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The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California • 6

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

13, 1003. SATURDAY EXAMINEH, SAX FRANCISCO: it I mmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmm John and gimaiin gelllga and itsier of tnnl. innnni itl ED'S Obituary. HMbb 1 Willis and Henry Sdllgo, a native of Napa, Cgh. aged IT year tl miniili and i'i day.

Krleinla ant) aciiuulntaiiee are rtaptvt- (ully Invlled tn allHinl lUe funeriil In i row Sunday si I n'elnek p. Iiom ihe parlm nf II. F. Suhr At Co 1 Mlafloii Bir.e,, 11 Wei ll Sen-ill Ii and Klghlh, liitcrini nl. Mmiiit HllTt Onu'lei-)'.

SAYS BANKRUPTCY THREATENS CHINA 1ED SHUT BOY BADLY WARWlLi DENOUNCES BEATEW If I FEDERAL SHI TEACHER TRUST SMITH III Ihla city, getitKnilHr II. William H. fionlf.ielo Hiieloa, on of iho founder of th town of CnntaleH, I rti ad at theugeof 77. Iln wh a prnmliient rancher ami well linnwn in all the eont con lit leu. Ch(irle AndrewB.

ex -Chief Jiihliee of lh Supreme Court of Coiiii ilcut. died at hU home at Litchfield yi.hd rdiiy i- ii. ii Smith, a natl to nf I amola, aged Jj.lyeai. STATKI.rill- In thi city, Septfinlier In. I MEXICO 111 Mil.

GEEULSmRRETTS FiETIJIS FH Hi! (Id order in ueiire aUnliit tncn In n- niiUIII'clllfllH nf fuuvraK, lll. lut lUc ilrn hti! kli. iii III hrlug unil. ei lo Ha: tiiimiu' mlii Kxaiufiier," k.uUieii n.r. Mnik.

ami Tlilr.Uit., Benneft, Kllrnheih l.aran, lienrtie K.S in. ynr. Ixiitrlls, I.IIUiiii Illlll g. Kllrklwth M. n.

Mulioliev. p.nlllMilniliew iiil-nii. Itulirrl K. -iS Jeliin. Met linn, (ii niiic Millionaire Known as the Man Who Created Washington, Died at His Beautiful Home at Batopilas, Deceased Was the Last Governor of the District of Columbia and Spent the Caoital, olien.

Ktlir iWrfHr. Julinii. 7 M. Francis Heney Asserts That Combine Is Ruining Stockholders of Sub-Ccmpany by Stepping Manufacture, Expose of the Tactics Resorted to Results From Attempt to Delay Speedy Hearing of Chemical Corporation's Suit, Acting Principal of the Le Model School Is Accused of Cruelty Practiced Upon Frank Gracia. Lad's Body Seamed With Black Welts as the Result of Blows Inflctcd With a Heavy Leather Strap, iii mil rf.iiiu i.

aim 'in n-r iiia In Mr. K. and bin M. Klrehuer, a twtlvn (lf Callfnrnla, ak'-'i 44 yean .1 iimiiiu slid I tiny. Krlend and acquaintance irs fully Invlie.l tn ai'eial ihu fnin ial In unit row' IMiiiiliiyi.

o'elnek a fnun Hie par Ini of lltil.ied A HU! Mb'biii alreei. Inlerineot. l.rtUi'i'l Hill Ceilietery. STnlJCK.XWAUl -In thi cliy, Seiteinlr II. WIIIIhiii, eliet and deniiv anil ut Hem K.

and Camilii Sti.Uenwnld ami lumber nf iliiatitve, Henry. Kreiltol Cnnlni 'l Minnie'i aid nnd Mm. ,1. Cnilliih, iiiiIivh cf San KlHI'i lacn, ngul III) jei ll month aid II diiyv Friend ami neipialntiince are repeel-fcllv Invited la a'teini the funeral in iunirow iSllll'llivl. Id a 111 flnlll (lie plllb'l nf II.

I'. Sulii A le. 11H7 in. -I. lucen Seventh and K.liihtli.

luierineiil, Mnnlit Olive! I toiieton. SI KltSTKHT In Ihla thy. Seplemher Herman. Ul.ived of Auannii and Henry Siieraitilt and Inoiher nf Ibnry Ida inl WIIIIm Sue'i-'i'dt. ii natlvenf sail I'rancUtn.

aged A yen iimnih and il tltntliMaid I Hy pajiera i KrlemU and acquaintance! are leaped-ftilb lnt lied in Hie funeral to morrnw iSiuuiay I. at I n'ebiek p. HI fiom the purtnit nf lUbl' il ii (till Minion lieei, Intel luelll. Cyiic Ijiwn T'UtlilS In ,1:1 ei(j.

o. Caruilii Torn, a nntlve of aged s7 at. Vol Ni li thi cliy. SepieiubiT 12. Vian.g lisle nf Walnut Creek, Cnntra I nHa eniittyi.

bclnvi'd hnal.rtl'.l nf Ih Ih'c i-v Yming iilal falli'M nf Jiihti, Jitnea. Ml id. Piter and ollllia, Mn. Ann fin II. llelrl, VVIIilulu l'iiiniiii.

i. 2'J vr, llnl'iiiniii, iii.inif. I', lift. Imy -in) Kclielh, Ki-ih rh 7 J'. Irvine, helliK.

JeiblriC. 17. Fnlr, Ii. y. Huiltli, iiiium Ii 2.1 Kulr, I'hHi Ici sa i i suii.p r.

rt'. y., ftcnj.i ruin a Ktnlwiiwi.i. lllliiiii ltd Hl)et, Mni'khihi P. --M Mn mi.

'ill Ili riinin y. Il'irnn. Miirgirei ,17 'piTrln, I Hriiiln Hi e.iti, Kllj, Mr. 2 1 j. iinug, Jnai.

"I ymn. KIiik, Mk.kiix. HK.XHTT-ln tliln illjr, PJ. VMm. belli hi'liuM wild nf Clonic N.

