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The San Francisco Examiner du lieu suivant : San Francisco, California • 15

San Francisco, California
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THE SAX FRANCISCO F.XAMINT.R- -SATURDAY. MAY 2. too Gilt TEARS SHIP THIEVES' BOGEYMAI. Sl PIGEOlllS OF I SUSPEND DOCTOR j' NEWSPAPER PICI STREET CAR KILLS TNID HORN MTO-lfllV in DRIVER OF WON HERE WITH MEMORY BENGYSEHVICE WORLD TRIP AUTO EMEU Two of Four Horses Also Die New York Police Lieutenant Valdez Man Treats Wounded Surgeon Saunders Accused of On Initial Jrip Steamer From' Baltimorei'oses Two Cargo Snicks, Employees; of San Francisco and Oakland Journals En- tertain at Fairfax Park. in Collision in the Mission Road, Is Man Who Never Forgets Face of Criminal, Being Unfit for" Duly at Park Branch.

From Thomas Car and May Keep Them. Fnlted Wlrrjesa Telegraph Company yesterday from the. stumer Fnter-prlse, suthiKi.that she was 1 M) milm off port, and expected to arrive here at lu o'clock this innrulng. Ilelnsiiranee on the Adi la was advanced ttt per rent yesterdnr, and t'i 20 tt cent on lite Indian Umpire, The Norwegian ship llurdowle, days from Lisbon for Aeupulco, yes-tcrdav whs tititn'4 at 10 per cent, a watt the HrilUli bark oiu-ron, 0 ditvs from Newcastle, Australia, to Mmi tlie ViM llie t'naht 'sieuiuer Ctovillior was tuwud from Hiintets l'olhl dryduck Droailwav wharf; the st-ames 'I'ltania ffom tdo 'stream to olsom-Htreet wharf No. 'i; lie hi liitoiier Santiago 'from Second street to the ream the scltooner- Uodriek J'hu from tho quartuittne hulk to the stream; the bulk Irntgard from tlie stream to Crockett: tiie ship A.

J. I tiller from Folsom, No. 2, to Slx-teenth-sireet drvdock: the steamer Ncbi'Hskiui from Greenwieh street to Oakland wharf; the steamer Santa Cm ss from Oakland t( I'nlon street: the Sjn Huciiu Ventura from Oakland wharf to tlie clMimel. The crew of the fishing tug I'ledro osta picked up nn titioccuplcd skiff outside the Heads, yesterday, und towed it to SPANISH A I-Tlf A WILL JOIN BIG PARADE BRINGS NEW FAST LAUNCH Thieves and confidence men beware, John T. 'driver of a four-' liorsa malt wagon, was struck by a tho Hogcy Man ii In town.

San Mateo electric' car on the Mission Seliome Will Leave Drydock Refitted and Ready for Run To-Day, The newspaper' employees of Hart Francisco and Oakland will hold their big family excursion and picnic at FalrfaK l'ark, Marin county, All tho arrangements for the entertainment of thfir guests have been completed and a good time Is exported. The vaudeville attractions ar high cIhrs and out of the Itaces for young and old will be contested and dancing in the spa-clous pavilion will bo Indulged in to tlie strains of a band of fifteen pieces. The band will leave Sausallto ferry on the :13 m. boat. Ample accommodations have been arranged to hnndle a big crtfwd and boais con nectlng with trains to the park will leave every hour up to 2:45 p.

m. The following aru the committees having the outing In charge: ABU A.N 0 EM XT 8 COMM1TTE K. Along the Water Front. Following; un Investigation Into thai m.itiMge'm nt of Uo l'ark Ihiiei jr linsplta! by Chief Charles Ituekcr. biting, under the lust ne I i 1 1 of lr.

Wallace Terry. s.jrgenn of tif l-iiicrgciity Hospital Hervkt-, lir. tieoig': auud-l s. in iharge of Jliirpitnl. was sent his hniici yesterdav peiidltv a detailed report from iSueker to lr.

