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The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California • 6

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE EXAMINER. SAN JANUARY 14, 1903. WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY fully invited lo attend tbe funeral to-oosre-sv full Invited to attend tbs funeral to-day NEW ADVBRTIIEalttJVT. (Yteasrsaayi, ti clues a. trout aw wis (Tbuisdsy), at 8 o'clock p.

from tbe funeral parlors of Porter A White, 123 Eddy stress, MASTER Of LODGE CONCOCTS HOLD-UP 1 residence, 41 NaUims Streets theses to Bt. Pstrlrk's Church, bsr a requiem high mass Will celebrated for the pipose ef Ills soul at o'clock ou luurmiut, Holy Citws Cemetery. interment, baurei 4.1 1 tl cemetery, CAUD OV THANKS. Mrs. Knsuer desires to thank her friends sail Infants' Outfits sc(iilulsuee, as wull as Pastor Kuendallog UADAR AntUs, widow of Cornelius Vlahsr and STORY TO ROB GENEHOUSDDIVATION FOR THE IH OBSERVATORY snq ivniceris er filarial, tor tn kindness and synipsthy tended her In her hour of Bint ber of airs.

William loner, airs. i. wooan-sea aud Jsinss, John, Cornelius, William snd Timothy Msbar, a uutlve of County Cork, Ire bereavement. EM LI MCENHr'S, land, aged oi years, llloiimouin, srres evuoiy, siers please copy.) Friends sud scquslntsncei srs requested In stteud the funeral loiuorruw (ThiirsdaM. st o'clock from her lata residence, The following marrlugo licenses have been Issued by llio County Clerk: tan Itafaeli I bene to St.

Raphael's muri'U, where a sole ipo high requiem uisss will hs eels- ECK A LI KG -M Heck, 21, 130 Mayes Delivery Wagon Driver Short bra ld for the repots or our SOUI. luivrueui, Mount Olivet Ouwlajy. street; lllaurno Allenherg, 18, lliw Page street. UTTIIKWa-ln Ibis rlty, Jsnusry II, Lawrence, WONHACK-I'INKSTON-Danlel W. Bouaaek.

.15, Oakland; Anus I I'lukstou, 33, gaa Francisco, fill KWSTER- BRIFFKTT Fred O. Brewster, 40, in His Accounts I ells the Police That Two Highwaymen Take $65 From Him, i uoicieii unie aveuue, tiesier at, Hllnett, 23, hsa Frandaco. The expense of moving Is enormous, Any one who has ever tried It can testify as to the correct new of that statement. Think, then, what It means to attempt moving the stock and fixtures of a large store. We have thought of It already and have come to the conclusion that we will be better off by cutting prices and selling the goods In' this storeright now not to move It, if we can help.

Certainly you are better off if you buy at cut prices. Pure Wool Henrietta. All colors, Regular QO value Black SllkS -Heavy Pure Silk Tatieta, CQ-21 inches wide; yd Corded Wash Silks Bet quality, Imported for the Spring Season; pretty stripes, checki, plaids and plain while. Regu- tar value 50c; yard wsJfc CAItPFATER-O'BRIEN-Blissel p. Csrnenter.

oesrly MlovsQ son or uwo sun bhui-i thews snd belovud brother of James, Eugene, Bernsrd, There" aud Mary Ellen Matthews, a native of Hsa Jfrsuclsco, aged 2 fsaja and 1 day. A member of tbs Boiluimakurs sud Iron Shipbuilders' t'nloo, No. 25. Friends aud scquslntancs sre respect, fully Invited to si tend the funeral today (WedDcsdayi. at o'clock fruui tb residence of Ills psrents, MlT Teniiesseo street, i'l, 1013 Devlssdcru struct; Mary O'Brien, 'I, 12D1 Turk streei.

CI ItTH.MoQru.LAN-Harry E. furls, 27. Irtnl Hosiery and Handkerchiefs Lalles Hosiery-Fine quality It'slo thread, In drop etltoh effects; embroidered Insteps; silk stripes. All imported goods that have been selling at 50o and 75o. ql Reduced Black Stockings-Fine quality, with spliced heels, toes and soles.

Hermsdorf Dye, which Is a guarantee that they are absolutely fast black; regular value 25 cents 10 pair pair IO( Ladies' Handkerchiefs Pute Linen, In many dainty styles, such as lace and incertlon, lace edge embroidery and hemstitched and embroidery. Such as are usually fT-sold at each I' Two Little Bovs Tell What Complete 3 Infants' Long Cam-brio Slips at .75 3 Infants' Embroidered Long Slips at 50c 1.50 2 Infants' Long Flannel Skirts 2 Infants' Long Flannel Pinning Blankets at 50o ,1.00 3 Infants' Flannel Bands at lOo 30 2 Infant Hand-made Booties at lOo 20 6 Infants' Bibs at 5c. .30 21 Pieces for. 5.55 Family Rubber Good We are not going to carry ubber Goods In our new store, so heve cut the price of every Hot Water Bag and Syringe. Fountain Syringes reduced to 43c, 53o, 63c, 88c Bulb Syringes reduced 43c, 88c, 1.18 Combination Water Bags and Syringes reduced 83c.

93c, 1.18 Hot Water Bottles reduced 43c, 53c Marvel Whirling Spray i. 2.75 Carnegie Institute Will Give 54,000 Annually for Indefinite Period to Be Used in Astronomical Research. University Regents Add a Department of Electricity to the Industrial Equipment of the Wilmerding School, Tour thoumrd dollar! annually for an In fcrflclt cumber ft In the sum the EarnfBla Institute ct Washington has de polrero; Ibeace to Bt. Tervss Lliurvn, jeunes- If Mission streei; Agnes A. McOjlllto, 22, 8o3 L'Uhin street.

