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The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California • 1

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

J' it? i i orrroa COT AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEE. 533 WataUaetoBi a tract (np atairal r. THE WEEKLY "lirraTt is publish ry Thursday Banning, tn quarto form, and II XI AM B. MOSS, tBUD A. BOACH.

so jobhstob WH. S. MOSS PUBLISHERS AND PBOPBIETOR8. "Mrtains 34 Column of Beading Matter -carefully selected tent the Daily Edition. It furnished to Mall Bunsoribers as follows: For On 5 OO For Six 3 OO i fty TEEMS TO CLUBS Ga S5 Aim vmmm L5 corns (bacm con) 00 15 axd tmEB 40 oorm (xacboopt) 3 50 40 eopuaa Ajro cpWAana (kaok con) 3 OO 1 as- Papers to Clubs will Invariably bssenh; on address.

SubKripdom MVnTEM FA IX ADT ASCII ruBLicAnon omen: 33 Washington street (up atalr). THE DAILY EXAMINES la published every Taning (Sunday excepted) on the following terms: For One Year 10 For Six Month- 6 For Throe 3 THE DAILY is delivered to City Subscribers st 35 Cents per week, psysble to the Curlers. Iml Copies Ten Cents SAN FRANCISCO MONDAY EVENING- JULY 24. 1871. NO.

19. VOL. XIII. ml aK a aKaK A ill i it i i OFFTCIAI. OFFICIAL.


Bee. 13 It ahall be the" duty of the Treasurer Abatement af the Fever Scourge lad- I to pay the interest on said bonds, when the same falls due, out of said Interest Fund, if Southern Pacific Railroad. NORTH PACIFIC OTATE OF CALIFOBjn A DEPARTMENT of State. H. L.

NICHOLS, Secretary of sufficient; aud if aaid fund be not sufficient, then By Atlantic and Panfie Line, SOS California St. PRO A 8 FOB PUTTING IN CONCRETE BED Time Schednle-Oommencing April 3d, 1871. TBAHSP0ET1TI0I C02PAIY. SENTENCES OF C0MMUNIST3. dents of the Flaarue Coffin Fed dllng and Burials.

Correspondence of the New York Herald. At last the dreadful plague with which this to pay the deficiency out of the General Fund; provided that the Controller of State shall first State of the State of California, de hereby certify that tbe annexed ia a true, fun and correct copy of Chapter Four Hundred and Forty-four. the CARRYING THI TJ. B. HAILS.

draw his warrant on the Treasurer, payable to the order of aaid Treasurer, for the amount ef nTestigatlon Concerning New York Riot. Debate in the French Assembly Statutes of California, Eighteenth Beaatoa, approved April 2d. 1870, now on ale in my office. OTJB ANGELS. Oh I not with any sound they oome, or sign.

Which fleshly ear or eye can recognlxa No curiosity can compass or surprise The secret of that intercourse divine, Which God permits, ordains, across the line. The changeless line which ban Our earth from other stars. But they do come and go continually. Our blessed angels no 1MB ours than Bis The blesaed angels whom we think we miss, Whose empty graves we weep to name or see. And vainly watch, as once ia Galilee, One, weepiog, watched in vain, Where her lost Christ had lain.

Whenever, in some bitter grief we find, All unawares, a deep, mysterious sense THE STEAMSHIPS OT SBm the north Paeifie Trie? interest money about to become due, which said interest warrant shall be drawn at least one month previous to the maturing of the interest. nn happy city baa bean mitten daring the past four rnonths bag be an stayed, and the mortality baa diminished to an average of about fifteen or twenty daily. A few stores are already ooen for tbe first time in many portauun Company wiH leave aa ollowr, eu ue t.i'M'VVrTMM Hlf Witness my hand and the great Beal of State, OF REPORTED SUCCESSES FOB THE NEW CITY HALL BUILDING. fAFTICE OF THE BOARD OF CITY HALL on the Temporal Power of th3 Pope. at office, in Sacramento, California, the twenty- CUBAN IKSUHCSNT8.

TRAINS SOUTH ON WEEK DAYS following routes: SENATOR, fifth day of May, A. D. 187L nee. 14. This act anaii taxe enact amy aaya after the next general election, as to all its provisions, except those relating to and necessary for its submission to the people, and for returning, canvassing and proclaiming the votes, Gommwiontrs, San Francisco, July 15to, seal H.

L. NICHOLS, Secretary of State. Veneznlean Expedition In Aid er the FOB SANTA CRUZ, MOXTEEEY, SAS weeKs, occasionally laaiea may be seen on the streets, business men are returning slowly to inspect the probability of soon resuming traffic, and altogether the prospect are that we shall in a week or two at most be which shall take effect Immediately. Gabaa Insurgents. eSBIIAN TROOPS RETURNING.

oec. io. ion an nau oe anbmttted to tne people of the State for their ratification, at tha SLXEOS BAT, SAX LITIS 0BISF0. ORIZABA AND CALIFORNIA, A.1V ACT FROM FRANCE. 1871.

SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of tbe Board of City Hall Commissioners, Room No. 2, Donohoe, Kelly Jt bunding, southeast corner of Montgomery and Sacramento streets, until 12 o'clock m. of SATURDAY, the 19tn day of August, A. D. 1871, lor Putin in Concrete Bed for tbe foundation industriously at work in the reparation of Of hidden comfort come, we know not whence Mace and Cofourn Again In the Field next general election, and the qualified electors of this State shall, at eaid election, on their TO PBOYTDI FOB THE PAYMENT OF THI tha havoc ot death.

fur a Fight. FOR SANTA BARBARA, SAS PEDRO ballots for State omcera, vote for. or aeamst FOR AN EMPIRE PROPOSED FUNDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE STATE When suddenly we see, where we were blind Where we bad struggled, are content, resigned Are strong where we were weak And no more strive, nor seek- thia Act: those voting for the same, ahall write INCIDEKTS OF THE PLAGUE, The most extraordinary tales are now being and SAS DIEGO. Leaving Baa Traaclsoo at 9 o'olock A.M. ITALY.

or have printed on their ballots the words "Refund tha Debt Tee." and those voting against narrated by eye-witnesses of the scenes rela of the New City Hall Building, according to plans and specifications to be seen at the office ot the Board. OF CALTFOB'TA, AND TO CONTRACT A FUNDED DEBT FOR THAT PURPOSE, ApraovED Aran. 1. WTO Inveatigati. Coueernlas the Kew York Kir Ton.

Jaly 23. Police Commfc-sloaer Then we may know that from the far glad skies. tne same, shall write or have printed on their banots, R-fnnd the Debt Ha" Leave San Arrive at Leave Arrive at Francisco San Jose. Ban Jose. Gilroy.

8:10 am 10:35 am 10:40 AX 1120 am 8:20 an eSra 60 FM liWrH aaorM OH SC9PATS. 8 JO AM 10:50 AM 10i5 AM 1210 AM 9-50 AM 11:10 am 8:30 PM nt TRAINS HOBTH OM WEEK DAYS. Leave arrive at Leave Arrive at GUroy. Ban Jose. Ban Jo.

Baa Fran, f0 AM 8:50 AM I40am 7:45 PM TiO AM 10:10 AM aklOPM 830 PM t30 os atjsPATg. 777" 8:10 am 10 am 2:65 PM 8:00 FM 6:38 FM 630 pm 8:40 rn ted, and continually finding their way into FOR EUREKA, CRESCENT CITY, Sec. 16. The votes east for and against thl Proposals will state tbe price per cubic yard of concrete, measured in the bed, for making The People of the State of California, repre tbe public prints, and may one day form a ghastly "literature of the plague." Among FORT ORFORD, COOS BAT and Act shall be counted, returned and cancelled and declared In the same manner and subject to sented in benate ana Assembly, do enact aa follows: Sbctiob 1. Fot tbe purpose of liqwidatbigand Henry Smith, President of the Boara of Felice, yesterday evening addressed a letter to the members of the Riot Belief Fund, thanking tnem on behalf ot the policemen for a donation of as reward lor the police ofiicera DATES TO JULY 2 ana laving the same.

Wiemtr witn tne acces sory work as specified. The material fcr the composition of the concrete will be snotilied by tne Commissioners. those current are the following half-dozen incidents whioh nave gone the rounds of the press, most of them being Touched for, bat To note our need tno waccuiai uoa nas Dent, And for our instant help has called and sent. Of all our loving angels, the. most wise And tend one, to point to us where lies The path that will be best, of peace and rest, And when we find on every sky and field, A sudden, new and mystic light, which fills tbe same rules as votee cast for tbe Treasurer of State, and if it appears that a majority of all the votes so cast for or against thia law, aa atoreeaid.

providing for the payment of the funded Indebt UarQUA BITER, Leaving at 10 o'clock H. On the 30th of each month the Steamer win extend her trip, to Port Orford. Coos Sey and Umpqua River. Balling Days 6th and 20th. Through Bills of Lading signed for freight to edness of the State of California hereinafter Tne whole work ia to be denein a thoroughly forming only specimen cases from among the thousands that have occurred: specified, and to lessen the burden of taxation.

wounded during the not of the 12th, andttating that the funds bad been distributed among them, as requested by the Committee. European Intelligence. are in favor of this Act, then the aame ahailhavo effect aa hereinbefore provided, and shall be trre-pcalable until the principal and Interest of the the Governor of the Statn, the Controller of workmanlike manner, under the immediate direr ion and superintendence of the Architect and to his satisfaction, and completed in sixty In March last a confectioner broke open VutsAiixEs, Jaly 22. The Communist con. State and the Treasurer of State, and their sue- Our every sense with speechless ay, and thrills The investigation of tne circumstances under bis coffin while being carried to the 8onth victrd ihe Military Commission at Mar liabilities nerem created saau oe paia and dis oeeeors in efflce, shall constitute a Board of us, till we yield ourselves as cnuaren yieia which the victims of the riots met their deaths Cemetery, and feeling faint, weak and horri charged and the Governor aball make proclama seilles have been sentencea to various terms oi Oregon City, Aurora, Gervaia, Balem, Jefferson and Albany, per O.

and C. B. without Themselves, sod watch the spells magicians Commissioners, to be styled the Loan Commis fied, rushed into a neigboring pulperia. for will be begun by Coroner Young on Monday, at 10 a. in the Kihtn DistnctCivil working days from the date ot the signing of tbe contract.