Terry. launders Is accused of being1 toxlcated while on duly djrlt.g Thursday night and yesterday. The matter was call, ti to the of tlie hospital officials and the Investigation, ordered. As tuion its lint her arrived at the hospital yesterday he dechletl tauttilers was not in proper condition. UKIOLLKKHt INN.

Is I'rii'sieiKtd hi (ticum a tie but in the city. Sicul to thuiif piiticj. Him--la 1 reon'-s let Istiies, i 1 lit. Two of tho homing pigeons which tin crew of the Thomns car took with them to Alaska while trying to peiie-trsttr that part ot tho 1'idted States In their trip from oik to Paris, have found a home In Valdez. .1,0 Williams, an old timer In the North, has two of the bird, and hns addressed a communication to the editor of "The Fxarnlner" asking If Jiss a right to keep them.

In lUs- letter Williams says: "When the Thonisi crew decided to return without penetrating Alaska, the birds were releused, but met with misfortune, one uf tlp-m struck a ire and was badly Injured. The other one started In. I relumed after a day and a half and was rescued by mc from the teetii of a Mal.ll'nute dug. "I treated each bird, placing them lu a snug little house with a wire screening and they are doing tine. I am an old timer in Alaska and would liku r'rom llultlniore on licr niaiil'-n voyage the ateumer George V.

Kuiiwlck urrlvi-d yiHterduy after a si-venty-two-day Journey. Klio Is owned by thi' Hammond I.unilier and a liulll for tliem by the Newport News Khip r.ulldlnjr Co. She will run between Kureka ond tlila port. The ln-wlrJt In 276 feet long, 42 feet in the lieam, nd "1 feet fleep. Her euparlty la 2.OUU.00U feet of lumber, und her bpeed 12 Knots.

Ho came all tho way from New York, and his name Is Lieutenant of Police W. Sheridan, lie has been sent from the New York police department to Chief P.lggy to set lis sttrt'of sin-gle-hand'd reception coiuniltteo to nil the Fastern criminal and pickpockets who have come to San Fruiu lsco lo "welcome the fleet." Lieutenant Sheridan is a guest nt the St. Francis and la accompanied by his wife. Ho look upon his trip out hero as sort of vat ution, but he ill be found of great value to tlie locul police while the licet is here. Sheridan has a gift only one man in a million pusseasc ho never forgets a factor name.

He has been attached to the Mulbirns Police Station fourteen yents and every morning he has never missed a day in being present when tlie prisoners are lined up tor Identillca-tlou. Then the officer' real value asserts Itself. He will suddenly dart down the line ami pick out a criminal that he has not seen for several years. How ho bccain-j a police oliicer und waa selected for this special work of Identification is a story in Itself. He started in life as a telegraph operator and his fame soon eprcad In even a big city like New York.

M'-n who filed telegrams never were asked for their names and addresses. Sheridan could call everyono by nuinu and occupation who ecr entered his oMIte twice. In Itrncfl. fc chairnutn. Ktfr.

Ufrt Mc. A Kraint.r, W. TnuUitT. X. Il.i,l 11.

Milicy. road early yesterday morning, thrown from Ms seat and Instantly killed. Tw of the four horses slso were killed. Motormaii Walter Ixa kwood of the far was arrested and booked for manslaughter, but released on 'T. Hchelnen, Vho lived on tlie San Rruno road, leaves a widow and family.

Mrs. N. J. Heaver, living at JS Clip-per street, received several painful abrasions of the face und a bud shaking up by being thrown from a car ut Twenty-fclxtli end Valencia streets yesterday. Mrs.

Heaver was taken to St. Luke's liitsptlal. CALIFORNIA COMMANDLIRY BANQUETS AT FAIRMONT Inauguration of iiroritr YA anlilnglon Crlrbrntrd by II ranch of Society of American War. In. honor of tJeorgo Washington and the commemoration of his Inauguration of the Society of American Wars, Commaudery of tho Slats of California, held a banquet at the Fairmont Thursday evening.

