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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 3

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THOUDAT. MAT 18U. FREE TftADE ARISES IN HOUSE DEBAH Dr. Out, frwfiwfrw Spolet- mb, Dedaro Ht WHI Sop-pt BcJftt AflKaBcat Ooatlawed vdgt debate la the Con mono yesterday brought the first cUfin-ta Indication of Progressive vap port for th Opposition amendment. In.

Michael Clark, of Red Dae-, fra trad "orator" of the Progrssattea, I ft bo doubt that he would Tot for tho amendment. Th budget "reactionary- Tho policy of tht amendment would do nor valid up In lnduotrloo than th pollry of th Government. He would hr tot aupport th amendment oa that ground, and on tho furt her groan that It proposed to reduce th tariff. Th de-bat largely followed aa xvdemlo courm. Thero waa mneh argument on th reapeetlv merit of fro trade and protection.

Dr. Clark emphas'sed tho progroa of Great Britain under free trade. Cpt. Wanlon. of Fort William, countered with th remark that unemployment ta Canada waa not ao bad aa la free-trad England.

Dr. Clark declared that thar wma no doubt where th Prim Ml later food he waa typically Tory. "HI, torlo ToryUm." Dr. Clark added, the Opposdtioa cheering, "la a forlorn thing. It la always dying In the laat ditch for a forlorn hope." And how patheti It waa to an antediluvian at 41 yeara of age.

Hon. C. a Ballantyne, Mini of Marina and Fishwl, opened the day with a reference to Mr. Mc-Kaater'a reading of the Imaginary letter. Ha thought that the supposed latter wer In bed taate, and that no on hut Mr.

McMaster would hare read them. "So far aa th Government la ald Mr. Ballantyne. on th general question at issue. atanda four-aquare on a policy of moderate protection.

It believe In a policy of keeping Industrie In Canada and of encouraging other in due trie to establish hero." Hon. Rodolphe Lomleux thought tt Juet a well that th-re had been no general revision of the tariff. The Prime Minuter had nailed the Hag of high protection to the meat, and there was never much hope that the Government would revise downward. In the evening there was a sharp clash over th Yamaska by-election. Mr.

Lemleux cited a newspaper Interview In which Mr. Mondou a candidate In the by -election wa credited with th st' tcment that the Prim Minister a "hangman and an autocrat." Was Mr. Mondou still to be regarded aa the Government candidate? pointedly queried Mr. Lemleux. "He la the Government candidate," Mr.

Ballantyne replied, adding that everything which appeared In the press must not be taken for gospel truth. Mr. Mondou would make his reply In good time. E. Nesbitt (North Oxford) re-marked that if wage on the National Re 11 ways were reduced.

135,000,000 could be saved In the present year. Suspects Ulterior Motive. After congratulating th Minister of Finance on his creditable man agement of the finances of Canada during the pest yearMr. Ballantyne referred at some length to th imaginary letter read on Tuesday by A. R.

McMaater. (Bronte), In the course of his speech. He recognised, aid th Minister of Marine, that great liberty waa allowed in discussing th Budget, but felt that Mr. McMaster had exceeded the usual bou of cou rt eay wh with his peculiarly fertile brain he entertained the House by reading Imaginary Th reading of three letters waa In very bad taste, and he was convinced that the member for Brome had "soms ulterior motivs at th back of hi Mr. Ballantyns said that poll Helen of a certain type would probably try to us th letter read by Mr.

McMaster when campaigning at th next general election, but that they would be careful not to mention that th letter wer 1 mag. nary. They would first read th Utter from th Minister of Customs to th French Purchasing Commission, following np by quoting the Prime Minister's remarks In which he stated that be found no fault with this Then they would read Mr. McMaeter- Imaginary letters, deleting th word Imaginary. Afterwards they would tell th elector that the men who wrot the let-ter were sitting on th Treasury Bench, and using their postlom get prfvat business.

"I am said Mr. Ballantyne, "that Mr. McMaater ta the only member of th House who would bar read the Imaginary left era" He added that he was not a director in two of the companies mentioned by Mr. McMaster, so that the totters wer Imaginary 1 more sense than one. If the rules of th Houaa did not preclude reading th tmaa-tnary letters, they should be amended, and th letters in question should, not be reported In Hansard with the naniee of two respon--elbla Ministers of th Crown mentioned in them.

