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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 3

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'1 'I' Our etock now. rerr cbmplote in arer department We ahowina; lew Dress Materials Plain If Serfsjs. rMtr.WMi Flafi Wl Plalda. OMtaUe Tweed. Yeleeteeaa, EteT XHSPECTIOH ihvii." depattoteat pobva ElliottiHamiltbn Uo-SSL-54.

RIDE A ST; West End XIillinry DRY GOODS STORE Hari.ig'bad such mil encouraging spring trade in Millmibt, I hare decided to go into thai line more exteneiTeiy un inn and: will ebow beautiful goods at moderate pi toe. I Mia Morgan will conduct Mantle and Dressniaking and employ only first-class jhapdf i T-. ClF. EDWARDS willinoton btrkxt. IcLiRET- CKL.BElTtD iBAKXZfG POWDER Bat I ritea aniTer SATSATisrAonog thirty yean.

-I i iflHUl OUB STOCK OP Stoves n.l. Jtmaa atS. IDODIWrSi Oleue.A MaJL A. Ueoeri. SI ateb.

Tjtal (110. tor Parast iot Most HalthM.Ingredienb And is the Bitur Bakdw Powdbb in stance. Mo Alton. I aT Bay only McLaren Genuine Cook's Pnend STOVES Ranges imw' nni. WMirni Iathk mott oompltw bar, nrer howtt.

-CALL AND XXAMUtE THEM BE- FORE hUJIXe fiutterwoii Co 4 i HFAB1U 'i IBIXT. AckaowlXIcmentj Tba nremwar uf the JTr jaaetaot Baepiia nnoerledsee wit rwtii ijuu-iwj mil tiiwiniii 1 7 0 tariFtt eoll'e by A LMil- vd A HtT i Bete, too; .4. H. Abeera Holbriok, Newell Bte, Matebatoe, Co, A IUIiIl 1 Motohoxw. A Bailtb.

aaohs Obx Mwee. I Uarla. i Topleyi Hatrie A Knaa, Ormae3r, oordoo uo. rr--s 5 nTt' a a. Wi KThletlr.

Joo 1 irueucaoaBa, eiv fli. A hVieealbal. Hot Ur. joo BaelreB, Otmpbell, EnrT A Mocttnaw. Jao QarUad.

Oral. 1 Uerlla. Robert Sorteee. LarinVvhTW Horr.TF Nellie, 1 LowU, FIuSSw, Kaeny Broe, B-yboM. Mm cbr, lcLrf Stewart, aUN 0 0 R.y A Bt Jjcqwa.

OA InaU. 0 8 Bhaw. J- Qlbwo. to ateh; 0 Alexander. $4 MbiJao Mhrpby A Of, Tbompeoo, eaoh.

KImVJoo. LWrHt. ABndlry. Ulderoa.U IWU. at nnv 5i.ii H.Ka: tf 0 Noaoo.

Bantam, ur A Hnlvfl. LJ yTumSLv. a piXoh-j I Uaaoaam. B. A.

Bjawio. eaab 1 A A.itia'i-M JCtt4, HJ weVfC ATold! -Jboao Wto Moral rrinoipiw i tVS--lad-MloB' abVrtraaath of t- JES ol aaiy, vrr Xba weed of, a proper 9 enlttratioa of aon A A A lie apparent, ta oe arery -JJ-J fl.raUh rlhibo w-. Thatjpoereol oortert belt to, are i morality- i aoatei a TkM ei'Ti naro aad rrBJJUOT, 77- aeCrcdoo. to tba koowled. aad haraao iheoonrai toa Bid formolm talda.

hy the iToliV Ob-tan world took. oj- world took. wonden tha day rAd aU ood. PpU (aratoem Paiaej' Oeterr noola baranjaeidrral r4 thla wondarcae Efl-V oVkiy Oo, k- aha damlra of Tool EffLirtogth. robartoa- happt.

neat and tool Ufa- m'-J J. te a diTine ineaWttoa, bat i kl t.i eome peopla raaeon fur kT.4n lt Atkimiol bootyle.a Jt foiarer, nnln 4 na may takaooauoti hi use, Jbata Snutiteta orer Bu wilL a Friend Aboat It. Tone dut It eonab oea aaraa.i wi earu tf? Balaam eritbin the Urn rawohao oared By ob. and mthteeommaaity. It remarkable tale hy been, won eonrely by Ita reaucaa mem.

a.w of kamp'a Balaam. There I ao medMiaa to Dars.Duo' rS oair. Lana bottle Mo and 1 aU droaioaaa. A rlac aroaodtba avior a aira of rala. and a noa orooad tba rye to a Ha 01 How, i Tho'oraak with a theory It like a doc ehav tew hie tail It otaiag oew wbea ba araepe Oentiemen.

4 to tha Home Bti 411 Wellington BU aad eaye doa. Kim olaan aork goAr- "ad Atipnora lower than haj other adrr. Z- ptw.i. CrrVtALL! NtTKS. if a lit kSiiasnBsr.

1 Tir. w-iwiv; cl the city coons mart ertoioe; to qjo.K)ir tb DtMnanuioA 1 aald Mr. Lee, Mr. ivy wry sink waS170 aod -rred th e-ty lor mm tbao iMlt ntr. cwx.iil.

tin maaleunl nisi' be ertowd in re y-n ttltry. Thl woald mko btanpraeoatina on raocp mi luo It 1 n.aiib'r. boawmr. tiat RldowwrlUs Pnblto Bobool. Fotlowinr I tha boaor roll lor flrnaMiliat in BrdmarlUe pabli febooL Poanh Oit-l Vfaok Bsbarteon aad Knrle I8aear.

Mai tba Baaaet aad Era Store. Jxtaie MoNieol end Little Storr. Tbltd Olut-1 Donald MoNlsoL I Jam White. Willi Boeadtow, Beeond Olaet 1 Kdmond Holt and Poll BaMt, 1 Nelll Holt and Oaray Plnn, Bntba Merefaell. B-aineFlret Claire ad WH le Btorr, 1 Jack Holt aad Qeorgn Hoaklt, Wlllia Abhramead All areata.