ANTOZZI-B1NK-Arhim Fsntozzl, 521 rill, more street; Amulla Ulne, 21, 073 McAllister alreet. see jwneteawo tirrms, high mass will I celebrated for lbs repoteof bis soul, commencing st 9 o'clock s. ni. luteruieut, Holy Oust Cemetery. They Saw and Then the Dishonest Employee Confesses and Informs on Accomplice, UAN'IFIN WOR.SDALK Asher A.

flsnlfln. 5.V LOPGEH 25 AND 805. BROTHERHOOD BOILER- osktsua; hlvlna Vlprsdale, 2i, 24A tlllver street. Makers and mm rnip-uua'rs. in rripirsie.i to sttend the funeral nf onr 1st brother, Law-nee Uatthess.

from bis isle heme. IK7 Ten 11 ICK Y-4 II l.Y. R- a toes 3, Hlckey, 4H. fit Mltb street Msry A. Shuler.

40. fit Sixth Street. nessee street, today tWednesday), at 8:30 K.N'sKN RATH! EM Jens C. Jensen, 20, Qono. A bold plan to rob the A Special o'clock a.

m. imu; hi nine Kaihjen, 24, Ssn Francisco, mi. hrim V-ln this rltr. Jsnusry 12. Iens V.

Johnson. 26. Delivery Company of $t5 was discovered last night, when the driver of ono of the Wares, beloved wile or ll. sierrinian ana sileJo; Josephine E. Joeelyn, 23, Vallcjo.

mother uf V. William snd Alfred Jordin. SB. 228 William T. Baggett.

KEUtoS-ln Alsuieda, January 12, Edward rAA ttt ive the Lick Observatory (or wagons, Bert Nelson of 328ft Tenth street, reported to the police that be bad been held Tallorei SultS-Dress Minna street; Calsllna Espenoxa, 8 Csroline plsi-e. milling, neiovea "0 oi August sni Nelson, a native nf Ctllforula, aged 1 year 7 brlEloal and aciantlflc research. and Pedestrian Suits, in up and robbed by two mugs at 7 ciock at I. A FO Conra K. Vf.

Klare. 2I. fli4X months and 0 days. rrealdent Benjamin Ide Wheeler made Bay and Webster streets. black, brown, navy, gray and castor; fine quality Clay street; JIary K.

Foxe, 28, 13H5 Lackla street. Under the cross-questioning of Detective Friends ana acquaintances srs respect, fully Invited to attend lbs fuuersl to-day 0 MASON O'Dea, Nelson broke down and confessed this fact knon to the Regrets c( the State rolverilty yesterday at tbclr incetlnR In the Hopkins Institute. (Wednesday), st 1 o'clock p. froio ine reai KO.S-Iini,ZMAN'V-Hanio J. km.

31. I2t that the supposed hold-up was merely a dene, 1017 Regent street, interment, Mountain I tab street; Wselairgs llolimtna, 23, Hsn Serges and Cheviots. Worth 14.50 to Of 16.50 O.OO schema which he bad concocted with two View eoistery. "We hope," be said, "to get more In time NFWMAN -Iu Ibis city, Jsnusry 13, Velta, be frieuds for the purpose of making away Minor f-ddy. 25.

04 1 ELABORATELY from this Institution for research In other loved wife of Mas and mother of with the funds which he had collected dur Second avenue; Mario K. Hanatlu, 22, 2712 eventnenth airevt. directions. The Carnegie Institute baa pro In tbe course of tbe day. Harry, Pave, Joe, Ijrna, Esther, I.lllle, Tens and Ids Ncwmsn, a native of Polaud, aged 04 T.

Lewis. 415 Jones In his first story to tbe police jseison vlded not only the means for Independent years. street; Margaret E. McGuff, 20, Woodland. stated that in company with two young OI.NEY-Id Ibis city, Jsnuary 12.

Chariot) McCANN-CooK-Warner McCann, 24. Mexico mmm i STLLED boys be had driven to Bay and Francisco Olney, a native of lork, aged 77 years. City; JIary K. Cook, 23, 3130 Washington street. streets for the purpose of making a deliv O'MEARA In this city.

Jsnusry 12, Dennis ti. Madsn. 43. ery, and that two men nan mere stepped O'Meara, lieloved father of Mrs. 11.

N. Brown, GOLDEN Thlrty-8rst svenuej Marie K. Nielsen, 23. San Francisco. MARKET.

TAYLOR STREETS AND Mis. S. Bmwo of Palo Alto. Mrs. W.

K. Hall out and compelled him to yicia up bo, tnc GATE AVE. entire amount which be bad in his posses of Fresno, Mrs. W. E.

Bacon, A. D. snd Una O'Meurs of Modulo, a native of Ireland, aged MINMCH-HOBIilNS-Tliomss Pacific, No, 136, With High Mlnnlch, 23, Robblns, 21, Ml sion. He further delared'tbat bo had been re moot. Georgia F.

Golden Gsto avenue. 02 years. Friends sud acquaintances are respect struck repeatedly by tbe robbers. and Solemn Ceremonial, Tbe two boys bad a different story to ten. MPLIJCR L.VCKEMAN Frits Muller.

27. 1418 fully invited to stteud tbe funeral to-morrow (Thursday), at 7 o'clock a. at St. Patrick's Tbey were Eddie Rosener of 1246 Fifth Polk stn ei; rricda Lackeman, 23, 1211 Usven-worth street. Inducts Officials to Their Church, Miasiou street, between Third and street and David Wort bum It of TSbft sixtn NISJA KN'l'DSEN Hans Nlsis.

30, Minncspolis; pork in the observatory, but It baa riven the University the opportunity to appoint lie assistants for there researches." The Institute bus not fixed any period when tbese gifts arc to cease, but the assurance Is given that tbey will continue for several years. President Wheeler announced that the ETnlverslty of California will bo visited by members of the Legislature next Friday. iK delegation Is coming down from Sacramento to inspect the Institution and learn Its needs. Ho asked the Regents to participate in the affair. The exercises will open at 11 o'clock.

