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The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California • 10

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
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INTRODUCE HER. TO THE PRICE CUTTER AND'-SHE WILL-FttfTTTHAT HER MONEY DOES DOUBLE DUTY. 'Tis never too late to mend and start to save money You cannot help but save money when ycu trade at this store. Here are some of our Memory-Joggers: DON'T LEAVE YOUR WIFE If she pays $10.00 to have her corset made to ordersend her to ns and have her try one of our LA GREC4UB Self-Reducing Corsets. The best gowned RilvfjOur.

women of to-day, world's most noted singers, actresses and society women, give them an unquali- fled Indorsement. The bust is supported sufficiently to prevent sagging, but they are not confined; the waist line curves in sharply at the back, supporting the spine In the correct position, and makes the too prominent abdomen disappear naturally and permanently. Made of Van Orden's patent alumln-old boning, which Is rust-proof and unbreakable. Lace and ribbon trimmed. It is the only corset ir stout figures that cures pern.

nently, instead of applying porary pressure; In white or b.ack. Price S8.50 Just Received, Another Lot of the Celebrated LA BON IT A CORSETS. A GOOD GARMENT FOR COOL DAYS. And one that will surely keep you wuriu. Ladles' all-wool blouse waist or sweater Made of steam shrunk yarn In all tho new fancy weaves; new bishop sleeve, tight fitting cuff and high rolling col lar, knitted snug fitting belt at the waist; in red, black and white; if you wish to save you can by buying these, price YOUR NECKWEAR Is Seen From Afar.

See that It Is worth seeing. No one will show yon a larger assortment or richer designs than we will. Yon are Invited to Inspect. Ribbon Protector or Over Collar-Made In the newest Swiss embroideries, button hole edge, all In one piece; many designs to choose from. Price Be LACE OVERCOLLAR In deep rounded effect; made of point Venice lace, In serpentine and star designs; if you are a good judge you will more than appreciate the low price, i SUlo QUEEN ALICE Tie and collar In the Buster Brown effect, buttoned In the back; made of silk mercerized cloth; white colored silk embroidered; two large buttonholes, hand finished, with silk tie drawn through.

Price 25c ARE YOU MAKING ANY CUSHIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS Here are some cushion ribbons, the im ported kind; full 4 inches wide, corded and In shaded effects, from very light to the darkest shade. In lavenders, yellows, blues, reds, browns and pinks. Price 80 CENTS INSTEAD OF $1.00. Come and see If this Is not the truthful advertiser. LADIES' UNDERSKIRT Made of mercerized sateen, satin finish, stainless black, finished, a 12-lnch flounce and two ruffles; also seven rows of bias bands, tailor stitched; patent draw string to fit snugly at tha waist line; generously made in width.

Price 80c COLD WEATHER COMFORTS. You will find these also a comfort to the small-pursed woman. LADIES' SHORT PETTICOATS Made of colored striped flannelette trimmed with a flounce and finished with a hem; French band; in pink or blue. Thursday's price 17c LADIES' GOWNS Made of colored striped Cinderella flannelette; square yoke, doubled back and front, rolling collar, embroidery trimmed; in pink, blue and gray stripes. Thursday's price 35c i i.

ONE-HOUR SALE. Between the hours of 0 and 10. Umbrella The pat- ent seir-opening kind, steel rod and steel frame, covered with waterproof twilled Gloria cloth; natural wood handles, German metal trimmed In different style handles, supported with 21 steel ribs, which makes It impossible for it to blow inside out; you cannot buy them for double the price we aBk for them during this hour; none sold before and none after. Price 4e B.KATSCII.NSK 10 THIRD San Francisco Adjoining; Call JUST OUTSIDE THE HIGH- RENT DISTRICT. i Ank for oar "Free Premium Checks" irlven with ull purchases (except apeciai sute saoesi, iou can exchange them for beautiful house lurnismngs).

SAVE MONEY TRADE WITH US The near approach of the Holiday Season fluds our store full of exceptional and wonderful barulns. We earned tlie.reputatlou iu past yeara of giving you more value for your mouey than any other store in this city. This season we offer you even greater and better Inducements and can positively save you from 25c to 60c on every purchase. ON SPECIAL SALE this week, Ladies' Vlcl Kid Juliets with bluck fleece lining and rich fur tops. Made for solid comfort, warmth and neatness, SPECIAL REDUCED price S1.40 Sizes, 2Yi to widths, to EE, $2.20 Patent Leather Lace HandSewed Soles Just compare this with the beet $3 value you evor bought elsewhere.

Only a store like oura could possibly sell such a superior shoe at such a very moderate price. Ladles' put-ent leather lace shoes with neat extension soles, Cuban heels and dull mat kid toi. REDUCED SALE PRICE fJS.SO Slxea to widths, AA to D. Men's Xmas Slippers AH Styles Leather No other store can show you so large a variety and assortment of men's slippers us we have; special this week, men's seal brawn, chocolate or bluck vlcl kid slippers with neat shaped toes aud fancy leather trimmed luster. SPECIAL SALE PRICE.

Shies tt to 12. We Inane Christmas Shoe Orders for any amount. They make very appropriate and acceptable Xuiaa presents. KATSCHINSKI PHILADELPHIA SHOE CO. PALADINO MAMOLA Lulgt Paladlno, 28.

