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The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California • 3

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LOCAL INTELIJGENCE. rrpceuisf, or tn0 Democratic State XitUUttM. HTEAfllSlUPS. ETC. IIIISCEIaIaAJVEOUS.

FRUIT MARKET. The market is well supplied with Tropical Fruit, consisting of Oranges, Cocoanuts, Bananas and Limes. Eince December 33d to the pro-tent time, we bavs received from Los Angeles 834,300 Oranges, against 72, 50 for the corres mm ADVERTISEMENTS. CJILESPro COBNES LOT WOK RAT l7y the Mission. In a deirabla investment.

Be or At, 60x114 feet. But a short distance from the horse cars. A bwni. title Perfect. Apply to GEO.

W. CHAPia, Iteal Estate Agent, 338 VonU gomory straw myll-at ftriCi.r7-fiFEI!r rOU 8ALE CHAT. yifJl 1 tanocca street, near Twent. third. Good level lot; oa the line of improve ment.

Also, ionuu i eet near Tiwi' v-iourth O0. W. CilAPIN. 333 Montgomery street. rr-ivro shares fob sale in the fbank- un uooeneu, as a lair nmnium.

teveral shares in the Sunny. ile. fur full par- utu. w. uuf i2t, 338 Montgomery street, mvll St A I LOS ANGELES NEWS, rCBLKBED avast DAT, (SUITXAT XXCXPrEB), DYKING OFFUTT.

At Um News' Bnildlng-, UUMMtKCIAXi STREET. LOS ANGELES. nnHnaMaB rpHB DAILY NEWS- 19 THE SUCCESSOR A of the LOS ANGELES BEMI-WE tKXY NEWS," a Journal of more than ten years' standing and possessing as it does the largest baaujeas and eireul.tion of any Journal published south of San Francisco, it possesses advantages, aa an advertising medium for the Southern portion of the 8tat and Arizona, unrivalled by any Journal in the State; and those wishing to advertise in. or sretliiR information concerning what is .10 toPortan Part of the w-ea -Kf awuKiut iia column. THE CANTON TEA STORE, HUaTAKEH, BOLTOS COj lYo.

514 MAKKET STREET, THROUGH TO BUTTER STREET, SAN FKAKCISCO. "I'UE LARGEST AND FINEfT GROCERY EBT ABIASH af In the ci tv. Best quality of goods st low prices, for CASH OK AP PROVED CHEDIT. First-class Families, Hotels, Restaurants, Vessels, Contractors, Farmers, Miners, and others. wisning to purcnase in quantities or packages, Supplied AT LOWEST JOBBING RATES.

Our stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions, and varied assortment of House keeping tioods, cannot be excelled in this dry. Fine Teas is our Specialty, Of which we have always on hand a superb aa sortment. received fresh from China and Jinaa by every steamer. French Brandies and other foreign and domestic Liquors and Winea, pure and of the best qualities, expressly for family and medicinal use- Also, English and home-made Ales and Porter. N.

B. Entire satisfaction guaranteed in everv particular. ap i-am i bultom co FURNIXUFLE! pARXOH, CHAMBER AND DINING ROOM Surra, in all the various oda and latest "gT, TTe gnarsmtec letter satisfaction and Lower Prices Ibava aay lions In the city. H.

LCCHSINOEB, Manage r. No. Ci. Market street. apl9.3ptf XTJt EEQ LEAVE TO INFORM OUR OUJ customers and the nubile Benerallv.

thai we nave this day removed to No. 632 CLAY STREET, Between Montgomery and Eausome (OVZB TUB IW BAB rftAKCIBOO BT ABKR, OTTO- I roarra lxidesdt Brr stbsst,) Where, with largely extended facilitkta. and quarters adapted to our increased business, are prepared to execute every variety of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING In a style and at prices that will favorab enmoare with any office in the city. M. 1.


FIItST.CLiA8S STOCK, ALL 6U1TED TO CITY TRADE! 1 TTE PLEDGE OURSELVES TO MAKE I every effort to satisfy all who may favor us with their patronage, and reepeetfuly solicit a can. JOHN T. HAVILAND, IJOS. KETJT HOOPER. Formerly of I ormerly or Hatse At Law-tow.

I Geo. T. Hoorut Co aplt-2plm FOR FINE PICTURES GO TO The City Mart Photograpliic GALLERY, Junction Market and Kearny sts. apltUf REDUCTION IN PRICE OF T7R0M AND AFTER THE Tllttsr DAY OF i JUNE nroximo. the irire of Oat will be reduced from $5 50 to per 1,100 cable feet.

JOSEPH G. EASTLAND, Secretary'. Office Ban Francisco Gas Company, I May 4th. 1869. myS-tf WOOD AND COAL.

EATE TOOK ORDIRt AT Peamvylvnnlat CTooJ sad Coal Vaird, 431 talon au-x, miwwb uspasi and Etsrav, Where yon can be supplied with every deecrrp. tiots of jruel an tne prompien manan uiu uh lowest rates. Cartas rres to any part oi tnemiy. apie-am ARAM'S FARM, SITUATED near Sen Jose, on the Coyote river. at the crolna of the Mission road.

cotainu FORTY ACRES of Land, all in a biah state of cultivation: fine Vineyard of tea acres; a large Orchard containing the best varieties of 'rut; ten acre, in Hops; and three acres in Strawberries ail yielding well. Also, a rood DWELLING HOUSE and outhouses, and a fine flowing artesian wclL Will be sold cheap. Apply te or address apa-dAwtf WM. ARAM, Ban Jose. D.

GHHUBDET.LT 415 and 417 Jackson street. Between Sansome and Montgomery. Sole Chocolate Manufactory la California! OPEOAI. EFFORTS HATE BEEN MADE TO to render this article of Horn Manufac ture far superior to any Imported. The Cocoa is received direct from Guayaquil and Is of the finest quality, and does not deteriorate oo the voyage to Ban Francisco, as ia the case when ex posed to the changes of climate when sent for manufacture to Europe or the Atlantio States.

This Chocolate can suffer no fermentation after its manufactu-e, as is the case with the imported article, which undergoes more or lees deterioration from the pause on tbe voyage in j-asaing through the Tropica. CHARTRES' COFFEE, Java. Manila, Grround Sploos, WINES AND LIQUORS, IMPORTED. ape tf MISCELLANEOUS. S.

F. and S. J. Eailroad. Santa Clara andPajaro Val ley-Railroad.

tr rpHX iSUMMjJ-tAR-tAXOSWESr OF THB mentis MONDAY. April btbTl. For titlrov and Wit SI.Hnn. UI1Y m-ltl IJITnAa.1 af ft 3 For San Jose and Way Stations at r.

