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The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California • 13

San Francisco, California
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''1 Pages 13 to 28 Wt.OAHWr.OfB f- SAN FRANCISCO, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1911. tfDEITII LURKS Dorothy Arnold Relatives Believe EDSTLEH BABES iisji.nif III 1 UALL VA NLYi A HE STIES JOKES Saddest Student In of C. Writing Book on Wit! Has Not Smiled In Months, Griscom Is Involved Deeper in the Mystery IT FEU Dorothy Arnold, missing New York heiress. HAS FORMULA FOR HUMOR TT7" t.

FATHER'S BIER Crowd of Thousands Surges in Street at Funeral of Man Slain in Daroux Gaming Denf GRAFT SHADOW OH COFFIN Police Unearth Suit Case of Dynamite Caps, Fuse, Clock In Check Stand, CLEW TO 'TIMES" CULPRIT Woman Saw B. Brlce As Victim Goes to Grave Chief Handbag Hurrying From House After Crime, 5 'Alice Blue' Yields Place to 'Helen Pink' Miss Taft Sets Fashion In Color and Her Set Is Following the Lead. SpedU fcr laud win, Usia( Is tin wortd.) WASHINGTON, January IL Slno Miss Helen Taft has assumed tbe rein of leadership among the younger here "Helen pink" has taken the place of the long-popular "Alio blue." Mies Taft is very faithful to her ehosen color and wean It In the paler shade for evening, while many of her street costumea are of a brilliant American Beauty pink, verging almost upon red. There Is a certain girlish-ness about pink which ha quickly appealed to other member of Ha Taffs jet, ao. at recent ball at least five out of e-r en gown were of rhat hue.

Hostesses, too, have chosen a pretty way of paying honor to the President' daughter, and at lunoheon and dinner table decorations are -more often than not of Klllarney or American pink rose. BANK LOOTER SANE: JURY Accuses Robin In Face of Noted Allea-lt Testifying He la Crasy. rSpecUl by luud wire, tha lotifert In tha world. NEW TORK, January 31. Joseph O.

Robin, the bank wrecker whose latest contention 1 that ha 1 the second son of Alexander II of Russia, wa declared sane by a Jury to-day in the face of the testimony of a notabl array of alienists that he is insane. The verdict struck every one In the courtroom with amazement, especially William T. Jerome, who remonstrated with Judge Swann. The latter expressed his approval of the verdict and hi delight at finding a jury that was not "awed out of their senses by the testimony of noted medical experts." Robin' condition and alert demeanor on the stand decided the Juror. will plead to the eight indictment standing against him to-morrow and will be tried at the February term of the Supreme Court.

In tbe dlcovery several day ago of a leather suit case containing' separata place of an Infernal machine, the looal police are confident that they hive at last found the clew that eitab-llsne without doubt that the Los Angreles Time building was blown up with dynamite on the morning of October last; and that M. A. Schmidt, alias J. B. Bryson; David Caplan and J.

B. Brlce, the three suspects, at that had In their possession an Infer- f-l tim tlme machlne similar to the one which was round in the casement or tne home of General Harrison Gray Otis, chief owner of the "Times." "This disoovury," said Chief Seymour yesterday, "proves positively that the Los Angeles "Times' was blown up by dynamite and not by a gas explosion." In the suit case, which was found at a check stand la the Ferry building there were two papers with full accounts of the "Times" disaster, in which twenty lives were lost; one of them an afternoon paper of October 1st, the other a morning paper October 2d, Checked at Ferry Stand. The ault case was checked at the newa stand of Foster Orear on October 2d. It was discovered by chance by Detective Edward Gibson. It was removed Immediately to police headquarters.

Thus far the police have been unable to determine by whom the suit case was checked. It has been learned, however, that late on the night of Oo-tober 3d J. B. Brice telephoned to Mrs. Mary Ingersoll, at whose home he had previously lived.

Chief Seymour is cf the opinion that brought the grip and contents to San Francisco Immediately after the disaster; that he bought the newspapers containing the accounts of the eKplosIon on the train en route; that he became alarmed at the furor ATHLETICS BREED CRIME Chicago College Paper Spirit It Inculcates Fill Jails; CHICAGO, January 81. "Athletic to-day Is too muoh of a business. Its only object Is victory. It Inculcates In the minds of young people In the for, matlve stage a philosophy thst glorifies material returns as an end Irrespective of the means with the to get the good. "And it 1 this same philosophy that lead to the commercial and political dishonesty that furnishes work for tha grand juries and the Senate committees and Jailers." The "Dally Maroon," the official publication of the student body of the University of Chicago, to-day editorially attacked intercollegiate athletics? the above being but a small part of the expression.