Luncheon will follow the programme. Regent C. W. Flack, who presided at the meeting, called for an election for treasurer, vacant by the death of Louts Slots. The vote as In favor of I.

W. Hellman Jr. cf the Union Trust Company. Mr. Hellman save a bond for $100,000.

Fourth, where a requiem hlgb mass will he celebrated for tbe repute of his soul. Interment at Modesto, Cal. Remains at tbe parlors of Halsted Larmea u. anudseu, 30, Molley, Minn. II isueei, ueuuei uvi-i menu jcon ui wr, beatS 0T HOnOr fOr I ermi Tbey stated that Nelson bad stopped bis EL80N-L A Job G.

Nelson. 35, Han Fran- 4c I4d Mission street. Cisco; Lbrlstlns Lanu, 32, Francisco. Horse ana wauea across a vacant. 101 to taut to two men whom he stated were bis friends.

O'SIUNNESHY-Io this rlty. January 12, Mary, NOLAN COOK Frank 3. Nolsn. 2S. Fresno! In his second statement Nelson gave tbe The newly elected officers of raciflc Lodge, beloved wife of JIU hael c.

abaonethy au Beatrico A. Covke, 23. San Francisco. neither of John Anule Mary C. snd Cathe name of Patrick Kape of 917 Natoma street No.

136, Free and Accepted Masons, were I'ERATA- LAGOMARSINO Plerro Tersts, 27. rine I. hbuuuetsy. a native of Couuty Liuic-r as one of his accomplices, and stated that installed last night at B'nal B'rith Hall, Seventh street; Msria Lagomaraluo, 19, 8uo Seventh Street. be did not know- the name of tbe second Ick, Ireland, ageri 61 years.

Friends aud acquaintances are respect some COO members and visitors from sister one. Kane, wnen approacnea oy me ac- rETEIWON-H AM BACH Albert A. Petero. fully Invited to attend tbe funeral to-day (Wednesaayi, st 8:15 clock a. from her lodges being present.

Tbe ceremonies were 2.t, San traiuls'-o; Minerva Haubsch, 22, Ssa Francisco. Isle residence, 8834 Twenty second street, bear conducted by Past Master I. P. Kincald, as Castro; tbe nee to M. Janus' church, where QCINN-PRESTOV-Mlchse! Qulnn, 24.

19 Mar. tectlves, surrendered the money. Both he and Nelson were arrested and placed upon the detinue book. Nelson gave as tbe reason for his act the fact that be was short in bis accounts. Previously during tbe day he bad sisted by J.

W. Anderson as marshal. Tbe solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated get street; untie u. Ptv-atoo, 21, Sacramento. for tbs repose of her soul, commencing at offloars installed were: tALMON-STKEN-Willlsm 8.

Pslmon. 25. 1104 o'clock a. sharp, lotermeut, Holy Cross Tbe Regents decided to add a department ef electricity to tbe industrial training course of tbe Wilmerding School. Tbe plea for such a department came from George iA.

Merrill, the director of tbe school. In his Market street; Agnes F. Sto, 22, 1030Vs Miaoa street. William T. Baggett, worshipful master; collected $15 for the firm and paid It to them Cemetery.

on a private account, alleging mat ne naa rHILLIPSIn this city, Jauusry 13. Sarah P. SATTISTARDAf'I Peter T. Fatri. 28, 2114 George L.

Darling, senior warden; Freder Ick L. Hansen, junior warden; John F. Ken borrowed it. Phillips, a native of lirldgevllle, aged 76 Powell street; Maris C. Scardsel, 23, 2114 Tow.

street. communication to tbe Board of Regents be ysara. Interment private. ile, treasurer; George Pcnlingtou, secre GOES TO NEW ORLEANS fctated: THK LI MO OV WORK. BVKVDSEN-BROWS-AxsM W.

Hvendn, 57. riERCK January 1.1, at his isle residence on tary; William Grant, marshal; Andrew 2027 Isylor street; Mollle C. Brown, 27, 2i2T Taylor street. Pine streei, Henry Pierce, native of staudisb, TO STAND TRIAL. Walker, senior deacon; George E.

Jackson, To begin with the next school year. July 1, 5903. I would recommend the addition of a sgd 75 years 4 months snd 13 days. Funeral services will be held at the t'nl junior deacon; R. II.

Murray and Lou la K. Department of Electricity. It bas been our BORX. tarlao Church to-ninrrow (Thursday), at 2 o'clock Scion of Prominent Family Wanted on Compton, stewards; Philip Rlegeluaupt, WITH Tjm GOODS 05 'IM I SATS THE SAW. p.

to which bis friends sre Invited. Iutcr policy to develop along tbe line of the building trade rather than the machinery trades, cd in order that this new department may SHOE, i.iavtw Tnp fast MARKS -IS THE BLACK BOTTOMED tyler; Benjamin Clark, organist. Bl bil-ln Sacramento, Decern tier 30, to the wife meat private. Forgery Charge. of bamuei i.

tiusn, a daughter. RICE In tbls city, Janusry 13. John Jacob, lie. fcarmonlze with this Idea It will be our aim not to engage In the construction of dynamos Detectives R. B.

Stubbs and T. Ranee of the GARDINER January 12, to tbo wife of Ales. 8, loved son uf Manuel and Martha Rice, a native The retiring master, I. P. Klncaid, was presented with a jewel emblematic of the order.

The presentation on behalf, of the New Orleans police force arrived iu San Fran Gardiner, a son. or san i-ranclaco, aged months and 14 days. rlHco last nlRht for the purpose of taking Iriends snd acquaintances sro respect other heavy electrical icarblneryi but to devote our efforts more particularly to teaching the practical applications of electricity Ml'KUANE-To tbe wife of John Murrsno. a Clarence Rein to New Orleans to be tried for VVwIS' mrmwrm AUD F1HDIH' 'EM PLEWTT I Mt. "G1VW 'EM PAINTED HEMLOCK, AT AW OAK SOLE PRICE.