The Commissioners reserve tbe right to reject any or all bids. No bids will be entertained or considered imprisonment. Ia toe Awembly to-day there was a very ex expense for transnipment at rortiana. sioners of the State of California, and ahall have and exercise the powers and perform the duties court, ins luvestieauon win prooaoiy turn cited debate upon the subject of petitions, ana hereinafter provided. ON SATURDAYS this train will leave Ban Francisco at 3:20 P.

and arrive at Gilroy at 'wilTrun as an Express Train for first-class oa the question whether the military were Jel 217 Bansome street. Sec 2. The said Loan Commissioners are unless accompanied by a eood and sufficient with reference to tne temporal powers oi we Pone. Thiers, who was the chief speaker. justiUed in bring on the rioters, which will be tion hereof nut if a majority ot tne votes so cast are against this Act, then the aame shall become void.

Sec 17. It ahall be the dnty of the Secretary of State to have this Act published In one newspaper in each judicial district ef this State, for three months next preceding the next general election, for which publication no greater allowance shall be made than the rates allowed by law to the State Printer. je2-3m reierrea to anotner tnounai. ine cause oiaeain hereby authorized to isue and sell not exceeding three millions seven hundred thousand dol bond, satisfactory to the Commissioners, in tbe sum of two thousand five hundred dollars. nneauivocally.

that while he would and mannerin which the injuries were received VUnr MayMd Mrnil 1 ark Fair Oais, Jtodwood I California PaCiflC R. R. United States sold coin, conditioned for the not in any way compromise ine policy oi me country he would do bis best to secure the lars oi the bonds of said State, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, which will be investigated, the jury will consist ot rut H.n Miatao. buiiuim, km uuu due entering into the contract of the party to respoctaDie easiness men. who are competent to Pone's independence.

Interest shall be payable semi-annually, in gold render an intelligent verdicr. It has been sug whom it may De awaraea. To preserve uniformity, all bids must be on wield. With tireless, sweet surprise. And rapture in their eyes Then we may know our little ones have rim Away ar just one moment from their play In heavenly gardens, and in the jr old way Are walking by our side, and one by one.

At all sweet things beneath the earthly sun Are pointing joyfully, And calling us to I Ah! when we learn the spirit, sound and sign, And instantly our angels recognize. No weariness can tire, no pain surprise Our souls wrapped in the intercourse divine, Which God, perhaps, ordains across the line. The changeless line which bars, Our earth from other stars. (ismtxtta iouowea in a rpvecu apiruriyg iuc sentiments of Thiers. It was then referred to gested that the Commissioner ot Jurors should coin, on the second days ia January aad July In each year at the office of the Treasurer of Slate.

blanks furnished Dy tne Board 01 commission a glass of brandy. After drinking it be said to the pulpero, "1 cannot pay yon, as I have no money; I have just broke out of my coffin." Every occupant of the house fled as though a fury was pursuing them. A street messenger, carrying an empty ooffia on his head, enters a grog shop, and, putting the coffin on the counter, drinks till he falls to the floor, and ia carred away with the coffin. An engine driver on the Northern Railway line was lying in agony in his bsd. Suddenly he starts np and rushes from the house a maniac.

He meets a fellow-workman and tells him, "I am goiDg to catch my train." His comrades took him back to his home, but he died two hours after reaching it. In the conventiUos, a class of poor alley-way tenement houses, the mortality was dreadful selects jury. Dot toe commissioner has ream the Minister of Foreign The principal or said bonds shall be made pay ed no decision on this point. District Attorney Berlin, uly 22. The jm ortn German Gazette able in gold ooin within twenty years after the Steamers.

AND AFTER THE FIRST OF MAY, the steamers of the California Paeifie Company will be dispatched as follows: Garvin, or one of his assistants, will assist in DAYS Will leave Ban Jose at 6:30 A. -nd stop at all way stations, arriving at Ban Francisco at 80 A. M. Freight Train WUl leave San Francisco on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 5:45 A.M. Will leave Gilroy on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 5 A.

M. S. TOWSE, General Superintendent. nf tn-dav announces that tne German troops date or their issue, and snail De or sucn denominations aa the said Loan Commissioners shall conducting the investigaiion. ers, which can be obtained from the Secretary at their office No bidder will be allowed to deposit more than one bid for the work, and if more than one appear at the opening of the bids, all the bids of such biader shall be thrown out.

ate now tvacuatirg tne rencn uepanmenio oi direct, bnt not less than five hundred dollars; SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTU II OF AN execution issued out of the Justice's Court of the city and county of Ban Francisco, State of California, on tha seventeenth day of June, A. D. 1871, in the suit of Jno. S.

Maxwell, plaintiff, against Deery and Little, defendants, I have levied upon All the richt. title and Interest of the raid Eure, Homme, and the eine-inienu'e, ana will Tetnrn at once to Germany. Cuban News Reported Success of the shall bear tbe date of their issue, and shall be London, July 22. Favre promises to acceler Patriots. signed by the said Loan Commissioners, and The statute provides "that all bids eball be ate the proceedings relative to tne late oi foreign shall have the seal of tbe State affixed thereto; New Tobk.

July 22. Private letters from made and contracts encerta into upon tne ex- ers held as prisoners. and the faith of the State of California is here nress condition that no Chinaman or Mon Cuba, via Jamaica, on the 6th met- brings in The frigate Agincoun nas returnea to Ply formation or several important engagements by pledged for tbe paymrnt of aaid bonds and the interest aoorning thereon as herein provided. defendants, Deery and Little, which they jointly have, and all the right, title and interest of the defendant Little, which be separately baa in and golian shall be u-ed in tbe factory, mill, foundry, workshop, or by tbe arm. company, or Steamer CAPITAL, at 8 A.

M. and 4 P. carrying passengers for Yallejo and Sacramento, from Wharf at corner of Front and Vallejo streets. The following Boats will be dispatched from between tne unoan patriots ana tne Spaniards, in wbich the patriots were entirely successful. PACIFIC COAST DISPATCHES.

to the room or halt known ana aeeignatea aa mouth. A letter from Persigny attributes the French disasters to the isolation of the armies. Bnzion, the Comm unlet commander of the Paris Free-shooters, has been arrested, and wiil Ttie patriots were under ien. Wodest. aadtbe Consrass HalL" toeether th the entrance Spaniards under Miguel Perez.

The patriots thereto and ante rooma adjoining the same. were in ambuscade, ana 400 spaaiaras were cut A.O. Assistant Superintendent. J. L.

WHXOTJTT. Gen'l Pass'r Ag't. Central Pacific Railroad. B7" Published for the benefit of our readers, without the cost of a cent to the wealthy and unscrupulous 8hy locks endowed by Radical legislation with a monstrous portion of the proper patrimony of the laboring elastes of America. situate on the aorth ride of Buth street (Na 820 BX ATLAHTIC AID PACIFIC The Traeket Fire.

to oieces and 160 made prisoners. Full two and as many as seventy dead bodies are reported to have been taken from one of these fever dens, and tha scavenger carts were employed in the removal of the corpses, sometimes actually broken down from the weight, At one time coffins were publicly hawked or peddled about the streets, and later the Popular Commission distributed them gratuitously to the poor. One day a man came up and asked for a ooffia from the Commission probably be sentenced to aeatn. There is a reported agreement of Legitimisti anil Orlnanlsta. hundred pejceable inhabitants ol the person, in doing any ot tne won oia or contracted for; and a tailure to comply witn said provision of said contract shall work a forfeiture of said contract.

Payments will be made from time to time of seventy-five per cent, of the estimated amount of the work done, and the remaining twenty-live per cent, when tbe contract is tally and faithfully completed, in warrants drawn on the Treasurer of the City and County of San Francisco, on the CitT Hall Fund, which war. between Kearny and Montgomery streets. In the city and county of Ban Francisco; the Interest being a leasehold interest and the interior, were taken prisoners by tne Govern Sec. 3. Uoupong for tne Interest snail fce attached to each bond so that they may be removed without Injury or mutilation to the bond; said coupons, consecutively numbered, shall be Signed by the Treasurer of the State.