M. Will leave OUroy for Saa Francisco and Way Stations at tHO a. m. and 1 p.m. 8n for Francisco and Way Station, at 6S0 a.

8 a. af and 3 r. at The Train leaving San J. mm out be run as an TRAIN, arriving at Saa French-Co at 8:4. The Train will atop (and for flrst-clac.

fares only) at Santa Clara, Mountain View. Mayfteld. Menlo Park. Redwood City. San Mateo and MiUbrae.

axeentln J. ina, when it will stop at AI.i. Way Stations. FREIGHT TBAI-I Will leavo Baa WwOot1 Gilroj at 12 a. SUN DAT.

PASSENGER TBATNa wtn ran rn fncco for Gilroy and Way Stations at 8 :30 A. M. Leave 8an Francisco for San Jose and Way Stations at 950 a. a. and r.

at. 1 Leave Gilroy for San Francises and Way Stations at 1 AO r. n. Leave Saa Jaw for San Francisco and Way Stations at 8:10 a. At.

Sand 6:20 r. n. Passenger Trains te and from Gilroy make the -pot on Fourth street. Ban Jobs. All other Trams ths Baa Pedro-street Depot.

UUUAttU r. BAMKOID, ap3-tf General Superiateadent. CALIFORNIA MARINE METALLIC PAINT. THIS COMPOSITION. THE RESULT OF scientific and chemical nw.rrh rt ing beea thoroughly tested for the past twelve te now offered for sale by the California Marine Paint Company, incorporated March 23, The ezperimenta to which it has beea submit ted have proved that it is one of the most valuable discover ire of this wonderful at in vention.

It has been extensively need ia paint- migm. oa au ainas or sailing vessels, wood, iroa and copper, acd with invariabl. too- eeea. ooden bottoms, piles, are thoroughly protected from the destruction or th. a nmuu, or sea-worm; and iron vessels effectually inwu um eonestoa ot DarnacAes.

grass and all descriptions of aoophytes, no iojury whatever resulting to the atea. aa oeours from the use of copper, and o'her perni- ciuus pamia; out, oa uie contrary, Ite anowa wui preserve xy tne ass ot ttila faint, coppering vessels Is tendered unnecessary; but where a vessel has been coppered it will not only keep it from fouling, but preserve the copper from the ordiaarv wear and tear, amounting to ten per cent, per annum, and render it almost wdestroctibte. aiso invaluable for the preservation of all wooden structures, especially railroad timbers, bridge, floor beams in hoaaeji. talMrrmMh and is a certain preventive against the action of uw waite an ana conugen of Mexico, China and The Company are now tnwnamd to nani. .11 orders, and enter into contracts for the applies- A ikl.

1 Orders and coram uni cat inna la imrd tntraa addressed to Ej. BULXOCK, General Superintendent, wiu receive prompt attention. R- H. WATERnAN. President of Company.


i Trustees. StVIT THOS. A. TALBERT. JOHN 8.

ROLLS, Secretarv. San Francisco. March 39 lob. inh'JS-tf STEELE'S SiFONiCF-CUS TOOTH POWDER! AN EXCELLK.VT DEL.VIRIFICK. IT WHITENS THE TEETH WITHOUT IN-jury to the enamel, arrests decav.

mrilln the breath, destroy, tbe animalcah. which taft at tbe teeth, and prevent, the accumulation of tarter. Blade and sold by O. STEELE a Chemists ami Apothecaries, 6il Montgomery st. xmwmi utjaau uauuauu, New YnricoiiiiDeuRcapcraiii Mower.

TMPROVED FOB 1SC9. BFST COMBINTD A Machine on oul r. EAMILTUN. Bole Agents for the Pacific CLait. Importer, of all kind, of taua i-ZriZl' caitaral Implrmenta.

17 and la Front atreet. baa Franclacoj and street. Sacramento. aLiii FOR THE SPRING STYLES IN CL0THI1VG, GO TO PETER SHORT, 613 Wasltintjtou street. my 6- MARKS AUUTIOiV AND C03IMISSION Alercliaiatsa SALESROOM 431 KEASNT STREET, Between California and Ploe.

BAN FRASCISCO. Out-Door Salfs attended to. ACvancot made oa Consignments. leua-u JOHN ROACH, AS BKMOVKD FTtOTtt 1 MONT- QOMERz BTREET. to 640 WASHINGTON street, EAST OT MOSTGOMERY STREET.

BSorveyljig lastromenta mads, repaired and adjusted. Boletf ITOTICE. THE ACTnfO under lnatructiona from tbe Mayor, and with a view to making the of Aaaeantaente on Outside Lands as easy as possible, aaa POSTPONED THE SALE OF SAID LANDS F')R frlXTY DATS FROM DAYS. No additional expense will bs added oa account of this postponement. A.

AUSTIF, Tax OoQeetor. May 7th, 18C. mj7-tf CALIFORNIA TRUST COMPANY, 421 Califoreia ftreet, San Francisco. CAPITAJU 1.000,000. BANK OF DEPOSITS AND L0AS.

Arroaats Kept, sahject to taerk er Draft. Correspondent for Banks and Bankers. Istemt Allowed aa Deposits and Tract Fa aaa. MONEY TO JLOAir. Bonds.

Stocks. Papers. Jewelry. Sir etc, kept at moderato cbargee, la large Honltar Fire and BarglaT-proof Taalta and Safe. Collect Sous.

DUbnrsements and all kinds of Financial and Tract business promi tly aunded to. Kew York Correspondent, First NaUenal Bants of New Tork. BETffRY It. DAVIS, President. D.


H. Hatch John Carrey, Wm. H. Sharp, J. H.

Baird, C. W. Bath.way, i. C. Johnson, H.

liarrollhei. J. Eidritgr, c. 4. Deering, 1.

McClrllaa. raja ram at. womi, lioorabaum, kt. Plum, W. B.

Cnmtiings, 8. Beydenfeldt, V. 8. Wensinger. Wm.

Blackwood and H. Lee. myt-lawtf-Tu SBlHirr-s a a 1. 1 1 i imaa vr aa Execution issued oat of the District Court of the Fifteenth Judicial District of tho State of California, In and for the city and eoucty of Ban Francisco, in tbe suit of the Vulcan Iroa Work. Oompa.y against Wm.

