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Woodland Daily Democrat from Woodland, California • Page 3

Woodland, California
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Published Except pED. H. LEAKH. Editor and Proprietor. CITY 6FFICIAL.

PAPBR. TERMS: Dally, one year, (postage Pally, six months Dally, three months I per month, by carrier 6 Dally, per week, by carrier 1 THE YOLO DEMOCRAT: (Weekly) Weekly; one year, (postage Weekly, six months. L25 mouths. V6 30, 1901. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you If you used New Lifo Pills.

Thousands o( sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick aud nervous headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 2Sc. Money back if not cured. Sold by W.

H. Lawson, druggist. "The Evening Paper publishes the news of TODAY; the Morning paper, the news of dree ley. You Could Look 1 itttothefuliircnnd seelhecoiidltloa to which your cough, If neglected, will bring.yon, you TOitf seek relief 2 yon, you wouiu sect renei nx naturally would be through Shiloh's Consumption Guaranteed to cure sumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, nnd all Lung Troubles. Cures Coughs and Colds iu a day.

26 cents. Write to S. C. WELLS Roy, N. Y.

for free trial bottle. t.ii! Ktrl's Clover Root purities the Blood JElEIffiy SILYERWARfe, AT THE LEADING JEWELRY HOUSE. once moro prepared to REPAIR YOUR WATCHES in a practical way. Jewelry. nnd reimiri-fl hy a Jeweler' with lifetime cxpcilancc, It A.

V- 1 0 specialty, AH Work' war- PR WORST ENEHY ROLL OP HONOR. (Continued from flrfit page.) High Williams 95, Loom Blann 94, Florence Guile 94, John.Hartsock 94, Hoy Grlgga 92, Kuiina Jones 92. MISS SMITH, teacher. High Currau 94, iLeta Lucei-o 92, Ida Stephani 97, Mav- Duncan 90, 'Milton Parker 92. Low Buham 9C, Clover 94, Zella Elers 96, Verda TSfvia 96, Olelta Heard 99, Gracie Johnston 9n, Juaiiita.

Neathery 94, Lillian Wright 98, Walter Brown 91, Baker 98, Budd Baker 98, Philip 91, Roy Hayter 96, Einil Kraft 98, Leland 94, Daryl Miller 93; Oeorge Peterson 90. MISS SHBLTON, teacher. Fourth ABhhy DIggs 94, SLeonard Everhardt 97, Jennie Gray 83, Johnson 92, Pearl Ordway 90, Johnsou 92, Eatelle Gray 94. Third Johnnie Sidwell ,92, Norma Hr.lUPn 93, Esther Guthrie 93, Maude OuntOH $2, Georgie Sidwell .96, Philip Bruton 93, Karl Murray 91, Guile 98, Norma Nelaon 93, John Laugenour 96, Aunle Mangold 9fi, Lurline Browning 90, Erna Rath 96, Gracie Griggs 96, Chester Lucas 96, Clarence Bennett 90, Lucy Ryan 94. MISS BRAY, teacher.

Low Third Virginia Clowe -Helen Mixon 97, Alma Longrus 97, 'Gladys Reid 95, Irma Ullery 94, May 92, Florence Eliot 92, Lydia Mangold 97, Cora Burnett 93, Lottie 94, Fay Bracket 95, Lucy Elder 93, lone Con grave 93, Emma Clayton '90, Orin Eliot 92, Earl Kautfman 95, Howard Parker 97, Chria Reyn 93, George Cranston 92, Freddie Campbell George Myrick 95, Rolla Dahlerj92. MISS GIBSON, teaclier. High Second Ethel Frelber- ger 9li, Leta Reyn 95, Ethel Barker 95, Lizzie Barnett 95, Irene Fitzgerald 94, Edna Evans 94, Albert Hucke 93, Joe 93, Georgie Tobias 93, Ernest Lucaa 92, Jake Dahl 92, Gussie Dahler .92. Low Sidwell 97, Bae Chalmers 97, Alice Curson 94, Mil- Ullery 94, Alice Hall 94, Roy Maxwell 93, Frank' Jones'92, Eneces Wright '92, Keith Streeter 91, Clarke Brooks .91, Portia Hopkins 91, Georgie Wright :90, Annie Beck 90. MISS BOOGS, teacher.

