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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 25

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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I THU OTTAWA JOCBNAU THCMDAT, HPT. IT. Iwstt. t.f BA8IBAXL BOWLIMO TTJBT SING 0017 TKAXIS Int. or UK 1 Auh VJLKx oUU KhAUS 1 I Hendricks Hammers When Robins Defeat jLeague Leaders Dazzy Vance Hurls Sensational Game Cardinals Kerer a Threat After Tint Inning Vance Complete! 200 8trtkeouti For Season American League Teams.

Are Idle. af HATIOHAt UAO0B. i BROOKLYN. K. Sept.

II The long right rm ot daxillnt Daisy Vases sprinkled loads ul load of eelt apoa Ue proud tell tasUers of tb strutting E4 Birds aaia tkla aftaraooa, and Jait aa Ue obllglag fowl wara performing all their amarual tricka tor Ue de-llghtad pltehar, (link Hendrlck stepped to tha plata aad nnfeei-lagly slaughtered Ua flock of Ueea. Tha Olak did It with kla llttla home raa bat while tkraa Boblaa wara roosting contentedly apoa every available perch ia tba aaveath laalBf, with hardly a thought of moving (row where Uey wara.Tka Olak aaaibt oaa of Had Bird Mlt-eksM's choice spltttra aad aaot K.oa a rid to tar aad diatant parM tor a eoaiplata trip aroaad tba baaaa and aata traaaporutloa koma for all tha. Boblaa oa tba bases. 1 Thla blow enabled tba bona flock from Brookyla to kambla tba St. Louis foe by a acoro ot to 1 so to radaca tka moaad eity martin la tba paaaaat raoa to a bara half nan over tko Gleets, wko aat idla la tha chin of tba etaada.

Par-hap thara aboald ba a law agalast aaek brutality, bat Joha MoQraw wlU aot be the aao to tatrodaoa it. Tha Brooklyn Bpeed-bsll mar- ekaat toaad tba cold, blaak day aot to kla llkln. aad It aaamed for a tlma that ka woald wait tba car-dlaala to axkaaattoa baforo tba tint half of tha flrat roaad eoald be ceded. Doethit, High. Prtaea aad Harper bit tba trail aroaad tba patba aa Vaaea'a wild ahota aloaa, aad Doatklt laarltakly waa, forced aeroee tka plata.

Praceealoa Halted. Tkck and thara tha procession salted. Tha oil began to now la tba. danler'a right wing, and tha Cardinals might Just wall bar kang ap tbalr beta tor the root of tba afternoon. Fire aeattorad klta ware collaclad br tka waatara leaden, but aa-auay Ubmb Vaaca pat oa extra atoam aad brnaad tka hall paat Inert beta or aaw tboaa beta ralaa weak pop-fllea ia what mlghT be termed Little BabMtMaraartlla, deaa of all tka Cardlaala, opeaad ap- tka fifth wltk a triple, tka flrat kit off Vaaca, but ptoed frosaa to third base ia amaxemeat aa atltckell, boathlt aad High failed to briag him home.

Aa a matter of tact, tha Rabbit blmeelt'-waa trapped off tha bate whaa Ooathlt miaaad tha ball oa aa attempted aaaeeae. bat he peampered aaieljr back oa Haak Deberry'a poor tof to eateh him. Tha Cardinal sever aerloaaly threateaad at any other tlma after tha drat. Vance entered tha game aiming at a mark ai 10 atrlka-oau tor tka rolled ap aeeea to rtaca tnat euet Bgara. iim Bottomley contributed three of tbue.

aad Oraattl. aad Doathit ronaded oat tha total, la tka ninth attar tha Cardinale admitted they were eaak. Tke daaxlar has doae km aha re aad mora for tka Robin and th4 Olant. too. It aaema tkla He ratlrea to tke atda-Haaa with si Rochester Beaten By Indianapolis Cold Weather Keeps the Crowd Sown' To Proportions For Opener.

'V K0CHE8TBR, N. Sept, M- la aa 11 iaalBg pltckera' battle, tha Indwaapolla Indiana took tka flrat game la tka little world's ear lea from Rochester today I to itere Swetoale sad Tie Kaaa, daadtng rlght-kaaders of Ue two elaba waat tka fall route sad bald their oppoaeats aeoreleaa for six tanJaga. Two walks, oao of tkam lateaA Uoaal. aad a trick doable Is tha eleventh ssTe tka Indiana two rena aad tha game, althoagh tka Wlags Kked over oaa la. their half aad i two mea oa tha bags whea Kaatmaa flied to Waratler for tko anal oat.

