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The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California • 3

San Francisco, California
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Nora Fuller and the Most Important Witnesses Who Will Testify at the Coroner's Inquest To-Dey. PEOPLE LIST MEN IE 2,000 RATIFIES DEAL ALL II ACCORD Al STEEL TRUST Evidence of the Witnesses Who Will Testify To-day Will Throw Little Light on the Secret of 2211 Sutter Street. II A RUSSIAN TEMBLOR in ist INDIES 18 4 4 mis morning the Coronrr will commence an odlrlal Inquiry Into the murder of Nora Fuller. The r.ory of the der eptive advertUe-incnt. the girl's departure from home, the $1,000 REWARD! HOUSE mis WARJflX Shrewd and Craf Dalzell Outwitted by Richardson, Who Qu'ckly Recognizes Piweilessnessof Demociats, Senate in Executive Session orange behavior of "John Pennett' at the Stockholders Unanimously Approve the Agreements Made by Morgan Co.

and the Acts cf the Directors. for oeeupincy. By his own statement often reposed he wen', through every room in the houe looking for some old erpets he was to remove. There was no bedbtead there. Hertrand's testimony Is corroborated by V.

I. Montrose, ho also tays he went through every rooui in the house and will swear that no bedstead was there. A STIliXCaS CONTUAniCTIOX. re is a strange contradiction. Between 12 and 1 o'clock ToMn delivered the bed.

An hour later Bcrtrand shears It was gone. It is scarcely conceivable ihat the mau in the house at 2211 Sutter street had the bed put in the upstairs bedroom and then had it carried out within an hour. Coroner I.elan.l Intends to Rive particular to thl "The Examirr" Will Pay a Reward of for Exclusive Information Leading to the Arrest and Conviction of the Murderer of Nora Fuller. Wcmen and Children Form the Maj rity of the Victims of Last Week's Earthquake, Which Destroyed 4,000 Houses, BAKU (Trans-Caucasia), Fcbruray 17. Details which are slowly arriving at Baku from Shamaka, show that 2.000 persons, mostly women and Children, perished as a result of the earthquake last week, andttttt 4.000 houses ere destroyed.

Thirty-four villages of the country sur Approves Unanimously of Treaty for Cession of Three Islands by Denmark, Specir.l fr lentil wire, Ihf lcM In the werld.J WASHINGTON. February 17. The treaty with Denmark for the cession to the United States Government of the Islands of St. Thomas, St. John and St.

Croix, comprising by awd ln, the l.inp-m In Iti world 1 (Special t'T lwd wire, the Inngett lo NEW YORK, February 17. Tho stockholders of the billion-dollar street trust WASHINGTON. February a single dissenting voice, the Houe of opuiar litiiaurani anu ri iue n-unuji vi the hoime and the purchase of lh furniture found In it all thla will be told by the wit-ceBBet who have been summoned to the In-quest. But there the trail loit. No one aw the girl led Into the death-trap at Butter Mreet.

No one aaw the man enter the house, nor leave It. Circumstantial evidence that will probably warrant a verdict against the mytrleal Bennett, Hawkins, Bcott cr whatever his name may be, will bo produced, but the police have not even a clew to the Identity hidden behind these aliases. Since the girl's body was found In tho vacant house suspicion has been directed In many quarters. Many theories have been Ri preMMUatives passed the war tax penl i lu id their first nnuual meting to-day In Ho-bKl this Rftcrnoon 27S numbers voting, token. strange contradictory testimony and will pee whether or not the witnesses ho contradict each other on such a vital point will repeat their stories when thty are placed The indlKunllon of the community lieeu arnnipd by the wanton mnrder of Xora Fuller, girl of ulstccn enr, and Itrruune It olinren tlic rnrnmt deiilre of every rlulit-lu I nil rd prmon In nee Ihe pnllty man pnnlabrd, "The Kxanilnrr" offer a Hevrard which in ii' prompt tlinae who know the truth to come for-wnrd nnd tell who linn taken thin child' life.

rounding Shamaka also suffered. The notice to call at the Topular Restaurant sizned "John Bennett" was recel.ed To add to the terrors of the neighborhood. The' passage of this measure to-day. re-1 Judge H. Gary, Chairman cf the pealing, as It does.