J. L. Hooltos, duly attested the twenty-eeoond day of April. A. D.

ism. I have levied upon AU tke rUht. title and interest of tie said Wm. J. L.

on ia and to the steamer -BLIOU. of the burthen of 86 69-1 0U toas, and her tlin-ery, tackle, apparel and furniture, now Jyag sunk in two fathom, of w.r. diatant fifly a thema or thertaboute ert of U.e draw in Long Bridge, Bear the aot cf Fourth street, la the City and County of BFrani Notice is aoreby given, that oa MONDAY, thi ientt dofMay. A. D.

1W, at o'clock noon at h-r said present BEOonnga, I Vlll Bell all the riirnt, tiUe aod Interest of the said Wm. J. Tu. Uonlten in and to the said above mentioned property to tbe highest bidder for cah, nijiV P. J.

WHITE, Sheriff. Notice Tho above sale is hereby postponed until StTUBDAY, the fifteenth dsy of Msy, A. D. 1 8t9, at 13 o'clock, noon. mylO-H P.

J. WHITE, ChcrtS. )LLk Central Committee. This body assembled to-day for the purpose of deciding upon the time and place where the State Convention is to be held, and for the trans action of oiher business. The attendance unusually large and the members were very enthusiastic la their anticipations of the result of the next political contest in California.

The Chairman, OoL J. P. Hoge, stated the object of meeting, whereupon motion Hon. A. C.

Bradford it was unanimously de'ermined that the Conven tion be held at Sacramenlo, oa Tuesday, the 29th of June 1859. Oa motion of Hon. A. H. Rose, it was resolved that the basis of representation shall be 0e member for each cranry, and one member for every 300 votes cast fur Congressman, and an ad ditional member for any fractional surplus.

On motion of Geo. Pen. Johnston, the follow. ing resolution was adopted Resolved. That the County Conventions where no Convention is held, tbe County Committees of the several counties be, and they are hereby requested, to authorize and empower the delegates elected to the Democratio state jnn-vention.

to assemble st Sacramento on June 29th. molt, to nominate candidates for District Judges xor their respective Judicial Districts. After some discussion, the following resolution offered by Robert Ferral, was adopted Betolvtd, That all voters in the State who are opposed to the Radical measures of Csngrese, including the proposed Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution ef the United States, who are opprawa to tne appointment or negroes to office. auu who lueoua tnemseives to sunnort I be IXm cratic ticket at the ensuing Fall elections, shall oe permitted to part cipate in primary elections. On motion of Col.

B. J. Betge. the Committee adjourned, subject to the call of the Chairman. great Park Homestead Association.

The books of this organization were opened to day. The land belonging to this association consists of fifty-six acres, having frontage of near 3,000 feet on the north and most desirable side of the great City Park, which is to be to San Francisco what the Central Park now is to New York. Lots to be from 25 to feet front bv 100 to 130 feet deep. Shares are valued at $250 each-payable in $10 monthly installments. As the city is to expend nearly $1,000.0 0 in improving her great Oity Park, there can be no question as 10 tne future value of this property.

Ira G. note, secretary; omce 4i5 Jaearny street, np Picture View or the Pacific Railroad. There, is on exhibition in the window of House- worth store, 319 Montgomery street large (r Ugh) sketch in oil. by Denny, showing the Paciflo Railroad Promontory Mountain the last spike being driven, the trains of cars from the East and West meeting, the irrepressible Chinamen, with their spades, eto. It gives tc Kuuu iu 01 tne completion or tne great enterprise, and attracts no little attention.

To State Honor Judge McKin- try, of the County Court, yesterday passed sen tences as follows: Antonio Gonzales, convicted of an assault with a deadly weapon, to State jrriBon tor one year: William llarrinirton. bur. giary. una year aaa tnree months; Ellen Brown, grsno larceny, one year, in the same institution. Labor exchange.

Tho engagements at the Labor Exchange, between yesterday noon and to-day 13 o'clock, were: 38 men and 30 female servants. The occupations of the men were, 3 milkers, 4 farmers, 14 laborers, 6 teamsters, and aa 01 various trades. St. Iobatius' College. To-morrow the stu dents of St.Ignatius' College will go on an excur sion to Paradise Grove, Saucelito.

and there spend a day of recreation and pleasure. We wish the young gentlemen pleasant time. Is Memoriam. The flag is at half mast to-day on the flag-staff on the Plaza, as a mark of re spect to the 'memory of Edward Stewart, late memoer ot exempt fire compacy. who deceased in Virginia City, Nevada, this morale g.

fVhlto Pine Jots. The Hamilton (White Fine) Inland Em pire of May Ctli, contains tho following: Nicht before last a ladv keeriiie a lodains house in the western part of the city, having no water in the house and requiring some, went to one of the neighbor's about 1 o'clock to trot some). All thn lndaAra hurl restira ,11.1 in her absence a man entered tbe house, and concealed himself until she retired, when he arose from his hidincr nlace and attemnt- ed to use chloroform on her. She awoke and called to the lodgers, and told them what waa going on, but they insisted that it was nothing but her imagination, and she went to sleep again. Soon after she awoke again, and insisted that some one had been attemotinsr tnchWrv.

form her; and on this occasion figbtedacandio and looked around tbe room, but seeing no one, again retired and waa soon asleep, but did not remain so; for in a short time newas awaKenfKt.almostsnlTocated. and on a candle louna a man Bitting on the Bide 01 tne bed. Blie raised the err of murder, and at the same time caught up a chair and struck the interloper, over the head. tie in torn raised tne cry or murder, and ran to the window and crashed the sash to pieces. The chair made it too warm for him and he ran to the other window and served it in the same way.

At this juncture Boveral of the lodgers were up and reaay lor tne ray, one witn a pistol and another with a chair, but the would-be Ear-rotor begged so hard they allowed him to depart. In the morning a two-ounce bottle, auartcr full of chloroform, was found near ig bouse. The officers are on the track of the culprit, and will no doubt overtake him. jbast evening, J. lliiey.

who has spent sev eral years in the extreme eastern portion of 1 l- 1 1 i una owtwj, auu nuu 19 largely inieresKJu the mines in (ran CaJlon. called on us and i gave us a few items regarding the new town of Toano, which is located on the railroad 80 miles from Elko. Carlin is on the west end of the section, and Toano on the east end. The railroad company have a round house and some of their repair shops about completed, and the town has in the vicinity of 200 people in it. Tbe railroad company have brought water in pipes to the town, a distance of five miles, from some large springs.

There is a good road nearly all the way from Toano by way oi Egan to this place, and Mr. liiley thinks it would be a good opening for some enterprising stage man to put on a line between this city and Toano. The road is well watered, and good grass abundant; and the distance from Hamilton 150 miles. He reports the mines of Egan as looking well. At 300 feet deep the Bteptoe mine shows a large amount of good ore, and a mill of 21 8 tamps will be erected this summer, there being a large amount or ore ready to reduce.