Mr. Ballantyne then turned his attention to the tariff. It was impossible, ald. to reconcile the arguments of Mr. Fielding with those of Mr.

Crerar and Dr. Clark. Everyon would rre that Dr. Clark waa a free trader who had never bid hw tight under a bushel. Mr.

Crerar wss equally pronounced, bat beld the view that Instead of catting th head off protection at on blow. It would be better gradually to eliminate the tariff. It waa not necessary to dwell further on this subject, as everyone realised that they would WJp out every vewtlge of protection, and -carry out the policies which they had enunciated Mr. FV-idlngs ft witch. In Introducing hi amendment to the Budget Mr.

Fielding had mad a Mstemertt which differed from a statement mad daring his speech on the Budget last year. This year baa MM that tba policy of fostering Industry was not good, whll, last year had declared that he would always be willing to help ht- i fant industries. As far as the Gov. rnmant was concerned. It stood foar square on a policy; of moderate protection.

It believed In a policy of keeping Industries In Canada. Mid of encouraging others to establish here. There was no country In the world which offered more golden opportunities for as Canada. This was especially so in, the Province of Quebec. Mr.

Fielding expressed regret that th Oovrnspat bad accepted the gift of naval' essahi from Croat Britain aad bad said that th ships wr whHa elephant." A avnat-, tar at face tba Oavarasnant bad anaaara vassals ana without adding I aaa cant tba naval xpeadttar. Tba aaval attaaiioa would have be 1 eosae a "visit phaat" tf tba ab-lf Kaiabow and Mob had ba kept In commlioa. Tb Oovera-aeat waa carrying aul tb policy that waa 'aid dose la tb Ma lata books in lata, and th people were satisfied that tba naval sarvlca was fficieat. lUgardlng th Proaresslre party, Mr. Ha I la ni yoe preferred to refer to It as the Agrarian party.

The Prtgreen ty ws not entitled to be knofjn as tha Farmers' party b-aus a majority of the farmer from the Atlantic lo th Pacific did nut share in it viewa Thia would prove at th next general lc-lion. "When will that be?" ask ad several Liberal members. Mr. Baiiantyna aald that he could prosue sn election In 1921. or even, perhaps, la) th fall of Quebec's lag peer atati to.

An election was coming in Yamaska. said ths minister, and the peopls of that constituency wouid then show what they thought of the leader of the Opposition and those who sat behind him. "Hear, hear." came from the Liberal ranks. "I do not claim to a prophet. retorted Mr.

Mallantyne, "but hon orable gen i It-men will not be ao jubi lant after May SI." Ernest I.po.nte ls there a Oov- ernment candidate la Yamaska" Mr. Ballantyne "Mr. Mondou 1 the candidate of the Government." This was greeted with Ironical Opposition cheer. Not a Fisherman. Dr.

Michael Clark. (Red Deer), said that he did not propose to fol- low the MlnWer of Marine In his piscatorial nor did hs In tend to make any predictions In regard to by-elections. In the matter of by-elections he felt that he was on safer ground In referring; to those which had been held than In talking at'uui the which would take lac in the future. Canada was to be ctmgrtt ulated because the budget presented by th Flnana Minister, and the amendment of the Liberal Opposition, showed t.iat there was a very un-mletakabls isu befur Parliament and the country. He quoted from Adaro Mmith to show that th policy of a protective tariff was a very old on for the Tory party, and then, turning to the present Budget, declared that "a Tory minister in an ultra-Tory ministry Is quite In line with hi lory when he arrays himself in the flecal rags of pur and unadulterated Dr.

Clark referred to a speech made by Blr Henry Drayton In Toronto, in which Sir Henry advised his hearers to eat Canadian strawberries In prefert-nre to imp'Tting this fruit from th United Htatea "The Minister on that occasion a-ked what was wrong with strawberries?" said Dr. Clark. "I may tell him that there is nothing wrong with Canadian straw hvt rite excepting that they are, like my honorable frli-nd Ituilget, a l.ttle late In making their appearance." He added that the lmiwriatlon of strawberries chou be encouraged rather than discouraged. Canada national railway system netdt-d business and It mght realize suim-bv carry Ins: strawberries from th United Utile to this country. Ths In later of Finance had "nailed th antediluvian fiscal policy of the Tory party to hi maat." aaid Dr.