IVniictt. I HHtlp of V. ii8.i ycrii-n and In Kilendi, mul ticipitilni.i'ioci. FranrlH Heney, attorney for the men who are flghnng the. salt trust, said In Judge Seawell a Court yesterday that.

Ihe (Sperliil hy eaeil wr. thelongMt In ttie world. I WASHINGTON. SHptemher 12. Th death from perltonlti of Alexander K.

tJtJ rimy in mi.Tnl runrm! iiinrnitv iMioihiyi, at H. limn Hie pml' ii i in- iiiiinriu.i i iiiifittiHiit i "'iii'iiiiy. i General S. Sharrets. United States Ccmm ssioner Sent to Revise Chinese Tariff in the Interests cf This Country Sees Disaster Ahead HAS ACCOMPLISHLD THE ENDS DESIRED On Thaddeiis srnrroi's from the Orient yesterday i hi mamcr i iati-flp'l with hi r.

work 1.1 rcviii; ll Chinrfe tsrif! to ih. fit the 1'iiitcl figtes. jr. especially the State if nll-fornfa. but itl -emy to the future- of -In Chinese under conrtltior ihn' now vist.

Onrnl Shatrrtts was th, ti'st diplomat i rrointt th- administration of II'- n- in 1 commimos will. scope. Eiv.ii 'ctn i.t'uy power tt leu. I'nwell rtft nmr Iiileriiieiil. llulvCruk Federal ait Company wna delilicrately shriif rd.

the Inst territorial governor of wasting ihe property of th Continental Ihe pjairlrt nf Columlila. aud who gpont Salt and ChcmicMl Company, had Imntensc i inn oun.nno In Imnrovementg of Ceiiictery, by II H. m. frsln fnun Tlilrtl mn! Inwimeinl streeta. Washlnelon.

is reixirtcd to-day from itx.s Ill tlii Seiilcnihi-r It. Frfirk (irsfln. frupllc fehool Imy yrn! of m-, who Ims only reeently ri-covered from an atta.k plnno ptieu-inonia Htnl Kplnal nif nt uiils l'fi''ti TliiirMldy mornlni: h' rrnnk K. Hunker. aetltlK prilielpal or the Le I'ontc Mxiel School.

The liiipleinrut of wnis a koIo leather Htrap three IncheK wide snd two fort loiiB. ami (louhled lo make. It inoie effi i tivo. Thf n-Miltd nre hlotrhes umm the hoy'n fody an as hi iiniul, ami peifudly hl.Tk. twanl Vi hi r.

a native nf Iivb nd. aged 71 veatt ami In iiir.nil.a. 1 Monterey placed at my in ftntf lo iho Yiecmt's I urcl fiom vnuhl I'lK'l no ilK! IHi tit ill" r. jHifsl. him thtu 1 A II 1(1 A (i I.K IJXOIIS.

war- fissured with I lie t.i until would in. ited stati i liliin IHI IK-I h- rt- 'ml is') (hi thai sub prevail ot HllllK. Slklnr I.f tlli'llltlt Kil-I word tint WlPbnn Iturini, V. laanleil.H. It Mrs.

C. Miilliws, nallv of ullloililn. HgMl 31 year. Th" fiiiieriil ill lulff place to day (Snmidayi. si n'rloek fitcn Iln nf 1, C.

ft "CI sCei iliPtii tn i'litles Mnrri'lin-u's huri'h. when, a requiem tcaaa will tm eicliiait.i for the relume nf ki- nl II o'cl a. III. Intel-merit. Ilnly (.

(iuckmv. akoiiN In thu city. Scpit-iuiier lliiiiiiiiiel. i. at l.

o' lin.tii' i.nrl Abet Carl-m aie I liroihef of Miriam I Kn ngul day tillKV In Oil. i 12. Kih.r. wife Hntopilas. Mex.

Mrg. Shepherd nnd family left Washington for Mexico yesterduy. when they received alarming new cf Governor Shepherd' condition. Governor Shepherd, who vvns gometline spoken of as the creator of the city of Washington, was born In thi city in Wi Hurt was plumber hy traiitr. Shepherd hegr.n early lo originate a plan for the realization of the paper plana of the ceb-.

iirnted Ciench eoulncer. who, uuntitl(i of Knit Ktord In thig city, ami wan preventing the manufacture of salt hy the giib-company. "If man Is In fraudulent iiossesKlon of anything," he slid to the Court, "naturally he will delay nil he can: ond that why the defendants detlre to delay thrso proceeding. desire to have the cusp decided as I'oon an possible In cr-der that we may get ihe Immediate relief to whieh we are entitled." The hrfore the Court entitled William C. Hei shaw, Willimn J.

Minne, (itcar T. Weber ami II. O. Cow- The oft'Vfo for whieh the was Ivnten ELECTS OFFICERS i.l ..) ot the Stm under 1'reMdeni Wnshlrr on's dire, tlniia. 4 laid out the eltv nf Th SO Mlllt MM i Ml I ot I In- vot'l'l The following mnrrtnc lleeti wr lunfd ycttcnlay tiy the Cmmty Clerk! AM'KltfUiN PFTt lflX Johnnnea 2.V 411 linimin street; 'llllie 1'eti-t aon.

2t. KM Hiiirbmi lnet. Ill-U KUI.A Hen M. Iteek. .14.

2rt SuttT trect; I Villi a Kiilln. 2 s. 214 T' n'h nvei'tie. IAVN.CH WATSON Th'-nia X. Cavnnagh, f.

12" H.iwthirn atrtel; WaUnn, 'M, Hair it CHItlSTII. KK.II.V Hen-y C. Christie 41. tiefl Hti aiiett; Susannah hdly. 2'.

K-tdy UH I CMilloI.M "irrn flrauger. 21. Ft-ereit Kdythe l.uudt olm. Fvrett, Wat.h HANKY fW.MMIt Ual.rl.l Itan.y.

24 1-14 l.aj.'tui at-ei't. "irice M. Ciirnn r. 2'-'. Kl 'ern.