Those present follow: The following officers of the com-mandery were elected to serve for the ensuing 'year: Coinmuiider. Henry tjlnss, Kear-Ad-tniral, U. S. vlee-coniiiiander, Chariot Uavonscroft (Jroonleaf, llrlga-dier-General, vlee-commander, David SHarr Jordan. M.

I'll. I M. l.U recorder, William I'enn Humphreys; treasurer, Samuel Houston lian-tells; registrar, James Henry Dcerlng; genealogist, Knox Maddox; historian, l-'ernando Sanford; chancellor, Hon. James Many Sea well. Judge Superior birds left h-rc.

cer-their lives and am sure to have the talnly saved A 78-foot launch was brought by the AtltiKt-r, A. l'attiMi, tftUiitAn, H. tvtulnjitii, P. i it CARTERS iu- It (lit nrnneitv OC I 1 a ma 11 In this part of would like to see the litre. th'-re is not Alaska but birds remain J'rrsluVnt KUJj' of thfl Port ElukeUy COMMITBK.

Holand, J. 1'rettl. II. Ccnoira Murt Be-r Fsr-Similfj Sisnatirt REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. fIT'lf PIIJ.S.

All Member Aaxoclntiou Are Notified to 1'nrllelpnte lu Fvrtit ori Moj- TtU. The Ppanlsli War Veteran' Association baa sent out'a reiieral auiiounce-nient that ail Its members are expected to meet In Veterans' Hall to take part In the parade on May 6ih. One thousand veterans arc expected in line. The only float" tV be drawn in the great parada 11) bo tlie. miniature cruiser California which has been donated to the veteran by thb citizens of Vallejo.

Tho float is sixty-five feet long. It will take ten horse to draw It. it is to be manned fifty youngsters of A bind of 35 pieces will head the The association of Spanish war veterans is stronger California than in any State, owltir to tho large participation in tho 1-hilippine wars by Call-fornians. 1 "We mobile ar sorry hero the auto-I ul lows did n't start a month Jolitiitrn, MrArthur, l-'Utr NlArlttgiT. Olwrll, Jaittf Am 1 ttwr Mttnager Parker, W.

LosMitk, tlob lhwtii, W. rai(. K. Merry. A.

l-uhlttiattii. wl wmm OA.VES CUMMITTKU. rmiinltn, cliilruian. Murttn, J. Mi'lior.

C'Lm. liATE AM TOMROI-A. Itpt srl. K. Tn-itacr.

T. tul'le'. J. Patlon, A. l-'iUMtvutun.

Willie leutiei, lottrd COMMISSION SEES FIRE ALARM BOXES WORKING earlier, for they could have made their Inland trip without arty particular dllliculty." K. P. Hrlnegar. president of tho Pioneer Automobile Company. who sent the birds with the Thomas car, was setMi yesterday, and immediately authorized "The Kxnminer" lo inform Williams thut he was welcome to keep lie- birds, pnil at tin.

saint tinin to thank him fur tue care ho had eiven them. Prlnegar hud be. mi wondering what had become of his carriers, and was relieved to hear that they had fallen into good hands. TOKIO. May 1.

The French and Italian round-the-world motor cars arrived here to-day. They will leave within a few days for Vladivostok via Tsuruga. CARTERS g3itt: IVER PosltirelT cored bf the Little Pills. TVtr Heo reCeta I 4rs frora Drup'palMA, 4iiwaVia aod Too Eefcrtf tkUcg. A perJTiot ttk ttjtcr ft Biases, Xtuse Drowilaeasi Dd TijU la tb MotrtH.

