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The Gettysburg Times from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
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GOOD EVENING Most of us don't know we are in trouble' until we are caught. WEATHER Cloudy. GETTYSBURG TIMES MtottVf, MM HIS OVA) ftT 50 OR TOVJN, ftT ao Member of The Associated Press Truth, Our Guide--The Public Good Our Aim Read Hy Nearly Everybody In Adams County ESTABLISHED 1902 GETTYSBURG, A A I A A 25, 1980. PRICE THREE CENTS EARLY RELIEF A PARTY CERTAIN State Department Is Awaiting Word From Minister Swenson, At Oslo. Only Woman U.

S. Senator Dies at Age of 94 Years POOD I ARE INADEQUATE Washington, Jan 25 A --The state department today was await- int; direct i i a i from Malih- tcr Swensen, at Olso, Norwav. replying to hu, instructions to obtain Norwegian cooperation for the re- hei ot Rear Admiral Byre, and his A a i exploiauon pariv With no further requests for cooperation from Brci's backers, ficials' of the c' partment confident that exeiythmr poss.b 1 xx 111 be done to prevent the pa ty Irom beim: marooned for anotlvr South Polar winter i food supplies inadequate for the Ion- Disposition ol Norwegian and British whalers to 1 the acuteness of the situation did not cause the department to a'tr-r it position that immediate aid should be provided Itr To Brvak While it was reported troir Olso that Mir.i-ster had been i'i- 1 on ned the whalers helmed the if the S'M winch is isolating Byre Irom the world, would bieal" ui A i i i feu das. a i to icceive a lin'ir minister u.i, rnierally i preted to he pur negotiation i ihe Noixx "an office and pos'ubH i the companle O' Ifjt'ti I L'tl'jiU S. HI.K1 C' J'LLTON i Olo i i i i xxij-iinn sailiuc ships ir th" A' i i tic art to aid ol i i i lockt-d in by ici parks tin" Sea bu the Noru dan i s' association believ the a A ill breal: up and i A i a i supph .11 1 i i 1 1 Thi Nnrx'-f ox loniifd i in 11 CM 101 a ho i the i SiaU" i a i would all it i i A 1- The i i proached th' 1 v.h i i i -L c-i'.

1 1 i v.hich pioiniM'd 't A i i 1 Eyrd were shfi; i i a uh.ihut: a i i i vo-jld b- I to the rescue Believe Then- i i Time Whalei.s a i a i v.nh in i Ar.t.ii'"ir i '-'lu i i i lor i i up a i h.dnm la n.n"- i the pu to Koss Sea ompanieu by i i 1 i "(i i the Hos-- Pf.l .11 ,1111 Consul en ch.uin: ,1 a i in of the belief a the A i i i i i pedition is not in a i a danuei James Koss tlvise the ice "n-ie up i Urlv Janu.m and\ To Aid Directors ol five a i lions now in the Antarctic, at a meet yesterday decided th i would a eveiv step necessary to render assistance, but. i in It would be impossible to spp- 1'ly i diinni th" nc i Captain a a on South Polar 01 A i snid February was favorable tor getting out of ihe if thai Admiral Byrd should be in no danger until March, miles.s rnnditions abnormal Y. W. REACHES $1,000 IN DRIVE With three Gettxsburr; districts reported partially and one repoi from county, the campaign to raise the yearly budeet of $2,500 for I ho Gettysburg A had reached the first thousand dollars oday. The drive was launched a week ago.

None ol learn captains have been able to report fully because their solicitors have been hampered in covering their territory bv inclement weather during the week. Six clubs affiliated with the W. A have alrendv pledged various amounts to the budget They aie the Barbara Pritchie club, Littlestown; the Business and Industrial rlub, Littlestown; the Grace Dodge club, Gettysburg; the Annie Danner club, Gettysburg: the Home- craft club, Gettysburg, and tlie Blue Triangle club, Biglervllle. WEATHER REPORT Eastern Pennsylvania: Cloudy, probably snow flurries in extreme north and extreme west portions tonight. Sunday fair will) colder in southeast portions.

