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The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California • 5

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Harbor. NO HOPE OF OETTINQ HER OFF. Miss Rsssl Hooking, Mill Nsllla Hubbsre. Alternate, Nellie Hubbard, B. A.

float. Laurel, No. lOtf-Mra. 0. K.

Valentin, Mrs. Nellia Kioto. Aitarnaua, Mrs. J. Qreaoouib.

Ml 0, Foes. Butter, No. 12AH. W. M.

Off, a a Nemlts, Mr. J. Siller. Alternate, L. W.

Bmllh, J. Killer, Mr. O. Neoitu. Klocklon, No.

130 Mrs, Klls Williams, 0. Rentloo. Alternates, Jobs lleenaa, Mrs. A. L.

tatou. Lot Angalaa, No. 191-Mrs. Annie R. As-drew, Mra.

W. R. Ulaokman, Mlaa A. Lewie. Alternate.

Mre. W. A. White, Mlaa Nellie White. Mra.

F. K. Ksllocn. APITIL $1,000,000, II 100,000 SHARES. PAR VALUE $10.

DIRI5CTOR8. The following well known business mea will are subscribed for: II. II. 11 AH II ATI, Governor of rallfornta. I IF.

Nit T. aOTT Frealdent I'nlon Iron Worka, Ban Franrlaeo II. Ill It Ml Owner of AliTIII It I'OfcTKII I'realdenl IS. V. and N.

P. Hall way lltVI KTl Kaute late (Senator llearal ATI KM 1 FMMMI THO.riAM H. IllkilOP of the Bubiorlptloo reoelred for any number of (hares at the Angle-Callfornlaa Bank (Limited) np to June Soth. The money will be returned unless Tbe owners of Ibe mine receive 500,000 of open snd work Ibe mine. COT OP FIIOPONF.n PLANT AND 4 1-6 miles.

This Is easy of eieavatlon and can bs eontrsetad Cost of pipe Hue laid, gates, water wheels with dation, cages, roprs and all needful equipment, pomp and piping, all In place ready to operate, as per detailed eitlmete urnUhed 44,785 00 Coit of sinking sod timbering double eompsrtment sbsft through 500 feet of easy. working lava formation at 20 par foot Sundries Tolsl Colon i. McLACGni.tM writes: In addition to the Information wbiob la eonlsinsd In to report of Ma. Louis Olass, I give some of my own views on the vslue snd prospeots I have eloaely watohed tbla property for the tnnlradleiion, it tht mott valuable drift m(m I nltd State ratent, making tbs title perfoct In all my etperlenoa 1 know of no auoh property, and I always Intended to make the plan ing of this mine and the aecurtng of an Interest renown and money to all eonneotad with It. I thoroughly Indorse every word in tbs eonservatlvs report of MH.

Glass. With the outside expenditure of $73,000, rank among tbe great dividend-paying mines of JfftdnrU af Samuel STATE OP CAUrORSIA.) Couktv or llt'rra I a. aacaL MoCi.klhw, being daly sworn, deposes an4 sayit Iwa appointed Reeelvar ta th a-alt of flrrgury et l. vs. l'rrvhkaker and th Maitslla tiold Ulnlog Company, and a such officer took poaa-ston ol the Birch Harrett" or Magalla" tunnel and mining works, togathar with lb land subject of littfatioj in tuai auii.

on in zuinaay ur reiiruary. insn. oa woics day 1 ataatnea actual personal man-ax-ini-nt and uiMrlnindi'ne of ih mining otratiou. Ilit machinery and mining apparatus at Me time were nniultebl and Insufficient for tha pur poms when In good condition, and at the time I took eharga It bad become ao worn with una and as, and all aa la such bad eoudltlon of repair, tbat It waa only by lb moitraraful managemtat that I eouid keep It together, and the pumps In operation. After patching and repairing th machinery ome I pumped out tne incline ami gni 10 trie lace, out me water iraqurniiy urova in men nact, a in macumery waa cnu-tlniially breaking or gtitlng nut of order, and about th iniddl of Maroh, 1886, tb main pump brok aown tntm-iy ana wi uerer aiutr goi 10 mo iara or tima out mure gravel.

We woie at Ibe fare, In all. bin eleven (11) day, during willed two ten hour ablft war worked, tak Ing out from (lateen to twanlr-fnur rarloadt of Court a such Ret-elver, alt thousand two hundred Th faca of ibe Incline eipuaes subterranean channel about one hundred feet ta width, carrying gold-hearing gravel about all feet In depth, capped wltb lava, which I believe extends nearly. If not quite, to the aurface. The gravel la very rich from top to bottom, and the Immediate bedrock and lower iwo feet of tlio gravel it almost fabulously rich, tb gold varying from email particle to nuggait weljhlng lour ounce. When th main pump brok and th man were drive back by tbe water, tbe wash and plath of tb water against tbe gravel lace axpoted to vlaw, strung sll along th bedrock, a etrlngernf free gold whk It the men weie then about to gather up aud aand out.

aud I varlly believe tbat bad the machinery held out ao that I could bave worked uninterruptedly for a week at tb face, I could hav taken oui tan thousand dollars more than I did. Tb lx Ibomand two hundred and aeventeea dollar worth of gold I took out was sll taken out at UK far and In working tb channel down atream Tb pumping expenses, tolulve of all other tbout flfty dollars per day, and throughout my management they were a trifle let. SAMUEL UoCLBLLAsT. Subscribed and sworn to ror this 10th day of January, 18X9. Isial Louis Faaaa, Notary Public.