Both teems threateaad In 'tke early iaalnga bat wara enable to bring la a ran. (' Tka Wlpge fllled tke baaaa ta tha foorth bat Kaea tliad for Ike last oat. Ia the fifth aad sixth trainee doable playa by Gelbart, Toporaar sad Moaahaa stopped ralllaa of the ladlaaa. Tha play la tka sixth -earns aftar Toporeer'l boot ot Matthews' groaader aad Haaeya alngl are tka Indiana big chance to pat over a raa. Keens wild teas of Speaeara saerldee la tka sevaatk allowed Bwaklroa, who had etagled to score, the tret of tke game.

It looked like tke Amerieaa Association ekamploaa woald get another whea Speaeer waat to third -oa Waratler'a oat. bat Felix aat him dews at tha plate aftar taking ia Bs ires' fly. ft waa tka Rede- third double play. Tko Vlaga got tka irst raa la the eighth oa singles by Colbert aad Moaahaa. Cool weather beat the opaalac day crowd to a total of paid admission.

Tka teame meet agaia tomorrow, aad tkea rest a day. ataylas: kara aa satarday sad Saa 11. Old Reliable Timely Home Run Scores In Majors; NATIONAL LBAGUB. Brookrya, Si M. Lomta, 1.

Ctiaraao, PUIadetadala, S. PWIsbasgh, Baatoa (poetpoaod.) i taTIHCAM lilaAODm. (Wo gam is scSwsMMd.) LKAOCB. Tadmmipnlhi. St.

pwessaater, mark of It Victoria sad only IP defeats. The Boblaa retained Vaaea'a lost ironed la tbalr vary lrst time at bat and added oaa raa last for lack sad good meaaare. Handrlck beat oat tingle to abort with two out, aad took aa extra baas oa lfaraavllla'a poor throw. Passes to Brasser and BIs-soaatt Iliad 'am ap, and Jake Flowers' pinch single emptied two of 'am. Nobody kaowa tke ahort-eomlnn ot tko Robins better than Vaaca.

aad ba aeemed eoateat and resign ed to worry along with that mack of Tka satbarat la the seventh aevertholeae waa weleoaM eaoagb, aa it aaaled the fate of the daxxlera last gam beyond aay doubt. Paaaaa to Deberry aad Carey aad; etagle by Gilbert aat tka stats for yoaag mr. Haadrtek, aad what ha did la matter of hlatbry. PHILADELPHIA, Bept It The Cbleago Cnba closed their 111 books with Us billies here tbit afterdooa by pounding the noma clue for aa I to I victory be- hiad tha taa pitching of Perce Melons. Tkla aot only gars tha Case IS oat of 1 sgalaat tha Phlla for the season, bat also kept tha McCarthy head ta tk pennant race from a standpoint of mathematics, at aay avaat.

The Cube srawlad as oaa fall game os tha laadlag Cards, sad saw trail by hoar aad oae-half coa-toata. The Bralaa have tva to play aad the Card have foar, so aay St. Loala victory or any Chicago defeat woald aatoaiatically knock ua Home taaa played a big part ta making today' gam close for evea inning. Hartnatt aaat I Cabs Into a lead of foar to nothing with circuit blow la the fourth. bnt Lerlna hit one over the right eld wall for the Phlla' Irat raa la the seat round.

Chuck Klela collected his 11th homer ia tk acxt inning wltk two oa. B. H. v. fcouln v.

10001 1 Brook Ira I00040x a- 1 Mitchell. Johnson and Wlleoa; Vaac aad Deberry. B. H. B.

'tlSlOOOtO it Phlla. tooiioa I Maloao aad Hartnatt: Wnlah. King, McGraw aad Lerlaa. Plttsburgh-BostOB Postponed rain. Baseball Records BATIOBAIi LKAGUK.

W. Pet. t. Loala It II .111 New Tovk 11 II Chhssgs 17 -Vl f.H4 PlUsbarth II II i.HT CUcUaeU T7 II .111 Brooklra T4 j-iti Boatoa II til .131 Philadelphia 41 1T .117 AMTKICAIt LEAOCB, --v. Pet Nw Tork 17 It .111 PbUadelpaii II It Loala It 71 .111 Waahlngtoa Tl T7 AVI Chloaso, 71 71 .471 Detroit 17 II Cleveland I' 'it- uostoa .11 pi Home Son Standing Homers Testerdav Handrlck.