Jailor Fine 1 Btta Peareon and Jrarl Ma.irL I Aania Bmlth and Harry Smith, 1 Fiao. Fint CB-a-1 Uixls Marlei. 1 Katie Tiam Jloreda Bralay tad Harry Bateau. RjtanBsy'B Canter a. Honor roll of S.

8. No. 13 Qloncastrr for the month of September Senior roorth til am Mar a an ton, Charlie Kettle, 3 Emma, Hneston. Seo-or Third Cla 1 Aoai' Banwaj, Ella Mtna CralL Beqior Broojd Cltn -1 Maori Toru- kin. aad Hetiry Kelt'ea, equal.

1 Johnstone, Jennie Btewar benior fart oeeona 1 Allan ret- tapiece -1 Bobbie otrt yooitoer BidgewByv. Benior riret Ultee 1 uauie iomxine, Archie BjckiaaJ and Bertha equal, 3 Jennie Johnatone. Jaoior First Cla1 Willi Kettles, Boee Cadjra, 3 Willi Wallace. hXular Attendance aoaie xuunrar. Maudie JohDetooe, Haley namtay, Arnrn McMillan.

aAteodaaoA Cor Bep. Imrrl Kdtkei On Wtdneaday erening, 30th Beptenv be, the Alleyne branch of the chorea of England Temperance society met here. Tbe president (Mr. H. Bell) occupy iag the chair.

After derotiooal sertice, elrn new members were enrolled. Mr. homaa Heener was elected honorable eoretary and Mr. Tooma Howard, boa ab treasurer, Th andernoted were appointed a a working, committee tt. ueo.

nowara, noot. uecoeT, a. MiUord, Wm. Wiggiis, John Moorehead i alao- Mias rGibioD, Miss Carrather, Mits Heeney and Mi.s Irwia. The follow.

ins proernmms was then clererly reo- dered 1 Unet, Golden Shore, MirarS Heeney and Carrather reeiUtlOB, Good Wile. Master Willi Irwia 1 dart, lam Uur Glaaars Upside Down, Miss) Beaai and Mr.N.ueeney; recitation ineuraaK' ati'e wile; Miss Carrnthers ioo, The Mietletoe Bougb, Mr J. Heeney recitat-tioo, The Bore n' the Shirt, Miss Irwin 1 aet. Bride Muses xieeney and Carratbert ireading, the WrongWiadow, I Ouaie tioword 1 duet. Laule Era.

Misse Jrwin and Bessis Heeney recite. 1'on. The Kirieny Party. Mi Heeney tongjLort'e ToaDg J. Besney) KeCltallOO, A noaeoKeeper-a irageay, hi.

lUfit The singing of Us Doxology bioufbt profltauls and en-, joynbis evening 10 a cioee. Ottawa Markets. THOXtniT eiog to to 'snangs bj to WMthar tarra we. ry U.Uf muBet tnn mnaiag.asd farmer wws'soaapisnoas rj i Prior rrautoea naenangaa. Tbs following wars Mm qnotaMons OtIBT raODOOB.

Botoa. pee DT Baatar pre in, pau atoaiparaos. nair Fowl Doeki per nair Jd dnoke per pair. Lmb per Pork pet ewt. Baal per ewt 7.: aiat.

Potato pr 0-rrot per do, fHbbag per doa rmkmspar doa Oolinowam par Pepprn per tlnonmbar orr dc T.iaam ne bnabeL 3reaa tomato pee Beet per do, Orsrasora per Morrow Celery per Sqaaab rreaerrinc tomtoeprr pelt. Crab applae per bag, finoto per Meloas Apple pet Anolee D-r Urapss per w. ill Wsllingaa at. 1 V. 0 19 IB 16 9 00 0 48 60 060 07 7 00 460 86 0 00 00 0 60 0 00 00 16 0 S6 00 06 0 06 6K 0 OS 0 10 60 0 00 Krnh aird VIorom, 00 zz 0 00 NtwHty per aw per Onto pa boekaMatpet Hjaey per .9 06 10 00 .....4 00 0 0 00 60 76 0 7l 9 70 bra reo 00 40 10 to It to 0 is 10 0t) 0 40 too 10 40 08 66 60 0 40 76 of thia remount be th iodecjl- ud that WUMtiiM Bar Biu so loroaio iw tjxelel power to Kraal a larger rook Tnw wm done tt- tba Tormt? oouooil la the Bst el tneir late hwini sir.

Bwooe. thb cmr us tbb ooTsamim, vToe unix oom aittoe ol tba airy eoaaell, pooietwd to dvcru. all el at me an both idee betweea toe oily ead tb iroTarameoa, me law era to. Tboe prereut wore Mayor Blrkett, Aid. Campbell' aad 8Nud Mr.

D. R. Mae- Tari.b, Q.O.,eity eotloitor; aad Mr. Sartee. Sannl matteca of itnporMao were dleeaMd DrtTaarl aod arrMumaeaH maoe tor aalatrrrlow with, tbe coreromeot at an early data.

Tbe) Electric Car. The Inr tbe 8 It tsme. Xrly pweogere folly P- urietad na eoaif on of bariac warm ean fto-ku to ballPM Tmuh oara are oow raaotB Betweea ti Kxhlb toon groaode aod New Kllnbnrfh. A Bcaaoa. of frayer.