Clark. He added that the exports- of Great Britain for 1911 totalled 1798,838.000, and for 1920, thai in the fiscal year they had nearly doubled the previous er under a freo UatK policy. It waa neccasary to dweourag ttn-Invrsiment of American money in Canada aa thia waa on of th things that accounted for the ad vtrsv in trade. It had been recently stated In the paper that Amerlcau capital controlled a very high percentage of Canadian industry, and the fact was that during the last 10 year th Industrie of thia country had been rapidly passing under the control of American capital. This waa under a Oovernment that came into power on a cry of "no truck or trad with fh Tank.

Praise for Sir Heavy. Canada possessed unparalleled re sources and had only two people to a quar mile, yet It ws faced with a very neavy dent, wnicn need not have been so big If the prevloua Finance Minister had taxed as th present Incumbent of that office was doing. This year th railway deficit had amounted to more than 000. In addition there waa a verv unprofitable mercantile marine. Cities were crowded with unem ployed, who wer moat numerous in Montreal.

Toronto and Vancouver, where the Government waa building hip to relieve unemployment. For eign trad was dead, internal traae was rapidly declining. It waa common sen to aay that If tb national policy of 41 ysans' standing; had caused thia lamentable condition, the people were going to cbang that condition and that policy at the first opportunity. It waa.trus that th budget ostensibly presented few tariff changes, nd th country waa told that con ditions too unatabl. If the tariff was not to be revised, why waa a tariff commission allowed to waste money In travailing up and down the country? Failure to revise the tariff this session waa not on account of th Instability of conditions, but on account of th instability of the Governmsnt.

There had been revision of th tariff in th budget, a very serious revision. This was shown In th increase of one per cent, on Imports, which had relegated many articles from the free, list and put an enormous burden on the public. Whatever taxea were called, they were all taxea on consumable com mod I tie, and a achool boy could work out thlr effect oa the country. Th flrat effect would be an Increase of th price of com- 'BLACK BEAtiTY' Xjct anthlaa; keep 70a from trrln "Itlark Brtac Ihe whnlr famllf. Doat torwn rstrm ItrT-mtw-M laiatlMe.

earn itejr thia week at 4.M. Attend the. Mtlnee. aa4 aratil thr raab aad at aarkOoaae SOW AKO.AXA WEt. mr-E-M-A-L Tl Day PaitUttent THIS COMMONS.

Armta'irs iy bill, introduced -aa prists atmb.r i mruun placed uit 0vrnmm orders Hoe A. Minuter of Isssatgrs'fon. br.n-a ainndmnie 1 th- liamlsrat Act The aaedmtnis furihrr re-strict ion oa th immigration ef Debat on tha buW. continued fciiterhr by l( (' Be Han nt. Minister Murine and 'ihr)r lr rrk Ked fapt Manlon tKrt William).

lln It.Mlolph Imieux and ST SretM't i North fix-ford I ad)urned by It- itiwi) Reeotuiton rant ins the request of the Mnat that permission lven to Hon A Oersr Mar.1Ut(!t to appear before the Berate committee tn-veetla'tnc diveralon of Canadian tru't a naased Ths Houae adournad at 11 41 m. IV THF. RITNATE Dlscoeton of Ird KNauxbnesr's letter on the railway aituatton. Henatrtr power introduced a molloa providing that In divorce rase the pari whm mlifon-duct led to the divorce- could rot remarrv Th motion waa withdrawn after rtie-uon TODAY IN PAHMAMKVT Budcet dehafe will be rnntfn-ued in the Commons by F. L.

Davis CjCeepawa). modltle. which would limit consumption, decrease manufacture, and Increase unemployment. Waxes of worklngmen were not fit subjects for taxation, and -these taxes placed Just aa heavy a burden on the navvy as (hey did on the millionaire. If a person were compelled to psy an Income tax that tax was direct, but under indirect taxation thou spending money paid taxes, while the man who put his money In the bank did not.