AHD SMOKIW GOOD CIGARS ON THE DIFFERENCE. aavaaamaBBWBwmaaMssaaaaa Every Regal shoe has an Oak sole, which adds a dollar to the wear, at no extra cost to you. Ninety pet cent of other ihoes sold at $3.50 bave cheap substitutes for Oak soles, as out window tests prove. sou. fully Invited to stteud the fuueral to morrow iThiirsdayi, at 11 o'clock s.

Jrom bis lodge was made by I. J. Aschhclm. forgery. in dwellings, orace nunaings, etc.

ucn work as wiring buildings tor lighting. Installation It Is alleged that Rein, with a companion, parents residence, 352 Alabama street, be. MARRIED. A Shrtners' Jewel waa given to J. W.

Anderson in appreciation of services rendered roUbed the Fruit Dispatch Company of about tween Twenty-nftb aud Twcnty-sixtb. Inter ef annunciator systems, telephones, elevator ment, Mount Olivet Cemetery. JW.OOo. Tbo money, It Is alleged, was Ob tatned bv raising the amount of different or to the organization. At the conclusion of emce, medical and Cental appliances, electroplating, electrotrplng, operation of light fac UANIFIN WORSDALE In tbls city.

January RYAN In this city, January 12. Patrick, beloved tbe installation supper was. served. Martin ders, and then collecting upon mem. ine husband of the late Catherine Ryan, a native of Alio by Mail Sold only in 45 Regal Stores from New York to San Francisco and London.

12, by the Rev. A. C. Bane, pastor of Howard-street Methodist Church, Asber A. Hanlflo of Oakland snd Elvlns Worsdsle of San Francisco.

Jones acted as toastmaster. After supper the parlsb of Minlo, County (ialway, Ireland forgeries extended over a period of two years Rein comes of a prominent family in New Or aged 00 years. (Cbampoou, 111., papers please there were speeches and music. leans, and was arrested about a week ago in SAN FRANCISCO STORE, S. W.

Corner Stockton and Geary Streets. WILLIAMS DK MARAXVILLE In tbls rlty. copy. this city, after eluding the officers for nearly triesns ana aequslntsuces srs respect LABOR CONVENTION'S WORK. January 10.

by tbs Iter. Francis M. Larkin, Robert V. Williams snd Etbel A. De Maraovllle, both of San Francisco.

a year. ruliy invited to atteud tbe funeral to-day weuuenuoj), si ju cioci a. irutu ine par An error was Inadvertently made In tbe DIED. to-day (Wednesday), at 1:30 clock p. lors vt tbe Pad tie Lndertakers, 777 Mission from tbe parlors of Halsted bid Mission published report of tbe proceedings of the street i tneoce to Ht.

Patrick's Churcli. where street, interment private (In order to secure absolute correctness in an soleuiu requiem mass will be celebrated fur th DOHONEY In this city, January 12, James, bo nouncements of funerals, frieuds of the deceased repose of bis soul, romnM-ncIng st 10:30 o'clock labor convention held at B'nal B'rith Hall Monday evening, by which it appears that tbo agreement made on tbe recommendation loved husband of Ann Dobouey and father of a. m. interment. Holy Cross Cemetery.

the late Philip C. Pohoney, a native of New should bring notices to tbe bualness office of "Tbe Examiner," southeast cor. Market and Third sts.) KarvaKar FLORAL DESIGNS 107 HUEA in this rltv t.nii.,. If Clu. of the Executive Council of the American 1 ork, aged 73 years.

(New Xork papers please The ordinary almanac doe not make any pretense of 11-luatrntlnff it articles. "The American Almanac" la pro-fnaely Illustrated with photographic illustrations, and all Its maps are lu colors. Address Almanac Department "The Kiauilncr," San Francisco, Cal, dearly beloved mother of Jnru'es, Ella, William Federation of Labor was made tbe basis of I copy, i uu nate enes, a native of County Waterford, Bane, Mrs. Llllie E. 44 MeGoulgle, Cornelius the work of tbe convention.

This resolution Friends and scquslutanet's sre respect if ei mi. ageq i. years. iwman, Mrs. Agues To years.

nd others relating to the same subject were I fully Invited to stteud tbe funeral to morrow Tbe funeral will take place to-day Bergk, Una i9 years. Mahar, Annie 64 years. laid over until tbe next session on Monday tory machinery, etc. Such a department will not only be useful In offering youths an opportunity to learn electrical working as a trade, but it will also make it possible for the boys In our architectural department and some of the other trade to acquire tn a practical way that Incidental knowledge of electricity 'which nowadays seems necessary for every-body. The Regents approved of tbe general plan and agreed with Mr.

Merrill that it would be advisable to have it in running order when the school opens aft eg vacation next kummer. A communication was read from A. S. Baldwin offering to dispose of the Santa Clara marsh land owned by the University fct $20 an acre. The University owns 1,250 sicres.

The matter was referred to tbe Flood Endowment Committee for investigation. The Regents appointed E. B. Willoughby helper in tbe mining laboratory from the D5tb inst, to the end of the term. His salary will be $75 a month-It was reported that the Alpha Signa JDelta of the Los Angeles High School had made its first payment.

$116, toward its scholarship in tbe University. The Regents received a letter of thanlts tfrom the Japanese class of the extension iTrrursdayi, at 11 o'clock a. from the par lors of J. C. O'Connor 707 Mission street (Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock a.

from her evening next late residence, 13A Silver street; tnenco to St Cabin, Carolina C. 11 Matthews, Lawrence -u Carles, Sarah A. 47 yrs. Merrlmun, Lena W. Collin, Martha G.

48 Nelson, Edward 1L 1 J. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery Rose's Church, where a solemn requiem mass SHIBELEY, THE FLORIST 25 PER CENT REDUCTION IN FLORAL DESIGNS. .111 Salter. Phone Grant 107. FLAHERTY In this city, January 12, Aggie, be win tie celebrated for tbe repose of ber soul, ARRESTED FOR BURGLARY.

