The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California • 1
- Publication:
- The San Francisco Examineri
- Location:
- San Francisco, California
- Issue Date:
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- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
t- a- iRKELEY OAKLAND oooooooooo-ooooooooooooooooo- oooo-oooooooooo I ALAMEDA COUNTY ooooooo ooooooooooo oooooo oo oooo -oooooo oooo 4 Ncw Chiffon Card En cj raving at Cut Prtcc3. 4 Trulhful Advertising Wins. We Have Found It So. VVe will take your orderi this week only, lor: 50 ciidi and pUtt icrlptj name IS NOMINATED FOR CONGRESS IN THIRD SISTEHS TO BID I FINEH0SP1TAL Vetting 50c, 1,000 varus tl' the I net novelty ch'flan veilings, with chrnWe vrl-vet or larfe embnidrrrd dot, in all colon, and the nuitt up-tu-Jatf combination! lor lut and fce veil', go on uie to-mniriiw and while quantity 4TMt4-f4444-Mmm aso a 50 cirii trnl p'ltc; Kamsn or O'i A English $1,23 4 100 wedding inv't4ioni( style rrgu- larly fl.oo; 4 CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST- AMERICA'S GRANDEST 3T0RC P1ECEJF PAPER Accident to Andrew Johnson, a Rancher of Sobrante. Alimerts County lliirrsu nf Iha Kunilnsr," lii'O Itruudwav, onklumi, Very Stylish Millinery Dross Skirts, $5.
75. New Top Coats, 4.95. At Popular Prices. Our new Millinery Depaitment, one Ground to Bo Broken in Oakland for Eightieth Institution. Alameda Count jr Hun-mi of "The- F.ismlner." Broadway, Oakland.
OAKLAND, Septt-mber will oe broke to-morrow afternoon for the new hospital which the HiBters o( riovidenoe are about to erect. (jBlK ay' mmmm BERKELEY, September 23. I'ncon- aclotm and bleeding from a frightful wound of the sculp, Andrew Johnson, a prominent rancher of Sobrante, Contra The plans for th bulMing are by Phfft Shea, and thj vry latent de ('until county, was picked up shortly before midnight last night by Itlchur I Col-ton near Smith's village on the I'ablo ol the muit beautifully pmn ed in Anvrica, it thowing the largest 1 lion of European and Amer. can Pattern Hall at $25 00 to $50.00 1 1 be in the city. Our product'ont and own creations represent the giejteit poit ble economy curiisteiit with hiijh-clai stvlith Prices for these $5,011 to $20.00.
Tho Llchtonstcin Tun- hait in illustration today, is n'ie of a hundred most sty.i.h creatiom at seven dollars. It is made of white mohair felt. niands of aclcnie both in I ho medical and anrglcal departments of the lnnital. The main building will have a frontage of one road. Johnson had received Ills Injuries by being thrown from rig after tho Suits, 53.35.
(iicjt lt.ii,.!!!. thee birgjint liccan of the tt if, hone-t mitcrij's 411 1 Thrie nuih'ng like til -in 111 town the price. Bo3fnnlngloDay- praa Skirts 1 i ot gHidiUait, 'iirujii Cutli, in Imiw.i onlv, lined tlr tilinutj pic'tily tucked or (turfed with tithrd utiu, and rxrelentlv tailored; I7.45 an i viln-; lir in i iirf WeJuci'av j)Oa Swell Now Ton Coats Mixed brown, but or (tut'ord guy; lined throughout with gnod Italian cloth; velvet colUrt, dare Mrvr, turn-back rull.j lull b-jx bat 10 inchei long; in tact, the style sliuwn in tm OK picture New Scrgo Sulta-xh or ILatk; an rxvrient medium weight qua'-ity: j.ikrti lined twilled satin, -J7 -to I hundred and fifty feci In length, and It will teum bo waa driving had got beyond hli control. extend back forty-three feet. Two wlnga, one of alxty and the of thirty feet, will atretcb back from nri'n building, The accident happened about a mile and the whole will rise to the height of with black border; top trimme I with large flit b'aclc wings and a drape of moire and panne ribbon, with a very large drooping bow at O' r-'p south of Smith's village.