sub i tl'i in a i i i a i o' (r l( ot a p. 1 ea c. i i i a i Mr i i i i ul a I i o' Mr! "d- 111 i i (K'f a' a i 11-is i i an t.on on ui' 1 huM'i" ol HU i i a' i i cross- ur I nsi tra.n in i i i a .1 i v.n i i i i a i i i i l.ict is tha i i i i conditions '0 0 i i a oit i ii" i i i i i a i i i p.i a i 1 hi is a i a i i hov i er i is looiis! 1 i i a 1 too i i i i n.aiK i i a i i and pi.i.s his i i 1 i v. i the lues ol or in rs Grade Crossings i i a ii" o) cm snv bun" i Juced led- i a i i i i a i a stt arh i i i i a i i i i of motoi c.u 'ii is i i i i at i i a i the a a ut i i i i i continues to a i a i i a a'. What wf need lone "ratle crossings exist fi i siRn.s and 'nun 1 a a piotecticn the form of I there are no- Mifiu'ie'i 1 tiain.s to warrant a a At a i and other it be i a a 1m a 1 of the a i cievv or some 1 designated jjerson to the rio.ssini.

1 dan 1 ei i U.sers of are i this protection. "Virtually all (lie mam lines a othi-i i a r.ulioad cro.s.sin^.s in Ponnsyh.una a i protected bv gates- and a and. in con- i there i.s i d.xnpar at these. ot the seiious uccirients occur nt cros.sniRs where warning a the onlv means pf pi 01 eel ion Tl i all puaided bv liRht signals a flashed only when danger looms, and the drwine, public learned throii'di experience that the red flashily; ht voilly meant something, there be tar less chance-taknv, and far lower accidents at tirade crossings" CHIMNEY FIRM Pt'T OdT The Gettysburp; tire company extinguished a chimney at ihe home ol Fdwnrd Steinwehr venue, i i damage ua.s done. MRS.

REBECCA LATIMER FKLTON, OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA. EXPIRES AFTER A BRIEF ILLNESS. Atlanta, Ga Jan, 25 A i Rebecca La'imei F'-l'on. the only v.oma.i to hold the oHice of United a rlif-d at 11 45 Physician Is In Philly Hospital Dr. W.

E. Wolff, Arendtsville's 'only physician, has gone to Phila- 'delphia lor physrca) examination i he left, it was expected that he would be away only four or five days bill the ol his stay 14 JH, A indefinite He been from an condition in his head, and 'o Philadelphia to be examined by a i-p-oiahsi i 1 expected he i crit'-i a hosnita! i County Schools To Get $58,949 School districts in Adams county will u'ceive $58,949 lioin th- a as a substdv loi the las' i months oi 1929, Kdwaid a i a i treasurer tcdux Che for I-, a i i i i i b'- "laiied on "VfGlid.r, to i i the loi a i i i i 4 ')19 a i 1 bf i i i i i the i i Engagement of Local Girl Announced Today dot': Fr illm f-s Mh Mrs and i i ht er A i 'us a larrnei Uf i i.a-, t'f- a i President A a Abuse Of Old Grade 1 A OF MANY MISHAPS fej to a i i i land old woniar ol Or 01 a i i dis' ol 'ii" the In i i she "-i i i i i on Oetolv. 'vV a oi 'a to i.y. a In he- son re.K too: oath of office Nox-e'iiiv-, 1922 Coii'TCs-, 'i: s'" aor S'i( served as a lor only 21 hO'li. a a a i i a i jusi lu'i ie' Wh'l" hi i lei in of o'fic'- o'i'' ioi i iiiece' i i made bv ace 1 G'O to bluxe 10: ornannood in EM.

ae Oaller', crovds Idue- "i xMjiu' 1 1 1 itilo me clier-red Mrs FeUon.! a i a i i ol a i and lace om ai" oic! Soi'H. a 1 she ap- pi a ij.i the floor oi the a iiou'" i'i mr w.i Mrs rei on boi in DeKalb "ounu i i a 1U. IBi-io. t.a' i ot and anor a i i i She x'-a- inarm in 18o3 to rU'on, who diea 1:1 F'," I v.eie bo: to 'I i i a i ul i XM-re re the MK al .0 i a i i i i ui air, i a She c.i- a in i I a 1 a icmbt" Coiit'iess eia' i diii ni; his i.i'Tipi aiH i i i hi di I'i'-i IIH Did IIT." me i.ivt Jo a she a a i i political leaciei i 1 i i i i a IOOK i i a i in "UiLvMial'j: i.ii and senalonal a i i i Iii her i -iiTtn toul: i 11 uch.ili ol i II.

