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The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California • 17

San Francisco, California
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a i a Ci i young ladle of the ehureh and their friends, I Davis was the hastes. The two vocalists werf Miss Newland and Andrew Bogart, Mia Hat rlsoo and Mis Newman furnished the mnsUal part of the entertainment. Tber were several row evening, when a lecture will be upon "Norway, the Land of the Midnight Hun," and soaie beautiful lllustratloo iw, ill II -1 111 BIF1 -sa JL--E5. I In 1 I ill 1 1 1 WW I III III 1 VUiJ? Perrln, Mis Sally Mayaard. Horse Q.

Piatt, 11 jr wrfMUL.iiJ 'ssa -ors rfyr H-STS- J. A. Hart, E. M. Greenway, Charles K.

Mo- Intosb, W. 8. McMurtry and A. H. Small.

Mrs. Monro Salisbury gave tea on Wednes day afternoon last to tbo sewing class" Tbe Monday Mutes," a tbey term themselves-ln the parlor of ber resldenoe. Tbe brlcbienlnt weather bad the effoct of bringing out some ex tremely dainty spring costumes. The engagement I announced of Mis Millie Carter, youngest daughter of General H. G.

Carter of New York City, a Vassar girl and general favorite In Gotham society, to F.ugons Howell, rising young business and mining man ot Nevada. He was a former Oakland so ciety boy and a student of the State Univer Ity. and a member of California Parlor, N. 8. G.

W. He I brother In law of Dr. J. F. Mors of San Francisco.

Mis Ida Owens entertained few of her friend at her Jackson-street home, Oakland, a few days ago. Tbe house was artistically dec orated and dinner was served la the large din leg hall at It ofloek. While the menu was being dlsoussed a concealed orobealra played some very entertaining muslo. The following were present: Miss Grace Soule, Miss Florence Jones, Miss Margey Cohen, Miss Edith Craig, Miss Ida Owens and Messrs. Cobon, Taylor, Craig, Mitchell and Soule.

On Mondny evening of last week Dr. and Mrs. William J. Younger were the guest of honor at a dinner given by Mr. and Mrs.

J. Downey way, Ogden Hoffman, 3outhard Hoffman Edgar Carolan, Oscar Bewail, Lieutenant L. H. Strotber, W. R.

Heath, Miss Jennie Blair, Miss Myra Noyes of Washington, D. Miss Aileen Goad, Joseph D. Grant, J. A. Hart, W.

S. Mo Murlry, Joseph I). Crockett, Nicholas O. Kit tie, George A. Newhall, George Bate, Mr.

and Mrs. James A. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Mount-ford S.

Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. John E. de Ruyter, Mia N1U- Hillyer, Miss Sara Collier, Lieutenant T. F.

Ruhm, Lieutenant Benson, S. G. Buckbee. Colonel George Hager and bis daughter, Mis Alloa Hager, of Colusa are stopping at tbo Palace Hotel Mr. and Mrs.

J. E. Elklngton celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of their marriage last Friday evening at tbelr borne on Albion avenue. Mrs. John McMulHn has been seriously 111 and confined to her apartment at tbe Palaoe Hotel for the past two weoks.

The wedding of Miss Ross F. Rich, dsughter of Joseph Rich, the capitalist, who reside on Oak street, and S. B. Livingston, a young lawyer of New York city, will take place at the Hotel Waldorf on Tuesday, the 6th proximo. Tbe prospective bride Is a sister of Alfred J.

Rtcb of the Arm of O'Farrell and David Rich of New York. The groom 1 a brother of Mrs. S. Gump of this city. The weather on Sunday last, although It was not only In oostum but In national lullitbles.

A Turkish lady visiting In Oakland repr tented her country with rich costume and ang a Turkish lullaby, using also tb strange Turkish eradle. Tb American lullaby was ung by Mrs. Komlcger. Mrs. Sampson returned from Stockton last Thursday to ber horn In Ban Francisco, after week's visit to ber lister, Mrs.

