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The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California • 12

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I I 13 TIIE EXAMINER, SAN FRANCISCOi WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER II, 1S93. ATTACK ON THE PILING. COL NORTHAM ACCUSED. TrenbU Id the Main of the Big Slrro Kincboi Ccmpanj Involving Their Imaging AgenL A El FORJWS MONEY, Lawyer Foltz Wanted It for Mrs.

Kennedy, but Lawyer Bert Was Too Speeiy for Her. The ffomii Wb Saji She li Ike Doctor! Legal Wife laling Thlngi Rather Self J. Water Front Company, at whom it wat Ohtmislbly aimed. Thlt loaves tlm city In a very embarrassing position aud the people are beginning to wonder whnreln lav tha objeot of tbe Attorney fieueral't suit when it bun the people worm than it duet the Water Frout Company. It alxo leavot the Water Front Company with full legal pormiision to put tliuso pile and tho city without power to prevent thi or to remove thorn.

If there had been anv uipicinn of what wa going on and the people of Oakland or the more directly Interested official of the Oakland Water Front Company had listened very intently at about 3 o'clock thlt morning they would have hoard three long blasts from a whistle in the neighborhood of the water front Til in was repeated several times, nut It was not tbe old whistle of Kendall's mill that lod the Castro stroet troublot to many timet, and it did not bring a crowd to the water front. It was simply the rogular call of the boats that pass up and down tba creek for the opening of tho drawbridge. A STIUSOB TIMK. It wat a ttrango hour for tho movement of tuch a vessel. It wat dark, and the captain bn little to go by tave dark outlines and the light of the harbor.

Tbe tug, whloh had boon In readiness In East Oaklnnd, passed through the draw and up to the city wharf. Thero squad of police In chargo of Police Captain Fletcher embarked, and in a fow moments the tug wat The Major ef Oakland Orders (be Barrier Erected by (he Water Front Company Removed. rrt th ttm I) leittrdiy mi lot lotW(4 la thi Eibor. AND THEN AN INJUNCTION. Judge Baathaw at the fttquest of lb Southern Facllte Order Ibe Work aVctraetton Slopped rrniltloa Ulven for th Replacing of the IMUt-A Sudden Mo That Has laced Oak and In an Embarrassing Pocltloo Harrying aad kkurrylng of Lawyer.

Oaklnnd, October 10. Tbe greater part of the pile fenoe that surrounded Oak- mediately and investigated Bob't method of running the ranch, with the result that we have drawn conclusions, pre pared a report, which it nearly ready for signing, and when it It signed the public may have the benefit of it, but until then I mutt not tpeak further of iu content." Hit Mr. McGraw taken part In the Yet. If I remember rightly ha advlted the submitting to Bob of a lltt of questions regarding the latter't stewardship on tha ranch. Tha committee bat tha quettions and answers in iu possession.

They will be embodied In our report" -1 Colonel Northam doet not teem to be worried about the la fact, ha is Inclined to laugh about them and tayt they will all be cleared up. Ha baa performed btt aide of tha ttory, though it hat not yet been presented to the committee, and hat letters and other document that hit friendt tay will prove the utter falsity and abturbity of tha cbarget against him. COLO EL XORTHAM't MSIAL. Colonel R. J.

Northam came to town on Sunday morning and It ttopplng at the Cosmos dub. HU statement at ta tha cbarget brought against him before tha Directors of tbe company waa freely made latt night, at folio wt: "All thlt war comet from tha personal animut agalntt me of ona of tha Director. don't with to mention the name of the Director in question, but you can find that out from the officers of tha company In the Mills Building. "A committee of three wat appointed tome montht ago to lnvettigata certain allegation! made agalntt me by the Director to whom I have referred. I have been connected with the Stern Ranchot for twenty-three yeart, and am the Lot Angelet agent of the company now.

