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The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California • 2

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
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SATUItDAY TilK tSXAMUNJiiU, HAN imANClSCO. JAN UAltVT 3, lUOa. 8ATUHDAY INTRODUCES A DILI LIGHT THROWS LIVERMORE LOCAL TWICE WRECKED WITHIN 48 HOURS Pill OF A TOWN FALLS INTO A COAL MIKE AAA 1 1 AW; I r.t:"- i I PF BURT MEETS LABOR MEN ID STRIKE IS SETTLED Union Pacific President Confers With Leaders of Machinists' Union and Differences Are Adjusted. Official Announcement Is Delayed In Order That Formal Action by the Labor Organizations May Be Taken, NpMlal by leased wire, the longest Id the world. NEW YORK, January 2.

Settlement of tbe differences between tbe Union Pacific and tbe striking machinists has been made. Official confirmation only is lacking and that Is delayed In order that formal action by the labor unions may be taken. President Burt of tbe Union Paclfio bad another conference to-day with James O'Connell, president of tbe International Association of Machinist; Thomas L. Wilson, J. M.

O'Neill, E. F. Kennedy and David O'Donnell. Tbe conference was held In tbe offices of tbe Union Paclfio Company In tbe Equitable Life Building, and tbe formal statement after tbe adjournment was that there was a "strong likelihood a settlement would be also.that tbe conferreea tad adjourned until next Tuesday and until tben no information of an official kind would be given. But no one In Wall street believed tbe strlko had not been settled finally and definitely.

TRAIXMEX WAST INCREASE. OMAHA January 2. Tbe Union Pacific will receive a demand next week from its trainmen of all departments for an increase In salary. Tbe demand will be made by a committee, composed of representatives of all trainmen's unions, but no threats will be made as to tbe outcome if the Increase Is refused. Tbe Order of Con ductors, tbe Brotherhood of Railway Train men.

tbe Brotherhood of Locomotive Engl neers and Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire men have called a meeting for next Sun day, to be held In Omaha. The demand, which rails for an Increase In all departments of 12 per cent, will be framed and a committee-will present It to the Union Pacific. The men expect no difficulty In gaining the concession. "LUCKY" BALDWIN IS MAKING GOOD PROGRESS. His Physician Expects to Send Him Home in Five Days and to Cure Him in Fifteen.

That grim old fighter with all sorts of for tune. Ellas J. Baldwin owned up glibly enough yesterday to bis phfelclan tbat be had con rented hit Identity under tbe name of E. Jack soo so that newspaper mensnouiaeot discover his whertabouts. In the medest lodging-house at 23 Third street, "Lucky Baldwin bas the DU room, and he is most aociie pauenu his poytician said yesterday.

"Mr. Baldwin is rrogrefsing verr well, in deed. In five days he will be able to go home, I think, with tbe cancers goo, ana ten days after that tbe sore spot will have healed up completely. Had It not been for the X-ray treatment ne wouia nave ovrn bruit earner, and if tbat treatment had been continued he never would have got well. As to the cause of the cancer, I think it trted with nothing more than an ordinary case of cracked lip.

He bas not smoked for thirty vears, so tbat could not have caused the trouble." TO REDUCE SIDEWALK. The Board of Public Works has recommend ed to the Supervisors that tbe width of tbe Blilewalks on Division street, between Ninth and Eighteenth, be reduced from thirteen feet to seven, the roadway tramc ot tne tnorougn-fare being much more important than its use by foot passengers. 4 mSn9f 1 accident and can be thankful that It did not i 4 jkP iSl'Lt 1 happen at icme more dangerous point on 5 vrTTt' 1 I the road." tftfg 5Sli 41 Conductor Joseph MorTltt was s'en at the 4 rfV Oakland pier thl. afternoon just before he t'A' 1 took out th Llvermore local. He seemed 5 B' YV Aw none the worse for the accident and stated r4 i UJ1 iMVt L' I that he bad not mado his report to the li i Vfc lStS 4ri 4 1-.