M. Haven. Mr. William Sskuett and granddaughter pent a few day of last week with Mrs. G.

Uallet at ban Leandro. The engagement I announced ot Mis Ger trude Gray and D. M. Hart of Benlcla. Mis Cray ts the daughter ot the late Samuel Gray of Benlcla.

The groom-elect I a brother of Mrs. S. D. Rosenbaum of Stockton. Tbe wedding will uk place In April.

Tb engagement I announoed ot Mis Mamie Muggins of Stockton and Delmar Miller, Deputy County Clark of Bant Crus county. The wedding, which will bo a quiet bom affair, will lake place about the Stn proximo. A dinner party was given on lat Sunday veoing by Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Wtlshtre, the guest of honor being a brother of Mrs. Wll-shire, who has recently arrived ber from the East. A most enjoyable dinner party was that which was given by Mrs. Georgi C.

Boardman, at her resldeuee on Sacramento and Franklin streets, on Tuesday evening of last week. The apartment In which the gust were received and entertained were very handsomely decorated, and the menu wblon was served was exceedingly well chosen. The evening was brought to a conclusion by tbe rendition of soma exoellent muslo. A dinner party wa given by Mrs. Pedar Satheron Wednesday evening of last week.

It waa a very select affair, tho number of those entertained by the hostess being but half a dozen. At tbe residence of the bride' parent, 2318 Howard street, Tuesday noon, George L. Bender and Miss Lottie L. Davis were married. Only Immediate relatives of both families were present.

Rev. Leslie Sprague offlolated. An elegant repast was enjoyed. The young couple will spend the honeymoon at Monterey and San Jose, returning to tbelr home In this olty about the 1st of March. Most notable among the handsome and costly presents was an elegant diamond necklace, a gift from tbe groom, and a large diamond brooch from tbe bride's mother.

Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Smith, who for tbo past two month havo been visiting friends In Chicago, returned to the olty last week.

Miss Baker of San Jose was last week tbe guest ot Mrs. Do la Montanya at that lady' resldenoe on Taylor street. Mr. and Mrs. G.

Mortlmor, who have been making a lengthened trip throughout the Eastern State, returned to the city last week. Mrs. Alphonsa Wlgmore. who has been visiting relatives In the southern portion of the State, returned to the city last week. Among the recent weddings was that ot Miss Hattle Lorlng and Walter Van Bergen, which was solemnized at tbe resldenoe of George W.

Hooper, on Jones street, last Weduesda evening. Tbe ceremony was porformed by tbe Rev. Horatio Stobblns In tbe presence ot a large assemblage of guests at 8:30 o'clock, and later an elaborate supper was served. The honeymoon trip Is now being made In the southern counties, where Mr. and Mrs.

Van Bergen will remain until the 1st ot March. Olonel F. H. Winston, Miss Marie Winston, Mrs. Dudley Winston, General Walter C.

Newberry, Miss Newberry snd Colonol Augustus Jncobson ot Chicago arrived last week at the Hotel del Coronado. Dr. and Mrs. H. M.

Russ of Portland, Or, are spending the winter In Oakland. Among the departures for the East last week were Mr. and Mrs. J. S.

Martin. Mrs. Dr. Arnold Is entertaining os a guest her sister, Miss UUman of Portland, Or. Last week General E.

H. Murray enter lained Robert T. Lincoln and Marshall Field of Chicago, guosts ot the Hotel del Coronado, by a launch party on Sun Diego bay. After a brief call at several historio plaoos of which Dana wrote, Including the old oven nnd bide bouses, tho parties proceeded to tho quarantine station, where they were regaled with refreshments nnd hospitably entertained by Dr. and Mrs.

McKay, whose home Is at the station. At the last session of the sculpture section ot the Ebell Society, which was held at tho residence of Mrs. H. Friend, in Oakland, the ladies were entertained by an interesting talk on this o'aosea topio by Mltss Harriet Hos-mer, the talented sculptress, whose statue ot Queen Isabella, modeled In Rome, has been so much admired at the Midwinter Fair. Miss Hosmer illustrated the formation of a statue by tracing It from Its first oonoeptlon to Its final completion.