Double Breasted S9 rWlV uit $15.25 to according to cloth selected Cut to Order. Pants -Compssjf 1372 Martet Street, ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Tha undersigned offers at PRIVATE SALS th stock ot Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Fixtures, Cash Register And other propsrty formerly belonging to C. F. Kern.

Ssld property ean bs seen on tb prtmlsas, Market street, San Francisco, during business hours by application to tha undersigned. An Inventory esu be seen tt th I tors of Mlchal- llcbk Urol. A corner Bush and Kearny ttrcets. Bested bids are sollolted for said rropsrty as a whole, to be addressed to tbs aaderslgned. care of U.

L. Smith, Secretary ot the Board of Trad of Ban Francisco, 203 Market street. Saa Francisco, on or before MOSDAT. Jan IU 1894, at 0:30 o'clock a. m.

Bid must be accompanied by a e.rilSed eoeelc for li) per cent of the amount bid. Right reserved to reject any snd all bids. Sal suDject to eonnrma- tlon by Court. JOSFI'H MICH AL1TSCHKK, Assignee of C. F.

Kern, aa Insolvent debtor. AlfirSF.nKXTS. MOaOSCO'3 GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Hsndsomest Family Theatre la America. Waltib Uoaosco Bole Lessee aad Manage UOXDAT, JUSg 4TB, Doro Dovldejon AND Ramie AuHtint Presenting tbe Melodrama, "DANGERS OF A GREAT CITY." VBSISfJ PRICKS Orchestra, ressrred.

SOal Dress Circle, iioi Parquet, reserved, iISc; Family Circle and Oallery. loo. klATINRK SATUllUir ASO 805 DAT. Matinee prices, 10c lie. 'JSC.

Seata on aala from 9 a. a. to I1) P. a. TlVOLt 0P3RA H0U33.

KaiLixe Baos Proprietors and If atrs TO-NIGHT "1 warr a -Production Extraordinary Tb Great Comic Opera Bnccesa. TM ARTAR BT BiSBT B. SMITH AXD ADAM ITZlLt, JB. NEXT OPERA "DICK TCRPI5 Popular Prices Jo and 50s. THE PEOPLE'S PALACE, 8.

W. corner Eddy snd Mason streeta CurrPaiLLtrs Leise and Manager Tht Greatest Fret Musie Hall In America. SIXTY THOUSAND fRE FAMILY RESORT. I SHI I0H FKEE ME3 (IRCLE F9B LADIES. ffe Present Free what Other Cities Cbarg OKB DOLLAR TO ESJOT.

Bewitching Hnslo Free. A Feast of Xew Sur prises Free. Foreign snd Rsstern Artists ojiy. Performances Kverv Kveulne from 8 to li o'clock. Saturday Evening from 8 to 1 o'clock.

tlur uraoa ree amuy asuuee buauai a. IFKIK ADMISSION FREs O.lPHEUM. O'Farrell street, between Stockton tad Powell. Tremendous succes of IRWIN BIO SHOW, Presenting the newest and very latest European ami f-asiern auccesera. Multitudes Turned Awsv.

IfTUnpreeedented Advance Sale of Seatafl secure Your Seata Days Abed. Reserved ets 26c Balcony 10c, Opera Chalra and Box Seats 50c tins. ALICR J. SHAW Secured for on more week, commencing Jan 11. GROVE-STREET THs! ATBK.

Commsaclng to night, June 4tb. Klsborate production of hunts CttlSTO JK. Admission 10 0. Reserved 8ats lie. BDSfl-SIREET TH2AIRS.

-BVBHV JES VHNINO To-night, Engagement Limited to On Week. MR. PERCY HUNTING! Presenting Goethe's Great Masterpiece, FAUST Specially adapted for this production by Alfred J. Edwards. Tbe thrilling "Brookea" seen.

Be wildering electrical effect. LAST MATIN'EC 8ATCKDAT. Popular prices 8io. 80c, 7Sa SI 8. F.


Now open every Sun tay for the aeasoa. Daaala. Bowling Alley. Boating. Flatting aad other a-nu- I menta.

Kofresbinent at eity prtcea. tare rur round trip, inoiaJtog aa niaaioa to ugrouJS Adults. Hoc: oalldrea, 15o. Steamer Ukiah wld leave Tlboroa rsrryvsrr Sunday at a. 3 and 4 r.

aV Lear ElCampoat litis a. a- 1. and a a M1CD0S0UGH THBATRi OAXUSIX STUART ROBSON. TO-NIGHT IKAr Friday TBI atSSltUillA, rHiRoCa Two Policemen Catch i Burglar at His Work. TRIED TO USE HI8 PISTOL.

The Boose of Julio Tan Tllel Entered by Thieves While the Family Was Away Twe the Mea Eeape4. A bold attempt to loot the House of Julius Van Vllet at 13 18 Webster street was made about 1 1 o'clock last night, and but for the clover work of Policemen McManus and J. D. McLean would have beea suc cessful. At the bour named the officers noticed three men in tbe neighborhood who seemed to be acting In a suspicious manner.