Johnson waa returning home after a visit to Berkeley, when, at the sight of a piece of paper, the team he was driving shied and started on tnree atorlea, with nun n.u baatnieat bo. aide. The ground a.ound the building will btck. We guarantee the most stv'ei ind $7.00 De lam out aa to nironl tho con- greatest values at this very moderate mud run up the road. Johnson was venlence to the public ia wll aa comfort to thrown out and the horses broke away paticnta who may with to walk abou; In from the buggy and gallojied into Smith's the sunshine and onr i ilr.
Silk Remnant Sale. village. There they were stopped by Col- It la In the aurglcal ward, perhapa, that the Kin or the muter ha ouen displayed In tun, who after stabling tlie animals, started on a hunt for their driver. with "Neni Thrse uits Stupprd with title a band, and the tin doub'e-bira ted j.n ke: has a im bu halt a Jjjrn gmi.i stylri in tii sr suit) are iiutk'd at the very gm Juhnron suffered a laceration of the the moat marked degree. unythins that could be lmagiin-1 completeness, and certainly nothing that tlerve demand, baa been omitted In thu fitting out of this ciai price tvsw'v OncOuartcr 01 Marked Prices.
latgt assortment of si remnants ha accumulated from our big silk sa'ei during the past eight weeks. Many desirable lengths in the lot for shirt waists, underskirts, coat linings ruHlings etc. AH the popular weaves of scalp and numerous body bruises as a result of the accident. department. The for aterlllzetlon and antiseptic aurgery have Ix-pu DAUGHTER AND SISTERS this plain and lancy, colored and back s'lks represented in a manner to leave nothing to bo aired.
Sale Laee GeSissrs A Manufacturer's Sample Line At Less Than Half Price ohVtinc, also short lengths of velvets and cordutoys. To-day only, The Young Men'a Inatltute has already (voted $2,000 toward the work, an a grar-V. INHERIT THE ESTATE. OAKLAND, September 21. The will of the late Jacob I'nlmrr was Died here yesterday for probate.
The estate, valued at les than II'VO. Is left, share and share alike, to Mrs. ilabi C. Dencnt will be given on October 201 further the work of conatructiwi. Tho Slatera of Providence j.ue ''ome to uHKiana wnn a long ani creditable hia liunont.
a daunhttr. and Mrs. Muy K. Smith tory behind them. They have boapttala In and Mrs.
Clinrlntte Knler, sisters of the deceased, the latter bring named as executrix. i uregon, mano, Montana, Wacblngum ani! New York's leading 'mVrt has to us hi entir-sample iine of this sraion't ettu linen Ilitiit; Collars, heautilul trimmed in fine Point Ven if Late and ln-tertion; the new round apes and reter itylri now founiverfally worn with jackets and dress waists. British Columbia. At the present tirau thu Cyrus KaHlmun Palmer, the only son. Is no to receive any part of the estate, Ills fai-r de alatcra have about eighty institutions under one-quarter off already reduced remnant prices.
36-inch Black Ta'fctjs Kxtta heavy; vtry lu-tious; guaranteed to give satisfactory wear; made specia'ly lor purposes; lull 00 ard wide, an exceptional va'u; 9. 27-lrch Clack Heavy qualities tor lining, under- skirts and rurtling', extra value, per yard udC Guaranteed Black Peau de Soie Very high grade of silks for waiits, coats, jackets and costumes; our guarantee on every 00 yard 8I.UU Colored Crepe de Chine 24 inch; mall the new shades Icr strert and evening wear; yard OUG Sale Sheepskins, 38c. have fought much under price another thousand colored Sheepskin lor burning and decorating purposes. There is a lar'e assortment of colors and plenty of every color; not a skin in the lot worth less than 75c. Yuu had best lay in a supply for the coming holiday times, as their control In Canada and In the United claring In his will, "I have done all that a father could do to advance my son's interests States.
and welfare. The new building In Oakland wUI have capacity of 160 beda. CALVIN B. WHITE. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS SISTERS SHARE WITH WIDOW.