Second Kenneth Curran 90, Edith Beckett 93, Clifford Friel 91, Muriel Dinsdale 95, Ellsworth Hiller 93, Myrtle Killer 96, Llndley Relth Genevieve LaGraffe 91, Grace Plek- 98, Helen Rosenberg 96, Anna Williams 91.. High First Adalino Bartoli 94, Jack Diggs 94, Lawrence Hlller 90, Guy Howard 90, Frank Mlxon 9G, By- roa Ordway 91, Eugene Prather 91, Ancel Allen 92, Hazel Capelle 93, Barbara Miller 91, Gussie Rasmuesen 91, Amelia Schindler 91, Edaline Toothaker 90, Lura White 90. MISS BUCKLEY, teacher. Low First Laura Anderson 9B, Wayne Jacobs 95, Vernetta Anderson 92, Lester Johnston 92, Walker Apperson 97, Rex Jones 91, Norma Black 90, Moreland Leithold 90, Claude Baker 96, Martha Mangold 90, Blanche Bracket! 91, Mabel Moe 92, Raymond Becket 95, Elizabeth Morgan 92, Jimmie Brooks 93, Dahlia Myrick .92, Maggie Craig 94, Louis Moedinger 92, Harold'Curson 93, Georgie Mitchell 92, Huth Dorean 90, Dorothy Porter 94, Burton Dunton 90, Hulda Reiss 92, -Grace Easycheck Simpson 90, Edith Forrester 92, Erna Summ 92, Elmer Frlel 91, Myrtle Tlllotson 91, Wilma Gerdts 96, Myra Troxel B2, Irene Grlggs 93, Anita Winning 91, Annie Huston 92, Del Norte Winning 90, Mamie Jacobs 94, Ruby Welch 92; MISS MAXWELL, teacher. Dah), Jack ''Lawson, Robert Lawson, Royles BoHsford, Robert Netherly, George Apperson, Philip Apperson, Henry Larsson, Floyd Scott, Robert Browning, Otto Schluer, Bernlce Jacobs, Helen Stebe, Claire Ruth -Oriff, Rojua.McGriH, Wlnnifred Black; -burn, Lela Ewert, Naldlne Peterson, Florence Merritt.

CARRIE GRAY, teacher. Warm Footwear Experience Convinces. Prove its valuo by investing 10 conta in trial size of Ely's Grcnm Druggists supply it nitd'wo mail it. Fullsiza 50 ccmiB. J1LY EC Wr.rren Now York.

Clifton, Arizona, Jim. 20, 18S)9. Messrs. ELY uoud mo aEO cent bottle of Cream Halm. I find your romody the quickest and most permanent cure for catarrh and cold in the bond.

DEi.tjM. POTTEH, Gou.Mgr. Ariz. Gold M. Co.

McBBrs.Ei,Y boeuamictod with catarrh for twenty yours. It xnndo mo so TTenlc I thought I linfl consumption. I got oaeboitlo of Ely's Oream Balm and in three flays the discharge Mopped. It is tho best medicine I have lined for ontarrli. Probertn, Gal.

I'JUNK E. ft A MAIN WOODLAND, CAL(. PROBATE NOTICE. In the Superior Court of the Slate of California, in ami for' the County of Yolo In the matter of the estate of Catherine E. Hershey, deceased.

Notice is hereby given that Monday, the 2d day December, 1901, at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day, and the court room of ssxid court, iit the court house in the City of Woodland, County of Yolo, State of California, have been appointed as tho time and place for proving the will of said Catherine Hershey, deceased, and for heaving the application of M. T. Emmert for the 1 issuance to htm of letters of administration with the will annexed upon the same, in pursuance of his petition heretofore filed herein.

Dated November 20th, 1901. L-. DUNCAN, Cleric. HUDSON QUANT, Attorney for petitioner. Shreve Co.

Makers of ME JEWELRY and SILVER WiSE Ooalars in Diamonds anfl Watches, Cut Giab Leathtr Goods, Puller' Ware and European novelties. MARKET and POST STS, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. convenient an'Unga- mcnts for transacting- business with out-of-town cnstomors. Particulars sonttipou requost. i Could not do you a greater Injury than to rob you of your eyesight, whothe)' tjy.

