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The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California • 4

San Francisco, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TIIUTJSPAT. "MAY 12, iao; GERMAN NOBLES ARE SEEING HEIRESS OF SAYS DIAMOND RING PROVES ENGAGEMENT THE SIGHTS OF CALIFORNIA FAIR NEEDS PRINCE- KARL BATIBOR. miSTF.SS ELIZABETH RATIBOB. rSI.NCR FATJBOR. That Explains Why She Gave German Countess With art Assortment of Names Gets a Double Slough in the Bonds of Matrimony in One Day Away Cool Million Dollars in' Her Real Estate Deal With the Spreckels-Magee Syndicate.


WHOSE cwr.Ar.iTMrMT to r.pncr.r ujuittpi id to cronnTcn 4- SIGHT-SEEING IN CALIFORNIA BEFORE PROCEEDING TO ST. LOUIS FOR THE EXPOSITION. 4 A4M4444.AAAAA Prince Karl Von Rotibar of Potsdam, His Nephew, and the Princess Eliz Mrs. Cunningham Declares Her Daughter Will Marry Von Schwartzenberg, With Aliases in Reserve, May B3 Prosecuted for Bigamy, (Special or wlrr. the kact Is tbe world.

NEW YORK, May 11. Divorced twioa la one hour! This record was established to-day In tb Supreme Court by Mra. Maria Surana EN llott, wbo baa also borne the namea of Maria Susaoa Fedora Elisabeth von Schwartaen-berg, said to be a German Couotese. Mrs. Maria Brucble and Mra.

Maria Habedank. And It is likely tbat tbla distinguished defendant will be charged with bigamy after District Attorney Jerome baa digested tbe contents of tbe papers Involved in today's suits. One of these comprises a letter In which the defendant, after castigating one of ber husbands, says: "A millionaire for mine next timer Justice Levlntrttt, after aeverlng the. bonds which bound two men toon woman, ordered all tbe evidence and papers submit ted to Mr. Jerome, with the recommendation tbat action be taken as quickly aa passible.

two men wbo In the same hour, lo tbe same court, were freed from the same woman, are Karl J. Buchle, a prosperoua New York builder and contractor, 40 yeara of age, who has been Identified with the buildlnc trade for forty years and who married tha defendant on February 24, 1903, and Cbarlee F. Habedank of Brooklyn, who was united to tbe woman la Jersey City October 21, 1903. Both husbands were obtained by Mrs. El liott through advertising in certain papers.

It is asserted by Morgan at Chilton of 14 Nassau street, representing both plaintiffs, that when Mr. Bucbl married tha woman sb already bad had at least on hus band living, named Robert Elliott. Mrs. Elliott declared tbls man was dead, but th lawyera produced a wltneaa wbo testified that two yeara after her announcement of his death Elliott was seea alive. Mrs.

Elliott Is a handsome womsn of Ger man extraction, vlvacloua and engaging. Sh Is apparently the personlflcatlon of ingenuousness and looks llko anything but a) schemer. PERSONAL. Dr. John Gallagher left lat even lee oa aa exteoded tour of the East.

He expects to gone about two months. Dr. Gallagbrr waa for several years autopsy surgeon of tbe Morgue. HEW AJDVERTISBMBNTD. 39 STOCKTON STREET.

Telephone Matin 5S23. TVs are felly nreparM tn g-t ep yeur eating quir iiucu pari aeucacies at a nwrneat entire. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS Creamery per er 83tte Made from lantnt rntam et toe cleanest rramiTT. Rt-gular 'Mr. Fancy Raaeh Kaa.

per doa 224e Tbe err fUrular 2.V. Vleanm and Ras-llab tin, luei per dos, Armour's famous rttnro sausage. reaches and Aprleots .......2 cans for Sfte. HHwf! nift In hY syrup. M-g.

for Canned Tomatoes. per doi, OOe HenDtrlaD oraniL lU-ti. lopfas. Canned falmon. ean.

lOe Blood r.d. Regular i v. Casta, Hlea. Coffee per rblDlndmnd. Rriilar2.V Corn Meal, Whit or Yellow, Cira- nam.

re or bole heat Flea r. In 10-1 b. sacks i Ri-nilar 3Ar. Peerless lc Oram l-at. li-at.