Boblaa, 1: Hartaett, Cnba. Lerlaa, PhHIlea, -Klein, Phillies, 1. Nattoaal League leader Bottomley, II; Wllaoa, (-uaa, at Msrey, caramels, it; BisaoaatU, Boblaa, II: Hornsbr. Braves, III Harper, Cardlaala, It; Harat. PhlUlea, 11.

Amerlcea Leecae Isadora Katk, anaeee.av; ueang, ana see, gi; AtBiatiea. ti; Simmons AthJetica, 14; Bias, Browaa, 14 oell a. Senators. 14. Lwgaa totals III; aasancsa.

4i Total, ti BiiaUmLK wnr OYZS WAIaxOCBYILLK BBLUsTTLLB. Sept II Miienii Nationals defeated WaJ-kervillo "CWoka" I to I today aad evened tko sari for tko sealer Ontario base sell ahamBloushtB. The third sad dsefdlag gam VUJ he played st Oeelph a Saturday. "Hoot" Oibsoa. Belleville pitch-IBS' see, allowed but, tare hit ts today'a eoeteet aad bat aaa Wat-ksrvlUe raaaor reached Ulrd has daring th gams, "Hoot" added to.

hi raeord by atrikiag est It mea sad geiag ts the atatk inning wttkeat heading oat a pas. tie Best Mr. Maude Ross Ladles'. Champion At Royal Ottawa Mrs. Mauda Boa defeated' Mr.

T. P. Aheara aa tha taal green' at tk Roya Ottawa eoan yesterday for tha club championship by oaa kola. It waa aa exciting game, teeming witk brllllaat play by both versatile playere, aad the lead Blteraated back and forth. They teed of all aqaara at tka lTtb Mrs.

Boss took a tva aad Mrs. Aheara a six. Tha game ellmaxed a apleadld aaasoa at the Boyel Ottawa, aad waa earlched with all the sporta-asaaaklp that events of thla aatare bring oat. Mrs. Roe played with great assaraaeet aad bar game waa steady aad brilliant.

gas to oaa ot tha beet tody player la th dis trict, aad haa played great golf all summer ia th varloua tonrna- menta. la holding aueh a doughty op- poneat to each a cpse score Mrs. Aheara showed th force and Ire of her game soma years ago. Earlier la tha aseaoa ah llmlnnted Mlsa Helen Paget, aad played wltk all ker old eoeslstsaey. Bbe aa aot been constant IB tournament play, aad does aot practise aa assiduously aa many of' tba other prominent players, bat showed remarknbla game aever-theleea and It gleamed wltk bril liance, aa did the game of tha champion.

Following Race In Big Leagues The hulking form ot Dasay Vaaee east aa lasurmountabl obstacle law tke' upward petk ot the Cardlaala at Brooklyn yesterday, and Instead of gaining half a game while the Glaata were idle they found themselves hauled down tha lam distance In the more vital losing column to a point only knit a game ahead ot th pursuing cohorts of Joha McGraw. The Cardinale now. face the danger of aeiag una tor flrat place today even If thay win from Boston, as they should. The Giants bar two agalaat tko Cabs, aad could dead lock the scramble by tukina both area if the Carda also won. The-at.

Loala contenders nevertheless face aomethlng softer in three game agalast the Braves than tke Olante have any reason to expect la their tour clashes agaiost in cune. I Tka Cab won and remained la tba race mathematically. The steadies: Osmes 'Woe ltmt SW tuhlnj Loots SI IS sis New yrk 1 If I Chleete IT at 114 uame to play: 8L Louis At Bostoa. at Hw Torn, toUU 4. New York With Chicago, with St.

Louis. 1: toUI. I. Chi- oagc At New Tort. at Cincin nati, i cotei All the Amerieaa League clubs war Idla yesterday.

The Takkew are to play a doable-header la De troit toasy by way or starting a Ivefam series and tha Athletics wimaake their last stand stalest the White Sox. foar aingl games being scheduled Th standing remained: Oamea Woe' LAst Po. Bebiad New York at am Pkllsdelphla It SIS I uemes to play: Mew rorb At Detroit, total I. Philadelphia At Chieago, 4: totaL 'One tame agalaat Boatoa dropped from schedule, i Bom very aseelleat golfers keep th face of tke lroa entirely closed aa tney swing hack. qthrs da jsst me opposiie, letting the face pea ap as' tka bask swing starts.