419 Harriet atreet; Glorgla Ma mo la, 24, 419 Harriet street. PATERSON ANDREWS William L. 83, Portland, Louise A. Andrews, 22, Portland, Or. SAHLBERQ GULLIVER Oscsr Sablberg, '82.

22, 410 Sixth street; Belle Gulliver, 19. 2740 Fillmore street. SULLIVAN SULLIVAN John S. Sulllvaa, 3n, 400H Sixth atreet; Mary Sullivan, 20, 109 Morns avenue, WESTERFELD LUBBEN H. William Wester-feld, 21, San Frauciaco; Lillian M.

Lubben, 18, San Francisco. BO It. FIT2ELL November ISO, to the wife of Lincoln Fitsell, a daughter. HOWARD In tbls city, November 30, to the wife of George Howard, a daughter. HUNTER In Alameda.

November 20, to tne wife of Frederick L. Hunter, a daughter. MAItniED. BEAN BLACKLEY In this elty, November 211, by the Kev. George W.

White, pustor of Central M. K. Church, Barton T. Beau and Mabel M. Blackley, both of San Francisco.

DILLER HATTAN-ln this city, November 30, by the Rev. Edwin F. Brown, William sV Dlller of Berkeley and Ada E. Rattan of San Franciaco. FITZSIMMONS NICHOLLS-In this city.

No- vember 29, by the Rev. A. C. Bane, George I Fltsstmmons of Pacific Grove sad Bertha H. Nicholls of Portland, Or.

McCHESNET McCLUNG In this elty, Novem-ber 30, by tbe Rev. A. O. Bane, George Godfrey McOhcauey ot San Francisco and Cora McClung of Haywards. SMITH FOG R8TROM In this city, November 27, by tbe Rev.

Edwla F. Brown, Alfred Smith and Jennie K. Fogerstroin, both of San Francisco. UNITED UNDERTAKERS Funeral Directors and. Embalm ers, Stftt Mission Street, bet.

4th and 5th. Formerly In Metrooolitaa Tsmnld. Tel.BouthloT. Finest equipment at moderate rates McFADDEN, McBRJEARTY GREEN Funeral Directors and Embalmers 1171 MISSION STREET, bet. Tth and 8th.

Phono South 44. HKXUV J. GALLAGHER sue-eessors to Flanagan A Gallajher, FUNERAL Directors and EMBALMERS, SO Fifth St. Tel. South 80.

Oppoalrs Liucola School. DANIEL P. DONOVAN, manager. Eugene McGinn. McGIKl BROTHERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, SI2(4 and aa McAllister S.

F. South 252. Formerly 81 Eddy at. Jamea McGinn. Henry Haaaem.

JAMES McGIHS iu. Formerly with McGinn Feneral Directors and Embalmers. XI Eddy St. I Tel. Soatla 670.

TIE Board of Directors of Art School Makes Statement That It Has No Control Over Students Outside of the School. Tbe hazers of Albert de Rome are beyond the reach of the punitive powert of the Board of Director! of the Hopkins Institute. This is the gist of a report on tbe affair adopted at a full meeting of tbe board last night in executive session. After an hour and a half of deliberation the board gave out the following statement: "The Board of Directors of the San Fran cisco Art Association, while deeply regret ting that any -member of tbe California School of Design should have received such treatment as it is reported was sustained by Albert de Rome at the hands of some of his fellow-students, finds that tbe affair occurred outside of and remote from tbe school and without tbe knowledge of any of its officers. This being the case, the board, after due deliberation, does not feel that it Is required, or has the authority to investigate the incident, since the acts of Individual students, outside of the school, are not within its jurisdiction.

Asia consequence the board, while deploring the fact that the name of the school has been brought into undesirable, and, It is believed, wholly undeserved, notoriety, is of the opinion that it is not in a position to take any action in the matter." President W. F. Davis said the report was practically a duplicate of that referred to the board by the school committee. Dean Mathews was not present. Regarding the action of tbe authorities he said: "Unless formal complaint is made to the faculty that the character and actions of students is such as to unlit them to eniov the privileges of tbe school there will be no consideration of the hazing by the faculty.

We have no rules of deportment here, because It Is assumed as a matter of course that members of our classes will behave themselves like ladles and gentlemen. This is no kindergarten. Our students are pre sumed De nere for a serious WANT WOMAN DECLARED BANKRUPT The creditors of Mollle Leary have petitioned to have her declared an involuntary bankrupt. Her principal creditor Is Hins ft Landt, to whom the owes 1786. The other creditors who ignea tne petition are tbe Union Hat Company and Robert L.

Toplits ft Company. The petition states that on November the 9th she committed an act of bankruptcy by allowing D. Crowley iu uuuid a judgment againBt ner in tne Superior Court, John H. Condy, a musician of Stock Ion, has failed for $3,894. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.

A WARNING One of nature's warnings that the Stomach, Liver and Bowels are weak and out of order is Inability to sleep. The system is so clogged with impurities that the nerves are affected and sleep is impossible. Better try Hosteller's Stomach Bitten before It is too late and sickness comes upon you. It will correct these ailments promptly ana insure you perfect night's rest. it also cures Vomiting.