RKAL I-STATir ML-N' TO QUIT BUSINESS FOR FLEET I ourt; chaplain, William Augustus Agree to lose Tfarlr Unices From Tuesday ICvrnlnar to Thursday Afternoon lu Join in Welcome. 1 Torujti, Pita IB ft Side iTOrUTQ LTTEt Tha TAX DELINQUENCY REACHES TOTAL OF $149,355 HftiJiHo tA EowaiB, JW7 Ttgotstia. SMALL PiLL UUKll 'MUBtl spector liyrnes of the Police l'epatt-nient heard of the young man. sent for him and after a few minutes conversation hired him, Atlantic City was pestered a few years ago with pickpockets. Sheridan was sent there, and after he.

had mixed with tlie crowd a few days und warned a few of the thieves to get out of town, the rest stampeded, knowing well that the New Vork policemen would sooner or later recognize thorn. Lk-Jtcuunt Sheridan said last evening; "I was asked to come out here and spot out the Fastern criminals. I am sure that lots of them will be out here and I am only too glad to be of some service to tho people' of San Francisco. This Is a -vacation for me and 1 Intend to enjoy myself." CANNOT RECOVER FOR LOSS OF LIQUOR IN DISASTER Misjoinder of Defendants Kesiilta In Dismissal of Action for fM.WlO Milling and In to taken to ort Hlakehy. The launeh makes knots, and was built in New York.

Two weeks out from liultimore the Venwlok rnn Into a heavy gale that tarried away two rarso derricks, and did coniilderablo damafte about the deek. It was thought fur ft lime during the gala that the launch would be wreeked or earrlod uwy, hut after it atrugRlo fho was securely lashed down. 4 Sehomc Leaves Drydock To-Day. The strainer Sohonie. onoe tlio prop-trty of the Fiieiilc Coast Steamship Company, but now owned by the Mon-tleello Steamship Company, comes oft the Sixteenth-street drydock to-day to make ready to go Into commission tn the run between Vallejo and this tlty.

Within two yrars two steel fteamers are to re-enforee the fleet, and earry on the ndded travel exported witli the completion of the electric line between Vallejo and Sacramento, eonnectipB with the lines built already to interior towns. Tim Krhoinp was bought from the l'mlfit? Coast Company, who took her tiff the run between SeatUe and Bel-ilimhani bay after the disaster, and used lu-r -as a bunkhouse for their -mplo ees who had been burned tint. AVhen'her ti.seulness In tins cupaeity rmled she laid up. The Miontlf.iiilo Company has Fpont $100,000 tin nlvlnnr the vessel a thorough Installing new engines and boilers, and renewing her in many ways. When she is put on the run, 'about July 1st, she will be one of the fctanchetil craft on the lay, Reports Rough Voyage.

for two days beneath lieav yseas that seriously threatened 1o sink her at any moment, tho British steamer Allanton, Which arrived -late Thursday' night, ninety clays from Hiiltlmore, passed through the roiiKh-ist weather 'In the experience of. her rew off tlie Atlantic coast of Florida. Heal estate dealers are going to suspend business to greet the fleet. The board of directors at their last meeting to inform their members that business should be suspended from Tuesday evening. May 5lli until 1 n.

Increase Mionn by Figures Made Public by Collector Uush for Fiat-al Year. Considers Sample of Mnken Offered Substitute for Ttaiwe Manufactured by Fieri rtelty Drpnrtaneat. The Fire end Police Commissi who together constitute th board having control of tho department of electricity, gave a hearing yesterday to representatives of three companies which sell fire, alarm signal boxes, and which desire to supply this city with Ihern should It be finally decided to cease maiiufa. luring boxes in tlie local department shop, as been proposed. Kacli of tlie companies named had its sample signal boxes on exhibition.

Chief Hewitt of the department of electricity was also pres. ent to look after the interests of his local liomemede boy, which Chief Shaughnessy of the Fire Department, is also strongly inclined to favor. The commissioners took the matter under advisement. urewer, jj. sui'Kctin, l-lilllp King Frown; musical director, Charles Our-tlon litick; lountii, Tiiomus Stowoll l'helps.

cants In, I. S. Thomas Wil-helm. Colonel, F. S.

