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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 7

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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WEDNE8DAY, OCTOBER 8, 1958. Arrest Many Men Gambling Charges In Raids On Clubs Inspector McLaughlin and Squad Swoop Down On Tnree Places During the Early Hours. A thm muni, a mam' Biietva ssmiug aoases, uiuiiiii ulcere pitcea 1 isrg Bumbr of men under arrest. ThoM accused of being treuuentert war released, on halt ol i ach, whlU th alleged keepere were granted hail or $50. Ia Folic Court all th cmm wr adjourned to Oct.

I. Inspector Thomas McLaughlin; assisted by Detective Charles Johnson and W. H. Frost, raided 15 RIdeaa itreet. SI Rtdeaa street and the Montagnard Club.

67 Someriet etreet weel. Chanced Aa Keepers. At 161 Rtdeaa street, the alleged keeper cart bis nana to police as Andrew Barrett. Sit Somerset street east; at II RIdeaa itreet the alleged keeper gar bis nam aa Almea Lsramy. II Ontgues aveaae.

4 to Will Arise on Site of Burned Manoir Richelieu ATEMPTINC DELIGHT Hi Emmy Milburn Yearned for Happiness Other firfc had their gtwd times, their aniioali, their "UmberiBc" tjlasses, their school reunions, parties and ihoppinf jaunts an their ex-, penttre food tfanea. Wiila tmmr had but Jlewer itreet and that enuleet kind of porartj the itat of being a poor relation of a rich and powerful family; j-; Her i a wonderfnl story of erery day folka and "The LHtle Yellow How" that tamed oat to be happier than a mention. Imjny yearned for happineti 1 and found it It was at her ery door--oa flower atreetl I "FLAPPERS' By BEATRICE Buffalo Courier- Express TSwt Wtwk SS'Cotnica in Color 1 Daman Rio pel lei 110 Booth street; William Brown. Tl Pins street: George- Rbnson, 141 LeBreton street; Frsnk Smith. Tl Csrruth-ers avenue: George Booner.

401 Ar thur street; Mike Holowk, 110 Cambridge street. Had High, Standing As a Contractor James Thomas Davis, For merly of Ottawa, Dies In Montreal James Thomas Davis, a former well known Ottawa cltixen. and prominently Identified with large national undertakings, died yes terday In Montreal at the age of IT years. Mr. Davis wss a brother to M.

P. Davis and Mrs. J. Thompson, of Ottawa. At on time he was associated with his brother under the firm asm of M.

P. and J. T. Davis, nationally Known contractors. Mr.

Davis, wbo wss bora In Ottawa la Iltl. was a sea of the at Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. In their lifetimes prominent cltl- sens oi tno capital tie was eoa- csted at Ottawa University and early In Ufa Joined with his.

brothers. Mlcksel P. and William H. Davis. In tha contracting firm Of William H.

Darls A Sons. The Inn wss later known aa M. P. and w. H.

Davis, and eventually came M. P. aad J. T. Davis.

Oaa of the outstanding contracts to the credit of this Inn wss In connection with the Quebec bridge, following the dlssster to the first structure when the flrst spsn fell Into tha St Lawrence River. In 190T. It was then de cided to rase the old plan and build the bridge to new designs. sua the arm oi M. r.

aad J. T. Davis wss awarded the contract for the building of the new piers In a dsy when the use of concrete wss not general. The piers were constructed of granite. In this work the late Mr.

Davis took a prominent part. Other large undertakings with which Mr. Davis wss sssoelsted In cluded the bonding ef 1.10 miles oi tno Transcontinental Railway In eaatern Canada, tha Cardinal Canal and the Cbamnlaia art- dock near Levis, P.O. la 1ISI. Mr.

Davie married Miss Gertrude Devlin, daaght.r of the late Bernard Devlin, wen known Montreal lawyer. who survives. with three sou, 1. r. iavls.

H. B. Davis and W. J. Davis, two daughters, Mrs.

Cecil Bronson, Montresl. ana Mrs. Ernest c. Dempeey, Cleveland; one brother, M. P.