Uiruwlnj? BOttldiog noid in your face or soiling you glassos that may more slowly but Justasoftdctively, dopt'tva yon of visions We (lo'consci- outions work In fitting fjlasscsand spnc- tRcles to oyo needs. Wo to stand by onr record. Eye tests aro froo horonnd you pay only a fitlf for the glasses. 1. 'Greene Son 727 Main Woodland Came in and examine our full lino of Fioineos, Juliets, Nullinerg, and all kinds of slippers (or Men, Womon and Children.

They are made on the most cotufoi'tatno lasts, and once a loot lu them a person begins to realize Uie comforts o( homo and tlreside. THE LATEST NOVELTIES FOR WOMEN Don't yon know a present of this kind would bo appreciated by anyone? See Show Window GRAIN BUYERS H. H. STEVENSON, D. D.

s. DENTIST Farmers' and Merchants' Bauk Building WOODLAND, CAI, EXAMINATION FREE STRICTLY EASTERN PRICES. PdulcM Mo or Cement 760 up Anulgam or silver 7fioup 1'Utlua Jl.OOup PufeQoW Alumluum l.OOup I'occcUlu, Pivot Teeth 4. SO up 22 wirntsold 7.00up Crown flrldgu Work 7,00 up IMatei FMtlnf. 4.60 up Full Set.

MeUl 15. 00 lip Kepalrlug l.ooup See our new FLEXIBLE PLATES, JO years, Sh koop In mind wo aro oes for Boys Girls. Solo Agents for the famous Steel ROSENBERG BROS. Regulators of Low Prices. FOR Co, San" Francisco Pacific Coast.

Warehouse Co. PORT COSTA Woodland, California FLESH-COt OREO Warranted 20 years. elmrfjo for extraction when Places are ordered, ALL WORK WARRANTED. Office 8 M. to 5:30 p.

M. 124 Main. THE ONLY ROLLED WHEAT WITH ALL THE CilUTEN IN, AND ALL THE OUT for rhiMrrn aurl West Valley Lumber Company OREGON PINH MOUNTAIN PINE SUGA'H PINE REDWOOD DOOHS BLINDS WINDOWS LIMB CEMENT HAIR ETC. Sierra Lumber Co, Phone 147. HAVE ONK Ut THK BKST ASSOKTEl) itoeki In ooiulitlnB of Redwood, Oregon Pine, Fir, Yellow and Sugar Pine Lumber, Redwood und Pine Shakos, Redwood and Oedivr Shingles.

Ve niAuiifHOtiirc Rliil carry all kinds oC fruil boxes, drying trnyg aud We fllau Imve Sacramento Lirlck, hair, Unic. plnatci, coiucnl, Rtc. P. A. KAUFFMAN, Manager, Woodland Digestion Doubts SPAULDli SETTLES There is but one way to settle digestive doubts.

Use Pure Products. Many grocers do not know where to find Pure Products nor how to buy them, Spiuildlng knows. Buying Groierles is an url. Spauldiiig is a buying artist. YARD NEAR DEPOT, WOODLAND Lumber Cut to Order on Sbort Notice G.

W. Lyford, Agent, Woodland Telephone No. 171 C. B. LINES' And Restaurant First door cast of corner of Main and College streets.

Meals From 25 Cents Upward All the delicacies of tbo season nhvays on hand. n22dwtf 'C. B. TWINES, Prop. Hotel St, Denis 24 Turk Sail.

Francisco, Cal. European Plan. T.ocfttetl iu tho heart of Hie new business Cfiiiler of San Kranclsco, convontont lo loading restanrfuile, stores and New bul ing, fireproof, bcaicd, new and oleK 1, 1001, Strictly flrsl- clsssin'ttll appoltrtrnouts Single rooms find Bultes, wLIU Or wltlinnl private bath. Hot tinil cold water, electric HRhtBaud reliun cull lifslls in every room, Klovator and full hotel nervier. IlaLGBAu cenlR pet day ami upward.

Sjiuclal rates by the week or month. All MnrkoiHfreel nablc cars within onc-qimrter block of the Hotel. IhiqucgUoimUly tho best tiotis In tho city lUo charged. iiyiil THE RESULTS ARE to go into Spaukling's Storo. Tlmt it makes you hungry Everything IH so nice.

Sptuilding's pricoji are right. People are liappy iwho trude with Spaulding because no complaint conies frqiu either stoinuch or pocket. Where is Spaulding's Store 627 Main St. Woodland 53 afl Reliable Grocers HI 2 LU. PACKAGES, VER OOUD IN BUt-K Aftonnding DUcoyery.