Hugh Henry Hrown, William Kvelj Hopkins, M. James Slauson, John Cassin Cantwell, captain, U. 8. it. C.

Charles A. Woodruff, Hrlgadlor-Ueneral, I'. S. Jefferson Franklin Moser. CHptnln, V.

S. (Jeorge Clement Ferklns, Fnited States Senator; Charles Gardner l.sth-rop. Joseph Trllley, Kenr-Ailinlra F. S. James Jackson.

Colonel, F. S. A. l'elegites to coinniandery in chief, Archlliiilti Jennings Treat, franklin Jeremiah llrske, Ri I S. -tieorge Francis Fdward Harrison, CARTERS This will srlve the realty men all rinvl Tax Collector Hush gave out yesterday the exact figures as to the.

tax delinquency for the present fistn! year, as follows: Gertlmj fort Fao-Stmile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. on Wednesday to watch the battleships come In, and Thursday morning to witness the parade. F. S. A.

eapitiiti, on Jcruie-1 iirtfuua! propet ly tar l-t'luni. ifii till tmst.vurt'd prntoiiai prrie frly Uxt-n rtt ifiitte tmri. hrst instilliiiflit Kcttl rsute ttute, fcelid intUllmcnt. $7,051,09 Ta.i'ju.iHi SENTENCED FIVE YEARS FOR THE THEFT OF Hear Adnural Houir $2 1 by I'rsns F. BoKtwick ictrice j.

A. Ui-titoiiU Hr. I'l'illip King Urnrti I'nif. Sttuluui lir," Arlhttt i ntuby t'htrlis tl. llu.k Pr.

V. A. IWirir Hun. Pm.icll K. Williimf Hold Ip Man Fiend t.ullty and Is t.

N. I. 11. Uawlca Csptuin JtHonoa F. S.

II. llttnlrht Wiliiiim P. MumThtTYS Itiiimnl U. Htiffiison Arrlut)il J. Trent C.

I'. I'irkiim Sent to nt Once San (lurntin by Court. Tll The $73. 1 representing the second installment delinquency, Is about above the normal. TWENTY OWNERS FORM 'BELVEDERE LAUNCH CLUB CONCERTS TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW IN THU PARK COFFEE Why Schillings Uest? Because -it is best and; your money is yours' i' you think you "don't fine it so.

Your or Tptimt ytmr tuiny if -Hwi't, liVt it wt xx him. BONESTELL, RICHARDSON CO. IN" Fifth Hrglinrut Hsntl and Itesrular A suit brought for damages for liquor destroyed during the days of tho disaster two years ago was decided against tho plaintiffs yesterday when Judge, Seawell sustained a demurrer to the complaint filed by Charles und Frank Krueckel against tho Fnitod States Government, tho City of Sun Francisct. ami others, fur $3,500. The complainants owned a liquor store at Fills and Steiner streets ami their stock "as di-stroved by the soldiery April II.

1 MOti. The demurrer set up a misjoinder of defendants ami alleged other faults with tho omplsint. Seawell found for the def t-ndiints without leave to the plaintiffs to amend. THREE-STORY FALL KILLS On February 2d and Kd a hurricane. Patrick Uyan lias been sentenced to serve five years in San Quentln for the thefl of $2.

KyaiAhcld up a pedestrian and was rewarded for his crime with this sum. Ho pleaded guilty before Judge Oook yesterday and sentence was pronounced at once. Judge Cook also sentenced Sullivan to serve live years in Folsom for robbing a saloon. Sullivan was caught while leaving tlie place he had entered. He pleaded guilty.