Sec 4. Before the sale ef any of aaid bonds the said Loan Commissioners shall cause notices of such sale to be pnbliahed, for the space of one month, in three daily newspapers published in Enclish, one in the City of New York, one in the City of London, in England, and one iu the Capital of tbe State; in and for tbe epaoe of one month in a dally newspaper published In French, in the City of Paris, In Franoe, Broadway Wharf: Btmrs.CHBYSOPOLIS and YOSEMITE, DAILY, for Sacramento direct, at 6 P. M. TsrcKEE, July 22. In the fire here on the 20th instant the followicg losses are reported: Ron i.

Jnlv22 It is stated officially that a pro- ment forces, and one in every ten, soot, in re will shortlv be introduced into the Italian taliation. Tae Department of Quantameno, in G. W. Harrison, stationery, inkee notion ana parliament to raise itaiy to me ran oi aii Ital news depot; loss, insured tor uuu. jr.

Bobel. saloon, building and stock: loss, 2.600; the east, has tallen into the bands of the patriots. Two corn-nelda, eight coffee plantations lease entered into on the first day ot veoemBer, a. D. 1669, between Tn.

bhiela, party of tbe first part, and John Deery and Joseph W. Little (the said defendants), parties of the second part, all of San Francisco, for tbe period of five years from said first day of December, A. D. to bury a dead relative. The burial case was furnished, and two days later he ap ian Empire.

It i-t also affirmed that the proposition will meet the approval of a strong political party and will be endorsed by many possessing rants, when there are no fundi to the credit of insured for tl.008. Payne A Hodge, sal buillm and stock; loss, injured for peared and asked for a coffin for the same the City Hall Fond, wlit oar ten per cent per annum interest from the date of the presentation thereol until paid, and will be paid in tbe $1,000. Frank Fanson. dry building and stock; loa (500; no insurance. Turner person as the hrst one was asked for.

it great influence in uovernnieut auaua. London, July 22. The Empress Carlotta, the widow of Maximilian, is in a condition which Is6t, and recorded in isoox ao, page eo ot warn, in the office of the Connty Eesorder of said city and county of San Francisco. Hill, owned by Turner, Ellen loss. and for the space of one month in a daily newspaper published in German, In the City of Franltfort-on-tbe-Main, in Germany.

Such notice shall specify the amount of bonds to be finally turned out that he had, with some acquaintances, been indulging in a drunken is considered hopeless by the physician ia at Steamers JULIA and AMADOU, for Stockton, DAILY, at 4 P. M. Steamer NEW WORLD, for Donohue and Petaluma, DAILY, at 3:30 F. M. The Steamer BACRAMKNTO and Yallejo Freight Boats will leave DAILY at 4:30 P.M.

Steamer AMKLIA, at 10 A. TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, for Mare $5,000: no insurance. L. Derr, saloon, stock tendance. Having exhausted their skill, they Notioe 18 nereDy given, mat on iixouai, ih.

tw.ntv-fifth dav of Julv. A. D. 1871. at 12 and building; loss, $1,000.

Webber House, spree, leaving the relative nnbuned. At last one of the acquaintances died of fever. Dronounce her illness beyond sue reach oi meal order of their presentation and registration. The expense of advertising will be charged to the auccesslal contractor. P.


E. McLANE, Board of City Hall Commissioners. owned by J. Kejser; loss, no insurance. cine, and her death is impending, and may occur sold, the rate of interest they shall bear, the day and hour of sale, the place of sale, which shall be at tbe State Capital, and that sealed proposals o'clock, noon, ia front of the City Hall, in tbe city and county of San Francisco, 1 will sell Robert Hall, eroceries snd I nor stock: loss, any moment.

insured. W. E. McFarland, saloon, and his body was promptly pnt into the coffin; "and now," said he, "we are going to bury both together." and much otuer properly nave Dee a ournea. The slaves aie gciug over to the Cubans.

A severe tight of five oours took place between 400 a bans, under General Massil io Gomez, and the Spanish party. Tbe Spaniards were overpowered and put to flight and COO prisoners taken. Expedition of Teaeiurlani iia Aid af the Cuban Iasargents, Nbw York, July 22 Advices received stale that on June 19th the steamer Virginia, with 3S0men and a large amoantoi ammunition snd stores, left Porto Cabillo for Cuba, under the command of General Garrido, nephew of Gen. eral Perez. This it in contravention of tbe treat between Spain and Venezuela, and it is feared will give rite to a war.

Spanish war vessels were daily expected to bloc Suae tbe all tbe right, title ana interest oi mc mm Tne reDort tnat a portion oi mo ruui ui mo stook and building; loss, no insurance, Pass'ger Express, T71IW Oth txPrss fT Bunday Train 111 OUli Train Bunday exoepfd Daily. 1871. Daily. ePa 4.00 fm 8.00 am 8. Francisco 6.45 pm 12.30 PM 4.42pm 8.40am 6.12 pm 11.58 fm 3.50pm 6.30pm 12.15pm 7.68pm 12.21 pm 1.28 pm 8.35 PM 9.35 fm 2.10 pm Sacramento.

11.45 am 1 .00 am 4.10 pm 9.10 am 1.50pm 6 40am 2 2.30 pm Sacramento. 11.46 am 6.25pm 8.46am 3 1.15am 1.00am 2 9.10 am Winnemue'a 4.05 am 3 1X00 Battle Mt'n. 1.26 pm 4.40pm 8.45AM S.20 am 6.20 pm wni oe received ny tne said Loan commissioners for tbe purchase of such bonds. Within one Mont Cenis Tunnel had fallen in burying many T. P.

Stevens, tinner: loss. 115.11.0; no insurance. fondants, wbich they jointly nave, anv an mo right, title and Interest of the said defendant workmen in the ruins, is unrounded. J. Wilbert.

boot and shoe dealer, stock and Arrived, the steamer Wyoming, irom Mew month from the expiration of such publication, and on tbe day and hour named In said notice, the raid Loan Commissioners shall open all building; loss, no lnsuranoe. 8. Hey Little, wmcn ne separately said above described property to the highest York. man. saloon stock; loss, no insurance.

PROPOSALS FOR sealed proposals received by them, and shall The weather continues fair, ana is javorame oid ttr for United States goia coin. jy3-10-17-24 P.J. WHITE, Sheriff. Hurk Greeley, variety store; loss, no in the haste of flight from the city many houses were abandoned, and at once the thieves set np a profitable business by watching their opportunities and carting away all the furniture and other effects. This ht occurred in scores of instances, and tbe police now hold large numbers of keys of abandoned dwellings.

During Holy Week award the pnrcnase of saia tunas to sncn Dia- to the crops. insurance. Island, Yallejo. Benida, Karune ana Buisun. Freight taken from 6 A.

M. till CF. V. WM. H.

MOOR, Genl Bnp't Bteamers ap28 Cal. Pacific B. B. Co. FOR SANTA CRUZ, ders as will.

In their opinion, make tne most ad' j.lhe post-office was burned.together with Eut-urn and Western mail. vantaseoua bid for the State; provided, that BUILDING A HOUSE FOS OFFICES Expiation In the Waihington Arsenal said Loan Commissioners may reject any or all Most of the parties will re-build fire proof Great lass by the Fire. buildings. The Masonic and Odd allows Hall, they deem it to tbe advantage of tbe State; and provided inrther, that they may refuse to make any award unless sufficient security shall Venezuelan ports, tuesaaa oaa issueaa proclamation to the Unbans, avowing his fidelity to tbe cause of patriotism. owned by Ellen Wilbert, was also destroyed, Warhtkotoh.

D. July 22. Four barrels of 05 THE NEW CITY HALL GROUNDS. together with most of the furniture, etc. The Soouel.

Wataonville, Caatrowille, be furnished by the bidders for the compliance insurance was nominal. with the terms of their bids; and provided fur J. Sweeny, butcher, lost his building andBtock Between Salinaus City New Republic and Nntihrldad. Mora Talk About at Fight ther, that aaid Donas anaii not De sola at amounting to $2,000. no insurance.

which terminated April a the plague reached its extreme violence, and it was at that time that coffins or rather simple boxes, were peddled in the At this time also the new cemetery at the Chacarita was opened, snd the workmen who were employed as grave-diggers actually pursued their ghastly calling by tbe light of lanterns far into the night, being nnable to inter the powder exploded in the magazine at the Wash, ington Arsenal this morning. It was fourteen feet square, double wails, with slate roof. This building is not only entirely destroyed, but the foundation is injured several feet below the level of the ground and the bricks scattered in all directions. One ol them went through a black SAN J08E BRANCH Liavb Pah Frascisoo, 9 10 a.m. daily (except Sundays), and 3 p.m.

daily. Returning, leaves San Jose at 7 30 am. daily, and 3 53 p.m daily (except Sundays). OAKLAND BRANCH. LBAva 8a Fbanotsco, 6 60, 8 00, 9 10, 10 20, and 11 10 a.m.,13 00, 1 60, 8 00, 4 00, 6 16, 8 SO, 8 SO and 11 80 pjn.

(10 20, 11 10 and 8 80 to Oakland only). Im. Bboomxyw, 5 16, 6 80, 7 40, 8 60 and 10 00 a. 1 30, 9 40, 4 55. 8 10 and 10 10 pjn.

J. Mason, butcher. Ion building and stock, than ninety-one cents on the dollar, in gold coin par value. Maee and Coburn. New York.