Davis, of Ottswa: on sister. Mrs. J. W. Thompson, of Ottawa, and on son-in-law, Charles M.

of Montreal. The funeral will be bold Friday morning at 1.1 to' St. Patrick's Church, Montreal, thence to Cote dea Nslgea Cemetery. MRS. C.

AXDEBAO. Mrs. Catherine Anderson, widow ef Samuel Anderson, died at a local hospital yesterday after a week's Illness. She waa la her Jlnd year aad bed beea a resident Of Ottawa for I years. Her kasbaad.

the lata Samuel Anderson; who died two years ago. wee a member ef the staff of the Do Sainton Government Exhibition Oeamleeloa aad daring bis lifetime aha travellled with him to aaaay eeaatrtea ef the world. A member ef St John' Church, she waa aa actire 4 aV JL A. M'W 11 While Lake Water Was Being Dragged THE OTTAWA JOURNAL r. ik i This la the architect'! dmwtnar of the sew Maaolr tUrbellra which will replace the historic Mmr Bay resort thai was tanM dowa recently.

No one was 'cbsrgsd with being a keeper at the Montagnard Club. Baretts In police court today pleaded guilty and waa Sned III and costs. At the RIdeaa street addressee. 14 men. la addition to the alleged keepers, were placed under arrest Their names and addressee as they appear oa ta ponce Blotter, toi-low: Harry Baker, 101 Murray IP A MPS AT PRICES THAT DEFY ALL COMPETITION It will pay yn to compare) our price on Pianos, Players, Phonographs and Radio.

Your credit is good at ROBERTSON, PINGLE ft TILLEY, 270 Bank Street at Cooper Street, Ottawa. Write 1 ior complete list of uaed instruments. We need the room. CM or Writ ToiyDO IT NOW in triple VirappcdL mm Mt-rt THHfaeetehieadedccceeiBiaa package which ssaOy prececal ad sugnianmaaJfnil Write far fie recipe booklet to ftanltlia -ir laMkiil. llniiiiiilil flnilil Youth Was Begging Motor Car Rides Tells Astonishing Story of Death Hoax In Plan For Parents To Collect 10,600 Insurance.

N. Oct. 1 Robert Dsllsrd. IT. of Londeu.

Ontario, today told Rochester police aa astonishing story of a death hoax stsged so his psrenu could collect 110.100 Insurance money. He wss betrayed snd traced here through an Intercepted letter to his sweetheart. He Is held as a fugitive from Justice pending arrival of Canadian auth orities. Dallard. declared his Da rents were not Implicated In the Insur ance plot His elothlhgiwas fonnd street; Wlllism Skinner.

Ill 1-1 York street: Rowland Crslg. Lsurler srenne east; Chrla Hange. ill Slater etreet; Louis Oravel. 110 Water street: Wilfred O'Nell. ttS Nelson street; Harry Keys, 111 Clsrenco etreet: John Rysn, 410 Nelson street: Arthur Lemleuz.

11 Nepean street; Joseph Lladssy. Bellevue Psrk; buclen Rlchon, lit Ridean street; Joseph Dnbord, 14T Chspel street: Victor Msrcello. lOI Slater street; Edgar Auger, II King Edward avenue: Joseph Am- and. It Boteller street; Ivon Mos- sesn. Esstview; John Bellalr, Its Sussex street: Wlllism Jsmleson, 144 George street: Leo Cote, 14 Wster street; Chsrles Imbro.

411 Rldesn street; Rowlsnd St. Jesn. 114 Rldeau street: Leo Boueseller. II St. Patrick etreet; Patrick co ney.

1Z4 Beseerer street; Jobn ron-tain, 151 Sussex street. At Montsurnard Clabv At the Montagnard Club, sev srsl men were gsthered 1n by the squsd. Their namee and addressee a they appear, on record! are: Mazlne Blsson. 1ST Balsam street: on a pier at Port 8tanley, a Canadian summer resort, on September 21. and a eulclde rerdlrl was returned stter a coroner's Inrettl-gstion snd (uneral serrlces tor the youth.

While the wster adjoining the pier was being dragged tor hla body, young Dallard waa begging rides to Niagara rails. He said be hoped to obtain a temporary Job In Rochester to eara enough to go to New York and Join the United Btstee nayy. He waa living at the railroad T. M. C.