Flatulency, Nervousness, Insomnia. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Chills, Colds and Malaria, We hope you'll try i Bom at onoe. Died. Death notices will be telegraphed, in brief form, and inserted, without additional charge, in any or all of the Hearst newspapers New York, Chicago, Boston or Los Angeles if advertisers will make the request wheri handing in their copj lor THE EXAMINER, (la order to secure abtulute correeluesi la iu nounoerueiiu ot funeral, Irleuda of tlie deceawd abould brlug aotlcea to the bunlueu office of "Xhe Examiner," aoutbeaat cor. Market aud Third or we i)io wo umce, 1012 Market at.) CITY.

rljax, Ethel M. 20 jrre. Mcluaea, John H. 66 Apiileton, Catherine 55 Mayer, Ollle la yeara. Uaham, Grace K.

28 Mwhan, slater Mary Cughlan, David. Hilary 34 yeara. Oouuesa, Kate (5 yeara Michaul, Minnie 18. t'-tineo, Nora 34 yeara. 'erklna, Wni.

Itonovan, Catherine 48 Treaton, Kmllyt-87 vra. liucroux, Julia 38 years Hitter, Martin V. 67 y. English, Jerome 64 yra. Jtohrs, Aujruuta 44 yra.

Flaherty. Patrick 72 y. Hachs, Henry 37 years. Hand, Martha 59 yeara Hhera, William J. Hcrrguth.

Julia 33 yra. Hhort. William 53 yrs. Holt, Mrs. Anna Hiluttel, Kva M.

76 fiillfhlnMon. Wni. A. 70 Skel lender, Milton O. I'arl V.

42 y. mouths. Kelly, Margaret V. Wado. Mrs.

Margaret. Knimbcl'ij, Annie A. 16 Ward. Janins W. 70 yrs.

I.eehy. yeara. Whytlaw, John N. 76 y. Jxmibanll, Amurogglo- Witt, Lena years, ua yeara.

PACIFIC COAST. deary. Caroline IB y. Monre, Jamea A. 52 y.

Dornellr, Thus. V'. 25. Mortheuaen, Jennie Ingersoll, Wnj. B.

70. 27 yeara. Kamcne. Hftirr. Walah.

Arthur I IT Irlug, Uaid W. EASTERN A.D FOREIGN. Williams, tteorge II. A.TAX In this Mty; November 30. Ethel be- aii auu momer or liagel and Ruth K.

AJei. a native of Iowa, aged 29 yrara 4 montha and 3 daya. ivnticc or rtineral hereafter. Remains at iwuiuii oi me nvsiern Annttion runeral Mrertors. 1724 ievlsadero street, between Kntrer and Buab.

APPI.ETON-ln this elty. November SO, fsthe--rlii-. dearly beloved mlfe of I. Appleton and aVTotwl mother of I'annie Wallace, Alfred aud Marguerite Isabella A)ileto. a native of Chatham, Kugland, aged A3 yeara and 6 montha and arqualntancea are reapeet-fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Friday), st 10 o'clock from bPr n-Kldeuce.

1HS8 Howard street, h-tr Riireentl) Interment, Mount ollvot Cemetery, by electrli st'rwts1 Klghteemh nd Uuerrero BASHAM In this elty. November 28 Grace tf beloved wife of J. A. Uasbam. mother of John Ba.ham, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. A Ca kin. and sister of Mr. If, T. Matthews ind Daisy.

Allle, Cbarlea. Oacar and Cyril RWe. "i months and 10 days. 'Friends and acqualsUBces art leapect- nIABLE TO INSTITUTE STOMACH Visit our bargain basement, as we have an agreeable surprise for you. Our dollies will be on dress parade at economical prices today.

KATE CASTLETON 12 inches high, dressed tit uiouian BLyiu, witn a poke bonnet, underwear, shoes and stockings, light curlv hair and blue eyes, also bisque head; movable arms and legs. You cannot realize what a pretty doll this is ANOTHER The Gretehea Maid Inches long, curly hair, marble head; different colored dresses. 'Price them elsewhere, then como to us and you will see how rea- sonable the price cutter Bo YOU WEAR HOSIERY 15 HOURS EVERY DAY. Why not our perfect fitting 'and comfortable onesf You pay no more for them. Made under our own supervision expressly for us.

Try a pair and you will see tne aitierence. LADIES' HOSE Made steam shrunk cashmere: in swiss ribbed, also plain, stainless black; full finished; no chilblains or cold feet when you wear these. Price 85c a pair or 8 pairs for. $1,45 LADIES' HOSE Made of French lisle in the openwork lace effect, in all over or lace boots; perfect finish; stainless black. Price this quality elsewhere and you will see how much we can save ypu.

Our price ,...83 LADIES' HOSE Made of extra thin cobweb lisle: reinforced heel and toe; raven black; silk finish. Instead of 50c, our way of Belling.38o ARE YOU A GOOD JUDGE OF LEATHER! If so come and Inspect our Hand Bags, If you wish any for yourself or for presents. You will find our prices a little different. Quantities are what we winh to sell, and a small-margin pront is what will make us sell them. Here are a few from our large assortment: LADIES' HAND BAG Made of soft finished walrus skitH silk poplin lined; card case and purse to match; gilt frame, with patent clasps; -also graduating hand-braided handles.

At the money- saving price $1.00 LADIES' BAG Made of pressed monkey skin; hand sewed; 10 Inches long; leather covered frame, with the new patent clasp; moire lined, with purse and card case to match; extra strong strap handles. Instead of 1.50, LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED. For burenu scarfs or runners We Invite you to be the judge Made of white English lawn, 20 Inches wide and 64 inches long! hem-i stitched all around; machine braided In elaborate patterns of embroidery in flower and leaf de-. signs. Instead of 25c and 35 cents, Thursday 17c DO YOU NEED' ANY All Over Lace' or Webbing for your new fall waists or dresses! Made of Point de Gene net In teneriffe, berry and vine designs; In ecru, white or Arabian; full 18 Inches wide; finished edges.