FROM THE THIRD DISTRICT. 75c and 1 1. 00 to-dav 486 I.J) and fl.50 Lace C1 ars, to 680 The 1 1 75 Lace Col ars, to-day 89 The 1.00 Lace C'oilars. to-dav Q8o OAKLAND. September 23 -The will of the late Kdmuml Y.
Garrette of Alameda was filed to-day for probate by the widow, Mrs. Francis Calvin B. White Named by the Democracy to Run The fl.50 Lace to-day $118 The $4.50 Lare Collars, to-d it ii not at all probable that another opportunity will pie- 949 sent itself to buy them at to-day 'i special price 3C The Lice Collars, The $3.50 Lace Collars, to-d W. Garrette. The state, which consists of realty In Alameda and stocks and bonds, Is valued at aboift The three sisters of thn de-ceased, Mrs.
Mary 8. Parkhurst. Mrs. Ger tc-day JJ1J0 tc-d Against Victor H. Metcalf.
-day SJ.UU trude and MIhs Surah A. Garrette. are Sale of Waistings. Safe of Linen Scarfs. Kerwln.
A committee to fill vacancies each to receive fifteen shares of the nock' in the Alameda Savings Hank. The rest of the TO'DHV OnlV 4o fine drawn-work hemstitched Linen Scarfs; SalO Of Waistings 1'o Wednesday shoppers we offer a line was composed of J. J. MoDonnM, Arch estate Is left to the widow, who Is named in the will as executrix. bishop Borlnad, H.
W. ndersoa. Warren some ot them stamped ready to be embroidered; otheis plain; none ot them ever told tor less than 6oc, it' bought in the regular way many ot choice new 20c waitings, in the ta 1 colorings, rich Persian erKctf also solid colors; copies of the French makes; to-day only; vard 3C 4 SalO WMtO Outing Flannel- is a make of the A WIDOW GETS ENTIRE ESTATE. OIney Jr. and II.
E. The con vention then adjourned. Mr. White did not the convnn worth 85c; Wednesday, these fulUUe (187 inch) jmn Scarfs, each nra1 OAKLAND, September will of the tion, but he tcid Mime of the delegates In lute mining man, Kclix Cbuppellet, was filed TMod Bulgarian Linens -Suitable for Table Covers, Bureau Mlc boards and Center I'ieces; some entirely new sty and very handsome materials; marked according tu me to-day for probate. The estate consists of rea weight of a 10c Canton flannel, but is on both sides, giving A more softness with equal wear.
It is a verv desirable fabric tor night 4 gowns and underwear; fully bleached, 10c regularly; to-day only 72C the mornln? that lie wculd accept the nomination. He la years of age and has been a resident of California for the past property in this city valued at and OAKLAND, September 23. The dole-gntes from Alameda county to the Third Congressional District convention met this afternoon and nom'nated Caivln O. White of Oakland as the Democratic candidate to oppose Victor H. Metcalf.
Neither Folano nor Contra t'efta county was ropresonted In the convention. V. B. Bosley presided un 'crren 01-ney Jr. acted as secretary.
Mr. White was placed In noniinnallon by M. Kerwln and seconded by S. Baehrach. The nomination was mado by acclamation.
A purity committee was appointed, consisting of R. M. Fitzgerald, 3. Baehracb. E.
A. Holman. Clyde E. Abbott and M. J.
large umouul of mining stock of ui.known va'ue The entire estate is brqueathed to the widow 75C, $1.00, $1.35, and Stamped Linen Tray Cloths, each 23o 24iS4-inch Stamped Linen Squares, each 2SO Mrs. Melvtna nappeilet, who IB unmet as executrix. The three children of the deceased Mrs. Sophie C. Snyder, Mrs.