Julv 21 In answir to Jem Mace's OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF CITY HALL Commissioners, San Francisco, July lstb, llontgomery Arenue Conimis-fcioners' Notice. mHl BOARD OF MONTGOMERY AYENUB J- Commissioners hereby give notice to al persona who are dissatisfied with the determination ef said Board, aa to the value of, tbe amount of danger to, or the assessment upon lands and property owned, claimed, or occupied by them, as shown in the report of said Board and the accompanying maps, now on file in the office of said Board, and open to the inspection of all parlies interested, that they, the said Board are prepared to give a summary hearing as directed by law, upon all such questions, to The Steamer amounting to No insurance 1871. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer and Controller of State each to keep a separate record of all bonds sold under the provisions ot Campbell Burke, livery stable, loss $1,000.

No insurance. Workmen are busy puttiog up temporary Sealed proposals will be received at the omce SALIrlAS, proposal to meet Joe Coburn on Monday and arrange a fight, the latter states that be eurely will be on hand and agree to any reasonable proposition. They will meet at three o'clock p. smith shop, about a quarter of a mile distant. The storehouses near by are so much damaged this Act, showing the number, date, amount and rate of Interest of each bond, and to whem Oakland.

5 U5. o. iw.iw, aw of the Board ot City nail fjommissionera uniu 12 o'clock M. of THUbSDAT, the 17th day of August, A. D.

1871, for the erection of a building for offloes on the City Hall Reservation," DANIEL McOALLUM Commander AT WASHINGTON ST. WHARF, buildings in which to store gaods. Suicide. h. aiace lntenas to visit js.nianu suuu bum tht only the cracked walls are stanamg.

ine building, in which was stored six thousand stand of arm-, is considerably damaged. All tha aame was leaned. main six Saw Jose. July 22. A young man named Ben Sec 6.

The sum of one thousand dollars is hereby appropriated out of tbe General Fund for the pavment of the expense that may be in according to plans and specifications to be seen at tha nfnea of the Board. Will receive freight MONDAY, July 24th, until 4 o'clock P. M. GOODALL A NELSON, ben Jones committed suicide this afternoon by ratal Railroad Accident. Marion July 22.

Assistant Road. bodies as last as they arrived during tbe day. It may interest several persons also to learn that among these grave-diggers and mortuary laborers there was a smaller ratio of deaths than among any other class of people. Reilief of a substantial description is still being sent in freely by our neighboring South American cities, and there is still a large need of aid. Montevideo has forwarded fully $50,000 in cash alone.

Proposals will state the price for the building enmnleta. accordina to the plans and specifica cuttine his throat with a small penknite. It is curred by the Loan Commissioners in having supposed that it was done while under a fit of such bonds prepared and said notices puDiisnea, 11 00 and 11 60 a. 140, 2 60, 360,606,620, andlO 20 p.m. ALAMEDA BRANCH.

Lxave Bah Fbakcisco, 7 20, 9 60 and 11 15 a.m., 1 80, 4 00, 6 SO and 7 00 p.m. (7 20, 11 16 and 6 30 to Fruit Vale only). La. Hatwahm. 4 SO, 7 00 and 10 46 a.m., and Laf FBtrrr VAi-, 5 35, 7 35, 9 00 and 11 20 1 30, 4 05 and 6 30 pjn.

Trains do not run Sundays. A. N. TOWNE, General Snp't. T.

H. GOODMAN, General Passenger and all persons who may desire thereupon to bs master E. T. Appletuo. of tbe Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St.

Loun Railroad, was kilted this temporary mental aberration. He is connected tions, and will name tbe time within which it will be completed, which will be considered In sec. 7. Tbe proceeds of sucn oonas snail oe heard. And for that purpose tbe said with some of the best families of this city, and paid into the State treasury, and ahall be applied to the payment of the following bonds, in jy21-td Comer of Clay aad East streets.

For Gaviota, Santa Barbara, San Buenaventura and Ilueneme. will henceforth hold daily sessions, from 9 leaves a wife and five children to mourn his loss. atlernoon, two miles fiom Aetna, by lailing oe-tween the cars ot the gravel train. The cars passed over bun, literally cutting his body to pieces. He lived 55 minutes alter he was found the order of their issuance: the award.

The whole work is to be done in a thoroughly workmanlike manner, under the direction of tbe Architect and to his satisfaction. The Oommisaicners reserve the righ to reject the windows are shattered, only in mis nui in the other neighboring structures. The ice house is leveled nearly to the ground, and the trees near by stripped of thtirbark, the branches broken and their life perhaps destroyed. Fu.cs and cartridges in pro usion are scattered all over the ground, uni of the guards, living about a quarter of a mile from the scene, states that the concussion was so severe as to throw him from bis bed and break open the doors of the duelling. Although several families live within sixty feet of the site of the Bustaii-ed injury in person.

They were, however, considerably alarmed by the pelting of flying bricks against their frame tenements. The explosion was almost immediately follow aul hi alarm of fire, for it caused a serious First The outstanding bonds Issued under and was conscious to tbe last. He was brought tbe Act entitled an Act to provide for certain ASSOCIATED PBES3 DISPATCHES. 8 HALL-POX IN LONDON. Three Hundred Deaths a Week.

Tloket Agent. equitable claims against tne state of uaiuomia. to Marion, from whence his remains were conveyed to his home in Piqua, Ohio, where bis -j. The Steamship Fatal Accident Narrow Escape Etc. ana to contract a xunoea oew ror mu purpose, approved April twenty-eight, eighteen hundred wife and child resiae.

any or all bids. No bids will be entertained or considered nn-less accompanied by a good and eufneient bond, i.fnrttorv is the Commissioners. In the sum NOTICE OF SALE. Bacbamekto, July 22 Richard Donovan, a man ana eevi. KAIOF.AMA, cf lane personal acquaintance in Sacramento, Second The outstanding bonds issued under Fire In Flashing, New York.

BnooKLTH. Julv 22. Yesterday afternoon a died to day. on his I arm in Union Township, the Act of eiehteen hundred and si it v. urnEKEAS.

THE UNDERSIGNED. MARE of $600, United States gold coin, conditioned for the due entering into the contract of the Mrfv tn whom it mav bs Awarded. Butter county. His death was the result of an Third The outstanding soldiers' roller bonds. o'clock A.

M. to 4 o'clock P. M-, at their office, Nos. 1, 2, 3, In Montgomery Block, until all persons who may apply for a hearing ahall have had an opportunity to be heard. Ban Francisco, 7th June, 1571.

J. a MAYNABD, A. M. HAY, B. H.

SUTTON, je8 3p-tf Comaiissioners. PICNICS1JIG1IICS! mllLTTABY COMPANIES. SOCIETIES, it I Schools and others, designing to have fire brote out in Christie's sa'h and bliaa fac From the London Times, July 1st. The deaths from this disease in London during last week were 232, against 245 and 240 in two previous weeks. These numbers, however, are an increase on the preceding return of 229, which in turn has been a welcome redaction from the large weekly totals of 267 and 256.

The disease has varied too confiigration involving the lots of at least one Fourth The ouutanaing soldiers bounty accident, which occnried in the following manner: Last Bunday evening he was dfiylng his tory, near the Main street railway depot, locoing. The building was totally destroyed. bonds. To preserve uniformity, all bids must be on blanks furnished by the Board of Commissioners, million dollars worm oi jvemmeu Th flame eooiinuuicatcd to the frame bond team toward Mary svile, and In going np hill met the Catholic Priest of Marysville, who was going Lo-s about $4 500, and otaer buildings between Sec. 8.

All persons having any of the bonds which can be obtained irom tne eecretary tlwtir office. Brumagim. John A. Btawart and John J. McEwen, are the Trustees under a certain Deed of Trust made by John W.

Brumagim to Mark Bramacim, Edward B. Waisworth and John J. McEwen, Trustees, bearing date on the 25th day of April, 1868, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Mariposa, State of California, in Book of Deeds, folios S15 to 330, Inclusive; tbe said John A. Stewart ing near by, and spread thence to what is known as Storehouse No. 2, and in which were stored $3,000 and ins-uied lor aooni nan.

ue firemen were unable to check tbe flames, owing specified in section seven or tbis Act shall, upon presentation of such bonds to the eaid Loan to visit the sick; coming down the hill part of the harness of the priest's horse broke and the ARCHIE HABLOE Master At Wnahlnfrton-Street Wharf; Will receive freight TUESDAY, July 2Rtn, WEDNESDAY, July 26th, and THURSDAY, July 27th. until P. M. mr Superior Passenger accommodations. NOTICE Freight to Gaviota must be prepaid.

GOODALL A NELSON, jeU-td Corner of Clay and East streets. FOR VICTORIA. all kinds of cavalry and artillery equipment. In Kniiriincr a model room or musaum in Uommissioners, pe enntiea to exenanse tntm capriciously to justify our building with much confidence on an apparent diminution; animal became unmanageable. Donovan so man to the impossibility ot ootaining a suni.reui supply ot water.

