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Woodland Daily Democrat from Woodland, California • Page 2

Woodland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BEARD ACCEPTS, A Strong Letter to Praidtnt- Digg)-BegreU Nominee's KMignfttion as Secretary of the Development Association. 'cariWdate for congress from the Second district, Tuesday addressed the. following letter to W. H. CarUn, chairman of the Dem- ocriitlc iiafB nomination which was made while Mr.

Beard east: 3, Sept. 18, 1906. Mr. W. H.

Carlin, Chairman Democratic Convention of the Second Con gressional Sir: I here- tendered me. Democratic con- the 'Second congressional disjjtp pf I fornl a. I deeply "appreciate the honor conferred upon me by this unsolicited and unexpected nomination. It is especially gratifying to know that it comes to" Successful public -work-already I 'want to say tj) youj.and,, the people of the Second congressional district that it 'el'Scted rwiiraetfote to-'the discharge of aeiGSities tl of''lhe'' conscientlous.SJpainstaktng^ vlgor- has brought-results of Iastlng 0 value to my work as secretary Development -AWbciaUoh. jpyvihorough acquaintance with the needs of and of the state, will to perform servica at and devote my entire eu- further study of those needs dad' efforts for them.

pf space and time Mfhld- to set in'Jth'ls letter-the methods and meas'ures "for" which i Rhall stand as a ofcUiis district in the States, I expect' 16 matters from the stuoip'inTas rtfany communities of this The 'selection 'of a -representative in dongresg'iSjpne'-ptithe most important of' thV. responsibilities "of citizenship. It'ig'a Wetter in "which patriotism and sound business' sense should prevail above mere partisanship. It is a matter of business, important business, and; iit Is my Intention to talk to the people district in a'business way, I ask-only for full hearing BudJeaniesticoiisideratton at the hands of the people of this district I enter the campaign entirely free and independent In every respect, owing allegiance only to'the best interests of the peop-le'of the ttistrict and of the state, and to the welfare of the nation at large. I represent in'this campaign the interests of all the people as against the special interests of the corporations and the professional'bosses.

I Invite inspection of my private and public record duringaresl- dence of eighteen years In this con- gressiottal district I 1 my position as secretary of the'Sacramento Valley Devel- opment'Association, in order to enter this-'face? and 'shall 1 make'every honorable effort to win. I believe that with the active help of those who have made me their candidate, and the support of other good citizens who recognize the needs of'this hour, I can win. Yours very truly, W. A. BEARD.

Senator Marshall L. Diggs, president of the Sacramento Valley Development Association, 1 said Tuesday morning In speaking of the resignation of W. A. Beard, secretary of the association, and Democratic- candidate for congress from this district: "Mr. Beard was very Valuable, one of the most valuable of and he has decided to leave of his own inclination.

I very much regret having him leave. feel' that' the association has been doing 'great 'good' for the Sacramento valley, and there is now much good which' ban be 'accomplished for the benefit of the valley. I I 1 i I 1 1 1 WAS A VERY SICK BOY, But cured by Chamberlain's Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "When my boy was two years old he had a very severe attack 'of bowel complaint, but byJthe 'use, of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy we brought him out all right," says Mag- Sie HIckok, of Midland, Mich. This remedy can be depended upon In the most severe cases.

Even cholera In- fantum is cured by it Follow the plain printed directions and a cure Is certain. For sale by J. R. Shelton. THE BREATH OF LIFE.

It's a slgniacant fact that the strongest animal of its size, the gorilla, also has the largest'lungs. Powerful lungs means powerful creatures. How to keep the breathing organs right should be man's-chiefest study. Like thousands of others, Mrs. Ora A.