Einille C. Warner sixteen Ilr was for a long time an employe cf the Judsou Iron Works, and In 1S94 wak elected to the office of Sheriff of Alameda county as the nominee of the People's party, defeating l.ouis Schaffer and Robert After the collapse of the Populist party be returned to Democracy uud has voted tho party tlcktt in successive campaigns. and Felix Chappellet are not provided for in the will, all of them having relved' gifts French Flannels SoM colors; strictly wool; in the 0mm stylish Tricot weave; good assortment; per yard only 5 Outing FlannclSThe heavy solid weave; dainty -jf lijlit coloring-, hundreds of styles; all new; yard O3C Gorman Eiderdowns In Persian Kimona styles; 1K and wrapper designs; about 150 patterns are marked per yard mOC FOUlO Flannels The printed wrapper goods; heavy cloth; rich all marked per yard JC Special Sale Music and Sona Recital. from the deceased before hia death. Mr.
D. M. Lawrence, the popular tenor, has been engaged to sing in WILL ERECT SMELTER. OAKLAND, September Yellow Meta our Music Department this afternoon, at 3, 4 and 5 cluck, when he will render: 4 I'll Wed You in the Golden Summer Time," and 'In the Valley Where the Blue Birds Sing." Mining and Reduction Works to-day filed ar tides of incorporation with tbe County Clerk SEASONED LAWSUIT COMES TO AN Framed Pictures, 33c. To-dav only we otfur pretty life subject Platinettes, 6x8 inch oval opening, in a two-inch wide fiber frame, prettily ornamented and END.
The capital stock or the new corporation, as slated, is of which I72.0UO has already On SalO To-Day Only The Pastime Dance Folios, con been subscribed. Tbe object Is to erect taining 30 ot the iatett hits, such as la Le Ha Lo and the plant for tbe smelterlng of ores. The Directors gilt tipped. I he subjects are all popular ones, and the 33c Phrenologist Coon, published at 75c per copy, tor 33c are: Louis Cooper, Alexander McGeoch, G. II.
pictures are well worth 50c; a great value at Bennett and J. K. Shettle, all of Oakland. HONORING A LEADER IN TEMPERANCE WORK. Many Friends at Eightieth Anniversary Birthday of Mrs.
Sarah A. McClees. OAKLAND, September Sarah A. MeCIeca. formerly of Now York, who for fifteen years was engaged in temperance work In the army and navy of the United States, this afternoon celebrated the eightieth anniversary of her birthday by giving a large reception at her home at Adams and Perkins atreefs, Vernon Heights.
The rooms were very prettily decorated with blossoms and green and many of the guests arrived with flowers for the hostess. Mrs. McClees Introduced the first bill In 1S5M), and sceured the first legislation In Congress against the canteen. She opened the first coffee house in New York. Her lust active work before coming to California was the placing of libraries on board fifty ships of to navy and merchant marine.
In the receiving party this afternoon were Miss Mary McClees. the daughter of the hont-ess; Mrs. Charles R. Drown and Mrs. J.
H. Richardson. They were assisted by Miss Edith Hibberd, Miss Alice Flint, Miss Louise Hagar and the Mlsst-s Ida and Kdith Larkey. Those present were: Mrs. K.
C. Hagar. Miss Helen Hagar. Mrs. Ella Ilitilient.
Mlsa (iertnule HlhtMTdt lr. Aiexamlrr Gleun, Mm. Heury Spmildiusr. Mrs. T.
It. tVuu-try man. Mrs. Ralph V. Kinney, Mrs.
it. li. Chamberlain, Mm. fieorge K. Wilson.
Mm. K. L. Warner, Mrs. Charles 1.
Itaten. Ml A la Rate. MUa Row M. Taylor. Mrs.
Russell Whitman. Mlu l'ntlcr. Miss liertrmle Carlton, diaries Dent-ley. Mrs. Ollep l.
Oray. Mrs. iJavid 'iage. Mm. Wallace.
