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The Ottawa Journal du lieu suivant : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 6

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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1 Women Less than Wholesale During the July Sale Ladies' Rain Coats Ladies' Rain Coats in fawn and gray par amatta, with velvet collar, full back or with yoke. Regular price 4.50, sale Ladies' Rain Coats in black and navy paramatta, Regular price 5.50, sale price s.75. Ladies' Raincoats in black and navy blue, with yoke or full back, Regular price 7.5o, sale price 3.95. White Quilts Don't forget the 'sale of white quilts. These quilts are good value at 1.2$, but we bought them in a way that enables us to sell them at 85c during the sale, Ladies' Blouses joo good print blouses at toe joo good print blouses at 49c Splendid variety of percale blouses, during the sale 49c White lawn blouses, during the sale at 750 and 95c Prints.

5 Cents 6000 yards jf magnificent mercerized sateen prints, in the Boost fetching floral designs, very fine quality. The same goods made by the same factory are being sold elsewhere at double and more the price we are asking. As long as they last during the sale, 5c, .1 973 379 WELLINGTON STREET THE OTTAWA EVENTXG iTQUltNAIi, TOUIRSDAT, JTJL7; OPERA HOUSE IMPROTZr PROPERTY COMMITTEE TO ANALYZE COAL P' OF 's, Children's Ladles' Boots and Shoes Ladies' patent leather lace boots, mannish last, heavy ex-tenajon sole, a 1-2 to 6, regular price $3, sale price $2. Ladies' French patent leather lace boots, heavy extension sole, sizes 2 to 6, regular price $4, sale price 3. 3.000 pairs of ladies' fine dongola lace shoes, turn sole, plain toe or toe cap in common sense or medium toe, the Ames-Holden or Jas.

Linton nwJcr. Regular price from 1.50 to a.50, sale price 1. 1 5 300 pairs ladies' oiled pebble laced boots, nailed -3 to 8, regular price U5, sale price 90c. Misses Boots Misses' white kid slippers, spring heel, sires 13 to 2, sale price 1.25. Misses' white kid slippers, heels, sizes 1 2 to 2, regular price 1.50, sale price 1.25.

Misses' patent leather strap shoes, sizes 11 to 2, regular price 1.50, price 1. 15 Misses' dongola kid 2-strap slippers, sizes It to 2, regular price I.50, sale price 1.15. and Men's Shoes MEN'S BOOTS 700 pairs men's bnff bals, whole screw, regular price 1 25, sale price 90c." 400 pair men's box calf bals, leather lined, new last, recular price sale price 1.75. 900 pairs men's fine dongola boots in laced or Congress, regular price 1.50, sale price 1.1a 250 pairs men's patent leather bale, sizes 5 to 9 1-2, regular price 3.00, for 2.06. 2 co oairs men patent leather button, boots, sizes 5 to 9 1-2, regular price 3.00, for f.

op. BOYS" BOOTS 90 pairs boys' buff bals, solid leather, regular price 1.25, sale price 90c 300 pairs boys' box calf bals. back straps sizes to 5, reaular price, sale price i.25. 300 pairs boys' buff bals, all solid, sizes 11 to 13, regular price 1. 15, sale price 80c.

225 pairs boys' box calf bals, leather lined, sizes tl to 13, regular price 1.50. sale paice 1. 15. 250 pairs boys' fine dongsla bals, sizes I to 5, regular 1.25, sale prie 90c GROCERIES Extra Standard Granulated Sugar, 37 pounds 1.00 Light Yellow Sugar, 31 pounds 1.00. Pearl Tapioca, 5c lb.

6 pounds for 25c Seed Tapioca 5c lb, 6 pounds for 25c Macaroni, 5 pound box 25c Vermicelli, 5 pound box 25c. Toilet Paper 6 pkgs 25c Toilet Paper, 5 rolls 25c Hel's Naptha Soap, 4 bars 23c. 7 pound Pails Jam, esch 50c. JEM JARS Pint, per dozen 50c. Quarts, per dozen 57c Half gallons, per dozen 69c These Jars are extra heavy, At Crown Jars.