Puts Comics on Dissecting Table to Ascertain Why People Laugh, The saddest student at the University of California i making a "sclen-tlfio analyst" of wit With tear la hi eye I bemoaning the endless-nesa of hi task of finding out why people laugh. He has written the first and noblest third of a book that 1 to tell popt how to make Jokes. Rather, it going to tell people how joke are made. It Is going to contain the recipe of wit. After It Is published anybody can make Jokes, even the author, who la so wrapt up In 'his task that he hasn't smiled for months.

He expect to get a doctor's degree from the university when the book is completed. Meantime funny thing are troubling him In a funny way. Reduces Wit to Formula. Julian Korskl Is the author who la going to Immortalize himself th university by reducing wit to a formula. He has a degree of master of arts from the university, gained through a preliminary study of humor In the department of experimental psychology.

Now he wants the degree of doctor of philosophy, Just a though philosophy knew how to laugh, and doctor how to smile. He is working now in the department of anthropology, though that were a place to study clowrs and cartoonists and Joker. In fact, Korskl has already reduced wit to his formula. It 1 like a formula in an algebra book, or the laboratory designation of a drug. Hera it is: equals plus plus A.

Neither Bud Fisher nor Tom Power knows about this. But Korskl is certain It la right. It means that "comicality" is made up of pleasure, and surprise and absurdity. Korskl's book says that this Is the composition of tha Katzenjam-mer Kids, Mutt and Jeff and Happy Hooligan. Just combine these three things, and, presto, somebody laughs.

In the case of the Katztes and Mutt and Happy everybody laughs. Favors School of Humor. Having reached this conclusion, Korskl say that a school of professional humorists might be established to teach men how to make comic supplement Jokes and become clowns. "Why not a school for humorists, as well as schools of drawing and music?" asks Korskl in the forthcoming book. "In some Jokes there Is more surprise than absurdity, In many more absurdity than surprise," writes Korskl, "but the surprise must be pleasant, else the joke is not a joke, but ia pathos." To arrive at these conclusions Korskl has had the Katzenjarnmer Kids on the operating table of the department of Anthropology.

What the chemist does in his laboratory, and the doctor does In his dissecting-room, Korskl Is doing to Mutt and Jeff under the eyes of the professors of anthropology, which, by the way, means the study of people, the habits and customs and religions and troubles and amusements. Never Laughs at Shows. The student goes twice a week to the Orpheum and regularly attends two rounds of selected continuous moving picture show. But he never laughs. The first time he see a funny show he studies the stage to see what elements of surprise and absurdity and pleasure are offered by the actor of the moving picture Images.

But he does not laugh. He la too busy. The second time he studies the audience, and again he is too busy to smile. He has the audience on his operating table. Even the laugh of the small boy when the teacher sits upon a carefully placed bent pin falls within Korskl's anthropological analysis of the creative and constructive, comic imagination.

In that case the teacher experiences the-element of surprise, the boy supplies the pleasure and the fact that so small an object as a pin can create so much commotion is manifestly absurd. Sa the formula holds good. But not even a whole row of teachers, arising In concert In unusual haste, could make Korskl laugh. To him these would be merely phenomena, to be estimated and classified and weighed and tagged and turned In to thedepartment of anthropology, on account, for the degrea of Doctor of Fun. ARCHBISHOP RYAN SINKING Commands His Underlings to Patrol Districts at Night.

Two differing scenes were enacted yesterday In the police gambling ean dal. Out on Valencia street, In th funeral chapel of Suhr Wleboldt, the widow and lix little children of Gustavo Post ler, who wa killed in tho Daroux roulette and faro reaort at 149 Masoa street, vainly pleaded with the dead man to speak to them Again. At police headquarter, Chief of Police Seymour, quickened Into action by tha expose of police corruption caused by the death of Postler, issued order that captain and lieutenant of police must hereafter patrol their district at night and keep themselves In personal touch with the conduct of their subordinates. Graft Shadow Over Bier. In the blindness of their grief, th stricken widow and children wero trying to call back the life that had been sacrificed to police dishonesty and police negligence.