Stephens of Port Williams, has learned how to do this. She writes: "Three bottles of Dr. Klog'js New Discovery stopped my cough of and cured me of what my friends thought consumption. it's grand for throat and lung troubles." Guaranteed by W. H.

druggist. Price 60c and Trial bottle free. The Woodland Bteam Laundry unner the DOW 'management ie turning out better work than ever. VACCINATING SEASON! AND AKTHRM (Mr tmlnunlrli. "Wf, 00 ceiMtlM c) DONT PVf IT OFF BERKELEY, CAL.

for nale by J. V. Woodland, Cal I sincerely regret very much that we are to lose an able, trustworthy and energetic man like Mr. Beard.and 1 feel that it will be very difficult to fill the place with his equal. We will very soon call a meeting of the exec- Wive members of the association to accept his resignation, which is now in our hands, ami to appoint his successor.

Tha presortt office force is fully In" touch 'what the association been doing and contemplated, and 'I myself expect to devote some of my time to It until the new secretary can become familiar with the work of the association. Consequently I feel that wo can keep up the work of the association aud carry it on as outlined by Mr. Beard, to a great LETTEE UST- The following is a list of letters reV mainlng in the Woodland postufflee for the week ending September 17, Sam Davis Walter V. Jones, D. V.

S. Mr. B. Kuulman Marlon Reeves, Esq. Mr.

W. W. Abbtt J. Maney Geo. W.

Greene Manuel Briones Esq. Mrs. J. A. Beall Miss Katella Enanas These letters should be called for at once; when asking for them the owners will please say that toe letters have been advertised.

J. H. DUNGAN, P. M. I Ffrst Dose Relieves Two Step Chills I Initially .11 fmr by I nosqiittots of Aciie.

I Chills ul I holma dilllyjMMtioiii. Xtonlci elves'A I appetite; renewiRnbltlon. ApostHve.qulckand i cure, Testfmonlals around the bnttTe, I Francts S.Ott, Sacramento, Cal. SOLD BY J. V.

LEITHOLD. PAIN FROM A BURN Promptly relieved by Chamberlain's Pain' Balm. A little child of Michael Strauss, Vernon, was recently in "great pain from a burn on the hand and as cold applications only increased the Inflammation, Mr. Strauss came to Mr. James N.

Nichols, a local merchant, for something to stop the pain. Mr. Nichols says: "I advised him to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and the first application drew out the inflammation and gave immediate relief. I have used this liniment myself and recommend it very often for cuts, burns, strains and lame back, and have never known it to disappoint." For sale by J. R.

Shelton. STARVING TO DEATH. Because her stomach was so weakened by useless drugging that she could not eat, Mrs. Mary H. Walters of St.

Clalr street, Columbus, was literally starving to death. She writes: "My stomach was so weak from useless drugs that I could not eat, and my nerves so wrecked tbat'I could not sleep; and not before 1 was given up to dle was I induced to try Electric Bitters; with the wonderful result that improvement began at once, and a complpete cure followed." Best health tonic on earth. by W. H. Lawson, druggist.

Mountain and valley wood for sale at lowest prices. Brown Bros. 2111. Auction Sale ON Tuesday, September 25,1906 Beginning at 9:30 a. on the Haines Farm i 24 Head Work Mules 3 Mules 6 miles southwest from Madison, Cal.

3 Yearling Mules 2 Large Work Horses 1 Driving Horse 16 Sets Chain Harness 1 Set Single Harness 15 Fifth Chains 14 Pair stretchers 6 Farm Wagons 4 4-Gang Plows Deal) 2 Two-Gang Plows (Eureka) 3 Single Plows 2 Ninety-tooth harrows 1 Three-section harrow 3 Randalls 2 Mowers 2 Hay Rakes I Buck Rako 1 Iron Roller 1 Feed Rack 2 Header Beds 1 Gorham Seeder 1 Lot Lines 1 Lot Breast Straps 1 Lot Forks I Lot Tools 1 Lot Kindling Wood 1 Wood Sled 1 Large Iron Kettle 1 Sidehill Holt Jr. Combined Harvester-in good order. TERMS OF sums of and under, all sums over 12 mouths' credit with approved security at 7 per cent per annum. PLENTY OF GOOD LUNCH. s.