A lucky purchase enables us to sell these for, a yard. 75o IDF ROSENBERG UUL THE PRICE -CUTTER 816 Marktt St. IIOTarnllSt. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED Mrs. Florence Merrell, Arthur G.

Shera aud Albert E. Shera, a native of Frlenda and acquaintances ae respectfully Invited to sttend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at 1 o'clock p. at hit late residence, 1318 Buchanan atreet. SHORT In this 'city, Novem'ber 30, William Short, a native ot Delaware, aged 52 years. 8IESBUTTEL In this city, November 28, Eva Margaret, wife of the late Daniel Siesbuttel, beloved mother of Alexander and Maurice C.

Siesbuttel and sister of M. C. Glmpel and the late Henry Glmpel of New York, Mrs. A. Bleabuttol and Mrs.

Fred Ilsohn, a native ot Hesse-Oaasel, Germany, aged 76 years 9 months and 2 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at 2 o'clock p. from her late residence, 28 Twenty-eighth atreet. Incineration, I. O.

O. V. Cemetery. SKELLENGER In tbls city, November 30, Milton youngest and dearly beloved sun of Fred and Margaret Skellenger and loving brother of Fred, Mervln and Hairy Sheran Skelleuger, a native of Callstoga, aged 9 montha aud 21 days, Friends and acqualntancea are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 10 o'clock a. from the residence of Mr.

C. B. Kltch, 2517 Mission street, between Twenty-first and Twenty-secoud. WADE In tbla city, November 29, Margaret, widow of Philip W. Wade and Bister of Mra.

John Sbeeby aud tbe late Mra. James R. Kelly, a native of Ireland. The funeral will take place to-day (Thursday), at 8:30 o'clock from tha parlors of Carew A English, 20, Van Nese avenue; thence to St. Bonlface'a Church, where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her aoul, commencing at 9 o'clock a.

ni. Interment, Holy Croaa Cemetery. WALSH In Oakland, November 30, Arthur Jamea, dearly beloved son of Frank and Nellie Walah and brother of George, Annie and Emily Walsh, a native ef San Francisco, aged 17 years 3 montha and 11 daya. WARD In tbla city, November 30, at 8 Harrison avenue, James W. Ward, beloved cousin of Jamea and Nell McCarthy, a native of County Donegal, Ireland, aged 70 years.

WHYTLAW I this city, November 80, John Newton Whytlaw, a native of Mississippi, aged 76 years 2 montha and 5 days. WILLIAMS In Brighton, November 27, Ueorge beloved husband of Margaret Williams (nee McDonald) and father ot Albert aud William WITT In this oltv, November 30, Lena Ilenrlette, dearly beloved wife of Otto W. Witt, mother of Harry Wilt, daughter of Mrs. H. A.

Steffens and sister ot Charles B. Mohr and the latej. Henry Mohr, a native of San Francisco, aged 27 years and 4 mouths. Friends and sequaintanees are respectfully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 2:30 o'clock p. from the residence ot her mother, 1808 Larkln street, between season snd Pacific streets.

Cremation, I. O. O. V. Cemetery.

Please omit Oowera. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express our sincere thanks to our manv frlenda for the kindness and sympathy ex tended to us in our late bereavement In the death of my dear wife, Julia Stevenot. LOUIS STEVENOT AND FAMILY. MARRIAGE LICENSES.

Tbe following marriage licenses hate been Issued ty the County Clerk; BARN HART WOLF SEN Davis B. Barnhart.SO, Anna C. Wolf sen, 80, Merced. BECKER HA WLEY Will H. Becker.

82, 4T4 Jessie atreet; Emma Hawley, 30, 474 Jeesle atreet. DILLER RATTAN William 8. Dlller, 27, Berkeley; Ada E. Rattan, 27, 1002 Geary atreet. FAULKNER PAT1ERSON Thomas Faulkner, 89, 365 Geary atreet; Florence U.

Patterson, 84, Boston. HOM ER WALLACE George C. Homer, 21, Larkspur; Mary S. Wallace, 20, 194 Oak atreet. JOHNSON KRIBIE Harry Johnson, 23, 2504 Washington street; Adela li.

Frlbie, 24, 1759 Post street. McCHESNEYMcC LUNG George a. MeChesney, 43, 14 Geary atreet; Cora McClung, 81, I ft OA of INDICTS WEBER Boy Prisoner, Is Now Formally Accused, of Killing His Mother, and May Be Charged With Bank Robbery To-Day, Many Witnesses 'Are Expected to Give Testimony That Will Identify Young Weber as the Auburn Highwayman. Special Dispatch to "The Examiner." AUBURN, November 30. Adolph Weber vat Indicted by tne Grand Jury thin afternoon for the murder of his mother.

Tomorrow be will in all probability be In dicted for the robbery of the Placer County Bank here on May 26 last. The boy re mains light hearted. He says that all tbo Indictments In the world cannot worry him. Tba Grand Jury to-morrow will hear mora testimony against the boy than be dreams is in existence. All this testimony will bear upon the bank robbery.