After watching them for some time the three mon were seen to disappear behind a high board fence ia the rear of the Van Vllet rtstdenco. Tbe policemen waited a while and as the men did not reappear tbey decided to make an Investigation. McManus went around to the back door of tbe house and McLean went up and rang the front door bell. He had no sooner done so than a souflle of feet wss beard and a man dashed out of the back door and into tbe arms of the waiting officer. There was a struggle and the robber, for such be proved to be, succeeded In break ng loose.

As be did so he drew arevolvor from bis coat pocket and attempted to use it. Dy a quick blow with bis club McManus knocked the weapon out of the robbor bsnd and then grappled with him again. By this time McLean baa come up, ana it was tie worn of but a few seconds to subdue tho man and place his bands in the oufTs. This done, a soarch was made for the otbor two men. but tbey had disappeared and could not be located.

The captured msn nad a vaiuaute traveling case uudor ma arm when became out of tbe bouse, and though a complete soarch was made this was the only article round to be missing rrora the rooms. Mr. Van Vltet usually has a considerable quantity of valuable jewelry and plate about the house, but as bis family wont away for tbe summer a row days ago he bad removed all portable articles of this nature to bis jewelry store in the Blythe block. At the time tbe house was ontnred there was no one at home. Mr.

Van Vliot returned soon after the capture and assisted tbe officers in conducting a search of the premises. Wben tauon to tne uty rrison tne Erisoner gave the name of (ieorge Rollins, ut declined to say who his oompsnlons were. When searched, two randies, a tile and some keys were found In his pockets. TIIR COPKLAND lSTITHTR. Tg pQJjy Qf Paying U0Xt fO 1 1 Treatment ani Medicine.

There) Is No Better Medical Service Than That Given by the Copeland Medical Institute. 1 The best medtoal service In this sesson of bard times" should not cost more than $5 a month. This is tbe stand that Dm. Copeland, Winn and Neal take. This is tba gauntlet that they throw down to their confreres in the profession.

Tbe physician wbo oharges mors than that amount as his monthly fee does ao because his practice is so limited tbat he Is obliged to, or beoaitse be feels that he is sble to bamboozle bis patient to swell bis receipts. Tbere is no better medical iervloe tban Dr. Copeland, Winn and Noal glv In their special ties. Their large practice attests this fact. tbeir established situation proclaims it, tbslr testimonials emphasize It Five dollars per month is the only charge for treatment aud medicines.

If you pay more you are simply giving sway all over and above tbat amount. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH. Prominent Carson City Lady Make a Strong Statement. The case of Mrs. Q.

W. Yundell, the wife of one of Carson City's most promluent mer chant, aptly lllustratca tbe extension of catarrh from the head to ttic stomach. She sars: MRS. 0. W.

YANDELt, CARSON crTV, NEV, "I suffered from catnrra for years eight or nine, anyway. At first it was only lu the head and throat, and I thought I was suffering then, but It was not circumstance to what followed. The disease extended to my stomach and then I suffered terribly. I lost my utipetlte and what little could rat oniy incroasea my sunar-lngs. I tried everything, but I couM not et anv relief.

Some time ago I came to San Fran cisco and took a courts of treatment at the Copeland Medical Institute. Now I feel like another persi n. I can eat anything without the least discomfort. 1 am gaining in flesh and strength ami feel splendid itgain. I oan and do recommend the Copeland Medical Institute." HOME TREATMENT.

Every mall bring additional proof of the success of the home or mail treatment. It yon eannot ooiu to tha ofllea, writ for a aymntom blank. $5 A MONTH. No fee larger than (5 a month asked for any disease. Our motto is: "A Low Fee.

Quiok Cure. Mild and Painless Treatment, The Copeland Medical Institute, PERMANENTLY LOCATED IH THg COLUMBIAN BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR, 915 Market next to Baldwin Md, OVKlt BEIMIK' I. W. H. COPELAND, M.

D. A. C. WlVN. M.

D. J. G. NKAL, M. D.

Specialties: Catsrrh and all diseases of th Eye, Gar, Throat and Luugs, Nervous Diseases. Skin Diseases, Chronlo Diseases Ortlce hours, 9 M. to 1 P. 3 to 5 P. 7 to 8:30 P.

M. ssudv, 1 A. VI. to '4 i. M.

Catarrh troubles and kindred dlseaaes treated successfully by mail. Bendie In stamps for ques tlon circulars. $5 A MOITl Jlllll imam MuQilSosza Shot and Killtd While Going Horns. NO TRACE OF THE ASSASSIN, I The Bod of tbe Mllkmaa at the Oak land Mortae Not for llobbery A eared tlrangr-A Mysterious trim. Ouklasid, June 6, A mysterious mur der was perpetrated at unfrequontod spot on the Hayes canyon road this even ing.