A-. here. worker of the Ladles' Auxiliary of that church. Mrs. Anderson, formerly Cstherlne Gibson, was born nt Kemptvllle, but spent the greater part of her lit In Surviving are a sister, Mrs.

P. W. Teckabarry, of Toronto, aad a brother. Alex Glbaoa of Edmonton. Nieces and nephews In Ottswa Include, Mrs.

John Sheerer, Miss K. M. Chsrry, Mrs. I. L.

Perrsnlt. Fred Osult. Harold Cherry and S. 0. Tackaberry.

Tha funersl will held from Mrs. Shearer's bom, Patterson avenue. Thursday afternoon nt 110 o'clock. Following the service Interment will be made nt Beechwood cemetery. SALTS FINE FOR ACHING KIDNEYS When Back Hurt Flush Your Kidneys at Yon Clean Your Bowels.

Moart folka forrvt that th kid nay a Ilk I ho bowala, Mmtmi get aJutrlab n4 antl n4 a flushlns ocoaalonaJly. 1m backach and dull tniBwy In the kid nay rairlon, aarara baadachas. rhaamatlo twlrujaa, torpid llvar. aold stomach. laaplaaanaas and all aorta of bladdar Jlsordara.

Ttfu almply must kaop your kid nay aotiv and claan and tb momant you foal an acba or pala la tha 14 nay rasjtio baatn drinking Iota of watsr. Also gat about four cHjneaa of Salta from any good drag ator bar, taka a tablaapooa fol In a glaaa of ratr bafor broak fast for a fa days and your kldaaya will than aet Ana. Tola famous salta la mad from tb add of grapa aad tamoa luloa. oomblnad with lit hla, and la Intandad to Cuah eloggad ktdnaya and halp atlmulata thm to activity It also nalpa nautralls tha adds In tha urtn a thay no longr Initata, thus bain Ing to rallav bladdar dlaordara. ad Balta ta Inaspcnalv; makaa a dallghtful aSanraacant lit hla watar drink which ararybody should taka now and than to halp kacp ihtr kid nay a claan.

A' wall -known local drugglat saya sal la lota of salta to folks who ball tn trying to 'eorraet kid nay troubl whll It Is only troubls. Turn Hair Dark With Sage Tea By JlUl MAOOIf The, old time mixture of Hase Tea end Sulphur for darkening grey, streaked and faded hair la grandmother's recipe, and folka are again using it to keep their hair a good eves eoi: or. Which, la quite sensible, aa we are living hs aa When a youthful appearance Is ef the greatest advantage. Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesome teak of gathering tb sage aad the muaay nixing at bom. All drug eteree sell ready-ts-us product for only tl eenta.

Improved by the addttloe ef ether Ingredients, called "Wyeth'e SC and Sulphur Compound.1 It la very popular because nobody can discover It hays been applied. Simply moisten your eomb or a soft brush with It snd drsw this through roar balr, taklns ene email strand at a Unas. By anornlne the erey barr dlsj-eppeare. bat what delights tb ladles with Wyeth'e gage aad Bvlphnr Compewad. I that, beaidee beauti-fully darken lag the balr after a few application It ale produce that soft laetre snd appearance of abund ance which la ai tractive) Reception Is Held In die Canadian Legation At Paris Many Distinguished Visit ors Attend the Event in Honor of Premier King Dsy of Activity.

Caneslca risse' Cabas. PARIS. France. Oct. 2.

Can ada Legation was the heart ''f the French capital social uie today when Hon. Phillip Roy, first Canadian Minister to France, and Madame Roy held a reception in honor of Premier Mackenzie King. Among th thousand prominent persons who passed through the CsnsdUn Legation wss Jean Knight, whose appointment as Minister to Ottawa, was officially announced earlier la the dsy. Dsy of. Interest.

