were injured in the rush for Quickly Eradicated by Akoz reive contributions. Financial help is ARD AND FARM New Electric Road reeded more than commodities. All ere lnvltod to join In Ban Francisco's the stairs California Editors To Visit Stanford Ilrraunr the United Mates Bureau Planned by Hotaling B. For October helping hand. Appeal From Nome of Chemistry discovered that the tomato catsup made by the Earl Manufacturing Company of Kansas City E.

Getchell Says New Remedy Gave Prompt Relief From Agony. Sonoma and Marin Supervisors Halt contained 300,000,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter in addition to un Each Member to Be Presented With Basket of Fruit. (Special to "The i Received by Rolph Bridge Plans Pending Decision. healthy mold, yeasts and spores, the Sped! IMmtch to "The 1 the October issue of ORCHARD AND FARM contains more than a score of articles that are absolutely essential to the agriculturist, the horticulturist, the poultryman and all others that are interested in rrral affairs. Following are a few ONLY A FEW of the articles in the October number that are of particular interest to the agriculturist: concern was fined $100 under the pure PALO ALTO, October 9.

When the food and drugs act. -I. members of the California Press Asso Mayor Favors Chartering Steamer SANTA ROSA. October 8. Kumors that the Hotalings and other Interests have under consideration the Report from Iditnrod state tbat the only physician in the camp is to Send to Alaska.

SANTA BARBARA, October 8 construction of an electric railroad about to leave, and it is feared that the community of 700 will be without ciation arrive in city to-morrow morning they will be greeted by Chamber of Commerce otllcials and each presented a basket of Santa Clara valley fruit. The visitors will be shown Stanford University and Mayor James Rolph of San Francisco, from Sacramento to Sausalito, re BIG JIM, A POTATO CHAMPION Cultural metMds tint buy bwA the uu'enA at a high clr.w trade. Ctriaan grarnwr itmuiM Iff tt medical attendance through the win who Is making an automobile tour of the State, late to-day received a tele ter. A Detition to the Government ducing the distance from the state Capital to San Francisco by 40 miles, will ask that a doctor be sent to the gram from the Mayor of Nome, Alas B. E.

Getchell of 43 Herman street, express agent for the Red Line Transfer Company, has surprised his friends by his remarkably quick recovery from a distressing case of Inflammatory rheumatism that kept him In bed five days and caused such excruciating pains In his knees that he was unable to sleep. That he was cured In one week and was able to resume his duties he says is due to his having used Akoz, the great medicinal mineral discovered In this State by John D. MackenEie, president and manager of the Natura Company. "Although I suffered such severe pains in my knees from Inflammatory Palo Alto. They will then proceed to Los Gatos and later to Ban Jose, reached the ears of the boards of supervisors of Sonoma and Marin camp.

The lawns of Fureitt Park, St. ka, stating that the people of that fctrlcken city were badly in need of psslstance and would appreciate any Louis, were strewn with birds that counties to-day and caused them to where they will be served luncheon. Oregon Progressives had been killed by the hail during thing; Ban Francisco would do for a storm yesterday. The storm was them. "I have telegraphed Instructions to peculiarly local, striking only a sec tion of the city.

Oppose Fusion Idea Can Francisco for the calling of i meeting of the utilities board in con Junction with the Red Cross Society delay the choice of a site for the construction of a Joint bridge across the Petaluma river at Black Point, in connection with the Black Folnt cutoff. It was said that the railroad project will be decided In about two weeks. If the railroad is built it is proposed to erect a combination railroad and waeon bridge at a point a little rheumatism that I could not sleep at to-morrow," said Mayor Rolph. lSlcial Dispatch to "The Euumner." PORTLAND October "I feel sure that the people of Nome Bro In sore distress and will do all I can to have a generous contribu Members of the Progressive party of Oregon at a meeting last night It MILD 1 IN A FEW HOURS i flow both In money, clothing and food raised for them. If there is no vessel adopted resolutions indorsing the Pro night, I was apparently fully restored to health by taking the Akoa internal treatment one week," said B.

E. Getchell in discussing his case. "I suffered so acutely that I had to remain In bed five days, but as soon as I be gan taking Akoz I began to Improve and was soon feeling better than ever. Akoz surely gave me wonder B. E.

GETCHELL. neheduled to leave this fall for Nome, gressive movement, and adding: "We scorn all thought of fusion or amal FARM LOAN SOCIETY FORMED Oigmiution to maios lonf Him lew acrtailturtl rprt7 Ctltfamia. ALKALI A BLOT ON IRRIGATION'S PAGE Mrtkorin of ottrrentne tbe (til tttcu at Uut, tb fmtat CMmr of farad ia arid or xiiti urid rcfiam. DISPOSAL OF WASTE IN THE FARM HOME Ktrat nf i ariM of rtirtM on Pnrtloal Botmbold Kcaaomiei bjr Mary Tail, totchtr of doawftie cinc Miila Co(lef. CROP CONDITIONS ALL OVER CALIFORNIA K-poia of County Horticultural CoaupiwioDeri ail oropa up to 2fl.

aad tb outlook for tin VEGETABLES THE YEAR 'ROUND Piantint faf will mblf yon to aUM ftrdaa eraps at utj ini TJ Hajona. SYSTEM IN FEEDING CALVES MfUioia bj which a fuccraafnl datryaiaa Hi earn pf kit yoonf atoek. USE OF CREAM' TESTER MADE EASY How to aroid tho common pitUila whksk tam4 tho way at miilaf aa ucnnt, onHaiato. THE MARGIN OF PROFIT The farmer unit ba rmarowa mta and tan tao Mt ot Mi mon-bicdiM 1f will a finirrial au. SOUND FEET FOR THE COLT Aa tho hwjfa are frrmed sarin tbo jwsng iaya af ft aalmal.

ao wHl they bo atr it growa to bora-hood. CITRUS MEN FORTIFY AGAINST FROST Orange and Irroon grown ta Of Booth; and taSf arrcamtiOM aftisat ropallttos of tha dianMer ot lrt January. POOR HOGS COSTLY TO FARMERS It pya to raiao good wln. imt tho rinalrt tailed, lotc amoutad, atriEry toodeocrlpt. REAPING THE TURKEY HARVEST fofoMrr K.