4.n ftpeeial ai aj .70 at aii.isa n'S'iiar i.iv a.zu a. no a.7B hock Id I Kl rreeaer. 4-OI. ZOf Ijrmoo. vanilla, Barpnerrr, BtrawRetry.

Family Boarbon per tlOei aln $2.30 picujiu tuff mi imm popular nsnna. Rmlar TSe bottle. SI callbn. Rye Whl.kf fall DOe ddi oia rr. nuiar ai.iu.

Zlnfandel aad Rleallnar 6 Or Well aM wlnra. ttarular 70c. Leotp'a per dos SX1S per doa, fl.A To keep cool this hot weathrr, ficgular SJ.36 Il.M dos. 3ears' Fair Estate Were Divided Be tween Heirs and How Mrs. Vanderbilt Got Worst of It, Tbe real estate agents and real estate speculators of San Francisco are mora or less certain that Mrs.

Theresa A. Oelrlchs should have a guardian. They declare tbat In tbe sale of her Ean Francisco property to Rudolph Spreckels, James D. Phelan, Gus tave Sutro ajjd tbe Magee boys for 12,600,000 she baa given away at least a million dot lars. President S.

G. Murphy of the First Na tional Bank says tbat a man came to him yesterday and offered to give tbe Spreckels Magee syndicate $250,000 for their bargain. Another man went to the office of the Fair heirs and said ha would lay down bis check for $400,000 as a bonus and take tbe prop erty off the syndicate's bands. Lson Slots said be thought there was a cool million of profit In the deal. Tom Magee of tbe eyn dlcata said tbat If Leon Sloes would make tbe offer of $1,000,000 profit the syndicate would talk business with him; but when asked about the offer of $250,000 profit and tbe otter of $400,000 profit, Tom Magee said this: "One thine tbat held us back from enter ing into this deal was the improbability of making a proper profit.

Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars Is no profit on a deal of that magnitude. A man can take hit own money and by Investing It with judicious forethought in Ssn Francisco real eatate double his Investment. Tbe present deal offers no such opportunities. We considered it a good buy; but when you bear people saying it Is a great bargain well. I couldn't say tbat of such a big deal unless tat down and figured on it for two or three days." we are dealing In real estate at whole sale and we hope for a bolesaler's profit," said Will Magee.

"I cannot say anything about plans for Improvement of the properties purchased, aa Mr. Spreckels. who con trols tbe syndicate, baa gone East. Mr. Phelan has gone, too.

Both of them will sail for Europe on tbe 18tb. Any more word front tbe East? We don't expect any. Mrs. Oslricbs baa signed the receipt for the tbat binds tbe purchase and I don't know tbat there is anything more to bear. We should be regarded as public benefac tors, as we are providing tbe money tor tbe completion and furnishing of the Fairmont Hotel." MOSEY WAS PAID.

The denial of Mra. Oelricba tbat she had concluded tbe bargain seems to be nothing more than the usual business bablt of lying to newspaper men. Tbe $160,000 to bind tbe bargain waa aent by the First National Rank of tbla city to tbe Lincoln National Bank of New York. Rudolph Spreckels wired tbe Lincoln Bank full Instructions tbat the money was to be paid over when Mrs. Oelrlchs signed tbe contract receipt acompsnylng his telegram.

That Mrs. Oel rlcbs signed that receipt and closed tbe bar gain Is made evident by the following re turn dispatch to tbe First National Bank of tbls city; NEW YORK. May 10. Wt James K. Lynch, First National Bank, San Francisco: Hav paid to Thercea Oelrlchs in accordance wire your banK and Rudeloh pDPvkels.