I have alwayt kept an open account with tha company, have an open account with it now and there It a credit to my account at present amounting to several thousand dollars. "I am a successful man, pretty well fixed. I have Invested my money In real estate Instead of mining ttockt and have not lost it Probably tha fact that I have been lucky and bava got ahead bat cauted tbe Director to dislike ma at much at anything elte. OXE DIRECTOR', 1KIJIC8. Thlt Direotor't accusations data baok many months.

He began by bragging that he would make trouble for me. This seems to be the trouble. He has made allegations of embezzlement and other ugly sounding things against me, and the company simply put the matter into tha hands of a committee to collect evidence on both sides and make Its report I have no reason to doubt but that tha report will be favorable to me, for I have my evidence, refuting to anyone's satisfaction all the misdeeds with which have been charged. If" the' company believed half what bat been talked around they certainly would not have retained me as their agent during the investigation. But I have money In bank and if the company finds that I owe them anything it will simply be matter of my handing them a check for tbe amount I am perfectly satisfied to have an investigation, especially when the informa the law department of tha Southern Pacific Company.

'muling tha arrival of Mr. Foulds the tug IClvnl, belonging to the Southern l'aohlo Company, bod ueenttoumod up and was lying alongside of the molo. Once she cruised out toward the pile-pulling operation, but she did nothing until Mr. Foulds came over from Kan Francisco. As soon at he arrived at the pier, Uivltion Kuperinton-dont Wilder took him on board or tha tug and he started for tho acene of tho opera tions.

As soon as the Rival bore down on the ntrtv that wat working under the protection of Captain Fletcher and bit tquad of Oakland police there wot a commotion on board of both the tug and the pile puller. It looked at if the Rival meant business this time, and Captain Fletcher prepared to rol boarder, ltut thnra was nothing of tho klud Intended. Tbe Rival bore down on the outfit, and twung up of tha pile-pulling machine. Mr. Fould hoarded her, and dmnandod to know by what authority the work waa being done.

Charle Cotton, who was In chargo, ahowod hit ordor signed by Mavor Pardee and I'resl. dent Towle of the City Council, and after ordering that work be stopped Mr. Fouldt boar lod the Rival and ttarted towards tba tug with the police on board. A DESCENT OX Til VOMCB. Mr.

Foulds then made a detcent upon Captain Flotcbor and hit tugload of police. The Rival twung up towardt the pollco boat and Mr. Fouldt stood In tha bow and shouted I order yon to itop that work In the name of the Southern Pacific Company." "We ain't pulling tho pilot," replied Captain Fletcher, blandly; and the Rival steamed back to tbe Oakland mole. After that the pile pulling wont right ahead without Interruption until tho Sheriff tcrved the injunction issued by Judge Ilon-tbaw. By that time over halt of the piles that formod tbe fonce iu front of Oakland had been drawn and wore Hooting In a raft of considerable magnitude near tho training wall.

The plant for thlt work hovo boen Incubating for tevcral dayt. They wore made nearly a weok ago, and tho Mayor and the few initiated mcmbort of the City Council have boon watching mott carefully to see tbat tbe knowledge of the plan did not escape. It was brought up at tbe Council lost night, or, rather, this morning, the vory last thing of the session, when tho following was Introduced: Ketolttt, That the pilln; within this city dur-Ing the last tin dayt within the navigable waters of tbe bay of Ban Kranoixco between tbe mule and the north tralnlug wall be and It I hereby declared a public nuisance and an obstruction to navigation; andtlist the President of this Council aud tbe chief exeoutlr llloer of the city be and tbey are hereby au-tnorized aud requested to cause tbe obstruction to be removed, and to take such step aud proceeding In the premise a may be proper to protcot tbe right of the city and the publlo, and tbat to tbat end tbe City Attorney and special counsel of tbe city consulted. WITHOUT A pISSHNTISO VOICE. Everybody was tloepy, and tho early-to-bed Council men of tha Non Partitancity government winkod and blinked at it while it wat passed unanimously.