The T.M.U. 4. week ol prayer will Venn rrta armnlk rHn.H by tbe ltitotrnittoaal ootamitte tenot 'yet to bend.j Tba meetlnm eaea morac ail' oondaoted by a etry eierirym.ii. Tbe vaeetiairi will borlnoa Sanday and laal till tbe follow to Dwotaa mgax. Corporaiion Work. alarr Perreaalt yarterdny pat on a nra nombat of laboren for tweet work rod more woald hare tartod thle moraine bat fcr tbe mv.wbtoh elooo altonattde wifk. Tbe meia wnrki now la pro reel mn tba Bperkr, Albrrt. Omm wet and (JUrcaes etrree wwen, and tba (radioff of Albert and Obritb-tna tttaa r--- fltewart.Trtulea.Bi Tba reeldeaee of Trade depot faletat of railway aod await, on Kant wae tbe rorae of a rery qolet waddlnc yeewr day moealait, wbea Mr. Arable bwwart, a a trtatar, aod Miee Xnaanle Trodaao, war an nited In tbe bond of baly oiatrlmony. Tny few raarte wen awit.

Tbe aeolr mamed pair lafl at 130 lor New York, i onrln' Illnaiaoa. Beldam one better abow eiinnaieil Ja Ottawa than the airaa by Mr Monte on Bperk atreet nndat tha etyls aad Mtlof lllailone. Tan Urinn mermaid le n- aap'M penonlfleMon and nukee a pranr tableaax la ht I rwer-wreatbed loaataia.1. Peyeho, tbe treat oteehealeal aeeryoav't Motion aad forme an iaeoltabla It hi riaply woaderfol to eea how on Bomber of BMert beioc held an in te adtenBe (hit etrrer aatnoiatoa pieka oot neerlEf a 'i fffipftwiina aamoer. Tba etfitae tareed iollfe.ikm from tba 'Id mrth of Oakatea, te a evleadid tUoaioo Tba etatoo apprare at Bret, eatd, hamataMa plat.

wbloh ajaieue ie maoa to bum aad obaare. ootil tba beearr of roaaa Ufa, hat 4akea the eiue of tba aley. Thie In tarn (ritae to ton Data ol raw aad twaa adt arle all tbe hwe aaemmorpbiieai learnt -tha white teeate la ite atern reality. The en eat le pctfeot aod tha tataitelnmaat wall worth rieiUnf. 0 80 08 11 00 6 00 29 i.

tad a 8a toad, what bj 1 tola oa a vrcls. Wtai It cans to a raor, Mr. Qaom PbiUlne, Letneter PTlw i-kii lj.i ha fan "1 ba 1 -d Ht. Jaeob (M an mraloabl raawdy tcr attauM aaa a eo ot v. nl nor eiab Tale ia rtit to born ta Housekeeper Try oar psunt strstchsrs for Uo ear- mia.

gnsnntee first east work nl lowest tarms.t the Home Staam iAnndry Telenhong S6T.f Ijo of bl FAratlleet Dop itches la BrleT Dr. Lena, health omeor of Qaebes. bat beta dleehargtrl by Mayo Frtaaoal fat rat oea tog to oner eeoan. The Oread Tmak reHwr hat tdTtaoed th" erap4oyeee' wages ten per toe airaagin el the aninifnl trafn ratnrn. The Poo ha InitiMilirl the Ptpal Nensoi abroad la ptemnt aa awstinei aot ta torn gorartmeai to whisk tbay tooredlled oa tbe neeal dkotden ia twe Thie aot wUl hoMlbMtbenditordenara srloVaos of the iiiiiiiilrytbtftpalpoaiMoamitome Harkert Baatty, oa of tbs beet keTwn abont Iowa la Toraato.a satiT Ouer eerratiT tKMBMr and warm peraoaal frlead of tbe rat piaarier, wm take to the kepltal raalaUhiroffdrracfromattet Ai tha lata report be wee likely te die Th ftottillaa enitoamint aeant tad th Stotmthip sompaaies opetetltg th fM.Law- ranss naer, rerxn Mat tola eaaeona eatigniiiti bom th Brltitb tales to Canada bat beta batte theat latt ar.

both to nomber tad qotJlly, ptnualtrly rerarda tbtlttler.lor stoat ol tbe emigreou nonoo tor uaoaaa ware cf a rsry aoperto elan aad with Pieaty of money to eetebluh ttwmtalrss wall bt I A New Tork erjrrwp daatpoblltketataky romor that tha Brltitb gureinmeat hetaodo tu mnrens mm aamne 01 imperial troooe ts Halifax, aad eetahilth permaaent miUttry ttatioa at Qoebas sad Biqalmalt, oa tbe Ptatoseaat. tie ra It nperted that tbl etep le la ooatraplalioa for two puiputm toae rwoteet tbe new military highway, the Ota adian Por6 railway, tad the other to world Brimih ctlatn with ai pel it not bt tbs Otaa WHY! ELEB PINNOCE And Ktebaags aad Stock BroksraJBtoeka Bonds and BseoritiM of all kinds bought 34H Elarln Strtkot. CONSUMPTION; I a taaan rtaaty rar Sto ttert aaaaaei tj He el ewaa tt toe toal Mat aa tt Ita lAto taw tier taut BaM at ante a aw hroi i in a uat I a earf two BOTTLia nan, vnaaTALOABU TagAnsa oa. tx t. mr SlninttrftwaaimtMatAr4i.tttra STn Waar; TcitoMTa.

Out. Planing IIT for Sale. BARB OPPOATDh tTT far a bea'aae Zl rmrtmum Pus, oa eeaabar U(b. ISM, ST lbs Ptaabtg MIL Itab tad. IMar raetery tAdabragM Mill 1 tb uMtogaeri naboJlaiaas aaa me oh h-try are ell aaw, aed iliTT aoaduioa.

Ma beaer en uSSrtefer ef tbiskbtA asl Ihera tba Sawn, wklob ta Zwfaape.wttbagordawawyaboat. Oto rf 'Dtf Is tbs ooly ream tor Iii Taim UberaL For parHeoJara adbesr. THB EVENING' JOURNAL. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 8 Orrttiir 7.

Ibi tbtal Bdmbar tf titudrrd aea unort fur fmiUe df twei i K.t- I. 1.477. Thia reoreerate 1 pi'itca of orer 17 72S peopt, aod btorb 147,700 itorre of the pomw oooiain. 1 I DfpbiherIA and Smallpol In Qorbec Omni. Oatoba J.