Manuel Hou.a, a Portuguese milk-man, was shot doad within short distance of bis ranch, known as the old Moss Dairy, at the bead of Hayes canyon, about mile and balf north of Blair's Park. Tbe Identity of the assassin Is shrouded in mystery. All that Is known Is that rob bery was not tbe object of the deed and that an excited man In a spring wagon drawn by bay team was very anxious to get away from the scene of murder. At 6 o'clock this evonlng the man who was afterward murderod left tbe dairy, as was bis custom, to deliver a wagon-load of milk to tbe creamery on New 11 road way He reached tbe creamery, delivered the milk, and left there at 7 o'clock. That was tbe last seen of blm alive.

At 8:20 o'clock two nurserymen walking np the Hayes canyon road saw a one-horse milk-wagon standing Id tbe road not far from tbe nursery. The reins lay on the ground at the heels of the horse, and stretched out on the milk cans they saw the driver, in whom tbey reoognlzed Manuel Souis. They thought be was asleep, and one of them raised bis right hand. It was covered with blood. Tbe man was dead.

Tbe next to arrive upon tbe scene was Theodore Medau, also a milkman, and it was be who saw the mysterious person in the spring wagon "I was coming op the bill," said be, "about balf a mile below where Manuel was found, when another team dashed up, but bad to slacken to get by me in tbe nar row road. I noticed that it was a spring wagon containing one man and drawn bv a bay team. The horses were covered with sweat and foam, and the man seemed terri bly scared. 'There's a dead man in a wagon np tbe be shouted. Ibaulodup, but he dashed past, saying, I've got fifteen miles to go and I'm and that was the last I saw of him.

I knew Manuel well He was not a drinking man, and was one of the finest follows up this way." L. B. Reynolds of 518 East Twelfth street was riding np the road on a bicycle Itb a lady companion similarly mounted and was told of the murder by a milkman on a wagon drawn by a single horse. Tbey bad beard no shots fired, however, nor bad they seen any suspicious characters. The body was brought to the Morgue shortly before mlAlght and it was thore found that the assassin bad not murdorea I to rob.

The dead man's pockets contained 15 70, besides a very handsome gold watch attached to a silver chain. Tbe bullet that killed htm entered tbe chest almost in tbe center and ranged over to tbe right side, passing out and into the right arm. Souza was thirty-five years of age, and leaves a widow. He owned the old Moss dairy in common with John Cor- delro, Frank Lopes and Antone Sllva. None of hi partners can assign a cause for tbe deed, and thny say they do not know that be had any enemies.

FINE PROPERTY. Business and Residence Auction. Lots to Oe at Oakland, June 6. William J. Dingee, the well-known real-estate auctioneer, has ar ranged to dispose of some of the most portant tracts of land in his possession this afternoon at 2 o'clock, at his auction rooms, 480 and 463 Eighth street These tracts are not altogether in one soction of the city, but Include the cream of property situated in different sections of Oakland.

Among those pieces most worthy of notice are five ohoice business lots on the south east comer of Sixth andWashington stroets. the latter being recognized as Oakland's main thoroughfare. Thore are several choice residences acd a number of sightly building lots in several parts of Oakland, A splendid opportunity will be the sale of the lamea isewpori swimming oaui in Aia-ineda. which Mr. Dingee bas been in structed to sell for what the property will bring.

There are also seven elevated building lots on Thirteenth avenue, in the beautiful Highland Park district of ICast Oakland. Thore will bo ten magnificent business lots on Seventh, Eighth and Web ster streets, right In the hoart of the city and surrounded by the broad and arrow gauge local railroads and tlio electric linos, Unusual terms will be offered on this prop ertyonly one-fourth cash at the sale aud the balance to oo paid in tnree equal pay ments at per cent Interest. This will be ono of the last opportunities to secure such desirable business property and the bidding will probably be very brisk. THE PIEDMONT ROAD. Sheriff McKlllicau Give the Line Twenty-Four Honri inger to Kan, Oakland, June 6.

The Piedmont Eleo- tric Railway has again become involved in trouble. To-day the Oregon Improvement Company secured an execution against the line for $18,188 55, and several weolcs ago obtained a judgment against the Pied mont Compony for tha full amount claimed. At that time it was asserted that the Sheriff could ot attend or execute on the property tor the reason that the mortgage given in favor of the bondholders covered all the property. A test was made in tbe courts and it was held that the mortgage was defective, as it did not include tho personal property of the road. To-day the Oregon company levied on the road's personal property.

Tbe Sheriff has gathered everything and has given the company twenty-four hours longor to operate. Ker. F. Thomas' Kfulgnatlon. Oaklasr, June 0.

Rev. F. S. Thomas, formerly of the Prospect Hill Presbyterian Church at Fruitvale, is indignant at the report that his resignation was not voluntary. It appears that his salary of 1900 per annum was over four months In arrears, with no prospect of immediate payment, and even a clergyman could not stand this.

He was entitled to a yearly vacation of six weeks, and wben he sent in his resignation there was some talk of his having a right to this time, but the point was not insisted on. Mr. Thomas has the respect and confidence of all wbo know him, but bis congregation is apparently at present not in a financial condition to justify the employment of a clergyman. Tha Newton Funertl. Oakland, June 8.

The late Charles Newton of East Oakland was burled this afternoon from his family residence. The service waa conducted by Dr. H. D. La-throp of the Church of the Advent.