In a more certain way the chief of police wa trying to stamp out the corruption that bad caused the death of Fostler and tho ruin of his home, and to insure against a revival of protected gambling. Across the casket that held th body of the gamblers' victim the shadow of police graft lay big and black. Policemen In uniform guarded th chapel doors, and their presence ther seemed to say that the slayer of the man had come to bury him. Several Thousand at Funeral. While the eulogy of the dead wa being spoken, and, while the story of the tragedy wa being told, ther arose a picture of gaming table, of low-browed gamblers, and of bribetaking policemen.

They grouped them selves about th catafalque, and one might easily fancy that he oould sen the deluded Postler being hot to death after having desperately attempted to regain the money he had lost at the roulett wheel and tha faro table. Several thousand person attended the funeral services. for a tim th crowd outside the funeral parlor wa so great that street car traffic wa stopped. Police and Gamblers Scored. Emil Liess, president of the Frt Thought Society, of which Postler had been a member, conducted the service.

He spoke In German. The police and the gamblers were declared by Lies to ba equally to Llame for the death of Postler. Had there been no corrupt protection furnished by th police, It wa said, ther would have been no unlawful gambling, and Postler would not hv fallen a victim to th vice, i Lless pictured the misery and distress of the wife and children of th gambling victim, and laid th responsibility for it at the door of the police. Edward Kripp, the gambler who shot Postler, was denounced by the speaker. Autopsy Is Performed.

Acting as pall bearer were two members of the Modern 'Woodmen, two members of th Free Thought Society, and two Intimate friend of Postler. At the conclusion of the services th body wa taken to Odd Fellow' Cemetery and placed In a vault It will be kept ther until after th Coroner' Inquest, and will then be incinerated. To guard against an expected t-tempt upon the part of the gambler and tho pollca to prove that Postler committed suicide after having been shot by Kripp, Mrs. Postler caused a post mortem examination of her husband's body to be mad by Dr. A.

Clinton, Dr. Voorsanger and three other physicians. The examlnatioa was made yesterday morning. Widow Calls Kripp Slayer. Mrs.

Fostler says she believe that her husband was killed by Kripp, and she will rely upon the testimony of her own physician to establish that fact. Chief Seymour, la ordering that hereafter all captain and lieutenant of police shall patrol their district at night, said that any captain or lieutenant who did not hav a personal knowledge of what wa transpiring in his district at all hour ws of no service to the people. "Ther will be no more dodging ef responsibility for crime," said th Chief. "If there is anything wronj In a pollc district, every officer, frora the captain down, will be held liabi for it." Two Policemen Transferred. At the request of C.pula Duk, Chief Seymour removed Policemen Oliver T.

Cox nd William D. O'Keefl from th Central District and replacoj them with Policemen E. IT. Rugf.o TIT III Condition Grow Steadily Worsei Pope Sends Ilia BleiNfig. Special by itued wire, the lotost in tht world.

I PHILADELPHIA, January 81. Archbishop Ryan was weaker to-day than he had been since his condition took a turn for the worse, last Saturday, arid his physicians said to-night that he had even less chance for recovery than he had yesterday when they Issued the following bulletin: "There is very little hope for ultimate recovery." Archbishop Farley of New Tork had a conference with the sick prelate today, and Archbishop Ireland also sent a telegram of consolation. One of tha moat consolling features of the tiny to the sick man was a cablegram from Hi Holiness, Pope Pius who sent his blessing. In Letters Charges "Dope" Sold Openly, to Youths Under Eyes of Police, Louis L. Kittle of Mohrland, Utah, a hopelens victim of the drug habit at the age of twenty-two years, was found dead In a room at the Palace created by the disaster and checked the suit case for fear he might be captured with the incriminating instrument in his possession.

Fuse Attached to Clock. An examination of the suit case showed it contained these arti-r an clock set for 8 o'clock, springs for the clock to set off the fuse at the proper time, two colls of double water-proof fuse, which had not been opened and which bore the stamp of the Du Pont Nemetir powder works; one can of quintuple blasting caps used for dynamite explosions, a half goil of fuse and the two newspapers. Detective Gibson had been detailed to search the storerooms of all transfer companies and check stands where suit cases and trunks are left. At the ewsstand of Foster Orear, Gibson w-s attracted by the. suit case, because It had been left uncalled for since October 3rd.