The marriage of Harry W. MoClellond, who has been for tbe past ten years with the Oregon Improvement Company, to Mrs. Leonra Peck of Healdsburg, will soon take plaoe. Miss Ada Dougherty of this city la at present the guest ot friends at Louisville, Ky. Lieutenant and Mrs.

N. F. McClare have returned to California after a thre-months' visit to the Eastern States. The Ontury Club gave an afternoon musicals on Wednesday ot last week at vblh Mr. Invited guest present and tb whole affair was distinctly a pleasant one, especially at this, lb dullest season of lb year.

On Monday last Mrs. Cora Mutr, a laughter of Colonel and Mrs. George D. Sbadburne, whs bad been visiting her parent here, left tor thj home ot ber husband, Nathan W. Mulr, at tlerdslown, Ky.

Mr. and Mrs. Blencherd Cbai of Napa wr In tb city last week. The C. S.

E. a Student' Club gave Washington Night at tb room ot tb eiub on last Tuesday evening. The room were tastefully decorated Willi the national colors and a very floe program was rendered. Tbe following ptrttolpatod In the entertain ment: Miss Emily Curtis, Jamo A. Haran, Mrs.

E. Carpenter, MUs Haiti Elliott, rred. L. Shaw, Miss Frances Luse nnd Mis Mar garet McLinnaa. The engagement of Mis Rosa Lerol to Will tarn E.

Hint, both ot Sao Franelsoo, is an nouaced. Miss Maud K. Root tendered tb class ot "95 ot Bnell Seminary a luncheon at tbe resldenoe) of her parents, Mr. and tin, A. W.

Root, 1213 Oak street, Oakland, last Monday. The occasion wa her blrthduy anniversary, Tbe residence of Mis Ada Yale of 1373 Eighth avenue. East Oakland, wa the scene ot a very enjoyable surprise on the evening of tho 1Mb In honor of Mis Clara Sohaadt, who recently graduated with high honors from AydeV lote't Businets College. Colonel and Mr. E.

Hughe gave a progressive euchre party at their resldenoe, 1321 Clay street, last Monday- Mr. P. M. Wood and George Graham won the first prizes, andi Mrs. William Cluff and It M.

Wood were presented with the booby prize. Tber wer abost thirty present. Mrs. W. L.

Dudley returned to Stockton last Monday from an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Heron ot Oikland. Mr.

and Mrs. N. A Baldwin ot New Haven, with Dr. and Mrs, Morton Grlnnallot Now York, left (bo Hotel del Coronado last week by private car "lolanthe," and will sail for a pleasure trip to Japan. They bar passed their fourth season at Coronado.

Professor Nagarkar, tho eminent Hindoo loo turer and leader ot tbe Brahma-Soma, 1 being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Goewey, Whllo visiting San Francisco he la giving an exceedingly Interesting course ot lectures under tho auspices of the Cliauntng Auxiliary, the second one being delivered to-morrow evening at tho First Unitarian Church. On the 13th last, a verv pleasant surprise party was given to Mist Carol E. Watkln at tbe resldeuee ol her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. H. W. Watklns, 1777 Taylor street, Wt Oak-land, tbe ooca-loo being th sixth anniversary ot tbe young lady' birth. An elegant programme ot Interesting teatnr) was carried out, one ot the events being tba efforts of tbe llttlo tots to pin a caudal appendage upon a tailless donkey.

In this competition Miss Patrice Burgeacoa and George W. Ludlow carried off first prize, and Junta Melohan and Colli P. Watkln ean-tured tbe booby prize. The little one enjoyed a splendid banquet before the party ended, Mr. and Mrs.