RJ' HfXiXii TO Senator Hoar Brings In, a Measure Providing Heavy Penalties Against Combinations fn Restraint of Trade, Offending Corporations on Conviction in a Competent Court Would Be Debarred From Interstate Commerce, (Continued From Pan One.) directors of said Joint stock company or other association and all agents trusted with the management of its affairs. "Sixth The amount it baa paid in dividends during said perod, tbe rate of percentage of such dividends end times of paying tbe same. HOW STOCK IS HKLD. "Seventh A statement of all tbe stock owned by it of any other corporation, Joint stock company or other association, tpecl-fylng the corporation, joint stock company or other assclation and tbe number and value of shares tn each; tbe amouutotlts own stock held by other corporations, joint stock companies or other associations and tbe value thereof, and the amount of stock In other corporations. Joint stock companies or other associations held in trust for It, or In which It has any Interest, directly or Indirectly, absolute or conditional, legal or equitable, specifying the corporations, Jolut stock companies or other associations.

"Eighth An undertaking signed by said officers, general manager and directors that they will comply with tbe provisions of this and all other laws of the United States In the management of the affairs of said corporations, joint stock companies or other associations, and that they accept tbe pro visions and liabilities of this act ann tbe obligations by It Imposed, Iro long as tbey shall continue. to hold or exercise said offices or authority." LIST OK CONTRACTS. "The Altorncy-General of the United States may at any time require of any corporation, Joint stock company or other association engaged, any statement he may think fit in regard to the conduct of its business; and he nmy especially require any such corporation. Joint slock company or otber association to give a list of all contracts or transactions entered Into the twelve months preceding such requisition in which It has told any article or product, or carried any article or product at a rate less than the ordinary market price, If such article or product has been sold or carried by any other person than the party to such transaction. And he may further require tbe reason for such distinction and circumstances attending tbe came." Section 4 provides: "That every person, corporation, Joint stock company or association engaged in commerce with foreign nations or among tbe several States who shall enter Into any contract, combination or conspiracy, or who shall give any direction or authority to do any act for the purpose of driving out of business any otber person engaged therein, or who for such purpose shall In the course of such commerce sell any article or product at less than Its fair market value or at a less price than It is accustomed to demand or receive there for In any other place under like conditions.

or undertaking that It shall not be sold again by the purchaser or restrain such sale by the purchaser shall be deemed guilty or a misdemeanor." I'EXALTIBS PROVIDED. Penalties for violation are provided. Sec tion 5 provides: "That no corporation, Joint stock company or other association shall engage in commerce with foreign nations, or among the several States, a majority of whose stock is owned or controlled or held in trust for any manufacturing or other corporation, which In tbe cours of Its manufacture or production, conducts Us business or any part thereof, in a manner which would be prohibited by this act, if it were so conducted In the course of such commerce with foreign nations, or among the several States." Section 6 provides: "That all the books of record and papers of every corporation, joint stock company or other association engaged In commerce with foreign nations or among the several States shall be sub ject to Inspection by the Attorney-General of the United States or by any agent he may designate for that purpose, and such cor poration, Joint stock company or other as sociation shall, at such times as he shall prescribe, make such further returns, verified, as aforesaid, as shall be by bim pre scribed either by general regulation or by special direction." Section 7 declares that officers or agents who do anything prohibited to the corpora tion by the act shall be Individually liable to the penalties provided. PROHIBITED KROM DOIXGBI SIXESS Section 8 provides: "That no corporation. Joint stock company or other association, after June 30, 1104, shall manufacture or produce any article which tn tbe course of business is habitually sold and delivered beyond the State in which it Is manufac tured, whether by said corporation, joint stock company.

or other association or by subsequent purchasers thereof, and which shall, in the course of its own domestlo business do any of the acts or things pro hlbited to be done by this Act shall engage in commerce with foreign nations or among the several states." NEW DEPUTY ASSESSOR. William Kline, heretofore deputy and confidential clerk in tbe office of Assessor Dodge, succeeded to the position of chief deputy yesterday on the retirement of John Gluty, who has accepted a position- with the French Bank. He will be cashier of the new trust company and commercial branch of the institution. NEW ADVKHTIMKMHXT9. Jlching Joints In the fingers, toes, arms and other parti of the bdy, are joints that are inflimed and swollen bv rheumatism that acid condition of the blood which affects the muscles also.