No bidder will be auowea to aeposit more than one bid for the work, and if more than one appear at the opening of the bids, all the bids nf anch bidder shall bs thrown out. at their par value for bonds authorised to be is aged as to stop the running steed, but in so doing which wire Btorea ail ainas ui muuei', ,11111 and eoninment. and which Is a sued under this Act, at the rate of ninety -turee cents on the dollar, par value, but no bond ahall The atatute provides that all bids shall be Serious loss to tne uovernmem, asiue irum iuo PICNICS during the e.aton, are invuea to ex be issued fur a less sum than sv nunarea aoi- made and contracts entered into npon tne ex amine Ihe delignnui groano on mere intrinsic value of the articles nestroyea. much Dowder was kept stored in the maga lars, nor for a fractional part of a hundred dollars, bnt the said Loan Commissioners may press condition that no Chinamen or Mongolians shall be used in the factory, mill, foundry. Sudden Death of Mrs.

Jay Cooke. Philadelphia, July 22. Mrs. Jay Cooke, wile ui the eminent banker, di-d at Ogantz, his county resitfenee, near Philadelphia, this morning, of disease of the heart. Salt Lake Becoming FiesU.

zine where the explosion occurred, aj the ar- Uenion's Ranch, Yallejo Mills, wnrkshon. or bv the firm, company, or person m.kni nn nvrotecbnicB or explosive arti having been duly suostitutea puce me said Edward B. Waisworth, in pursuance of tbe p-ovisions of said Trust Deed. And whereas. There is now in arrear and unpaid of the dividends at the rate of ten per cent, per annum upon the Mariposa Certificates issued under and in accordance with said Trust Deed, and entitled to the benefit of such dividends from the trust by said deed created In virtue of the provisions therein contained, an but on tbe whole, there seems reason to nope that tbe mortality bas at lesst reached its limit The returns we reported on Monday, as made to the Metropolitan Asylums Board from the temporary hospitals, indicate little amendment; but the report of Dr.

Bridges, the Poor Law Inspector, is much wore encouraging. He furnishes information, not of the mortality, bnt of the number of esses of the disease which come under the notice of tbe poor law authorities, and these show in Joins anv of tha work bid or contracted for: cles except for the Signal Corps, upon special ALAMEDA COUKTT. The Clyde-Built Iron Steamship issue certificates of sucn fractional parts not bonded, which said certificate shall be transferable, and entitled to be paid out of the proceeds of the sales of any bonds provided for in section seven of this Act. The Loan Commissioners and a failure, to comply with said provision of aHm Henreans lint waa at wuh in mo ijk'- ThmmiBMlii are chermiorly aituated on said contract shall work a forfeiture oi said eon zine last night, and when he lelt, ail things m.ri in eood order. It is supposed the PRINCE ALFRED, tract." Oorinne (Utah) Reporter.

By a recent chemical analysis it has been ascertained that the water of Great gait explosion was the result oi spontaneous com lost control oi ma own team ana leu or jumpea from the wagon, receiving thereby such injuries as resulted fatally, lie was a native of Ireland, thirty-five years of age, and leaves a wife and one child. A gentleman arrived from Lake Bigler this morning informs us of the narrow escape from drowning of a pleasure party of San Franciscans on the Lake last Tueslay night. They bad been out on the little cockleshell steamer Emerald and by some inadvertence on the part of the pilot, when rrturning to port, she was ran up some rocks, breaking her propeller and strainiog ber badly. The danger to all was Imminent aad it needed the utmost circumspection to preserve their lives. Happily, however, the boat did not spring a leak, and was finally polled to the shore and the parly made their way to Tahoe City.

J. W. Coffroth Is still feeble and ncable to engage in any active duty. Fx r.iT mar Biffler is Quite ill. shall cancel each bond so exchanged, and shall Indorse on such bond the date on wbich they received the same, and from whom, the number tbe banks of ALAMEDA CREEK, containing a LARGE FLOOK FOB DANCING, and Entirely Free) From Foisoa Oak! They are very convenient of access, being i hnnHrf.i inii distant from the junc Payments will be made from time to time of seventy-five per cent, of the estimated amount of the work done, and the remaining twenty-five ner cent, when the contract is fully aid bustion.

Tha fire also communicated to another ad and amount of the bond issuea in exenange therefor, and shall file such bond in the office of jacent building, in which was stored saddle-trees a considerable decline," -almost everywhere except in Marylebone and Padding-ton." There are now 313 vacant beds in the inmnorarv hosDitals. which are. theretore, Lake is losing its saline properties at a rate that, if it continues in tbe same ratio as the last ten years have shown, will freshen it faithfully completed, in warrants drawn on tbe and otner equipments, a quantity oi iron amount equal to sucn amaenas tor me wriu ui two years, or twenty per cent, npon the said Mariposa Certificates so entitled. And whereas. The undersigned, aa Trustees as aforesaid, have been requested by the holders of certain of said certificates to sell the property hereinafter described as provided in said Trust Deed: Nnw.

thMnfore. we. the undersigned, as Trus Treasurer of tbe CitT and County of Ban Fran, 891 TONS, Will leave Hathaway's Wharf, for the above port, at 1 o'clock P. Tuesday July 25 For passage or freight, Inquire of JOHN ROSEN FELD, Agent, Corner of Folsom and Spear streets, jyia-td tion of the rian Jose Railroad with the Central Paoihc. They are provided with a side track for special trains for which liberal terms Can be made with tbe Railroad Companies.

tbii building can be made avatia oie me iuture. Th bniliiincs to which the flames communi the Secretary of state. Sec. 9. Whenever there shall be in tbe State treasury, from the proceeds of the sale of bonds eiacn.

on the Citv Hall Fund, wblcn warrants, altogether witbm tne present century, -a-theory is advanced by one of the Yale men when there are no funds to the creditor said cated ware totally destroyed and several small issued under tnis act, a sum ot teu iui Address ai. ava. i r-ja, City Hall Fund, will bear 10 per cent, per annum inimMt rmn the date of tha presentation there ahead of the disease. This alone would be of considerable advantage, since it renders prompt isolation practicable. These hopes, however, cannot blind ns to tbe extreme gravity of the existing returns.

For some time dollars or more, it shall be the duty of tne that tbe salt in the lake Das not been deposited there more than two hundred and fifty houses near the large oulicings were injurea. The firemen were promptly on the ground, but could do nothing in the way of saving the build mimi'K, F. M. CAMPBELL, Oakland, or J. W.

YAKNKY, San Jose. ep22-tf of until paid, and will be paid in the order of their presentation and registration. The expense of advertising will be charged to Tears, and that tbe changes in the take irom fresh to salt occurs at periods of five to ten Treasurer to advertise in two newspapers, printed in English, one in New York and one in the Capital of the State, for two months, which advertisement ahall state the amount of money ings. It was fortunate that a large lot oi sneuis stored in one ef the bu'ldinga were empty, else G. N.

Brown, of Nevada county, drew the centuries. It is also stated that tne aiKaiies 15.010 nrizi in the Pioneer Library Gift Concert the consequences would nav. men more ainao-trous. yesterday. A lw suit wiil probably bs instituted concerning the $10,000 prize.

It is said to have and salts of the basin will in time give place to another condition, governed by the tees as aforesaid, and in pursuance of the provisions of eaid Trust Deed, de hereby give notice that we will proceed to sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on the FOURTH DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, at 12 o'clock. In front of the main entrance to tbe old Merchants' Exchange, on Battery street, being the building In which-tbe United States Courts are held, and nearly opposite the United States Custom House, In the city and county of San Francisco, in the State of California, all that oertain tract or par- 1 i.n aitnate. lvinu and being In the county the sBCcessf ui bidder. P. H.

CAN AY AN, JOS. G. EASTLAND, CHA8. E. MoLANE, JylS Board of City Hall Commissioners.

The engines remained on me gruuuu eia DIVIDEND NOTICE. In the treasury appucaoie to toe redemption at bonds, and the number of bonds, numbering therein the order of their Issuance, which are redeemable; and three months from the date of the expiration of such advertisement, such fallen to a poor laundress here, bat a counter seven hours. It was thought this morning, hn tha fire was in progress, that the loss atmosphere, out 01 wmcn tropio luxunauue and giant growth of timber are to come. FOR SANTA CRUZ, ftfOfaS LANDING, CASTRO VIXXJl, IAUSA8 CITY, MEW RKPTO-UO atnd NATIYIDAD. claim hag been preferred.

Odd Fellows Snvinga Ban n. past tbe deaths from small-pox in London have been at an average of nearly 250 a week and have furnished from one fifth to one sixth of tbe total mortality of tbe metropolis. In some other English towns tbe disease bas attained tbe dimensions ef a pestilence. In Sunderland, for Instance, the mortality has been at the annual rate of 23 per 1000, which is the rate representing the total mortality from all causes in the large cities of the United Kingdom. Southampton and Great Grimsbv have suffered with similar severity.

would be a million ot dollars, out since tuat time the officer who mtde a hasty survey thinks the Hot Weather loss will fall far b.low half a million. OTATE OF CALIFORNIA, EXECUTIVE Cboz, July 22. Yesterday the ther- Hiirri AT A MEETING ur lATCi nuaui. Directors of the Odd Fellows' Savings bonds, unless sooner paio, iuu vwn Interest, but the money fcr the redemption of such bonds shall remain in the treasury to pay such bonds whenever presented. Sec 10.

