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The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California • 18

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE EXAMINED, SAN FltAKCISCOi SUNDAY MOHNINO. JULY 10, 18118. 18 Ml'XYOVS II KM KOI KB. as great value as those of a pupil In a public WAR TOPICS. hool; bis purpose seems to have been How much longer the court will take to reach a decision on the first stage of the cnse no ninn knows, but at lta present gait It might Just ai well call the Injunction perpetual.

The powera ol ontrtl VvUKK. hi On to glvo to each word plenty of them. "To hit" implies to have aimed at. (3) It is a department of the 8tate Government have been suspended (or Dereaufnl nfTort In Hie Toil throple lruule Agnlnet In-lininaa MclUoda. three yeara on the suggestion of an affidavit false on Ha face, untrue that I write for the public, and I don't happen to care whether you understand or not; those for whom I write understand and there are enough of them to make It and the State haa neither apeedy nor adequate remedy, nor any TH I EXAMIN H.

HKAUSI. Knterrd at th I'oatofnce of Han Franc laco as aecnnd dm matter, 6UDSCRIPTI0N RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. rtit rea for the Cnlted itatea, Canada and Mexico; Uwhr postage addad. anil fTNlUY, delivered hj mall tJ esrrlers, per w. er 6c per dhwUi.

II itA per quarter, ti per half, MAY mi. Vf; Wr.Kkl.Y hAtMlMlt. on. yr I I MM utHi frwiueast corn of Market and Third a reels MiW iuKK Ul KICK Tribune HuilUIt rersons keeping a lookout for the more remedy, for thla Injustice done to It with the help of the machinery of the courts. IL things In htNiven and earth than are dreamed of In the philosophy of less sharp observers may possibly find something significant In these facts.

In 1873 more than fifty American cltlaens, captured on worth while to write for them. Can't you skip me? do you fear you'll not get your money's worth unless you read everything In the paper? rity the sorrows of a grand old party performed, which let us hope, would sustain them under the light affliction of public abuso of the soprano sort. That tbey ill do so Is too much to hope for, but that the military arm with a spanking band at the end of It has been put forth In restraint of the button-hunting hen patriot Is profoundly pleasing. Perhaps It means that we are beginning to understand that this country Is at war, and that war I no picnic. Per tormented by political nightmare.

The Republican party comprises a large part C. K. D. Cruisers are not technically BEARING HEAVY BURDEN. the filibuster "Virginias," were brutally shot to death by Spanish officials, their of the Intelligence of California, and yet battleships.

You lose your bet but save It auffers Itself to be led or compromised your honor. bodtee mutilated, subjected to public In YANKEE PIG. The word Is pronounced by blundering. Incompetent Idloia like the dignities and finally tumbled, some of them lath-ro-nez, the accent on the second syl Invincible Hoodoo, or by Collls P. Huntington, a public enemy.

half alive, Into a pit of quicklime by way haps It li beginning to dawn upon our dark of Christian burial. This occurred at San No wonder the party has the nightmare. Id the dim watches of lable, the as In "arm," the "th" soft, nearly as In "thee." It Is from the Latin "tale of California, City ad County of Man rereonally appeared Iwfor uit T. 1. Flyon.

brad tk keeper for "Tlia Sin Francisco Eaniluer," wba, I helm duly sworn, dcjxwe lod says: Thai th dally I average distribution of "The Ksanilner" far the niuntu Ma, ae 92,617 PAID CIRCTLATIOX. tiago Cuba and was fitly celebrated by understandings that the brief days between our volunteers' muster-In and their despatch to foreign service against veteran the night the ugly spectre of the Funding bill sits and beckons, and will not down, and the Invincible Hoodoo, like a speckled iatrones," meaning "thieves," and the a bull fight and other characterisuc re slands were named by the Spanish In joicings. The remnant of the "Virgin- soldiers are Infinitely precious. For every monkey, mops and mows and froths at the mouth. Hunting honor of themselves as Governors.

lus's" crew was saved by a British naval hour of them given up to lllrtlng, peacock ton holds the party in his grip to twist It to his purpose, and L. R. P. And what Is the objection to Ing and cadging moukeywUe for goodies officer, who hastily and without orders sailed from Kingston, Jamaica, and your "thinking so the body, like a glnnt tied with hundreds of almost Invisible thrrads, writhes and bellowa but cannot escape. It was a cruel payment must be made In blood.