Levi Chase of San Diego were among the guests at the Occidental Hotel laat week. Mis Maud Martin returned to the olty from San Diego last week, where the ha been vllt Ing some friends. Miss Amelia Ferrer, who had been visiting friends in Petaluma, returned to the olty last week. Tbe new residence erected for Asa R. Well on Paclflo avenue will shortly be occupied by that gentleman, Mrs.

Wells and tbe Mlaseg Wells. Tbe marriage of Miss Norih Daly and P. Heogerty took place on the 4th Inst at St, Joseph's Church. The ceremonies were Impressively performed by Rev. Father Lane of West Oakland.

Miss M. Hearley was bridesmaid, and J. O'Dowd acted as 'est man. Tho pnrty retired to tbelr future home at 1072 Howard street, where an elaborate supper was) sorved. There wer many and valuable presents from relatives and friends.

A large Oakland gathering was that at th residence ot Congressman Hilborn, 354 Four, teonth street, on the evening ot tbe 16th when Miss Grace Hilborn entertained a number of hor friends. iTho party was in honor of Mis Noyes, dsughter ot Crosby Noyes. editor ot tb Washington Star. Mr and Mrs. Noye and Mis Noyea arrived from Washington laat Tuesday en route to Honolulu, China and Japan.

Tbe parlors were tastefully decorated with smllaxand flowers. Dancing wa Indulged la and supper was served at small table ar. ranged la a aide room, where the guesU could rofresb. themselves during the intermission. Tbe banquet of the Harmonl Club oa Wednesday evening last was remarkabl not only for the choloeness ot tbe viands and beauty of tbe decorations, but also for tbe number ot really clever speeches which were made.

They wero all good, but very nottoeably so wer th efforts of Judge Hebbard, Dlstrlot Attorney Barnes and Charles L. Ackerman. The third party ot the Twenty-on of tho National Guard will bo a unique affair. It wtU be a '40 party," and those who have been Invited will be expected to attend attired a tho pioneers did when they met In th olden days) for social purposes, Tbe programme and tart, tatlons for this no affair are quaint. Tk Twenty out wtUexvoitt figures aad formation) cnsrioterisUo ot Arm sic, ct ft days ot '4V On Thursday afternoon last a pretty luncheon party was given by Mlts Ella to a number of young ladlea In the parlors of her residence on Washington street.

Mrs. Robert Beck entertains) the member of the Card Club at tho Hotel Stewart on Thursday evening to musical and progres sive conversazione. A few plea-tant hour were pent In music, stuglng, dancing and tbe enjoy ment of refreshment. Among the performer were Dr. Park, Mr.

lUrllstf, Mm Shepherd and MM Letcher. Mr. and Mrs. Oeor II. Watson of New York are passing several weeks at lb Hotel del Coronado.

Mrs. Watson I author of two charming romance. "The Old Harbor Town" and Dorothy tbe Puritan." Mr. and Mrs, Louis Hirscb (nee Weill), who have been making a four months' stay In Con-tral America, returned last week to Ban Francisco. The engagement of Miss Palmyr Raas and Henry Gundelflnger I announoed.

Twenty guest were delightfully entertained by Mr. M. Holler at a dinner party last Thurs day evening, at her resldenoe at lb corner of Van Net avenue and Jackson street. The eniriniment Is announced of 'Miss Julia Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

A. Fisher, to Coleman At tel. both of this oily. Tbey will receive next Sunday at 020 McAllister street, from 'i to 6 r. M.

The engagement ot Miss Almee Reed to How ard Swnle Is announced. Mis Reed I daughtor of Charles O. Keed and the sister of Mrs. Olive Reed-Ualoheldar of Oakland. On Wednesday last.

In Grace Church, 3. D. L. McOaughey and Miss Florence O. Sprlgg ot Brattle, were married.

The wuddlng was a quiet one, only the rela tlves and Immediate friends of the contracting parties being present. The bride, a beautiful, accomplished young society lady of Seattle, ts daughter ot Judge J. W. Sprigsrs, United States Commissioner of the Seattle Dlstrlot. and a sister of Mrs.