Even the rotund and euave Mr. Watklnson, who usually votes against everything that has the word railroad in it, wat deluded Into voting for It It was sent directly to Mayor Pardee, who was waiting for it, and was signed. Then, with President Towle, an order was Issued to Cotton Bros, to pull up the piles. By this time it wat well on toward morning. The pile-driver was In readlnets, and Chief of Police Scbaffor wat tent for and told to detail a squad of men to protect tbe pile pulling in case of trouble.

Thus it wot that the workert steamed out of Oakland harbor at 3 o'clock in the morning and work was begun to tecretly before sunrise. ATTORXETS TO THE RESCUE. The restraining order issued by the Court was made on the showing in a following affidavit by Daniel Robertson of the railroad company's pile-driving force, setting forth the work that had been done and the manner In which it wat being undone. Judge Henshaw was in tho midst of the Mathony murder trial when the waterfront attorneys appeared in court, but a recess wat taken and tbe affidavit of Mr. Robertson was read.

At toon as tbe matter was explained to tho Court Judge Henshaw issued a restraining order which included tbe granting of the right 'to the affection for him, for you knot I wat a married woman when Dr. Wntt and I were firt associated. Soma way we drifted Into our relations almost unconsciously. On leaving our mountain home Mr. Kennedy insisted on Eugene West coming to our hotel to look out for the business.

I llkod him very much then, but wo were only friends. ltut we were all alone la the mountains and Eugone taid In the tight of God we are married, and at toon at you can get a dlvoro we will be legally marriod.1 TUB DfRTOB TM.1.1 nil ITORT. Dr. West, at the Jail, had an entirely dlf. forent ttory to tell.

I did love the woman at first," bo admitted, "but tha hat tha most ungovernablo temper I have ever seen. We got along alt right in tbe mountain. When we camo down here I wat buty all day and all night in tbe drugstore, to tha wat alone a great deal and got Into bad company. "hhelsnot my wife and never wat my wlfo; she bore my name, but I never Introduced hor at my wife." THE MISSINO WOXET. It wat hard to obtain any Information at to how tbe money was taken from Dr.

West't vault In tbe Feoplo'e Home Sav-ingt Hank. Attorney! J. N. E. Wilson and Meyer Jacobs were out of town, and Attorney Eugene F.

Dert declined to discuss the matter. From a gentleman who wat acquainted with the facta tho information, was obtained. After her unsuccessful attempt to Induce Dr. West to sign her contract Mrt. Foltz went to Detectiva Sttlwell.

She demanded that be secure for Mr. Kennedy or the suit for divorce would be filed and an attachment placed upon the monoy in the bank. Stllwell la an astute person, acoustomed to dealing with emergencies. Ho taid that the main thing was to keep the coin intact as that is all the tinewt of war tbat Dr. West has to tight the charge against him.

So tbe detective parleyed with the law-yer. "Now, we must have that money by 8 o'clock," taid Mrs. Foltz; "or I thall commence proceedings." AN! HOUR TO SPAHE. It was then 'i o'clock, to til well told her that the would hear from him in an hour. Then the detective hied to Lawyer Bert The attorney was nonplused as to how Mrs.

Foltz was to be circumvented, but finally a way dawned upon hira. Dr. West must be taken out of jail and that money secured. The lawyer and detective hastened in a carrioge to the New City Hall and encoun-tered their first stumbling blocii when thoy teamed that nobody knew where Sheriff McDade was to bo found. None of the Sheriff's deputies had authority to allow West to leave the jail.

TIME ALMOST OOXB. A quarter before 8 o'clock found Bert, Stilwoll. Jailor Fitzpatrick and Deputy Webb at the Countv Jail. Ten minutoa later tbey had West at tho bank. Then they made the discovery that tho doctor bad loft tho key to his box in a vest at the jail.

Bert groaned in spirit but WeBt and the deputy bundled thomselves Into the carriage and sped away for tho Jail. Whilo they wore gone the lawyer ond detective stood guard at tbe box' propared to defend it against a legion of lady lawyers. Those were anxious minutes for Bert and Stilwoll, but after about thirty of them bad passod back came West with-the key. It required only about ten seconds to open the box and take out rolls of paper filled with glittering yellow metal. The cash was placed in a tin box, and Stllwell, whom it would take a derrick to movo, sat upon it Then when victory was his Bert waxed facetious.