If finally enacted Into! Finance Committee, was tbo first of the law, more than 0 of war taxes, was I magnnt. to put in an appearance. He was a complete surprise to men on both sides of accompanied by R. L. Trimble, Secretary the chamber, who had though! it would not of the United States Steel 0 rporation.

and come to a final vote until to-morrow after-; Charles McVeigh, associated counsel. Then noon. Early In theday UeprcM nfatlve Dal- came Giorgc W. Perkins of the firm of J. bv Miis Fuiler o.i Saturday, January 11th.

a volcano near tne village ot Jiarasy On that afternoon a man who told Krone, the Danish West Indies, was ratified to-day; by the Senate iu executive session by unanimous vote. The trtaty was under consideration for only a short time, and, with one exception, no opposition to any of Its stipulations developed. Senator Bacon of Georgia moved an amendment to strike out tho paragraph In the third article which provides that the civil rights and political status of the Inhabi nrnnrietiv of the ToDiilnr restaurant, that he was John Bennett and that he was wait exploded. manyIews run to Half a ins for a ulrl.

loitf red about the restaurant ward of Shamaka, has broken out Into active eruption. A great crevass has appeared whence Immense flumes and streams of lava are bring thrown out. The course ot tha river deonchalka has been altered In coa-seqitence cf Its bed being dammed with of the Committee on Utile brought in P. Morgan r. presenting proxies too n'or mitine his dinner.

He waj a special order, shutting off ell amendments aggregate of the st.wk. Shortly after o'clock Nora telephoned Francis Lynde Stetson, gen except those that might be offered by the I followed by detectives have searched, questioned and Interviewed vainly. The net result of all this has been nothing. I'dLK ST1LI. AT SKA.

This morning, ten days after Nora Fuller's body was discovered, the police are to btr moihcr that the wa3 going to r.earv street, to the home of Bennett, but Ways and Means Committee, and began an earth which bad been disturbed by the earth tants of the islands shall be determined by Congress, subject to the stipulations con stranger nppeared again at a Mislson-street that she would retura that evening. Fifteen second-hand furniture store. This time he' hundred Geary street Is a vacant lot tained In the present convention. The ob ti -it r. .1 thai mnmpnt chose the Standard Furniture Company, where he purchased a wire mat ject of Mr.

Bacon's amendment, as express mere mi vn-wn -uu. no one has been found who saw Nora Ful- eral counsel for the corporation; H. A. Franks, secretary to Andrew Carnegie; John U. Ios I'asfos, Henry A.

Murray, Louis L. Stanton, Myles Tlerney, Francis I'eabody and a score of other stock and proxy holders. It was after 12 o'clock when President Charles M. Schwab appeared. He waa accompanied by Henry Clay Friek.

It as a tress and a chair. Richard Fitzgerald, pro-i if.r or her companion, although argument In favor of Its adoption. Tw hours wer to debate, to be divided equally amongst the Democrats and Republicans. The Democrats, under the lead of Richardson, denounced the rule tyrannical, and appealed to the Republicans not to force many From ed by him. was to have the Islands made a territory of the t'nlted States, which, accord prlctor of the furniture firm, will tell ot( thought they had seen such a girl the sale and of delivering the furniture to ing to recent Supreme Court declsiona.

thpy would become when acquired by purchase, quake. liattalions of guards and detachments of soldiers with tents have been dispatched to Shamaka to aid iu the work of rescue. The Ked Cross Society active In alleviating distress. SENATE RATIFIES TREATY. Extends Time of Convention Between United States and Britain.

WASHINGTON, February Secsta In executive session to-day ratified a treaty between the t'nited States and Great Britain x-ti ndlng for twelve months from July 28, 1901, the time ithin which British colonies or for without a treaty stipulation to the con this proposition dow the throats of members. Dalzell ond Cannon replying for the wide -onen meeting and all comer win the moment Nora Fuller bung up the tele-phoue after speaking to her brother, all trace of her was lost. Next comes the discovery of her body by Deane. the real estate oftlce employee. From these facts the Jury that hears the Nora Fuller case to-day will have to draw up its verdict.