For several days past tbe weather has been as pleasant as any one could desire; in fact during the middle of the day it has sometimes been almost uncomfortably warm but yesterday the sky, which had been for week or more clear and bright, becama overcastjWith lowering clonds, and the mute tarings ot tnunaer 101a 01 tne coming storm, About 2 o'clock tbe rain came down in an old-fashioned Spring shower, lasting about an hour, whicn laid tne dust and refreshed the young springing grass. This was the first rain of the season in White Pine, and proves, what some have doubted, that it does sometimes rain in this locality. It is with feelings of deep regret that we are called npon to record tbe death ef Dr. Mitchell, County Surveyor of White Tine county. For some time past he has been suffering from liver complaint, and last evening tbe brittle thread ef life waa severed.

Dr. Mitchell leaves many warm friends, both here and other localities where he waa known, and bis loss to this community is a severe one. Homicide rx Santa Barbara Comm. The Santa Barbara Post of Hay 5th, says: On Friday of last week a most unfortunate and fatal affray occurred about three miles from this place, on the Arroyo Burro, between Michael Derr and Augustus Schorlig. The parties were partners, and on the day of the difficulty, a dispute arose about business matters, from which the parties proceeded to blows.

Soon Derr caught up a musket which stood in the room, and pointed it at his opponent, who caught the muzzle and dashed it one side. At the same time Derr fired, the charge grazing the left fide of Schorlig, the powder burning him considerably. In the meanwhile Schorlig had obtained a redwood stake, similar to those used for fences, with which he belabored Derr over the head, retaining, in the meanwhile, his hold on the gun. In this position the combatants fought until they got out of the house, when Bchorlig struck Derr two or three severe blows over the head, which disabled him. After Schorlig had knocked Derr down, he went to tome neighbors and notified them of the facts, and then came into town and gave himself up.

Derr died in the evening from the injuries received. His skull was broken in one or two places, and his whole head was terribly mangled. A Fatal Attempt. The Salt Lake News of May 3d, has the annexed Warden Bockwood informs us that while the Penitentiary convicts were at work this i morning at Spring Canon, about six miles from the city two of them, named George Cook and James the former of which stole some horses from Rive rd ale two or three weeks since, the latter some harness from Bockwood, and several articles from the stables of B. H.

Young of this city, broke from the ranks and attempted to disarm the guard. Tbe latter, however, having some mistrust of them, were prepared, and Cook was instantly shot dead am id atson mortally wounded he died at 3 o'clock this noon. after- Mrarxa in Nevada. The Humbolt (Xev.) Begister of May 8th says: Judge Strong informs us that five companies are busily at work on different locations on the Alpha lead in Echo, two of which, one north and one south, have the ledge in their shafts. He also says that a blast discharged in the Alpha during the time he was at the mine displaced tons of ore which was estimated by good judges at $300 per ton.

The owners have refused $00,000 for a two-thirds interest in the mine. Body Found. Tho Sacramento Reporter of May 11th says: 1 The body of Frank, aged eight years and two months, eon of Frederick and Emile McFessel, who had been missing since Sunday afternoon, was found about 2 p. M. yesterday ia the water in a basin excavated for brick on 8 near Eighteenth street.

The body was found by some boys who had been requested to search for his clothing. Conirratsriatorjr Dispatches, The following telegrams have been interchanged between the Mayor of New York and the Mayor of Sin Francisco, respectively: New York. Mav loth, lftoo. 7b the Mayor of San Francisco York City rejoiced when almost half a century ago, by the completion of the Erie Canal the silver Wetrn Inland seas was riveted upon Sn- The metropolis of Americi Pacific Railroad, two extremities and coasts ef "UTOnI commercially wedded from tbe relations of this grand event to Christianity, polttical economy, civili-zatlon and patriotism, it justifies the metropolis 1 lu expectation to soon become the Commercial Exchange of the world. Her newspapers, which so largely contributed to this dsy's result, must soon accustom our citiz-ns to phrases like this one: The Aaiatie ireignt tram has arrived on time." So our flags uuw 11 1 uK.

our cannons are now Dooming, and in old Trinity, at the bead of Wall street, a Te Deum imparts tbankfnl harmonies to the busy hum about her cbnrch walls. Can it then bs necoesary, by mere words, to tender you fuller magnetic oympathy As for congratulations to you. woros seem inadequate, to foretell the full irmtion to your golden gated citv of ent-rnHv of this beginning of railway intercommunication. Therefore, let this. 10th of Mar, pass into the annals of San Francisco, New York, and of every uBujwt, viiiac, fjwii nu city along the new uiguwajr, au aiiiiiveraary aay.

A. Oakby Hall, Mayor of New York. Ma yob's Ofttcb, Saw Fbahctsoo, 1 Mav 12th. 18R9. To tJte Mnwrr of AW York: On behalf of San Francisco I corrliallv reanond to latlons, and reciprocate your sentiments of good wm.

rnraci sco owes mucn to Hew York. The sons of New York were foremodt in tha t-mt- qnest, both dvil and military, of California, and California ever grateful, has. dnrise her short existence as a State, snt no less than four of them to the Senate of the United Stat-s. It is therefore appropriate for the citizens of New York and San Francisco the mot her and daughter to rejoice w-nay. -1 ney are one in interest, in feeling, in relisrion and blood, and may the great fiauway wrucu dm just joina tnem together remain an indissoluble bond of union and love for ever ana ever.

FRNK McCOPPIN. Mayor of San Board of Education. The Board held its regular cession last night. Present Messrs. Coe, Swett, Shaw, Meagher, Briggs, Button, Williams, and Burnett in the Chair.

communications. From Miss 0. Johnson, asking for a new war rant in the place of that which she had lost. Referred to Committee on Schools and Judiciary. From E.

H. Hall, truant officer, reporting 63 pupils as truants of whom 26 were actual tru ants, 1 8 excused by their parents, ill, and 3 who had left school. From John Swett, Btatlng the proceeds of the recent exhibition of the eirls of Den man Rrhnoi. The tickets yielded $245 50; the outgoes were ou leaving me net proceeds $190. Placed on nie.

From James Conlin, police officer, asking pay for acting as watchman of several school buildings. Referred to Committee on Salaries and rfuaiciary. NEW SCHOOL ROOMS. The School House Committee recommended the erection of an eight-class building in South San Francisco also, that the Committee be author ized to advertise for plans and estimates of coat for the building on Harrison street, and for tbe additional story on Hayes' Valley School-house. THE JANITORS AGAIN.