Dainty Taffeta, vnd At Larose Go's Only SILK WAISTS $2.95 DAINTY LITTLE CHINA SILK WAISTS -Entire front of clusters of tucks and fine lace insertion. Transparent collars and cuffs. These are particularly cheap at ..2.95 STYLISH CHINA AND JAPANESE SILK WAISTS Fronts are made with pin tticks and several rows hem stitching. Stock collars with hemstitched turnovers and bishop sleeves with hemstitched cuffs. Unusual bargains at.

.2.95 CHINA AND JAPANESE SILK WAISTS- Fronts are made with tiny tucks forming pointed yoke effect. Bishop sleeves with hemstitched cuffs. Pretty summer waists at 2.95 CHINA AND JAPANESE SILK WAISTS trimmed with Valenciennes lace insertion in fancy finished with tucks and hemstitching. Fancy stock col lar! and bisbop sleeves. These are 2.95 Flanuelet; Striped Flannelet, light and dark colon, 30 Big Wrapper Bargains S7 RIOSAU ST.

in, regular 7c, sale price 5c yard. Plain colored flannelet in pink, white, price 5c Special reversible flannelet, regular value 15s, sale price ioc Ladies' Underskirts Colored mercerized sateen1 underskirts, all colors, thoroughly made, deep fiounce and accordion pleated frill, L.dies' black underskirts, beautiful finality of mercerized sateen, knife pleated flounce and deep' frills, Regular price I.75, for 95c. A sale of Women's Percale and Lawn Wrappers, at 75" nd 95c. Ladies' Parasols, Ladieis' Underwear, Gloves, vtx osiery, Ribbons, Corsets, al I at Big vi--v Reductions During the; T. LINDSAY 60.1 LflROSE GO.

17 aUMBX ST. Purzled to Know Whether Lowest Tender Will not be Dearer in Long Run. Leasing of Wellington Market. Th elTlo property commute la la omewbat of a quandary 00 the question, of purchasing next winters' supply o( coal, of which about S00 tooa required. war opened at th meeting of Vh tr-" inn erniln( a wtilch war present Aid.

Cbnbot, chairman, Lapolnte, Beaioan, Cue tee, Rosenthal, Cunningham and But ths acoeptanca of sny Imukr area riWMvad nttndlnx an lnvea- I 1 1 ration mm tn th mie 1 it of anal. At th meeting o( tha commit held a week ago thre tenders wr rectavoit (But (fees were unopened and new tender were asked aa the coal specified la the adTerust-meut abut out J. P. Battle, a dea-er who Is outalde the allecttd city combine. Keur tender war opened last night: Mall a Holoomh, I7.JS per ton; C.

W. Bang, VM and IK; Butter-worth Co, ,7.25 and 7J5; J. P. Bam. 16.26.

Mr. BatUe'a tender waa led by a number of letter fro men woo bad need Battle coal ana nx found It alt right. Chairman Cltabot waxed enthnaiaa- tie over th menu of the coal and aid he nad enquired about It and It waa very eatlaf actory. AM. Rosenthal thought a buncb of letter aaUnat the duality of Baltic's coal might alao be aecured and tie would not favor accepting toe irnoer on the atrength of tlx letter.

Tae $7.25 eoal might be fir bettor value than the I6.S& eoal. Am. Should! aald last rear lie testad Battle's eoal a compared with the other brands. TM rear he to paying the dearer price for tha other roaL He aald be could tell of other doing the same. Battle's coal burns clean but It burn too quickly, lie alao aald that wben the Battle coal waa used in the.

city ball the cato-taker bad to (It up lata tt night and Set up "before breakfast" la ordr mtnt weie AM. Ploufte, CunnTjHin. Xa-fwante end Attowith. the Oeorc wmmt loop er ehe street ratfear caewanr. llfl mesiw' InMn-iLm tb caawmuv wa to bsve the emim turn down aiwees: etteet.

but the WUr mrlnedr SmitM It voiad be las OHtsrerous 10 mmrw mam wtw JKiaa strM. Tha aHUWl mum-Uon was adopted by ortnranr. and cai MM ruo don BlOmo DaJbouaVa, DaJhouat. to Oeorea. Usurra Busses.

mjxi etuaarx to IUOMU. reartiutloa by Aid. Aetrwlth end lajpointe. spprov- l. a- nhn.

m-ilM ml TM MfcOU- non csax asm tha fca? was eotnpeatad. na turnioa srmmd of cam at the port onic indftimi street wouid have to Oaoeuaian' aaacerto Poiaa Th. CMnmuv' Elensne Compear sakrd taratam to erect pokw on Som-arsw street Cty Pntnear Key. PoWUM out hss Its. asveaent mrttimfa the c-ooioanr ouennc poaj or.