Mm. .1. I'. It. WebU-r.
Miss Mansfield. Mrs. F. K. Whitney.
Mrs. Cordelia Chaiuet, Mm. siayten. Mrs. h.
II. Krlgg. Mrs. Mary i Keene. Mm.
Iiavld Curtis, Mm. K. C. Much, Sim. It.
lillliert. Mis. I. H. Oorrlll, Mm.
K. M. Butler. Mm. II.
1'. Peck. Mm. Illram Joue. Mm.
J. M. llaveu. Mm. S.
It. Cheek, Mrs. Frank, Mrs. Cary Howard, Ms. K'rtVrt Ollpliant.
Mm. K. F. Harbour. Mm.
K. I. Page, Mm. Pbelp. Mm.
W. K. Rouse, Mrs. John Holmes. Mm.
Hubert Ituuw, Mm. W. i'helsn. Mm. Charlen It.
Parr-ells. Mm. M. It. Kurts.
Mrs. Charles Kellogg, Mrs. K. V. Wil-kins, Mrs.
W. II. nlllu. Mm. Mary M.
Urock. the Rev. Charlea It. Brown and Mrs. Km the Rev.
K. I. Utile and Mm. Dill. Mr.
and A. li. Nye and Allien Chaiiret. maintainsshFTs much wr0nged wife. Mrs.
Anna Commins Answers Her Husband's Cross-Complaint. OAKLAND, September that she Is a much wronged wife, Mrs. Anna Commins has filed an answer to the cross-complalnt by which her husband answered her suit for a divorce. Notwithstanding the fact that the husband uamed three co-respondents Dr. Francis Lilly, Archie E.
Miles and Walter Agnew and although, while on the stand, Mrs. Conralns admitted that she had written love letters and bestowed tier kisses Indiscriminately upon male acquaintances, she in her answer denies that she has ever been unfaithful to her marital vows and denies that her relations with any of the men named as corespondents had been anything but proper. The case has been set for October 21st. Sensational developments are promised when the suit commences. Mm Kl(7nhpfh A fllv tnJ'U inminunna1 rnU Biggest Cigar Offering Grass Carpeting, 37ic.
MINOR'S ESTATE APPRAISED. OAKLAND, September 23 After dragging along in the Superior Court for fourteen years, the divorce suit of Martha J. Henderson against Alexander B. Henderson was dismissed to-day. The suit waa corameuced In 1SSS, but a reconciliation was effected between the parties a few months later.
Tbe case waa dismissed, but the formal Judgment was not entered until to-day. PLAY IS CONDEMNED BY JGAELIC LEAGUE. OAKLAND, September 23. The performance of a play at a local theatre has led to the adoption of the. following resolution by the Douglas Hyde Branch of the Gaelic League: We.
the representative of the Itontclaa Hyde Branch nf the Gaelic league, wish tu place on record our rnnit-Kt cuiideiuiiatiiin of (be play known a "The Widow F.c.." and warn all nf our iieuplc who value the (CkI uauie nf their fathers and mothers, their love and re-aiect, not to help hy their presence such a libelous caricature of our race. The resolution Is signed by a committee consisting of Francis McAllister, President; Mary Kane, Secretary, and tbe Rev. Charles Mc-Mabon, Chaplain of the Douglas Hyde Branch. This popular sale of the new material for Hour coverings will be con OAKLAND, September 23. Donald Harkinson has been appointed the guardian of Charlotte tinued until closing tune Saturday.
1 hese carpeting are far prettier Fox, a minor. 1 he estate belonging to the girl than Japan mattings, and are rapidly taking their place. They are A made of strong lawn grass, tecurely tied together with heavy cotton 4 cord, and will outwear any class of carpeting sold at the same price. was left to her by her aunt, tbe lute Mrs. Cath erine Harkinson.
and is appraised at tuvcr mauc in o. The entire product of a famous Port ft ftiCO Cigar factory (a quarter of a million cigars) on sale all this wecki 7 'or 25c box of 50 $1.75 8 'or 25C box of 50 $1.50 tO for 25c of 50 $1.25 SKW A splendid value at 50c a yard; a rare bargain at this ajfc i aJS 7sL week's price kV' VV. kv. sV.0' HE DID MUCH TO UPBUILD THE CITY. Funeral of Wricjht F.
