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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAUE roux (ARK.) COURIKR NKWS BLYTHBVILLE COURIER NEWS TIB COCKS! NKW8 00. HAINEB, Publisher JAMES L. VEBHOEFF editor PADl HUMAN, Advertising ilott National Advertising Representatives: Wtoner Co. New York, Chicago, Detroit. Atlanta, Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday second class matter at Blytbevllle.

Arkansas, under act ol Con- October 1911. Served by the United SUBSCRIPTION RATES: earner In the city ol Btythcvllle or anj town where carrlei service Is maintained, toe per week, or 85c pei month By within a radlue of 50 miles, per jretr, 12.00 tor six months. $1.00 foi three months: by mail outside 50 mile zone. tlO.OO per year payabie In advance. Meditation Walt here in the city until you are cloUiod with power from on Luke 24:29.

Uwtn Markhara said: "The trouble that it do not wait in the right places to this power from on high." His Clothes Were Ragged It didn't happen here; but it might. The little boy's clothes were ragged; the soles of bis shoes were full of holes his hands were stiff from cold. He was walking along Main Street, U. S. A.

No one paid much attention. Few saw the pinched look on his face, the thinness of the body, the hollowness of his eyes. Just another street urchin. The announcement of his death the next day caused little comment. Someone mentioned the dreadful condition of other people's lives, but no one did much about it.

Some said, "That isn't my responsibility. It couldn't happen to anyone I know. I'm safe, and so is my family, let the rest of the world take care of itself." But wait. These are your neighbors, whether they live next door or back in the alley. They are human beings, who should be happy, healthy and fun roving like you and I.

The Community Chest fund, which is soliciting contributions now, enables the Social and Child Welfare Depart; merits to continue their work. Won't i yifa contribute'' your part now, and make your home town a better place in which to live? Union Help for the Marshal I-Plan Some of the best brains of Aineri- two biggest labor organizations have not been too busy with domestic to give some thought to the situation in Europe. Their thinking seems sound, and the chances of Europe's recovery might well be increased if their projects are put into notion. The AFL would like to see labor spokesmen, chosen by labor, in a num- of posts connected with the administration of the Marshall Plan. These would include important diplomatic jobs in key countries, if the AFL had its way.

This request is backed by tlie soundest logic. Soviet say nothing of Henry A. telling the world that American foreign Policy is being shaped by Wai Streetcrs for the benefit of Wall Street. Tlie Marshall Pl an a foundation stone of that policy. Give organized American labor a significant role in administering that plan and Communist propaganda would lose much of its steam.

The AFL is going to ask the State Department to support, in the United Nations, the union organization's request that the UN Social and Economic Council and the International Labor Office survey the "slave labor" situation and try to find a means of overcoming it. The whereabouts of the many thousand military prisoners allegedly trans- V.Ported from the Soviet zone of must be determined at high government levels. Still, the interest of unions in the fate of these wprkers-an interest based on economic as well as humane considera- entirely proper. Meanwhile the CIO is reported Kady to spend a million dollars in Europe next year to improve the lot of members of Europe's remaining free unions. CIO plans are said to include, wnong other things, the establishment or youth centers in various countries.

wert made before the Communist-inspired riots in France and Italy. But the riots only emphasize the need of rescuing these confused, fcd, disillusioned, war-reared Ironi Communist agitators. Other CIO projects include the construction of a clothing factory in Italy, anil the up of playgrounds and niir.serie.s for the children of mothers who want to work. It is hard to see why the American government should not welcome union plans. suggestions and go along with them.

High-echelon aid con- not reach down to intimate contact with the rank and file of European workers. A private program of aid, such as the CIO contemplates, should inspire the confidence as well as the gratitude of the workers. Officers of both the AKJ, and CIO, working among these workers but American government, should be convincing proijf that the United States' intention in Europe is to help, not to exploit. Europeans today'are in urgent need of an antidote fur the concept of class struggle, which is gaining ground in an atmosphere of growing misery. The spectacle of the CIO and AFL, in spite of some bitter domestic rivalries, cooperating with their government in rebuilding Europe's economy would certainly offer an example which the Communists would be hard put to dismiss.