"It would be a pity," said he, to lc avo nothing for Mrs. Foltz. Lot's let her find a $100 'A. rosSIBILITT MKXTIOSED. "I'll be hanged if I do," criod West Not a cont of my money to that Kennedy woman." They finally placed In the box a receipt for rent and a promissory note signed I).

McGinty," which Is all that Mrs. Foltz will find there if the attache the contents of the box. Tbe tin box with itt 16,000 was placed in the carriage and all hands drovo away. When any of those men are now askod where tho money is their facet look charmingly innocent It Is thought that Interest In the West case will be revived when Stlllwell and Mrs. Foltz meet again.

The petition for a writ of habeas corpus and bail for Dr. West will be heard by Judge Seawell this morning. ORDERING WORK. STOPPED IN THE NAME OF THE PACIFIC. Sketched btf cm Rximtnern artist.

Itiltf TUt li In IDfj, ill Mam tki Clirffi IbiirL loj A BIQ SHORTAGE SPOKEN OF. Tfc inenl Haughty Ilea-dred Thousand Dollar A lemmlltft II Iteea Lookiag Into Colonel ior-thtm' Affair, -Two Report to Bo rilod, Majerltf Rooort Against Him 4 a Minority Ob la Ilia favor Ha Talk of Personal 1'rrjadl. Tbera talk of mltmanageraeut and tomethlng even mora aeriou, in th, afalrt Of the Stern Ranchot Company. Colonel 11 J. Northam i the agent of the big land corporation and hu had almost entire charge of iu business for many yean.

The charge it that Colonel Northam hai managed the business of the company more with an eye to hi own Interest than to those of the corporation. The accusation, while they have not yet been embodied In any report, are that Colonel Northam, by collusion with purchasers of the company's land, kept back turns from the treasury aggregating 100,000. Another count is that be told 120,000 worth of fertiliier from the sheep ranches and made no return of it. Northam himself laughs at the charges and declares hit ability to prove them absolutely unfounded and absurd. Two months ago a committee was appointed to Investigate Colonel Northern' alleged crookedness.

They have been in-ve tig ting ever alnce, and yesterday the members of the committee said that their report were about ready for presentation to the company. THE IXTEST10ATISO BOABD. The Investigating Committee consist of Barclay Henley, C. B. Polbemus and E.

W. McGraw. A agent of the Stern Ranchos Company Colonel Northam has charge of several millions of dollars' worth of land in the vicinity of Los Angeles, and the accusation la that he to managed the sale of 20,000 or 80,000 acres of the company's land that he got a large sum of money that he did not turn into the company's coffors. The land waa not sold in one Latch, but the tales were in email parcels and extended over the whole term of the co-poratlon'i life, for Northam has been the Los Angeles agent ever einco there was a company, and he was agent for the land before the company was formed. Edward W.

Hopkins is the President of the company. The stockholders are Mrs. Peter Donahue, Mrs. Moses Hopkins, Mr. Eleanor Martin, B.

Polbemus, E. W. McGraw and J. B. Randall.

Barclay Henley also represents certain shareholders. The company's San Francisco oMoe Is in the Mills Building. C. A. Graw Is the Secretary.

At the last annual meeting of the stockholders, held in May, John T. Doyle offered a resolution calling for the investigation of Colonel Nortbam's work. The resolution was carried and the President appointed the committee. Mr. Polhemus, who first brought the charges up, was Included In the committee.

QUESTIONS ASKED AND ANSWERED. A list of questions was drawn up for presentation to Kortbara. and the commit- tee went to work. Northam Is as well known la San Francisco as in Los Angeles. He is rated as a wealthy man himself and his friends tay the charges are ridiculous.