CONDUCTOR IS BEATEN IN ROW OVER FARES STUDENTS OF LICK HIGH SCHOOL PRESENT COMEDY Over 2,000 Attend the Princes Theatre to K-e Senior Clnsa Play "The From Mexico." high school students and their friends crowded the Princess Theatre yesterday afternoon to witness the comedy, "The Man From Mexico." presented by the senior class of the Lick High school. Miss Kthel Atkinson, taking the part of Clementine Fitxhew, was a. decided success, as also was Miss Klixabeth Bridge as Sallle Grade. The. other girls who were freely applauded for their clever acting were Hazel Henderson and Marguerite r.oyd.

Richard Noves as Timothy Cook, a Tammanv sheriff; Howard Dietterlle, warden at iilackwell's Island, and 'A. Leslie Oliver in the part of Hen.iamiu Fltzhew were the best among the boys. A I ALD EN DA NTS NAME 3 ASSEMBLYMEN Musical Oraanlttatlon Mill Alternate lu Oprti-ilr Fvruls. Hand (onceris will be given to-day and Siitiilny at Golden tinte l'ark from 2 to 4:30 p. m.

The Fifth Keglment Hand the National Guard will furnish the music this afternoon, while on Sunday the regular park cencert banfi under, the direction of Charles 11. Cassasa will provide the programme. For both occasions selected f.eorge lleau. Chairman, and F. (..

Secretary of Hotly With Corlnlhinn Island Home. Twenty launch owners of Helvedtjre have organized what is to he known as the lielvedere' Launch Club, with headquarters on Corinthian Island. Attention is to be given holding a series of handicap races and in every way possible engaging interest of launch owners around the bay. Dr. George L.

Ileait has been chosen chairman ami K. ti. Purdy secretary of tne organization. Sues to avo III Pnusnge Plant. C.

F. Jiorimng, who conduct a sausage factory on Church street peur Sixteenth street, has sued the Hoard of llcHltit to prevent the commissioners from tearing down bis building. Hor-nung says his place Is sanitarv In every respect. The lioard of Health is acting under the "rat ordinance." Iron Worker Dropa From Fire to the Ground. wel- music, thosen particularly as a will be rendered.

come to the fleet 13. 4 -m William Kllis. a ston luial Iron worker, while working on a lire escape In a building ut Sixteenth and Harrison streets, fell three stories yesterday afternoon, receiving injuries from which lie died later nt tlie Central F.mergeney Hospital. Fills, who lived at ti3 Connecticut street, leaves a wlfo and family. Sag II 111 mi 'School lliinrts Snltl.

HFDWfHH) CITV, May 1. Tiie issue of bonds of the Sun Bruno l'ark School district of this county was sold todsy by the County Treasurer to tho First National i.tank of San Mateo of this place. The bonds brought a Binall premium. Xow at 116 to 124 FIRST STREET, COP. MINNA IMi one Km my 1 27-.

Supporters of eague In Capital City H2EE5323I Six Men Aaaault Fdivnrd Flllott on IlnlgM-Mrert "Owrsluinp Off Car nad Make Kacape. Kdward Elliott, a conductor on the Haight-atrcet. line, was badly beaten yr-sterdiy morning at 1:45 o'ciock by six men; wttli whom ho had on argument iver fares. After beating Elliott the men Jumped from tlie car and made their escape. l'urlng tha scuffle Kliiott lost his ticket punch, badge and had his change pocket ripped open, spilling his money.

The iHtli.ce Investigated the case, but could find no evidence thai the attaclt was other than an assault. Ownera Demand PncMo Grand Hotel. As a climax to the trouble between H. ii. Clute, manager of the.

Pacific Grand Hotel, and the board of directors of the hotel company, an action was begun yesterday by Laurence Irving Scott. Laura Hard Scott and Alice Scott Knight Smith against the Pacific GraiVl Hotel and Investment Comp.iny for restitution of the hotel property and one month's i-enl. $2. fie. According to the omplitini Are Planning; for Active Campaign Itefore Primary Flections.