Portua ataly, yea are aot reauirod by lav rtberwis to use oaa txad sad predotor-mlaed method la thla detail. Toa aaa employ either, but aa moral ral I mould say Pick aat one method aad aao that one; dost twitching back and forth. Tour frlp should It mm mxuoo you you keep tka face clossd. have i tk left hand well oa top of the abaft aad tke rlgkt hand eorrasaoadlaele eVnrn. If yea opea ap tk tseo aa yoa go oacg, aava is rif at Bead mors ap toward tb top, aad tha left haad a bit mora to th left.

The akatehei hw thee grip, th trst swing oca fiutcuinsoa grip, th other of Bob Jones, Whatever vosr method keep tko lroa eloao to the irons la tko start beck, sad sea tb ball. Also hold the haad ttUL SAMMY BAKU WDTS 07XB YOUXa COBBXTT BBBETS FIELD, Brooklyn. N.T., sept. ergonnt Sammy Baker, Hitcneu Field wllrwlgbt, woa the declsloa from Toaag Corbett Ulrd ot Callforala ia a II-roan 4 bout hero toalsht Baker Came back to eutpolat the caiuoralaa alter Corbett tagd whirlwind attach ta early reuse. After tko bell ta tha second roaad Corbett dropped Baker witk a keft to tka Jaw which brought a etorta of pretest from Baker's secoads.

Tha soldier at tret re rased to aaswer th bell far the Ulrd roaad. bat taally east eat to raa late aa other series of heft 4 th head that had Baker asaaagad to weather tbel attack aad toward Ue oad of the treat trapped Ue Cell lorn las tor Bo count with a hard right to the jaw. ia taa Math a agaia had Corbett erCsT from a hard right to tko Jaw, bat the wsslsrusr clinched aad bavad klauelf. Ia Ue last half of. th flsht Baker switched his attack from Ue heed Body sad W-Mkeaed Oorwatt with hi paatehtag blows to eeer a victory oa polata, Baker welgked 111 1-4 i Cof sett 141 1-4, Wn Toa it Xyinar The Tough IJiflpirl.

Sitting In With Senatorial Squad In Preparation For Opening Contest Senators are looking brisker aad a Harry Hutcblagama Is playing a tne brand at quarter back sad showing groat Improvement. a Low Ooce has aot boon so t-. temtiv to practice. He cams dowa tasretgtst ao fast that ba thrcoteaa to go stale before Charlie Conasll sad Mickey McMillan are lroa mea. Three or tour lacrosse games a weftk and a couple ot rngby pfactlaet mean nothing la their yonng llvea.

Lynch is tha aams able quarter-back of yore. Walter Nixon, long associated with rugby, and wko bus sa most of great playara. of th paat 41 years, rate Lynch tha eqaal of the best la this position. it a tow Brace is back at bie old poatUea at as Uflty. a Dav Hsrding win be glvea a big haad by his, old friends whea he ooenee bar Satarday.

Ha rendered yeoaaaa aorrloa for Ottawa ia Women Seniors Hold Tournament Mrs. E. P. Clarkson of Bosedale Wins Two ETents. V- TOBOHTO.

OaC Sept, 11. The sixth anneal tournament of Ue Canadian Women's senior Oolf As- aoeiatioa begaa at -the Toronto Oolf CUk today and Mrs. B. P. Clarkson of 'the Roesdal Clab same Uroagh with viotorlea la two of Ue three events that ware conducted.

Ue drivtBS aad mixed ursoataa. Tha mixed foursome was a alae-hole handicap event, divided lata tares etsises, noeord lng to basdicape, aad tha winning pair, Mrs, tar Keen and Lady Ball. lie, OakrUle. turned la a gross score of 14 which with their combined handicap of II gave them a net II. In class Mrs.

J. N. Laing of Moaat Brnao aad Mrs. T. Flndley of Lena ton won with net of II wlU foar ether pairs tied for second place.