Kelsey at the Family Residence in Oakland. OAKLAND, September 23. The funeral of Wright F. Kelsey, a pioneer of Oakland and 1 TT I 1 IT 7M I "Jt Ukal San Francisco, occurred this afternoon from the residence of the family cf the deceased at MM 7C8 Fifteenth street, the Rev; Charles R. Brown of the First Congregational Church officiating.
afi Jl ut JSV "17" Mr. Kelsey landed In San-Francisco in 1S49 and engaged in the shoe business at Sacramento and Kearny streets, moving to Oaklund in 1 III with his brother, JChn KeCsey. The brothers conducted farms and other enterprises, and were noted for mauy years for the Interest they displayed lu tbe upbuilding of the town, Its society and churches. Wright Kelsey was the first to suggest tbe tun TUSCAN SPI1HCS TAHOE TAVERN Lake Tahoe. nel, road which is now about to be put through from Alameda to Contra Costa, and spent large sums of money years ago in paying for the preliminary surveys, gradings and bridges.
Besides a widow, the deceased leaves a family of five married daughters. for a legal separation from David E. Dixon the ground of desertion. Tlie Wonderful Soitotita Co. OPEN AI.I, THE YEAR R11PNM.
HUNTING' and llshlng parties cared for. Best of iice.iiiiiiKHiatloiis. Itatin, $10, $12, per week. $2. on per dav.
l-'or Infornuitloii apply PA 1 IPS KERAID. gQ MINUTES PROM SAX FRANCISCO. HOTEL RAFAEL, San Rafael, Ci.l. Open the year round, B. V.
11 ALTON, proprietor. hit "XTUT BETTER THAN THE BEST. Hf I'M I nun i in Alterations of our store front have played havoc with our prices! Swell fall suits in Worsted, Cheviot and Cassimeres, to sell at $18 and $20, can't be shown in windows, so NATURE'S WdXDKRIiAND. KXCKI'TIONAL In their character. More variety of tvaters, more surhiKS ami a laiatr iicicrniaui' of cure effected than any lu Hie I'lilled Stall's.
If there Is anything the matter with iur blood, come to luK'aii, anil 11m Ui- 1111 iiilHtuke. Dully mntre from llt'il It 1 11 IT, iinn year rouiid; no si.ow In winter; I.ihiu feet hl)h. For luforuiatlon IkkiIc write to K. II. WallirlitKe, Tiihciui Sinlrin-i.
HCN0R QUESTION AGAIN REVIVED. BERKELEY, September 2.1. S. Bruce Wright, President of the Associated Students at the State University, has, at the instigation of many members of the association, began the revival of the honor question which the student body tabooed at an election last term. Wright has appointed a committee to collect the opinions of representative members of the student body and of the faculty.
However, a two-to-one vote in opposition to the "honor code" last term demonstrated that the students would have none of what, they considered betrayal. The committee appointed by Wright is as follows: Marco Newmnrk, C. R. Judy, Charles Petit, Miss Rowena Moore, Miss Grace Uar-net and Miss Annie McCleave. DYERS' DIRECTORY (Jul.
TuHcan Sprln-H I.ivery Slulile blocks from the depot. All kinds of rlK" to the NprliiKa. HOT SPRINflS, SONOMA ONLY i hours from SKAGGS' San Kranclsco ami but 8 miles aUKluR; waters noted POI.I.OWIXC HPSIXESS MOUSES rniiE mvillcal virtues: best Unturul not llilniTnl make a specialty of country and city orders. we're selling them during obstructions at water baths In Mtnte; tlrst-class hotel anil stago lertrlce; rounil trip from Snu I'ramisco only J5.6U. Take Tibtiroa ferry at a.
tu. or p. Nuudays, a. ui. only.