From the Medl. Munron ricrrli dot-Inn aud doping 0. O. Aren't you mrlos uttering a good moment of taking the oath our volunteers threatened to turn his guns upon the Cuban town. The oeonlo of the I'nlUd States elno should be to r.auTe only a delleata thing of Mr.

Huntington to saddle his latest funding vllliany on deal of blather about nothing? If any of A ii (a and carrtera 00.047 7 Blufle wruppere la postufllea eubeerlhere, uu" F.irhaiitra, Advertisers and Employee. To enipluyere, I'uetnfllc aud Wells-Farga's, eicuaii.ea, F.aatern afun, flln, advertls- ra and charity I.0O6 Returned 17 rallruad news agrius aud Eaatera hotels I should be guarded from distractions, put tne party Just on the eve of an election. under the sternest discipline, drilled with demanded war with Spain; Mr. Hamilton FUh, Secretary of State demanded re Marching at the head of the party Is Uombastes Furtoso, the you will quote from my work one paragraph, one sentence, one word "attacking" or "ridiculing" the Red Cross League I will out mercy and mude to feel every moment that tbey have passed Into the domain of False Alarm. He Is a spectacle to inspire terror In the small lease of ship aud survivors and a salute boys.

He has feathers on bis hat and a sword between his legs. publicly Apologize for It and my distaste- to our flag! Dy an Ingenious policy of an a a m. ill 1 II a. and he thinks he la the whole thing. He froths at the mouth diplomatic controversy and procrastination ful existence.

If you freaks can't understand what you read why don't you read military duty. No visitors, no leaves of absence, no speechlng, no entertainments except such as they can supply themselves no nonsense. Work, study, order and and he Is mad all day, but the people only laugh. He thinks he he held the American hand from the Span 03,017 ria Maw II 9 Km what you understand? ish throat until anger had cooled to die- Is the commander-in-chief, but he Is only the At the present moment Bombastes Furtoso Is belaboring with his stick the most available candidates the party has in Its i-elmke of error and a kind encouragement of the physical forest for good. The bar work of recovery li done by nature Itself.

The human body a wcw delicate thntt tha flnewt more sensitive than tbt teiiiiereHt plant, To shatter the liver wlta mercury, to Mcddoii the nnrvea with morphine a f.d vV'itol and to flay and burn th stomach wlta ercry polfon blacklisted witbi skull and erossbones Id torture more da nionln than the Inquisition. Munron guurantera that fela Rhrnmatlatn Cure will cura nearly all rosea of rliaumatlma In a few bnora; that hla Dysrpata rir will cora In-digestion and all atomarh tmubln; that hla Kidney Curt will eure 90 per rent, of all oasra of kidney trouble; that hla Catnrrh Cnra will rnr eatarrh, no tnattir how lonf standing; that bla Ileadarlta Cure will rare any kind at headnrh In a few mln-itea; that bis Cold Oira will quickly brenk Dp any form of mid, and aa on through the eutlre Hat of bla ramedlfa. Guide to nealth and medical advice abso lntely fre. Prof. Muuyon, 1505 Arch at Philadelphia.

An, Uo-to-Date Preparation, rust and disgust had softened to indifference; then he secured peace with shatno. The first American aoldler to fall In Gen. Increase net May over April 2,423 I. J. FLYNN.

Subscribed aod iwon to befors mt fhla 13th day of June, ISM. (Seal. R. C. DROUEB.

Notary roblle Is and for the City aod Count of San Ftdcjco, enough of them should be the law. When this regime shall have been established and our raw recruits held to it with an iron authority we shall find that a few weeks Shatter's advance against Santiago de HE was young and decidedly pretty, and Dial, ui Muuurius. ranks In the hope of making their nominations Impossible. He calls them Spanish spies and traitors, and even be says they are Miles' Poodys. What Is a Doody? Is It anything like a dodo? Is a Doody worse than a Pardee? Would you rather be a Doody than an Invincible Hoodoo? What Is the difference Cuba was Hamilton Fish, grandson of that shameless Minister of State.

A "coinci of It will make soldiers who can stand still without holding on to something and walk tne Keen-eyed drug clerk observed that she entered the store with a slight air of dence," possibly; yet I am of those (If there embarrassment. without falling over their own feet. "I want some Up salve, If you please. between a Doody and Emperor Norton Spreckeli? This war Is determining many military she said demurely. are others) who think they have sometimes caught clear glimpses of a great inevitable law that underlies coincidences.