Sufferers dread to move, especially after lictirg or lying long, and th-ir oondition is commo lv rse in wet weither. "It has been a long time since we have been without Hood's Sarsaparllla. My father thinks be could not do without it. He bas been troubled with rheumatism since he was a boy, and Hood's Sarsaparllla is the only medicine he can take that will enable blm to take his place In the field." MISS ADA DOTY, Sidney, Iowa. Hood's Sarsaparllla and Pills Remove the cause of rheumatism no outward application can.

Take tbem. REGULATE TRUSTS ON TIE BYROII Witnesses at Inquest Testify That Distance Between Trains Was Very Short When Owl's Brakeman Signaled Evidence Presented That Volumes of Heavy Smoke From Oil-Burning Locomotive Obscured the Rear Lights. MARTINEZ, January 2. Two men who saw tbe Stockton Flyer crash Into the Fresno coach of tbe Owl train near Byron station on the night of December 20th, were witnesses at the inquest resumed by Coroner Curry this morning, and their stories, told without besitation or contradiction, are regarded as tbe most Important evidence yet adduced In tbe investigation to fix the responsibility for tbe loss of life In that disaster. They are Charles Harris, a tramp who had been riding on the brakebeam of the Owl's dining car, and C.

L. Richardson, a farmer living two miles out of Byron. Both declared positively that Brakeman Q. B. Cole was only a short distance from the rear end or tbe Owl when he Digged the oncoming Stockton train.

Harris said It was about 200 feet; Richardson made it only balf as far. Tbe Inquest, begun last taken up again at 10:30 o'clock this morning In the Town Hall. Many witnesses were questioned during tbe day, but the case was not submitted to the Jury, ami was again continued until next Wednesday morning, word having been received that1 Engineer J. M. McOulre and Eugene II.

Lee, two Important wltnessses, were unable to leave tbe Southern Pacific Hospital In San Francisco and make tbe trip to Martinez. 1 FAVOK OK MelUIIlK. Coroner Curry conducted the Inquiry, and introduced the testimony of four men which tended to lift the blame from the shoulders of Engineer McGulre. Both Louis Kerr and Walter J. Sewell, engineer and fireman of, the Owl, testified that because of the de fective oil-feeding apparatus on their engine they left behind them dense volumes of smoke, which, In the still night, settled over the track.

Fireman Edward Joyce of the Stockton Flyer stated that the window at bis side of tbe cab was so badly smoked that he could hardly see through it. and he said that Engineer McUuire's window must have been in the same condition. House, another engineer, gave expert testimony, to the effect that when the furnace Is out of order an oil-burning engine emits heavy smoke that settles immediately to tbe ground. Charles Harris is on tbe payroll of the Southern Pacific. He was given employ ment on Sunday morning, December 21st, Immediately after the wreck, and has been working as a member of a section gang at Tracy.

There he was found last Monday by Deputy Sheriff F. W. Johnson of Contra Costa county. Coroner Curry Insisted that he be present at the inquest this morning, and he came, after first having been Cn con- erence with Assistant Division Superintendent Wilder at the Oakland mole. Harris was on bis way to Los Angeles, and crawled from bis place under the Owl's dining car Just before the collision.

"When you started to beat your way to Los Angeles bow far did you go 7" asked Coroner Curry of Harris. "I didn't get much farther than Byron," replied the witnesss. "How long was the Owl stopped there before you got off "Oh, several minutes," said Harris. "You know I couldn't be seen, so I lay awhile between the rails under the car waiting to see whero tbe conductor and brakeman "Did you see the conductor get off?" was asked. "Yes, he got off one of the forward coaches, I think." "Then what did he do?" "He spoke to one of the brakemen, and told him to take a flag back.

Tbe brakeman then started toward the end of the train." Harris then Identified Brakeman Q. B. Cole, who was in the room, as the man to whom Conductor Dolan of the Owl had spoke'n. When told to continue his story, he said: "The conductor started toward the depot, so I only had to watch the brakeman. He went to the rear coach, and stood therefor perhaps two minutes.