Al C. Crosby will swear to-morrow that he saw young Weber Just before the robbery of the bank. Crosby will sty that be followed young Weber around town and he saw him go to the bank. One of the most sensational witnesses will be Mrs. Dr.

R. P. Rooney. She does not want to be called. Her husband Is young Weber's physician.

The friendliest relations have always existed between Weber And the Rooneys, yet Mrs. Rooney's testimony will go far towards convicting the boy. Mrs. Rooney will swear that Just before the robbery of th bank she saw tlM robber lift his mask and wipe his face. The prosecution will try to make Mrs.

Rooney admit that It was Adolph Weber whom she taw in front of the bank on that afternoon. Stronger evidence than hers will be adduced by Walter West. This young man, with two women; was out riding three or four days before the robbery of the bank. He saw young Weber lurking in the vicinity of tha banking Institution. West says that he thinks Adolph was getting ready to make some attack upon the bank.

The prosecution will try to make West admit that he knows more about be robbery than this. Mote Predom will also testify to-morrow. He will say that be saw the robber pass bis place of business on the afternoon of the robbery and that he thinks tbere Is a startling resemblance between the robber and Adolph Weber. IMPORTANT TESTIMONY. Mrs.

Dave Campbell will also give unexpected testimony. Sha will swear that within an hour after the robbery of the bank Adolph Weber, out of breath, appeared at her bouse and wanted to buy some game chickens. This testimony will be expected to prove that it was young Weber that Jumped from the tart on the' Newcastle road just after the robbery and hurried over the bill in the direction of the Campbell place. (. L.

8. Palmer, who until to-day had been regarded asj a. strong itness for the prosecution, will in all likelihood not be used. Palmer's story Is that just after the robbery he saw a man climbing the bill towards the Campbell place. The fact that be describes this man as being at least five or six inches shorter than young Weber renders his testimony Useless to the prosecution.

Herbert Merrow, J. L. and W. Al. Walsh, brothers of James Walsh, the most prominent hotel keeper In town, will swear to-morrow that they saw the masked robber after he left the bank.

Their description of him corresponds with the description of the prisoner. D. W. Lubeck, the vice-president of tbe Placer County Bank; A. L.

Smith, cashier, and Edgar McFaddyen, assistant cashier, will all try to prove that It was Adolph Weber who robbed the bank. If they and the other witnesses can establish this contention the result will be that tbe bank's claim upon tbe 5,530 that was found in the Weber barn will have some validity. Additional witnesses in the bank robbery case will be Under Sheriff William May, F. S. Stevens, tbe druggist who fired at the fleeing robber; County Clerk J.

B. Landi, who will qualify as a handwriting expert, and Gua O'Relli, who works at Keena Walsh's undertaking establishment, adjoining tbe bank. O'Relli saw the masked rob-berl before he entered the bank. He also will swear that there was a marked resemblance between Adolph Weber and the man who robbed the bank. ROBBER'S KIT EXHIBITED.

The bank robber's paraphernalia was displayed in its entirety for the first time today. It is now known that the man who robbed the bank wore a mask not only pver bis face, but ale over his hair. This mask, the black mask which he wore over his face, his green goggles, his overalls and bis miner's Jumper will also be submitted to tbe grand Jury to-morrow. Tbe evidence, upon which the grand Jury indicted Weber for murder this afternoon was furnished by witnesses drawn from the following list: George Ruth, Lincoln Merrow, Adrian Wllla, Mrs. K.

C. Snowden Clarence Oeer, M. J. Predom, J. A.

Predom May Clark, Under Sheriff W. I. May and Dr. R. F.

Rooney. Auburn takes no stock in District Attorney Robinson's theory that Adolph Weber killed Ah Yee, the wealthy Chinese merchant and money lender, who was asBlssin-td," couple of years aao. Former Sheriff Conroy and former Coroner Mitchell both say that the man who killed Ah Yee aDd that escaped to China. They say that Sheriff Conroy chasd P.orvun(. Or, and that the chief of police of that city let htm slip away Although everybody In Auburn thinkt that the theory that young Weber killed the Chinaman Is absolutely without foundation, to Altcrney Robinson stili clingi Young Weber appeared before Judire Prswett to-day upon the charge of murder 1n the case of bis mother.

Judge Preweit decided tht the boy will not be asked to plead until Monday. Adolph was cheerful this afternoon and to-nlgbt. He sayt that he fats no Intention of making a confession HAVE FILED COMPLAINTS ASKING FOR SEPARATION Mn and Woman Seeking for Annullment of Marriag Ties. Dlvarrs complaints Died with tbe County Clerk yesterday wers those of Mary E. Beach V.

Kiaard F. Beschfor failura to provide; Tbeaea M. flearey vs. Catherine Searey, for itresae cruelty; Marion Grlgsby vs. Clara I Qriiy, for extreme oruelty; Minnie C.

Mills Claris E. Mills, for failure to provide; Nail Is Cebjll vh, Edward Cabin, fur desertion and failure to provide: Mary E. White vs. sua W. Whits, for desertion; James Hall MslU Hall, for desertion, IIS CENTS INSTEAD OP 91.00.