City of New York, So there Is no doubt the bargain has been doted, and tbe open-eyed wonder Is tbat Mrs. Oelrlchs sold so cbeap. Charles Neil, who manages tbe business of tbe Fair belrs, said simply that he bad beard nothing of tbe transaction, snd could say no more. Herman Oelrlchs bad no Information on the subject. Ills bicycle accident, by tbe way, bad hurt him very little.

But whenever any on concerned could be Induced to say a word, wonder was expressed tbat so great a bargain in real property had been secured. Joseph Sadoe Tobln, who rather repre sents the San Franclaoo Interests of Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt Jr.

(Birdie Fair), has been ouote "y'n that the ssleof Mrs. Oel- Irlchs' I rlchs' property for auch a low figure tended to depreciate tbe holdings of Mrs. Vanderbilt. Tobln waa supposed to have been concerned In a syndicate that offered $4,000,000 for tbe San Francisco property of both Mrs. Vanderbilt and Mra.

Oelrlchs. This offer was refused, as was also another syndicate offer of 14,700.000 for the Joint holdings. Some question waa ralaed about tbe abil ity of Mrs. Oelrlchs to deed property In sev eralty. No deeds have been placed on record dividing the Fair boldinga between Mrs.

Oelrlchs and Mrs. Vanderbilt. But tbe sisters really bavs arranged a partition, and in tbat partition Mra. Oelricba is credited with having bad about 11,000,000 the better of tbe bargain. So disproportionate were tbe values that the story baa spread that tbe two sister put sups describing the different properties Into a hat and drew them out alternately.

in tbls division the major cart of the holdings of Senator Fair and Mrs. Fair were distributed, Mrs. Oelrlchs getting the Bella vista, ror instance, which came to the clrla through their mother, and Mra Vanderbilt getting tbe old family mansion, now La Rose Hotel, and tbe new Oelrlchs fiats s4 Pine aod Jones streets. Mrs. Oelrlchs an tbe Lick House property, tbe Kills and Tay- ior sireei iocs, me turner ana powell holding, the St.

David's House on Howard street, the Cosmos Club corner at Octavlaand Sutter streets, tbe Golden Gate avenualivorv oiuuie property Detween Taylor and Jones streets, sna some or me UavlS and Front street noiaings. Mrs. Vanderbilt drew tbe old Cosmonnli. tan Hotel property at Pin and streets, once claimed oy Mrs.

Craven; tbe block on Mission street, between Eleventh snd Twelfth streets; the office building on Montgomery street, next to tne Mills build. Ing; the "Temple" on Turk street; he "Zeno Mauvala" property on Market atreet, cast of Fourth street; the BO-vara lot at the corner of Jones street and Golden Gate avenue, Just behind tbe Hlbernla Bank: and scrabble of tbe miscellaneous holdings. The North Beacn ana tiony rare: tracts were not subdivided In tbls sisterly lottery. Mrs Vanderbilt now baa. taken tbe deeds eluding this separation back to New York for the signature of Mrs.

Oelrlchs. The properties of Senator Fair conveyed to tbe syndicate by Mrs. Oelrlchs were ap- pralsed In January, 1898, at about $2,000,000. Then the Fair estate was appraised at When Senator Fair and bis wife were divorced, nineteen or more years ago, tbe Bella Vista was put Into the settlement at 100.000. the sum tor which Mrs.

Oelrlchs George Whittell, George Whittell the young millionaire hero of tbe contract marriage with Florence Boyere, la engaged to marry Miss Josephine Cunningham, the actress. Tbat Is the an- nouncement made by the yonug woman's mother, but it is denied by Mr. Wbittell's father. Thus far the affair Is a matter of controversy between tho elder people In tbe two families, and wbllo tbe principals In tbe reported engagement might be able to definitely settle the dispute, thry cannot be found. Thus far tbe career of the Junior Whittell has been punctuated with several notable events, including tbe marriage with tbe beautiful Miss oyere and tbe $10,000 cost of settling tb lawsuit tbat resulted.