I don't, know how close 'the second train was, but I did know that he was pretty slow. Flpally, he got red and white lanterns, and started back along the track." "Did you see the Stockton train approach then?" asked the Coroner. "I did," answered Harris. UKATING HIS WAY. "Then, how far from the Owl was the brakeman?" "Not over 200 feet, I should say," declared the witnesss.

"Did you hear tbe Flyer whistle for the station?" "Yes, and I saw her coming, too." "Was the brakeman' swinging his lan terns?" "No, he didn't move them until she was almost upon him." Harris was excused from further attend ance at the Inquest. C. L. Richardson, farmer, who was driving Into Byron on the night of the wreck, was calleld. He told this story: "I was on my way Into Byron on the road to the north of the station.

I had driven a mile and was about 500 feet from the train when I saw a light move quickly down the track. Looking around, I saw the Stockton Flyer rapidly approaching. Then the llvt began to move In a circle, but a moment later the crash came. hen the brakeman began to swing his lantern I should say that he was not more than 100 feet In the rear of the Owl. I am sure It was not more than half a minute after I first saw the light until the Flyer hit tbe Owl." Btakeman Q.

B. Cole repeated bis testl mony, given last Saturday, that he dropped from the Owl before it Btopped. Engineers Kerr and House and Firemen Sewell and Joyce told of the heavy smoke resulting from the defective oil apparatus, which might have blinded Engineer McGulre. Other witnesses examined during the day were Conductor Dolan of the Owl, Conductor J. E.

Moore of the freight train at Byron, Conductor SchU of the Stockton Flyer, Brakemen Duncan and Taber, Deputy Sher iffs F. W. Johnson and E. J. Le Grande, Frank Reynolds of Antloch, Dr.

Gardiner of Byron, Rr. Breneman of Martinez, Sheriff Veale and F. V. Meyers, attorney for Engl neer McGulre. At 4 o'clock the Inquest was continued until DYNAMITE EXPLODES.

Fatal Accident on Gangway of Oak Hill Colliery. POTTSVILLE (Pa January quantity of dynamite exploded In one of tbe gangways of the Oakhill colliery, one mile north of Minerivilie, to-day, Instantly killing three miners and severely Injuring a dozen others. The dead: Michael Onder, 37 years of age, married, wife and. four children: Andrew On der, married, wife and four children; Joseph Prokop, married, wire and two nlldron. Four Frame Buildings Are Smashed to Pieces, but as the Settling Is Gradual No Life Is Lost by the Accident, Men and Boys Caught In the Colliery Are Compelled to Swim Ground Space of 6,000 Square Feet Affected, SCUANTON January 2.

Abandoned workings of tbe Eddy Creek colliery of the Delaware and Hudson Company, beneath tbe very heart of tbe town of Oll-pbant, csved In this afternoon and engulfed four frame buildings, covering an aggregate ground space of 6,000 square feet Tbe settling was gradual, and people la tbe affected vicinity escaped. A gang of men and boys wbo were at work in tbe mine beyond tbe fall encountered a flooded "dip," or depression, In tbe rein making tbelr way out, and bad to swim from one rise to tbe otber. The settling began at 3 o'clock and continued thirty minutes. In tbe Intervening balf hour O'Brien's three-story botel, Mrs. Anna Evans' double dwelling, Mrs.

June Acerly'i double store building and Evans' one-story barber shop were ground to debris In tbe yawning pit, with the uppermost part of tbe mound forty feet below the surface. The vein that caved in Is 115 feet below tbe surface. The property loss is estimated at $40,000. Up to midnight no further disturbance bad been reported. PROFIT-SHARING PAYS.

The entire local force of tbe Columbia Phonograph Co. attended last night's performance of "Tbe Jewess," celebrating tbe close of a month that In aggregate sales breaks all records thus far made by the local establishment. All employees of this concern receive a percentage on the business done, and are therefore actively In the business. Tbe company operates Its own establishments in the principal cities of Europe and America, and Is tbe only concern making and selling "talking machines" exclusively. WEDDED BY SUPREME JUSTIQE.

The marriage certificate ot Clarence E. Hoi-man and Estella Dawson, both, of Psclflc Grovs, was filed for record yesterday the document showing that tbe ceremony took place on December 3Ut, and wss solemnized by Suprsms Court Justice K. C. Harrison. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILE3.