Itl SsHI.I, SKAIt It'Ludl. Vt In tela; jii sar. 2i. Winter. 1 1.1.1 A MS l.ltlMi I'hvI I William.

ai 2 Hd'lv mini; leiby K. 21. IV, Ninth am el. Wfnlll KiiKSI'- Fran II Vi urn I. 21.

lli-et: Anna S. Knr.ii. 1,4 Clara t't cli' in' Khcnhord'k led hill) Into polltp became ret tV 1 m' ifl, jure cotl I1 1 ow ihdr ht.on t'n um ''M fee the prot, i Method rt Cent j-ronce Re nrd vs. C. S.

Katnlull, II. M. IPir- nm, close of the war (hold, C. A. Paul'len.

fleorgr l. I'reaidcnt of the "Earl Council." wur 'ilji vri Mhii wiif wlilMierlnis while nt nn-lint; In line pifn Into the school room. Fr'tiU (ira. in. uf HH Powell utreet, in inoiher of the hoy.

maile eoiiipiailil to the I nl of in. nt'ou yi'Hierdny altei -noon, hut that laxly has no pirisoiletlon I.i the ease, tlx the l.e Monte is mi. lei- Nonnal mannKetnotit. The nin.ter. howevi r.

ill he laid fore- the propor authorities. Thoiuh the l.ul 11 yearn ol.l. long i oi litiued illness hi'K retarded his ilevel-opment until he in no larger than a child of S. It Is cnlv wiiMn the paM few nf ihe Mattrliv I til i and n.i'.ilu-r nf Mm. I.

II. Mr s. In and lire i liatrU nf Merced, Cnl a native Sew l.nk. iigeil Ki yviii. i l'riUit an.

I aeiinaliiiiiiii e-. are rud-oct-I fully liivliitl Ili funeral rvi' in itm i' iSunday I. at n'eln, a. at I Iii-i irtld'ie, i iTj. Ini in.

I Hills of it i 1 1 by 1 1 It i a i Hall, fioai r.iiil '1 ii. rid str-'ftf idl.l.lNS In thi n.he,- 12. Aiwlla I HI a k. wife of Itn P. it I iimilivr i.f In K.

I iiIIIpii nnd sl.i.-i of SUicr Ann. a of i I tri'iiiRh in ohciw r.nan-cial Prosperity. tmten s's he 11 ha-. Out of his irM sihi-ius was chain-the form of irent of the iHninet of Columbia. He organized the Citizens' Reform As'oclatioti.

which had for its object the formation of a tcrri'orial govrn- S(iiiifs and T. Kier iiff. It wait begun jAusuit when a petition was filed asking the Court to srt aside an lection 'of directors of the Continental Salt and I I of (, gpile of sentattv TV" ojH'O'i' i I'1 I Kri'inr.'i'i 'I I.f. a ill v.

ini' (: ii ih" I in ii -ih ii -it I ft hup im i'l htT chemical Company on th" ground that It. imem. I i i. I Mr hi ohetd's enrrirv rm! rAcifii1 r.Photi tat i.f fruits. fc ri a lower rail HI I I Mil II 11 II-III I III- Il Bin S' I iim 1 there were a minority of the stockholders 'S-nTal IMosi- dent, and to G.

Klntue. wa.t present nt the election, that n.i notice ot Mlfiy c.ovrnor th ter- a stockholders' meeting was given, and iitorv. ul ill, Not'iie of I In lhl dir. Se Hi t.jrlv I. ic Hon C'Iiiims id tinchT MurKiii't in! I tlllii'i nneor.

ii ttivf nf San I l'itineii ii.nd 22 yiaiKtntd 1 In thi i it y. 12. Ttionia finy i I'S'Iti. of I'lnadii. gged 2K yai.

nuio. Inyre ulleii ri-e i.ili feiififin Hi urip lo-rjuy i were rea hy lnr-. on the eliur 1 1 1 -1 i- fur ieev. I lin-l. ilie pas-l year.

I iii'M- repoei ho Ili.ri.oo -1 in fur in elaiu.i'iil mul ihe I'nnJ he i.ilp-i ii'-t aee.l niinih'er Tl'i iirt lii.v.ed cm ih. i.irnf. in. 'I i ii I--- ith the ns iho i uti'ler the, (I i.i rili ini' gloomy fhin.i. opr.i- fr.

PhamitK Wil Diii'ing his tern of office In ih-' seveM.ea there were harges of tirm igaiust Shephrrd nnd the Shepherd rii'S. Thoie v.n.". a long investigation Shepherd, but the charges were not proved. Ih IM. Kill, Inn rem, in iht city, Hi pttni 12.

Il hiidi.m.l of l.i?..e Wi lli l-vliif, ii un, I v- i.f Aiiijiiai, agcl the entricH made In ih book regarding It are false, thai ail the stack vnm at the elect ion as under a pooling agreement and voted contrary to that agree-iiiniit. that ro prrson present at the meeting was a bom tide stockholder, an I that taie he II" Ki. rlti Ihroi.rlioiil Mo 111 loi-'i i fli, lev. week that he ba heen a Ms to attenu e'lool. urd been mi rti pehie) with iho piogregn he wax tonkins; I lint ho whh In constant fear Bomothine might ocur to keep him from lit clashes.

lie Is hricht and che, rf ill In appearnuce and get ih' and courteous In milliner. Merc in hlf Mnty: I'nrker is the principal of the sehrol. hut she Ik a'vay nrd Mr. Mui.kii has her plsce. I In has monitor among Ihe hoys who till on all the pupils that 'lo rot give them gum or candy, and they are sent to the p.incipal to Uo a l.iiiprd.

I.CVNY In this cliy. September to Ih wife e.f Ctiarlea W. I.umiy. a mm. I.IMiKMVX la thf dry.

Septcmher 12. to tho "If" of I. I.lielemali. a daughter. THK.IsKX In ihl cliy.

septf mla-r 12. lh wife nf S. Th'dni. a mil. 'er II.

the wlf MartlrrL. Wei. a ilai glii. It HI Ml). ruptry ffer ihe territorial government wn 'Tho wav Mum in II ti- Hi In no- i i were mnile i ri liee hy i i i.ii of I lie I.i i Hi.

no uf yea is tn "nttt. Mild 21 diy. Friends in In.tted in Ihe faiieral crrpi- (Stiiidayi, 2 o'cln p. at btte l'-Tj Washin.i.iii irvi-i prlv.i'e. i KAIU Near Trniit ilie, I'raiiee.