On tbe first day of last month tbat career came near reaching a full stop In an automobile wreck on the San Leandro road. Now comes tbe story of the betrothal to Miss Cunningham and with it the family controversy as to wftctber there has been any promlae of marriage, and tbe Whittell name still gives promise of holding the public Interest. Miss Cunningham is a beautiful young woman, a native of this city, whose accomplishments and marked histrionic talents have led her to tbe footlights. She will be remembered as one of Anna Held's chorus girls, anl It was through tho Instrumentality or Mtsa Held nerscit that tbe romance now made public baa reached Its present happy Issue, she having Introduced the actress aod tbe automobile wrecker In New York. Mr.

Whittell is tbe son of George H. Whit tell of tbls city and first bncame an object of public attention by tbe announcement of bis engagement with Miss Pearl Landers. This 'was followed by the claim of Florence oycre that Mr. Whittell was her husband and therefore not available to an other. To be claimed aa tho husband of Mias Boyere proved an expensive privilege, with many striking disadvantages.

It brought upon Mr. Whittell Jr. tbe accusation of softening of tbe brain, and upon Mr. Whittell Sr. tbe disbursement of $10,000, as the report was made.

That Mr. Whittell is quite Indifferent to 11 little matters of expense, however, bo- His Father Denies It. came quite evident when, after tbe damage suit episode, be wrecked a 120.000 automo bile and threw two young women out on tbe aan Leandro road in a herolo endeavor to avoid overturning a milk wagon. The Misses Harriet and Nance Neal of Haywards were tbe young women run down by tbe automobile, and it waa reported at tno timo that tbey would bring suit for dam ages, so that even yet another lawsuit may no auaea to tbe Wblttell adventures. And If tbe young principals la the newly reported engagement disagree aa tbor ougbly as tbe parents do In regard to tbe project or marriage, nobody can foresee whether tbe aid of the courts will be Invoked In regard to tbnt.

Miss Cunningham wears a beautiful diamond ring which, according to the mother of the actress. Is tbe seal of betrothal to the young millionaire. Mr. Whittell. tho elder, declared positively last night that mere was to be no marriage and that there baa been no marriage promise.

"I know It Is not so," said be to an "Ex amlncr" representative, "for I talked with my son about it only yesterday. George and Miss Cunningham are not engaged, and the whole story bas been made up. from tbe fart tbat tbey went out riding together a couple oi times. "Why, of course they are not continued tbe millionaire after a moraen tary pause. "Tbey have known each other only two wccks.

Brief acquaintance may not be a complete argument against toe likelihood of be trothal, though Mr. Wblttell emphasized It in too statement mat be made. "Some people are desirous of hurrying on matches of tbat kind," said be, in closing toe interview, ana tney announce the en gagements tor mat reason, but I can aay positively mat mere la do engagement in mis case." Tho Cunningham version of the story does not agree wun me wnuteii statement, bow ever, and the diamond ring is mentioned as evidence or tno marriage promise. NEW POSTAL STATION TO OPEN Tbe new postoffloe station, No. it, to the Mills building, will be epeoed for business next Monday.

Roger Reynolds will be superintendent and Rboinbold Kaulfaits tbe clerk. abeth, Arrive hrom Two German rrincB and a Prlncesaare ftt the Palace with a retinue of servants ami couple of dozen pieces of baggage, They are Prince Karl von Ratlbor. bla cousin, Princess Elizabeth, and his nephew, the hereditary Prince von Ratlbor. They regis ter from Berlin, but live near Potsdam. Late last month they arrived In New York with a party of prominent Germans, headed by Prince Jlohenlobe-Schillingsfurst and Count Kumerstcn, The Palace guests are paying a flying visit to California, the other members of the party being detained in St.

Louis and Washington. They will all meet In St. Louis next week. Some time lato In June Prince Hohenlohe-Scblllingsfurst and Count Rumerslch will make a trip to the coast. GIRL IS ABDUCTED TAKEN TO Well-Known 'Woman From Georgia Released From Jail in France Through U.

S. Consul and Will Be Returned Home. PARIS, May 11. United States Consul-lneral Gowdy recently received a letter from an American girl saying that sne was locked up in a provincial jail wthout any charge having been made against her. The Consul-General sent a representative to the and secured the girl's release and return to Paris.