Ladles' French KM Glove Made of picked lambskin, 3 rows of fancy stitching on the back, two Datent cIubd. If your slse Is 64. 7, 1, 7, 7 or 8 hers Is your opportunity to buy a Indies' $1.00 glove In all colors) for AN OUNCE OP PREVENTION Is north a pound of cure. Why not bay your ladles? and children's underwear now and be prepared for the cold weather CHILDREN'S VESTS Made of Egyptian cotton, soft flnlshod, Swiss ribbed; hitch neck and long sleeves; pants to match, ankle length and French band. Lain a and small Hisses afSe LADIES' VESTS Made velvet finished thread, hlg neck and long sleeves, Jei sey knit, medium weigh pants or tights to matel the perfect shaped klni tight fitting too and ankl length; slightly Imperfect, other wise tney would be 60 cents.

While on our bargain counter aic. LADIES' VESTS Made of genuine vega silk, Swiss ribbed; high neck and long sleeves; tights ankle length and tight fitting top; In pink. blue, cream, white and Price, a garment. DO YOU WISH black. To have a perfect fitting dress If so wear the tight flttlav knitted corset cover Made of French thread, high neck and lone sleeves: H.

I't v.h,. r1 nun V. COVER i the best dreS(J. ers have proved the merits of these garments; close fitting and elastic; easy to put on, as they button all the way down the front; finished with a pearl edge, beading and lace at the neck; in white only. Price HERB ARE NOME HANDKER-CHIEFS At an unusually low price.

If you are not In need of any now for yourself why not buy some for holiday presents? LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS Made of soft bleached lawn; narrow neat colored hemstitched borders. Price, apiece Bo LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS Made of sheer linen; narrow hemstitch- ed, with small hand-embroidered initials; worth more than the price wo ask. loo GENTS' HANDKERCHIEFS Made of extra heavy Irish lawn; full slse; hemstitched; hand-embroidered Initials. Six in a box for, inp ROSENBERG UU THE PRICE CUTTER 816 Marktt St. MAIL ORDERS IOLICITED fully Invited to atteud tha funeral to-day at 2 o'clock p.

from ber late residence, 2401 Fulton street, Berkeley, Interment, Mountain) View Cemetery. CUiAHY In Oakland, November 20, Caroline, beloved Wife of Edwin U. Uleary, daughter ot Crist and Cbrlstlne Ellegard. slater of Christian aud Arthur Ellegard and mother of Jamea Ed- Ward Cleary, a native of Han Francisco, aged 19 yeara 9 months and 28 daya. Frlenda and acquaintances sre respectfully Invited to attend tbe funeral to-day (Thursday), at 2 o'clock p.

from her lata residence, 114 Ettle street, North Oakland. Interment, Mountain View Cemetery, OOGHLAN In this elty, November 30, Datld, beloved husband of Kate Coghlan and father ot John, William, David Isabel, Jamea, Maria and Arthur Coghlan, a native of County Water-ford, Ireland. Notice of funeral hereafter. CONNESS In tbla city, November 29, Kata, beloved wife of the late Thomas Couucss and mother of Annie and Lottie Connesa and Mrs. Gus Bard, a native of Now York, aged 45 year 9 months and 8 days.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at 8:30 ojclock a. from tbe funeral parlors of Porter A Wblte, 423 Uolden Uate avenue; thence to Kt. Mary'a Cathedral, where a requiem mass will be celebrated for tbe repose of ber soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. in. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery.

CDNKO In this city, November 30. Nora, beloved wife ot John cuneo, mother or Ktbel, John and Bernica Cuueo, daughter of Daniel and Julia Callahan and sister ot Sophie and Katie Callahan, a -native of London, England, aged. 3a years. Tba funeral will take placa Saturday, December 8, at 9 o'clock a. from ber lata residence, 1023 Montgomery atreet, between Broadway and Vallejo; thence to Ht.

Francis' Church, a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9:80 o'clock a. m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. DONNELLY In Oakland, November 80, Thomas beloved son of Edward Donnelly and brother of Edward A. Donnelly, a native of Oakland, aged 2S yeara and 2 months.

DONOVAN In tbla city, November 30, Catherine, wife of the late Cornelius Donovan, devoted mother of Nora aud Cornelius Donovan, niece of Mrs. White and the late Mrs. Mullin and sister-in-law of Mrs. T. O'Keefe, a native of Comity Kerry, Ireland, aged 48 years 8 months and 3 days.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the fuueral to-morrow (Friday), at 8:80 o'clock a. from her late residence, 908 tiaai bea street, between Twenty, spcond and Twenty-third; thence to St. James' Church, where a requiem high mass will he celebrated for the reimee of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery.

DUCKQUX-In this city, Nuvenilvr 30, Julia, beloved wlfo of Louis Ducroux, mother of Mrs. M. Flnocchlo, mother-in-law of John Flnoccnlo, graudmother of Violet Flnocchlo. alster-ln-law nf C. Knopf, Mrs.

Jdacalra and Mrs. Fouruiginer and atepdaughter of T. Letevre, a native of California, aged 38 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. ENGLISH In this city, November 28.

Jerome, beloved husband of Anna English, sou of Harriet English and brother of Florence E. Hull, a native of Boston. aged 64 yeara. Friends are invited to attend the funeral 'services to-day (Thursday), at 1 o'clock p. from his lste residence, 1724 Geary street.

Interment, Cypress Lawn Cemetery. FLAHERTY In this city, November 30, Patrick, dearly beloved husband of the late Margaret Flaherty and beloved father of P. M. V. and U.