County, California. aet as Directors If tbe allotted number of stares vlie fimoua Candelarla nine, (anllalUL, Nevada Bank law Arm of darber, Boa 1 1 Blahop 60,000 shares are subscribed lor. this amount and the bslssee, $100,000, is to INITIAL WORK-Cost of dltcbsad Bums for at 19,215 00 foundation, botatlng plant with foun 10,000 00 15,000 00 00 I. of tha Maoama Qoi.d Mini. pait fourteen yean, and I say, wttKout fear of in America, Tbe entire property Is eovsrsd by la It tb effort of my mining life.

It will bring and four months' work, tbs property will at once tbe world." MlcCltllan, Jteeeieen gravel to tb shift, from which I got and turned Into aud aevanteen dollars. rrorn ov 10 itven reel. Items or eipause. at tbe time I took cbarg were experts, affidsvlts, subsorlptloa blanks, and all tbe company, Room 1, Ntirra Floor, Mills EXAMINER ims. All communications concerning; business of tha Examiner Buresu of Claims should be addressed to FRANK L.

BROWNE, Bhkkac, Washixoton, D. C. wbo bas entire charge of the business. HENRY M. McGILL, Attorney at Law and Notary- Public, Has removed bis olBce to ROOM SH, CHBOXICLB BUILDISQ.

Telephone No. 013. PREMIUM For Plant and Specifications lor a Sewerage System lor the City of Sacramento. To be submitted June 20, isn't. For par ticulars address O.

8. FLINT. City Clerk, Sacramento, CaU Claims Against the City and County. Clerk's Office. Board of Supervisors, Ban Francisco.

June 4. 10 1. In conform It with the provisions of law tbe Fi nance Committee of the Hoard of hunervleors quest sll persons having claims against tbe city snd county, wnetner ror supplies or inercnanaiae iur-nl-lied. or for labor or services rendered or per formed during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1894, which require to be passed upon by said Board, to present the same, properly verified, on or before bald Isst named date, that the tame may De ex amined and approved, 1' louna correct. JKFFKKSON U.

JAMES, JAMES PENMAN, P. .1. KENNEDY. Finance Committee Board ot Supervisors. RESTORED.

Aiimli. weal- nivalis restored. Emissions. Im- nnhpni'T. VarlciMNMM And a effects 01 Sell Abuse or Kioess forever cured.

I will gladly send. In plain envelope, sesled. CDCC toau sunerers. nit' watmctiunsiur a gBftislaa private, ouuio cure, mouivh, aMerKS L. BRADLEY.


Postponed, to commence the 14th and contlnns four days, owing to rain. BREEDERS HORSEMIN'3 ASSOCIATION. RACESl RACESl RACES! AT BAT DISTMCT TRACK. Five or more running events each day, rata or shins, beginning TUESDAY. HAV 29ra Torn Tuesday.

Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Natnr- day of each week UNTIL JU.SK 9t. Interestln? programme, large field ot good horaea, ana sett ing contests. First race everv day at 9 P. X.

sharp. laVMnAUlster and Geary-street esr reach tba track. wiLBBtt r. i-mum, rresiaeas. Bureau ofCla mANHOOD l'aragon.

No. 132-Mra. It. Hperler. Mies K.

K. llrennan. Alternates, Mrs. K. Jackie, 1L YYehnit, Hanta Clara.

No. Man Johns. Al ternate, (1. W. Fowler.

Diamond. No, 154 Mrs. Lena. Alternate, Mine Vandra. American.

No. loft Fran II. Atwater. Al ternate, Hubert B. Downlo.

baoromento, No. 13lt Cuort C. Hall. Mrs. W.

A. Hrnrr. Alternates. Herman Klsber. Emma M.

KrenlDg Str. No. 202 Mra. M. Hodeo.

Al ternate, Mra. M. Ouldee. Alone, No. 203 Mra.

M. puke. Mlea mo-Naroara. Alternate. Mlaa Minnie Ualr.

Mlaa Jobnaon. t'rtilaof thaForaat No. 204 H. p. Peero- eter.

Frank Lentnar. Alternatea, Mlaa Tracts Lentner, Mlaa Maggie O'Connor. Aurora. No. wit J.

J. uiuetv. Alternate, MUe Dell Rlalerna. 1'eralta. No.

200-Mrs. U. Lawrence. Al ternate, Ml M. Fonxo.

I'aiaro Valler Koae, No. 207-J. E. Cox. Al ternate, Mra.

Minnie A. KddT. Columbia. No UOH-Mlaa Vina Hartford. Mrs.

Marr A. Ltndaay, Mra. K. Wing. Alternate C.

Cooper, John M. Blmpton. E. R. Skinner.

Burpriee of Woodland. No. 20I-Mra. H. My.

rick. Alternate, Mra Grace Fowler. Kan Joea. No. 210 Mra.

M. A. Ward. W. B.

Ward. Altarnatea-J. M. QaaktlL J. B.

Carer. Mlntletoe, No. 212 Mlaa Uraoe Crouch. Al ternate. Mertle E.

Henoett SllTcr. No. 213-Uo HI1L Allernata. Mamie Flood. Yoaemlte.

No. 214 Mra. K. Turner. Ollla Rlchter.

Alternates, Minnie Cole, Mlaa Ella jjunean. Inlnr Noa, No. 215-Mrs. M. Connell.