Irwin S. Watson of this oltv. The members of tbe Midwinter Whist Club wore very agreeably entertained on Tuesday evening at tbe residence of their secretary. Miss Gertrude Fitzgerald, 2123 Bush street. In the early part of last week Mr.

and Mr. George M. Ferine left tho city to visit their ranch in San Luis Obispo county. On Tuesday last Miss Crocker and Miss Julia Crocker, daughters of Mrs. Clark Crocker, left the city for a visit to tbo southern counties.

A most novel and unique entertainment took plaoo at tho Plymouth-avenue Congregational Church, Oakland, on Friday night last, The chief feature was the representation ot the different oountrlc ot tbe world by the ENTERTAINMENTS THIS WEEK. MONDAY. Channino A untliary lecture py Profuior No-garkar, Virit Unitarian Church. California Camera Club, lecture on Norway, Metropolitan Temple. Seven Pines Circle, No.

13, O. A. ft, social, A Icatar HalU Mr. Schuett, tea, fSI Chattanooga street, 3 to P. it.

Ji bngliati Spanish Quintet, concert, Maple hall, Palace lMel Club of '94, fancy dress party, Saratoga Hail. The Twenty-One of the National Guard, '49 dance, HIS ttrttl. Robert Lloyd, concert, Metropolitan Temple. WEDNESDAY. Hamagt of E.

A. Forretter of Lot Angeles and itit Ella MeCarthu of Oakland. Huntington Euchre Club meeting at the resi-deuce of Mrs. Mellis. Buena Vista Parlor, No.

68, N. D. G. open meeting. Alcazar Hal.

The ErceMor, pvrly, Union-square Halt Nuptial of Herman Lester and Mil Martha Levy, 1518 Eddy street, 3 P.M. THURSDAY. Wedding of Lieutenant Milton F. Davit, U. S.

and Mite Blanche Boies, Grace Church, 8 P.M. FRIDAY. Clnver Club, first pirty. National Guard Ball The Incogs' entertainment and dance, Union-square Hall SATURDAY. Calif ornU Rehehah Lodge, No.

I. O.O. Welcome Hall. Aleattaz Circle, No. 38, C.

0. mashed toll, Union-square Hall. Oeia Club, quarterly social, B'nat B'rith Ball. Scandinavian Society, thirty-llfth anniversary entertainment, California HalL SUNDAY. Wedding B.

M. Lichtenstein and Mill Junie llet Kg, Sherith Israel Synagogue, i P.M. Fount; Men's Hebrew Union, Purtm festival, Odd Fellows' Hall. ONE of tbe large residences on Nob Hill Is again ocoupted by Its owner. On Wcdnes.

day last Mr. and Mr.i. C. P. Huntington arrived in tbe city, aocompanled by tbe Prinoe and Princess de Hatzfeldt and are.

now located in the bouse which has been almost entirely refurnished and redeoorated and presents a most charming appearance. Unless something unexpected should happen tbe Huntington party will remnin in this State until tbo month of June. Tbe Prince is himself a very agreeable gentleman and of rery high lineage, the family of Hatzfeldt being a feudal house of Hesse-Supe-rleure of the Roman Catbollo religion. 1 The Hstzfeldts trace their desoent authentically since the time of Volpert da Hatzfeldt of the Province of Hesse-Nassau as far back as tbe year 1213. By inheritance tbey acquired several lordships or seigniories, which, however, did not reach the dignity of States of the Holy Roman empire.

Among these were iWllden-bourg and Soboenstein in the territory of Rhenish Prussia. John de HatzIeldC married Jutta, sis-tor and heiress of the last noble lord of Wild-en bourg, about 1430, and therefrom the desoent continued through the two sons of Jean de Hatzfeldt, the son of QodetTrol, who died 1S0S. Francois Edmond Josepb-Onbriel-Vitus de Hatzfeldt Is descended from the second branoh of tbe family, and was born at Marxbetm, in tbe province of Hesse-Nassau, on the 15th of June, 1853, and married Miss Claire Huntington at London on the 28th day or October. 1889. The others who completed the Huntington party were Miss Carrie Huntington and Miss Campbell.