The Committee on Janitors reported in favor of increasing the salaries from tea to fifteen per cent. Mr. Shew said at first be doubted the policy of increasing tne salaries 01 tne Janitor. Believing it was only another way of increasing the pay of a memoer 01 wis but he had Deem con vinced that such was not the case. The President called Mr.

Shew to order, remarking that he was alluding to irrelevant mat ter. Mr. Ficton arose to a question of privilege. He denounced the insinuations of the Director of the Third District as infamous. His remarks reuected upon the honesty of the members of the Board, and should be severely reprobated.

If anybody had approached the Director of the Third District. (Mr. Shew.) he had a riaht in speak of it, but he had no right to announce his unwortny suspicions, and have them apply to the other members. It was infamous, and he woHia not suDmu to it. The Chair called Mr.

Sinton to order. The report of the Committee was adopted. The Board at nine o'clock adjourned. State Sabbath School Convention. The second Annual State Sabbath School Con vent ion of California, assembled last evening, in the Hall of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion, on Sutter street.

A large number of dele gates from all parts of the State were present. Judge E.D. Sawyer called the Convention to or aer. uev. B.

u. Simonds offered up fervent prayer, after which the Convention sang a hymn. A. C. Bweet ser, of Sacramento, and Join aw- Btrong, were elected Chairman and Secretary, pro respectively.

Rev. Dr. Briggs next delivered an address of welcome to the members of the Convention. He raid the time selected for holding this Conventioa an auspicious one, as the nation has just celebrated the completion of the Pacific Railroad. All along this thoroughfare of the nation, villages are springing up and new fields are being opened for the noble work in which we are engaged, and which this Convention is intended to further.

Rev. Dr. Eels was next introduced and deliv ered an able and eloquent address, replete with much practical thought and timely suggestion. He said he wished he could Impress upon all sects and denominations represented in the Convention, the great necessity that existed for workers in the vast vineyard before them. Two-thirds ef tbe people in California nevtr go to church, and two-thirds of the children do not attend the Sabbath School.

Irreligion and Infidelity were gaining ground daily. The majority of the criminal in prison, and the habitues of dens of vice were comparatively young, Sunday Schools should be established in every village and hamlet in the State, and not only children but adults should be invited to attend and learn of the word of God. Every Christian man and woman should devote a portion of eich Sabbath to such teachings. The Chairman appointed a Committee on Permanent Organization, with instructions to report at the next meeting. After singing and graver the Convention ad.

joumed. It was in s.ssion to-day. Free Schools. Our fellow- citizens generally are acquainted with the excellent manner in which the school of tbe Presentation Convent is conducted. Yet many are, perhaps, wholly ignorant of the means by which the institution is supported without the least tax npon the parents of the pupils.

Many persons are not aware that the Presentation Sisters are wholly dependent upon casual charity for their maintenance, and that as they have but few opportunities of mak- ingtheir wants known to the public- they are sometimes in a truly pitiable condition. Yet, in the face of the most disheartening difficulties, they struggle on bravely and devotedly. Not content wit the labors which they now underuo. they are about to take charge of a new school which, like tne present one, win ne tree to The new school building, on the corner of Taylor and Ellis streets, which will be called tbe New Presentation Convent" will be dedicated on Sunday next, May 16th, at 3 o'clock p. m.

On this occasion tbe Rev. Father Hayes will deliver a lecture for the benefit of the school. All should attend who can. Our benevolent citizens should do their best to encourage the Presentation Sisters in their praiseworthy and disinterested efforts. Pay-Day with the Troops.

The soldiers stationed at the various military poets near San Francisco were paid off few days since. The men seem to be spending their money very fast around the city, and we cannot restrain the thought that some of them do not always regard the proprieties of lif when they visit town. The fact is, soliier in the army now-s-daya is look', npon by many of the officers as a mere machine, without a head to think, to be drilled three times a day, and to obey the command right face, front face, break ranks, eto. There is a ad want of that esprit de twrps, which was a pre-eminent characteristic of our army before the late war. Then the men took a pride in their profession, and looked out for their characters; while thore in command folt that to wear their uniform and draw their pay, did not comprise tbe whle of an officer's duty.

Then it waa that 'Old West Point" had a charm for the ambitious youth of the country. It was the most dimcu't thing to get there; now, any boy, without merit or capability, can obtain a Cadetabip theret o. Oh! for the "good times of yore." Chambeb or Commerce-Election or Officers-The nineteenth annual meeting of the Chamber ef Commerce was held last evening. Mr James Otis, tho President, read his report of which it waa ordered that 500 copies be printed The report of the Secretary was read snd accepted. The report states that forty-seven new members have joined within the last year, and our have resigueil present number of members, 339.

The new accessions are active, resolute business men, and their favorable influence in the Chamber hes been felt. Many subjects of importance have been considered, and promt aid valuable ports have been rendered. It is believed that the usefulness of the Chamber will be increased, and that its influence and action will be adeqnatn to tbe needs of our commerce. The report of ihe Librarian was also received. The following named gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing term.

President James Otis, First vice President Friedlander, Second Vice President t. W. Beaver. Trustees W. F.

Babcock I. P. Rankin, H. T. Selbv, K.

Gibbons, J.W. H. Campliell. L. Sachs, J.

Fit mery, F. L. Castle, Oliver Eldride B. Roberts, C. A J.

Linforth. Sale op Valcblb Pbopebty To morrow. Maurice Dore Co will sell at their salesroom to-morrow, in sixty large subdivisions. Mission block No. 68, fronting on Valencia street which is virtually the extension of Market street In a a southern direction, between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets.

This is the first block south of what was formerly known as the Willows, and possesses the rdvantages of being on the grade, and having tie streets in front of it graded, macadamized, and sidewalked. It is the rxo't -valuable unoccupied block in the whole Mission addition, and the lots will protably run up to a high figure. They also will sell valuable business property on Bronnan street, between Fourth and Fifth. The Convektios Permanent Officers, etc. The Etate Sabbath School Convention reassembled at nine o'clock this morning.

The Committee reported the following permanent officers: President, Rev. D. D. Martin, of Oakland; Vice-Presidents, Nosh Brooks, R. S.

Davidfon, A. C. Sweetsen Recording Secretary, John Armstrong, Jr Corresponding Secretary, K. J. Trumbull; Treasurer, L.