For the payment within twenty years of the principal and Interest of the bonds is- wnnmatnr at l(u. In the ahade. at the works Department Whereas, ine Aiegisiaiure, wHinn Aitt nroooae and. at its sev The Moraga Valley Land Troublee. of the California Powder Company, in the Yallvy Bank, held oa tne Htn a cla red at tbe rate of eleven snd three-tentb! BTSAMXB SANTA CRUZ of Mariposa, State of California, and known as tbe LaSMABIPOSAS ESTATE," or Fremont Grant, containing ten square leagues of land, or forty four thousand threehundred and eighty, six and eighty-three one-hundred tha acres, with the appurtenances, as the tame are or then may t- 1 in n.

nch Trustees. The Contra Costa Gazette of July 15th Ill 8-101 per cent, er annum ij o-w of the Ban Lorenso. Radical Nominations. enteenth session, did adopt a proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State; And whereas, The Lceislature, by an Act nnmvart u.rr-h OA th 1870. did make it the sued under this Act, there shall be and la hereby iwii after anv bonds nave been ia- sued under this Act, there shall ee ana "nerepy levied annually, after any bonds have been Is- "(f Bine oneighth iP081''-? Short Deposits.

The matter is of little importance to me generation in which we move at present, but the descendants of the Corinnthians of today may yet be surprised to find that their precursors over the scrubby sage brush had notice of tbe transitions long before they occurred. In a pamphlet just issued by Professor Dixon, the subject of these contemplated changes ia set forth in pleasing style, although the reader will probably require stronger arguments than the author has chosen to give at first. In his plan the old idea of the poles swinging around, is advanced in attractive sentences, and the calculations of time and distances most ingeniously footed iu uer wb'. thia Ant. aneh rate of tax on each w.

gives these particulars in the aDove connection: Viva nf tha Mnraira eirls were arrested on In London alone, let it be distinctly observed that as many as 1,000 lives a month are now sacrificed to a perfectly proven title disease. Pacheco. Contra Costa county, July 21- At the i I .1 tin sum. duty of the Governor to advertise the proposed fnr tn. nrinri of three months next 1S71 payable on and after the 20tS instant.

IB i paj.u.s Ma irvinii. fteereferr. Radical Convention held to-day. the following romioations ware made for county officers: For 1 will n. miofl 1 mi, win bbiuib uim JOHN SOS Commander Will leave Washington-street Wharf every THURSDAY, at 4 P.

M. Beturntag, leave Moss Landing at 11 and Santa Cms at 6 P. cne hundred dollars oi tne aiaioumu vaiao real and personal property in the State, to be mifavt hv tha Controller of State on the basis Wednesdav on a charge of riot laid before purchase money shall be paid In cash in United States currency on the delivery of tbe deed, the Ban Francisco. July 13. 1871.

Jel-tjy31 preceding the nrxt general election, ueh advertisement to prescribe Ihe manner and Justice Wood, by Isaac Yoakum, on the assembly, J. W. Galloway for County Judge, C. E. Wetmore: Sheriff, Mark Iveiy; Clerk, Geo, futnrrlav last.

The offdnse charged in of the assesed value of such property for the preceding year, as ahall produce annually, for wf tha "Yon Needn't Hebby." "Come, Bill, it's ten o'clock, and I think we bad better be going, for it is time that honest men were nnrchaser to deposit with ui at the time of the I every SATURDAY, purcnaser ut nnmhaaa I 2f Superior passenger accommodations. Superior pat tha mmnlaint ia reDreeented to have form of voting upon aia amenatneoi: Now, therefore. In compliance with the Act i tt H.iuhL Governor, do here- me nrva n. yonrw, nf arh bends issnsd: for the next ten MILLS' SEMINARY. Bennett; Treasurer, J.

B. L. Bmitb; Suprin-tendent of Public Schools, 8. S. Baven; Assessor.

J. Foster; Snrveyor. H. Liferty Public Administrator, B. B.

Brock t- innrehis performance ef the contract. been committed on the zutn aay 01 June, and the trial of the charges is set for thereafter, twelve per centum of the at borne." well, yes," was tne answer; "I must be off, but you needn't hurry on by order that tbe said amenameni ue iuoiujv. In th Ran TrraneiBSO EXAMTJtBB. Snd In the The deed to the purchaser will be delivered as soon as the sale shall be confirmed in pursuance o3-tf GOODALL A SXLBON. WEEKLY COMJUKIGATIOH -TOT.

KUX8 WIFB, FOB THE Jnlv 20th. in reference notes. With tne alteration of water and climate are to oome tbe cobra tbe Isaac 1 oakum was Drongut uo- amoantoi sucn dduu mm State Paper, tor the period of three months; -r AAW nf oKia T-tlaa .11 th. nnnna am laanea nnaer mis act am The flutr Tunnel. of the provisions oi eaiu asou.

1 a -a. i. aaa itArtTT it fATV. ana ao lurtoer oraer mat ure iuiimi my account." Ykbdant. A "green un," who had never before seen a steamboat, fell through the New York, May fnrft eJ LlBUCO lUUUlUUna lAAO uibvwi Monday last, to answer acbarge ot assault STSS which would inoline one to tbe belief Ladies' Seminary 1 Vieodjia, July 22 The Butro Tunnel is in a paid, fifteen per centum of the amount of such bonds issued.

The Controller ahall certify the rate of tax thus computed by him to the several form of votisg upon tbe rauncauon or reiecuon nf t.iil distance of 2,247 feet. The ground works well. with a deadly weapon, with intent to com Bounce to tneir patrraa 7,1 next to' their weil known ii aiucnDa, MARK BRUMAGIM JOHN A. STEWART TOBXALiE8i For Amendment to Article One of tbe Consti hatchway and down into the hold of one, W.f"?rTnnirnlni. WCOm' County Auditors, ana me saia uuii.

hereby directed and required to enteT snchrate Jel-t ocB Trustees manposa estate. and, being unnurt, tonaiy expressea nis though there are some seams of quartz in the face of the tunnel. Burled Alive. UinoirvTLLB. July 22.

Our place Is all tution let For Amendment to Article One of the tntioD Ko tne aeeti senium iwia uiu that then the grasshopper and locust would change their location for some other part of the upturned system. Whether this latidude is to be less comfortable for the human race ia not stated by the theorist, but at all events nobody need be in a hurry to move away in fear of what is promised, for many a gen surprise: Well, 11 tne aarnea thing ain SSmmKBm a. tnort of the able and experienced corps ef The Hew and Commodious Steamer counties, In the same manner and with the same ia nrovided bv law in relation to other holier 1 Dissolution of Partnership. la witness whereof I have hereunto set ray mit bodily injary upon tne person 01 uur-recinda Moraga, in Moraga valley, on the 30th day of June last By request of District Attorney Mills, Judge Warmcastle appeared in tbe case as attorney for tbe people, and on his motion the charge was modified to one of assault and battery. The defendant nnntrarv tn the exDressed desire of the BnrEB Look Ott.

You'd better look band and caused tbe great seal of Mete to oe affixed, st Sacramento, tbis second day of rrrav PtttrSERSHIP HEBET0F0BE EXIST- NTEREY, Bute taxes. Every tax levied under the provisions or authority of this Act is hereby made a lien against the property assessed, which lien shall attach on tha first Monday tn March in each out for your hose's feet above here, mister," Teachers, witn vsiuaoie aoooaaiuius the fine classes of pupils now Pursuing their studies, remove with them, the School remains rtte. 0r pbycaj eomfort and intellectual eration can watch and wait for these events June, A. JLMH7L riiLl H. H.

HA1GHT. said a ragged boy to a traveler. "Why?" I ing between HARDY, BLAKE A at No. 60 Broad street. New York City, ana O.

P. unAcum a at No. 2T East Main street. excitement, caused by the caving of a well, burying a son of T. J.

Hadley alive to the depth of twenty feet. It seems tbe rocks have fortunately arched a few feet above him. and he is unharmed as yet and communicates with those working to rescue him from his perilous position. Found Dead. Governor.

arrive aipenection nimtiixe.iMTmaiou. -cenUeman. nervously trailing up. "Cos. a fork in theroJ was rear and anall not oe aanaunu or i.ut' twutn naid.

All monevs derived MoCALLUM Oommandet At Washington street wharf, will leave fox Tomales every MONDAY, at 4 o'olock P. M. Returning Will leave Tomales every WID. HE8DAY noon. fc NELSON.

Attest- H. L. NICHOLS. Secretary of State. Louisville, IS mis aay uraorvea uj mmuu consent, Mr.

Geo. O. Blake retiring. The buai- from taxes authorised by the provisions of this h- i.k. if th Mnimrist had the candid reply.

additional expense, nr. ana they can accomplish much inore for etri pupils to the future than they have been abieto do in th P-t, and that thdr jah will tw, MMIDUOU WJ Kit UWIIUW auu section snail oe paia mm mo n. court and prosecution, objected to trial of tbe charge by a jury, and in deference to his objections the case was tried without a jury. The trial occupied the greater part of Monday and Tuesday, an adjournment having been allowed Mondav at the request of the defendant, who desired to summon some witnesses on his behalf. The defendant con Tbe Legislature, st its sixteenth session, dl 1 Milton J.