Ia class Mrs. R. n. Oreene ot Lambtoa sad Mrs. Blake of Toronto woa wlU aat II over Ue ladles coarse.

rtlrty-two pairs eompeted la tko foareomoa, despite Ue cold weather, bat tko wlad aad the weather conditio created havoe with Ue scoring hoc of Ue majority of Ua oo moat I tors. Mrs. Clarkaoa aad tka bast groaa score with a 47. BIB WALTEK WCtS LKXtNOTOM, II. lr Walter, drtvea by Mania Chllds.

woa th Lafsystts tuke for Ml pseers wklck faatarod a rather tsa sard st todays trots. Riley, wo tk opealag kt ta 1 11 1-4, tk fastest time of tka day. tlr Wat-tor kreko ta tkla a sal, but la eao-needlng sees stayed pacing and woa rather handily. Lacy Wood, Ue favorite; waa drawn after the eeev eaa beat. Captaia Volo waa Ue oaly other starter.

The first raoa os the oars, tba 1.11 trot, went to Asmoke, aa eetslder la Ue betting, aeries II to 1 adds la Ue flrat He ta ewaed by B. B. White side at Dalath. Mtaa. ATsfTMBW PBJOa SOO-UNBD Tuxedos $24.50 TIT 3TD 1111.

Dr. Jack Hand wltt ba oa th reecptioB committee. Jsas Ketchom continues to shin IB th worhoata. All the old-time enthusiasm and pep, end la oaa of tha moat ambitious playara oa Ue squad. CoL BUI MccloethUa met a bevy of Broekvtllo trteada last eight at a charming pew wow regarding the usee aad abases of the groBOd.

Ia his beat Chsstcrllf Idlaa aaauarr the coloael mauotucd over taf Joe Tubman la klcklag a lofty ball with a deceptive twist Harry Kehoe la booting with all hla aid abandon. Hla aide ellpplat last algbt was the piece de resistanc of Ua practice whstsver that Is a a Jerry Ault and Harry Telland will hold Ua spotlight with Us flyera. They are reputed to be two star playara. Aalt has developed Into aa elusive running halfback. The opealag gaane agalast Chump Bordea will draw a bag crowd.

Therfewer la oa agaia, aad the tenth am th pasteboards demotes a big pmUeriauJ of the cbta. OKI AFTER HOUCBH. TORONTO, II. According to reports ia local circles. Teddy Oke, owner ot Toronto Mllllonnlre team In tko Csaadlaa pro.

league, ta. seeking Ue services of Jarry Holme, goalkeeper, aa manager. Holmes waa la Toronto today sad ia reported to here goaa to Detroit to seat at release from the Detroit Confers aftar a eoafereaoe with Mr. Oka. SaDing rrom-Nw Tork.

Dee. on the Einpras of Arjatralis," Dream Ship of Crnim. t. Aeroa 3 ooaans to eoeiti-' Bents, 26 porta; 1M dart ship and ashore, foOowins tliewTjadeTbsJtortiiewTjrU Fall information trots yoaf waagvmtor mara oenuvraav vaevm. vavsnt 192839 If s.

sjeCtLfc. Bvjssaaaja Biptotsasio, See, vt- j-TjBm, Gmadian Padfic Helen Paget Beaten; aat at a In American bolt Dora Virtue Left Royal Ottawa Player Loses To Mrs. Stetson By and 2. Br BBTA BWl.Lt Pleas aawla HOT 8f BINOB. Bept.

Oolf atslwarts of the women held Usir own, today la contrast to Ua tratl roaad ot th championship whea Ua title-holder aad a former champion wars summarily removed. All foar of Ua former champions playing Is the second round won their mntchot and proceeded to th qaartst final. Mra. Dorothy Campbell Hurt, who woa Ue title la 1101. 1111 had 1114; Mlsa Marloa Hollies, the winner In ltll, Mlsa Oleaae Oollett, champion ot lilt aad llll.

aad Mrs. Q. Henry Stetson, tha llll wlaaer. remaned vary much la Us oampstltloa. Don Verts Left.

Mis Masraea Orcatt, raaaer-ap laat yaai and amdnlist la thla championship, Mlsa Virginia Vaa Wie, Ue sensational yoang Chicago player. Miss Dors Virtus, Ua oaly Canadian player lefi la Ua title haat, aid Mlsa Virginia Wllaoa. reeldeat ot Chicago-, bat cbamplea ot Caaada, war th others wk had a chance ta wis Mlsa Helea Paget of Ottawa waa defraud today by Mrs. Stetson. I aad I.