I tJ 'ai-iUn li wife of tunic Kalr. a ratt." of marset, yearn moiilln. and 22 I days. 1 China, th in. to II.

IH" i. iI'Miit Mie pi--o e. Were In.iiie to Hi' l.le.'l 'i. liei-. Ii HI i 'lt'l I "Her imports Mf the parties present, ho claimed to he changed th government of the slockhol were ihe ones elected, that as turred over to three all of them were more dummies neijnc I a form whi-'h Mill exist.

Giant for the i't'lenl Salt being clerks nominati'd Shepherd as one of Com-or hoys in the olt'ce of that company. i mission-, but tiie nomination wan re- Cn the bearing of argument yesterday I ted hy the Sencte. on the demurrer of ihe (hendnntf. Mr. i In this city It ih a common xoressiou I lie pot i' mn i i-M'l I 111 HI nhifh iiiianc uih' ft.r is man whose A I.

I 'lllY Ol.lll tai-y of i KAIU Sar n'l Ilie. Trarec. U. Charb-a i i' roo 'inun-. iii siltinK out come.

Th's lng the en ui v-f Yf stcnlay niorniog 1 was whispering t.1(it.m, prcKentinif E. S. rillsbury. that Governor Shepherd "lifted 0 IvtT. I h' I'M'it the lant pieivs of hiin.U uf rflrllliS is ill tr.

ttr Intern il II I Hm.K In this cliy. Septeuilier f. bv tie It'-v Willum IU'l'-r. (ii'v A T. Iletikle ld ltlrdllg Ith Finn.i' IiW YKK In this city.

Sep'enilr 7 by the Iter. William Iinfier. Hwy.r of Ma in, ab. and Kllleeu of San Frn- I IS' O. It 1'tT JVMtSilN In 'hi cif r.

April l. by th Itev Father Hbk'y. S. nl hiir.n, Kdwaid I. laiclt, nd Mj YlrmrU Jntiiisnn, tith of San KrliClco, al.

ST'iNK- PA1 TF.ItsOX- In Klmhurn. September Vkh Ink. BS ll'ilt ll I rr.Mdlerr.on that the Continental Company ton out of ihe mud." More than this, the should made a de'endant. The system of Improvements wich he Inaug-remarked that he would probably rule put en end to the setitiiuent which airipntit thil point, unless ih" argument jcxlsiel that the capital of the ration were sustained by authorities. Time was should be removed to some Western city.

el l-'ureifvi I iim TP fiffi et'i aii' Lay A -Mi' lallii'i ol III- Mhrreh win I lo ill' tills riiiioti I'n -id' i'l 'linr 1 1. K'-lliitE A lulllil e- wvrt. I 1 Mi a reii'l i.owiiiK Mint the Hlii'l f'r iii-H i Ilirlr wive, nii'l h' li.iv The n.t; i were eh rl-iil IhMalliit I'r. hi It. i IiimMi.

get alvl five I he hll Kalr. a nativ of Cliy. ag-d i ye-ai a aixl III day KK.RItu In this city. SeptetiiUr II. Onlsniln I'rri'i f.m of Hnijimln and Kiuiie I'Viii! and ln-lntnl brniiier of Annte ral Meltine K'rrn.

a native of nlina, San Ma'eu cniiiity aai 2 y-ara. Krlcndi aid acqiialn'ane i rfr'I-fully Invited to attend the funeral tn-nmrmn' tSuiidiiyi. nt 1 p. from the rul'leiiee nf lti pnrcnta. View Kami, off ni Misaain road.

Interment. Holy Croat Cemetery. i (''ni er'i im I nil ci- there a while ve were Kiaionng in line reii'iy mi in I'ch Into the schcolrormi and one of i I monitus told me to go to ihe principal, i WIl'Ml 1 Velll lo liU room he asked tue what I had heen (loin, i.ii'i 1 told him. Then he tnok his sttnp, dov.hied 'I and whipped; me. don know how many timet; hu struck, for It hurt so 1 coull'i't count, but little as it ill I'1 given for the defeiue to presort In the accomplishment of his plans be change well.

Insole a crar'i ami Chh "The only rcinr'ly of tpn ye ifii fn i' he hntikrf.pi. vsent woul 1 i ho woiM to 'I'l- was bitterly assailed and denounced by his cnntemporHrles. He was known as "Itoss" Shepherd and was compared to ties. Mr. Heney objerted vigorously against the extension, saying in part: L.ltn..- I 1 r.i.'.!l.

A link 1 A be for ire power il ci a good many. When he got through he lold me to go to my clans." In at the nl the otiuc piie.o-. pet. K. K.

Clark. Edgar Jay Stun and Miry I'atterton. laiiil- oi.d I'n Mn. II. Chile I'h.

lad said nothing of th, whipping to i. i.u.ii'i ltis iiarents, and it was only when his btne urn! lore- to chrnto ner fiiu.i-gvptem of nnaaee aiei nu-ti ti 'le Velop an'l her munralK. She even mine her own eoM; -e hnys all of it from Japn: wh 'h. re Is eiimiKh uim ions of sail this year and sell It at i no: KiM-imiitiR T. Miner-firnm.

in rn-sjioiiilii Ki y. II. Uh'te. Sum i reansrer, r'. 1..

Trrpl'i, -i o. I'll of the fiiivrrsftv of the FlSIIr'lt-In thi city. II. nt her late realdince. I allfuniia street.

Maigan -t llntMl wife nf hurle Haher and mother nf Charb-a Franee i. and tienrge KUher. a native of pinion, agi-d 84 tcari fl nmtitli and 21 daya ISaeninieii'o Wll-nilngloli ilael.l and Huston I Man. I rnpers plea enpy. I The funeral will take pint today from St.