BOAT BUILDERS ELECT. Boat Builders' Protective Itiion, No. 16, has Corcoran, Mrs. Eliza M. Newman.

ietta-iH yrs. Corda, Victor 511 years. Olney, Charles E. 77 y. loved daughter of James snd Margaret Haberty commencing at o'clock a.

oi. Interment, Holy a native ui an runcisco. Dora Davis, a colored woman, living at 2329 iross cemetery. Cowen, Philip vi years Meara, jjenms at yrs. lected officers as follows: President, John The funeral will take place to-day SHEAN In this city, January 13, Maurice A Beach street, complained to the police last Waltbower: Vice-President.

Gus risen; Pali, Christopher 43 O'Shanuessy, Mury 01 Doboney, James 73 yrs. Phillips, Sarah 7tf y. (Wednesday), at 9:30 o'clock a. from ber night that her home had been entered and ber Treasurer, Charles McMichael; Financial Sec late resjaeuce, Xi4 Chattanooga street; thence to beloved husband of Mary F. Shean and father of Frank.

Maurice A. Utida, Addle, Lee ami Bessie Shean, a native of New York, aged St. James' Church, where a requiem high mass trunk burglarized of $10 in gold and some retary, John V. lirannan; Recording secre ribbons. Loon the testimony of Henry Brown win no eeienratea for tbe repose of ber soul tary, lien i j' oppennan; uuiae, uieiow.

REMOVED TO NEW STORE United Undertakers Funeral Directors snd Embalmed. Formerly in Metropolitan Temple; now at 884 Mission st, bet 4tb and 6th, near 6th: teU South 167. Finest equipments tt moderate rates. years 7 mouths and 11 days. (New York, Bos Jack Welsh was arrested for the crime and commencing at 10 o'clock a.

m. Interment prl tou snd Hooosocket, It. 1., papers please copy vaie. Witches, diamonds and Jewelry. Easy pay booked at the City Prison on a charge of bur The funeral will take place Friday Elaherty, Aggie.

Pierce, ticnryu years. Flaherty, Auuie. Rice, John J. 5 months. Pox, Michael yrs.

Ryan, Patrlek-tiO years. Hales, Clifford B. 18 y. Shea, Catherlne-72 yrs. Haley, Cyril 11 months Shean, Maurice A.

ofl y. Hansen, Anc K. 80 yrs. Shields, Charles E. 1 y.

Hlrsihfelder, Antout-UO Slaaeke, Jano-75 years. Kane, t'brlatopber 00 I'ahtlnen, Seraphena 28. Lufontalne, Emma A. Walcott, Sarah A .53 y. 75 tears.

Walsh. George IL 45 y. 1 glary. Welsh is an ex-BOldier. FLAHERTY In this city, Janunry 13.

at the rest ments. I'. 8. Watch 640 Market room B. jauuary it), at clock a.

from Li's la le deuce, 413 Baker street, Annie Flaherty, beloved reslUeucc, 1240 Adeline street, Oakland; tbtiii- sister of the late Margaret Clusby and Mr lo me umrca or tn immaculate Coucentii M2W ADVERTISEMENTS. Delia Pol ii, a native of Arren Island, Couuty where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated HNiTiiATrAtnnsioTucS? tors to Flanagan Gallagher, FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS, 20 Fifth street. Telephone Sdutn 80. Opposite Lincoln Reboot. DANIEL P.

DONOVAN. Manager. for the repose of ms soul, commencing at Levlngstooi, Jacob. Webster, Juliet 14 years o'clock a. m.

Interment, St. Mary's Cemetery. kourse for the services of Yoshi Kuno, the McEnbill, Joseph Wood, Robert M. 30 yrs, ARE YOU GROWING DEAF? SHIELDS-ln Mazatlau, Mexico, December 13. pnstructor, and the privilege of being able bo study this Oriental language.

Charlea Fox Shields, a native of Portlaud, aged 02 yeays moaths aud 3 days. BANE In Oskland, January 12, Mrs. LIHie Bane, niece of Mrs. xnomas ueuara oi a DO YOU WANT TO BE CURED? STAACKE In tbla city, January 12, Jane, be- DOMESTIC INFELICITIES. native of Massachusetts, aged 44 years 8 months and 20 days.

JAMEU McGl.VM CO Formerly with McGinn Have Opened New FUNERAL PAR'OM at 214 EDDY STREET. TeJpjjhjneuthJ7fl hile Om. Shores make no pretensions to curing ALL PEAK Is RARROWMAN In this city, JnnusiT 13, Agnes. fael that many so-called "lt I ll AllLKS" nna relief hi iob nannn i mrt Mrs. Florence E.

Cunningham Tells About loved wile of George Staacke aud sister of Mrs. Elizabeth Howard, a native of Massachusetts, aged 75 years. The funeral servb'es will be held at Odd Fellows' Cemetery to-day (Wednesday), at 12 o'clock m. Fuueral private. beloTCd wife of John Barrownian and mother of Master fcprelalists.

JR. MIOH Tit KATHKST KOII iifiAr.nKns is niK HESt l.T OK YEAKS OK t'AHFKI STl I1Y aud an EXPERIENCE gained James and Thomas Barrowmau ana wrs. uiua betb Samuall, a nutUe of Scotland. Married Life. 1 Six months ef married life Eufflctd to con from AM.V treating III MltEl)S of eases.

THEY OKTE (THE 1IEHE OTIIEHS II AVE FAILED. If r. HhMRIftAii snffor frnm caTAIIHII. ASTHMA or 1,1 TTlOt BERGK In this city, January 12, Una, dearly TAHTINEX In tbls city, January 11, Seraphena Muiway, ireiana. FOX In Oakland, January 13, Michael beloved son of Daniel and tbe late Mary Fox, a uatjve of Alameda, aged 3 years snd 8 months.