There was no objection to saving money, but there should be a method of taxation fair to all. Mr. Clark maintained that the facts of history showed that a tariff reduction made for the increase of trade, Th argument being put up by the Premier was the same kind that irt the laughter and derision of ev economist in Oreat Britain "ast The second great nted the country at present was a reduction in the cost of living Ths Minister of Militia had said that a cheap country was not a good country to in. hut ntne-tenths of the people of Can da could get along If. Canada ws a little cheaper at th moment.

Therefore, as the a me ml men before the Houee proposed reduced tariffs on thnt ground, he would support It. The third great need of ins da waa to build up Industrie. On this) ground, too. Ir. Clark would aupport th amendment, because the policy of the amendment would do more to tr the general Industries of the country than would the policy of the Oovernment.

Binder twine had been on the free list for 21 years: hut there was an American binder twin factory buiit at WelJand under free trade. Col. Currle: "An American true" Ir. Clark aald that Col. Currle might call It a trust if he wished, but It threw doubt on the theory that it waa the tariff which brought American factories) over to Canada.

Another Body Blow. Mr. Hay (Selkirk) aked If binder twine had been made cheaper to the farmer by putting It on the free list. Ir. Clark, after a little hesitation, said that he believed It had been cheapened, but that wa not what he was arguing.

He proceeded to ask whether the national policy had he'ped the national railway or shipbuilding. Cnl. Currle: "What about the C.P R. Dr. Clark: "The It.

waa given the earth to build itself" He remarked that the Conservative had been lite wiring to listen to him without interruption so long aa they thought he atood alone, but now that they feared the majority Denison Taylor of Jbo. Taylor aad Bell Founder, Loojhboro', Eag-laad, it aUriag at the Quteaa La Brier. AayoM dettrinf to tec Mr. Taylor with refereaca ta belli will pleaac telephone for aa appointment. SUMMER FURNITURE A Most Complete Line To Choose From In Verandah Chairs Verandah Rockers Grass Chairs Grass Rockers Grass Tables Grass Rags Hickory Chairs Hickory Rockers Hammo Conches Hammocks Canvas Chairs Lawn Settees You will have little trouble in choosing what you need from our line.

Bank St, Car. Warertey SHU THE OTTAWA of the people were wllb blm. they era not patient; Not Baal Wtm Vtasta. Continuing she badget debet at I o'clock. Capt.

R. J. bianion a.d that neither Libers nor ths l'ro-g ruse lves wer upholding an absolute free trade policy. He xpr, ed the opin.on that a pol'cy in-h proved advsntageous Oreat Britain might not work out aatia-factoniy in Canada, "real Br.ia was small in area, highly deve upc I as far aa her natural resources concerned, produces vt manufac-j tared articles, and pu.eeed of cspital In plenty. Canada, on tht other hand, was Urge In area undeveloped aa far as her natura; rources were concerned.

She had very lltttle marnWacturing and prac-t tically no developed capital, llitn in Oreat Britain the policy of free trad was not practaed. It wa rather a policy of unlimited im-j portHon. Prior to ths war protectionist Germany had outsold free trade Kngland In the marktts of 10 Cuun- tries. Capt. Manion claimed that axrirulture had been grtly reduced I England under a tree trade pol- icy.

An Increasing number of riters in the United Kingdom wer now saying that Oreat Britain had been too generous to fcer trade rivals in the past, and that was time for a complete reversal of her tariff pol- i Icy. He Insisted thft a prote( tariff might also a tarlTf for revenue. The theory that a protec- tionlst policy would k31 revenue was not born out by far a The member for Fort William claimed that countrlw where com- modltiea sold very cheaply were fre- countries In whjen labor wss choaj. The waa that the people frequently h-l lnnufflclent money to buy even the cheap goods. I Tito "Young tinner.

Hon. Rodolphe I-'iiux regretted that hi party had ost the young: and talented member for Fort Wil-j Ham in 1917. He hoed the "youngj sinner would nna his way bacx oe-fore With thia brief rrferenc to the previous speater, Mr, turned to ex press Us satlsfsct-on that there had not ien a Kener.l revision of tariff. Tha tariff commission In it tour counuy had been an object lesson. The Minister of F.

nance had listened with nervoiisneis to pleas for re- duct ion of duly: anf at the emr time the Prime Mlniger had nailed the flog of hinh projection th mast. Personally, Mr Iemlcux had' never had much hups that the ent F. nance Minister and elate would revise ths tariff downward. Congratulate VlnWrter. W.