"Certainly, miss," answered the clerk. 'Which make would prefer?" and in conformity to which they occur. If THE WEATHER. questions, among them that of the relative values of smokeless powder and the old fuliginous sort. Clearly the latter Is to be relegated to the Umbo of the Were.

This Do you keep more than one kind?" she In We would not say a word to spoil sport. The spectacle of Emperor Norton having a fit doeB not Inspire terror, but rather laughter. The Democratic party and the Topulists are watching Spreckels have fun with himself, while he imagines he Is molding the destinies of a commonwealth, but they feel quired In some surprise. there Is such a law may It not be mandatory as well at phenomenal? Aud may It not FORECAST MADE AT 8AS FIUNC1SCO TiPATIOIl Is hardly a revelation: it is do more than carry at least as mucn justice, ana some "Oh, yes; we havo two now." "What Is the difference between them?" "Well, miss, one Is our celebrated 'Roseplnk' FOIl THIItTT 110LBS EXD1NU MIDNIGHT, JI I.V JO, tSW: confirmation of an almost universal con victlou, upon which Spain, for all her slug for the humiliation of a great party, suffering for the halfwitted antics of a grotesque clown who has failed on every times of the same kind, as that awrul statute affirmed In the Docalogue'a assertion of hereditary crime? SAN FRANCISCO AND VICINITT-rartly Up salve, which for thirty years haa been the standard article In that line. The cost of that glsh Ineptitude, had the Intelligence to act, 25 cents a pot" while we had not.

Our delinquency is cost cloudy 8uoJiy; brisk auutbwet wind. W. H. HAMTJON. Forecaat OfBclal.

thing he ever attempted, except squeezing his country In Its hour of need. Gentlemen of the Republican party, behold your leader. Ho Is the hero of a hundred fights, and he has lost Score one for "The Evening It ing us dearly In lives of soldiers. That "And the other?" "The other la somewhat higher In price, and "I have gone 14 days at a time without movement of the bowels, not being able tq move them except by using hot water Injection. Chronic constipation for seven yeara placed ma la ttilatorrlblo conditions during that time I did ev ery thing 1 board of but never found any relief; such was my case until 1 begun using CASCAHET8.

I now have from one to three passages a day, and If I waa rich I would give for each movement) 11 tranquillity of mind which Is the glory has only been placed upon the market quite them ah. He foams at the mouth and makes ridiculous noises. was first a-fleid with tne statement mat tho "Charleston" had orders to seize the of the noncombatant Is not easy to main His proudest achievement is to sell tugs for two prices to Uncle Ladrones a statement which most of the tain when reading of the difficulty of dis recently. It Is known as the 'Columbia' Up salvo. Its emollient properties are simply wonderful, and It has been put up especially for Sam on the eve of war.

AYI.MliHL.Hl' NT, Is such a other dallies promptly "nailed" as a "He." cerning the enemy's batteries, lines and sharpshooters, while our own Invite hit im Russell 8k, Detroit, Mloa. 'Examiner" aobaerlbera arolna; to the country for With Huntington, the knave, and Spreckels, the clown, sad the use of young ladies who have been present the Hummer on hare the paper sent to them by wall bf sending Instruction to the office, A'eir uGiam fire at every discbarge. Doubtless no at the departure of a volunteer regiment for Cuba." dling themselves on the party, the honest Republicans of California are In a parlous state. It may be easy enough to get rid of Spreckels, as you might kick a snarling cur out of the way. body but Congress Is morally responsible Iner" liulldluK.

aonthraat corner Market and Third A deep crimson blush appeared upon the atreeta. our lack of smokeless powder Is merely girl's fair cheeks. The party has done that before often enough, and will prob part of our general unreadiness for war, "I will take," she murmured, "two pots of CATHARTICa Nt-N. TAAOI MAAai i meWTBS)I the HAROLD EYRE. The "smutty grain" of our fathers was good There are two sources of disquiet for ably do It again.

The real leader Is lying low and has gone a-flshing by the shores of Santa Catalina. Br'er Fox does not enough for tho Quaker guns of a fool's para' the American forces at the Philippines. THE SITUATION AT MANILA. much like his Job. He can swallow Bombastes Furloso at a In execution of that neighborly service and professional duty our good friend "The Bulletin" diligently and energetically hammered all Its ten thumbs to a purple pulp and Is now inly lamenting that the traditions of Journalism were 10 Inelastic as to hold it to that duty.