Mrs. M. F.nrlgnt, Mrs. M. Koals.

Alternate. Mlea A. Commlnattl, Mrs. E. Floramlng, Mra M.

Green lew. Coneordla, No. 231-Mra. A. Klaus.

AlUr- nata, Mlaa L. Aran. Sunaet. No. 262-Mrs.

S. J. BtllL A. L. Apfel, Alternate, Mis Emma ApfeU Mlsa M.

Cuslck. EMPTIED INTO THE STREETS. rifly flallea ol Ullk Condemn by the Health Department. Oakland, Juno 6. John Reyes, a milk man, bad a disagreement with the Health authorities before daylight this morning, The officials oame ont victorious, and fifty gallons of milk was poured (a tba gutters.

Tbe dslrymsn was demonstrative and two policemen near by were active ao muoh so, In faot, that Driver Marsells was locked up on a charge of misdemeanor. After tbe typbold epldemto of 1803 Sani tary Inspectors were appointed at every meeting of the Board of Health until enouch bad been selected to surround the city. One day a Sanitary Inspector struok a clew that led to the denouement or this morning. After a careful Investigation he discovered that nine patients out of ten in Oakland were patrons or Jonn Keyes' muic ranch, lust outside tbe city. On this discoverv Health Officer Adams made examinations of the milk of Keyes' dairy.

Tbe milk proved to contain a large percentage of water ana was badly impregnated with typhoid germs. Further investigations were made and it was discovered that even typhoid patients outside tbe city were patrons of milkman Keyes. His olace was declared a nuisance and this resulted in a boycott on tbe Keyes ranch. Tbe result ol the epldemto lea tbe Boara of Health to spend thousands of dollars on a milk-testing apparatus then Dr. Pleroe was appointed Official Milk Inspector lor tbe city.

A month or more ago the Milk Inspector found that Keyes wss not living up to his agreement maae wltti the Hoard or Health. year ago to give bis ranch a thorough overhauling. The milk from bis place wss tostod a lew days ago ana round posi tlvely alive with typhoid bacteria. The result was another boycott declared on the Keyes ranch and a foroo. or Deputy Sherm set aooutcatcning ueyes in the act or dispensing milk.

Ibis was what was accomplished this morning. An entire wacron-load of. milk was condemned. In all fifty gallons disappeared through the manhole, and with each can went up an imprecation from Marsells, tbe luckless driver. When that part of the work bad been performed the Milk Inspector ordered Marsells arrested lor peddling diseased milk.

Keyes went to the City Prison for tbe purpose of bailing out hts driver, but be, too, was thrown into a cell on a similar charge. However, Reyes had enough money to bail out both niraseir and ms driver. A CHEAP EXCURSION. Only Eighty Cents to Pleasaoten i Return. Oaklakd, June 6.

On Saturday nex tbe Southern Paciflo Company will make reduction in its rates between Oakland and Pleasanton. Tbe company has arranged on that day to establish a round-trip-ticket rate for 80 cents. The object In doing this is to allow everybody so Inclined to take day's outing In that beautiful section of the country known as the Santa Rita Rancho. This section was chosen many years ago out of all others in tbe State of Cnliforni bv the late Count Velensin as a place to establish bis stock fnrm. The Salisbur.vs also Dicked out the Santa Rita ranch whec tbev wanted to establish their Pleasanton stock farm, so widely known to breeders of fine horses, and it is nere mat M.

J. Lay. mance Co of 460 Eighth street intend to hold a erand auction sale on Saturday after noon next. The iitu ucgiment uand win go long as an escort to those intending to purchase. It is the lniontion to auction trie remainder of the rancho in ten-acre fruit farms, there being forty-six in all of them and each one faces a broad and well-laid out avenue.

The tract on one side adjoin the fruit farm of W. VV. Cararon, contain ing eighty acres, acd on the other side the almond orchard or A. 1 Hatch in iuu Dear ing. To the Immediate north is the stock farm and speed track of Ramon E.

De Lopez, containing 160 acres. The land i Question is in the conter of a rich agricul tural district, and to the iarmer is a sea tion whero no long winters oome to consume the summer's profits, a section where the soil is rich, warm and lasting. To the capitalist this section presents a field for investment that is safe and profitable. The sale bas been ordered by the Oakland Land and Improvement Company, and will take place, rain or shine, next Saturday. LOCAL BREVITIES.

Leading milliner. Alma E. Kettb, 24 Kearny. PlneauDle. California utae cherries and fruits, 5l)clb.

Towtisend's, (i'J7 Market, Palace Baths, warm sea water, tubs, swim mlng; open for tha season. 715 Filbert st. Amelia Chase has beea granted a divorce from li. B. Cbuse on the ground of desertion.

Ida Banniok has been granted a separation from A. J. Bannick on account of bis failure to provide. Tbe moonlight nights In June run from the 8th to the 18tb. The Belvedere ia already engaged for several of them.