Krttbitt Nrth Oxford congratulated the Flnince M.n.ster on the cou me he hat adopted in retiard to taxation. I had been wlee In rejecting the turnover tax. which would have atTcrted retailers and would have h'en expenxive to collect. Hi wa.i wise also to drop the Buines I'ronts 1.x. and not to Increase the Incone Tax.

It would, indeed, havo l-n better ll the Bueint-at Propta Tlx hud bei-n dropped last year. Tlat tax haJ taken the profits that ihould have gone to build up resenea. Those reserve were needed tide over the present buslnnss strhgency, snd the fift that they wer not available hsd added to unemployment. A phone call will bring an expert to jnar home KitinuUet gladly girtn C. H.

Cor. Bank and Strathoona -Maker ut Gooel Awnttm aast Teat 1 ar It Bettor Casolmo QtuldB Made aaeN I FURTHER RESTRICT ENTRY OF CHINESE Some AbuM of Mcrcbai4sv PriTiIcci It Cause. Kur h.r restrictions upon the Im-m ra-- a of Chines into Canada ur Jn a bill which wis by Hon. J. A.

Calder at the opening of th Houss of Com-nmrti The flrat amend-nu-fii dea a with Chinese merchants the rxisting law a Chinese menhsnt is admitted without a helHl Mx uron ttie production of a cer iin. ate Identity issued by the iuvrnmrnl and viaed by Hrir Consular ofUcera In Ch.iwt. Thero has been some abuss of th.s Jtyeiem, ftnd It is now proposed to ab.ilmh i he certificate of identity ami to require every Chtnesn merchant to aatiey the Csnadtsn con-troKer of immigration as to the bona fides of hie merchantile career. the exiedng law the question of whether a Chinese Immigrant has secured a legal entrance to Canada mun be tried before a magistrate It now proposed to authorize a board of enquiry under the law to settle this ques-: A third amendment define the clauses who entry into Canada la hih. led, and ptov des lhal the proiiihitlona shall be the same fur Chinese ihey are for immigrants from other countries.

It i proposed to ejrUnd ihe period during which a Chlneie irnm. grant, who ha leieaVy entered Canada, and who has returned lo China, may reenter Canada without payment 0 head tnx from one lo two years. In all cases there i an appeal tu the Minister of ImmiKrai nti RUSSELL MAN TO RECEIVE McCILL MEDICAL DECREE MONTREAL, May II graduates will be addressed tomorrow at the I'nlvertdty icm. when degrees will be conferred In arts, spplied science, law, dentistry and medicine. Those graduating from the medical faculty Include; I(.

Calalian. It Wyandotte, Nathan Libvelt. )etrolt, Ml Thorne. Itussell. and Ion-ald Kraser.

Btratford. Ont. $70.00 buys nwirhlly uaed Symphon'e I'h 'imKi aph. This la a larre mahogany cabinet instrument. Herular price 10.

00. Leach. Clegg A Leach The Hesse mt Maal IOK BANK ST. Paoae Q. l.

Car. larirr Ave. Pure Blood I a necessity to health at all seasons. No better time for blood-cleansing than now. and the on true 8pring Medicine la Hood's Sarsaparilla Bay DisnstrriVK Awnings i "upeitor QaaMt7.

Samrw Vluii To. Pun Yoar Order Now Make oar borne stand out la jrmr ilUrK-t 1e chat IndUldnal ap-pearane. itaal will make It tle mTy of aiL Petch Phong 260 Gaxllrif COL GEORGE HARVEY RECEIVED IN LONDON New VS. Ambassador To Eag-Und PreMnts Credentiak. IiXDON.

Msy 11 Cot (leorje lUrviy. the new t'n ted State am to Ortat ltrttain ntd i to Karl Cut son. minister, at the forifrn office tti afternoon. He will be received In audience hv King George at ltuklncham l'Ala'e at eleven o'clock Thurd morning and wilrmske hi first puh-fj-- appearsir st the dinner to be iven by the pilgrim' ot -ty on Miy 1. Meanwhile.