Nwithrtaodio Mm denial of tbeeity health offiaet tber eeeoie to btmy I Iwe doabt that diphtheria te tbrooaboat the city prewwt than dmttfcd. Tore oaee era placarded witb.a a ehort dietaae of each etbea la tha npprr ward of tbeeity aadaotafewotaam enooia aim be placarded It the itqalramraM of tbe htw ware properly followed oat. Ia i addition then are tra known eaam ia the natanth of tha Orey naaoery. With to oeeee of mellpox in KiohaUen etreett aha prbbabiHty ie that the diamat will eot rpd at las inrhortMea are taUaf the ntmeat preeaatkn. 9120,000 lor JUphael'a "Borgia." Pabo, Ostober Baroa Alphaoat de Btheehild hat jot porahaibed Biphtel par.

troll CtetMBorgU for tbe earn of' 24 000 ($130,000) It nted in baoc tha BorgboM Gallery, Bom. I Thle rale he been raadmd poaeiole by lb reoeal of a law wamh otaaa 11 an aneoe 10 eU any of tba work of tbe greet marten. Th tmA aha rialiaa temilr homnr. mA i debl. aad lh law we 1 pnled is ordet that tbe ioeatimabl an reaanree ol tba Hjiaaaee paiao Botoad fatto foreian gold.

TWe ooly. the Ont ol a eerie of toeh eaJee, for other mattar-pieem of tba Borgheoo asd other ooUaettont will offered for aala. The aommittea of Mte Chisxo tali will aodearor to eeeara no frmMioaaaaatMrattraewoaavi Mm. Frank Iiealle'a Marrlaft-o. Loenxw.

Ostobw 7. Tb marriaa of Willie" WUde to Letlie; ha delighted Plral atraat, where Wild Balled a rlgfal good fellow eaMl a eaurtaeweaaper man. did tba deearlpttra work for tha TeJegraoh rhroogboat the aitMoge of tha pamell Cam-mianon. and ha maay other exeelleat pieoat of atrepepor work to hie eredlt, Bomor of hi baWnthal bare been earroat la XMOdoa for'moathr, and than Impelled the anditeri cf lh MarooU of Leo Till to. begin prooasdiar agelaet that Impetrmlotrt aotiifaaua.

ahr. an to tba lima that Wilde1! nam bagan to beoonplad with that ol Mr. Irtolia. eoma oredil oa lb etreaglb of hie eappoead ntotm OB lbs tffeotioa of the wealthy AmerieaB lady.i Learlda it now ma oondlMowof liaewiiiitey. Aa toog an ne Kareh be obllga to lear hU gutgeeni ehimhirt at VtaterU.etrea and taaa oraak lam mnimndione end expaaaire oaee la nm Hnnm, nee unity.

ijeet -nay aePartaand rtHdOBblfal to Loadoa. I Th Ttrtnss or merUe of a remedy for ttin do not eoatw In It being eoatiat In lu beicg T7r'DT? I Kill. Bs nod for ralleXfie other niiiiecllat. tut bt th fast fast it ts better. In being store prompt and aura, and tbaramr the beat for to apeciflo porpott.

It to not Wlo ottcb-linatatt tuixat tbs (has: 8T. JACOO8OIL THE GREAT REMEDY TOR PAIN, ISTHE BE8T. Jl ts the best as fbr aehiidpjBt sad It holds THB TRUE PROOF. To thlt spedns Act Arahbiahaaa, Bisk Arwiy aad Kawy Oalears Maraes aad OflVdaU. teaCUy tad onito ts mrlng: iiffil pslni OTHER REMEDIES ana sr.

jtooot uu earea prompuy am aaanently. Tor th mam 11 atria I THE POOR MAN 8ad what be stekt arid needs, aot doarre ad will bnte tt st any price SHILQH'S COIISIIMPTIQ The goooaas of this Great Oi-ngV Care withoat a tmrallel ta the butory of medians; All- drapU or aathon-d. to sell it on a poaiur goaraotee, a teK thntjno other ears ena snooeee tally stand. That it may becoroe known, tbe Proprietors, at aa enormoos expense, am placing a Sample Bottle Free into ererr home la tbs United States and Canada II yon bars a Coofh, Bars Throat, or Bronebiti, ate it, lor it will care om If roar chili has the Croon, or Wbooping Cougb, ate it promptly, and relief If yoa dread that inaidioa dieeats Consamptuio, ass it. Ask yoar druggist tor Wiob'a Care, Price lOct 6O0U.

and tl.kO. I you Long are sore or xmck tame, eue ShUoh's Poroot Plaatsr, Price J6cts. na vrELxxsientox art. A AIIVIS, Pre tj TKNtS, FLAGS, BAILS, AWNING, Etc Mad 46 order op shortest "Lib Boart a Brrsoialty, i rirpaallas, Horse ui faon Coiers HAOg OP mT CLASt HATtalAL. TENTO TO RENT reerman Syrup" Here is something from Mr.

Frank A. Hale, proprietor of the De Witt House, Lewiston, and the Tontina Hotel, Brunswick, Me. Hotel men meet the world as it comes and goes. and are not slow in sizing people and thines up for what they are worthy He says that he has lost a father and several brothers and sisters from Pulmonary Consumption, and' is himself frequently troubled 1 colds, and ha Hereditary 1 oVten coughs enough to make him sick at Consumptlorthis stomach. When- 1 I ever he has taken A cold of this kind he uses Boschee's German Syrup, and it cures him every time.

'Here is a man who knows the full danger of lung trou- Dies, ana would therefore be most particular as to the medicine he used. What is his opinion I Listen 1 "I use nothing but Boschee's German Syrup, and have advised. I oresume. more than a hundred difT persons to take it Thev me that it is the best' up in the market," 9 J'lCOT, Paris, Scle Proprietor. a sv a aW TTitaaf) 1 1 If WEB For all DurDOses for which Soap is i used CHEAPER BETTER EASIER than any known article for Washing Cleaning.