A More Direct Payment White House reporters to think Unit Argentina stands good chance of getting an American loan if the Peron government should request one. Evidently it is felt that a loan of dollars might purchase the South American country's greater co-operation in the international food supply program. Well, a Ittfin probably would be cheaper than our present practice of sending dollars to European governments who spend them with Argentina for wheat, with the profits going into President Peron's treasury. Certainly such a transaction would have a more pleasing odor than thai associaled with Argentina's brazen shakedown of a hungry Europe. VIEWS OF OTHERS A Hemisphere Policy The Western Hemisphere can become model or stable world economy.

That is. it can if it moves along the lines suggested to the National Foreign Trade Council here Monday by Mexico's Secretary of the Treasury, Kamon Beleta. He divided the hemisphere Into Creditor America and Debtor Uniten states, fully indiistraltzed nnd rich in know-how and capital, and the Latin American countries, rich in agricultural and mineral resources but industrially backward. II Is not only to the interest of these lesser nations but also to that this country to push their development. The united States, he argued, would liu more rather than less business with an inrtusli.ilized Latin America To bolster this argument, he cited the example of Canada.

He might also Have pointed the improvement In business nnd political rc between Mexico and the United states In the last two does Frank in the Mirror of Public Opinion lodav-as TlT ad 5 bCl nc Ri Betela. is the out its own salvation in an U'rtrM That C5S temptation to European brought to he.piessness oy' tll misery. That way lies ruin. -ST. LOUIfi POST-DISPATCH.

So Much Depends on How You Look at It SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 194T Truman's Message to Congress Makes Good Political Strategy; GOP Does Not Like It BY PETER ROSON Correspondent) i "it involves a major economic re- 2. form in the United States. In one way the Truman message tosses the bad medicine bull te Republican Republicans are not liking President Truman's message to Congress a bit. The business lobbies like even less because It calls for return ol government price ntid rationing control. Labor should love it, even though it calls for authority to control wages.

The message Is nwful good polUi- presidential candidate Robert A. Tnft. It is now his pitch. FOKWAItn UNCOMPLETED This is the third time Truman has tossncl tho inflated ball to Talt. The two times Tnft missed the 1 i iull, 1U103CU UlLI; cal It puts the high-cost- 'catch.

Last January the President of-living issue right up to Congress. II Congress doesn't want to do anything about it, that's the law-makers' choice. But If they choose to do nothing or monkey around, the responsibility for whatever hapixjns next win be right smack on the congressional shoulders. to Congress his lirst economic report. Taft did nothing about It.

The. second time was last July, when i the President sent up a mid-year economic report. Both called atten- lion to inflation. In the month before Congress i Journcd, Taft's committee did hold Inc Job ol curbing U. S.

infla- hearings. Every economic thinker Ion which the President has now mid planner who had a piece to handed Congress would normally speak came in and testified But take six months. It took that long the committee did nothing about it to pass the first price control act and During the congressional recess the stabilization act. It took the three sub-committees toured the Republican Congress of 1047 that country to investigate high long to revise price mid i aliening I alter Ecu. Ray Baldwin of Con- controls downward in the "unworn- necticut had needled them into nc- able" bill the President had to vero.

tion. Taft wasn't along on any of It will take a month or more set these investigations, as he had a up the price and rationing control trip of his own to make out west machinery Congress finally ap- for purely polilicxl purposes When proves, so whatever inflation-curb- the three sub-committees ins is done is a long way off. to the mid-western Congress, intended to stave off, group under Ohio Congressman tlie fourth round of wage increases. George H. Bender came out flatly The third round ir, nlrendy here.

I against any ed In Trumnn's message. WHAT CONGRESSMEN OVERLOOKED The Flanders sub-committee then recommended consideration of rais- Senate Probe Provides Pulsating Plot of Prime Plunder THE DOCTOR SAYS By WILLIAM A. O'BHIEN, M. Written for NBA Service Alcoholics become ill from excessive Indulgence, or through failure to eat while drinking. The chief chronic complications from alcohol affect the brain, spinal cord and liver.

Action of alcohol upon the body can be likened to an ether anesthetic. Although alcohol Is sometimes considered to bs a stimulant, Its chief effect Is to depress the nervous system. The first result Is a feeling of exhilaration, which follows release of restraints. The face becomes flushed, pulse is full and bounding and the victim breathes deeply. Speech becomes loud and Incoherent.

language It used and stories told which, under ordinary conditions, would be repressed. All effects heightened by the companionship of other persons who are experiencing the same re- In acute Intoxication, there is loss of nearous and muscular control. Reaction time is slowed down and accidents occur from inattention and poor judgment. Any drinker may get into trouble in this phase, if he attempts to drive a car or walk in traffic. An attack of delirium tremens can easily develop In a chronic alcoholic.