Hurry up or you wlilgetlotu Sol Levins and Abe Levins, under indictment for selling filthy pamphlets, furnished two bonds in the sum of $3,000 each yestrday and were released. Isadora Wood, the third member of the firm, is siill in Jail. SPECIAL BAGGAGe NOTICE. Bound-trip transfer tickets aow on isle at any of our office (only) at reduced rte. on tranlt.

roundtrln. 50 eests: trip, cents, keep your birRfte r.hecks until you reacB ilil city. Morton --peclaf Uellvory, ttie larftust transfer com pany: office, XI tieary sireci, uo ijiur nri and Oakland ferry depot. A Kw lot of nice etchings and pastel, framed np In new patterns of Florentine oaks and white and golds. Lower prices than ever before.

Baa-bora, VU (Jo. A rrl'sv DltMioh High WiM aad That Bar Kodaar, rrMrattra FmI Wars Brehea Off la Bar CoolaeS WUa lb sharp Tbt UnlUd SUtM reranus euttsr Btur almost toiel wreck, and possibly by thU time baltcrad to places. That Information was reoelred In San Frsnclsoo last night from tbe offloert of tbe wall-known reel who say ibe la (ait on the rocka at tbe eotranoe to tbe harbor at 61tka. Tbe steamer was plowlnf her way Into tbe harbor at good speed on tbe night of Msy 29th, wben sbs struck on rook and ell efforts to get bar off were unavailing. She went on at high water, and the oftloers state la their brief dispatch that they have rery little bope of erer getting her off.

Her stera was tbe part to most suffer and tbe dispatch said that her rudder, propeller and sternpost were gone and la a sea that tbe ressel must surely break up, as it would be impossible for ber to stand any amount of pounding on tbe jagged points of rock on which she rested. The entrance to Sitka harbor la wide, but all across It are numerous points of rook which are almost lnrlslble at high water. It Is supposed tbst she has struck on one of these, and, It so, mariners who know the barber say that tbe veeael la doomed unlets assistance reaches ber before a storm arises. None of the ressels of tbe Bering sea fleet are knowa to be la tbe vicinity, and it Is almost certain that tbe cutter which won fame during tbe troublous times among tbe sealers Is destined for de struotlon, If she has not already gone to pieces. The Bear left Saa Franolsoo about six weeks ago to Join the Bering sea fleet to proteot the seals.

Ia ker hold she bad about 800 tons of freight for tbe naval supply stations at Point Clarence and Point Barrow; and If it is lost the outters will necessarily be short of supplies, unless another vessel is sent up with tbe necessary cargo. Captain Ilealy, who waa in command of tbe Bear, baa beea sailing In northern waters for Tears, and none la better posted In tbe Bering aea than be. Seafaring men are surprised that he should lose his ship at tbe entrance to Sitka harbor, as tbey say he has gone In and out of there so much that he should be able to Uko a ship around the rooks with bis eyes shut No lives were reported lost A PROSPEROUS SOCIETY. Seventh Annual Session of California Companions of the Forest lleporteof tha Oflloera Show an In create Daring the I'mt Tear of Hundred Member Tba Meetloa; In Alameda. AianicMln, June 0.

The serentb an tiual session of the Orend Circle of Call fornia Companions of tbe Forest began In this city to-Jay. American Foresters' Hall, whsre tbe business sessions are being bold, is tastefully docorated. At 10:15 o'clock the dclcpates were called to order by Mrs. Enkle, Grand Chief Companion. The (torn mitteo on Credentials, Mrs.

Hoeler of Nnpa, G. Wesley Cranor of Los Angeles end Mrs. McCoy of Marysville, reported that Ave Past, Grand Chief Companions, ton grand oflicers snd eighty-five delegates were entitled to scats In the Grand Circle. Sovcnty-thrco dolegates were reported present and seated. The reports of officers were read.

The Executive) Council reported that eight new charters bad been granted during tbe year. Tho Grand Chief Companion reported the order in a flourishing condition. i The Grand Secretary reported a gain of BOO members during tbe year, and that tho membership of tbe order In this State is 3,221. The reports of the Grand Treasurer, Grand Auditors and of the Supreme Kepre sentauves were also presented and ao CCDlCd. At tbe afternoon session the Committee on Laws reported on the proposed new constitutions for the grand and subordinate circles.

This evening tbe visitors were en tertained at dinner by Hamlet Circle. The session will convene again to-morrow at 10 o'clock. Following is a list of tbe delegates and alternates to tbe meeting: KxoeUior. No. 2 C.

A. Douglass, Mrs. Beydenrlch, Mrs. A. Harrison.

Alternate, Tnoinas Sewell, Mrs. A. J. singer, Mrs. s.

A. Benuhnrnais. Oakland, No. 3-Mrs. M.

Streibor. Alternate, Mrs. K. B. VHluge.

Bay City, No. 11 Mr. Marks, Miss Burkhelm, a Label. Alternates, Miss K. Wol mer, Mrs.

F. Goodman, Mrs. H. Worms. Diana, No.

a Mrs. M. Degen, Mrs. D. Hunt.

Alternates, Miss M. lirannan, Mrs. C. Schmidt. Ooiuen Gate.

No. 23-Julius Caiman. Mra. Rose Trieoer, Miss J. Lena, Alternatn, M.

M. Morionstern. I. Harris. Loreley, No.

26 Mr. A. Teply, Mrs. M. Papp, Mrs.

B. Naoke. Alternate, E. Lampe, F. W.

Tnpken, J. R. Hans. Live Oak. No.