For it's by 6rocn i-d Orglrb) ErnMera, ricrr.ov in fJANarn Ait department, For day paDil. th east ner term of II weeks from to $lt. For resident pupils from $61-60 to 161W. The Principal, Mrs. Crawford will bt a the Collar niter Bent.

Tlh from 1 to 1 1 o'clock p.m. to enrol prptJa, BT" Prospectus on application. fHE KRAU8E SCHOOL PLuolorti Playing tzl OO QCEJESJ I.T, OTTAWA. ndTR. j- DIABUTtatl, BBNB8TWHTT I izrr Mrs 8 Oeeeer Iadtsenaa.

axtxaarna 1 MrBlakard Bormelater, of xhatttntara. BTAtVt tflraaeed DeusHuieul bfr Bmeet Whyta, Mua IAmmnta. Mr Baadar. htramediau Uepartmeat Miss 1 Lees, Mba Pieuaiatu'rr Deua1 taitat Mis Ftil ttruberia Seat Poolla oaaa tt aay urns Ail rnrvsr Itiarmatua i ase oa apprJeaooa 1 1 BE' A to lbs director. ts MM laoooon in the coil of the fatal aer penti wag not more helplest than it' tha tnanwhopinei tmder the of-fecta of disease, exceown, vi 01 ui worry, eto.

Botue yoursoli. Xaka heart of hope again and bb a hah 1 We hare cured thontanda, who allow to refer to thmi Wi OAH CTjBi Ton by nte of oar ezolnaira methods and appliance. Simple, unfailing treatment at home for Lost or alUnr Hanhood, General or Rerroiu Debility, WeaknetBetN)! Body and Mind, Effect of Errora Excesses in Old or Young. Bobngt. Noble JMahhood folly Beatored.

Improrement teen the, lint day. How to 'enlarge and strength en. WXAK, USDITBLOPIDOaOAHS AVO Pabts of Bodt. Men testify from 60 Statet and Foreign Countries. Write them.

Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address ERIE MEDICAL I BUFFALO, N.y. Wall antl Celling Paper tuaABw awn urata wai eaObaarrV. tbe New Ftpn sad Patst Bton -pa tuuiii nau ii WM, J. MURPHY Star So.

TFbs Btatlaa. I CURE FITS! i mtnty stoy 1 or FALLDIO SJCKJiKM a itU Itm wtady. I hlr.B! WEST, OOT, M. C- 183 AoeiAlol ST. Toronto.

Dnt. BLUFFS UCTICM SALE wttbbat resarrn, tbs eotteato of taeaattre BOOM parloor. dlalasranB, bedrscm ad kltoaaa rortltara oaroat. atra, eaaln halrtiwsaaiT.eBUery.p'ctaraa, tie i aoia eonag meters a bw kata. abaetr, B.

TAOKABXBST. Auolloaen ead Eatl iaw Agaat, The ate aale until Thursday, tb 8th jost, at S4 Elgin itreet, at tut boor at nav pjd. t3VwAiWtJ5 nil 1 -vwi a tra ris-i rum LBSTB OTTAWA I vtorlad an 1 aOcOoaat rxrlnra ttootoa aad Hew 1 irl A. Kauiim ail latermallAle potnla. rrwarrm.

Bueiieae 01 1 1 '9 RA WareokTns. Klngaaoa 1 1 OOBuBal ead potato In WeUar BoMoa tad New I a.Ar-P. .1 forAylmersadlJttBrBrttaBBla. a. Albtaa f-ntot-t.

Ttoy. Albterr. I Si VaaEA. M. Peotfle Bz.

tor Port aruiur. raw. uairr. our, vutaam al'JllT4- f. fUaatto Kx.

tor Moatreel Bbdtad Moatreat. and f-OUaad all potato bt Northern Maw Tark as. Maatrtai It. Johoe, IwewalL Bt. pout.

tnflP. M-1trw Tork At-laAUbaayJisw lorsalladelphtoaaXrolaM rlriaaa 4amPJfr- nPalaadlt)aaeapoUlifc OU-AUMatloaa to Saoit 8ia.Mrlrorl- era.mimisaa,. vvuooamo, auaaeaoea Oaka tag tioBra. Tsinei rM, faa. aritneat i Feat Rninr Maatraa Boaioa LoweU aiao ror ra.

joi laUaolato la Nw oootu. Tla. Sbart Lota. aad Mew tarlul Mew N. a.HalllaxNd.

and, Mora I Cbioago.aad aotatola tha Waraera itateA VI WES WlA'llaMllatWSri a mmm Bale RRITAatM'l' A llttm. Mpa, Dill I HUH If Mia Aflaraooa traJa aa 8tnMma im -a i.ia Dai. exormrroadar Daily, i.ffcaper I J. K. PASKKB.

atf Itocsl AeeaL Sr trka rerra Ottawa Tlokal nflWa a ark Ottawa. JeaaatVlWI. CANADA flTLAHTi HEW SERVICE ta nW Jnaa SBCh, USt. saAnrt LBArs runt btxxi-i btauob as B04IOW 8ftfl A MOSTRKAL Faet LlmlW rt-Ut: Hrpnsaa nopa tO atotkja. Biitii Ottawa tad Ottneu.

aonaaetintS at Ottaa JoaeeJoa with the OreadTraak lot lb Wen. ead at Maatrtai with ell araita eaet anJ tuala. trrlTixw Moatrtti UJ0 am. i nf OrlTKRAIj Fast Hmfted w.ww -ne- btawm. aafr earn a ai sad Alexaadria bttw a tlrtawtaad aRBr ftt'ti Cftieo I fl lfiPH BOJ10i and REW TOltA S5 SOBS.