As a result of great restlessnws and depression, he Is unable to sleep and consumes more alcohol. After a few days, the alcoholic sees and hears things which are not real. Immediate medical and hospital care Is necessary, If a fatal termination Is to be In spite of beliefs to the 4 BL FREDERICK C. OTHMAV (United Preu Staff WASHINGTON, Nov. 22 No quickie producer In Hollywood ever considered a plot such as unfolded In a Senate hearing room; the censors would have tossed It on tlie cutting room floor and set a match to It.

The proceedings hardly seemed real. The pale-faced MaJ. Gen. Bennett Meyers, retired, told a that couldn't possibly have hai ed, except said. it did.

Sen. Homer Ferguson, ot chairman of the looking into the general's big business deals, squirmed as in embar- rasment as he listened. And Blcriot LaMarre, the wronged wronged he' sat there with his cheeks flushed a deep pink, while he stared at man who admitted long-time love affair with Mrs. LaMarre. The bala-ncaded general said he was a chivalrous soul, but that also was In a spot.

He said lie hated mention the name of a lady, but mention it he had to do. And then he blurted out the whole story, banging the table at Intervals, getting paler than his own shirt as I'! went along, and speaking so rapidly reporters had difticulty keeping up with him. He scrunched forward on his bii leather chair, so that his words reverberated as far as the crowds waiting outside the door, and said that Mrs. LaMarre- had been not only his secretary, but his girl friend (his words) between 1936 and 1940. "Was she married In 193G? the senator.

"To Mr. LaMarre," the replied, rhis relationship was with his knowledge, approval and LaMarre uncrossed his long lega, crossed them again, and frowned. ach Itself shows very little out of the ordinary when examined with a fpcclftl Instrument. LIVER AFFECTED Cirrhosis or hardening of the liver develops in chronic alcoholics and moderate and heavy drinkers. If an animal Is denied ing the work week to 44 hours, in- food and given alcohol at the same creasing Interest rates on bank I time, cirrhosis of the liver can be loans, lowering individual income produced.

Chronic alcoholics who taxes, raking minimum wages above do not eat while drinking are more Legislation to provide the S337 million emerpcncy aid for France, Italy and Austria may be shoved through before the holidays. Deficiency propriations lor and Japan should follow in sliort order This other bill of t'oods the Pros- return to controls. The eastern group under Sen. Ralph Flanders of Vermot came up with a report that consideration might be given to rationing meat, butter and eggs, restoring installment-buying controls, extending export controls, allocating scarce the present cents an hour, and asking management and labor voluntarily to hold down wages and profits. Senator Flanders had previously urged curbs on commodity exchange speculative trading.

Trumans' message also calls for ourblng the grain pit gamblers and he has previously and repeatedly asked for a higher minimum wage. On the other parts of the Flanders program he does not go atong. What the President that the congressional committee on tile economic report has apparently not thought of is: authority to allocate transportation facilities and equipment; control over livestock and poultry marketing; encouragement ol Department of Agriculture conservation practices; extended rent control, and control over inventories of scarce materials. This, then, is the Truman austerity program. It is an austerity program in which nobody need get hurt.

Compared with the British Church of The Immaculate Con- austerity program, the Truman mes- ception in a meeting Monday af- apt to develop this condition Excessive indulgence in alcohol shortens the life expectancy, but statistics show that the outlook for social drinkers and teetotalers is essentially the same. Moderate to heavy drinkers and alcoholics pay the penalty for their failure to practice self-control. QUESTION: What Is chronic sit- us media? I am unable to find the word In the dictionary. ANSWER: You must have misunderstood your physician. I would hazard a guess that he said chronic otitls which is Inflamatlon of the middle ear.

15 Fears Ago In Blytheville Mrs. J. F. Lent! was elected president of the Altar Society of the :iuttll.l; incnt flshs for Ls something else I grains. These four are rccommcnd- oTfcrs Ice cream and Cake.