STHAXtiKK WAS SEItVOl S. welcome. When the proxies bad been tabulated Chairman Gary announced that 7ti per cent tho emire catutaluatiuu of tne corpora trary. The stipulation he moved to ttrlke out would make the Islands a colony of the Vnited States. The Bacon amendment was defeated.

Senator Cullom then explained the provisions of the treaty and asked that a vote be taken on It Immediately. Xo further amendments were offered, and the treaty came to a final vote. The vote was uuaul- tlou was represented. He explained that the acts of the board of Directors for the Republicans, eustamed the rule and urged its adoption. After a brief but unsuccessful attempt at filibustering, and recognizing that ai the Republicans were in a large majority, they would certainly pass the bill, KepreMiita-tlve Richardson sprung a surp.ise on the Houfe by asking unanimous consent that the bill be put on lis final pa-sago immediately.

Members looked astounded. Tbey coul'd scarcely believe what they bad heard, entire past year wouid have to no passed upon. He then submitted the fjllowing do nearer a solution cr tne mystery tnan they were on the afternoon when the vacant houft's grewsome secret was exposed. On. January 8th the house at 2211 Sutter street was rented to a s-tranger who declared he lived at the Golden West Hotel.

C. S. Lahannier, the clerk in the rental department of G. H. t'mbsen will tell the Coroner's jury of bis conversation with the man for whom the detective force of the city is searching.

He will tell bow the man iuhlsted that the house must be cleaned and prepared for him immediately, and then rental book, with the signature Hawkins," will be shown to the Jury. ITItCHASK OF lir.DDINfi. On the next day, January a man purchased a mattress, a pair of blankets, a comforter and two pillows from the t'avananh furniture store. B. T.

Schell, the clerk who sold the goods, will repeat )o the Jury the conversation he had with the stranger. Next' will come Larry GUlen, a driver of the delivery wagon, who took the bedding to 2211 gutter street, where again the stranger was seen. On that same evening, Thursday, Jan-uury the advertisement that led to tho 'tmdolng of Nora Fuller was written in tho office of a morning newspaper. The following morning Mrs. Fuller noticed it and sent an answer.

On this same day, Friday, January 10th, the mysterious nioua. and a roll-call was not taken. P. J. Tobln, an expressman.

TESTIMONY OF VALIE. Tobln's testimony Is of the greatest Importance. He delivered the bed and chair at the Sutter-street house. A well dressed man answered the doorbell. "Bring the stuff in," he said when he saw Tobln and the furniture.

Tobln did so and at the request of the stranger carried It upstairs and set it up exactly where It was found three weeks' later with the girl's body upon It. Tobln delivered the bed shortly after noon on Friday, January 10th. He la positive of the date and hour. His delivery book establishes the former and the hour Is clearly fixed in his mind by the Instructions the furniture dealer gave him when he left the store. Tobln's story Is corroborated, for shavings that he said he whittled from the Joints of the bedstead were found in the room after the body had been removed.

At 2 o'clock on Friday, January 10th, little- more than an hour after Tobln set up the bedstead in the vacant house. E. F. Bertrand, an employee of Umbsen entered the house to clean and prepare it The Islands are to be ceded to the United States Immediately upon the exchange of ratifications. Formal delivery of the terri eign possessions may give their adhesion to the convention signed March 2, lM'f, for the tenure and disposition of real and personal property.

I GcTTnT CONCERT TO R. TARIS, February 17. Jankei Rigo, the gypsy violinist, has decided to appear in a concert tour. One of his engagements, it Is said, Is In Washington, wherec he will play this winter. The Princess Chlmay does not approve of tha scheme and will remain in Europe.

tory and property shall be iade immediately Soppoiied to llnve Token Frelfiht Tr.ilii for Kann City. BAKEIISFIELD, February 17. A man who was In Kern Saturday, and who It Is supposed was Benuett, went from that city to Kansas City on a freight train. Officers are now convinced that he might have been the right naan. as descriptions are similar to thoso given out.

waiter at the lunoh counter describes him as having oni finger off the rifiht hand and a mole under the rlulu eye. He noticed while he was eating that the stranger was very nervous, so mueh so that several times hli hand shook so thai a morsel on the fork dropped to the plate. When he left the luneh counter he Inquired for train for Kansas City and caught the southbound freight before the Sheriff and deputies arrived. and when, finally, the full force of tne sug-geKlon dawned upon them, the hall rang with applause. The shrewd and crafty Mr.