Of course, the fact that an investigation was being held got around and created a tremendous sensation. Yesterday it became known that the committee was about ready to give tbe result of their investigation to tbe Directors of the company. Barclay Henley, when asked about tbe matter, admitted that tbe investigation had been going on for two months. He was told that it was known that a report would be rendered soon and was asked its pur port "While I cannot disclose what we hare learned," he replied, I will say that the majority of the committee have a report almost ready that certainly shows a grave state of affairs. That report will be signed by Mr.

Polhemus and myself. I believe another report will be handed in by Mr. McGraw favoring Colonel Northam. I do not know what is in this report" Mr. Henley was asked if the report he would sign accused Northam of returning to the company less than be received for land told by him according to the charges, but he would not go into the details.

E. W. McGraw positively refused to say anything about tbe case. polhemus' statbmext. Mr.

Polhemus was interviewed about the matter in San Jose last night He said "Tbe Investigation has been dragging along for two months, and tbe matter would have been reported at a meeting of the direstors but for tbe fact that business has Interfered with the getting together of all its members. When Barclay Henley was ready Mr. McGraw or myself could not attend a conference, and vice versa." When will your report be ready for the dlreotorsl" "I expect in about a week." "It Is understood that Attorney McGraw will also hand in a report regarding Colonel Northam's methods." "I shouldn't wonder," said Mr. Polhemus; "he is a warm friend of Bob Northams. Probably it will not agree with the one to be submitted by a majority of the committee, but Mr.

Henley and my sell have made a lull investigation as to Bob Northam's stewardship, and are satis- fled with tbe result of our labors." "Ha your investigation resulted in dis covery of as bad a state of affairs as is re ported! Well, there is no 100,000 defalcation, but I'm not prepared, as I taid before, to make any statement regarding what we have discovered. Our report will show all tbe facts, and it is backed by affidavits. HAVE DRAWS CONCLUSIONS. 41 We had full confidence in Bob until a few months ago. Then there came rumors and tbe investigating committee was ap pointed.

This committee went to work im I a SHE DEMANDS $3,000 OF HIM. Tha Lady Lawyer Threaten ta la West for Divorce end Tie I'p III Money la tba Hank The fln lrulged to l)e-teetlva ttllwell, Who lie Ulplomaor os Lady and IU lb leaiura or Hitting on th Money Tha Doctor' flarih Treatment of Mr. Kennedy, Dr. Eugone Wctt and Mrs. A.

A. Kennedy figured In another scene at the County Jail Monday and thlt led to even more exciting episodes. Mrt. Konnedy, accompanied by bcr attorney, Mrt. Clara Foltz, visited the doctor just to got him to sign hit name to a bit of paper.

Tha paper wat tho following contract CONTIIACT. Thlt contract made this day of October, hetwexn Kugene Went and Mr. A. A. Kunnidy-WcKt, bulb of tbe city and county of Sun r'runclxi'o; witnrMolh, WiuitK.tH, Mm.

A. A. Kennedy-West claims to be the lawful wife of Kiikhoo West and to baveadvanecd him large sums of money and property out of her Depurate entate. mid thereby claim to be entitled to certnln rights to the property now to his poHsesslon ana 1 about to bring suit In tue court of this State to determine her right therein and to secure br Just proportion tboreof; and whereas It I deemed by both partle dosirnble to settle their dlflor-roci'S a to ald property rights out of court and without resort to litigation; now, therefore, MRS. KENNEDY'S DAUOnTER -ORACIE." Sketched by an Examiner" artlit from a pho- tograpn.) for and In consideration of tbe sum of $3,000 United Slates gold coin to her In hnnd paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, tbe said A.

A. Kennedy-West bofeby rcleasos the said Eugene West from til claims tnd demands whatsoever urlnlng out of or connected with the relations heretofore sustained by the said Eugene west wun cam a. a. Kennedy-west and out of any property of any kind received by said Eugene West Irom A. A.