Let It not repine: 'tis better to have owled and erred than never to have owled at all. The Inimitable solemnity with which It said that "If the reports of the proposed seizure and garrisoning of the Ladronee were true" one would be "forced to take the Government as a sort of practical Joker" constituted a veritable "scoop." I am sorry to have to add that the "Post's" forthandedneBs In dise. It la the powder of peace, fit for sa luting the perpetual "dawn of a new era' These are the Insurgents and the Eu ropean nations. The Spanish may be con mouthful, but Huntington Is different. In the idiot dream of universal amity, sldered aa definitely out of the fight.

Restaurant Table Etiquette, DO you know why It is that you cannot get a sharp knife in a restaurant? A good steak nicely served you can get almost anywhere, but always a horribly dull knife accompanies it. No matter For good practical work in returning our Spanish fellow man to the God who gave him It Is signally Inferior to the kind used Pleasant, Pnlatablo. Potent, Taste Good, Dd Good, Never blckeo, Weaken, or Gripe, lOo, 90c, Wo CURE CONSTIPATION. lUrllmg BmkI; ftnpaay, Cklesf, astnal, law Ttrk. There will be no serious trouble about the government of Hawaii, although some of our friends have pretended to believe THE FUTURE OF HAWAII.

by blmBelt in uttering his reluctance to leave us. After we shall have completed that these little Islands might breed problems enough to upset the United States how good the balunce of the service may be, the knife deatroyt It all. Your temper Is ruf our task of despanlardlng the seas and the fled, the waiter anathematized, the house de Islands thereof perhaps we shall be able to Constitution and make Uncle Sam look sick. Our friends need deolarlng the Charleston's orders has been not be alarmed over the chances of having Hawaii "knocking at followed by feats of "enterprise" distinctly nounced and the proprietor consigned to th They must fall as soon as General Merritt'a troops are landed. The insurgents are a more doubtful problem.

Up to the present time they have acted with the American forces, and It li to be hoped that they will have the good sense to continue In that course. But there are rumors that their leaders are seeking supreme power for themselves, and are not ready to listen to any arrangement that does not turn the government over to them. It Is possible that this may ultimately be the thing to do, but we shall first have to learn more about these leaders, and become convinced that they have the confidence of the mixed races which Inhabit the Islands and the ability to maintain order. The Intentions of the European powers are a matter of grave persuade Granger statesmanship of the regions of eternal torments, and all because expediency of common sense and the expec the door" and asking for Statehood. The population of the less admirable.

In distorting the language Islands Is not much more than that of Alameda county, and of Mr. Hearst's war dispatches to serve tatlon of war. If not, we may have to en their area is less than that of some of the counties of California, the purposes of hate and In vilifying this force that reform by turning our weary guns It Pays to Trade in the Mission. Metal Bed, The Oliver snail head metal bed; beautiful In design and finish, yet simple and sensible, large brass bar at the head. These beds were chosen to furnish the large seminary at Menlo Park against the competition of 50 other designs.

Thpre Is no reason whv the inferior races should be admitted PPer for employing the pen of Miss Daw- upon Kansas. nv mon. than we have done with the Esoulmaux n. one of Its editorial writers nas earned While the war has not proved the inef for It a distinction which Implies neither of Alaska, and Congress has the fullest power to make such flclency of torpedo boats, but only the lnef laws as may be nesessary for the government of the islands conjecture. On July 3d there were in the harbor of Manila four German warships, three British, two French and one Japanese.

Intelligence nor originality, and has disclosed qualities in himself which eminently fit him for the communion and fellowship flciency of torpedo boats officered and manned by Spaniards, it haa Indubitably without being hampered by any of the restrictions which the the knife was dull. Has It ever happened to you? I'll wager it has many times, and many times have you puzzled your brains for the cause, but never arriving at a satisfactory solution. Yet the reason is a very simple and at least to the reftaurant men a very cogent one. It Is because nine persons out of ten will place their bread1 on the table cloth, butter it and then proceed to cut It Into smaller slices, and with a sharp knife the result is several silts in tho cloth, and when operatod upon by two or more people, the cover Is a total loss. Said a restaurant man: "There is no money in serving sharp knives.