Hardy, who are alone authorized to Fibst-satc Nones. The audience at one never discovered how, a million years hence, the waters would be fresh as Bigler, and bunch grass give place to trees taller than settle the business of the old firm. First To the payment of the Interest en the Mm unul th. nn-nriirinna of this Act. propose, and the Legislature, at its sevenm an.

sion, did adopt a proposed amendment to the of the anniversary meetings gets a first-rate notioe in a morning paper, which says the rivalled advanugea iui a education. NOTICE TO CfiEDITOItS. waua i Ccnstuution ot ine mate, wuicn saia auk Second To the payment oi ane principal u. it. AOfflft.i, MILTON J.

HARDY, GEO. O. BLAKE. the hills. Kkltoh, Utah, July 22.

The wife of Jeff. Davis, station-keeper for the U. W. Stage Company at Crystal Spring, on the Boise road, was found dead last evening at her home, having been shot through the head. A revolver was found lying beside her.

Whether the death waa Intentional or accidental Is unknown. discourse was an hour in lengtfi, ana was All communication. .12 aud all letters of iruhr. should be addreeMd to WILLIAM MULL, DI- ment is in the words following, to wit: Article One Section Tweal y-twa, TESTATE OF Provided, that all moneys remaining In the Knew Hla Ban. listened to witn ability." Iiilsville.

June 26th, 187L f.i i. hmhv fftvan bv the undersigned. State treasury on tne nun aaj ox wiu tor thn flmt five rears after the issu uThe Leelslatnre shall have no power tiw F.venin? Post tells the story of Mr. Bslpb ducted the case in bis own behalf, assisted by a yonng lady, bis daughter, who wrote out tbe testimony as given in by the witnesses. The evidence as given upon the trial clearlv sustained tbe charge, and proved Btbatxot.

Out in Iowa, fishing parties of make an appropriation of money, for any par. )ft6-im Brooklyn, Alameda Co, Cal. FOR SALE. ance of any bonds under mis Act, after all the tc.iHn F.merson. that once UDon a time be de pose whatever, for a longer period mat 1 i.urMl nn aucn Donas tnen aue nas oeeu puu, termined to live after tbe fashion ef tbe worlu; Wi THE UNDi.rimun.tA, MAva tiub dav formed a co-partnership, under the thirty or forty couples take along a brass band to play on one side of the stream and Administrator, with the Will annexed, ot the estate of William Mull, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, nuuian vnnhnra.

within ten months shall be transferred try the Treasurer Of State to 'int. Kiehnl. Seereterv of State of the and stopping while ne waa 01 tnis mma at a country tavern in a village where he was to lec drive the nan to tne nooks on tne otner. that the defendant had committed an aggravated assault upon the Moraga girl, striking the General Fund do herehv certify that the name ana sxyie w. Louisville, and MILTON J.

HARDY A at New York City, for the purpose of conduct a. 11. VkMumr. on the third day of Janu -i i-ii inu and eomct CODV of the her twice with his gun and inflicting severe after the first publication of this notioe, to said ture, instead 01 reunng to mean lie auu ireeze in bis own cold and cheerless room, he manful-. ary or July, In any year, after the expiration of EIGHTH ing a Wholesale Liquor hurts upon ber person, while at the request propod Amendment the Consolation of toe State as the tame fa of record la my office.

ly sat in the bar-room use the rest ot mankind. He end end tbe tobacco smoke as well as he MILTOS J. HARDY. iinnnmcni wap urvwora vj Of his Herder, sue ana ner Bisters were awust-iTiir hiru to drive the defendant's sheep away Administrator, at the omce or w. i Sharp, attorneys at law, 40T California street, up atalra, in the city and county of Ban Francisco.

Dated Ban Francisco, June 26th, 1871. F.LIA8 UN9EB, Oregon Affair. PoktlAitd, July 22. The first rails on the Oregon Central Bailroad will be laid on Monday. It is expected that cars will be running to Hillsboro before the rainy seaton sets sets in.

Tbe anneal fires la the woods have commenced. Extensive tires are reported in the Cascade range. In ashington Territory. The new steam saw-mills of Cromwell Yeaton, in Colombia connty, back of Rainer, have been totally destioyed, together with feet of eedar lumxr. Also the mill-houses, six in number, clothing, household and everything was burned.

Four men barely escaped with their lives. Fires are raging In the woods in that vicinity. Legislature at its sixteenth session, and adopted Louisville. Jane 27th, 1871. jyS-SOt could, and watched no doubt wicn a curiosity as lively as Mr.

DnChaillo's on his first visit toa INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION fmm theinolosure held by the Moraga family. the Legislator. -J tk. rnrt in acoordanoa with the testimony cannibal least among tne iii-um inuim bonda under this Act, there remains, after the payment of the Interest, as provided in the preceding section, a surplus of ten tbonsand dollars or more. It shall be the duty of tbe Treasurer to advertise, for the space of one month.

In one daily newspaper, published In English, In the City of New Fork, and for one month in one tnevitj at the um Secretary of State. Hprnard street tee. uy NATURE'S adduced, found the defendant guilty, but OTnntjul tn a rrxiueet preferred by him, to the men who "sat around." ne saw one ai'er another wrlk np to tbe bar and demand and swallow a glass of whisky and true to hat Administrator, with the will annexed, of the Estate of Win. Mull, deceased. Je26-law4wM NOTICE TO CREDITOR'S.

upon asy -n nf n.v. otTnr for MECHANICS' INSTITUTE nf APPLICATION OF MARRIED of 1. 1 i "Z'Tw. determination to be for once like other men, IM i Male Trader. daily newspaper, puuiim C2 I aale.

to the nignest oiaaer, iui I Rnn. attorney, room Ryan, attorney, room the oflice of B. visit the premises where the difliouJty occurred before pronouncing sentence. Eight o'clock, Wednesday morning, was then fixed tha nnnrt fur nrononncing sentence, and HAIR RESTORER! lot. at State Capital, for sealed proposal, tobe ope nea -n th nxnlratloa tt publiea- for aealed proposals, to be opened the great philosopher so tbe tale goes onat last rose, and no donot with a certain degree of XV-r" mat ANKA LTN.

Will be open to the public at 11 A. STATE OF RICHARD BUTLER, DaV 60, Montgomery Block. TUESDAY AUGUST 8, 1871 diffidence, but no doubt alto with a sufficiency ANN DONOVAN, I DON of the city and connty oi aan TViJmmr in presence of the Gov- undersigned, SiaSo, Intnd. tomekjer Ha ceased. nM 1.

h.vanv s-fvMl bv the With the usual ceremonies. Administratrix of the Estate of Con. The 8an Canal. ot courage in bis port ana eoantenanee, advanced to tbe bar, and in a voioe modulated as Nevada Wild White Sage at that time, after having, at request of the defendant, inspected the ground where the luvmrrorl. Yoakum having been jylS-lw deceased.

Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Kinh.i Rnti.r donoasad. to the creditors of sf bonds issuea uu ui shall state the amount of money ZZ hand for the purpose of redemption; nearly he conio alter tnose be had just ueaid, demanded a "whisty skin." Tbe barkeeper. H05. MLLTOS S. LATHAM Two letters appear in the London Times Dltrtct fjourt or mo tha State of California, In and for the city and of Bw lrancisco, on the thirty-first day of JULY.

187L for an order of said a. gure Remedy for Baldness I found guilty by the court of an sggravated waa fined S500. with the alternative Eas consented to deliver the Opening Address. and all persona having claims against the said deeeased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within ten months after tbe first pub- PAIN KILLER. a man of bign principle as wen as souna aiscre-lion, looked into tbe pbilosopbet't lace for a moment, and then said.

"Yon do not want and they shall accept the lowest proposals, at rates not exceeding par value, as may redeem the greatest amount of bonds, until the amount Mat, nn hanil for thn redemption is ex Court permiHmsw to "1 TT. nnnraant to of imprisonment in the Connty Jail at the IT PREVENTS BAUt xnuu rtLLUiuuUT, and it restores It gradually but surely to its rriHE EXHIBITION BUILDING IS SITUATED own name ana "-rrrCaSTal fiali- natural 1 on UNION SQUARE, in the heart of the city of San Franeirco, and on the line of three street railroads. Tbe bail dine covers a frround rate of $2 per day until the amount 01 tne fine is fully paid. The defendant gave no-tiv nf annul from the iudgment, and will wbisky; you want ginger-pop, ana accoiu-ingly administered that mild and harmless stimulant SL OON, XBOPBS, OON, hausted; provided, however, in case a nrfficient I "T) amount of such bonds shall not be offered, as I It is Nature xonio to niu ana ireoui- JJavts lication of thia nonce, to me saia at tbe place for the transaction of her buai news the office of 8harp Lloyd. Court Block, No.63 Clay street.

Rooms Nos. 17, 18 and 19, la the city and county of San Francisco. n.bu1 tn Franelam. June 26th. 18T1- EBBY opposing despairing account of the Suez Canal.

writes: My experience of the Sues Canal yon will admit it is considerable when I tell you that I and those associated with me paid during the past twelve months upwards of i 10,000 in tolls is very different to that of your correspondent, M-" Our last steamer in this direction passed through the mnai drawing tin ward of 21 feet water, and tated. and Infuses new ajio into tne waole System. Price $2 per box. aforesaid, to exhaust the Sinking runa to a less area of 96,200 feet, and is complete in all its PBOYTDENCE, B. I.

doubtless take the matter to the County temc married women to tranaaot baalnees to meLr owa and of the Artamdatory Sd supplementary theto, pasaed April 8th, l8The business she Intends to carry on Is that ot in? wn. sis Paciflo street, in mnnnt than ten monsana aoiiara, men i. Court. Cnrd mm JrfT.raon Davis. Ukmfhib, July 22.