Dalzell had been completely outwitted by Mr. Richardson, who quick to recognize that the Democrats were powerless to win their point that of securing a permission to amend the bill knocked the pins from under the Republicans by moving Immediate consideration, regardless of contem plated debate. The bill will now be sent to the Senate after the payment by the United States of $3,000,000 in gold coin of the United States, which amount shall be paid over to the Danish Minister at Washington within ninety days after the exchange of ratifications. The exchange of ratifications shall take place within six months after both countries shall have ratified the treaty. Under the terms of the treaty.

It Is the opinion of Senators on the Foreign Relations Committee, that the United States will be In full possession of the islands within six months. The ratification of the Danish West Indies treaty is pleasing to members of Congress who favor an Isthmian canal, and especially pleasing to those who favor the Nicaragua route. The islands have also great strategic value to this country, and there are harbors which can be converted into valuable naval stations and bases of supplies. One of the harbors is already ell equipped with docking facilities. Committee on Finance, wncre it win ne brought up for consideration, probably ithin the coming fortnight.

Senator Aldrich, an Administration leader, and Chairman of TWICE REFUSED TO WED VANDERBILT proposition: 1. In favor of approving and ratifying all contracts, actE. ly-ins, proci tilings, flections and agreimins hy the board ot dlnct-oi or the iNfCtiiiw eoimmitee or the tinatii committee, since the organization ol Hie corporation, on i' lbruary ii-cl, us set forth in the n.inutt ot the of dinctors, or ot the executive committee or ot the finance committee. 2. In favor of approving and ratifiiiR the three agreements with Mifsrs.

J. P. Morgan syndicate inanagi-rs, dated rttpiclivtly 1 and April 1. and January lWj, the last bilng Hie agreement of liuai si-itlinietlt aud mutual release. 3.

In favor of ratifying the election of the following named persons as directors of thu third class, tor the three j-ears ending In J. P. Morgan, John 1). Hucke feller, Henry H. Rogers, Charles M.

Schwab. Elbert H. Gary, (leurge W. I'rrkins, Edmund C. Converse, 1'ir-clval Roberta Jr.

4. In favor ratifying the election of the following named pennons as directors of be second class, for the two years ending In 19'M: Francis H. Piahody, Charles Steele, William H. Moore, Norman B. Keam.

Piter A. 15. Wldener, James li. Kocd. Henry C.

Frick. William Edenborn. i. For the following named persons as directors of the first clnrs for the thrie years ending in Iff: Marshal Field, linniel (. Reed.

John I). Rockefeller Alfred Clifford. Will-lam E. Dodge. Nethanlel Thayer, Abram S.

Hi wltt, Clement Crisconi. fi. For Messrs. Price, Waterhouse Co. as Independent nudi'ors, to audit the books and nccounts ot the corporation at the close of the fiscal year ending December SI.

1Do2. "Does any individual stockholder present wish vote his stock upon these propositions?" asked Judge Gary. "I do," said President Schwab. BARCELONA IS IN STATE OF SIEGE tho Finance Committee, said to an hx-amlner" reporter after the passing of the bill: "We will give It careful and early consid eration. I would not attempt to ray practically what will be done In the Senate, because no one can tell.

My Individual opinion, however, is that It will not be materi SLOW AT WOOING, QUICK TO MARRY Army Officer Proposes After Thirteen Years of Courting. hy leased wire, the lonpest in the world. 1 February 17. After courting her for thirteen years, Lieutenant Conor of the Vnited States army, suitor for the hand XEtV ADVEKT1SEMEST8. PIANOS FOR AS0NG.

Saeiteea Fine laslra-Etnts Soli Ycstcriay oi Dm Emt Hm toy Ml Out-of-Town Customers Given the Same Advantages As Those in This City. Marriage of Mrs. R. H. Hunt, Who Separated From HerHusband.