By H. S. Haines, Administrator. J. D.

R. G. LAWSON, Auctioneers. For a good snave, haircut or sham- eo to Dinzler'R harbor tf Woodland Opera House! E. C.

WEBBER, Manager. One Night, Monday, Sept, 24 The Charming Young Emollonal Actress Miss Grace Ayleswortti Supported by a BIG NEW YORK COMPANY In the Sumptuous Scenic Presentation of the Powerful Melodramatic Novelty Lights of Frisco." (The Play of the Period.) Thrilling in its realism. Big Cast Marvels of ingenuity in mechanical effects New scenery and specialties See Chinatown under Gaslight, Special Summer Prices, 25 Cts, 50 GIs Reserved seats on sale at Leithold's drug store. DENTISTS. DR.

R. EDGAR Permanently located In Woodland Porcelain Inlays, crown and bridge work a specialty. Telephone Main 13153. Get your shoes at Groh's. A top given away with every pair of shoes.

521 Main street Jylltf DR. J. L. SMITH, In Yolo County Savings Bank building, Woodland, Cal. Room 1 and 2, Telephone Main 1382.

tf JOHN T. of Denta. Surgery. Dental rooms over 11. B.

Cranston's Woodland. Cal. A.N.Dlck.M.D. A.Y.Dick.D.D.S. DICK DICK, Dentists, Woodland, Farmers' and Merchants' Bank.

Office hours 8 a. m. to 5p.m. Telephone 1173 DR. C.

WILCOXON, Dentist- Farmers' and Merchants' Bank Building, Woodland, Cal. Office phone 1172, residence phone 2391. MARTIN J. LEWIS, Yolo County, Cal. Jy2tf DR.

RICHARD FRED Dentist. West 780, residence West 6. Office, 1634 Dovlsa- dero street, corner Post, Han Francisco. A cordial invitation to my Woodland friends to call. Jy23tf Fruit Preserving 1...

Vacation days are coming to a close and the people are returning with the tan on their cheeks. The school bells are ringing each day and the sky overhead gives occasional reminders that the winter is approaching. Spauldlng is glad to see you return. He welcomes you and hopes you hail a pleasant vacation. He's not out for office but he wants to sell goods and right now he has the most tempting assortments of fruit for preserving you ever saw.

are exceptionally fine this year. Large size, delicious flavor in both clings and freestones. choice, juicy ones at canning prices. all kinds and splendid specimens. OTHER tempting array, 2d4 Ed.

Prat, Expert Watchmaker Jeweler Diamond Setter and Engraver 'Phone 1534, ED. PRAET, Uxperi Jeweler and Watchmaker. 610 Main Street. Ib4 Woodland, Cal T. KITTO ii AND EUBAIMEB 4U Sontb First Street, TELEPHONE 264 OPEN BAT Our Store is Loaded Down wjthigood things to eat, most everything to satisfy tlie man." Call, phono or mall yourl orders.

Cold Boiled local Hams Imported Swiss Cfieese Limburger Cheese Wisconsin Brick Swiss 'Midget Sweet Pickles Woodland Berries and. 'Coast Cherries F. BRENDEL Grocer Phone 127 The latest Out The Kodak Way. Is the Daylight Way. Kodak TANK DEVELOPER Develops in Broad Daylight for Film Negatives.

Stock just received from actory at Leithold's Pharmacy See window and see how they work. Carloads of lumber Are arriving daily at the Sierra Lum- ser Company's local yards. The lumber far as Woodland is concerned, is practically the same as It always has been. The quantity has not diminished, neither have the prices been affected. There are cars of lumber of all kinds coming this way The quality Is good as it always has been and the prices are reasonable.