It was apparently new and a perfcll mark on it showed that it had been sold for 5, At 11 o'clock on the night of October 3d, Brlce telephoned to Mrs. Mary Ingersoll, at whose house he had ly lived. She had retired. Woman Witness Summoned. Mrs.

Ingersoll had seen Brlce leave her home hurriedly several days before with a suit case resembling the one found at the Ferry building. She will be asked to call at polio quarters for the purpose of identify-4 lng it. M. A. Schmidt, alias F.

A. Perry, alias J. B. Bryson, also known as "Cocky Smith," is known by the police to have been In San Francisco several i days after the date of the explosion. It Is thought that it may have been he who left the suit case at the Ferry building.

Several days after the "Times" disaster the police learned that five hundred pounds of high explosive dynamite had been" purchased from the Giant Powder Works, a Du Pont concern. Several weeks later twelve cases of the Giant dynamite were found hidden in an empty house in South San Francisco. Employees of the Giant company stated that three men answering the descriptions of Schmidt, Caplan and Brice had boupht the powder and had taken it away in the launch Peerless. Since the "Times" explosion a country wide search has been prosecutsd for the three men. They are still at large.

Hotel last night. Kittle had ended his life by poison, It I said, after having written farewell letters to his mother, Mrs. P. C. Kittle of 133 California street, to hi father, who lives In Mohrland, and to the public.

In the letter to hi father the youth declared that "dope" was sold openly PEABODY NEAR TO DEATH Boston Millionaire Brighten at Visits of Fiancee, Kdlta Deacon. BALTIMORE, January SI. George Peabody, the Boston millionaire and clubman who had undergone two operation at the Johns Hopkins University, I In a critical condition. His death Is momentarily expected. It was stated at the Institution tonight that Peabody had spent an uncomfortable night.

Daily visits from his fiancee, Mies Edith Deacon, have brightened the patient considerably, but he has shown no decided improvement since the last operation. Veiled Girl Who Called on Rich American in Italy Was Missing Heiress, Detectives Say, By Camillo Cianfarra (Special by cable to New York. nd hy leased wire, tlio liwitcnt in ths world. FLORENCE (Italy), January 31. A veiled woman who called upon George Griscom Jr.

of Pittsburg early in December is believed in have been Miss Dorothy Arnold, daughter of the New York millionaire Importer, who disappeared frum her home there on December The 5'uiig woman visited the Anglo-American Hotel here some time after the 15th of December, as nearly as the clerks can recall. For some time there was an earnest talk between Grlsoom and the woman. What was the nature of the talk the clerks at tha hotel do not know. From what they observed, however, they were of the opinion that the veiled young woman was greatly agitated and that it was she who wa particularly concerned in the visit.

The visit of John Arnold, brother of Miss Arnold, with another veiled woman on January ISth gave the clerks at the hotel more causa for speculation. The veiled woman in this visit was apparently older than the one who made the former call. The call upon Griscom this time was a stormy one. The girl's mother, assuming that it was she, took the lead and demanded, so It is said, that Griscom give up all the correspondence he had had with Miss Arnold and all the telegrams that might have passed between thenj. 'He gave them to her.

Given Up as Dead. fBppcial by leased wire, ths longfst in the world. 1 NEW YORK, January 31. Several relatives of Miss Dorothy Arnold, the missing heiress, and the attorneys who have been assisting in the worldwide search for her, cast aside all theories of her disappearance this afternoon and tame out flatly with the announcement that they believe the girl is dead. Frnnk P.

Garvan, counsel to the Arnolds, mads a supplementary statement to the press in which he retracted all previous statements and admitted that Mrs. Arnold, the girl's mother, accompanied her son, John Arnold, when he started for Italy on January 6th to Interview George S. Griscom Jr. lie added that letters from Griscom were found In Dorothy's desk the day after her disappearance and detectives were put to work tracing- his movements In Europe. Mrs.