Hates fi a day or $12 a week. References, any guest of the punt seven Catalogues -ind prlee llxts sent iiiou appllcaliou. oriesioiuleuee solicited. PLEASE MENTION THE EXAMINER." yean. Information at iutinat iiiioriiintinn iiu- reau, 1U wouiKOiuery i ruveu-r onice, --u gouiery or of J.
V. MULOllKW, SbHKKS. t'al. A lu'tter than I ho rent." Now opi'u for giitntH ami kiiIiI to lie "Idlest mountain hotel west of the Itin ky mountains." New, lnucliTii aud eli'Kiuilly fiirulsheil. Resident physician.
Try It ami I'm 111 your own opinion. For fohh-r giving full ilfHrrlpllon, call at lit- S. P. Informal Inn Bureau, under (li aiut Motel, or write lo TAIHiE TAVERN, Tahoe City, ul. ISI.At ItAM.i: It T.
.1. Proprietor, l.iiyt.ons lilt-, Mt'iiiliiclini I t'nl. 10,01111 hi-ivs for hunting; mllea of the hest trout ami salmon llshlng In 1'alll'onilu. ('. N.
It. li. pare. $7. Mineral aprings.
Rales, (S to $ln per week. San I'niiiclsi uIIii 11 Mmilgouiery slice t. HOTEL BELVliDBRl: I-. NOW OPE-N "liOATixu. swiMMiNii.
pismxri. i.awn I TENNIS. Wiile MRS. A. T.
MiinRE, llel-vtilere, or l'Ei'K'S III REAP, 11 Moiilg y. S. P. QLBNVVOOD HOTBL Among Hie Iti'divoods, Santa Curs! moiiutaliis; liiluuti's' walk front tU'isit cii'iiui. fiull, poultry; springs, bw Iiiiiiilug tank, iiuiust'iucnt hull; acetyli'iii- gns.
Round Irlp, to $10 wei-k; free raiilage. Win. Mil it in. (Ju-nwiMil, I'al. SEICLER SPRINGS VM'IW MAN AlMIMENT.
iltlT SPEPIll AND i.1 Mud Baths. Waters for miliaria mid slomaeh troiililcs. Swliuiiilng. Daiii'lug. week.
(Itth-f, 117 (irnnt or Selgler SiuiUKS, Luke foil ut; y. M. MctiOWAN, Prop. Wit. Ill It HOT SI 1.1111 It SPlllM.S.
SJPI.I'MI CREEK, II. PSA -Jl. mills liv stage wcsl of Wllliains; fare Hottest and strongest water on the (Vasi tein-1'i'liitiiie 1 IS cleg. Cure rlieiiniat Isui.
salt rlieiiin. skin iliseast-H, itiiriilirlu, liver, kidney coin-plaliiiH, paralysis, uieri'iiry lit system, dyspepsia, eatarrii. Natural inud'OHtlis. New 2-story hotel; line new bathhouse. 11.
id, lodging. Including Imtli. $111 a W'M. OEl.ilEART, proprietor. BELLEVUEHOTEU'JU' telephouo.
PETER El Veraun, Sonoma C'uuuty. CHILD RESTORED TO MOTHER. OAKLAND, September 23. Superior Judge Melvin this morning awarded to Mrs. Carrie Llnstead the custody of her child, Beatrice Owens.
The child has been living with Mr. ind Mrs, D. F. Baker at 834 Clay street since taken from Its mother by a decree of the Santa CrUz courts. Judge Melvin modified the decree.
FAREWELL RECEPTION FOR MISSIONARIES. Tenth-Avenue Baptist Church to Entertain Party. OAKLAND, September Friday evening at the Tenth-avenue Baptist Church a final reception will be tendered a large party of missionaries who will gall for tbe Orient the following day on the steamer Doric. Most of them will come from the southern part of the State and are sent out by the American Baptist Missionary Union. The members of the party and the stations to which they have been assigned are as follows: Dr.
m. K. Hicks, Rangoon, Burraah; Rev. C. A.