Kix 1 SeiiUlni I hoi i- V. Wit.soi,. A i xwii-jini: hi attd ns on anl'-Wilson a i a Uo'h i I Txvo vi ai jc.un i nent Ii in i i a i i ui.siK'Ci'.Ju; to- iion Cit Jan 25--Charged with mbc-raiement of approximately O0'" the Un-on Na'iona! bank here ne employed as a Ais.iuit, Kirk- patrrck Jr arraigned br-fore T. i St ite Commi'; Voorhies Mia LCC. ui bonu i ar'ion ul leui'ial A ol lire i i a i cashie- followed of the bai.k-- books Monday 'Ihe shortage xxas lexealec! at that time.

An.tiidi.ig to bank ofScial.s, Kirkpa trick told the cominifesionur he hpd opriated xar.ous at cufTeri nt times last They x- ere all lost tht. itcent BUS CRASH A I IS I JURY'S HANDS County Man Is Married Friday A of $-1 01J 05 in Jrr. or of the Nevin bus company and an additional vcidict ot 18? i a i of Paul Einoiv i i ul a bus that coiiipair, i Paul Hoste'ter companj of Yo. ret'iMied a in count court at 2 afternoon Tne i JR" oi Mi's. Mabel A i i ol Mrs Edward C.i- (11.

ol Milwaukee. Wisconsin and W.iltei a i a ot Mr aiiu George I a i a Getty.sburt; 15 took place at i clock Fn- atteinoon at a par- in Bifilu villa The lleniy i a i officiated Mr. Haiman i' an engineer After a short wedamu trip, the couple ill mak' tneir home with tlie bndcRroom's parents Littlestown Man Dies At 84 Years Amu ev DeGroit died at his home, Lombard street, Littlestoxvn. Fuday nipht at 10 45 o'clock, from infirmities of aye and complications. He was 84 jcais old Mr DeGroft is survived by his widow, who V.AS Miss Alice Sheeh, ol Littletown, one daughter, Miss Serena DeGroft, at home, three sons.

Amos DeGroit. Hanover, and Hoxvard and Charles DeGroft. of Delaware, five grandchildren, one brother, John DeGroft. of Hanover, and one half-brother, George DeGroft, of Littlestown. Mr.

DeGroit was a reined tarm- er and thresherman, having lolloxv- ed the latter occupation for 30 years He was a member of the Harney United Brethren church. Funeral services Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the funeral parlors of J. W. Little and Son. Littlestown, the Rev.

Earl E. Redding, pastor of the Harney Unrted Brethren church, officiating. Interment in Sunrise cemetery, Harney. A i xvhicb. tne c.ise tl a i th- I i pany.

of York weir or. in York icax, xx is on i xerdict in. noon Tne Ne', rr. coir.pinx- i ates ousts i'i: Getlv.sbuic a- oi an aceiden' be 1 of rt.s machines ann a taclied to Hote 'er i on I Hanox'er road, near Borre.u.i 1 on the night 01 10. 10J9 In the the dr-x Paul Einon, Philacrclnh.a dama'jea.

and F.mrn XX.T 'm. to an extent th," he xxa-- i i to ihe Warner hospital i After running into the left the and a alone the load i in i bus were up but eson serious injury. The bu.s xxas i route to Pittsburgh at the tune STUMPFS TIME IN JAIL IS CUT the on- 1 Stumpf of L.ttlestov who a served monMis a ser.i'mce loi MOlation oi the 'icuor lav.s ps to be released trom the Adams count An order loi his lease VMS Sheriff G. Moin.son i the board ol pa. dons -Amch heard Stumpf's apnea 1 S'umpfs tune commuted months- bv yrtod She iff Morrisoi.