HALCK In this city, January 12, Clifford Elmore, beloved sou of Albert T. and Albertlne Halck and brother of George L. Halck, a native of San Francisco, aged 18 years 6 months snd 1 day. Friends aud acquaintances are respectfully Invited to ntteud the funeral to-morrow (Thursday), at 1 o'clock p. from the parlors of Ibe Western Addition Funeral Directors, 1724 Pevlsadero street, between Sutter and Bush.

Interment, Laurel Hill Cemetery. DALEY In this city, January 12, Cyril, dear baby of M. J. and the lute Mury Kate Haley, a native of San Francisco, aged 11 months and 7 days. Tbo funeral will tuke place to-day (Wednesday), at 10 o'clock a.

from tbe parents' residence. 2707 Laguna street. Interment, IJoly Cross Cemetery, by electric car from Eighteenth and Guerrero streets. HANSEN In East San Jose. January 8, Ane Klrstine, beloved wife of It.

Hansen and mother of Petrlue, Johanna. Mary, Niels J. and John C. Eugene McGinn. JIcGIXX BROTHERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS.

224 and 226 McALLISTEB S. F. Telephone South 252. Formerly 81 Eddy st. rince Mrs.

Florence E. Cunningham, formerly tMits Florence Miller, of this city, that she Tahtlnen, native or Finland, aged 28 years. Friends snd scouslntsnces sro reneet. ni.K. Ir.

Shnrri invite von tn lake mlvantnae of their SrECIAI. OFFER beloved wife of Anton Bcrgk and sister of Mrs, Anton Stler snd John, Louis and Henry Schmidt, a native of Baden, Germany, aged 20 years 1 month and 1 day. Friends and aeauaintances are respect. piad made a mistake. In a complaint fllfd cs THIS WEEK nf a FMEE EXAMINATION, EH EE ADVICE and "A FRE1 TKI AIi TIIKATMI1NT' FROM THE XKW INSTBilMEfVT.

Do not delay. AI PLY AX DAY THIS WEEK. tO.NSlLTATION FREE FOR AX DISEASE. pwrday she tells an exciting story of encoun fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. from the parlors of Craig, Cochran 420 Golden Gate avenue, between Larkin and Polk streets.

Interment, Laurel Hill Cemetery. fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Wednesday), st 1 o'clock p. from her late DEAFNESS CURED ters with her husband during the last twenty pays. McFADDEN, McBREARTY e.iHnnee 12S Douzluss between Seven WALCOTT In tbls city, January IS. Sarah teeuth and Eighteenth.

Interment, Mount Olivet The Treatment That Cures On June 12. JKC, she was married to William Cunningham at Seattle. They came here Do live a few months later. Until December GREEN Funeral Directors and Etubalmera, 1171 MISSION STREET, bet 7th and 8th. Poons South 44.

Cemetery. (lAHlLL In Vallcjo, January 13, Caroline lielnved daughter of Martin and Elizabeth Cahlll tftih there was no serious disagreement, but and loving sister of John, Henry, Julia, Mar beloved wife of Ihe late Olaf Walcott snd mother of Edna snd Arthur Walcott and Mrs. Lenora Laeey, a native of Kentucky, aged l2 years 11 mouths snd 30 days. Friends snd acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend tbe funeral to-morrow (Thursday), at 2 o'clock p. from the funeral parlors of Torter White, 122 Eddy street.

Interment, Lsurel Hill Cemetery. rn that date he struck several vicious blont, the complaint alleges, with a hairbrush. On Hansen, a native of Denmark, aged 80 years garet, Lizzie and Willie Cahlll and Mrs. John rntjHirke of San Francisco and the late Laura Panuary 10th, tbe complaint states, Cunning R. Cablll.

a native of Vallcjo, aged 21 years i sr ri tn iijiw tarn, while dining in a restaurant, tore her and 23 days. Friends and scauslutances sre respect WALSH In this city. Jsnuary 13, George H. gloves into strips una then threw cayenne pper in ber eyes. Siuce that date they have fully Invltedi sttend tbe funeral to-morrow (Thursday), at 8:30 o'clock i.

from the moiuns ana aays. HIR SC'H FEEDER in this city, January 12, An-tonl, beloved father of John SCycblluskl, brother-in-law of Wanda Hirschfeldur snd uncle of Mrs. A. Czarneckl, Mrs. A.

W. McPnerson, Mrs. W. Johnson and Thadeus Hlrscbfelder, a native of Poland, aged 60 years tt months and 211 days. KANE In Oakland, January 10, Christopher.

fceen living apart. family realdence. South Vallcjo: thence to St. Vincent's Church, where a requiem high mass Suits for divorce have alho been filed by will be celebrated for the repose of ber soul. (Cora I.

Daly sgainht William A. Daly, a clerk lamploytd by the Santa. Fe Katlroad, on tbe Tu BENNETT, SPECIALIST FROM LONDOS, JJ England, quickly and thoroughly cures men whose powers are falling, organa weak or diseased, system run down from early dissipation, etc. Hia treatment used in all principal hospitals of Europe. No case is hopeless.

Consultations free. Satisfactory treatment Befit privately by mail. Call or address DOCTOR BENNETT, 103 Ellis San Francisco. (Charges reasonable.) Interment, (St. Vincent's Cemetery.

CARLES In this city, January 12, Sarah Ann, beloved wife of H. II. Carles and mother of Ada beloved husband of Ellen Kane and father of atrouiid of desertion; Ixlla Dcnmun from James C. John William Marr J. Iienman for neglect; Addle Kpps from Alara Joseph, Adelaide snd Eugene Carles, a native Christopher F.

Jr. and Nora C. Kane, a native aS. Edps for ngit'( t. WILLIAM E.