Special by lessed wire, the lonjfcit la the world. Troops Clear Streets of Crowds, Including Women. BARCELONA, February 17. The strike ally changed. TRAISPlTllDE VOTE MONEY TO NEW YORK, February li.

New lorn society will be surprised to learn that Mrs. Richard H. Hunt, who divorced her hus ARRIVES li POUT band, the famous architect, a year ago, at il of Miss Margaret L. Guild, a Boston author ter he had told her that he no longer loved her, and begged her to free him so that he could wed Mrs. Walter Watroua, is about to ess and in tneosopmeai circiea, plucked up courage to "pop the question." This was Saturday morning, while he accompanied Miss Guild on her way to her daily work with a publishing firm.

Em The man whom Mrs. Hunt wilt situation here Is becoming more grave. A state of siege has been proclaimed. The printers have tied up all the papers and none of them Is appearing. MADRID, February 17 It Is estimated that 40,000 men have Etruck at Barcelona, and serious rioting is reported there to-day.

The mob attempted to sack tho market buildings and stopped all street traffic. The factories and shops In tbo city have been closed. Groups of women bearing banners are taking a prominent part in the disturbances. Battalions of troops are clearing the streets. During the rioting the troops fired on the mob.

An unconfirmed telegram received here gives the results of the charging and take for her second husband Is Dr. Charles William Hargens of Hot Springs, S. the Supervisors Will Try Trees on Van Ness Avenue. Bnn of farmer. The marriage win ne sol boldened by a prompt "yes." Lieutenant Conor proposed that the wedding be im- emnized Thursday at South Bend, Ind.

It is said on excellent autnority tnai Mrs. Hunt chose Dr. Hargens for her second hus imediate. "You might take it oacn, was onnimsnl. nnd straicht to a "Mr.

Schwab will vote 00,000 shares, Judge Gary announced. Mr. Schwab exclaimed: "I have 50,001 shares!" "Let the number be recorded as 50,001 shares," ordered the chairmah. "The exact truth must be told at all times." The voting proceeded quickly and all the propositions were approved unanimously. Although scarcely more than a score of men participated In the meeting, 38.000 shareholders were represented and shares of stock were voted.

There will be au election of officers of the corporation iu March. The only thing that seemed to annoy President Schwab in the least was any reference to Monte Carlo gambling. band rather than William vanuerom; Stormy Weather and Poor Coal Prolong Its Voyage. The United States army transport Meade arrived In port yesterday afternoon after a slow passage of 32 days from Manila, 25 from Nagasaki and 7 from Honolulu. The long voyage was caused by stormy weather and poor coal, which compelled the transport to put in at Honolulu on February 8th, where she took on 700 tons.

Nine stowaways were taken from the that she twice refused tne niuiiHmimou aire railroad magnate's oner of marriage. SENT fd" b'UYThF The Supervisors have voted for the expenditure of $1,905 for beautifying a block on Van Ness avenue by planting trees and a grass plat in the middle of the avenue. This expendltude is to be made largely as an experiment before spending the balance ItllO minister's residence they went, where the knot was tied. Lieutenant Conor is about forty years old and has been in the army some years. The bride is well known In Boston as a lecturer on theosophical subjects.

The couple left Bofton for San Fiancisco, to which placs lue Lieut has beeu ordered for duty. firing by the troops at ten killed and sixty-five wounded. PAMA RAILROAD. of the sum provided la the budget for a C. C.

Colne Says He Was Authorized to THE TAX. PAYS SHIPPER park along the avenue. The board also voted $5,000 for temporary buildings at the Twenty-sixth-street Hospital. Supervisor Curtis opposed the reso ve.oio hw tha immigration officials and Spend $12,000,000 by His American Backers. February 17.

C. of the Companies Made Free Expres "were sent to Angel Island. There were eahln Dassengers aboard. It also lution, declaring that it was an injustice to brought 410 discharged, 25 disabled, 13 In eanfl and 32 sick soldiers. Two died on the voyage.