SOLE IfiEBTt I "fcmVr b-tanlaj tit. Ottaa taU0AXIOalAIa Coligny College OTTAWA; Formerly Ottawa iAdie College. Tateiaexl eaalaa eammttnaeea ISlk rtemtvlSSi, sU IS tv an. In addition to the regular classes' which ire a UrslHSlsas English education with rench. (iermaa and -Latin, there ia a Kindergarten tor bora and rirltAoodaetad hy Miss Hsrdis and a French lady assistant.

i A thorouehlr efficient Hnsia aad Fit a hit Bonn IMmng Oat ttoaabto, arrlylru a kUasntl at 640 p. t.h Oavral Vutairt ead Grand Tronk train for ail potato wool, rortJaad. Km on New York, nuitdvepato and all flcto to-itk attb stoeak Wtgaor ruaenen betaxa Ultt- vt sad Boteoa tad Urtawa ami Tort I'ThJ 1 mops st atatva bttwats 0t tons BtaU For aO lafirwtdon DsltBpufeatt. bl ntr tuRrDT.nt Jiaiiil Masai to Jow-aaSSSaT il 9AA II roRMOrTTREArjrrtrs tV r.M.Uaatretl at 7:06 I rat on wraf taxm as muowf 1 tliQK A II Kxrato from Bottoa aod New llaOV mm) iu mtsrmadlato hrbk ttope at all ittMoaa betwww Koaeti I Potcl tad Otmws. bates Barton 71 tvati.

Hew xrorn jam pja. tj lft.fl Frrt froae M-ttoau. IArU fvilwf, Qexbe. aad Trtra.lranv BlralraM tao a.atop at Alet fM calf, ai an natwoi soBr lag fnon pouwe on tbs Ur at Traak.

jj Ftat aUrretatrom Montratl, 9JvQ ralrle Uoabte. Halifax, Bt. Jahnb, to oa tba Iatereotoattl Bajlwaw to' Txata leant Moatoatl it 806 n. I a arttral of hxtittd txpraat tram Halifax tmt tcrpty at Olty Tlaist tnrpra li GemPta.AaiA Canada AUanlic wiy SUMUrR EXCURSIONS btne till rnktaa Mb this sottou the at Lawrtmett take Cfceranlata. The Adb rata Mooatalas, Wkita Mooottia ittuito.

bafora aarcbatln raor ttoaal eaU at tb OaaaVla AUantte Uckel omot, Row a aisxn wtf let Taiwno naa a atwiaaet aaou aii Aiiati Mint bar baea made to roa the eettaeaa sn weeklr nalwiea Ourfcb tan Mltliatl aaui uot laa wlU tear bee dot ererr fceoder. 1 sad BMr4ay an antral of moralag trala frt nw xora, uwn, auatnai aaa 1 brttrmsdlsts totato. sad ran throngs, til tba Kaslds, inntilng Meaweal aboat lam ftokam xarnad by thia rent through at Qaaoaa, au soma aata garner aaa mauBouusoa the UleaeUoalal Uw 88 atbatarsar sxeantoats Moatraal. tend to go by or muaa oa SatnrcAr tilraO. by boat Ih'oaaJi she ftajttds, sr down tbaOtuwa Klrer lOnarwa Birer HtrlsataaB Oet aad raUrn rS MobUf Jastssst.

moralag trala or goad to a at Lawrence Kaalda aaa br lb Ottawa aires Martoxwlan Ixt. ttbttwa Blear Sa la Caatwt I VtlWrflaid aad retarn ta aroaiag heard at tb tjasta Hotel ttood I oaaf waiaaasarnar aaa retara oa auatatr Tx Cotttt Baptae aaw allaraeM bars ht tttotwBtas imd trslfln ran. I tppuoauoa at Si Date wm la Boon Mat and ntxu 'I gone tor IblTtT dtp Tfc Wbxlaor Bstotalr. wiMitara new xera. xoetiaat biib aaa ntniria Ata ror lomara a ptraraian a M-tAtawa to Bnneea Porat aad teiadlsa board at tba Wiadsor nteL, aoaa BOB 8 tarrtay aad retara aa Monday emly j.

IBlaU a-AKSL 11 lltaared bt tba a LawreaoK twa mfto weal Bt TUriflld I ftat eanemlBa a aopatar aioBM groaaa rat orroaian aaa rail INTERCOLONIAL R'Y Ixrast twsts bslBSBB naa Wast aad ail aotoia ea the Lewtr at. Lawtaaua tad Bale Prarlace at Qeebee alto far mttaiiln nor arena, niaue Mdward la- lead tiaae Breaaaaad Megrtalaas Itttada, MawtotadlAad tad Hen i' I Mill' txaiae trava atooxraai Ban MtnruX a natar nwvad aad ru taraacb wlta-gtaat. bnwaaa Ibeea bsbbSi to ft aaan ao ew anaanti. Ta nlnilit eUrartottr sad awtlra. thus greatlr I aad atfarr afxWtTtlitra, Baarksi Hera SB BM Mew sad ettaaat Moaat Musing and dar aansnrwAewabraaraawaxarera walaa, Tb popniar tnstmsr Mabttbiag tad aabtnd I one of utjtOA a) tlOTg Um Ialaroeioalaj sen rssihefl by mat mat.

The tttaatlna of sUnean to dliaetod a. aaa rs perlor tacultlat eflrrtd bl this roaia far th rrteeport si near aao rcjenu mere aarh ita tiall.ll aw tba Bartera Prealtaat. raalaitlA Cap Bretsa aad Mewnmadlaad alaafoi HUoirjflBti ta gnua aa nruaoo ltxanB rat Biiimiaaq marfcat. lofcaw may beabeahaatead an ml abont lbs rsnla saw frstgBI and I KXNS. BUBIMBUM, Bsd Paeteagar Agent, lH apsaxt aa, inaiease nan.

I Btaaarta POTTTKOaTR, OBMt aapenateaaoai M.B.ajaae. 1SB OTTAWA srsst, Ovbrsrn. Stream Carpet Gleaning aad Isatasr IsomUni aVUUifcment, 339 AUGUSTA ST isadsd to gad Etaehan TZIIWa. I OaJaaa tog be Ml at T8 lUab et m-w Aft ni ror tnoicesi Fionr- OP BEST BRANDS, bafadbtt OglTTae aad McKtra, aad a fan too at rtedt. Hat.