He then cabled to her parents, re siding at Decatur, requesting funds for Iter return to America. The girl related a 'sensational story. She asserted she had been abducted by an American seeking to marry ber, and said she accompanied him on an automobile tour, was locked up In a room In a country hotel and escaped and attempt fed to walk across the country, but was ar-' rested as a wanderer by the French Ittes. I Inquiries made by Mr. Gowdy'a represent- atlve established the correctness of her de tentlon at the provincial Jail, but the story her abduction was not verified, except ber statementwhich had been reduced to an affidavit before tbe Consul.

The names of the persons are withheld, as no. legal steps have been taken against the alleged abductor owing to tbe doubtful character of some of tbe accusations. Pending the arrival of friends the girl is being cared for by tbe American Young Men's Christian Association. ATLANTA May 11. Investigation developed tbe fact that the young woman referred to In tbe above dispatch from Paris is Miss Belle Crane of Decatur, who went to London about a year ago to give concert readings.

Miss Crane Is well known here. Her father Is B. S. Crane, who holds a prominent position with the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company. He had heard nothing from his daughter for several wceka, but about eight days ago, In response to a cablegram from the American Consul-General, Mr.

Gowdy, that Miss Crane was in Parts and wished to return home, he cabled (200 to pay tbe expenses of her return pataage. i Miss Crane went to Europe 1n company with a party of friends from Cincinnati. She bad contracted with Mr. Angel, an American who was going to Europe, accompanied by his wife, to give a series of concert readings, but upon the death of Mra. Angel the Plan waa dropped.

i RACE hast, and View Beauties Prince Karl Ratlbor Is a member of the German Imperial Council. He speaks English fluently and is agreat admirer of things American. He is about fifty-five yeara of age, affable, easy of approach, and exceed-ingly democratic. Prince Ratlbor, the nephew, Is handsome, under thirty years of and affects the monocle. While fastidious In dress and manner, be asks many questions and answers queries readily.

The visitors took an automobile ride through Golden Gate Park In the afternoon and pronounced It one of the prettiest places they had seen since landing in New York. "I'm simply on a pleasure and sight-see Ing trip." remarked Prince Karl von Ratlbor, "and have nothing of Interest to aay to the good people of this State. I long ago decided If I ever had the good fortune to FAILED TO FOR WE There Was a Little Matter $18,000 in Gambling Debts and a Hurried Visit From Kentucky Gentleman, Special by IcupiI wire, tftn longest In I ho world NEW YORK, May 11. Urgent business reasons are given as tho eauso of Nat Good win's failure to salt for Europe to-day. The visit to town of Bob Gray, a Louisville man has attracted much attention just at that ume.

numor also nas it tbat there was a lltle account of $18,000 given by Mr. Goodwin In markers after a night's flirtation wun uame unance in Louisville during the actor's recent Western tour. When tbe last turn of the cards was made Mr. Goodwin's creau oaa been extiausted and be found himself owing $18,000, not counting the casn no nan lost. Mr.

Gray read In a theatrical paper that Mr. uooawin contemplated a trip to Europe Tbat resulted In bis departure for New York. He has been here ten days, regis tered at the Hotel Mctropole. Mr. Goodwin with a party of friends was at tbe Broadway Theatre last night.

Mr. Gray sent bis card in and tbey met after the performance. In tlfe Metropole they had a long and earnest talk, interspersed with libations. Mr. Oood win was urgent and Mr.

Gray was for a time sullen; but gradually they seemed to come to an understanding, when seen by a re. porter after the conference was over Mr, Goodwin said: I had Intended sailing for Europe to-day. but urgent business reasons have Inter vened to delay my start one day." "Mr. Goodwin and I have reached an un demanding," said Mr. Gray later.