During their trip here different Interesting pointsin the southern portion of tbe State were visited. Prince Ponlatowskl, who arrived here last week, has made a very favorable impression. His engagement to Miss Bourke has been definitely announced nnd It is expected tbe marriage will take place at some date during the coming month. The only point that seems to remain unsettled is as to the place: It has aot as yet been given out whether the ceremony will be performed in San Francisco or at torn plaoe not yet agreed npon la the Eastern State. Yesterday afternoon Chevalier and Madame da Kontskl gave reoeptton In honor of Prince Ponlatowskl at their residence, 1527 Geary street.

There were about sixty presont and a pleasant afternoon was spent by the guests, who Inoltided Dr. and Mrs. Pawllrkl, Professor Bouvlet, Mr. and Mrs. Jewett, Miss Jewett, Miss Sullivan and others.

Among tbe guests were several talonted musicians and during the afternoon vocal and Instrumental selections were rendered and the hours passed pleasantly In listening to the muslo and In agreeable conversation. Light refreshments were served and all apparently regretted when the time arrived for adieu, so charmingly had the time been passed. The Prinoe and the De Kontskl family were old friends In Europe and their friendships formed there are continued in this far Western oountry. Tbe Prince will be patron at the concert to be given by Professor Souvlet at Union-square Hall next Tuesday evening. Tbe fourth entertainment of the Fortnightly Club waa held at the resldenoe of C.

O. Richards, on the corner of Van Ness avenue and Sutter street, on Friday evening. The usual programme of muslo and a comedy was given, addod to which was the black art, tbe specialty of the ocoaslon. The black art was a clever representation of the magician's mysterious science, and was highly appreciated by the audience. Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the programme.

The entertainment was under the direction of Willis Polk, Horace Piatt, F. Owen and Dan Polk. The following members were present: Mr. and Mrs. J.

Richards, Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Mc-Nutt, Mr.

and Mrs. Hall McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. James Otis, Mr. and Mrs.

James Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Parrott, Mr. and Mrs. Mallard, Mrs.

Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore, Major and Mrs. Rathbone, Mr. and Mrs.

R. F. Foreman, Mrs. Howard Colt, Mr. and Mrs.

Nuttall, Miss Hill, Miss Mary McNutt, Dr. Harry Tevls, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Moore, Miss Head, Dan Polk, Misses Goad, Miss Flora Low, Dr. and Mrs.

Keeney, Millen Griffiths, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Mo-Clarln, Mrs.

E. L. Ayer, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crookett, Mrs.

George Pope, Miss Laura Mc-Kinstry, Miss Patrman, Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Newhall, Mr. and Mrs. McGavtn, Mr.

and Mrs. Gaston Ashe, F. Owen, Miss M. Moore, Mr. and Mrs.

Blandlng. Miss Kaufman, Frank Dcarlng. Miss Lawlcr, Milton Latham, Miss Bottle Ash, Mr. Knlgbt, Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Scott, Willis Polk and Horace Piatt. The event which Is engaging tbe most attention in Oakland society is the marriage of Miss Ella McCarthy and Arthur W. Forrester of Los Angeles, which will take plaoe at the residence of tbe bride's parents, 1 225 Third avenue, on next Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. The prospective bride is the daughter of J. P.

McCarthy, well known In Ssn Franotsoo real-estate circles. She Is a most charming young lady, talentod and accomplished and a universal favorite. Mr. Forrester Is the son of Supervisor Forrester of Los Angeles county. He la a clerk in tbe Superior Court and is prominent in the club and social life of the southern city.