There were two military prisoners On the outward trip the Meade ran into PRESS CENSOR STOPS SOUTH JFRICAN NEWS. Fact That Kritzinger Is' on Trial Is Announced in Parliament Two Days Late. February 17. The press censor In South Africa: is evidently active, as the first intimation that the trial of Commandant Krintzinger, who was captured by General French in December last, had been commenced came from the War Secretary, Mr. Droderlck, in the House of Commons this afternoon.

The Secretary did not volunteer any details, but he informed a questioner that Lord Kitchener would certainly see that the Boer General had every facility for producing witnesses. It developed during -Mr. Broderlck's answer that the trial was begun on February 15th. THIRTY-STXYEARS the people of the Mission, but tne buper-visors were agreed on the necessity of the bullding3. WANT TO BE CORPORALS.

Patrolmen in the Police Department Take the Physical Examination. The first physical examination of patrol War Impost. Tho Supreme Court yesterday reversed Itself on the question whether the Yi'ells. Fargo Company or the sender of an exrress package must pay the war tax of one cent. On April 1901, the court upheld the decision of the lower court In the case of the People vs.

Weils, Fargo Co, It was a mandamus proceeding and the lower court decided that the express company should pay the tax. The express company was given a rehearing In view ot the tact that the uited States Supreme rnnrt had decided just the opposite way in a typhoon, which Captain Wilson says lasted Just think of it twenty-one instruments in one record never before attained by any firm in this city. Why? Because people appreciate weareofferingreliablemakes of pianos at reasonable figures. Then; too, we offer, at any time within two years from date of purchase, to allow full purchase price in exchange for any other piano vou mav select. Just think! You can use the piano for two years for nothing, then get a new one.

Our pianos must be good or we would not dare make such an offer. We can sell you an instrument anywhere from to and every piano we, sell, however low its price, is reliable and fully guaranteed by us. Bring a little money with vou5io to $25 down and $6 to $io per month. POMM ER-E ILERS" MUSIC 6S3 Market St, Keu.j. two days.

For a time the decks were flooded and vessel labored heavily. The following cabin passengers came on MISS ARLINE PECK TO WED ON MARCH 15TH. When She Eecomes the Wife of Robert Taylor Bien of California the Couple Will Go to Paris. Sreelal by leased wire, the longest In the world. CHICAGO, February 17.

March. 15th has been announced as the wedding day of Miss Arline Peck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Peck of Chicago, to Robert Taylor Bien of California. Tho wedding will be quietly ecelebrated in Chicago, the young couple afterward leaving for Taris.

Miss Peck and her parems ar at present in San Franci.sco visiting Mr. Bien'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bien. was in Paris that Miss Peck first met her fiance.

Ho was there studying music. ROME OiTVERGFOF PANIC. Laboring Men and Troops Clash in a Demonstration. LONDON, February 17. A dispatch to the "Central News" from Rome says that a great the Meade: men in the police department candidates for promotion to the rank of corporal was field last niKht at the Hall of Justice.

Sixty-two men the case of the American Express Company vs. State of Michigan and the contention of were examined by the medical board and out of that number the following passed: D. W. Boyd, J. E.

McGovcrn, James Beach, Colne of Brooklyn was before the Senate Committee on Interoceanlc canals to-day. He was former fiscal agent of 'the old Panama Company and was examined In detail by Chairman Morgan in relation to that company's financial affairs. He testified particularly regarding the value of the stock of the Panama Railroad Company and the appropriations annually made by the company for disbursement in America. The fact was elecited that, aside from the money expended tor the purchase of machinery and supplies, over a million dollars was expended in country by other agents for purposes unknown to the witness. He said that the Drexel-Morgan Banking Company and other financial concerns acted In a financial capacity for the Panama Company at one time.

In March, 1SS9, he severed his connection with the Panama Company and shortly afterward was sen to Paris by American capitalists to buy in, if possible, the Panama Company. He was asked the question as to how much he was authorized to pay for the road, but stated finally that he was authorized to expend $12,000,000, but only upon the indorsement of those whom he represented. The deal was to be made in the form of a loan, but the action of the French Government in coming to the rescue of the Panama Canal. Company defeated his intentions. William Callinan, John O'Slera, John Jordan, Howes.