"He is a good fellow and so am I. I will not say a word to Injure him. He overplayed himself a trifle, but it is all right. I believe he sails for Europe under certain circum stances on Thursday." Do ymir feet teha aod burn aud make you tired all orr7 Allen Foot-Base makes the shoes romfortnble, rests and cunls the feet and makes walking eaxy. At all drunnlsts' aod hn atores, 25e.

lion't arrppt any iilwtltute. Sample aeot tree. Address Alien i. Olnisted, La Koy, N. Y.

FAILED TO MAKE REPORT. Reuben Mendelsohn, who conducts a secondhand store at 1313 Market street, was arrested last nlKbt by Detectives Mulcaty and O'Oea and charged with a violation of tb city ordinance compelling second-band dealers to make an entry of all articles purchased by them. An additional charge of not making a proper report to the Chief of Pollee of purchases was also placed against his nam, 1 GOODIM SAIL of Golden Gate Park. come to the United States I would visit California. That is why I am here.

I will stay a day or two and then go back to St. Louis. "iso, i nave no views I care to express puonciy anout tne war between Japan and Kussia. uermany, like the otber great na tlons of Europe and tbla country. Is pre.

serving a strict neutrality. Whether the personal sympathies of many Germans are ror or against Kussia, I do not care to say, stirring events in the Orient are fast male ing history and at this time I do not think anybody can predict the outcome and re suits or too war. Tne Prince says European travel to the bt. uouis fair promises to be very large ounng me summer ana ran months. Travel from Germany In particular will ba larsa and this will strengthen the existing bonds oi inenasnip oeiweea tne two great na- Lions, NEARLY DRIVES Mi CRAZY Italian on Trial for Homicide When Told to "Take the Lhair hV HlS flWVPr Thmlc vi lining Electric Chair Is Meant, Special by leaMd wire, tbe longest la tbe worM.J NEW YORK, May 11.

VlncensoCandldo, an Italian fruit vender, who for the nut three days bas been on trlsl for murder in the first degree before Judge Foster in the court of General Sesslona, nearly died of fright last night In the Tombs Prison. All night long he was kept strspped to hit cot In his cell, handcuffed and watched by a keeper, to prevent him from killing him sen. Jesu Cbrlsto," he kept crying at the too or nu voice. "Keen me from the death ehatr uou: save me from tbe electric ahorkai" Caudldo'a perturbation of mind nrf in cnnatton to do violence to himself brought on by an Innocent remark made by uib uuuunpi yevieTQay. Mr.

Hare, who la defending the arrnn.rf man, aecmea to put bis client on the wit ness stand. "I think you had better take th choir i bbiu nre, turning to uanaiao, Just tnen Judge Foster adlonmed court for the day. No sooner did Candldo et out oi me courtroom tnan ne commenced howl- ng louaiy ana tore bis hair. crcirui mother! be screamed. "Keen uir iivui cuair, un, me cnairr This morning he appeared in court wiM eyed and trembling, still Dossessed of a hnr.

rioie rear mat be must obey bis lawyer's reauest and auhmit tn iitrnoiiinft candldo is accused of committing what in police parlance la known aa a "oolite mur. er." On March 20th he Is said to have ahnt bis friend, Giuaeppl Beveacque, three times in me dbck necause Beveacque bad been paying attentions to Candido's wife. UNITED STATES CONSUL DIES IN VENEZUELA Thomas J. Cummings Passe Puerto Cabello. Away at PUERTO CABELLO (Venesuela), May 19 Delayed In transmission.

Thomas J. Cum mings, United States Consul here, died sudden ly to-day. WASHINGTON, May 11. Mr. Cummtrar was appointed tne tonsillar servlea nm New Torn last winter.

He was 65 tun old and formerly a apwspaper man In blew York. MISUNDERSTANDING NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Thoro So no Substitute for nvv Whoever wants soft hands, smooth hands, white hands, or a clear complex ion, he and she can have both 2 that is, if the skin is naturally transparent; unless occupation prevents, The color you want to avoid comes probably nei ther of nature or work, but of habit Use Pears Soap, no matter how much; but a little is enough if you uss it often. Eatablished over too yeara, Absolutely Pure Ui to a LI otto of Health let it go. r1.

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