All the Truman austerity program asks the country to do is cut out the foolishness it. has indulged in since June, 1946, with wages chasing prices up the spiral staircase of inflation in a rat race that can end only in the trap of an economic crash. IN H6LLYWOOD BY KKSKINE JOHNSON XKA Stuff Correspondent McKENNEY ON BRIDGE BARBS Bj IIAL COCIIKAN A writer lists five es lhal glve most trouble in her housekeeping An(l llc dldn include father. A statistician ys nc CH JMr f0rS first of the month comes 12 mrs A bachelor-, life is just one unrfarned thing after another. Girls who are givinj fr( kncr skirts arc having more trouble setting Forces End-Play HOLLYWOOD.

Nov. 21. (NEA)-by oil lantern at the fashion show took housing problem to no Shrewd Deduction fenturc liver, a strip of bacon, a slice of chicken ami an olive on a tired piece of lettuce. Her favorite recollections of the trip: Fashionably -dressed women riding bicycles. Collide boys jit- tcrlniKgiiig- with two nml three eirls at a time.

Kiitinj three breakfasts in a row on the back to because of tli time variance. to get Myrna Loy really out of the perfect-wife, rut. She and Cary' Grant arc wrestling with the house building in "Mr. Ulnndings. Buikis His Dream House." ternoon.

Mrs. C. C. Wood was elected secretary and treasurer. Miss Peggy McKeel, who attends Lindenwood College, St.

Charles, will arrive here tomorrow to the Thanksgiving Holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Leech.

Miss Aleece Nelson who is a member of the Parkin High School faculty will arrive tomorrow to spend LaMarre became president of concern, which did more than $1,000, 000 worth of war business. He claimed that he got only per week and during the five years ol its existence, he passed on more than $150,0001 profits secretly to Gen. Meyers. "Thai was not true," the general shouted. "Tnis man has admitted he perjured himself.

I organized that company for the reasons I statnl and I loaned the LaMarres, both of them, about $18,000 over the years." The senator wondered 1 if he had any cancelled checks to back up this assertion. Gen. Meyers was amazed. Why, he said, he was married to his second wife at the time. And he could not conceive of a U.

S. senator believing that he would pay anything but cash under the ciru- cumstances. Now Sen. Ferguson's face wu flushed under his 'mop of hair. He said he believed that Gei 'Meyers' story reflected more dishonor upon the uniform ol an army general than did the tale LaMarre.

Ijf Thla time the general was dulos. "DlshonorT" he shouted. uniform? Is It dishonorably to net two people up In business and give them a start?" The senator had no comment about that. the remainder of with relatives the week here decided that East could not hold more than two diamonds. On this Slayer ot Constable Sentenced to Death TEXARKANA, Nov.

22 (UP) Hill, 22 year old Hookj. Negro has been sentenced to death for the fatal shooting ot special constable Bob Talley. Nov. 9. A Miller County jury deliberated only two minutes before returning a guilty verdict.

Meanwhile, trial of companion, Joe Johnson on a similar charge will be held NOT. 28. Separate trials will also be given Charles Lee and S. T. Hubbard in he led a small diamond from connection with Tailey's death aummy to his own hand, and re- light and they hassle.

She squeezes the toothpaste lube in the middle, he carefully rolls it up from the end. She throws a ski boot at him. Snirt Myrna: "It's a normal husband and wife relation- ship. There's nothing idyllic about' The picture is built for laughs, of course, as both of them practically lose their minds over building their postwar dream home. The cost starts out at S10.0UO, but mote.

I-: building costs arc higher It may be starts. The doctors say cat less for your own uuofl; Uncle Sam says cat less if you know what's for you. winds up at $37.500. the time film is ready preview SET COST Jionii Hut Mr. Blandmes' troubles were nothing comparer! to RKO's.

The studio had to build Mr. Bland- ines' 11-room dream house on a Mace. Una I cost: STfl.OOO. Myrna has devoted a pood deal of her lime and talent the airv to combat the Red charges hurled against Hollywood. She told me: "I don't Hunk it's fair.

1 srifnt four years working with tlip lt rl Then I woke up nnc morn- tuff to discover 1 hud appeared in "what Ilicv s.iitl was commuuislir propaganda." Host Vcars of Our Joan Leslie spent the summer in bouti ar.d jeans, plnyiiu- a feminine ranch foreman In "Nnrth- wrst stampede." and then (lew to as the "Ideal American Beauty" to model fashions tor the San Francisco Apparel Manufacturers Association. Only thr richest Parisians can afford the now look. hc said High Mylc dresses there ar $.100 and up. The average woman on the streets of Paris wears her above her knees. Joan dressed up Here is a hand played by Joseph E.