Harv. ha announced that he will refrain from granting Interviews and from any discussion of international affair. WEDDINGS Shower Invitation Shower Oift OartU Wedding Congratulation Cardi Confetti (two londi) White Bell White Tiaine Booki ai Wedding Gift A.H. JARV1S, The Bookitore 151 BANK ST. Addie Ade's Adventure Jr Mfaatr-a-Oar BerlalT f'RAITBIl 50-- What kind of aTltne is your brother having on that auto trip you said he was taking this wkr Addis asked, as she and Jtm were fe KKZI A ion at "th rtTuafhi ss suburbs In one Ma cars the nest svenln.

"I'retty lively. 1 guess." replied Jim. He Juet sent me a ptrturs post-card of SI'ltA! Hut cay. you wire to tell mm hw to start Helling tboss used oars of I ne -what about the idea you said you'd spring to night?" "Oh. yes," said Addis.

"It's very VmIM.E You nugflt sn ad ahout each of ycur cars In the section of th paper erery i'av -and tell what sort of 1. TjT.INH-You've" "gt to "offer." "Hut those ads are so em alt." Jim put in. "Vr. hut you certaiply can 'T Just say Touring car. lei model, for sale Tll th make of the ear.

mertianirel condition, number of mi! en run. eat ras included, condition of tires and all TH(K Thlnca lhat people want to know when they're looking for ran Sow, you're TM.KIV'i' Jim. erThula et1cI-Iv "I'll try a couple of real ade tomorrow tTo Cnntirued ontrirht 151. hv Pasil mtlh I A I 8 i fATCHfiS the ty onct, ao much I Urgrr thmil the averaie A I( 1921 model. Taura Vj like a julrp, aJmort.

A mint ot pleaaure, indeed! it it tm tim 'Tn-l'dM- A Cfanon's You cannot butt fetter Gasoline anif Price- SO-CALLED high gravity testa mean nothing. Imperial Premier Gasoline gives you the fullest satisfaction you can buy with your gasoline money and "More Miles Per Gallon." Imperial Premier Gasoline is a straight-distilled, all-refinery (not blended) gasoline. It is the product of five modern Canadian refineries. Its uniform high quality is assured by our thorough knowledge of the best manufacturing processes, gained through long years in manufacturing oil products, and by the skill and experience of our workmen. You cannot boy better gasoline at any price.

If better gasoline could be made. Imperial Oil Limited would make it. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Power Heat Light Lubrication SraadMS ta sH Otsss im mis a iiu VMtKf Friday Women's and Misses' High-Grade Serge Dresses Only one or two of a kind ne.vy. brown and Home braid trimmed: belt of self or 20. Si to 42.

prire :5. fjrand Clean-up Trice. Friday Ft Middies Clearing a few dozen only this special prire Made of good quality Doth In all white or with colored collar and cuffs; also a ft-w In cadet blue. Hizea S. I.

10 and 14: OJ'1 lines and broken s.iee. lingular $1 8 nd I5-2S. Vri-dar Barsain fJJQ Utilmrrar, Krroiid Hckic. Children's Pleated Skirts Pleated middy aklru, made of white twill with cotton walat. Slaw to 10 yeara.

Friday Barsaln WbMeweae, Herond Ftoor. Crepe Bloomers A few doaen Fancy Flf-ured Crep. Bloomera, elaa-tlc at walat and knee, medium Friday Bar- 7Q. sain to clear, pair I fC WTil-wear. 8eroad Floor; Corsets Ruat Proof Cor-eta.

elaatic top. made of atmns batute: alao medium bust made In couttl. Ideal aummer weight. In pink only. Four hoe.

aupport- 1 QO era. Friday Bargain 'O Corarla, Recond Floor. Spring Millinery A final clearing of all our Bprlng Millinery In all the very lateat ahapea and trim- Half Price Fancy Ribbons Taffeta Ribbon In aky. hair bow width, alao allk and aatln ribbons In widths of 1 1 1-1 In. up to i In.

Color, of red. brown, green and black: velret ribbon. In aky and purple. Clearing all one prlca. Friday, per yard IJ Rlbboaa, Mala; Floar.