I was for a long time a crank on the subject and Insisted on serving a knife as sharp as a razor with every A fifth German warship bearing Prince Henry, the brother of United States Constitution places on the legislative powers In lowered their rank as terrors of the sea of the Adversary of Souls. dealing with its own citizens. Congress, of course, will be too At the beginning of hostilities Spanish pre the Kaiser, and two Italian vessels are expected. The British are known to be friendly, but the Germans are a cause of anx busy with domestic affairs to spend much time on the regula ponderance in these unfamiliar vessels be, got in army and navy circles a marked un iety. The gentleman who In controversy with 'A College Graduate," Invokes the shades of Ambrose Blerce" Is respectfully tion of things on the Islands, but there Is no reason why the legislative function should not be delegated to a committee or easiness that was reflected In these columns, Informed that I am still on the hither side as were also certain doubts respecting the commlsBlon, subject to ratification of Its acta by the parent What does this great concentration mean? When Prince Henry arrives, practically the whole Pacific squadron of the German navy will be at Manila.

What is It there for? The German diplomatic assurances are that It Is there "to of the Styx. Moreover, I do not expect, actual fighting qualities of battleships. body. all see a trifle more clearly now the torpedo We would not be understood to say that the government of even when reposing on beds of amaranth and moly, to have more than one shade. steak, but in a very short time I found out my mistake.

The service, It Is true, was much more satisfactory, and I heard many compli protect German Interests." The German commercial in boat no longer alarms and the battleship commands respect and confidence. It such dependencies presents no difficulties. Undoubtedly there will be friction when we undertake a work so wholly foreign (If any one thinks this Is not a "war topic" teresta there could be protected as well by one ship he has not read the controversy.) as by a dozen. There are said to be about fifty Ger to the institutions under which the country has grown up. We seems probable that the meteoric career of the former is virtually ended that no more mans In Manila, and all of them with all their effects could be have no trained administrative class, and the political pressure And then there is the gentleman from mentary allusions to the practice; but as I could not afford to supply a dollar and a halt table cover with every 50 cent steak, and having neither the time nor the inclination to educate tho public in table etiquette, I was forced to discontinue the practice.

A hint to the wise accommodated on any one of the ships of Admiral Dledrlch's to quarter carpet-baggers in these far-away places will be hard torpedo boats will be built, though the torpedo Itself Is not as yet discredited. The Belota who demands my universal incineration In behalf of tho Intuited flag, and squadron. What are the rest of them there for? Possibly some light on the subject is furnished by the fol asks If It Is a "rag" ito the brave lads who to resist. We hope that It will be resisted and that the administration of such outside territory as we may acquire by the war, as well ns by peaceful annexation, will not be treated as Is sufficient. Tell your waiter gently but firmly that you are 'the exception that proves lowing extract from the Berlin letter of the Cologne "Gazette published under date of June 14th: "faced both he and on the battlefield.

It appears that the sura of the gentleman's party spoils. happiness would be augmented by "throw The assembling of so considerable a German fleet at the point that the rule, and never carve your bread on the table cloth, but that you must have a sharp knife for your steak, and he will bring It at once, since he Is satisfied you are one of the Initiated." The circumstantial accounts that come ing a dictionary" at me; for he, like my is Just now tne center or political Interest in East Asia can inspire ui other crltlos, Is distinctly lexicographical. from the survivors of the wrecked liner wltn only reelings or great satisfaction. It means that the guiding La Bourgogne appear to leave no doubt superiority of our guns and gunning has made it to our interest to fight the Spanish ships at ranges too long for use of torpedo tubes on either side: with an enemy more nearly our equal in armament and skill we should doubtless have had more Infighting, with an instructive exchange of Whiteheads from ship to ship. The monitor is something of a disappointment to those who had high hopes of it.

Its instability unfits it for service outside the harbors which its inventor regarded as its only proper field; In even moderately rough water outside it cannot hit any principle or the present rorelgn policy of the empire Is a readiness in the broadtst sense to protect the interests of Germany In that E. as W. THE HORROR OF THE SEA, unfortunate vessel. If I might be permitted to choose I should say it would be better for him to throw a little grammar at me. E.

at W. that shocking brutality, ending In foul NAKODAS. The popular 8uiumr coUar. island domain. The fact that this duty Is intrusted to the Admiral to murder, accompanied the sinking of the whom we owe the EkiUful execution of the plan for the German ac The stories of the survivors are practically quieitlon of Klao-Chau Is an assurance that our active Interference In affairs Bt Manila will not miscarry for want of foresight and expert YELLOW FEVER will not attack users of Sill-phume (liquid aulphur).