It wss a day of Intense activity tor the Canadian Premier and M. Roy. Commencing with a visit to the Psstour Institute where Mr King deposited wreath on the tomb of Louis Pasteur, the Canadian ststeiaian nnd dlplomst war busy from morning till night attending official functions. They were the guests of Arlatlds Brlsnd. Frcnct Minister of For eign At airs.

st luncheon, later Premier King went to the Palais D'Elysee. where he was received by President Doumsrga. After the legstlon reception Premier King entertained at dinner's tb Hotel Crlllon In honor of tb Canadian minister aad Madam Roy. About 40 guests, all prominent Csssdlsn visitors to Paris, sttesd-sd the PTrn.ler's dinner. Traffic in the neighborhood of the Canadian Legation waa dens by five o'clock this afternoon, when guests begsn to srrivs for.

the re ception. A long line ef carriages stretched from the Court Albert Premier dewn tbe Avenue Victor Emmanuel to the Champs Elys, snd from the legstlon to ths stus Bsrsrd. sll watt ins their turn to deposit their occupants under the cardinal and white striped marquee erected bofrre tb entrance la case of rain. Tbe Interior of the legation was tastefully dercrsted with gladioli. Monsieur aud Madame Roy.

with Premier King, warmly greeted the guests ss they arrived. 40O Canadians. In Iho Imnedtat vicinity of tb host and hostesses could be sssn Sir Wlllism Tyrrell. British Amoas-ssdor to Francs, and members of hit staff including Cshlll Holman-Veames and Col. Smyth Plgott, while nearby waa M.

Knight snd Psul Pstnlev. Minister of War. Tbe Canadian High Commis sioner's slice In London wsa represented by Hon. P. C.

Larkln, the commissioner, and Reld Hyde. There were about 400 Csnadlsnt present st iho reception, including Hon. Chsrles A. Dunning. Minister of Railways and Mrs.

Dunning. Hon, Rodt lphe Lemleux. Speaker of tn House of Commons, and Madame Lemleux. Georges Bouch- ard. Liberal member for Katnour aska.

snd Madame Bouch ard. Hon. Dr. H. 8.

Belsnd. former member of the King Government, snd Msdsmo Belnnd, Senator Raoul Dsndurand. Government leader ta the Senato, and Dr. Blggar Bald' win. The Diplomatic Corps.

The diplomatic corn wss prom' Insntly represented, aotwlthstund- Ing ths fsct thst msny members are still on their holidays. Ths Pspal Nuncio, deaa of the corpa, and ths ambassadors of Gresl Britain, Belgium end Brail! were present, aa well as tb ministers from Afghanistan. Ksthouia. Uruguay, Costa Rica, Denmark, Cuba. Bo livia.

Panama. Portugal, Finland and Jugoslavia. Although the soclsl season In Psris haa not yet commenced, there were noticed la lb various salons of tb legation tb Maharajah of Kapurtnala. tb Marquis Roch- ambean. Sir John Filter, chairman of tb Hertford British Hospital, Paris, aad Lady Filter.

Le Comt Serge Fledry. of tb Foreign Office. Baronn Lagrange. Princess Tenlcheff. snd Prtnc Asa Khan, The prefect of tb Heine and Madam Bouja.

president of the municipal council Lemsrebsnd, Senator Mlnior, Senator Chaumet. Vlce-Admlral Dnmesnll, former Foreign Minister Oabrtel Hnnotaox nnd Madame Haaotanx, and Taughan Dempeey, agent-general of the Irish Free SUte, slao ware -observed congratulating the new Canadian Minister. Premier Gives Banquet Premier MscKentie King of Cen-sds gsv dinner tonight la honor of Hon. Phillip Roy, first Canadian Minister to Francs. The dinner was also tendered as a grace ful compliment to Madam Hoy whoa blrtbdsy wsa todsy.

Premier King In spanking at ths dinner remarked that "som forty years ago It was first thought tbst someone should represent Canada here. I cannot Imagine two ha man beings obtaining tha good will of tb people with whom they move more then hare Mr. snd Mrs. Roy. "Mr.

Roy's position is tbst represents th King Interests In hit asm. Ia tbst way th Emplr bad volvd end will contlnu to grow. It is on Ihnt basis that ths ths British Empire reels," Premier King continued. Mr. King added that he felt It waa a great honor to bave Sir Wll Ham Tyrrell.