Salquist, Suifl, China; Itev. F. J. Bradshaw, Klutlng, China; Mrs. T.
I). Holmes and children, Kinhwa, China; Miss A. Lemmon, Sandoway, Uurmah; A. Forshee, Hollo, Philippines; Rev. J.
C. Rob-bins, Philippines; E. Tompkins, Western China; Rev. F. C.
Briggs and wife, HlmeJI, Japan; Rev. VV. C. Owens and wife, Bapatla, India; Rev. C.
S. Keen, Eastern China. FRESItMEFcOMMITTEES. Those Who Are to Have Freshmen Glee in Charge. BERKELEY, September Wells, President of the Freshman class at the State University, has announced the following committees for the freshman glee to be held In Harmon Gymnasium on October 24th: Committee on Arrangements O.
Caldwell, A. Kennlmore, A. ,1. Congau, 1). C.
Kesseiulen, V. M. Kaslmiin, William Cimiller. Kilwaril Stearns and the Misse Marian Morrow. Helen Parker, Jennie Mary Le Conte, Ilallle Wtltlock, Marie Struve and J.
Morgan. Reception Committee Frank Sollcsky, Prentiss Gray, E. Llnscott, Lawrence Kennedy, Burns, George Jones, Ralph Sanrtprson, L. Small and the Misses Grace Stokes, Blanche Cameron, Alice Marten, Anile Coombs, Kena Strowager and Harriett Flab. tAKEPORT AND BADTLETT SPRINGS XTEW, LATEST IMPROVED STAI1KS; KASV 1 rldliuc.
Ui't tickets via lluiiUnit, Idkeport ami ilartli'tt KpilngH and Since Route, XI I hi roll Kerry a. arrive at i.aKiport u. and Bartlett Springs 7 I p. California Northwestern Railway. Rniinil Irlp tickets, re illiipMI' duced rules.
Ticket ultlce, Ciillforniii Northwest-ern Railway. GfiO Market, or Tlbiimn Ferry, a. V. NEW OFFICERS ELECTED. ALAMEDA, September Corinthian Club has elected the following officers: Robert Preist, President; Albert Gray, Vlce-Preaident; Miss Florence Mitchell, Secretary; Miss Laura Neoblad, Elaborate preparations ire being made for a party to be give-n on thanksgiving eve In accordance with the annual custom of the club.
SARATOGA SPRINGS Better tbati efer this year Hooklet aud full In chairs, stores, etc. sJUSON a. COL formation at Peck's ltureaii, 11 Moiilifoineiy. ot Railroad otte, l.0 Market, or Joliu Tents for rent and for sale.
CAMP llacbvlor P. Lake eouuty. Cal. ritles, hsuing taeklis and sportinjr givuls. Send SUREVE at It for catalo; Great Negro Song, RETURNED," RETURNED," RETURNED." EL BON1TO HOTEL Market and Kearny atreets.
ISOl'ULAU Ml AI.Uf.K KI.MiHI, UI'M ilm vear. Table mid nervlee excellent, pine World Beatens for Overcoats 200-204 KEARNY ST. By Miss Abbie Mitchell. I li M.1MTVDP l'" "bl'imler and printer, KBC1ALST. a.
a. aiawats COM.MKI PAPER. (Sung at Mrs. Newport Free Sl'XDAV Cornelius Vanderbilt's Theatre Party.) With Bfrxt EXAMI.VER." hunting. UhIiIiik ami boattiiir in and ulona tlie bunks of the beautlfiit 'Russlnu River.
lUlllardx, ping poiiK and other pames. Large tlancliiK hall. 1'or circulars anil rates apply to Peck's Information Bureau, 11 Montgomery afreet, city, or El Boutto HoteL Uutwau's Mills. Sonoui 1I.I.AMETTE PtT.P AND PAPER COM. PANV.
Newspaper. 2 Montgonier gtraat..
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