Blind, Bleeding sad Protruding pile. No cure, no pay. AH druggists are authorised bj tht Bisnnfaeturers of Paso Ointment to refund tht money where It falls to ears soy cite of pile, so matter of how long standing. Cure ordinary lu all day; the worst ism- Id fourteen day. One ippllration glr-etwi sad reat.

Relieves Itching Initsntly, This Is new dUroverr and It tbe ouljr pile renit-dr old oa a positive guaranty, do cure, no pt j. Price BOc. CUSTOM, FORCE REDUCED. Acting upon orders from Washington', Collector of the Port Stratton yesterday, discharged twelve laborers of the custora-houts force. Kive more will follow.

This reduction is made owing to the decreased business, principally in teas. TO PHYSICIANS. A medical roan going to Kurope for year would rnt hl otfiVej, two moms, elegantly ftimlshed, mat desirable location tn tbe whole vlty, 3A. 1813 Van Neas avenue. Many causes Induce gray hair, but PaTker'i Hall Balaam brings bark tbe youthful color.

11 lndercorna, tbe best cure for corns. 15e. AH chronic stomach and bowel disorders cored. Jnat write Dr. H.

Partaoh. Berkeley, Cal. OAKLAND 1 1571 159 Washington St NEW ADVEHTISEME.TS. "I do not know how It happened except that the rails might have been defective, which fact would account for the accident. However, I was In the rear end of the train and cannot ay with certainty whnt caused the wreck.

I was shaken up and bruised a little, but nothing serious happened to mt." A JASSEGEirS Among the passengers on the wrecked train were James Kelly of Livcrmore and hit two daughters, Mies Hone and Miss Susan Kelly. Miss Rose Kelly Is the guest of Mist Annie Gallngher at the Hotel En-clnal, Alameda. When teen to-night Mtfs Kelly Was pale and nervous, although her injuries, which consisted of bruises, were alight. "1 don't know that I can describe tbe wrck," said sh "I waa rather drowsy at the time; we left Llvermore shortly after 6 and were running along smoothly hen all at once there waa a crash and Jar that knocked us off our feet, and I was clinging to my father and sister, while a strange woman bad Joined the group and clung tighter and screamed louder than any of us. Then another shock threw us all to the floor.

The acene was terrifying, children shrieking ut the tops of their voices, women crying and men shouting. Tbe worst sounds of all, though, were the grinding of the wheels and the hissing of the steam from the engine. 'We must get out of cried a man, and then every one rushed to the door, crowding and struggling to get out. for nil the world like a drove of sheep. Finully, climbed dow to the ground.

The cars were tossed across the track, this way and that, like bits of cardboard. It was considered wonderful that we escaped as we did. Had we gone a few yards further we should have been on the top of a precipice, and tbe cars must have plunged to the bottom (if the cliff. "The accident was due to spread rails, the trainmen told us. They said that if we had been going as fast as usual the nnnsh-up would have been horrible." M'ENT TllltOK.II TWO "This is the second wreck I've been In in a week," said Dr.

J. M. Ueukera, in his office alftanta Clara avenue and i'aik street, Alameda, this afternoon. "My family live at Llvermore, and I have my prn l. here, going home for Sundays and holidays, "W'hlle on my way home liitst Wednesday I was on the local passenger train that was derailed by running into an open switch.

I was considerably bruised and knocked about. Then, to-day, on my way back to Alameda tbe train came to grief annln. Of course, did all I could in both Instances to assist those who were Injured, although to-day I am pretty lame myself from the concussion, and the flying glass cut my bands slightly. This was far worse than the previous wreck. The cars were more broken and people were much more excited.

I helped dress the engineer's injuries thla morning. "The cars were piled up across the track. It la marvelous how quickly and effectively it done. There are too many accidents tbeee days." Mrs. Mary E.

Black, matron of the City and County Hospital, San Francisco, sustained the most severe injuries received by any of tbe passengers. When the engine plunged from the rails she was standing in the aisle of the third coach and the sudden atop threw her violently upon the floor against the seats. Stunned by the fall, for a moment she loBt consciousness. When ahe recovered her senses she became hysterical and rushed from the car out upon tbe platform, from which she lesped into a ditch at the aide of the track. As a resuit of the Jump she sustained a dit-location the left leg, a fracture of the left ankle and probably internal Injuries of a serious rature.