Women's Lisle Hose Fin. quality Hale he with doubl. heela, aolee and In white, brown and Regular price. toea. black Friday Bargain, per JSc noaaery.

rtoor- Silk Top Vests Women needl. Ilal. vea with Jeraey lopa while or Heah. Regular pee ll.t.. Friday Bargain each I'nderwsae.

Mala Floor. Neckwear Organdie Collar and Vwt. Tuiedo in color, of mauve, blue. roe. and buff.

Regular prlc. l. tS. Friday Bargain, aet $238 Nnrkwcr. Mala Floor.

Silk Hand Bags In molr. allk and filled with change purae and mirror Regular price. IMS. Friday Bargain. Leather Goods, Mala Floor.

Powder Puffs Lamb'a wool powder puffe. allk edge In pink or blue; waahable. Regular He. Friday Bargain, each Toik-4 Mats Floor. Silk Gauntlets Broken alae.

of Women, allk gauntlet. with frilled cuff, a Wo 41k gauntlets with fancy atltchlng. In grey, white, black and maatlc. Value, up to II. 00.

(1 AD Friday Bargain '0 Glorca, Mauri Floor. FRIDATS lsrg Arm Willow for taming to suit your Bargains Al! this season's) model ta embroidered In colors, others) wid salin girdle. His- it 129 St and lli. $17.50 er gain Hecoud Ftooe. Galatea and Kiddie Cloth 1 SOtf yards.

30 In. widsv Kni'nh galata and kd41e cloth; all good heavy In faAt colors; plain nel stripes; Including navy nV white, Copen and whltsw, and brown and white. Values up to Friday AQf bargain, per yard TfeFC Wash tod. Mala Floor, Novelty Printed Voiles 40 In. wide.

Pins STsn, crisp weave, in a selection of new designs and colors. In eluding navy and black and whits, brown anal- white, and grey and to c. Friday CQ Bargain, per yard eVjC ash Good, Maia Floor. Habutai Silks I In. wide.

Heftvy qtut' tty pur silk Habutai. In plak sky. tnauve. maiae, aaad grey, ftaups. navy.

Cops a. peacock, brown and black or white. Former value. rriday Bargain. tfl tA.

per yard elslejr Hllks, Mala Floor. Bed Spreads 11 90 In. purs white cfW chet bed spreads. gooeV heavy close weave; Ity that gives hard wear aaeV ssiily washd; all psrfeoa. goods, hemmed ready for use.

Former price, Friday Bargain, QQ: aril f6j(), Union Glass Towel 8 las 21 SO, Union gigs towels, heavy absorbent weave; excellent drying qual Ity. fast colored blus or rad checks, hemmed ends. For-) mer pries. c. Friday Bargain, sach -CC Hack Towels It St.

Purs whits hues; towels, extra heavy absorb ent weave; will afand hare every day wear; fancy borders, hemmed ends. Forms pries, flc. Friday AO Bargain, each 4FC Staple. Mala Floor, Mens Raincoats Tweed and Cravanetto Raincoat in brown, grey and mixture; cravanetts coats rubber lined. Sixes) 14 to 41.

Regulsr ftt to tit. Friday Bargain to clear $11.95 RhoBV Mass Floar. A Men's Caps ISO Caps. "Eaetern Maks." In blue, black, brown, grey1 and mlsturea. Blae.

I to 7 1-4. Regular prtcas, to 1100. Friday 70m. Bargain each Boys' Bloases With collar sttsehssV "Uttl. Prlnc." malUi blu.

black and brown atrlpea. 8lse IS. 11 and 11. Regular price. Il ls and 11.00.

Friday Barsaln, each Boys Sbop, Mala Floor. Decorated Tea Pots. Kngllah decorated tea pots in 1. and cup colors of blue, brown sn4 dark green- Regular II. 2.21 and rrraay Bargain each U9 Ounawmre, Thtrd Floss.

Marquisette Curtains Fin. edge I Friday auallty with lacs yard. In length. Bargain $1.89 per pair Floor Oilcloth 1.00S yard, of good S.UST. Ity floor oilcloth, la many attracts, Frldar Bargain, per anuars fiQg LEADER Gbrim, DAtoral flnUh, ready room, iwguiar C7 U5 COME TO DALY'S lEST..

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