8. Flaherty and Mrs. H. Gardiner, a native of Ireland, aged 72 years 6 montha and daya. Frlenda and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 9 o'clock a.

from bis lste residence, 1549 Twelfth avenue South, nar street South; thence Hallows' Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for tha repose of bla soul, commencing at 9:80 o'clock a. ni. Intermeut, Holy Cross Cemetery. HAND In this city, November 29, Martha Hand, a native ot Mew York, aged 09 yeara. HRURUUTH In tbla city, November SO, Julia Ilerrguth, beloved alater of Mrs.

Ansa Hheurer aaui a'jsi t'uak and Jda a saliva ot For slender or medium figures; made of white, gray and black coutll; circular cut, hand gored and Princess hip; double side steels, straight front steels and double button clap at the bottom. You cannot realize what a good, corset it is until you inspect them. Our price SOe HERE IS ONE OF OUR MANY FALL WAISTS. Made of iron frame alpaca, high lustre and stainless black, double box pleated front, also French tucks and pleated back; detach-' able collar with tab; puff sleeve with tailored cuff; finished with buttons down the front; fit as they should and at prices that please the economical women. Price $1.75 TO THE ECONOMICAL WIFE.

Who makes her own muslin underwear Here Is a white petticoat for less than you can buy the material. Made of soft bleached Lonsdale muslin, trimmed with an 18-inch flounce, with tucks and 8 rows of wide English thread Insertion and deep lace to match; also dust ruffle; either the lace or muslin would cost you more than the Bklrt complete 8So THE NEW COMB. For the up-to-date woman-Made of white tortone shell, smooth teeth, fancy curved shape, back set with rhinestones which-look like tml! rlla. monds; keeps stray locks In place and gives a near, appearance to your head. Price.

sac ONE-HOUR SALE. Between the hours of 10 and 11. Ladles' Vests Mado of Egyptian thread, richelieu ribbed, low neck and no sleeves; neck and I arm holes finished -with beading, with ribbon run through; perfect finished, light weight, In pink, blue and white; before and none after none sold this hour. We will never get rich by selling these for -5o None Sold to Other Stores. Sale Bargain In Basement.

MEEHAN In this city, November 29, Slater Mary Hilary Meehan (Sister of Morcy), beloved daughter of Margaret aud the late John Meehan and slater of w. J. anu uate Aieeuan aim jura. E. Van Praag, a native of Santa Crux, aged 34 years 9 mouths and 26 days.

Friends are Invited to attend a requiem high mass (Thursday), which will be celebrated for the repose of ber soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. at the Chapel of tbe Passion attached to St. Mary'a Hospital, corner of Flrat and Bryant streets. Interment private. Holy Cross Cemetery.

MICHAEL In this city, November 30, Minnie Christiana, beloved daughter of George W. and the late Louise J. Michael and slater of Hurry Charles Robert John, Helen and the late Wilfred Michael, a native of San Francisco, aged 14 yeara 11 months aud days, Funeral from residence, 83 Sharon atreet. Notice to appear later. MOORE In Oakland, November 30, Jamea beloved huaband of Bessie Moore and father ot Lee and the late Gladys ami Leslie Moore, native of Nova Scotia, aged 52 years 4 months and 17 days.

MORTHENSEN In Oakland, November 30, Jennie beloved wife ot Hans B. Morthensen, daughter of Christian and Emelle Jorgensen and sister of Jorgeu and Henry Jorgenseu and Mrs. Christina Jobaunaen, a native of Norway, aged 26 years 11 mouths and 26 days. Friends and acqualntancea are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services to-morrow (Friday), at 2 o'clock p. at her late residence, 1210 Peralta street, Oakland.

Interment at Mountain View Cemetery. PERKINS-In this city, November 28, William Stlckney Perklue, sou of Mra. Theodore B. Perkins and brother ot Mra. W.

M. Woodward ot Uklah, and Mrs. Morris Lobner of Colfsx, a native of Augusta, aged 43 yeara. A member of Illinois Town Lodge, No. 61, F.

and A. Reno Lodge B. P. O. Elks; Colfax Lodge, I.

O. O. and Sacramento Council, No. 140, U. C.

T. Frlenda and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at 11 o'clock a. from tbe chapel of Clark A Booth, 612 and 614 Van Ness avenue, between Golden Gate avenue and Turk street. Interment, Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, Cal. PRESTON In tbla city, November 28, Emily, widow of Joseph Preston, mother of Haael D.

and Ira Preston, daughter of William Muud and sister of Edith Mund aud Mra. W. 0. Crawford, a native of San Fruuclscv, aged 36 yeara 11 montha and 11 daya. Frlenda and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at 2:30 o'clock p.

from tbe parlora of Halsted A 946 Mission street. Interment, 1. O. F. Cemetery.

BITTER In this clly, November 29, Martin beloved husband of Prlacllta KTtter and loving father of Emma Robblna, a native of Cleveland, Ohio, aged 67 years A months and 2 days. A member of Geo. H. bom as Post, No. G.

A. and Franklin Lodger No. 44, A. O. U.

W. Frlenda anu acquaintances are respect-fulvV Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 1 :30 o'clock p. from the fuueral parlora of Porter A White, 423 Golden Gate avenue. Interment, Cypress Lawn Cemetery. EOHRS In this city, November 29, Augusts, dearly beloved wife of George H.