After the panlo of the passengers bad subsided and tbe nature of the wreck a learned the unconscious form of Mrs. Blark was lifted from the ground and she was placed in a coach. She was immediately taken to San Francisco. WRECKtD TWICE WITHIN TWO DAYS LiveVmore Local Goes Through Doubly Disastrous Experience. PLEASANTON, January 2.

Tbe train wrecked this morning is the same one which mat with an accident on New Year's Eve at a point 00 yards west of tbe elation at Llvermore by running into an open switch and colliding with a gravel train. In this accident Engineer William Bradley nearly lost his lite and bis fireman was severely injured. Klngularly enough, Conductor Joseph Mof-fttt was in charge of the Llvermore local on New Year's Eva and also this morning, 4 4444444444444ff4444444444 Hurt tn the Wreck. The lower portrait Is one of the i n-glnttr of the Llvernicire local; In tlie upper riKhthund comer is a portrait of the conductor; a portrait of one uf the Injured passengers also appears. The center picture is a viw of the wrecked tralu showing the dUatlied trucks of the, engine.

making him a figure In two disasters within a period of forty-two hours. The section of the railroad line from rieasanlon to Sunol, on which stretch today's wreck occurred, is one of ihe poorest roadbeds on any tine in the Plate. The earth in which the ties are imbeddtd is comparatively fcoft. so ifolt, iu fact, that a force of but lifts 1 men on work ot (it ai ing the wreck moved the entire rails, ties and all. a distance of fully three feet from its ipecllled position anil bent it to a curve in a very short while so that the afternoon traffic might be resumed to and from Onk-land.

No rock ballust is apparent in the icadbed. The whole Ktretch of rails and ties seems aB though it might have been constructed In the shops and paid out In a haphazard fashion from the rear of a fast-moving traction machine. It Is the custom of the Pouthern Pacific Company to run heavily laden freight trains over this road and at high speed around the curve at which tho accident occurred today. Heavy and fast moving trains passing over the rails of a poorly constructed road at comparatively short intervals loosen the spikes from their hold in the ties. In time the rails slip from under the elench-of the spikes and the space between tbem widens.

With no one to watch the gradual formation of such a death-trap, and trains passing over the spot continually, a disaster would be unavoidable. Such was the cause of this the latest smash-up; at least so say railroad men of long experience. The finger points directly toward those officials of the railroad company whose duty it is to be watchful for the safety of passengers who travel upon the trains of their divisions. The lose of the company In to-day's acci dent will likely be greater than that of any which they hove experienced within the past few weeks except the Byron horror. Tbe engine.

No. 1405, one of the best on the road, after leaving the rails, plowed over a ditch to the right of the track and half burled itself in one of the two precipitous cliffs that form a pass into the open stretch of country west of Pleasanton. The baggage car was torn loose from its couplings and M-nt whizzing Into the cliff on the other side of the track. Tecullar though It may seem, the tender of the engine tore along between the two, ripping and tearing the exposed side of the baggage car.and finally coming to a halt and overturning some fifteen feet In advance of the pile of debris. A special train waa sent to the scene to carry the passengers to their destination and on it the three Injured, Saulpaugh, Swanson and Mrs.

Black were conveyed to the mole. A wrecking train was then dispatched to Pleasanton with a force of nearly 100 men and the work of clearing the track was commenced at 4 o'clock. With a curve in the track around the badly smashed-up engine, trains were allowed to paason their way to and from the pier. The work of removing the wreckage wag under the supervision of E. J.

Hums, traveling conductor; Resident Engineer Lloyd and General Roadmanfer T. Ahern. Within the past two weeks four wrecks 4 ri 444444444444444444444 4444 01 a very serious nature, one or mem me Dyron calamity, paralleled In horror only by one other wreck In the history of the State, have occurred within the Jurisdiction of Superintendent W. S. ANAGER AGLER IS INVESTIGATING Manager James Agler of the Southern Pacific, hen asked about yesterday's wreck near Pleasanton, said: "I have not got all the facts from Super intendent W.