Mlsa Orcatt for Ue third day la a row was aader womea'e par for the dlflcult Caaeadea coarse. A score of It with 41 strokes each way Is regarded aa perfect for womea. Tko New Jersey girl cap- tared tha medal with a count of II aad woa ker trst aad second round ma tehee with tab-par golL th was oat agalaat Mrs. Hanay O. Hlgsie of Detroit, today la sad two aader par for the elx hols pisysd oa tocoBd bib.

A sensational comeback by th youthful Mlsa Vlrglala Taa Wla enabled bet to advance at x-penss ot Miss Bdlth Jolr, Seed-lag. Pa." who played weft an til near tha close of Ua herd-fougkt match. Mtaa Qaler waa two ap wltk three kolas to play bat lost th 1IU aad ITU, taking three putts from elgbt fast at the ITU. Comlag to the horns hole all even Uay both seemsd about ta wis aad loss ft before reaching tha tress and flaaily halved at Ave. At Ua extra hols.

Bias Vaa Wla took so akeaoaa, aeorlag a three, two aader women's par lor Ue SIT yard bole, walla Mlsa Qatar's host waa foar. Mlsa Dora Vlrtae aaull and bmade Moatreeler wh holds tb Quebec provincial championship. woa from 17-yoar-old Helen Hicks of New Tork at ue nth hole after Miss Hicks kad goaa two ap wlU a Mrdl three st th llth. Mlsa Vlrtae esme right beck to wis Ue 14th aad lTtb to make Ue matck all aqaara. Oteaaa Catlott Wbns.

Tka lllk waa halved whea Miss Virtue dnrv lato lake sad Mlee Hicks west all Ue wsy across the groaa to Ue roagb bat Ua Naw Yorker tee shot toaad a trap cb tk satrs hew aad' tb Moatreal girl' Iv waa good enenth to wla. Mlas Oteaaa Oellott had to play oaly 11 botes te wis from Mra. J. S. Dlastoa, Philadelphia, tight ap aad seven ts play -Mrs, listens sad Mis Patet reached th half-way mark of Uetr mstek an even wltk oaly eaa halved bole eighth.

Mrs. Btotaoa took th had at tha 11U aad was sever headed. Mia Wilson aad Mrs. It Lifer. California hamploa, wore the laat ts.

star aad Ua laat a Rnfftk by snare Uaa eaa boar. Th Canadian title-holder was aaa ap at th tarn bat Mrs. Ltfof steered it at the twelfth, ssly to see her sppesoat the toko three holes la eaceeesloa to become dorm la with a half at tba llth eediac the snatch. 1 aad I. The third rosed lamer rew will Sad.

Mlea Oreuti spenelng Mrs, erd with Mte Va W1 emshlat wlKt Mia HoUtna ba Ua apper Senators' Lineup Workout Shows Squad Ready For Tussle Willi Borden Team Dunne And Badley Elp Huge Holes In Opposing Line- Wing Division, Looks As Powerful As Ever Backs Well Protected. Two sauads whaled away at sack other In th lineup workout which showed Ottawaa at their beat laat night. While the coach has glvea no Indication of preference it nmd that he baa picked out what will probably be the. team te go against Camp Borden to battle with a huaky second aquad that looked juat as good aa th so-called lrst team. Workoot.

It was by far the best lineup practice of the season end both sldss showed to ndvsnlaae. Tba two towering lines nSorded splendid protectioa. tor both half lines heaved aad chanted and pusbsd with nbandoa. and th tin work showed that Beaatora as at ua will have a great line Tnbmnn aad Braaalngton work ed like a tandem oa the half llnu nnd Council aad Emersoa did yeo man work at eecoadary defence. Emersoa took a tying mare over Plnhev'n heed Into the mud nnd censed considerable laughter as he smarted ioohlng Ilka aa end mnn la a minstrel show from his mad bath.

bracket, while la the lower bait, Mlas Virtue will play Mrs. Stetaoa and Miss Oollett and Mlsa Wllaoa will meet. T0E0NT0 HOUSEMAN WINS THREE PBIZES flaaaeasa Pram feme PHILADELPHIA. Pa Sept. II.