Arnold was not satisfied with Gripeom's statements in Italy that he knew nothing about the case and at once took ship for Havre for a personal Interview. FIE 1S1PITEI1 Critics Learn Noted Artist Is Millionaire, Who Took Up Brush at Age of 53, CHICAGO. January SI. With the opening at the Art Institute to-night of the fifteenth annual exhibit of the works of Chicago artists a remarkable romance became public, reconciling the identity of a millionaire business man with that of a successful artist The business man, whom none of his associates suspected of artlstlo aspirations, is Edward Burges Butler. A Edward Burgess, it was learned tonight, ha was a successful painter of The mystery was solved by art critics who have been puzzled for a year over the authorship of a painting hung last year and for the possession of which there was competition.

The story becomes more remarkable when it is known that Mr. Butler never had attempted to draw up to three years ago, at the age of 83. In the next two years he was able to spare but little time for the cultivation of his new-found gift, but to his great surprise a landscape painted by "Edward Burgess" was not only accepted and hung at the exhibition a year ago, but several organizations which customarily purchase the cream of the work shown, entered into competition to secure the painting. Letters sent to Burgess, however, remained unanswered, and the Chicago art world was at a loss. The story came out through persons who had taken the trouble to confirm their suspicions concerning the artist's identity, and whose opinion of his work is much higher than that held by himself.

Mr. Butler is known as a philanthropist and reformer. 537 SHOCKS IN MANILA 400 Dead nn Result of Ernptlna of Mount Taal. MANILA, January 81. Up to noon to-day the observatory had recorded 637 earth shocks.

Of these twenty-five were shown by the seismograph to have been of considerable Intensity. The latest conservative estimate places the number of dead as a result of the eruption of Mount Taal and the accompanying tidal wuvs at 400. The volcano continues active and there is no lessening of the shower of mud and stones. at a dozen different places In Chinatown. The police, he said, made no effort to stop the traffic, which was luring many youths to destruction, Kittle rented the room last evening.

The hotel management forced an entrance to the room after they had failed to gain any response to repeated calls. A white powder resembling strychnine was lying on a table, and there was a white sediment at the bottom of a drinking glass. A hypodermic syringe was found In a pocket of Klttle's clothing. TNi abrupt, scrawly termination of the suicide's letter to his father indicated that he began to write it after he had taken the poison, and that death seized him before he had finished. In this letter Kittle wrote: "I got the dope In the 'Frisco Chinatown.

It's hell down there, as you can get it up In a dozen different places. And the fellows there are taking innocent young fellow up and they soon get to the bad, as they are young and cannot resist it. The police don't try to stop them selling it." Kittle had been employed as a weigher in a coal mine at Mohrland. His father, P. C.

Kittle, is uperin-tendent of the mine. Young Kittle came to Pan Francisco four weeks ago to visit his mother and his brother and sister, Fred and Nina Kittle. In Ills letter to the public Kittle wrote: "This is a case of plain suicide on account of habits I have formed. God help me for being so weak, not to resist temptation. I Hied and prayed to God to give me strength to stop them, but I could not.

but 1 am better off dead than fitnd." AMERICAN ENTRY SPURNED MAY EXPELL MITCHELL NO "LA SAMARITAINE' luakrr City Police Forbid Bernhardt Ecuador Rulers Bowing; to Popular Will, Won't Lease Islands. GUAYAQUIL (Ecuador), January 31. President Alfaro and President-elect Estrada, bowing to the will of the people, as expressed In mass meeting and riotous demonstrations in the streets, to-day announced the abandonment of the Governor's proposal to lease the Galapagos islands to tha United States for a raval base or for other purposes. Mine Worker Demand That Former Leader Quit Civic Federation or Suffer COLUMBUS January 81. The United Mine Workers of America today adopted on roll call by a vote of 1,213 to 067 an amendment to the constitution expelling any member of the organization who belongs to the Atverlcan Civic Federation.

This action ia aimed at John Mitchell, former president of the miners, who now has an office in the Civic Federation. Ha is given until April 1st to withdraw from one organization or the other. Production of Piny. rSpv1il by ld wire, the lonimt in ths world. PHILADELPHIA.

January 31. Mine. Sarah Bernhardt will not be teen here In the religious play "La Samaritaine." The agitation over the play for several day past culminated thi afternoon in an order issued by the police department prohibiting tha production of the play. It had been announced for matinee to-morrow afternoon. 3.

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