We can fill your every lumber want and can save you at the same time the middleman's profits, because we manufacture. Sierra Lumber Co, F. A. KAUFFMAN.Manager, Woodland In Ladies'-Shoes Is the College Cut A Ml line of Fall Goods just Received. GROH'S SHOE STORE MAIN STREET Ib5 JUST RECEIVED! We have just received direct from the factory the largest and most complete assortment of' Bracelets aud Hair Ornaments and are now here for your inspection.

We have so many different designs in these goods it would be impossible for us to try to describe them. In beauty and workmanship they are simply superb. We take pleasure in showing these goods and we extend an invitation to all to call and inspect them and get prices. They are of finest quality and prices to suit all. In regard to fine watch and jewelry repairing, we call your attention to the 38 years we have been doing your work and as far as we know it has been.

MOST SATISFACTORY. We guarantee our work In every respect. G.W. GREENE SON. 621 MAIN STREET.

Established 1868 Only the best Id4 A Good Chance to Buy a Nice Home, 'Wishing to remove to Oakland, will sell my house, just being com pleted on Court street, for tile bare cost of the building, and make you a present ot the lot, 60x100 feet This is the best bnrgaL now on the market. Everything nice and new. Large shade trees. Base ment where you can cook in hot wea ther and wash ail the year round Plenty of sleeping room upstairs, am six large rooms, also pantry and batl on first floor. NOT BUILT BY CO'N TRACT.

Come and-see. F. T. WHEELER, The Painter se2fld Exchange Market J. 0.

CHALMERS, Proprietor. TOOTHAKER 1. 0,0. Mhlrd and Main Sts, you with anything in the grocery line. Phone 90I, Woodland, Cal, Idl REGISTER NOW! NOTICE TO VOTERS, In accordance with section 1094 of the Political Code there will be a new and complete Registration of Voters In Yolo county this year.

Such registration began January 1st, 1306, and will continue until 40 days preceding the day of election. Registration Closes September 26, 1906. Transfers from one precinct to another In Yolo county will cloze on OCTOBER 11, 19O6. All persons foreign born, Intending to become citizens, should be naturalized on or before AUGUST 7, 190O, to be entitled to vote at the November election. Affidavits for registration and Affidavits for change 'of Precinct must be mude before the County Clerk or Deputy, O.

T. Onmty BUTCHER DEALER IN LIVE STOCK, ETC FRESH' FISH WEDNESDAYS APTO FRIDAYS. "Meats delivered all parts of thi city free at charge, us a call a. Coward Hawkns building, Main street, between Second and Third. Painless Extraction cf Teeth for 50c H.

H. Dental Consultation Free! Full set of teeth up Silver fillings 1.00 up Gold 1.60 up Gold crown 7.QO up Bridge work (per tooth) 7.00 up Cement fillings .60 up Treatment of teeth 1.00 Teeth extracted .60 We do all our work by the latest Improved electric appliances known to dental profession In order to make it as painless aa possible for the patient. All work Is warranted and will be replaced free of charge, FULL SET $10.00. Teeth extracted Free when plates are ordered. Gas, or Ether given.

FARMERS' MERCHANTS' BANK BUILDING. Woodland, Cal. Phone 654 Main. Office hours 9 a. m.

to m. JAMES San Francisco, Cal. Phone Montgomery 1736. Sunday by appointments. These prices will also be given in Hie San Francisco office.

The Laurels of Praise Flour when once you employ it in baking. There is no other kind under the suu half as good as it IB. Why not try it? Pi ANN Nfi TIMF Leave our or der for Apricots. They are UHHUIHU HmC scarce, and if you, donot speak for them now, you will get left. There is a short crop of Peaches, so buy them the firstcliance you get.

If you leave your orderwith need not we will clothe rest and seethat you have the best. We also have a full line of Fruit Cans. 6I3SS Fruit Jars, JarRubbers, Fruit Wax, Jelly Glasses. Try the Economy Fruit Jar. They are the best.