Otto, Ptiii aiiiMBna (Bd. BsewBtlowaanrlaas, 3ad sn ROBERT BUCKHAM WMXTNGTOH 8TRKET. Oialtara mm, Sod fao 1 Prices if St TOT BXSST. Tf 1 Dniins THE PR0VIJIC8 OP QUE820 iJOTTERY HontH FIRST andTHRD WEOMESDW $52,740.00 I BBAWTf AT BAOI PaAWIVO. Iait tDnilnfo October Tii ud list aTosaaa tba tba Oa4tal frla ha ii I -e 000 $1.03" 1 1 Fw 91 00 paw esa aVaw Fr $1 00 yea tea aVaw t.000 frr $1 00 Ww 1,000 7neneliwgattiarMlf 110 tuuso, $ko.

Poal torgattbat with tbe wery eaea Make! ran to drew at we tbaa aaa ertoe rjrUtrtao. yaaaaadrAWaeaef tat arte, draws sas Baa. aad mar bag. to meterleie that eawe tuaber to ta the iriM dnwlag a twit at BM Bit, tonal a-btBaiwattrJtSl Sroratal tba tnt at saMgrmasT aad tha drawbw tw 'I a uritni, tw Tliw Dyspeptic Heeds Noiiiishing Food tasy of digestion A Fwwel Ikat hM the DINEVGROOM, 10 1 Mi ie 8X4 3W OM 11 01 1 KM I CmAtraaaxcr. Kaxo, CJBirmt, I wsa Massgar.

Cttr ram A Baa fate art I II thraogk APteas toabt ears of as later-' at ttallway are brUitoauy ttabtad by ixraorc HaLi Ii 1 io 10 I4M I 10 er 8 001 0M Clou. aoi sol a so 1 401 I 401 1 40' 1 40 "ii'ii 11 161 11 16 11 11J 18(4 11 80 11 06 I 9M TOO 10 80S OM OtH I 0C I I 40 8 8 XM 8 80 8 00 I T0(1 0t' at 10 KM 10 io ar 8S0( las BsaTtsnaete thOTtBtafU. fflnsTpootff our Han Brett be Basted US Bats at sand I oat Ofiasl Ottawa, October, 18L HAILS. Wastsis Toronto, 1 001 i Prtaoott WW TJ I I '1 Hamilton. Ool i I 4 JaamokTllJ.

1 I I I sgmAJlUea U. It contains ail the Virtues of Prime Beet rendered very digestible so that thesmall-e expenditu of vital I energy is nee ied In the process of terfeci assimilation. S. ROGERS SON, Ondortakors and Embalmors 13 tOMSNICIIOLASST. Ball Tstrpberis tH.

xaagraTiag hi all Ita iTetHrleass arar etnia. i I BEDHOOM I and, PARLOR FURNITURE grocxS 'ckZLdj cj et prlooa 1 HARRIS CAMPBELL aiBT nuiTuu 1 mt (TOeueF attel Qaeea Blreeta, Ottawa. i 1 1 OTTAWA POST OFFICE AmTsi ana Aiepartnre ox Jiaiis. liOBdoaJ Jetrboro. BmithH Falls.

Perth am il. Til nautn. and Bntiah Lake, Morwood I i- ir niapwai amiiwai. t- Cornwall, Morriabnrg, lauicastar, etc lures Mora Sootia, 8thra Mew Brunswick, KJ. Unregistered alter, exoept Matter ed Matter, except Matter Saturdays.

Mew Brunawica 1 do Cnregietered atatter only Uaited Stsiai ria Ogeaaabarg. Western Untied States, do do 8 Jt'sw Tork through i do do i do aad New Cngland Btatsg. Booses rotat aad Albany"l.,M,, kit. Ia O. By.

Manotick, Nona Oowerl IKar. Kaamora, Oaioade Bt a. Oxtard f)f to. P. R.

Weet SaoJt Bts. Marie, BraoeJ Mines, i hat ealon, AJrotna btattaaa, Maria uar, and tul aotats wm .81 Arapnor, Paten ham. Pembroae, Bsafrraj i aad Oar Utoa Aabtoa and Btittarill a PA eaet QaUuoaa Point. Buakinrham. 3amtwrlaad, Tbarso, Clarenoa, Gresyill.

atc and sloatraai. 'JAJU-AJaxa-dna, Qlea BobsrtsosQre-a- JMl. Kastmas-s Bprlara, South Iadiaa, Bt, pJ onrp P. A P. J.

B. QuTOA. BartLWr. Brrnon. iBrmtol, Tintoa, Bbawrilla, Hrrwortk, Fort) 4 001 By stags -Bsll'a lis, tilowttoldUafpOTtrtte: HMiieit il.

JBatiasaa To Hirer 8 8. I 801 di do aad Ironsides BAmaays Can, HawihoraaJioa.Wad.Pri BilWi Bridge. Booth Qlooosstsr, 'cajle Bgs- xMf, wrieane.o anintxi xragai vuewa o-att. Mshrsiaity iw aad Jock rala, Tbs. aad 1 16' Monday S.

11. ISVJ6. rla Haw Tork Monday BupptenMatary via ww A. a 1 I I 10... laatOAT, 1 1 ruuiaunauiir na aw xorxj 1 It lbBieday io, am Mew 80 Thunder ta arsday irB.totAysupplbmsnt'y tj 8 88.

8, 17, 24 na-Quebec Parcel Post despatched wilh thi ismaii oa 84S 8 00 46 1 46 8 0C 8 0 8 00 8 00 8 tt 80M .8 46 46 8 a 4 oc oc "a 8 001 8 OOl 8 001 so 11 4S 11 11 OOl I 10 10 801 11 '6 11 16 10 OV Dob. a. bJp. Mir. 410 1 OM a ooi so; il ac 11 at II 8M 11 IM 11 90 II 11 80 I OOL I 1 a on it it uat TRY 308 SPARKS 8TRIIET: a ao st 80 Alt 4 li 4 IS 4 11 4 It 4 16 Of 00 1 41 01 01 arteea OrSas mrnthm bjb.