V-J- Tfe mnUM rfatadad that th repot on Che menoj eversl cleans Cor enuvr ofthU eelai to ntrOoraoooowooooo(oioaoo llN THE POLITICAL WORLD! FAeTl UXI WBOPOeUWOW. Hon. A. O. Brstr teave tMs arterano for New York, end wta eatl from Share for EnsSend on Mr.

Blatr ma unnatmnti orail wanks su r.w ttia. artan. ant 4liararore as etot tra- madaaDetr cowwmal wlih the fast eteaja-Mo eaia propoMtKaa. Its aMnletarof rauwaa nae (amunr tooaffai keen (he furnace SrS anlaa a the enal burned ao qulokly. He was prepared to back the $7.16 coal.

Aid. Oinntaeham favored accapUng the toves bmVtr that of J. P. Battiei AM. Beanan dU not car to decide for cither coal until he waa ax sure aa to eh compareUT nuue.

Aid. Otrnte did not Uke to ez press aa opinion. Tb $7.25 mlrht be found to be cheaper than th S.Za Drana. Aid. Rosenthal nored that the eoal be analTsad and enid be wa wUllaa to par tha coat himself.

It was lin- ailj decided to hare Ob coal chemical tr tasted. Th motto waa supported tr AM. Lapointe. Rosenthal. Shooldls, Seamea and Ooste od opposed by Aid.

Cnnnliiiam. To Test Different Bins. A peolal committee composed of Aid. Roeenthal. Coate and Chabot wiU look after th tea.

They propoM to CO to tb different coal btna and help chenaeire) tat aaanptea. 1M eioer member of th eonunltta will also make anoulrle recardlns tb rom-parattT value. lAhl Cooalnrfaun and- Ooate presented motaon to lnrlte tender for a tsn-rsar lease of WeWncton ward market and balld1n, th lease to hare piirtlec of making aor needed alteration, th corporation to retain th rlsht to use for market purpose th property outside th bulldlne. in 101 receipt were 4M and th expenditure 1360.81, learlna a bl-ano of Thli rear the eati-mated reoeepta are IS78 and th caretaker alarlea.

17. learins anc of not Includlnc toU and 1909 V)r pvitifii Th contnatte decided to ask tear der a tb viupntj at present Is not a very paylo; concern. Some of th eomtnltte would Ilk to It leased a a cite for seme manufactorlnc concern but at present no on seem to be after It. NO MORE SWITCHING AT POST OFFICE. George Street Loop Street Railway to do Away With it.

Recent Storm Causes Bills lot Damage by Flooding- mne burinras or the board enwVe wiia put U. ertth coaMti.ncha)l speed kwt svenlna' br WJ ehalnnen. A The etiMT RiMntra pre- the reeent storm eo tatr VOy were re-farra la die eniwaier sad esyr aoakltor. On ceatm teal! Wa axrest. ens tor I1M, eiade no aa follow One naa oarrpst.

ru(. 1 Br li sills cmrv. MaJ 1 Bruasela esrpat, HO 1 nail eerpet. 1 1 esova, 1 rue. Sj 1 box clothes, HI I 1 peer our- tains, XT 1 eouon, Mr.

O. IjanTST. D.ioaU and at. Andrew wueut. ctajra- ed that amna or tne new cemem bmi-walk.

put Me stoop en a hola The an-snaar enplalnad rhait trie shop was built in A hra aod was shout two below the level of th old sWhnrHk. wblrh was oner a ooupi c( Inohes lower, Uua tb. new one. rmx and H. Bdnults.

164 and 1st OaMrihtnn stiwt. akrd the board to Share the coat of a dridw to oonnact wkh Avon enasH. se csnaldrcaMr rock x-cswuton ertll roiivs be don. -It was pnwosM o-K the esty lease he pipe reowsred. tut before taking snr airtloa the conanlttee WW get repor Cram toe city ensloear.