B. Eeachley. Committees on Resolutions. Statistics, etc, were appointed, and the Convention adjourned until i) r. m.

tBAHK Of CAUFORIUA.1 AX 'TTlAXC'LaiCtA. Capital Paid UpT- O. MTT.TB RALbTOa. fnndrng fasti tar AOEHTB. -Wnaie.

lAWalk aomt Nauaaal trriT-Mia -P. oEnJ.a ACitaf A Fos sals OH III ATLANTIO CITIKa PRATT DIRECT OS Iondosa, Dnbtln. Parta, mu Patenkarf, Vienna, Eietpata, Myt n.lbaaraa, Tokaatasna, RranjaarkaMk, 'rnaltrort srl PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY OF BAN FKAX CISCO, CAL. OtHce Ao. 422 California St CASH ASSETS.

JCLY IMS, 1,433 Q37 81. Jen re. Ocean, Blftrlnet Inlarn I RA E. Directors HABFBAacamot W. O.

Ralatoa, A. Tubbed Wat. Alvord. -Jonathaa HuaL A-IA. Forbes a.O.Bttlea, A.

Beligmaa. L. Sacaav rrenMry. J. Bray.

David Stars. D. O. MiUa, Frlertlandor. Hon Hetirr, EL M.

Kewhail, O. T. Lawtou, Mylrs D. Bweana Ohaa.Myt E. L.

OoMwela, J.O.Enrl. Lloyd levin, Tooa. H. tVbjt Adam Oraat, Atphea. BaUL BL M.

WQsoa, t. 4. Oltvor. W.Bcholla, Taoa. Brown.

H. Haaunan, Chaa. Mala, Chaa, R.reten. Otlver EUridgav J.B.Ioberm7 J. C.

Wiinwrdiac. P. L. Weavi Wm. Hooper, J.

W. Chu-k, A. Hayward, T. L. Barfeec, aioB.

waul. teat. Bfeyer, tana. K. fa-i ana M.

RoaeabaaaB. A. J. BaJatnn. T.ImmenMeyw.

J. T. ilaaa. Yoaa: Loais BfrLaao, Freds BilUngs, James Vnm, J. O.

EaUeg, Wm. T. Ccieataa. MoapaEIUe. Flfar Mi Us, J.

H. Carroll, T. Waealar. Mabvvvtixb: H. JewetfL PoaxaaBn, Ovgon: YnuuxiA.

Vvadai OHlcertl Jfenn. Bsntt. 1'reaidflBt W. AlTOtMl A. J.

RaUoton- Saartw M. a. Bisrxow, apla-U HEE ASD E1EHE usimnTm THE FIREMAWS IHSUBANCE COMPANY Of Ban Fraeefjca, Cs arala. OFFICE, S. W.

ccr. CaL and Sanscaio sts. CROAEErXD AXB1L IBaJa, A PITA FU JLLY PAID IN GOLD COI3T. Fire, Earliie, Harbor, anil Ialaiad Transit Rlsis. Cla karma as favorablo as any ataar iwUafcla nm Oompaaj.

amotrnt talRnl sat onS riak. aV.OOO. rtaks too lane wn tosared la resiionsOil. ooanpanAea. rramptlw raJWl tat TD M.

Coin. D. J. BTAFLES, Prestdoitt. OHAa, B.


laea Public MOT t. kmht triwmm K-. i a or. of the crry gnrrnee anAf aujervl- eeaiea rronosai. are nerebv IbviimI for of bnildiag the bridge aad fliaht of atalra at aha crossing of Harrison aad Second street, aa pro.

vided for tn tho Act of toe LrgMlatar. of this State, entitltd Aa Act to tbe Board of Snpervtear of tbe Citv and Oonnt ef Han m- riaoo to modify the grades of certain approved March 30, All pmporals uuat accompanied wlfa a hond ia tbe ram of im, signed by tbe cinder and by two snrelic. and Uaorvrisa to conform ia a respects with Beef loa of raid Act of tan LegtKlatare. The Said work to ba dona sxW the direrUoa and to the aatlafactloe of the Baprr-Inteadeat of Pubno Btesota. and ia tin, aad iner rrovidrd la said Act of tho Lawialmtom Plan, and aTwcifloatioaa to be aara aa tan omoat of the Clerk of Board of Bnparvlsora, XOTICEBidders will state a marine an r.

the entire work complete. Ia order te imai ia uniformity aad faellf. tate tbe award, blank forma have been prepared and will be aratehed to bidders by tho Uerk. The Board reset un the right to reject any or all nda, aould tavy deem it for the public good, and also trn bid of any party wfto may kavo proved deiiaqneat or aa'aitbfal la aa former contract with ntid City and County. wm wtu oe reoarrod alter nay IT.

lata, at oclorkr. sr. myil- JSO. A. RC83ELL, CJerk.

IBOLCTiOn BO. AV lowaur naan having Inwn wio.lnw.lod to la. aananatitoa of ta. Bapmateadaat of Fafclte BtrMte aad Btchwaya, as the Ouonttxe. oa Btwetm, What i is, Oraow aad PobUr Bqoarea.

be aad fa aoreby aacrpM tav taw Citv aad Cooaty, norpt those port Son taontiad by law te be kept ia ardor ty the Railroad Compaay nav. teg track, tkoraen. ta anas, aavtvg koaa pavod, ear-bad and orwerea, te aneoraanr. with pin, team. of the Aet approved Apru tft, 1st 2, via: Ctnamojcial strrnt, front Da via te Draana.

Creoaag of Coatanrclal ard Eavta, Eddy atraot, from Hyoa te LMVawortlu Oeary otrart, (rtn Btacktea te PoweU. Or. nag ot SaBsum. aad rattfie streeta. laatoardof Baparvnors, aa rraaenco.

May 10. 1S6A. Pamid fcr lertnttag t-y ta. tartowtag rote tin Fnuarvtaur. WiakK Flahorty.

Aahbary, Shatters, king, Oavathnr, Bhradar, Ksaaa, Dana, sea, Steayaa. Aroint fapetilaiis HarroM. Cote. any 11 JNO. A.

EtatiXLL. Cterk. EsoLunoa ho. rra. i IV BlitM on Oatato loads aavter i Krportof ta.

Tnaas nan tor anaUei taaa tor rtroMs ass Hiraway Ml of ta. vmla ot tho tend, asi 1 1 1 1, apaa nab ptoee aaa parat at teas aatfaaats oa Btap of oats id. taaaa, aeaoratag so 1 vmloa of ta teooa an 4etlBi.Mil. and anviBg mted taaa- RetKjrt. ia dasUcatr.

aaoar then-1 copy of rJ li.port bavic beea IM ta ta oCcti of the CI rk of the Board of Saparvnora, aad ta. otbet py of mil kVaaat kaviag bean kd ba tan ogfic of tn. Ciy aad Com'y Racordar te aorord-am nita ttwptovanons cf Bactioa 10 of Order Beaotved, That la. (aid aVanort of nwd Oosmittee Ku4Ui.raal.afnt; rntAasd aad dieted te all if parta. la Board of espsrvnors.