said he would lelease the pi.soner il a ot $300 nnd costs ot 513 are naid the red York Hive Spring's To Own Forest Move To Prevent i School Bus Accidents Han isburg, Jan 25 i API --The state of Pennsylvania moied today to preient possible school bus grade 1 crossing accidents within the a School superintendents i quested by John Dohony chief i of the bureau of accidents of the i public service commission, to import all gi ade crcuslnss over which school buses operate i inadequate protection Mr. Dohony called a i to the accident laU Wednesdav near WEATHKK FOR WEEK Washington. Jan 25 A i The outlook tor the week beginning Monday is Rnm or be- Kinnintr about Monday night and endnir, Tuesday i Then cen- erally fail i Pnday or Saturday, when or a i r. probable. Warmer Monday, much cooler Tuesday ninht and Wednesday and con- i i cold Thursday, a Berea, Ohio, where nine school children and the driver of a school bus were killed.

All reports of inadequate crossmu protection will be investigated by the bureau with a view of determining the actual hazards and to eliminate or reduce them Charles Meek chief of 'he Buieau oi Extension reports. That the school board of York Springs is coiTemplatira: i es'iblishment 01 school forest The school board now acres ol land six of which denoted to a school forest At request of Potts, a member of the school Mr- Meek made an examination of the- aica in\ i the principal. Professor Starrj Tlif nt plan calls for plant- 10000 forest trees oxer a penod ot three with as manv varieties as possible and have the school children do the planting. There are 78 students in the hirrh school They expect to phmt 4.000 trees in the spnna of 1930. consisting ol the i species- Japanese larch.

Scotch pine pitch pine and white pine a Inr Sl.OU. MEET Thr a Bible classes ot i i Reformed Sunday School will ho'd separate sessions in church auditorium. Sunday mornmi; at 9 30 o'clock Committees liom each class will a a special lor the occasion. CMU'RCI! OFFICEKS The folloxsinfi olTicers xxere elect- ed to the New Oxford i a i church council on Thnrsdav even; niR at a re-oryamxation meeting I held in the Council, xice president C. Livingston; finan- i cial secretary, Harx'oy Bollmw; Harry No, bie was elected seriotan and C.

treasurer ot the Buildian Fund association. Wan en Baughcr was elected head iiblu-i. MISS EDYTHE V. MINTER 1 AND "STOVER A. SMALL ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOUNCED AT NOON LUNCHEON.

ENGAGED Yoang Man Found Beaten To Death Near York Today 'Vorii, Jan. 25 A both of man uas found i i in snow aionj4 Lincoln i a miles west of York. His was sevjreS.s bruK'-'d and cut and his pockets --vere rific-d. An a i i drier's card v-'as in dead and horc the name i Charie-i Rock. York It is ojiinion of Coroner Zeeh and the police a man hold-up, beaten and his a i stolen.

The dead man's skull a a and the side of his a was scratched. There was no i of a simple. The bod is a oi a man six feet tall and about 21 year 0 of aije. Trusted Bank Aide Is Held In $21,000 Shore Shortage he reported to have sa.d The prob Ls bemg continued bj examiners, r-rt not 1 I a w-Uh this explanation 1 Finances naff ected of ihe bank i not ne a bj the shoitage. accoiomg foimer Juafje Enoen A Higbee id'-nt th'j i i i Ku said jhonaye iully an compaiij.

Osficia.s ot the bank, followint; i a ariesi, rts ealeti that another err.ploe had been dis- who reported to kiiowleage the embezzlement InM itigatori said thev uid not ue- IiL 1 the aLschaittL'd man haa an duxct coiii.i tne but him for keeping the acts concealed. Kirkpat: iei: i.s mained ana haa bten in the employ the 1 bank fur i vean He in the dtrice ol the and other officers of tne bank ana no suspicion 01 the embwAeir.e-nt, existed until the estimation ana aadit was mace K.inpa'.i.cL lurnisheri oail following ihe heanng and i at liberty pindii.g iurtiier ac'ion by the United Staler aitornev at. Trerton. Announce men' at a i nooi' he r-neape- i men' ot Miss Fcr. i Mrnter.