Aeaaeamen CCmnaartoner Praet r-poreid set eo McOoueall sva-nia to MlcbnlMi axreet. town lots, now isiail at U.0CO, would have be avoorad. A the propextr benrtltt wound be etivitl -the ctir wooM biva to pay boots tbao on-ttid of en coat. ynaee. e.ira,..cieasia- vt, borses and WU4, DO WUW, anvwwf ur uei.eire I --Ti s-i.

-aasia. BACK FROM moktrtttr Ornrl OurcCI mtinad rWwn IwaifVsn AJnrf. arTlTs hs WU oimtlon muttlt ou. x.mtwi www frtvTIKVWI, i4Uos3, su. wiu vm vv Um trsbority.

LTTTIaB ohovvth in muxbbrs. asdv at ttt veiwfV Mat tit Korth Oowtr twirwiisMp uc piinted, la IaffTMd hat tbm nuovbr of tbotto qiwU-IM mtvw Jukora at T. Tb votara UfKler th aaparata tfmMom or dhrMona Both mufatrtpsaai aitsctxai anrl to th lrUlartv mataAAr, tnuntetoal ttrm criyf 7. it that (flit fctn olmoir tn aumtwfa tah fMc Yon year to year an ia fmaaoipaAixr. bmmda ara amaftL aanl itm Dcol truJr Ouiwim tryUvw aod It tnifht ada4 COAL TO BE HAD AT 86.25 PER TON Trench Separate Schools Award Con tract for winter supply.

Th two hundred tons of eoal re quired for the French Separate aohoola will be supplied by J. r. uatue at per ton. Tender wer opened last vmnc at th nteetlrw of the French committee, at which tber ensr present Trustee Boudresult, Botleau, Chapman. BeKea.

Bloux. Cbarbonneau and Foreet. The foUowlos- tender were recetvMi John Heney Bon. rr.H I Frank O'Reilly, WH I 3. T.

Battle, fl.M. Trusts Bolleaa wanted 100 tons or BalUa'a coal bouirht and 100 ton of th other two, and an experiment mad for tha coming winter. Alter earns discussion, however. It was decided to sccept th lowest tender J. w.

BatUs, sVK-21. School Repair. Tsndera for reanlred repair to tN. Jean Bsptlst sohool were received a follow O. Jacques, sets i usosr Besudry.

IM Antoln QerouT. 1171. BV Umole tendered for ths painting and papering at 1117.11. Trustee Bolleaa and Fort move that Beandry tender, being tb lev ssU be accepted. Trustee Sette and Chapman moved amendment, that Umole.

be sir. a ths contrast for painting and papering. and tsht the oarpenter work required be done br dar labor. Both motion erer loot ed tn queetlon will be left open till th general meeting of the -board. XXTTX OAZBTTE.

nis flantxsl Canada KxhlMtlen Oas ette. Issnsd tor ths C. Exhibition AaaselatlaB be ad. T. KsldanS.

I i.a annasrsnrt There will be tut en Issue, and et consists of four Isrge psgs lasusd en fine paper, and la 'replete with Information about Ot- tawas grsst axnuonon. i na klbltkm thes Tr atsrts) en August 2nd and eleee on August una. HURDMAN'S BRIDGE COLLAPSED YESTERDAY In Consequenoe 3. ZsKlalr, Oyrvlll, was Badly Bart. Kay be xtobailt, Mr.

J. IsKlalr, of CrrvUle. bad) a narrow escape tram death yesterday afternoon. While driving over Hurd tnan's bridge with. team and wagon itloa of the bridge gave way ana wagon Into" tfis river nenestnr sar.

Leclalr was considerably shaken up and cut aocoewbat Mvsrely about th bead. He would certainly hav been drowned had It not been for the timely asststanc of soma people who happened be near at kand) when rh accident occurred. An examination by Warden Cummins revealed the fact that a span of th brtdg had col-la peed and at I thought by some will necessitate thai entire rebuilding of the brtdg. A meeting of the county read and bridge aommUte will be held en Monday and ah question of repairing or rebuilding the brldg will be discussed. enouM the latter be decided upon It I estimated that ths cast would be tn tb neighborhood of lU.OOO.