BRIAN, of Eugland, aged 47 years 1 month and 26 days. Judge baui granted a divorce yesterday, to I'rleuds and acquaintances are respect or county mm a re, ireiaua. sgea no years snd 17 days. (Chicago papers please copy.) Friends are respectfully Invited to attend Lost Hearing- Restored yesfcie J. torter, an actres-s at pn-seLt on the fully Invited to attend the funeral to morrow jork t'agp, oiu nil liui-raud, Glrard at 80 Years Thursday l.

at 10 o'clock a. from her late the funeral to-morrow (Thursday), at 0 o'clock loster. on the ground of 5i rtion. Mri. Fos 1VILMAM EVEUMONT a.

from his lute residence, 1805 Goss street: ter Is the daughter of Mrs. L. Mjer of i (irove BKY AN. 548 1'ai'lflc a Walsh, beloved father of Mary F. snd George L.

Walsh, brother of P. J. Walsh and Mrg. A. E.

Wells and uncle of U. F. Wells, a native of New Orleans, aged 45 years. Friends and acquaintances sre respectfully Invited to sttend the funeral to-morrow (Thursday), at 10 o'clock a. from the parlors of the Henry J.

Gsllagher Undertaking Company, 20 Fifth street; thence to St. Patrick's Church for services. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, by 11:30 a. m. train from Third and Townseiid streets.

WEBSTER In tbls rlty, January 12. Juliet, he-loved daughter of Pbilopcua and tbe late Lyons Webster and sister of Mrs. Harry Jacoby, Mrs. B. J.

Joseph and William and Max Webster, a native of Oroville, aged 14 years snd mouths. Friends and aequslntsuces sre respectfully Invited to sttend the funeral to-day (Wednesdayi, st 12:30 o'clock p. from tbe residence of her mother, 502 Van Ness svenue, and thence by 2 p. tu, train to New Salem Cemetery for interment. WOOD In tbls city, January 12, Robert M.

Wood, aged 30 years. A member of Cooks' Helpers' Union, Local No. 110. Friends and acquaintances are respect- street, bbe wrnt to lork to fmlbb hw euuo, I'al. thence to St.

Patrick's Church, where a solemn requiem high muss Will be celebrated for the reiaise of his soul, commencing at 8:30 o'clock (preparation for the stage, and while, tbere Mr. Krysn says: "I am I married Foster. Tbe ceremony was rier my eightieth year and have a. in, interment, hi. Mary cemetery, lived lu tbe same block in Ala formed at the Cbun of the TiansfiguraUon Irn December 3, 110.

On the following day meda for tweniy years. LAFONTAIN'K Passed to rest, in this City, Jan deserted bib wife, acd they have con good many people know roe Louis Llpman and wife to A. D. PlJIn, lot on West line of Fifth, 84 feet south of street, mith 25.38 by west 05; $10. Samuel O.

Blgelow to Uultck Wetberbee. lot on northwest line of Natoma street, 170 feet northeast of Fourth, northeast $5. Henrv Schummel (deceased) to Berths fiebam-mel lot on north Hue of I-ombard street, 100 feel west of Powell, west $3,500. Thomas J. Gallagner and wife to John Lucstsen, lot ou south line of Oak street, 81 :3 feet east of Scott east 25x75; $10.

Hobart Estate Company to John I. Drlscoll, lot on west line of Guerrero street, 180 feet north uary 12, Emma Deioveu wife of the late residence, 33f2 Twenty-sixth street. Interment, Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by carriage. Please omit flowers. COLLINS In this city, January 12, Martha dearly beloved wife of the lute Patrick Collins, lovlug mother of Jeremtab John J.

aud Catherine Collins, Mrs. H. C. Alexander, Mrs. J.

P. Rooiiey and the late Eugene Collins and sister of Miles A lima a native of Itockfleld, Klllarney, Couuty Kerry, Ireland, aged 48 years 3 uionlhs and 1 The funeral will take place to-day (Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock a. from tbe residence of ber daughter, Mrs. H. C.

Alexander, 310 Plxley street, between Elllruore and Stetner and Filbert aud Greenwich streets; thence to 1 LOST MY HEARING in my ilKbt ear about three years tinued to live apan. Mff. Fos-ter and her mother, who are mill In the Fast, gave their A. J. Lafontalnc anil dearly beloved mother of Pr.

Emma C. snd Julius R. Lafoutalne, a native of Stuttgart, Wurtemnerg, Germany, aged 75 testimony by deposition. John T. Cannon, a brother nf Attorney.

Will years ruomn ana aays. 5am M. Cannon, but bwn granted a divorca tfrom his wife, Frances Cannon, on the ground The fuuersl take place to-day (Wednesday), from ber late residence, 1328 oeseruon. ins wue leit imn aner aquarrel ago. I waa TOTALLY PEAK in that ear so drat could not bear a thlug out of It.

The olbcr ear was also affected. This was my condition nlion applied to Urs. Shores (or treatment. I have routed illi other doctors for my nesa, but their treatment never did me any good. I can say of Fifteenth, north $2.300.

wcicn as wuneea uy wnittaner itay Jackson street. Funeral private. LEV I STO In this city, January 13, Jacob, on of Prison Director Donald Hay. Youu beloved husband of Amelia Levlugston, father of Lester and Belle Levingston, son of Leah tutj teuueu iu uir iiubiimuq Dt-Lau. Divorces have albo been granted to the fn! 4.44 rHHrnmH s) hTHC CVa miMnmcit riDnil ATIHIM lowing: Viola Hauser from fanford Haustr and the late Lazarus J.

Levingston and brother of Mrs. Sam Leszynsky, Mrs. Eugene W. Ievy. lrs.

hhores treatment helped ine from thp stHrt. After I had taken THREE treatments George F. Morey from Mary Alcrty. FATAL FALL DOWN ST A IRS. Mrs.

F. H. Merzbacb and Isaac and Benjamin St. Vincent de Paul's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for tbe repose of ber soul at o'clock a. m.

Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. CORCORAN In this city, January 13, at 261S California street, Eliza relict of John Corcoran, a watlve of Notice of funerul hereafter. CORDA-ln this city, January 12, Victor Corda, a native of Switzerland, aged B3 years. Friends and acquaintances arc respect Levingston, a native oi New jora. McKXIULL In this city, January 12, Joseph.

Raymond, dearly beloved son of John and the late Aeorg9 vaiBD, a isoorer rony-nve yearg eld, fell downstairs in the lodging-bouse at Eun ce McEnbill ana oeiovea uroinerof John Peter, Frank, Hugh, I -co and Lena McEnbill and Mission street yesterday morning, re eeivlng injuries which caused tenant death uity ana county of San Francisco, 1 State of California. Personally sppeared before me F. E. Peterson, hesd bookkeeper lor Tns a Francisco Examiner," who, being duly sworn, deposes and aays: That tnc 1 daily average distribution of "The Examiner" for the month of November, HW2, was Q3.5O8 PAID CIRCULATION. Agents 38,716 Carriers 63,843 Single wrappers to Pottofflct subscribers OtBc 02,276 He had bis neck.

Some years ago he fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Wednesday), st 2 o'clock p. from (he parlors of Theodor Pierks, H57 Mission street, between was well known as a district engineer of the Mrs. A. Glrot, a native of fcau rranclsco, aged 25 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Thursday), at 8:80 o'clock a.

from his late residence, 2803 Twenty-second street; thenes to St. Peter's Church, where a solemn reanlcm aire Department or this city. Fifth and Sixth. Interment, Laurel Hill Cemetery. COWEN In Santa Rosa, January 12, Philip, be from Pm.

Shores I FELT MY LOST HEARING RETURNING, and at the end of six weeks I COULD IIEAU MY WATCH TIDE PLSTINCTIJY from tbe deaf ear. My cartsrrh In my bead aud eczema on my nose and fate ar- much better. MY HEAP, WHICH WAS STOPPED I IS NOW CLKAK. aud I breathe itood tbrouijb my nose. It Is now two years sluce I slopped Prs.

Shores' treatment, and 1 ian my the gd rnMiilis recelVfrt from Prs. Shores' treatment have been PERMANENT. There tits bei No HETt'KX of my DE'FNESS. I heartily recommend Prs. ShoreB Shores to all lu need of roiupeteut blip.

(Signed) WILLIAM E. BRYAN. B46 Pacitlc avenue. Alameda, Cal. Iteineniher.

uf ler yon have tested the new treatment free. If you desire to continue the treatment, Drs. shores' lurire praetive enables them tn offer priees anil terms within the easy reach of all. 15 a month for ail catarrhal chronic diseases. AH meilielnes free.

WE TREAT AND CURE InS. MIOItKS OT ClltK CATARRH, but they CI Hi: Stomach Troubles, Nerrous Diseases, Kidney Plmases, Blailder Troubles, Heart Plseases, Diseases of the Slomscb and Dowels, piles, Elstuln aud Kertal Diseases. Pemsle Complslnta, Diseases of Women and hlldren. Itb'kets, Spinal Troubles, Skin Diseases. Deafness, Asthma, Bronchial and Lung Troubles, Rheuuiattsru.

Hay ever, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Eye and Ear Diseases, Goitre or Big Neck, Grippe, Lost Sirength. Diseases of the Prostate Gland, Blond Diseases, Special Plseases, 'rloocele, Scrofula ami all forifis of Nervous snd Chronic Diseases (that are curable). Call or write. flics Honrs -9 a. m.

to 4:30 p. va.i Erenlngs, 6.30 to Sundays and Holidays, 10 a. m. to 12 noon. BOSS BARBERS INSTALL.

The Master Barbers' Association beloj smoker last night at W'bJcb lt recently elected fflcer were inducted by Past President Bernard. Tbese were installed: President, Jfixcnansres, AdTeriisers auao jumpioyees. To employees, Postofflce and Wells-Fargo's, exchanges, Eastern agents, lies, advertisers and charity 4 B83 Returned by railroad news agents snd Eastern hotels. 45 Unsold In efflcs and 4V04 1,232 103,508 F. B.

PETERSON. Subscribed and sworn to before ate this 15th day of December, 1902. Seal. 1 JAMES It, KING, Notary Pnblie In and for tbe City and County of San Francisco, State of California. mass will be celebrated for the repose of bis soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a.

m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. McGONIGLE lu this city, Jsnuary 11, Cornelius, beloved husband of tbe late Ellen McGonlgle, devoted father of Mrs. Bernard Ward and tbe lata Mrs. Annie Reed, grandfather of Albert Edward C.

and the late Eleanor Iteed and brother of the late Dentils, Patrick and John McGonlgle, a native of tbe parish of Culdaff, County Donegal, Ireland, aged 75 years and 10 William Fsuth; Vlce-Pretldent, C. Bernard loved husband of Hanchen Coweu, father of Mrs. B. Jacobs and Uattio, Joseph, Prod snd Alex. Cowen and brother of Mrs.

B. Levy aud Mrs. J. Batt. a native of Prussia, aged 72 years.

(New 'York papers please ropy.) Funeral from the, residence of Mrs. B. 1cvy, 1S14 Post street, to-morrow (Thursday), at 10 o'clock a. tn. Tlease omit flowers.

Cremation prtvste. DALlr-In this city, January 11, Christopher O. a native of San Francisco, aged 43 years 4 months snd 28 days. Tbs funeral services will take place Fecretarr. Walter J.

Yarrow; Treasurer. Will lam Bloomheart; Bergeant-at-Arms, James Ttoland: Tjrstees. Ixmis Conrad. A. F.

berpi nd Fred Knipsthlid. Addressers were mads trr Fraacls Drase of tb tat Board of Bar. months. Kiamlnera, Past President Louis Conrad DRS. SHORES SHORES, EXPERT SPECIALISTS, 933 rSatcat friends snd acansintancsi an jvaJur Yarrow and 11.


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