'J9 Mrs. L. Holland, Mrs. E. J.

Bteinway. Alternates, Mrs. B. Kritmer, Miss N. Miller.

Defiance. No. 38 Leopold Green. Alternate, Ace Morns. Olympus, No.

42 Miss Alice Msas. Alternate. Mrs. M. E.

lttT. Golden eat, No. 43 Mra S. Sandman, Mlsa H. warsnawKy.

Alternates, Herman Konn, Bol Fenor. Bobin Hood. No. 58 Mrs. Addie Davis, Mrs.

X. Tlooulet, Mrs. H. Scblumm. Alternates, K.

P. Jaeobson, Mrs. Carrie Levy. Frank de Julio, Hamlet, No. 64 Mis Marian MenieL Al ternate, Miss Julia Horwlnski.

TwillBht Circle-Mrs. Sophia Fries, H. F. A. Bubr.

Alternates, H. W. Schlichting, Miss Amelia Jacobs. Mizoah, No. 100 Mra.

M. Gibson, Mrs. H. Goldman. Alternates, Mlaa M.

McNamara, Miss M. Stewart. Yuba, No. 101 Mrs. Minnie McCoy, Mrs, Amelia Deringer.

Berom, p. D. Cahill. Liberty, No. 102-Mrs.

Roie Rlckard, Chris Tembyjr. Alternates, Mrs. Ada wasley, K. Diinstan. Golden Kra, No.

103 Miss T. Flackmeyer, Mrs. Kemp Van Ee. Alternate, Phil Aach, Julius Berck. Bonlts, No.

104 C. E. Mayo. Alternate, Ura M. K.

Read. Myx1'6. No-105 Mrs. Kate Bollan, Charlea A. KcFdden.

Alternates, James Healing, mV if. McFaddcn. Angelina, No. 1 06 G. Wesley Craner, Mrs.

VV. Merry. Mrs. A. Baswltz.

Alternates, M1 A. L. Bell. Mra Llllle Latimer, Mr. Freedom, No.

108 Mrs. Annie J. Further particulars, together with reports of Information can be secured at tb ofnoe of Him.piNn. or by malL PIERCE'S CALVANIC Guaranteed to be superior IN EVERY RESPECT to sll oibern now In use. Our cheapet lielt (price IS) Is lietter than others sell at from $10 to Hi, and our most powerful Beitst neata anytulng In the wsv of an r.lectrlo Houy nmiery ever known.

Dr. 1'lerce'a celebrated Hells and oilier sppllaacea are manufactured eiclualvely at our factory In Man Francisco, and are thoroughly teten before netng sold. To sny person suffering from chronic dlsetse or wesknens'they are worth their weight In old. Samples of all other msy he seen at our oidce. Mecirlo Susnenairy free with every Belt.

Dlrec-tlem for use In KnglUh. French and Herman. I MKl iairh armed pamphlet i. or can at heailiiisrters or tne company, occupying the en tire Vu. ana sin noorsaitnn rouowing aunri-Hs: MAGNETIC ELAiiTIC TRUSS CD N.

W. corner Kearny and Sacramento streeta. ban rancugp. UK. aSiAitV These little rills will uulekly curu deSante CGNSESTIOH, dudoctpur HEADACHE.

3 th.t "Orstns de Sail du Dr. Franck." aro printed In four colors on I'd of Jboi. others are counterfeits. LKilOV, Tarts. FVV THE UNFORTUNATE.

01 35SPENSA3Y, B3 A KX ST. KstaMlsberi I for the treiiimeiil 1'rlvute Diseases, Lost Manhood. Hcbillty or discuse tlfejj lug on bodv and "llnd mid Mkln Disejw 3KSSSWI pornium-nilv cu: ud. Tho doctor bas vis ited the hospluils of Kiirope and obtained much whlpb heciin impart to thos in need of bis doctor cures when Others tall. Trv Noc.aige unle be eflecig a cure.

Persons cured ot Imiue. Charges reasonable. Cull or write. Address, Dr Sjilii-IIOK. 107, Sua vranclsce WEAK-MAN CUES FIFTEEN DAYS.

I will semi FKEE to any tho prescription of a tiew und positive remedy and sure euro for all wwikm'ss In young or old men. Cures cases of Lost Manhood and Varicocele In 15 days; dlscaso never returns. Correspondence private. Will furnish remedies if desired. Address, BARNES.

Lock Bo 3S i. Sews Dealer, Marahall, Mich. Capes and Fur retailed wholesale prices. A large assortment always on hand. Factory, 20 Ban some street, npstairs 1 DR.

MAIL'S REINVIGORSTOR ill L.OSSKS in 34 HOURS. CUI.K3 Lost" MASHOOD, Impaired Memory, Impotency. Varicocele, Gleet, and wasting ertecw of Hrrors of Youth or SZNT SEALED, 3 Battles, FIVE Dollars. Guaranteed to Cl'RE any tase' All FMVATR DISEASES quickly cured. Book for men mailed fret to any deKnbinf their trouble.

Hall's Medical Institute tii asaanav. Oasvaa. Cat, DR. TO vj tut 7 tW LOAKS KAiiPn TOiSB. Secretary.


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