APPRECIATIVE Sdltnr Journal: ear wish tn a lines mv Mxh appreciaUon and tbsak to An. U.naou ana mnere who hare eecured for us the Bank alias edndar nsth. I Ml sura evt nnm artM rldesi a wheel or unves a boree WIH chew-fully clrnowiedB tne Inxprovenient Tours sincerely, WM. A. LEGCO.

TWO HOLIDAYS TOO MUCH. Printing Sureau Employee Csnnot Ost Both Clvl Holiday and Cerenatlen Day. asi of Jovermnet iiarW Boree were a bit maspposated. yaateroay when ttacr rareml uSe that trn-y were not to nave rvn HsJfclaV. bV TtlT.t IS Cher etsy sway hVr wll lose their daa'e pear.

Hob. R. W. OoMt. servetnry of etats, toM sfSeinr Oaok enl exAla, Robert eteeert yetrvr, v.ten ln-taraeond for ehe emplorena that hs did not feel OSLt he oould Justly slve two lvjBA-v fa, aha, auW weak.

Csvln HolU ob Uonoav end day en dalurday ctf the sauna werfc. waa tnOrm uwil xani unfa. Thai men wnl have a on rownaJnn day for wtson tbey til draw th oeuss oay weew. KAFFIR STOCKS. Tnli.

an A Parle Krolssttca. ISnrlte (Parker TWonto). ebl. to-day quotes 1M H. psrirtots.

i Kw)s l-s, PMtanaatars Tisasiiase. fisndarvon Ranxtfoneem Ketitaa, Is. MatatwIalaTal. B'a ilkal. Oonsa.

ml laj M. 1, lis Id. DevW Rotoloe RsasKoaWUTdl I if iL.iiu,. 1 tm TV. rmv.fil Bxotnr- rvn s-a Kr(Ii; i Hrter.

tared. CI be. Jrswrsre CI to Orest Ksa 4-a aoshaeuaoa nmm. e-e. HBKTIN09 SUSPENDED, Til lasdfas Aid od Women' Foralks Wamoaary Society of Knox ohirroh hav decided to suspend work until Pritmber.

Tb Iavomv Hociery ot toe ar Oraad to Has Canopy Along lattr mux. ta Addition. Mr. J. B.

BiNUTaw. mm. fOrand Opera House. Is eontamplaUBs; nimnsmiu to tn rxon sx ai play bouse and Ms alteration to iv 'ta reoav A canopy ruanlnv the fuU lMMrth ef ths bulldlna" and nsmu th entire sidewalk wlU 4a rested. wlU oinoea into six sections, will be at- tractive la aoDearanos.

and wiu east about 1600. Tb board of work an- proved of the plans last alcfet. but th work will hav to be don to tb atls faction of tb eHy engineer. root wui also erected between the bulldlne and Hragnr HalL oovertnt- the present alleyway. Thls mm can um ne need for soenery and win allow more room on th stace.

This will cost aboo Mod. ALD. DESJARDINS A5- He Denies Th he AdvocaUd Xra ployment of Wrench Labor, d. Beajanllna to noyed over to otaurf Bad that be waa snetrumental In wtUnc sVench labor klven a Dreferenoa onw Tin.u.i. epeaklnej men on th fit.

Patrick and y-immmim Knot pananwnt. A4 th tlm th report waa published, jm. uesiardina waa atsuut in umrmni and could not aeon by the aianiug Journal reporter. Thle snomlm sav th story a flat dansaL On Cba morninc Oast men wer -ran end. Aid.

Desjardlna any tber wer over 100 men on Che (round. Tfaa Included several from Hull. Templetoo and other outalde th city. Th alderman i so tb nt of tb coMrctln wry. Mr.

rjaiaai and aaid ha hoped no ootaM fnea wootd d-fed when tber many gnod men from Ottawa and By where to work Is to be don, and who era to pay for tb work, anxtocs to oe taken 00. AM. Ueaalrdlne sua that no Individual mn waa rooa-m ended that nsltinsr a this occasloo nor ao any other racial or roll-slona feelliar aotcred into any of hi a dtolloca. rouncs itrx cauituM inrsrnvAU nr. xrv irarpny.

IL, pacts te wttsod CO Osrp bsstboSat isstlvsl to-aisjsiuw ovanlng. Mr, Mnr- jmy aay shad Mr. j. p. NVsstrjey, at.