British Ambassador to France, at th dinner. He aad Sir Wlllism bsd been friend of twenty year standing and had many nlks nnd talkt together dur Ing that time. He hsd been delighted tb hesr that Sir William had beea appointed Ambassador to ranee, ana especially so because, at th Mm. Canada waa thinking of appointing a minister to Frsnc. Sir Wlllism knew whst th Emplr meant, iseesus sir wiiuam na com to th dinner it was a real family party.

Work la Harssowy. Sir William In a brief apeech. said that he considered th occaaloa hla sdoptioa by Ceaads and to prove tbla be wonld work la harmony with tbe Canadian Minister. Among those nt the dinner were Hob. Rodolphe Lemleux, Speaker ef tbe Canadian Hoes of Common and Madam Lemlenx.

Sir Henry Thorntott aad Lady Thorn toa. Hoa. Cbarle Dsnnlag aad Mrs. Danalng, Senator Raoal Daadnraad aad Senator II. S.

Belaad and Madam Belaaa. -Featuring Dependable Values in Fur Adorned Coats Fascinating- New Stylet. Lovely, Rich Oorgeotu Mew Colon. Exquisitely Tailored. Beantiinlly Lined, Finest Workmanship.

Coat Values That Leatie No Doubt of their Supremacy. Winter Coats smartly fur trimmed Smsrt, new models from our Mending makers, well tailored and with durable linings nil the neweat shades snd th newest schemes of sdornment sn exceptional value. .95 See Our Range of Coats at $35 and $46 Sizes 11 to 50. Wonderful Values. Girls' Coats with fur collars and cu0s Mad Just Ilk little women's coats la all the niftiest styles and clever trimming lest styles snd clever trimming Ideae and the bright nee new elsea for girls rlt years.

Specie leclally only presenting nil (Th thsdes S-10 snd It iJaeaJ priced at Charming Silk Dresses Developed in Canton Crepes, Georgettes and Combinations depicting the cleoercsl of the new style notes. Bewitching little dresses tor the young miss models, of yonthful sp-pesrsnce for the mstron dslsty ia their trimming electa alluring In line nnd color Dresses thst msy be worn on sny occsslon aad tbst will be sure to axclt favorable comment from thoss who are keen followers of fashion smartness. Th tit rang It at present most complete bat advis early selection to avoid likelihood of Call us up and let us tell you about the Hydro I HOUSE FURNISHIN6 uiviimui 181 8AKK STREET OJUCESTt Talking About IX the temperate zones there is always the season of short daya and long night the season when artificial light is necessary in order that we may get full benefit of our regulation number of waking hours. Among modern methods of illumination electricity -is away in the lead, furnishing it yon are lucky enough to live in a locality that has efficient service quantities -of artificial light at very moderate prices. Ottawa in this regard is especially fortunate, because, by reason of maintaining its own municipal electric light plant the price of electric service is kept at a very low level, and everybody ean afford to have electro lighting.

-i' It yon are oae of those who do net as it aow le the time to do so. And In considering It remeufber thst Hydro Is your own company thst aa a taxpayer of the city yon are part of th concern, aad that It Is policy always lo patronlf your own. Ottawa Hydro-Electric Commission v-x CariiajJ Account! dattd th 21st ojmoch montht Rldeau Phon 718 Qnees 109 Bank Street, Cor. Albert Account leoi which" Ottawa subscribers wfil receive within a few days, win be accompanied by notices explaining important changes in future accounta. To aimpUfy and expedite our billing work we have divided our exchangee in Ottawa.

into four group. In future, each of th four groups of accounts will be prepared and aent out on a different day of th month. In this way, the work of preparing our 27,000 accounta for this city will be spread evenly over the entire month. You will appreciate, too, tha new form of account we are introducing at the same time, which will have ail figurea clearly printed and accurately totalled by machinea. In addition, charges shown will be right up to the data of the account.

1 Thb plan Is explaJnad not fully in a notice which accompanies your October let account, now in tha man. And, of course, our Business Office peoplo will welcome any opportunity of giving you further iroWmation. 7. D. LATJRIE, staaafar.

lj. Xseal eecfumges havt btm gmtpti fottMit -a Account dated th 6th aocA montht Sherwood Account dattd th 11th of och th 26th mcA tnotsfrV OofwtiV..

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