SACRAMENTO, May Indepcnd 1 $1.00 A WEEK. Rcady-Madc Suits CALIFORNIA CREDIT CLOTHING CO. B8 STOtKION Mt. MAKKET. ence League supporters in this city have selected three representatives ot their political beliefs, who will be voted taa mm It-Iiere Nam.

s. Steady Nerve Mew for at the primaries on May 5th. They are J. M. Doyle, civil engineer, of the Seventeenth Assembly district: K.

H. Kemper, druggist. Of tlie KiKhteenth Assembly district, and J. Cam)), teamster, of tlie Nineteenth Assembly district. Plans for an uctive campaign are being made.

To Maintain Mining Fxblbil. The 'California Slate Mining Bureau will keep its mining CNhiblt in the top fioor 'Of the ferry building open during tlie month of May from a a. in. to 6 p. m.

Sundaja tlie museum will be open from 9 m. to 5 p. m. Tlie exhibit is lirst class and udnils-sion is free. the hotel was leased in 7 for a trm of ten yiui.

with the litiderstitmlig that the lease was to be declared forfeit it the rent were not paid in ad-vance. Tlie rent from April 25th to May 5tli is alleged to be due. be in order, ly lor next will rcai are needed by all who tvork with haiub or brain. Nerve strcn'jtU depends on tonuch the digestion sound anl" robust with BEECHAMS': FILLS InM Cverywhtr. I.t boSS ISc.

toj Fleet week will he a gala occasion where dress is a requisite ncw clythes Yuu need your spring outfit anyway, so why not buy it to-day and be cek's festivities. In coming to "The Hastings" sale you can buy lo a great advantage, as clothing AT COST, prior to our removal to The Hastings am a very few davs. sciiuu wc i Grant in Hooded the deek und carried away tint forward derrick, and smashed the wheel house, and ptorrhiK Bear. The waves caved in" the two starboard boats and the dingy. The Allanton put in at many ports tin her -journey around South America for repair and water.

Site bring tons of coal for the Atlantic licet. Picks Up Ton Anchor. When hoisting her anchor Thursday morning preparatory to sailing on a three-year whaling cruise. the t-chootjer Rosle U. picked up an additional anchor.

weighed 2.000 pounds, ond the windlass of the little vessel was almost carried awny the strain of its added burden. Hut by the aid of. a double the was landed. Captain Walker said he would take the anchor to the. north with him as a good luck token.

The Hosle H. Is bound for Sitka, and from thut port will set out on whaling trips and trade with adjacent stations. Watson to Have Wireless. When the steamer Watson, which alls to-morrow- for Seattle with a largo of bonded champagne and limes returns to Sun Francisco she will be equipped, as ls her sister ship, the Buckman, with a' complete wireless telegraph outfit. A part of the apparatus has been Installed here, but most ot tho work upon -the instruments will be dune at Seattle.

On her return trip the Watson will make an effort to eoininunilrate with this port. Shipping Improves. Official "fi the Independent Hue expressed opinion yt-s-terday that tiie depression in shipping will soon be over. They baso their conclusions on the way trade is picking up with their vessels. The Handle! leaves Sunday with a full cargo the largest site has carried for many months, and, freight is coming in isteadlly.

'Water Front Notes. The Facitio Mail ste.imer Indiana will lay up as toon as she finishes lischargine at Lombard street. Another unsuccssf ul attempt tore-cover the anchor of the J. 31. Griffith, which was lost Thursday by the vessel as she was about to tail, whs made yesterday by the tug Sea King.

All morning was spent in dragging for Vho lost anchor. Captain A. Dixon will be in command of the steamer Korea on her 'next voyage, while Captain Sandburg, her skipper, Is off on his honeymoon. Captain McUill of. the tstiBiner Ved-do has announced that lie will receive visitors on his vessel during the stay of the fleet, and donate the proceeds to tho widows and orphans' fund.