Baa FrMctaoo, May Adptedby IJtetWktogvote Ay. -Btnjnrvnof. Barrold. Asfcltery. Baattnra.

ftk Mama. Btaaraa. wvi. -1- CA-l- to at jwo. a.

irnrxt. Cterk. PALE. BT TTRTTE OF ASt EXE-O rattoa loaned not of tho County Coart of theory and Oooatyrtf Baa FraacnvA. State r4 California, la tho anit of H.

W. Cterk aad W. ansineaaas Clark a Hemoy, agalart Mart. B. Oiamy, duly atteated tho foarth day of Mv.

A. D. 1. I bavo lovted aaon AU the right, till, aad intemtt which the defendant, Maria B. Oimmy.

had on taa atxteeatn day of Aagaat, A. D. 1WT7, or has had aiaca that day, ia and to that certain ptece or parent of land, aituate, lying and Bring la tb Cty and Coaaty of raa Fmacweo. ft-ate of Caltfornaa, bounaed and deaenbrd as follows, via: Cona- menctng at the Interaactioa of I ho routlioriv ana of Pin atreet with the westerly Use of Monro. nst; laeaos snatneriy.

oa nud winterly ca of Monro, street, ataty eiglit tret aua loenra: moa at right angle wvaterhr etahty feet thence at right angle, aortharly atxty-right fo nine lochia te the aoataerly line of Pin street thence at right angios eaaterly. along tb aoata-erly line of Pine sAreot, eighty feet to the pine of beginning, being a porUoa of tfty-var. ft number three baadred aad aiae Ln Kotico te hereby given that oa the first day of Jane, A. D. 1.

00, la front of the 11 ry Man. ta i Connty of Ban Franctoao, I wTda! title and lntere ant, Maria B. Oimmy. bAddfo! ooKribed property so is.avjl P. J.

WHITE, t-horitr. IN rnT I' All SiL teced- a-reby givoa by the niaderalraod Of 1SATTI5TA PA11SA. a-nfDSTt nT-aAP-sl flV ing claim gaA a. aata neoeanau. nKwtas after tbe ftret publioatioa of this notice, to the said Eaemtor at the omc of J.

D- Stevoa-on. Boom 23, Barren'. BuUdtag, 1 Mrchat atreet, ia the City and Couaty of Ban IncMwa, VII. 1 nm- 1 aJiuAAA- Afcaftiar. Dated at San Francteco, April Itt.

1. V. StevtBKlo. Attoraey for Eascator. aplt lawit WED NESDAY MAY 12 Traveler.

Directory. rem Haiti a Cutrz, Montkket. Sak Fan Locia OnrerOjStetmuhlp California, Fol ium nurei 4uj wtu, iom and 25th, at 4 Samara, Saw Pedro and Bah tTZZ na 8ierr.NeT.da, --ci oaturuav at 9 a. m. Steamer Cor.

leaves Broad- a (any exoeptedjat 3 p. fop SmsunCity, touching at Benecia and Mar leaves Suisun at 7 o'clock a. IU" otockton. steamer T. C.

Walker, every 'unuay, luuisoayana Saturday, Parinc street harf, at 4 p. Steam Navigation Company's uauy Sunday a excepted) at v. U- irom Broadway wharf. Fob Napa. Steamer Antelope.

3 r. tt- Pacific street wharf. Connects with Pacific E. R. via vallejo route for Sacramento, daily.

Fob Sacramento. Navigation Company's Boats, daily, Broadway wharf, 4 p. m. Fob Sacbawkcto, Via Vali.uo. Steamer New World, from Front street wharf, corner Vallejo, every day at 7 a.

m. and 4 p. connecting with Express Trains for Napa and Sacramento. Returning, cars leave Sacramento at 6 A. and 5 p.

and Calistoga at 7 A at. and 3 p. Val-leio at 9 a. hi and 6 p.m. For Saw Josb akd Gilrot.

Cars leave derot naiknvumi o.w a. OTJU BBU a p. Sundays, 8:30 and SMlk. ami a -an Retnrning leave Gilrov at 6-JM a. t.a i "OAIIo Ferry leaves junction Pacific and Davis streets at 8 :60, 7 :50, 11 :30 a.

and; Wednesday and Saturday 'nl30 two flr8t tripB omitted Snnl iai ranw-uas a. M. and 3 P. if. Sundays excepted).

Alameda. Ferry loaves landing, Davis street, between Pacific and Broadway, at 730 and 1-30. ao and p. on Sundays, 9, 11:30 a lao, 430, and 6 p.m. Ob San Quwrrn.

Steamer Contra Costa, from -tmwi, near vaiiejo, lusjo a. and 430 p. if. Three trips will be made every Sunday, Tuig sw a. i p.

m. ana iao p. m. ob Saccxxtio. Steamer Princess, Meiggs' tt 4Sjo ana 6 p.

m. p. m. Bunaays, 10 A. and 13 and 3 and 4 p.

roa I'KTAJUJUA and SOKOHA. Steamer Peta- ruma, vallejo street wharf, daily, at 8 a. m. and a p.m. (Sun lays excepted).

leaves Petaluma and 1 :30 p. m. Steamer Belief, from Washington street wharf, Tuesdays, Thursdays Amusements Alhambra Thkitre. To Nlffbt. Fanchon again.

California Theatre." CamiUe." Mercastilr Library Haix Scottish Songs, etc Mr. Kennedy in Mbtbopouxas. Heller's Salle Diabollqu-. Maqutrk's. Minstrelsy, burlesque, eto.

Piatt's Haix Italian Ladies' Fair. COMMERCIAL. Kw York, May 13. Flo-3r. 00 Oold 1385f 6-208 117)4 lb 7374 LorooN, May 1 2.

W. Silver 20 Pacific Mail 9174 92 B. Kx 109.. 110! V. S.

Bonds .....79 Cotton 23 Liverpool. Mav 12. Wheat 9s. 3d. FREIGHTS.

CHARTERS, ETC. Wbdnxsday Eveotko, May 12. Steamer Santa Cruz returns to Moss Landing to-morrow. Ship Archer which was reported as going to Hongkong, is still up for charter. French bark Bayonnalse cleared yesterday for Australia with 4000 bbls flour, in qr and 3720 centals Wheat, valuf at $21,630.

Barkentine Jane A. Falkenburg' also cleared with general cargo for Portland. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Few sales are reported, and business contin ues very dull. The steamer Alaska which sailed from New York yesterday, had 200 fks Butter.