Immlnii'" street, where a solemn limn man will If rebdirateil for 'In- ropow of her amil. com nanahnri KioristCo. FLORAL DESIGNS 107 POVELL ST.r.r.ELUS 235? SCI Of it. In (he diMriet aloiie burn up the whole Islnni." 1,1 Piii'lfle .1 ilie nieeiinu mil ill-j pr i of Ihe in i'ic-'i were nonli' Ii. I'lifli ier, "Hoss" Tweed, of New York.

Senator! Thurman said of Shepherd that of all the millions that had passed through his h'niiU not a dollar had stuck to his fingers. Many incidents arc told of the pursued by Governor Shepherd, 'ihe situation of a ramshackle building was cp-poi-ed. One day Governor Shepherd found that all of the Judges of the Hist lion, were out of town. Tht night Shepherd sent several hundred men to the building and in a few hours it was torn down and carted away. In about the same way he had a small armv of work men J.

'irii in and tlio ilov. i y. I. The new- tariff not nn all the riowiTK intproj-tfi fit the mother was bathing him ycMorday morn-i ii that i-he discovered the maks on his! body. They were so black at first she thought ihe had soot on.

ihe towel wlih which, she had men rubbing him. When the boy told lio.v lo had received his injuries and explained that he had sail nothing about it In fore for fc ir Im parents would keep him out of school. The hov exhibits hilars ihai teachers; in ihe school hue wriltrn to his parents, sh living that they look a kindly interest In, I TP iiferenc, moil tn-in i ernl Shanettf icf. i'' ina that it ill wxin In il- a ton if the lawful board of directors could net control of the corporation. Wo can also show to the Court that it Is t.o the iiiieref of the.

Fed, ral Suit Company to prevent ihe Conrlm tun! Company iiwik-inrr any becnttse il has T.i.hi'ii tons of salt stored, and that is as much ns a year's consumption nf this Coast." The hearing was continued until next Thursday at 10 o'clock in the morning, ivlttn a dftiian 1 will be made to have the case go to trial without further delay. IDENTIFIED AT MORGUE. iiinraiaa bHIKiiLhY Il1i KLOKIS1' I'tK CKXT KUKirCTIOS IN FI.OUAL IIKSKINS 311 Bnttrr. I'lmn' thirimt lftT. mencing jt n'cloek a.

in. 1 lit iius are invited In intend the inns. Intel iui-1)! private, Mary's Cemetery, laklni u. ll'lHAN In this city. Septeml-r 12.

at her late;irtn. the l.i:ali:-h. wh ei-ii'ti toniR ol oi tn. that wai. fiin.n To the woliii.

e.l ill cur NiAYOa INVITLD TO TtXAS. M.i.v. Sch ii IV. Ii ran ti i s. -I'ls letoip nce, tai"in sirtei, rtnrao.

him. and his ort card their com inendation both for deport mont and schol I'i n. ol ennui-it- ir i lie iny cM, ion at Cif oplrf'-ltml' to Atvi lip They the pi' tariff ihemel vr.h-it o'ln oiitioi.s. NEARES'i HE CITY FFICE: 916 MARKET ST. arship.

li-i'ln" IV on (ii askitie him to v. a-'ci The Mayor I wiiri! thi.i Pi Id 'I he blows must have been delivered with 1 hl liV nf an unknown man taken from great force, for the strap tt four great 1 thf -bay r.enr the itis.1t I ron Works hy (iprfe black wells extending entirely ncrocs the Harley on Thursday has hern Id'ntiPci. as that bov's nates, though he wore a thick pair of jo' John Cordrs, a sailor the st.iiinrr Aln- look 'he In lm men, one night, tear up the tracks of the II. O. R.

which ran through the center of the city. Governor Shepherd remained In Washington several years after leaving the office of Governor. Then he organized th', ftatopilas Mining Company, with Now York and Washington capitalists, nnd. being elerted Prosidont of the concern, tool; up his residence in Mexico. Twice Governor Shepherd visited Washington since he left here, twenty years ago, anil on both occasions he was received with ck em at i on.

SPECIAL POLICEMAN HELD. I ml pi'lin i'n M. Su'l'van. mho killed r.M-1 hei rutin a tarift it nt of the ir.t. i I' o1 1'niteil Sifcie? ii .5 I dearly pel.

n.oin- Jul ey. ao. pteii iimlher of Nelll Mnynlhan aral slsnr nf Kllcn. Vleliael, Thointis and John Catey and Mi. K.

Hmkly. a nnllve nf Irdand. "7 Jenrt. Nntlc. nf funetnl ler.

KMl.LY-In thi city, Sept. inb-r 12. It. me. beloved wite of K.

S. Kdly, a native of liegon, ajed 21 years. KIN't- la Ihla city. September 12. Margaret Kin, deiiily Udyved inntraT of Martin and Nelile Kins and Kill; In nf Niie.r.1 and Hislei i if Mrs.

Kred f.i'.iss. native of Tiitim, Cnuiii.v ijtilway. Iiebind. "The funeral will lake place tn-mnrrow I Sunday i. at o'elm'li p.

from her late I2SH Folsnni street; thence to St. Joseph's Church for nt n'el. i p. in. Interment private.

In Holy l'ros this city. S-tptfinh, 12. Klil wen l.nrsen. beloved lnfniil on of Kdwurd J. and Marg-iret I.arsen, nntlve nf I'rtiiieisen.

aged tt uimiihs and days. for Crmsllrtn. Snilit) 1,34. Iicss ii poll application. Kureral Conductors 420 fioliien "inte Ave Circulars malb to aay ad and heavy uiub at Iho time.