The Yeddo will anchor off Mission street. Loaded with wine, salmon, hops and dried the American-Hawaiian steamer isthmian is due Tuesday from Seattle. After a two-day slop lure she will proceed to New York, through The steam f-enooner Fair Oaks. by Mnde Company, has been chartered by the I'nKard Steamship Co.npany. yesterday she left for Grays Harbor, after having been tied up since the engineers' strike.

The officers nt the Pacific Coast steamer Finatilla, who were in quarantine on Angel Jsl.ind. arc returning to their vi-km-I. The only ehane in the ship's rsonncl is the transfer of First Officer G. snit to the invert nr. Wcstci'tt wiil become In st (c.i tne I'matiiht.

The kus m.s Abyssinia Is reeelvir.g freight pr-'para trr to t.iil-i:'g on Fjth. The will stn at OunyniiiH on h-r ti4'vii trip, i 'it to lite usual custom of the The i i Nebraska and jtroocedeU at once to M.tre A message was received by the Globe Trotter to Address the V. M. C. A.

Joshua Levering of Baltimore, who has completed a tour of the world, will address a mass meeting for men at the Young Men's Christian Association, 12J0 Geary street, on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The speaker will talk on work for young men in non-Christian lands. Snlnlion Army to Give Concert, The Salvation Army will give a concert to the sailors of the llocL in tlie ship Conuurror. 71 Fast street, oil tlie evening of May 1 lith. Well known Oakland people will take part in the Instrumental and vocal selections.

Spring Suits at Cost SAYEMOEI! AVOID PALM s.ckaaski4! to i lis F.v.i fsiaua Litrn'tcti in t.a Newest spring styles in hundreds of pretty patterns; hand tailored will hold their shape through months and' months of" wear. We have YOUR SIZE and it will lit as though made individually for you yet it's ready fur service right now. $25.00 Suits for $19-75 35-crj Suits 1 $27.50 Suits for $21.50 $.10.00 Suits fur S30.00 Suits for $24.50 $45. 00 -Suits for isrCi-a'. j-'Ni CCCiJOd tJ fu.l 1.1 tjr Outing Suits at Cost Broad Feet No idea is more common than that broad feet, to look well, must force themselves Jnto narrow shoes.

This results in aching feet (or worse) and shoes that soon lose their "lines." One pair of Crossetts will show how needless this is they fit, but are no less stylish for that i GOLD KILLINGS SILVKi; FlLl.l.SuS. KKllXifcWuKK ibsr tor tursctiBS i tsnn a nt'i-n for twt BOSTON DENTAL CO. AND OHIO PENTIjTS 133 I Hliiii- St. BK SfiiK TcH' AKK IJi HHiHT l'LACS. One 4i'r till 9 l' tu Suits of coat and halt" and (iiartcr lined: liht-wciK'ht cool tnatcrtals.

in homespuns, ilanncls and worsteds, in solid rays anil lijjrlit patterns also light-weight blue serges; assortment of sizes to assure you a satisfactory fit. Haud tailored they will hold their shape ami look dressy. Just the suit for holiday occasions, liuy one to-day wear it during tlie warm weather that's sure to come. $10.00 Suits for $17.50 Stnts $12.0 Suits for $10.00 Suits for. $15.00 Suits for $12.00 5.00 Suits for $20.00 'mmm, Have lou A tif.

I Furnishings, Hats end Shoes at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent From Regular Prices T-wae- vase' tan tl, MoittM. Itsif rt- -4 r- 8 it .4 1 I i i lt I i' b-ti i COOK REMEDY SHOE Btfl a -r L2 ts! Men aniomfB -J- 1 it i aV Makes res valRllasy TtiCI M11K MAS CiotliW Oimpaa: oo 94 y.ltrt0,tkii BENCH MADE $500 Hi I CALL ON YOUR DEALER OR WRITE US. LEWIS A. CROSSETT. NORTH ABimGTON.

MASS. Inc. VJ1NE5S AT PIN llKlli; MAY 1 ri 'V. p-'T- I t.Uf-k.s.t (mi a la.

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