ol ann Mr- Mif'r'le S'over A SmaH. ot Mr and A Small 425 Lmcom Way Chani'Df-isbuio 1 Announcement of the engagement ar. un.q'ie rr.arnrr ne at luncheon Hilr Cole- Phopp" a ernu Mor-in. of Frie who vxas hoi.or s- limcivon. i a 'eli ram 'AVreh contained Ir.ric "K- on i he 'Ju -J to i M.n- l.c-i" cards xvere o'; Ms i i a of mgi' i-, a pop'uur 'Tf'inb ol 1 'e'.

"vre She i 'n th' 1 stu'f a i i 'chool M'ss i a'-'T-uen college 101 Luncii Ciiambersburi? ''iirh school and attended Ur.n ersif at Sc'ht. P' Gf-'-i. -u irtr MILLAGE OF 4 TOWNSHIPS TO BE INCREASED Grants Request To Increase Revenue To Reduce Indebtedness. i A A TO AUDIT BOARD ED1TIIL V.

MINTER 5 1 ILL PEALEBS rr.oer He Uf fective Throughout ai.roar- a Pennsylvania, Sep- 1 i a. 'i ir. jt-: i Ch: He em- 6W BeCOITieS re Throng i sylvan! ternber 1. Fopr A i in Adams county to lay additional mil'apf to reduce their indebtedness bv Judge McPher.on in eoui' heie tins ir.ormnt, Tme of Menallen and Latimoie lor mivsicin to an additional five mills tax to the 10 mi.l late loi chi.s jeai In tounship, u.o super'. authoru-ed to lay an additional 3 mill tax Thy ra in 'hat is now 10 mills In Oxiord tow rrhip the cupcrx'lsois i authority to levy nnhs additional tax to the rate of 12 mills established lor this year.

N. D. Jeffcoat, of near Gettjsbur'j, sened a 60-dav sentence in Aciams county jail for operating car while under the influence 01 liquor, was paroled by the court ro- daj A fine of SlOO imposed upon 'vhen was sentenced not hK- colk-cted, the pleaaincr thctt he had no personal property other than his clothes and no funds. IVoman Mr-- Ksta Coupon was appointed a in La'amorf township, ceding Geoiue i 1 V- IXSPECT10N TO Al BE STATE-WIDE I -Much M' Po.ij D.Je i Mis i 1 1 Vu: M. 1 Bea- p.

i 'l Har'- If- Miss B' n.r Codd. i i 1 1 M. 1 a to i oi. .1 do- Dr. And Mrs.

Charles H. Huber Sail Next Wednesday For Mediterranean Cruise. 'r i i.m --P i i- rn i.l cao- In' ri 'j i defend or i i'. cjr.ciit.on a'tc -c h.m- dn' -i o' 'if 1 'ISP 1 -i' for for Vi'if; ail next Wfcinoson-. a i a' 4 ci and i.

of Enc'an'' vail CT. i i a n. i a a 1 Dr is he.Uimastr "-bura ar.a snbba'ical 1 'nent Ir. 1 her and i re i preuara'orv schools in a 1 Eton Rutjbv and Harrow Such places of islanri-s of Mareira Santp Cra and Tenerife i b' 1 irciud 'd in i itinerarv Tb.e Canarv ai to be Msitect before i 1 Casnblinca in Mo''0' co ''V f.r^t place on the Short Stay at The cnuse continues w.n Algiers and and Malta to Greece where a. shor' stop made a' Some ntre wi 1 then be spent in the eastern with bnet visits 'o cities as Constantinople Jerusalem Alexandria, and The course of the i a next swings and touches historic Rome and romantic Naples Pass- throuch Villetranche Monto Carlo, and Cherbours, the next is Glasgow where Dr and Mrs Huber expect to leave the expedition and spend some i in England Attorney John But' v.