When taken Internally, In drinking water and uaed In hatha, it deatroya all fever germ and purifies the blood. Captain Philip, of the battleship "Texas," appears to be something of a naval freak. He runs to religion. After he had assisted In sinking Cervera's fugitive fleet unanimous that oars were employed to stun passengers who were trying to enter the boats or to lay hold of the rafts, that women and children were beaten down with boathooks, and 't'T i I i I III laWMit Issa aslaaaaisit ll ence. cnerlsh, nowever, the hope, or at leaBt the wish, that the concentration of German forces In the Philippines will not be without permanent results.

On the same grounds upon which the AROUND THE LOBBIES. thing. The American navy of the future that many were stabbed with knives. The only discrepancy In he summoned his entire ship company cession of a harbor was demanded from China, a like cession is to be will have no need of monitors for sea ser to the quarter-deck and said: "I want to demanded from the public of the Philippines," which, accordln the testimony at hand Is In regard to the men who were guilty of this work. We are assured from Boston that the variations vice; there will be no lack of battlecraft.

to all appearances, Is about to be established; for In the future make public acknowledgement here that I believe In God, the Father Almighty. I R. D. Inman of Portland, who brought the "government" and In the actual conditions of this republic we can feel So far as prevision can go, It appear in the stories are as follows: Siren Single, three-quarters, ffA AA double 4 "tUU We've metal beds from $2.75 to $75. Send for our Special Catalogue.

Heddlng Di'psrtment Comforters, Planketa, Pillows, Miittresws, nil at Mission prices. FATTOSIEN'S, Cor. IGth Mission Sts. great lumber raft down from the mouth of the I The steerage passengers and crew have formed Into two factions Columbia, is going home in a day or two to start more lumber here by the same means. that the navy of the near future will consist almost altogether of battleships, cruisers and gunboats, of a type fairly well Ince the Bhlpwreck, and they eye each other with ugly, menacing lances during the voyage from Halifax.

The faction composed of "There will either to one huge raft this time want all you officers and men to lift your hats and from your hearts offer Bllent thanks to the Almighty." Well, now, as to the Almighty's agency In the matter, there can, I suppose, be no doubt of that among those who believe in him as the steerage passengers is headed by fifteen Austrian sailors. These de- of 4,500,000 feet," he said yesterday, "or two rafts of 2,500,000 feet each. This raft Is en lare that the crew made a rush for the boats and that they and tbey Indicated by those of the present. Of the freak craft which from time to time swim Into our ken monitors, torpedo-boats, de lone uted boathooks and knives and oars to clear the women and tirely different from the Jogglns raft, which was rounded and only brought logs. This Is a children aud other passengers away.

The men of the crew declare that ruler of the universe; for whatever occurs stroyers, dynamite-throwers and submarine curios we shall probablv hear less and the fifteen Austrian salbrs drew their knives, and, brandishing them flat raft, and being so, It will be utilized In must occur with bis assent. But In so far IBPIES at Uat fajf-iEJiBasW DR. ARTEL'S Ight and left to muke a free way, ran for the boats at the first alarm. another way. On this flat lumber raft we are no greater confidence than in the Chinese Empire.

We cherish the wish that substantia! rt suits of the nature we have Indicated will follow from the presence there of a German squadron capable of compelling respect for the interests of Germany as compared with those of other nations. The Cologne "Gazette" Is reputed to be a semi-official organ of the Government. If it Is Bpeaklng by Inspiration on this occasion, it would appear that the German Government is seriously considering the advisability of ignoring the claims of the United States in the Philippines and seizing territory by the warrant of the "mailed fiBt." If the Kaiser has entertained any such scheme we trust that some kind friend has called his attention to the story of Admiral Cervera's squadron. The United States wishes to be at peace with a nation with which it has so many ties of relationship, but the United States is not China, nor are the Philippines Klao-Chau. Then oara and any weapons to beat back women and children were going to bring down firewood to this city.

This firewood will be largely refuse from the mill. less until that last great day when the airship, dropping out of heaven a missile whose detonation will reverberate around the as Captain Philip's words Imply his conviction that the defeat of Cervera was evidence of God's existence and God's good elzed. There Is a third party of passengers, some of the second class and French Female Pllle. Always reliable. Ask your rtruprlal for Uiem.

Insist on liavtna tKt Qenit. ins. lutup only In metal hoxes wlih the Trench t'fopon top In Bluo, Whtt and Hwl, or to French Drug Co- We are taking out a patent on this raft. A letter was received by my partner a day or ness they were presumptuous to the verge some of the steerage, who say that the men of the crew and a mob led world, shall sweep the entire set of pawns and pieces forever off the watery board. two ago, stating that the patent was ready for by the fifteen Austrian sailors fought together for the boats, and brutally beat away any one who dared to stand In their way.