Formal complaint will be made and if possible acting Principal Frank Hunker will be brought to trial. Teacher Hunker's, version uf ihe hipping could utit be obtained last evening. riysi lf, in en ol fr.irs at tin (Ttnta i in mni nrd Shanghai. 1 i tai urrv to i tin n.orricf. cf rth.

was In hi to nn-I fKi't an 1 ih.i h' ,1 Ii ih si pvtinliit by I'olli i.iss un a a pro -m fi-m I'n- I nit.i 1 was admitted S'aie i. It. the sum ol Hill) ri'IMKTKKV San l-'ran dsco. 1,1. RiMVD TO EW STjUEI I I nilertiiKers.

pnfiie DIPV Kuiieri'l rii and Forinerbv In Mi In pall, an Temple now st S9 STEPS TI HI lillUtl tlU UUIiiUi IJU II! kl UH Ui het. 4th aim Mti, nenr "in. 1-1. Soillh 1U7. I' inesl eqilipUieiils at rate.

li HiaTa MMa 'al 1,11. I J. sueeM-l 11 miii. lo lT.tiiiigau A The Mnrtiue olllclaU have lifen unable to n.tcf rtiiin how lie imt his death. E.

W. GHOVJS. Thl name must appear on every Iiot nf he I.iiMillvt. Tiililf ls. Ihe remedy that etna's a cold III one day.

"i cents. lEBlll! CSBSSjjBES! Funeral of Late Patrick Boland Held From Residence. The funeral nf Patrick Holand. Hip former Public Administrator, took place yrsteidcj I mm lilf residence, It Ha Ilin-h ftre I. The vvns private, though ii large number of ZEN ilsl II STSIE HH Lay it's' ''I u.s i it I the uih -'it ry i BlUKKCTOliS AN1 KMllAL.Mr.ltS.

Flllb Bslrepl. Teleplione snutn so. i.m SO. ansa! DON (VAN. rein Sciioi 1.

iiANil- EXISTED ftT MIST Attorney Makes Last Appeal for Ex-Clerk Dirnmick. (Jen. K. Horr, Sic F. J.

MoJahan, I'rcs. Krleinla and are r'sp-ct fnilv Invltt-d tn iiiteinl the funeriil iMimlayi, nt 11 n'i look a. tiotn the ri-dene" nf th" pnieiita. Itl liiipou street. In terilient.

Holy Cross Ceini-leiy. I.uTTKlTZ In this city. pteinliHr 12. Lillian, deiiily lielov wife nf T. l.etiril?..

a native nf Knglaiid. aged years 1 nioiiili ec. 1 111 days. Iff mains at the purlers of II. IKli Mlsatnti sirct, letweiii Seventh nud

MAHOXKY In tills city. Sepii-nibei' 12. Itiu-th ihiiiii-w I'miher of Thoains Mahoaey nnd cousin of Timothy lln -kley ninl M.s. a unlive Crk. Irelainl, ngetl ears.

Nut Ice of It. ninlns nt An. i hut the ItfOiHftHflN CO. 'r Shov Thev Wore in fo.r:'.;,:' Good Keito. Fearing a Flot Against Him, Leberne Declares Intention.

Francois Lebrrne, one time French sailor, meii'iali'it cn arn le- Kline ml line.) Dlrri'tom nvol Kiubnlniers, Mh-sain si. TiTephiiiie Misbuntt. I Milts LI' I V. i n. fliMlarf Collins aililresFi the jurnrs In ai.s court all day r- I'Hcli 1 IL I' i i v.

i.i, i- l' ilr.i..,. I cited SI aim. -d front at thf cot f.ei'1 io'l; IIHOIUKlttt has placed himself br.yond the jurisdiction of I- LNllltAb in, is i. "i liad ri" ol I In- i Hie to-diy. This to iiiiHlnce llicni Unit chnrmd wl'li stcalhiK "fi.reo, I tin! ci' a conspiracy on ihe part nf i 124 and 22ii VCAI.I.IM kk si.

8. V. Eddy Seiith 252. Kiiiaiierly It! 111 I mm I I I.I In I .11... I l.wl.- .1 ll'l III rati -f Telephone iiliirlais and the sceia I st I anntts li.v i Mini t'i, 1 I 'I ravelet a' i -ii.

i .1 i Mr. Colliii point. '1 out the lin that the evi- Eh, i i pr. on the taiiO lined th sigrnd ai i 1 i 1 "i i i i 1 ih nr. was ei tit'i lj cirei'instim I ml.

The case i I lite letlre dc cachet, the document thrt leads I the wav to the modern bastlle. Yesterday Lo-I heme before Judge llebbard and -I clitred his intention to become an American The sailor declared that thf re is a I conspiracy to git him out of the country, and he desired to protect himself, l.ehernc asserted tn Judge llehbiird that he had been informed pint 's on mot to shanghai him. BOTH HANDS CRUSHED I till I. I'l i 1.

,,,.1 I'" on ihe liiinty thai Hin.n.lck. winn us-' tilil" Cell ti cll.Mlg.'' tile CI I it'll. W.laj 111 ti.ol mil Ilie fiKiil'i'i (if that of the I I i friends follow, the body to the grave. A requiem high mass was cf. Irbratfd at ft Mary's Cathedral at pi o'clock in the morning.

Tin. Very It' v. J. .1. Prr mli -rgast, V.

was celebrant. As tiie deceased was a iiicmbt of the Elks' order the majority of the rs of the local lodge of Elk attended the servicts. The re was also a larpe attendance of the Knights nf Ida. the I hi ilo Club and ollif-i to which he helcngrd. The bcoy was i.itorri'd in Holy Cress (Vntetery.

i'i' til', ii i i il i en I 'i I Kncsts I II. I II .1 I. Ill 7th. I Chittr-e I'ril!" telegram tnn. the purlins of .1.

I ,1 I oninn ihi Mission street. MKMIIAN- In this city. September 12. hcloveil husliiinil nf th" bit" Kale Ab-ehmi. a nntlve of County Xlniutgluiii, Irclnltii, aged year.

"The fiuiernl will take plate Moiilny, Septenilier nt Klilio o'el't-k it. the piillnra of McKnddeii. MeMrettiny A- liicn, 1171 Mission sli'iet. lutenncnt. lloiy Cinss by 11:30 a.

in. train fnun Third nnd Tnwnsei'ld streets. NKl.SUN-In Chrlslbiiibi. Atigust 111, Joi dearly beloved lius.iaiid of Aiiiih Nelson and father of Mrs. Kale mm Niiriiina Nelson, aged 7U years.