QUtord aiftoa of Toronto, noted Caaadlaa horssmsa. was the winner ot three ribbons today at Ue aaaual Brya Mawr boras abow. His chestant gelding, Mooa Mad-aess, a aaw satry of his at th local horse abow, rlddea by hla ana, Cllford Slftoa, jumped his way to two trst places, winning clns for middleweight qnnllled hunters aad Jumpers, and class for mlddlswsltht aad heavyweight hunters. The Canadian's bay gelding. The Wlsard, a familiar entry la this part of tke country, took second place la tha middleweight hunter ASSUME NORTH BAY NEW CLOSED SINK a.

iiii a Ts I. NORTH BAT. Bept. 1 4-De no lle asearaae that a private ays aire ta would build a hockey riak bars this fall waa glvea by Mayor Banner to gathering ot hockey fana tonltht. Through the In strumentality of the mayor nnd city council th difficulties tost tb syndic! hsd experienced la secur ing roper site were removea.

aad Ua declsloa to go ahead with the rink followed. The aaw arena which will ba built oa vacaat aroaad Bear Wallace Park will ba modera-la every detail with a playing surface of, lioxis. ia new or in lateaeas of the aaasoa, aad the eeastroctloa of the building the rink however, may aot ba ready for the public until Fsbrasry Every endeavor will be atade theagb to have it Bn- ished earlier. tn tf I lK steticiebcieLt iP 1 ed; eoCth Upelai tliiaimm Men Who Know Prefer Society Brand Topcoats Their ease and swagger the cheery (rcshnetw of their tmutlj pttttntd tbricti the distinction of lin and drrbnpartedbythe8cicBntnd cutthese are a few of the factort 1 that have won Sodetf Brand Top coats the luting regard of men. who know good clothe.

Each leason they look for an achievement tasmartneis snd comfort and never are they disappointed. 8ee tJlsTwBwV sefrTaf jwTV Donne and Badley did tha mala Mae Blunting, nnd they ripped hate holes la tba liae for stout gaina. Star aad Herbaria oa tha. teaks worked Ilka beavera and OB tke opposite end Frank Ptnhey played havoe with kls shoe string tack lea. Kelchum aad Kealey operated at Inside wings aad Lynch ot coarse celled lb play at qearter.

Senators will pit a strong tqntd sgsinst Cnmp Borden sod their workouts ere beginning to nttrnet a big following. Several hundred were preesat at th practice last altbt aad voiced their approval-by continual outbnreta ot applaas. Th Flyers-Ottawa gam la golag to attract a big opealag crowd, and tickets are already ia brisk demand. Beady Bar Flyera. There will be another llneap workout today aad a tnnl brash Friday eight will aee Ottawa ready for the lavaaloa at Dav Hardlag aad hla starry retinue.

teasoa tlcketa have goaa aale aad are being annpned ap with avidity. It la probable that tva or six hundred will be disposed ot be-lore the aeaaoB opens. SP0STS DAY CARDED FOB LANARK PAIS sfeeMamll ft) Taml vBmWTatsmv sept. II porta day at Ua Aaaasl Bxhlbltloa of tha Lanark AtrlcaHarBl Society by expected to produce torn Uvaly aa-tartaiamaat, Satarday aaa beea sal aaida for Us sports program and twa so ft ball tilts besides Ua aaaal toot racing wlQ make bp th list of rests ea tkat card. Toaag Btaga, ehamaloaa of tko Almoata Tows Leagao will play Biateoey, ruaaera as la tbe Lan ark U.

P.O. ehemploaahlp, ta the nrat tuaale. Pwrgasaa Pans sad Perth will look horns is Us aacoad gams A girls' Softball game la also carded. KAEEL KOZELUH SHOWS OBEAT STYLE POREST HILLS, N.T., Sept, It. Led by KarsI Koselah of Cxecho-alovahla, professional tennlt chat, ploa at tha world, sad Tlaeent Richards, American ehamploa, six of Us eight aded playara advanced to th third roaad of th professional laws tennis championship today.

For Ue second successive time Koselnh lost only ode tame la three seta, defeatlag Henry Oeidel of the Hassaa CC Olea Cove, M.T, l-l. 1-1, l-l. The Baropsaa star displayed by far Ua Inset lams ot any ot tha II proa who played today, displaying a wealth of control aad aa easy mastery of atrokee that has seldom It aver beea sees ia America. Richards had a- close atraggla, althoagh ha woa la straight sets from Allaa Bohr of Ua New Tork Tennla Club, a recent recruit to Uo pro fees I onal ranka, who was naked llr among Us amstears of ua nutiou la hit. The i ware s-1, 1-4, 1-4.

for youticlL wmfvtmt mmvaaaastss J. tilimaar Isiiltiiass S25.00tp Delaha YS ThtHof SoUdy Bi Ooiha i Iti tHi'cvr oi that cohts.

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