Is nonT eg tat I Mnaar HTnet iKlia aa llailtaantab fiat taat.M4A a obuor, il" ft TrHSM. stjto fjjinet. KBEPTOH CO. Pork Batciori, BOrVOT Of MEATS, wTAll Goods Oar Own Carujg aad Manuftctar and 8trictly First-Class. OKgKJtAL BTTTfTaTsTa rUeruloemrwattofiakiaaa.

rwaitrraad aS MrW-'Sr laa Tel. bt. a 14S R418JK Htrstel MABBIAGB U0KN8XS. i mABRIAGE UGENSES I88CED BT J. K.

STIvWAHT AtrD BOBT. HTr.WABT Omosm 1M Sfa it. Ottawa F. YIELDING lasuxB or Marriage Licenses 8T0 Slater street. FsnrxdaMdaPrtaMr.

OABaVTrAt, iMilliii. Mi w.e, isaaiae H. A. PertMnl. ant ext.

AO.S a w.rmAsai fpLICTTOB. wa. catmliara.a rka etreea, OttowaT flSNDtESOU BKlMlsr aUa. 88sarksaitsavOnawa. IT.

BrsteTaVtata; trwaanhfrll BUyaaaek.aebaeirteaOttnaoataai tatBiietaliHtwii, MB. aUCTATOB wTdUttr, Meleaa dk BiaaehM I.ARRI8TBM. AMnraers. BoMettors. Ptrlto.

W.M, WAUaaa, U. a I BUhsp dk tareeeae JX Ballslm at srtt naa oa real tataw. MeVedly- dk KiaM. atnt, Otttwa, Ktaehle db BUMstss), AHea Q. tavalla, B.

a It, I TTOKMsTT. open. ObW SM wptrfca i latwjxai awaanua glean to awtwVstMnfrtt, ArwrnaaUj db Ktrvetair. naASAoraxa awtj arwjcrrotiB. a pisrti Oar; J.

I MwwetVB tkSaM a urr. 1 1 AKAryfnTtg, Betntixn. Wnarto. aa. a snrns Onrt.

ParUsrsaaur. Til iwTl Ttattta am. Umm 1 batMAAO-tarl aad r-7 Tatatma. rarnaTBoafr AMtata. av ittt aa i sueate oantav Otambara, anaras au tat, Ottawa.

awiae.tA.OI tt Tuawa ta mi i A. V. fftsbar, PARfmrabt twi ca, aratm AJ atna Obamatt. Unawe. "t-tt as let-.

Mouty to lionet. MOWat MltaSaerrrar I a per oaat, to tarsals sell ttiiatnii. SAUiS A MUMH, I BBBIIBBxl arBO. Metealre trat, UtawB. i IT.

f-aJaaer, tllrlim. it 1 Kraetlery eV af jltl. OawtaradlayaaBawt nsUtaiBTBTBi staBaa bar .811 ead 8100.0 oo rno LOAJI la Pronto mt Onabae tad i I 1 -i I nCLOattralObsm tout err rati 'S" rtat. wiaonriMnatmrtaaiaa raaar -ate, tvas Mnngagsn aad Liitititns I i 1 .64 Itia. Batrs-r dfc AraaaAraax, rhKmsTB.

tT aparti Bwtea. Ottawa. -i AJ Tattoerwaeted wiuwal ptla, hy i aToaaial tCaotito Vlbruor. lswBowna. i.ALsoiAinirsii na nitj.

mm i I fOistrk Mr MAtMtxeZr a. I I i. i. tu nESTifJT. a.

twAxatB A fUtTtT nra. Ottaw Alf T. rearwaav, AalJS li.UA. TKMTSR. aanoa ersr a P.

ttaaaanar i Lfllrt man. at) WUUalo Bt Ottawa. (, faeth ttnaeted wttbeaa ptla by maaat al BtooBrti Tlararer. Taleninaa sna. A HtVtVMernatVat la jjaOTier leSBrAaa Beaaaa Pr.

Meatertaaa. l4.P.a. T-VBrrriaT UfBoe and reaUsaoa, fbmta Laareea. tilisseae Ma til 5 wawatrxtaataxnat.i.wtat C-t aVolr- 'y'X e- r.U a LVenve vran, aewBrtet Cnwwe' tnteov Aiaxtieaaiaeeea. ZiastAat Heemi In HuU 1 ea aa OTACirfrocsa tniat rtan stwaarts Pott OAs, Mala ear.

Had a Itiened ea aa eattralr aew netras lomatosaraar the aatcral toetb an a ra a otot as aata, sas sAralsiatorsA BwA a evwnaeet 1 ill Wvsrx. -j ijjj I W.lBaaea.l.;i, aiUirhwnOtiTaretaT.TtBwata. v1 Lti. iaadoa, aaslaad. I bj? RmnAO Binaau.

Ottawa 7 Mrrt ItMUlt iy, H.AV II CMTTwJtllTTT. txt sUdaan srnsl Ml Il: B. Pretrtaa Bebtaaaa, aUtXaf Lata Dauiuaetralorof Atatomrla tat Rortl Oollesaef P.a'td 8 K. SndaaM et Trlahy aaa vjaata uunnuia. una ana raaaeao Bat ttrtet.

Ottawa. Ban TolopooaeeU. 1st. IXarwr THB 1TB. BAB AtTD TBKOAT.

r. Mrm tfarnrerT KoaoaallUB jt V. a nriitirttxt a if a. oar. trt.aaaor tag atawti tispiial Steam Laundry OoUam at, eaoh Mftb pee pair an.

101 Ptrotle otUed bar-Aad retarxad tra; a Si H. Mlatokw St. Ita HI "mi. fTldaaa bra 3.

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