ItKID In llnkersiiald. ab, September s. Willbim licl'ivni l.i.-b.iii.l Amiiiiilii M. liciii, a nalpe of Maryland, cii yenis. 111 Osklniiil.

S' t'leailH'r 12. Ceoige .1 i- 1 I i'i', I hlll l. I wen in Uf "in i I i SKW I'-UUI tSIJIiUTAKEHS. CtAML'KI. l'AUUKN.

1 manager fir the i niicd I nUi'iiaier' il. i. V. wltb same company for li) yer; UliKKN. hue with J.

C. O'Connor he 'opened new funeral parlur at lTl Milo t.eiweeii and "th us leletnmii- II NOTRRY PUSLIC 11 hN NOIAKV 11IUL1C. tfW 11AB k'el treet, oppoaite l'lace Hotel; telep'-'n llnldcucv. no!) luci trt; retiU.uc 'ephMie. Church IS.

4 OOOOOOO 00000000OCKKK a.dmr 'I i thai ilnre was it iii.tiniiny il.e elli i I thai the inn hiir; Ini. li iitifsiiirt Irani the lock. Mr Collins I i in il hat i id i nee had beci; nitrodtic. i thai the Hire lock had been rintir-rtrl I I i 1 i i i i.nv: ni' I il i a Mm. iir.ifiiiiimi' tin in ii'" "en 1 UNDER CAR Boy Falls From Train While Stealing a' tjpon I vi in a rttnrn honn how ever, there Sloners.

a. 'i other inipor'attt mi I'i'i' any Line f.iifiiH, e.a.'-t .1 p.i i Ili, i i Itfilcf l' 'In -iiruw r. i.e.-:. I't'e rail- II ycir IP wan tl he llicni as slim 1. it Ii'in-t iia hei noiii- i i'' I I I y.

u- was I' Pi Ride. I i August 11 years of ajte. an Hpprrntlre printer, residing at fiiiS Fourth a Cmil', C.n C. hiisbiil'd of Maggie ItoliiiJMili aim tailier of C'l'ial 'I'. lii''kells, a nntlve of Canada, agi il DECLARES COMPLAINTS ARE IMPROPERLY DRAWN.

Attorney for GBmblers Cortends Wrong Law Is Pleaded. on li ill ecu: -it la ii lin thih i M.iiis Atii'rtnv 1 Tic S.i-H.d.'iv iuhf uf lati I i Ills' elci :r.u tartrf i.i fen- I ft i August lath ti. whereby no OU! the 1,1 ail our postitot! aiisi'lntt la go in the jury. I 'i'." Ii.r.c c. w-M: nra I Sc.

"c'v aaintirv The 8 QK AD HOTELS I I arm- I r. it: lit. t.ioiy of Prsi doubt that i Ii s- I i 'I ii. a In vi f.

Mil, day Mill', II uih i uiui iii i'ni. i riftiii train on Illinois street yesterday and both his hand-, were crushed. Hp was stealing a ride and in limbing on flat ear the guard hrokfi land tie fell under the train. SAYS FATHER FRIGHTENED HIS CHILD WITH KNIFE. Aitcrnry Th units H.

Rlorclan attempted yes EblKABLb LOCAIION. UN- 0 I' 'I- I. I 'il' a ys if tic a i ians wirl. Ma Pig in fron- all ov, "I in- II -i! 1 1 tia I hi day (. rday to liberate the lis gamblers arrested by I my dcubts of mission has b-ci a verv mainly due to the txtia slon entrusted to bv iriitis-i-J cuisine, un quaiea yt iiia 7 mont (it nini (inys.

'I i Kill- In this city. September 11, l'redei'li k. Moved husband nf I-eim C. Seheih and brother id -Mrs. S.

Tw i ui bugler of New York, a I'litiveof (ieriuany. aged years 7 laontht nnd 2 liuys. Kr'lenils anil in qiiiiiiltiiiicei. hic iSiwt-fillly Invited to attend the 1 to-niorrow iSiiiulnyi, 1:3" o'clock p. from lib late r.

slili'ii'i'i1, ttliili Sixteen Hi sliact. nenr liiierrem, uniiei' the auspices of Sun I'linielseo No. IIS I. A. of MiiohiniiilH, nnti Mission iiinp.

No. 2(14, Y. of Y. Interment. Cypriys I.tiwn Ci'inr-tery.

III tlliselty. 11. Josephine service and modern conveniences are Hi'' I r. I I i I'i'li Stnt Made Against Nicholas Weyn-cwsky, a Porter. A II I MS.

ATfiF'TE HA Gr 'Ma World of DlfTerenoe. i. nut ato ih I 'a ir: I ii-i'i. mil i fi( ''i l. i' il" a.

si vit. tin- I il Mi la Slate Mnirv A-sa- Captain Spillarc for fi'tcpi; nting the pt.ker-rr.',n: etni'liteti-d by Henry Kaii8un at 777 Market st ti i a nil those of flu Koyal Social Club Kt Fourth strtet, by ccnicrdltig tiiiil the ordl-nHiier- under which thiy wtrechargfd has been ri i cab d. Judgrs and (Ionian took the aitributes that muue these 0 two hotels popular with tourists 6 and travelers who visit San Fran- i-ico. the splendid suppor' 1 State Drpartnient. Althou the Interests of Iitiimark her Consul -(ii in rti! sh i i 1.