The Avalanche this morn .1871 learn power ana water supply inrnianea tree hereby made the duty of the Treasurer to ad-vertise In two newspapers, one In New York and Will oe sent oj of price; or O. O. D. to any part of the Pacific Ooast. 1840 to exhibitors.

of a were A rosmcAL Thought. The crew man-of-war once saw a comet, and All goods competing for premiums, or to be at the capital ot una rtaio, lor mrcv The PAIN KIIXEBrnay juytledth. rAV7 for there is ao MARGARET BUTLER, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Richard Butler, deceased. Sharp Lloyd, Attorneys for Executrix. je2-law5tM Orders promptly num.

a uuanu aisoount to nn.ih, which advertisement shail state tbe catalogued, must be receipted for by the Entry the trade. somewhat alarmed and surprised at its ap ing contains the following card: Memphis, July 21. Before and since my arrival In Memphis this day, my attention has been called to laaderous articles in certain Radical only touched the ground once, and that for amount in the Sinking Fund, and the number of Uiera Deiore iuuusi ran. thTlobe into which It has not found region of hiehlv Each box Is accempaiueu witn directions tor rhrciT inTciunty-Vf San Francisco, State of California. Data June 26th.

1871. LISD01lm Dudley Dudley, Attys for Petitioner. Bales and Regulations can be obtained Irom Its preparation. bonds, numbering mem in me oraer mnu- issuance, which Buch fund is set apart to pay snd its way, in elimotowhlchl pearance. The hands met and appointed a committee to wait on the commander to ask bis opinion of it.

They approached him, and any of thj officers at the Institute or Pavilion. newspapers which attack my character in con NOTICE TO CREDITORS. P0-. i tn'tan well adapted for the ours moved to b. weU adapted for the euro Address Elko, Nevada.

N. B. COON. Agent, northeast comer of Minna discharge; and if auoh bonds ao nnmbered in I such advertisements shall not be presented for I S.jdereble variety of diseases; It to a th. of I Of 1.

mU. jii-m aaid: "We want to ask vonr opinion, your In conjunction with the Industrial Exhibi nection witn mat or a way, -who, i stated, was travelling under my charge. It is deemed das to myself, as well as to my person. P8T ATE OF SARAH HILL, DE- and Fourth streets. jeS tion, tbe BAY DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY will hold its first Exhibition of tbe parilliui mni rr" I 1 ua sue renwuf wa wwm -1 snrh nnblicationa.

then such fund shall remain I wnnnn. and variona other Injuries, aa al friends, to state unequivocally ana wiirnmi delay thai the story tn whole and In a'l its Fruita and Flowers of California, occupying a Honor." "Well, my boys, what is it about "We want to inquire about that thing up "Now, before I answer you, first let me know what you think it is." "Well, yonr Honor, we have talked it over, and we think PUBLIC POUND NOTICE. Notice is hereby given by the tinders gned. Administrator ot the eitale ot rh to the creditors of aaU irsons a few minutes, during the whole of her passage from Suez to Port Said. I cannot but think hag been unfortunate in bay-iDg his steamer badly navigated or ill-eon-structed for canal navigation.

"Unbiassed" says: Tbe canal can be navigated with certainly by any ordinary steamer drawing IA feet of water. If shippers wish to make the passage with unhandy vessels of an unreasonable length, sitting three feet by the stern, a detention of three and a half days must net be considered excessive. They must also be Bpace oi OAixov ieet. essential parts ia nnmistak thly the instigation of malice, ana is cereDy pronouacea iii D. CAYALLETTI, HAYING SOLD HI8 FISH STAND, XI BAN Francisco Market, on account of Ulnae, bews to Inform the public that after several monUur-abeenee he will resume business on the 17th instant at the XT II IT MAnKET, Prices ef Admission i 1H TILL BE COLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION, UN-W u.

nmviously redeemed, oa TUESDAY. having rsr within false. (Signed) xffxbsoh iavb. it 13 a star sprung Season Ticket admitting gentleman and one in the treasury to discharge such bonds when- Mo, dysenterv, bowel 00m- ever presented, but they shall drew no points generally. It to admirably suited for after the expiration of such every race of men on the face of the globe, any of said bonds shall be paid, theyshallbe slgJct fact, that aotwimstand- mY amoudu-e MSScve thrt.

TheTreaofStatejkeep a c-tHy BlDlt laem, w. -r' of hU lady Iff 00 the 26th day of July, 1871, at o'clock, noon, at the Public Pound, comer of Washington and Tinmn Tt When the Bev. Dr. Patter Attempted Indian War. w.nn.oTni.

Julv 22. A letter from Fort Season Ticket admitting one 00 ten montui alter toe nntip io the said Administrator, at his omce, iCaUfornT? set, between Montgomery and LeWenrorf street in the city and county of son was in England he dined with several Season Ticket adnrttting Juvenile under 14 Fillmore streets: 1 Red Cow, star In forehead and spots over body, ai 11 nnnnatte Bnllstti. where he will en Silt, July Mb, says the Kiowa Indians have gentlemen who used a great vij argu deavor to merit the patronage of families, res him rive no but cold water I nuii. to induce theCbevenoes andSmax years 1 60 tf The above Tickets are not Transferable Single admission .....60 cent. branded BA on wit "sm oar maraea.

DAVID M. SHORT. SanFrancisec oai. .071 Dated San Francisco. Jane 28th, 1871.

AMwaoanr' made been large. itto to principles. "Now here," said om "here, I to join them io a war against the whites, but thus taurants, tne puouo uwnu. jj Children under 14 years 26 cents Jyl7-7t Poundkeepes1 tw-tn, i. onmn minri old hock: surely you Mnt J.iin.

renlied the Cnildren must be In charge of guardians or hhVoroceedirrgTnnder this Act, and of the bonds he shall traua. ntittthe Governor an abstract of all his pro-eBedines under this Act, with his annual report, ZTL k. the Governor laid before the Legis tre r-an fues ana or been moregeaeraUy "JifXaome. Whiting. Naphtaly KiJ0' Administrator.

jyii-iawawaa NOTICE. far have failed. Tbev are at present among the Antelope Hills on the Canadian River. Found Dead. Dxtboit.

Julv 22. Colonel Henrv Barnes, Doctor. "Whv. Sir. I learned to aecimo it NOTICE.

trents. I TKlvATE Itssvao iii irtc iKKStn Tickets can be obtained from any of thai I LANGUAGE by J. JOSSET, Graduate of th T3 I amrim l.ft. PTfthM, 1 parents. at the Mechanics' Institute.

97 Post when a bovt hie hec hoc" The table was individuals, tnau Md introduced, when tt was first dicoverea where It was Vr wilT continue to be, Managers, prepared for a claim from the canal authorities for damage done to tbe banks by the frequent groundings oi their nnwieldly cargo carriers. As tbe navigable part ot the canal is now in all cases in the centre of the visible channel, only ordinary care is required. Captains knowing more about the steering capabilities of their ships than any stranger, and being now held responsible bv the company for whatever happens, should conduct their vessels themselves, having tbe local pilots at their elbow to give the necessary information as to the state of the canal in a roar and tha Doctor came off tri ik WUl 11 ann T1 AV fTil T1C 1 I That the THE GREAT MED I- That the rAIN EILLEf QRXAT USING MY ABSENCE FROM THE STATE all Stock business entrusted to my care rrVHOSI CLAIMlflW ZZZZrZ umphant nave street, at toe ravinon, union square, or from the principal Music or Drug Stores in the city, jay No bills will be paid unless ordered by -an WXT12 I lature- and all books and papers pertaining to the matter provided for in this Act shall at all lime be open to the inspection of any party interested, or the Governor or Attorney-General, or a committee of either branch of the Legis Pension Agent, formerly Pdslmaster at Detroit, and at a still earlier period editor of the Tribune ot this city, was found dead about two Kisses Bou. Out in Iowa kisses are sold toe university Menniis' Normal School for Teachers, and of St. Mary's College, London, Quincy Plane, south side of Pine street, between Kearny snd Dupont For references and further par.

ticuUra see the city Directory, page 81. 1 be Professor is (from 121 o'clock! tt home. Je2T-lm the proper (jommittee. ny oraer. 1 LAJIIJ INJMOJUw.u furnish the Tax Collector then- abjtoactl.

of title, tosa mr with diagramt of property r-aisnao, Sit tiHr oEfM can iTTOTrH. will be under the management ot air. w. u. BUDD.

i. B. E. CAYALLInB, No. 809 California street.

Ban Francisco, July Uth, 1871 jyTMw a. o. auLuus, rreeiaent. at fairs by the fair. A man pays a oertain sum to the general fund, and then selects miles Deiow ibis city, having evidently soot himsel Pecuniary embarrassment is supposed I to bars been the cause.

lature, oia joint paw nines 01.00 m. W. H. Williams, secretary. jyU-TuThSalm tt i the girl or woman ne aesires to buss.


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