Georae Meyer, Timothy Rlordan. FOR ROBBING STAGE. Wells. Fargo that us case preseutid similar facts to the Michigan case. In Its first decision Supreme Court Justices Iieatty, Henshaw, Van Dyke, Garoutte aud Temple upheld the lower court, while Harrison and McFarland dissented, Yesterday lleat-ty und Temple joined McFarland and Harrison lu reversing the decision.

Henshaw, Van Dike and Garoutte dissented. Thomas Atehison, E. P. Wall, O. K.

Knight, William Ferguson, P. J. McManus, F. L. Walters, J.

P. Heriihy, Peter Peshon, John Cough-Ian, WilliP.m Shaw, Otto Heyneman, Allen Frary. John Cronln, Charles James. John Major John B. roller, Major J.

D. Glenno'i. Mnjor R. P. Robirs, Mnjor H.

P. Hoyt, Commander i. H. Stexouji, daptnln J. P.

Varney, Lieutenant D. O. Arrowsmltti, Captnln II. Jupes, Captain J. J.

Curry, I.ieutennnt II. C. Eram Lieutenant Herman Wnrte. Lieutenant J. H.

Kooh, Lieutenant (i M. Ilollv, Lleuteiwut J. 1'. lloliliwm, LHnitni-ant i. Van Shalok, Chaplain (i.

W. Pi lnh hi. Lieutenant J. T. Clark, Lleutennut V.

M. ltolx-ns. )r 1, J. HatMliottom. Mis V.

Klehnioml, Mhs l'dith liicltmoiKl, Miss Mu Laswell, Mis I. .7. Iel7 Mlw B. K. Locke, Captain C.

li. C. R. Heiaaier and child. Mrs.

H. V. Hoyt and son Mrs. J. It.

Prwnell and child. Mrs. II Tunes and ebild. Mrs. E.

and child. Mrs F. A. Lewis. Mrs.

C. It. Franklin. Mis. .1.

Cnn-v, C. I. Ulllon. J. J.

Mimiy. J. F. TlM.nip-srm, Mrs. M.

A. Hoyle. II. P. Mrs W.

M. Hohcrts, F. H. lioiindop', V. It.

Lylc. V. McLnnrhlili, Mrs. II. II.

Rutherford and chllii. L. M. Tticabeadcn, Mrv. K.

('. liatten, j. J. Kellerlimwe. Miu Miry Sprague, J.

K. Unrrett, Lhutenant 1. F. I'uiccll. lr.

Clarence Martin, )r. C. F. Suiltu, Je Vaiu), J. Lvtvy, Mrs.

.1. From Mogasakl Lieutenant J. B. Mitchell. Hill Pleads Guilty to Charge, and Is Sentenced to State's Prsion at Folsom.

AU.BVRN, February C. Hill, arrested In Colusa county last week, to-day pleaded guilty to robbing the Colfax and Forest Hill Floyd, J. W. Capels and Edward Ward. Those who passed last night are now ejuhli fled to the civil service examination for promotion which will be neld In a tew weeks.

JOHNSON WAS DROWNED. Yesterday's decision holds that the case presents similar facts to the Michigan case. The Supreme Court of the Vnited States having said that an express company has the rfsht io make the sender of a package pay the war tux, the State Suprema Court says It cannot decide differently in this case. The dissenting opinion meintnins that the facts in the two cases are dissimilar. Later In the day the Supren-e Court ordered the dismissal of the case of Thompson.

Hecr Sons vs. Wells, Fargo Co. for the reasons. meeting of laborers held there to-day It was stage on August 3d last, and Judge Prewett John Johnson, the cook on the tug Reliance sentened bim to State a prison lor imriy-six years. Hiss Is now fiftv-two vears old.

The wounds who disappeared on January was decided to submit the question of a general strike to the votte of the various labor unions. After t1-" "dlnurnnwiit of the meeting the the streets. There were several claso with the troops. The city was on the verge of a panic. drowned.

His body was found yesterday morn he received at the hands of the Colusa officers are not serious, and he will be transferred to Ine floating In the bay near Pacific-street Folsom la a few days. wharf, i.

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