1 a i i I ii Vary dairym. mil M'ii'dn1 V. a iifri i iii a limlM'' ttiili- QQfXOOi00o I'tii 'I' employed Is wantt by the Kate Wcy-t. who in il Is ul hut will come a.t oun tin man- umlrr ei nsidi ration until next I rnHE HKAI.TH HI'-fOiUT IiuKS NOT ALWAYS Cecelia, eldest and dearly lcioved daughter or i General Sharrt-it- fai.i Virlim hoolr hnsllh hut thf Health Re DEATH RATE VERY HIGH. retry retiresentativ r-s had 1 We liicsfliij The fli it'll rs are cliHiayi of Sffiions 1 and Hit of order lo nn'rr The attt.

a' I. I'i- 1 It-rod he attack- for na! i ii use. While' with a violation ll.ii, as amended nfy asserts that 0 TUB EXArilNER'S" CIRCULATION eeainst Arrifii'-an tense fight had bn powers against meri-! were bitterly opposfi to Tr' Shwinc fr Austivt Heaviest for That itiMtiguir.g tin I lie I't Twenty-l-ivi? Years. nain. I i i i h.s i Sin retry white of the I nil "ii nt' t'rii.

lty to (' id i that Wiytiewsky rin.s not' lo h.s wife. he 1 the first i.idi'.aii' and are askrd to answer fur order rrpiaird in I'' Ills clients sort and proper food make a pretty sure, combination. Mrs. E. Kennett, Springfield, "I was pronounced a consumptive and sent to A3he ville, N.

for my health. I just could not eat ithout a cup of coffee, and heme he became a -hy ie ale-ir of Ins wlft-. Whit. niysj Utj and County ol S.n Francisco, cl foinl. I I' 1 1" Ii.

i-UUStlriilP. i tl'id ycM. shews tin' Vt i. ti.ii to i i vvsiiy lourie-Pii-yt Hl'-onl thi. in frni ten nt an ordinance which does ret The complaints were drawn by the i'o-lllee in paniiii in ml i tlir dirrcticii of Police I t'niiiniiss in: 11.

Vi Mutton. ISAYS HER HUSBAND personally appeared hefor me F. I- 'I 1 'i 1 I i a 1 1 a I 1 'I ii i-1 i a I. Thi- a' ii.ii 1 1-- i my -t' I 'iiehtar Kate woiiid not disclose the woman's i a hi no threw he on Hi lied and Ira wins a dirk kr.ife aaross her throat iii- hild inn ira-rnsibili'v. FmucUcJ rammer, wuu.

being duly wuru, mi lBo-. W11, ivrg. tliainuuiiuu of "The Kti.iinin.-r" (or the month of July. w. 98,742 trea'ed with pr rvia ivi- "Due perhaps to the a dal of the Spanish war." "That's right." sa'd hi that in good and hard.

I'-tn ad valorem duty of tpecific duly 'n an hvhhf. When quest lOiied abolition of ihe "i'kin t-i sioner smilinplv i pi i Erelatid's China's -r: VMU CIItCUI.ATIW. BROKE HER my stomach was in such a condition that I could not drink it. I was almost In despair when thp landlady of my boarding-house said that If I would drink I'ostum Food Coffee I would find it weuM take the place of coffee nnd agree with me. She tirade it 7, (ilia DUES.

th- I HONOR. MIJST pY RIBS. a Rni'- Agenis Carrier Single wrapper to l'oatiifflee tih9crlber. Othce iali i Warrant Issued for the Arrest of 4 'he c. i I "I i 1 i- i iii i i' ii P.

-a''." t.C- i atn y. state Fbtol Vvill Drop Delinquent I I 1 .1 The word "likiti." he ina and Is collertfd at different from the iver baa's in h- nun b-i l.jclinitKt. AUvprtlftrrg nml tranioyeri, lo employee, Postothci and Die, advertiser ami diarliy Ketuined-hy railruad new agent and Iiauter" uotei. tumid lu odtce ud ample ii', I a -i I1' V. i rut I nil li 1 'i'i 'c nt Mi 'an -I 1'NITEIt I'NIiEKTAK EI1S" VACATE I 4(33 7e(- 2.146 cf China far from the treaty jiorli- r-irely fhln.ed.

road M3H. A warrant has been issued for Ihe arrest of Hugh Mulhulland, an employcp of the Snuth-i rn I'i'clti" Company living at He Wolfe street, on the- complaint of his wife. Mary MulhoPnnd, who alleges, that While under the infliii'irT! of Uf.iinr t' ii days ago kicked her In the side, breaking two ribs. Mulhnlland hps been separated from his wife for several years and the quarn'l betwe, them was eiigiTideretl by the husband's treatment, of their slxtepn-jear-old daughter, who remains In the husband's custody so delicious that I enjoyed every meal I ate, and gained in flesh and strength so rapidiy that I was able to come back home and live. I give Postum more credit for my return to health than climate or anything else.

I am sending you this letter for the benefit of those who are having a hard time living, and I am sure that If they will use Postum their Uvea will be prolonged." wherc Amerlcin The of lil'i peiila' who Members. Ihe Stutf Klnral Soe'ety ysstrrday. at the Instance of Mrs. John Kneel, adopted a. rrsr.pi-tlen that nnib is owing a year's dues shall be drnppid if the money Is not paid after thirty days' notice.

'Iho of the nt'd rnoeii Ii eluded vocal srlfitlf-ns by Utile Miss Kdlia. Shaw of Ntw York, the eight-year-old niece of M. H. Ae Ynurg A r.Hper on "Forehiry and Englnecr-liig'' was read by O. V.

Lang. 'P't'tiibed its a cent, of ii to his kov- 98,742 r. E. rETKRSOS. Sub.crlbed Dd to befor.

me .1,1 IHh day of NotsrT Public lo snd for the City anil County of San Fr.iucUeo. State of California lit' aij; 1 i' I by 1 lie elm li (... I 1 1.1 VaHiuji.Tiall 'I'i lill.le lliln II tints In- till' I I'i I i i i i a a fa 1 1 "la' Inn. l. laii hi a l.a'ii.irr Imp nt In veil hi- tneeii I i.ti-iii in-'l I'ltiii un at' l-ifHii, tir.niiiii i i oi i an I in '1 en i I'le.

re It in het tor i'i'" I ti" a evfi- la attvud la uiii i-rtliilc and save lhari crnmcnt. "When." :s.d he. "the Wr-cy at N.fiHti Vowed a dlsroslt'on to Bbolish the llkin 0 Tjx j.t the ri(iut of th-; English, I atl ulielalli. I.

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