Rohra, beloved daughter of August Croine and sister of Mrs. Amelia Walts of Cincinnati, Mra. Minnie Rankin and Edward aud Edith Crome. a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, aged 44 years 8 months and 14 days. (Cincinnati papers please copy.) Frlenda and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to si tend the funeral to-morrow (Frldsy), at 1 o'clock p.

from her late residence, 1701 Jones street. Interment, Mount Olivet Cemetery. SACHS In tbls city, November 80, Henry, beloved husband of Ella Sachs, father of Henry Newell Sacba, beloved son of Llppmann and Mary Sacba and beloved brother of Amson Sachs, Mrs. E. M.

Heller and Mrs. Albert Bsrucb, a native ot Ssn Francisco, aged U6 years 11 months and 4 days. Friends and srquslntanree are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services to-morrow (Frldsy), at 10 o'clock a. from tbe residence of his fatber, 820 Post street. Interment, Home ot Peace Omtery, by special train leaving Third and Townsend streeta at 11:40 o'clock a.

m. Interment private. Please omit Oowera. 8HERA In tbla city, November 28, William beloved son of Esther B. Shera and brother of ft 17 (40 San Francisco, aged 82 yeara 11 months and 8 days Frlenda and acqualntancea are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 1 o'clock p.

from the parlors of li. F. Suhr at 1137 Mission atreet, between Seventh and Eighth. Interment, Mount Olivet Cemetery. HOLT In this city, November 29, Mrs.

Anna Holt, beloved mother of Mrs. W. 8. Morrison and Fraud and Raymond Holt, a native ot Cambridge, Mass. Funeral to-day (Thursday), at 1 o'clock p.

from her late residence, 659 Oastro street. Interment private. HUTCHINSON In this city, November 29, William A. Hutchinson, father of Mra. A.

W. Graefen, Mrs. C. H. Reed and Mrs.

Dora A. Heath, a native of England, aged 79 years. Friends and acqualntancea are respectfully Invited to attend tho funeral services to-morrow (Friday), at 1:30 o'clock p. from 1'iouaer Hall. Interment private at Cypress Lawn Cemetery.

Remains at the parlors of tbe California Undertaking Company, 405 Powell ttreet. i INGERSOLL-In Oakland, November 30, William B. Ingersoll, a native of Massachusetts, aged 70 years, JOHNSON-In this city, November 28, Carl Victor, beloved husband of Annie D. Johnson, a Dative of Sweden, aged 42 yeara 4 montha aud 22 daya. (Oregon papers please copy.) Frlenda and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend tbe fuueral to-day (Thursday), at 1 o'clock p.

from his lata residence, 683 Lombard street, corner of Powell, Juteroieut, Mount Olivet Cemetery. KAMENA In Oakland, November 30, Henry, beloved husband of Mary Kamena and beloved father of Joseph George J. and-William T. Kamena, Mrs. Henry Wiegand, Mra.

John Sheehan and the late Jamea E. and Marguerite Kamena. Remains at Jamea McGinn A 214 Eddy atreet. KELLY An anniversary requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of the soul of tbe late Margaret i Kelly, at St. Charles Borro-meo's Church, Saturday, December 3, commencing at e'clock tu.

Frlenda are respectfully Invited to attend. KRUMBERG In this city, November 30, Annie A. Krumberg, dearly beloved daughter of Julius and Emma Scboknecht, loving slater of William, Emma and Llnsie Krumberg and granddaughter of Mrs. Sophia Hahn, a native of San Francisco, aged 16 years 6 months and 15 days. Friends and acqualntancea are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 1:80 o'clock p.

from the residence of her parents, 704 Han Bruno avenue, between Utah and Vermont and Nineteenth and Twentieth atreets. Interment, Mount Olivet Cemetery. LEF.HY In this city, November 29, John Leeby. a native of Ireland, aged 40 years. A member of Pacific Coast Marine Firemen's Union.

Tbe funeral will take place to-day (Thursday), at 10:30 o'clock a. from tbe parlora of McFadden, McBrearty A Green, 1171 Mission street, between Seventh and Eighth. Interment, Cypress Lawn Cemetery. LOMBARDI In this eity, November 29, AnVhrog-glo a native of Atrolo, Canton Ticino, Switserland, aged 6U yeara. LORING In Berkeley.

November 30, David W. Luring, a native of Boston, Mass. McINNF.S In this city, November 28, John beloved husband of Beaste H. Mclnnee sud fatber of Hugh Andrew Mclunea, a native of lale of Skye, Inverness-shire, Scotlsnd, aged U6 years months and 21 daya. Past Royal Chief of Scottish Thistle (Tub and member of Clan Frascr aud Lady Lovet Auxiliary.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfully, invited to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at 9:30 o'clock a. at the parlora of Craig, Cochran A 429 Golden Gate avenue, between Polk and Larkln streets. Interment, Bsussllto Cemetery, by 11 a. m. Sausalito Ferry.

MAYER In thia city. November 80,. Ollle. dearly beloved wife of August W. Mayer, daughter of Mrs.

E. R. Van Law and sister of Len Van Law, a native of Illinois, aged 43 years 6 montha and 9 days. Frlenda can view the remains at tbe parlors of H. F.

Suhr A 1137 Mission street, between Seventh and Eighth, to-day (Thursday), until 8:80 o'clock p. as. luterment, Los Angeles, Csl. i McAvoy) Funeral Directors and Embalmers, 1239 Market tel. South 847.

Telephone calls day or night. Ladles' attendants and kalrdreeaet always fur. ulshed when requested..

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