The pro issuance. I' aim satisfied this means of fur 1W. Muriel Relief fn of effrontery. Wholesale slaughter of our fellow men In this or any war should, I think, be regarded rather as a political bringing lumber and firewood San Fran "Admiral" Sampson never struck a streak portion of deaths among the passengera and the crew Is aa five to one Women, containing full part hilars and tatllraonuhls ji eealtd Utter return mail fret. Kaiuepapor.

cisco will make both much cheaper here." against the crew. of harder luck than on Sunday morning last than a religious duty. With such light as H. W. Turner of the United States Geological in being miles away to the east when Cer The explanation why 500 passengers were drowned, and why, vera broke out of Santiago harbor and head of 1C3 survivors, 106 were of the crew, Is evident.

we have we think we aro right, and hope that we have the favor of Heaven, as well as that of Great Britain; but one finds a Survey, Washington, D. has arrived hero to begin some important topographical wrk In the Sierras and will leave tojflay In company ed to the west. That gave the battle and It Is to be hoped that the matter will not be allowed to pass mi The Auditor of the Southern Pacific Company furnishes a report showing an difficulty in conceiving Jesus Christ in without making an example of the cowardly ruffians who were tne giory 01 it to scniey, who by weary weeks of subordination to his Inferior in command of a battleship; and it might be A GRAVE SCANDAL guilty of these offenses. There is plenty of law to cover the case, for men have been hanged for this crime before, even in rank had well earned It. No one is dls as well not to represent God th Father ui utv earnings lor tne year amounting in round figures to 14,000,000.

posed to take a single "laurel" from the as a rear-admiral of tho American navy. the United States. It is to be regretted that the members of Laet year's report showed a comparative AND TUMORS. Sure Cure! No Knife or Painl No Pay Until Cured! 75-page book sent free. 8.

R. Chamley. M. IT THIRD ST. Market St.

Send to Some One with Cancer, Administration's favorite; he Is rightly "As far back as history goes," Captain the crew were not arrested and tried In Halifax, where trials are credited with whatever general depositions surplus or more man ii.P00.CC0, so that the profits of the cor ei 1 PhlllD is reoorted to have said In the may have aided the result, and it is cheer j.uiaiwu iui me vt-iir mat enaea on June 30th must be days of Joshua, at Manila, here, every short, technicalities few and appeals unknown. The first duty of the crew of a sinking ship Is to the passengers under their charge, and the law ought to be Impressed on men of the Bour well over 5.wo,000. All this was done notwithstanding the very fully conceded that If he had personally where, the man who fires the first shot of directed the fighting he would probably have battle on the Sabbath Is sure of defeat. manual nuuuiuu iu ura in me Joaquin valley and the FAl gogne stamp by a liberal application of hemp. with Dr.

W. S. T. Smith of Berkeley and C. Knecht of Stanford, who are to assist him.

"We are to moko a topographical map of th country lying east of the Yosemite as far at Mono lake," said Mr. Turner. "It will taks us some months. The country Is very wild and rough. Another and even more Interesting piece of work la to be performed by F.

P. Ran-some of the Geological Survey, who also arrived here from Washington a day or two ago. It Is the making of a geological map of tha entire mother lode. The map will show all the mining claims on the lode; that Is, all that are prominent. This will also take several months.

I have done a good deal of work in the Sierras hitherto, one thing being the making of a large map. Mr. Ransome's work la popularly referred to as mapping the gold belt." Sheriff A. C. Busch of Downlevllle, Sierra won that much is implied in the prepon These Spaniards are a godless race and tu vision 01 tne Dusir.ess Dy a tompeting road.

That used to be the most profitable territory subject to the rule of the Southern nniA .1.1 1 their cause Is unrighteous; that accounts derance of strength. But in point of fact he was not at hand till the battle had gone If ever men deserved execution for murder, the sailors of La for our easy victories." That Is not true Hi-mi; viiiiuj, suu auuuuKii is now emancipated, It Is Bourgogne, who denied to the passengers their last poor chance to Schley, and Sampson Is still without scores of Instances of successful assaults doubtless Btill profitable at the reduced rates. The reductions on all Jinds of transportation la the San Joa "record." Not a single successful opera made on the "Sabbath" could be cited in of life, are they. Stories of ocean disaster are not uncommon, but rarely has one been written wherein was combined so many tion has he personally conducted. With disproof.