S. Palmer of Oakland. Palmer's dispatch to mo stales that the rails spread on a curve. Whether there had been any tampering with the track by some one pulling out the spikes I cannot say. An investl-gation Is now being made.

Until I get the complete statement of the wreck from Mr. Palmer I cannot Intelligently discuss tho wreck." "What about the collision and wreck at Llvermore last Wednesday evening?" Mr. Agler was asked. "That wreck between the Stockton local and a gravel train was due to gross careless ness on somebody's part. Nobody has aryet been discharged, but the blame for the affair is on the shoulders of the rear brakeman of the gravel train or tho conductor of that train or both of them.

The company has no desire to take Judgment against them. 1 have not received from Mr. Palmer a complete statement of the collision. The brake-man and conductor are, however, not nt work." While Mr. Agler refused to make the announcement himself, It is generally under stood in the general olilces of the company that tho rear brakeman and conductor of the gravel train will be discharged.

An open switch was the cntiRe of the wreck and the orllclals hold that the rear brakeman and his conductor were charged with the dul of seciiiK that the switch was set right for the other train. Mr. Agler says the statement of Engineer MeOuire, ho was In the Byron wreck, has not yet been obtained, as the company has no desire to question him until his health Is lhuiroved. Mr. Agler refuses to say what actioft.

If any, the company will take against him or any of the members of the Owl's crew. It is known, however, that the conduct of the rear brakeman and conductor of the Owl are being looked into as closely aB Is that of Engineer McQulre of the Stockton Flyer. WILL AMPUTATE ENGINEER'S FOOT OAKLAND, January 2. Word has been received by the family of Maurice Shean, the engineer of the Sacramento local which collided with a freight train in East Oakland, December 23d, that it will probably be necessary to amputate Mr. Shean's right foot.

All effortsito save tbe injured member have failed and It is feared blood poisoning will Bet in unless an operation is performed. Sluce the head-on collision in which Shean received a number of serious injuries, the engineer has been confined to a bed In the railroad hospital In San Francisco. It has not yet been decided to amputate tbe foot, but according to the statements of tbe physicians attending Sheen the operation seems to be tbe only means of saving the leg. Adams' Irish Moki Cough Balium cures all coughs and colds lu I dnj'. 26c.

WIDTH OF SIDEWALK. At tbe meeting of the street committee yesterday It was decided to recommend that the width of the sidewalk of Leldesdorff street, between California and Pitie, be fixed at flvs feet in accordance with the wishes of property owners, The committee also agreed td report favorably on the petition of the Globe Grain and Milling Company for permission to lay a Bpur track connecting its property at the corner of Chestnut and Montgomery streets with the Belt Lino Kallroad. LOW RATES TO KANSAS CITT. The 8'ihthern Psclflc will sell tickets to Kansas City nd tPtiitn for sixty dollars on Jauunry Kth nuil (Mb. Cult at Information Bureau, 612 Market treet, for full particulars.

Half-Price Sale At the Keller Stores The thousands of bundles that have left the Keller stored since this sale started would deplete any ordinary store and leave Its shelves as bare as those of Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard. But the goods that have gone are only a dippsrful from the bucket in proportion to the great stock gathered for this As one lot melts away another takes its place equal value at the same price. Come to-day and see the new half-price lots of HATS, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY and NECKWEAR. Saving money is easier than earning it. The Keller Custom Shirts If you're tired of shirts made up with a lick and a dab of sleeves that skew Into unsightliness of seams that rip -and buttons that can't be depended upon, then you'll be glad to know of the Keller custom-made shirts.

Ours is the only custom shirt factory on this Coast selling direct to the retail buyer. Our equipment is perfect better now than ever. We are making better shirts than wa ever made-and it was the Keller shirts that first made the Keller stores famous. We make shirts that fit in the most gratifying manner not only while they are new, but through long service. Every line, every touch denotes artistic workmanship of the highest character.

You'll be pleased in a dozen ways besides the matter of fair price if you wear Keller's custom-made shirts. SAN FRANCISCO 10281030 Market Street.

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