I wno to th principal speaker, reqneetedl be sod sir. Berkeley foweB. at, A td rwrngirqt i him. Almonte tba JonrnaL) Almonte. July sL-Vn agua 1 av.

ciosss match which era co stare been played oo Mortrlaar next, bsfaaa tb lYoungj Uarnrais' and lAlciontq, (will tek place Saturday stsrnoonv tha rl. I arouada Aaj K0Un match la looked for. aa la Ottawa, when the team last met, the eoor nd play sjraa nneutoally edes. Th soeal tsam expects to eome out oo top nd will ba la rood oonmnxm tor th gams. It la aaldl thad by arrarsje-xnent an Ottawa latere waa aooepted la Ottawa and the vlstsors ar agt s.

able to tak aa llntnntsr berm. IWUUona ar bttna clroulatsdl In town askto; ch town council to make a great ot 1300 for th purpose of reoc-gaauing cow baadJ wttoh nsa been defunot for asm Ctaaa, II la hoped WKh this amount to pot tha atganexaUon on a xuwt else basts. The MtHoos are being urdTsrsay signed. fnepaxwtlon are wU oa th sray for ah celebraxloa of ooroaatkio day In town, tha member of th town council being satisfied. It Is said, -to doclar Saturday, the 1th, ctvla boll-day.

A lacrosse match will be played wtta a team from Ottawa, which will provtd a good) satun for th aftr noon'a entewalnmerrf. Tboproaramm In other reepeots srtu be exoellent. llr. W. W.

FMtord, editor of the Abnonbs Time, ha instalksS a new Mm. Tb eilsse Jsmleeon. daugbxer ot Iter. W. B.

Jtmleeon, of Kerrtckrllle, after a visit to mlaUvea bore, left yesterday for Perth. DEVERY'SPIOHIO. Ex-chlsf of Vsw Tork Tollo I Ooing 1 Into PoUtioa. New Tork. July XL-Between 1I.0M nd 30,000.

woman and children wer th guest of x-Ohlf Of Folic Wa. a. Dvry on a watc, plonto and ex-cuieton to a Hudson Blvr rssort yee- terday. Devery Is a candidate for ah XMmocratlo Issdersblp of the Ninth Atsembry District and tola monster outmg wsa a feature of th spectacular campaign he has been ooaduotlng. Men were excluded and th tts boat loads of excursionists consisted only of wottea and children from the ninth district.

"JL. It waa the biggest excursion wMc ever started from till city. Two large eteemer and four barge ware required to carry ths excursion and De- very was personally In charge. Ten plyelolane, a oorpe of trained nurses, Ufewavers, am per company a vaudeville troupe and four band www taken along and refreshments were' -served In unlimited qusntltlee. The chief eommlteair of ths expedition had IS ssststsnts and the list of supplies wss sa follows: One thou, and pounds of roast beef, l.tOO pounds of corned beef, 1,10 pounde of ham.

twV wugarrfour tub of-butur. twenty barrels of potatoes, twenty crates of United tomatoes, ten ctate ef raw torn .00 head of osbbagav K. pounde of coffee, tin ears. loaves ot bread, cbun chowder for 10.000 person. 1.600 pound of psnry ashes, gallon of lc-orem, 1000 quart ot milk.

sM boxes ef soft drinks. ten barrels of birch beer, 1.M0 bsg of pop corn and candy. Xota 8npi To-morrow, Friday Twfnty cnfcli. Mack and grey, wer and 12. TS, to-morrow 11.

acn. 17 flannel suits, nest amy blue and grey atrtpe. were $7 suit, to-morrow suit. IT pdlrs Knglleh hrnk fltnnel trousers, sll slss and perfectly made, regular 12.60 and It. 00 pair, tomorrow ll.ei pair, klacdonald Cr, 17 Bank elieet.

Queen's PxrV, Aykner, I delightfully cool. Run out mat try it, KAVB BENBBJ Do not let body but yourself get one ef the I.M Reciter for tl.M, Be window at La Balss Ill Rldeaa 8L Upend rtvie Hottdar among tb u.i. II. naonal church will not call any rVT-jT V. BMMina; until after tb moolh of Au- Lott.

Broclrvm snd LW blssl IM. nst. 7'ars 11.00; children 11.0-.

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