Washington's Birthday was celebrated In a very enjoyable manner by a party of forty society ladies and gentlemen. The tugboat Relief had been chartered for the occasion and at 11 o'olock It was headed towards Mare Island. Returning tbe course was shaped to San Pablo bay, and from there, passing Red Rook and the Brothers, the voyage was continued to the Golden Gate, giving tbo party an opportunity to view the wreck of the City of New York. During the trip luncheon was served and tbe voyage was brought to a conclusion at the newly erected works of the San Francisco Gas Company at North Beach, where the varied pleasures of tbe day were closed with a short order of dances. Those on board were Mr.

and Mrs. George H. Lent, Mrs. C. A.

Spreokels, Miss May Hoffman, Miss Alice Hobart, Miss Ella Hobart, Miss Laura Bates, Miss Bernlc Bates, E. M. Green- M. pip it to say tbe least of it unpleasant, did not deter the guests of Miss Jonnlo Blair from gathering around ber prettily bedecked luncheon table to meet Miss Myra Noycs of Washington, D. who Is now making a visit to this Coast.

It was a pretty affair In every way, bright and charming enough to dispel any gloom wblch the really awful weather might threaten. Major Tully McCrea, Firth Artillery, U. S. Is absent from the Presidio on duty as acting engineer officer In tbe Department of the Columbia. Mr.

and Mrs. S. W. Holladay gave a reoeptton last Friday evening to Mrs. Waldo Richards, tbe reciter.

Among those present were Judge, Mrs. and Mi McFarlund, Consul and Mrs. Rounsevelle Wlldmau, Mrs. and Mist Aldrlob, Mr. and Mrs.

J. H. Jewott, W. F. Aid-rich.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fallon chaperoned a Jolly party to Redwood canyon on mules last Thursday.

Among those present wera Miss Kuss, Miss Msmio Hoesch, Miss Elliot and others. H. L. Van Winkle and Miss Van Winkle, aocompanled by C. C.

Kellogg of Utica, N. and his daughter, left last waek for a two months' visit to the Hawaiian Islands. Miss Blanche Bates, a daughter of Mrs. F. M.

Bates, will be married to Lieutenant Milton Fenlmore Davis, Fourth Cavalry, U. S. at Grace Church, San iFranclsoo, on Thursday evening last. Paul Goldsmith, Oakland correspondent of the Examiner, gave one of tbe most charming dinners of tbe season at tbe Metropole In Oakland recently to a few intimate friends. Tbe dinner was In honor of hii mother, Mrs.

H. A. Chittenden of New York, who Is spending a brief visit In Oakland. Tbe dinner was a brlgbt affair, and the favors of souvenir spoon were very pretty and unique. On Tuesday evening of last woek fourteen ladles and gentlemen were entertained by Mrs.

Hager at her residence on the corner ot Sacramento and Gough streets. Tbe dinner and the servlco were alike excellont. The affair was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S.

Hicks of Los Angeles, who have been here tbe past two weoks on a visit to Mrs. Hager. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks expect to return to Los Angeles next Friday.

The guests were Mr. and Mrs. James A. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs.

J. Downey Harvey, Mrs. William S. Tevls, Mrs. H.

Colt, Mis Adele MISS ELLA McCATHY, WHO WILL BE AN OAKLAND BRIDE NEXT THURSDAY. Harvey, fourteen guests in all being present. A very templing menu was served, and tbe apartments in which tbe guests were reoeived and tbe dinner took place were deooratod with exceedingly good taste. Muslo was furnished by tbe Spanish Students. Mr.

and Mrs. Alfred Moore, who have been wintering at tbe Berkshire, will return to their cottage near Tiburon on Marob 1st. The engagement is announced ot Miss Mary A. Mann, only daughter of Professor A. L.

Mann of this city, to Byron Brown, son of the late Superior Judge T. A. Brown of Martinez, Contra Costa county. Mrs. Dean and Mrs.

Allen have returned to tbelr Jackson-street home, Oakland, from i a visit ot several weeks to St. Louts. Tbe Camera Club will give another of Its enjoyable lectures at Metropolitan Hall to-mor- I.

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