Kennedy-West, tt being intended hereby to adjust all property rights between the parties bcrnto: and It Is further undorstond that from the date of these presents neither party hereto shall have any claim or domnnd in taw or In equity against the other for anything whatsoever. It is further understood that this instrument shall not prejudice the right of said A. A. Ken-nedy-Wext to apply to tho court to have the relation of the parties hereto determined and for a legal divorce or annulment of marriage, nor shall It be construed as an acknowledgement on tbe part of said Eugene West of tbe murrlnge claimed by said A. A Kennedy-West, but shall be construed merely as a settlement and final adjustment and determination of the property rights ot tne parlies hereto.

In witness whereof tbe parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. THE DOCTOR EXCITED. The doctor became very much excited as he perused this document, and lot escape some very uncomplimentary ejaculations regarding the lady In question, whereat Mrs. Kennedy-West' became hysterical, as well as enraged, and, with tears and sobs and angry, denials, fairly flew at the frightened physician, who discreetly made a rapid exit into the corridor. Mrs.

Kennedy- West was restrained from following him by one of the guards. Mrs. Foltz bad a conversation with Dr. West in tho corridor. At first he absolutely refused to give Mrs.

Iveuuedy-WcRt a red cent. I would just as soon bo hanged as to lose every bit of my hard-earnod money," he said. "One might as well be dead as Droke. get out of here I will have the disgrace of this imprisonment hanging over me, and I will need some money to make a new start." As Mrs. Foltz clearly and oecideaiy pre sented hor client's case to Dr.

West he weakened and offered to give Mrs. Ken-nod v-West $800. Mrs. Foltz refused to accept $300, and Dr. West askod for time to consult his attorney, promising to let Mrs.

Foltz know his decision yosterday morning. But yesterday morning orougat no wora to Mrs. Foltz from west attorneys. About noon she went to the County Jail to have another talk with the prisoner and found that he hnd pono out accompanied by bis lawyers. Immediately she suspected that he had gone to the Safe Deposit, where ho was keenine his money to get It out ond put it where she could not levy a restraining ordor on it Upon investigation she found that her surmise was correct Mrs.

Kennedy broke tho role oi suenee that she has heretofore observed. "lean never tell you how I have loved that man," she said. "My first error was my MOST PERFECT MADE. A rure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD CRE4M land yesterday it now floating in a neat raft carefully tied to one of the few remaining piles, put there by order of Mayor Pardee and tbe City Council.

It was a very sudden move and very quietly carried out, so quietly that no one knew anything about it, tave a very cboseo few, until a tug-load of police and a pile-pulling outfit made Its appearance at the north training wall of the harbor before daylight this morning. Even the officials of the Southern Pacific Company knew nothing about the move until they got down to their work at tbe Oakland pier or saw the pile-pulling as tbey passed on their way to San Francisco, and there were nono more surprised than these. Even some of those who were considered highest in the councils of the administration did not know what wat being done until they taw the machines actually at work. THERE WAS A HCRRT. At toon at the work began there was a hurrying aud a scurrying all over Oakland.

Railroad and water front officials were consulted, attorneys gathered, and there were consultations and conferences: but while all this was goinir on the pile-pulling was teadily in progress, and when everybody had sufficiently recovered from the surprise and an injunction had at last been secured and served, fully half of the pile fence had been removed and there was nearlv as much hole in Mr. Huntington's barrier of piles that surrounded Oakland as the Chi cago decision made in the water-front fence that be bos bad around Oakland for so many years. mere seems to have been one little hitch In the whole proceodines. and that duU Attorney-General Hart's suit in a very peculiar position. When Hart filed his suit, after telling for weeks what he was going to do.

he applied for an injunction aeainst the de fendants in the suit preventing them from doing anything more with the water front. ibis injunction was granted, but by tbe time the suit had been tiled and the papers Issued the pile fence around Oakland and Alameda had been completed and the South ern Pacific Company had done all that it wanted to do. It was ready to be enioined. It was suddenlv discovered to-dav that tne city oi uakiand was one or the defend steaming down tbe barbof towards the open bav. The tug with It police guard arrived at the mouth of the harbor, near the lighthouse, at 8 o'clock hi the morning.