From Cooperavllle, comes word of a wonderful dtscoTery of a liquid that when before retiring by any one troubled with a bad congh eu- mroi a rood alghfi wrt. will cure the wrltee lira. S. Himelburger, '-for three gecera- Uona of our family uied Dr. King's New Discovery for tion and never found Ita equal for couglu and colda," It'i an unrlraled Hfe-aaver when tued for deaperate lung 'dlseaeea.

OuaranUed bbttte Me and fi at W. B. drag ld N.CLAR SONS urt in For Scwnrs Jewor Pipo, for Cnlvort TERRA PIPE ArrliltPctural Cottji lniIliUneH. ROMAN AND PRESSED BRlCK (ftll col' T.H, Fire Krlch, Flro Clay, Klre Tile. Drftln Tilo.

rots. Water Filters, Coolers, Well Triblnx. etc. 17-19 SPEAR ST, BUN FRANCISCO, fcioahart'i For your 60 cents at all druggists. For a food hair-cut or abiuu- poo, to DiutWi ahon, CASTOR IA Per Infants and Children, Kind You Have Always Bears the VISIT DR.

JORDAN'S COIAT KUSEOi OF Store To Be Re-Opened About December lat, wilt reopen the store 'at Madlspn, formerly conducted by Abo Haines, willi an entire uow stock of goods. J.L.HIPPELI dld-w e. A anil Jar Pltiurn Ur. TrMfiDMil per- rf. A tiff tSire in i'-hi-js.

f.V valuaWe twck VJu, i Exchange Market CHALMERS BROS Props. BUTCHERS DEALERS IN LIVE STOCK, ETC Mince Pie Fruit Cake SEASON Has arrived. Wo have such as all tho fixings 'PTIONK 2K1. CITRON, LEMON, ORANGE PEEL, CURRANTS, RAISINS CIDER, ETC. Johnston BrOS.

Popular Grocers, Meats delivered to all parts the city froo ol charge. Give us a. call al Coward Hawkins building, Main street, between Second and Third. Woodland Bakery I BEUNATIU RltEMKE, Prop. Prosh Bread delivorod every day.

Wedding Cakes and Confectionery a Specialty Finest Pastry Dolicioue Ice-Cream SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET Pacific Hotel. MRS. C. SItBER, Prop. FIRST CUSS AKD LODCIKG Main Woodland For I offer for sale lots 1 to 4 Inclusive, block lot 1C, block lots 1 to 3 Inclusive, block lot blocX 12; lots 8 to 8, Inclusive, block 14; lota 3, 7, 13 and -14, Mock 15; lota 4, 6, 8, 9, and 13, block 23; to 15 Inclusive, block 24; lots 8 block 33, In the booming town of This property must bo sold In 30 days, and no reasonable offer will be i refused.

LKVY, Capty. SPARKS Denier in Coal, Hay and all kinds of 'Winter and Summer Wood Near City Hall Get YODF Shot-Shells frlnh Knit BarneU'i. A (nil line o) AM- MUNITION, QUN3, gST-My Ai Magnetic Rator is a world-header. Try hack it not Home apeoial bargtlnaln It yon yon want repaired, from trpewrllBr to combined harvctter try me. ED.

1 El WEST END CYCLERV, Gibson Block, Woodland. JUST RECEIVED "A MNK OF- Br, McLean, Veterinary Surgeon HEADQUAHTEKS AT COLLKGE STABNES, WOODLANIl Will be prepared on uUnr Kov- Ifith to trout all pur- all kin- 1 sT-U TIUSPAPElt IS KKI'f AT HI" HI K. C. Agepcy, and 65 tteu franvlico, lornU. mulrtrtt t'lvirtWUig on SCHOOL SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS -BIO ASSORTMENT FROM $1.00 UP END SHOE STORE CHAS.

J. GROH, Proprietor WIOTT'S They overcome Weakness, aod PENNYROYAL PILLS or of They are "JtilFE SAVERS" to aiding development of orvaiui ftAd bod known remedy for women equals them. Cknnoi do llli Iwcoinea pleasure. PKR BOX BY by ttrilKgiHtM. UR, MOTT'SCHEMIOAL For Sale by CORNER DRUG STORE,.

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