No military commander endowed quiu uitj uve avtra.ea irom in to 40 per cent. Rates are of the elements of gross brutality and murderous selfishness as with common sense would think of forego the destruction of those ships bis chance of personally conducting one Is slender in in this case. ing any advantageous opportunity for bat probably about what they should be in that country now, but It throws a bright light on the condition of the sections that are still absolutely subject to the rule of this corporation. If the deed, for his activity must find expression tie that might present itself on tie first henceforth, as hitherto, In "bombard The people of the country might be allowed to take It for county, is at tne ituss. tie snys mere la a Southern Pacific can make so much clear money after losing one ment and In that kind of work, unaided granted that there are some liars In Congress.

The announce day of the week which would not bo tne ease if the sanctity of the day foredoomed blm to defeat. During the months of al good deil of work In the gold mines and that half of its revenue in its best territory, how was it before the competing road was built, and is it still In those sections ment of the fact by an honorable Member of the House does not the output will be considerably Increased over that of laat year. More people are Interesting by a land force, success worth having is not to be expected as no one than himself has more abundantly shown. most continuous fighting In th Atlanta add to the dignity of the closing hours of a session. It is better wiicru luut is no cuiupeuuuu ncn we say the corporation themselves In different kinds of mining thai formerly.

that some things should be tacitly understood. DOCTOR WE ANY. UE RESTORES LOST VIGOR AND VITALITI to weak men. Oigana ol the body which bare hrvu weakened through disease, overwork, ex-ceases or liidlscrctiona are restored to perfect has lost one-half Its revenue from tho San Joaquin valley that campaign Sunday was not "observed" In Sherman's army by abstention from hostilities; yet that army was almost uniformly successful, from first to last. is probably an understatement, because, beBldcs the drastic re NEW YORK.

July 9. California people are If Judge E. L. Lawrence begins an action, as he threatens, registered at leading hotels here as follows ductlons forced on it by competition, the other road has taken Health ana strength through his new and original system of treatment. HI I'l'lllE From San Francisco A.

B. Bowers, J. F. Har- its full share of the business. I Yfi.

I tn 1 t. it Is hoped that the perplexing legal question whether a Southern Pacific Is good on a Southern Pacific train, or whether it merely entitles the purchaser to be thrown off, will be finally court, D. Marx. W. H.

Hammond, at the Im iiuauiifiiuii junue uu umuavii inree years perial; J. W. Rooch, at the Stuart. National City R. W.

Grant, at the Astor. To Certain Correspondents. B. J. (1) You may call it "pitching Into them" if the performance so Impresses your indurated understanding, and I'm aware that It so impresses their funny ones; but persons of literary discernment call it good-humoredly laughing at them.

(2) You do not know bow to use a dictionary, or you'd find all my words In It. As to Webster's definitions, they have usually about and definitely settled. ago that the Southern Pacific Company would become bankrupt If the Railroad Commission were permitted to enforce Its order NEW YORK, July 9 Among the passengers Exclusion of tho prowling boutoneuse from Camp Barrett-over-the-Bay Is a hopeful sign of returning reason. If the civil authorities would enforce against her the law making possession of Government property prima facie evidence of theft they new method, without knife, trusa or detentloa trom work, a luilnleisa, aure and permanent cur. VAItH'OCKLK.

hydrocele, swelling and teal demess of the elands treated with unfailing- sue. cess, oiitiiKlotift 1)1 uxl uotaun Id any at lis stages thoroughly eradicated from the system LnilteH will receive special attention for all their many ailments. WHITE If tou cannot call No charge for advice by mall. He will alto you a valuable book, "Uulo to Health fre. charge.

Address F. L. 8WEANY irf Market street, baa Francisco, Cal, reducing grain transportation rates ry 8 per cent. On that it is understood that Mr. Fitzslmmons feels that Uncle Sara sailing to-day on the Cunarder Etrurla for Liverpool were: John Craig, W.

L. Locke, Miss Florence Locke, Master John Locke, of San affidavit the United States Circuit Court granted a restrainin would be Justified in telling Spain to go and get a reputation order, and It still stands nominally aa a temporary injunction I before he fights with her again. jjFrsnclsco; B. u. Depisey of Los Angeles, would have the consciousness of a duty well i.

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