She waa tied up to ono or the piles that formed the fence around Oaklnnd, and lay there until the arrival of a Second tug with the pile-pulling outfit in tow, and then bumping peacefully together in the gentle swell they lay too and waited for the morning. The pile-pulling outfit was in charee of Charles Cotton, one of the firm of Cotton and was manned with a crew of i'HE TUGLOAD OF POLICE Sketched by an sturdy workmen. On the tug there was nobody but the police and the regular crew. Tbe men did not wait until the sun had risen, but as soon as it began to get light in the east work was begun. The tug lav off to one side, the big jaws of the pile-pulling machine were fixed in the first pile of the fence, and after some snorting and puffing out it came, and it was floated carefully alongside tho machine as the nucleus of the raft of The raft grew steadily all morning, and the officials of the Southern Pacific Company kept the wires between Oattlaud and Fourth and Townsend streets warm with messages to the seat of power.

There wore consultations between A. A. Moore and J. C. Martin, but it was not until nearly 10 o'clock that the first reinforcement arrived from San Francisco in the person of J.

E. Foulds, of tion Is preferred by oneof the Directors. I do not care anything personally about the publicity of the thing, only' the publlo is very quick to condemn a man even when ha completely refutes charges made against Mm. "All the charge agalntt tee are false and I will prove it to the satisfaction of the company. "As a sample of my' alleged embezzle ment take tbe allegation that I sold thousands of dollars' worth of sheep manure and never accounted for It to the company; "As a matter of fact, when there was a demand for the fertilizer at Riverside I spoke to my uncle, E.

F. Northam, who was then alive and manager of tbe land and principal owner, and asked him if it would be all right to get rid of some of the fertilizer that had been left on some of our ranches. I never sold more than a trifling amount of it, and it is an open question if the manure belongs to tbe men who fed the sheep or to the owners of the ranches. A SAMPLE CHARGE. "Other sheep-herders shipped quantities of manure from stations on our ranches, but I had nothing to do with those shipments.

The Director has counted up all tbe carloads of manure shipped away from these stations and charged them up to me, making my indebtedness, according to bis calculations, several thousands of dollars. That is a fair sample of what has been Drought against me." Colonel Northam was told that the mem bers of the committee were about to make a report I can hardly believe that," he answered, as they have not yet heard my side of the story. I have seen no charges and it does not seem likely that they would report without giving me an opportunity of proving that the accusations are utterly false." While Colonel Nortbam would not give the name of the Director who he felt was prejudiced against, him, It was learned from others interested in the company that ha re ferred to Mr. Polhemus. THE DEPUTIES GAVE IN.

Aa Attempt to Replevin a Sewlns? Ma chine Fall to Work. Among the numerous persons who have bought, sewing machines on the installment plan, Mrs. Francis do Gregario stands supreme in the estimation of the Deputy Sheriffs who are frequently called upon to replevin the machines. Tbe lady in ques tion lives at 51H Union street, and she owes a8lx-doilar balance on aa expensive ma chine. She offered to pay up in full, but me agent would not agree, and yesterday ne (wore out papers In attachment Sheriff MciJade sent two deputies, but thev found her house locked and a very sarcastic lady iu uie upper winaows oi me oosieged resi dence.

The scent sought to raise a siem but legal advice prevailed and he went into camp lor consultation. 'News came that nusoaud was a robust fisherman, and uie uepuues ana agent quiciciy concluded leave me iaay in possession of her par uoi puruunsp. Will Determine It Value. Mayor Ellert yesterday appointed Super visors uunaon, btonton and Hinton as committee to investigate the charges of burveyor Fitzhugh concerning work lately done in tbe Richmond sewer district and in the Baker and Laguna street portions of the Black Point seawall, recently projected ujr ca ocumui iinniei air. no ok eyer tried Simmons Liver Begulator wHiiuuv Deing sausnea with ttt effect.