as ao- po.n:ed master in the divorce action i Beulah Kr.oi.vr against Not man Knouw A libel chaignifj crui 1 and barbarous tn-atment. was hied Ciiarlof.e K. Grouse against Claience Crouse. both ot Gettysburg A subpoena was re- t'jinabie in court Ma.xh IT Bv ot counsel the civl acaon of John H. Wolf Helen Youny.

the latter ol Haiwvfr, achedulea for trial next week. as postponed by the court Attorney W. Clarence Shcely, who represents the defendant, prasenteri a physician certificate setting forth a Mrs Young is nl ana would be arable to attend the trial District Aiiornf Butt this moin- insj; Mid hp cts to i six criminal^ next week at the renul.n Januarv term. Tne cases bv the piosecu'or for tnal arc thos (1 Rooert illegal possession liquor Charlrs A -pt'r, operatin a c.Ji unaur the influence 01 hquor. Beinard Gebhart malicious rmchief; Bruce Funt, charsed i operating cur hile the ilurnce ot liquor; Samuel ana tin a WillKin 1 and Harola Dm bin i cnir'jC'T.

Presbyterians Start Drive For Additional Funds I'd 1 n. rl i i MI I'- .111 i i i.u.k MK I- i a of i T'' 1 Ic i i i i i 1 i on ML- a i Ce- Mnk I'hi u'-e ol i a a as Guic.c A Pav. i Milk i A i not i i unI ii: i i i i i at-snmt; tlie sell thfse sati lies the a ot that. safKv en' a bo-, i the lived ai.inr.s to iContit.ued cn PaKe li) 65 BOYS ATTEND GYM MEETING Show Movies Of Training Camp Dr M. Hadwin Fischer.

Seminary avenue, i show mount; picture? of the Lutheran. Leadership train- me camp at Brysonm last at a meelmcj of the I i a Christian Endeavor society of St James Lutheran church, Sunday evening at 6 o'clock The meeting is open to the public RESIGNS POSITION' A serving the Gettysburg National bank in various capacities for fifty-five years, William Kcndle- Sr. West Middle street, has resigned his position as bookkeeper at the bank. Mr. Kendlehart has done little xxork since he was taiccn I ill more a a year ujro.

i i bojs of the pre-hrgh 'School in xxere on hand this atternoon a' 1 clock thev ot canned into a phvsicil education in the lijmniisimr. of the 1 Hotel Gettvburp The education classes xxiil be open to all boxs of the i sexentn and i Qiades here The classes a i beint; sponsored by commit teo.s ot ihe and Lions' clubs i Joseph Donat, a student at the Lutheran theological 1 seminary, in chaw. The classes will meet everj Monday. Wednesday and Kndav a noon Irom 4 10 "i doc'-, a on I Saturdax a i i 1 to 5 1 o'clock The linance committep or thi 1 Presbyterian church, Edmund Thomas, chairman appointed to i.use lunds foi the enlartjinf. ot the Sunday school department at chinch, held a meeting.

Friday arid decided to launcn an immediate lor monex. No amount xxas decided upo'i by i committee, the urging that the congregation be generous as possible Lamont, ot New York cit-v. the official architect ot the Presbyterian denomination, spent days in Gruysburc; this week and met xxith the buildnift i headed Judge D. McPher on Thursdav At this meftirv: Mr Lamont outlined rough plans for the addition to and gave the committee an i a of the cost of the improvements Beside 1 McPherson otlu" members ot the xx ho met i Mr Lamom, i evenmi? were S. Bighain.

Wimberi Miss McAllister Mrs .1 Dalbey, Mrs John Mcllheimy and Dr Walter i i Malones Welcome Son In Honolulu HOSPITAL Ur Clan' Railenspei i i i i xx. is i i us paii'Mi, 'o W.ll in i i a I' a 15! id' i v. a i i i I. ef. a a pa Captain and Mrs.

H. Malone announce the birth of a sun, Dan- dndfie Michael Malone, January 1. in the new army ho pital al Honolulu, Haxvail The child xvas the fast born in the hospital there. Captain Malone was commandant. of the O.

unit at Gelt vKburff collet' 0 for 'everal vears udtil he xxas a to Honolulu Mr-, Malone ptorniiieiv in arnateui i i a Call taxi.

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