E. Jnffa of tkf rrilTersity of California, tofh of tba preparation! aoroaaary to aet ft national bird rradj for tha earring knife. CARE OF THE FOWLS IN WINTER tV poultry froaa tha ooid rami of tba vtalcr anaoa. A practical poulrrraua dMtiboa bow do it is no more remarkable than that of gamation with either of the old par 1 would favor chartering one and Joadlng it with provisions for the thousands of others who have used ties." A minimum rund or J400 a eufferers In that far northern city." this harmless and 'agreeable medicinal n'onth was pledged to the party in Mayor Rolph and party of three, fully quick relief. It is such a fine tonic that I am now taking It right Multnomah county and the remainder of the State will be asked to raise Including Matt Sullivan mineral for rheumatism, stomach trouble, eczema, catarrh, piles, ulcers and other aliments.

Akoz la sold by all druggists. Theodore Roche and Eustace Culli- along." this sum to tfirtO per month. nan, will leave here to-morrow morn Mr. Getchell's experience with Akoz BUSINESS NOTICES. lng for Ban Francisco.

They will reach San Luis Obispo at about noon und will enjoy the hospitality of Tom Girls of School Age below that selected in the survey for the cutoff road. Marin County to Buy $75,000 Road Bonds Supervisors Make Proviso That Private Interests Take Same Amount. Special Dispatch to "The Examiner." SAN RAFAEL, October 8. The Board of Supervisors this afternoon adopted a resolution pledging Marin county to purchase $76,000 worth of State highway bonds if. citizens and local banks would purchube a similar amount The resolution was Introduced by M.

J. Pedrotti. The Bank of San Rafael immediately notified the Norton, postmaster of that city. Mr. Morton lias promised to take them to his ranch and give them a bar Seed Dr.

Williams' rink Pilln to Keep Their Illood In Good Order. becued kid. The party expects to reach Paso Robles to-morrow night Girls In their 'teens are often trou and San Francisco the following day. bled with thin blood, making the Mayor Rolph spent several hours to day on an inspection or tne new SAVE THE LABELS Home Industry League of California Giving Cash Prizes Every Monday to Interest People in HOME INDUSTRY $8 nd two prizes of $1 each every Monday for children under 16 years of age to write 150-word essays on subject, "Pacific Coast People Should Do All Their Buying From Pacific Coast Concerns." Merit is sole determinlnr factor in choosing winners. $3 and five prizes of $1 each given every Monday for labels from goods made here.

complexion pale, sometimes greenish, the cheeks thin, the lips colorless. There is shortness of breath after State Normal School, for which the last Legislature appropriated $125,000. When cross, constipated, feverish, give "California Syrup of Figs." Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syrup of Figs." because in a few hours all the clogged-up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, and they become tightly packed, liver gets sluggish and stomach disordered. When cross, feverish, restless, see If tongue is coated, then give this delicious "fruit laxative." Children love it, and it can not cause injury.

No difference what ails your little one If full of cold, or a sore throat, diarrhoea, stomach-ache, bad breath, remember, a gentle "inside cleansing" should always be the first treatment given. Full directions for babies, children of all ages and grownups are printed on each bottle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your drnsglst for a EO-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," then look carefully and see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." We make no smaller size. Hand back with contempt any other fig syrup.

the slightest exertion, a general feel ing of weariness and a disinclination 1,000 board that it would take $1 worth of the bonds. DECISION PROVIDES FUNDS Instruction Superintendent and the to study or work. Sometimes slight cough causes a feeling of alarm that the lungs may be affected. State Board of Health Profit. SACRAMENTO, October 8.

By de There is one remedy that will correct this form of anaemia in rlsion of Attorney-General "Webb, erowiiiK Kills and that is Dr. Wil Tie Salscriptica Price ORCHARD AND FARM It But $1.00 THE YEAR That eertalnlv Is a reasonable price when you consider thst the mapasirie Is brimful of Information that 1 indispensable to the man thst makes his living? from tha soli. Subscribe to-day and you will receive the October number. ORCHARD AND FARM Hearst Building San Francisco Cat. Hams' Pink Pills.

The action of these State Superintendent of Public In For foil particulars tee Home Industry Page in Ssn Francisco Examiner Prlnea awarded at rate ot $572 Ire awarded at rate of $572 pills in such cases ia direct and cer struetlon Hyatt is allowed to use $8,000 for the printing of a teachers' tain. Uverv mother whose daughter Sew Trial for Mrs. Reuter. BARTLESV1LLE October 8. Mrs.

Laura M. Reuter, convicted on the charge of complicity in the murder of her husband, Charles T. Reuter, a prominent attorney of Tulsa, was granted a new trial today by Judge Henry Hudson of the District Court, before whom she was tried last week. Mrs. Reuter was sentenced to prison for life, but her attorneys contend that she was convicted on perjured testimony.

er year per year pale and thin owes it to her child's future to at once give her a course of treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink MONDAY register snd other documents which the Board of Control hod refused to sanction under the belief the money could not be used for tliut purpose. The State Board of Health gets PillH. Neglect at this time may re Two sets of prizes awarded each week. Names and addresses of winners are published.

suit in a lifetime of misery. Your druggist sells Dr. Williams' Pink money for printing through the same PiUs. decision,.

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