TABULii re gentle catbarti na the oeii oi uver ionic. A family remedy. United States Commissioner Hesoook hat ordered Lee Fook How held to answer to th Grand Jury. Lee Fook Bow Is charged with the commission of perjury in the illegal landing of Cblneie women. ihe mm i THE LARGEST RETAIL DRY-GOODS HOUSE IN THE CITY.

LADIESNCLOTH 500 Piecjs, of All Colon ani Qailities. ALL GOODS WARRANTED NOT TO SHRINK) 33 Different Bhtde Good Value, AA per rsrd, VX A GREAT DRIVE, tb. .81.25 per yra $1.50 and S1.75 ritESCH LADIES' CLOTH.54 Inches wide, per yard, A SPECIAL CLOTH of Superior Maice. nu iustaries, being bota Bii) lf beautiful and durable, at. jrd, VJt) The Celebrated "LA CHAPELLE" CLOTH, npi-clally maaurartured for the WHITK HOUSK, and war- QO K( ranted In ever particular, at per CO.UVI BLACK GOODS.

Great Bargain will be offered In th Black-Good Department, th largest and best-assorted stool ter Imported. Armnrea, Basket Cloth, Hop Sacking, Urap d' Alma, Satin 1 rf au per jard Bemallnes, Honclaw Cloth. Diagonals, Matelasse, Bayadere Stripe, Crnpon, Q- at yard, A great varlotr of Canhmere. Honrletta, Fouls, Camel's Hair, Vigogne Hindoo Cloth. Bonola, Cheviots, Serges, Drap do Venlse, Drap de Parla, India Kashmir, Cotellne, Poplinette, etc, eti Goods sent free to all parts of the city and suburban towns.

Samples sent on ap. plication. Particular attention paid to Mail Orders. MILL CO. NW.

Cor. Post anl lllli II- GUARDING THE PILE-PULLERS. "Examiner" arftot. Oakland Water Front Company to restore tbe piles to their position. Superintendent Wilder had been notified of tbe probable outcome and had a locomotive in waiting at the corner of Seventh ana isroad way.

JUDGE HENSJIAW'S OPINION. Judge Honshaw said to-night that the city of Oakland had placed itself iu a strange predicament "The city of Oakland being a he continued, "has no more right to interfere with the water-front property than the Water Front company nan. it was for this reason tbat included in the order permission to the Water Front Company to replace the piling that the city has removod." Mayor Pardee was verv concise In his statoment aoout the pulling up of tho piles: "We have no excuses to make aud no apologies to offer," said the Mayor. "We ordered tho piles removed because we thought that they were a nuisance and that tney nau Dcen there long enough." OBEYINQ THE LAW. Colonel Crocker Sari the Southern Paelflo Is Doins; Tbl.

"We are trying to ober the to-called tpeed ordinance in Oakland." taid C. F. Crocker of the Southern Pacific Company. We wish to run our trains according to their figures, aud meet the boats if possible. Our men do not think it practicable.

Tney find that the Oakland train is always be hind. Oakland people complain If the boat is not hold for them. Alameda and Berkeley nassonners. who always get in before the Oakland train, find fault if they have to wait for tue Oakland train. In complying with the ordinance wa find that we cannot make tho trip in tne allotted time.

That is why the Oaklaud passengers sometimes have to watt ior tne next, Doat. Tbe passaea of this speed ordinance is piece of malice. Thore was no occasion for it. Thero had beed no accidents in Oak land. Nobodv had boen hurt and there was no demand for any such ordinance.

It has no relation to the water front dispute and why it should be lugped in is something I cannot understand. So long as it stands on tbe books we shall do our very best to oom ply with it requirements." UNDOING THE WORK OF THE WATER FRONT COMPANY. Sketched by an "Examiner" arttef. ants In that suit and while the Water Front Company was enjoined from doing any more work along the water front the city was also enjoined by the same proceeding; and while the Water Front Company had done all that was necessary the city was not as well satisfied. So it is that Mr.

Hart's suit cuts both wavs, and really hits tbe city of Oakland harder than It did tbe ur sj-'.

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