Low of New York, who had to make the correct deduction on it. The hand came up in a duplicate game at the Cavendish Club. Low knew his partner had a very strong hand when he jumped to four hearts. The important play The dialogue on a Sing Crosby came oti the very first trick, picture sometimes is better than in East had bid four spades, and the script. Sir Ccriiic Hardwlckc the opening lead of the three-spot plays King Arthur in the tcchni- definitely marked E--st with the kin-; color fantasy which Tay Garnett of spades.

Therefore the correct play is dnvcting. It's his first charce from dummy wa-s the small spade at a Hollywood film comedy, although he was 1 knighted for his comedy on the English stage. Whispered Hardwicke: "I'm playing the kinj: as if you expect Croshy to play Ihc ace," Crosby took one look at his nine cl.ibnrate costume changes and crarltcd: look like a one-man masquerade ball." "IIKTTKH THAN DKAXXA" Eagle Lion will Introduce a gal they're hailing as another Deanna' Din-bin "only better" in a new film titled "Mickey." Her name i is Lois antler and a few weeks was a sophomore at a Los Anu-cles high school. She's 15. and i John Charles Thomas says she's the coloratura he lias ever I heard, bar none Fox gave her a screen test, though she was wonderful, but failed to give her a contract.

Lois' 'idol Is Nelson Eddy and she's suae four times with him on the air, nnrt also with the IXM Anders p'-ilharmonic. Her dad is a building supply contractor, and the family hails from Indiana- she has two sisters and three brr.thrrs, all of whom are married tlrtest, sister has six children. She si ill hunts out old Nelson Eddy films. "And." she blushed. "I dream about him almost night." turned a diamond to dummy's ace.

Then he led the queen of spades, which East won. Low's dedtiction proved to be correct, as East had no diamond to cnsh. He had to lead either a club very pretty enfl-play I or eitncr of wnich wou Witnesses said Hill's three companions held Talley while Hill grabbed the officer's gun and shot huri The Negroes were being escorted jail on a charge ol driving an un- lightcd vehicle. There are 7000 bridges in uft land Vnfa n6 Riding Actor A QG A 109 52 A 10874 N'one A .1 103 87 5 None Low KQJ 73 92 7 2 South West North 1 Pass 4 6 Pass Pas; 3 vul. East won the trick with tlie ace, ruffcti a club in dummy, led a heart back to his hand, ruffed another club, relumed to his hand with a heart and ruffed the king ot clubs.

Now he hart to decide what East's probable holding in diamonds wu.y With no clubs in the North hand. Low felt that Sast would have at least four ciubs. West's opening every lead of the three of spades marked with seven spades, Low HORIZONTAL 1.4 Pictured Western star 10 Constellation 13 Poem Animals 15 Gallon (ob.) 16 Fly ISPetiiions 19 Fork prong 20 Wandering 22 Epic 2-1 Proceed 25 Musical nole a6 Mouselike mntnmal 29 Condition 33 Hasten 34 Give (Scot.) 35 Dropsy 38 Coral island 40 While Accomplish 12 Crown is a star 50 Sea eagle 51 Brain passage 54 Back of the neck 55 Land parcel 56 He acts on the silver 58 Pigeon pea 59 Compass point UO Brought up 61 Cloth measure VERTICAL 1 Flower 2 Aroirta 3 Period of time 4 Regius professor (ab.) 5 Hops' kiln 6 Antelope 7 Dutch city 8 Headstrong 9 Steamship Cab.) 10 Exchange premium 11 Hindu queen 12 Fijh sauce 17 Storm 19 Waste allowance 21 At this lime 23 Bitter vetch 26 Her 27 Concealed 28 Scottish sheepfold 30 Past 31 Sesame 82 Lamprey 36 Manufactured 37 Peer Gynl's mother 38 Bustle 39 Village 42 Remove 43 Press 44 Poker stake 45 Rodents 46 Indian 47 Ordered 48 Gem 49 Shout 52 Malayan colnj 53 Ever 56 Senior (ab.) 57 North Dakota (ab.) to.

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