We also have a new jar for preserves. Calf and see them at Phone 746 W. D. BENDER'S The Grocer Now is Your Chance to Bring 'Your Friends From EUROPE to CALIFORNIA, Extremely low rates as follows: Liverpool J71 BO Queenstown 71 BO Glasgow i 73 90 London 74 EQ Gothenburg 7775 Copenhagen 77 75 Esbjerg 77 76 Hamburg 7925 Bremen 79 26 81 2B These rates only good for limited time. Beat of accommodations and careful attention given all our passengers.

If you can't call, send us the money and we will mall you the official tickets. Apply to S. F. BOOTH, General Agent, Union Pacific R. R.

Cunard Steamship Co. Office, up-stairs, Building, San Francisco. D. 0, BEAN SON FURNITURE Baby Buggies, Bedding, Picture Frames UPHOLSTEBY Repairing promptly attended to. UNDERTAKING a Specialty Main West End, Woodland, Cal.

Phone 41. ib2 Japanese Laundry! Firs! Street, tfosdland Under Old Armor? FIRST-CLASS'WORK, LOWEST PRICES. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trial and bo 'Convinced. n22tt MR.

MURAMOTO. Prop. CITY MARKET CO. THE ONLY COLD STORAGE) IN THE CITY. Wholesale a.nd Retail Butchers and Packers California Market! B.

DELLA SANTA Successors tn A. Pinto. Fresh Vegetables ot 'all Kinds Fresh Fruits in Season Groceries, Candles, Nuts, Etc. Fresh Fish every Tuesday and Thursday Goods delivered to all parts of the city TELEPHONE 32L 1(J2 HATTON BROS. TRANSFER! WOODLAND, CAL.

Piano and Furniture Moving. General Di-ay Business. Stand in front of Dietz's. Pfione Main 658 Patronize Home Industry First-Class Work Done at Reasonable Prices and Prompt Delivery. Woodland Steam Laundry Idl ROBERTS PIERCE, Props.

CHICAGO IN LESS Tl A XTQ THAN UAlb and over the only double track railway between tha Missouri river and Chicago. THREE FAST TRAINS DAILY SOUTHERN PACIFIC, UNION PACIFIC AND Chicago and Northwestern, OVERLAND LIMITED, VESTI- BULED. Leaves San Francisco at 11 m. dally. The most Luxurious Train in the world.

New Pullman drawing- room and stateroom cars built expressly for this famous train. Gentlemen's buffet and lady's parlor observation car. Booklovers' Library. Dining car, meals a la carte. Electric lighted throughout EASTERN EXPRESS VESTIBUL- ED.

Leaves San Francisco at 6 p. m. dally. Through Pullman Palace ana Tourist Sleeping Cars to Dining Cars. Free Reclining Chair Cars.

ATLANTIC EXPRESS. VESTI- San Francisco at a. m. daily. Standard and Tourist Sleepers.

PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays-. The best of everything. Tickets to and from all points In Europe. R.

RITCHIE, G. A. P. C. Chicago Northwestern Temporary Office B17 Market San Francisco, Cal.

or S. P. Company's Agent IrtB Notice to Hop Pickers! Hop picking will commence in Charles Merkley's hop yard on or about August 20th. Only 10 miles from Woodland, near Elkhorn, where only white help need apply. Good camping ground and water; also com'mlssary department stocked with all necessaries for hop pickers.

Apply to C. H. Merkley. auStfdw FOR FIRE OK LIFE INSURANCE CALL ON Wood 605 Main Woodland, Ca REPRESENTS BEST AND STRONGEST COMPANIES. for the and get all the fit print.

The best bargain in Yolo County. of land bordering on creek, one-half rich- sediment soil, the oDiet- good grain or grape land. Irrigation ditch runs through the- tract. Fine location. of evidence on all sides of splendid fertility of soil.


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