Steamer Oriflamme, from Victoria, bad $S9 900 in Treasure. BUTTER Sales of 50 fks Eastern, private. CANDLES Sales of 300 bxs Adamantines, at 17c IB. COB DAGB Sales of 100,000 bbls New AJeaiora lain, at a none ivo. CEMENT ISO bbls Benicia, sold at $3 50.

HAMS Jales of 7000 lbs Oregon at like. OIL Sales of 300 cs Devoe'8 Coal at 43)4c. SUGAR Sales of 200 bbls crushed, 300 hf do Hawaiian, private. BACON 6000 lbs Oregon sold at 14c. COAL 200 tons California sold private.

PRODUCE MARKET. FLOUR Sales of 3000 bbls superfine and ex tra, private. Jobbing rates are about the same. say $55 25 for extra; $3 874 for Euper- nne. WHEAT 1600 ska, mostly choico, sold at $1 60.

BARLEY Market 1b decidedly down in price. and few buyers; 700 sks sold private; 300 ska choice brewing, $1 65; 600 do good feed, $1 36. OATS 800 sks sold in three lots, at $1 75. POTATOES Humboldts jobbing at Bodegas, 5060c 1U0 Ids; new, IB. HAY The market is very quiet, and cargo sales small; jobbing, in lots, from wharf, at $10 14 for good to choice; yery little, however, of Ine latter lor sale.

ONlONS Are quiet; the inquiry has fallen off. and sales are bard to be made at given rates; quotaoie, in small lots, at ami xc BEANS There is little but a jobbing trade doing, and that is small; sales, in lots, of Butte', ana small White, at GX(occ; iiayoa, 4X(c: Pink. 4k5c; Red, 4)44e. Market being down a little will probably recede still further before lODg. BiiAN Sales aro small from mill, in lots, at $1415 ton.

MIDDLINGS Market dull; jobbing from mill at mb; nne, hi. RYE No sales from ft'St hands to report; quo. taoie, in iocs, at a -43ic. i lour selis at 4fg) 4-9C. CORN There is no changa to notice, and few sales to report; holders are selling in small lots, at $1 351 45, but the demand is light and If forced on the market would not bring the above ngures.

CORSMEAL Nothing but a jobbing trade do ing; sales, in small lots, from mill at Sid)2Xo for rreso ground, turn dried, selling Blow at tl $4 25 bbl. GROUND FEED Jobbing, In lots, at $25 126 ton. GROUND BARLEY Small sales from mill at $35 jfk 'on. FLAXSEED There is no change in the mar ket; small receipts, and the milt gets all that does come, therefore, prices are more or less nominal at 4H04HO. BROOM CORN All the arrivals have been purchased, as usual, by the factory, and quota ble at 7l0c 1 lb.

Brooms, $i6 50 ft dozen, according to size and quality. BUCKWHEAT There is nothing but a jobbing trade doing at OIL-CAKE MEAL Selling from mill, in lots, at $35 9 ton. HOPS Some few sales of Eastern have been made at 36c, with which exception, the market is very dull; choice California quotable, in lots, from store, at 151 6c lb. OHIO ORY Market is entirely nominal, the crop having nearly all been contracted for some time since; quotable at 89c. OATMEAL Jobbing, in small lots, at 6c.

HONEY Is only selling in small lots to jobbers and market men at 20c for strained in tins; comb, in wood, comes in slow quotable at 15 18c ft. WOOL The arrivals increase every day, and prices are consequently lower. Exporters are buying several lots at 202tc for spring clip; extra choice lots quotable at 23c, with mure sellers than buyers. HIDES The usual demand exists, mostly for export; sales of California, in lots, at 17)40 for drj; inferior to fair, 1616c; salted are quotable at 7)4740; Mexican and Hawaiian, 1415c lb- TALLOW Receipts have been more liberal, and the Ban Franclrco Candle Factory having accumulated about 100 tons, commenced operations on Monday. Good to choice quotable, in lots, at 9va10c, according to quality and package.

WHOUKAUi PRICES REPORTED BY XAOOBY, ROBKBTS HO. 332 CLAY STREET: DAIRY PRODUCTS California Butter, choice ranch, rolls, 3536c; do, fair, 3033c; choice California, in Rrkins, 34935a; Eastern, in fks, 37)440o. Cheese, California choice, 18c; do fair, 10c; Eastern, 20c. Tallow, lOo. Lard, in 6-tb tins, 16c; 10-lbdo, 15)4a16e; do.

in wood. 15c. Eggs, California fresh ranch, 4042)o; uu uregon, 30c aoz. The stock of fresh roll Butter Is very light, owing to the feet that most buyers are packing; the price, in consequence, Is much firmer. Eggs are also scarce, and prices sustained.

Ths. supply of Cheese is still limited, and the supply of Lard is very small. CURED MEATS-California Bacon, Sides, 13o; Shoulders, Be; Hams, liwisc; Oregon Bacon, Sides, 12)413c: shou'ders, 78c; Hams. 1415c; Mess Beef, in bbls, $13; Mess Pork, in bbls, $28; Extra clear Fork, in DDIs, jso; smoked Tongues, dozen, u. There is a good supply of meats on hand, and en account of business not being very brisk, l.e demand Is very light.

BSALT FISH No. 1, kits, $3 75; do in hf Pickled Salmon, bbls, $10; hf bbls, $5g5 25; Smoked do, fks, 810c Codfish, lb, 13314C The stock of salt Salmon Is very light. POULTRY, ETC. Young Chickens, doz, Hens, large Size, 00; aoosiera, large, a Ducks, tame, $8 00; Pigeons, tame, $2 60; geese. J8- Rare.

wild. S3: Terrapins, xurxey. laree. 25o lb; Poultry is abundant, except Turkies; supplies Increasing. Sail Francisco Cattle Market.

Wednesday Evzktno, May 13. Free arrivals have caused decline In prices. WHOLESALE PRICES FKS CARCASS: Beef 1st quality, striotly choice, 9X10c. 2d quality, medium weight, 89c 8d quality, thin cattle, 7a. Mutton good to choice, H8c.

Veal good to choice, 9llo. Lsmb good to choice, 9116 Pork dressed, soft, 9c. Dairy fed, 10 Xc Hogs, on foot, soft. So. Do, dairy fed, 7 Xc.

Weekly Report of Sale At the Kentucky Sale stable, Fire f': late What Cheer Sale Yard, corner of Ohio streets, between Montgomery and Sansome streets, by Black Aguayo. W. W. Black, Auctioneer. 1 Wednesday.

May 13, 1869. Each. head of draft hones, from Scott's Val- ley. 00 1 do 20 eO 3 do do 450 00 head half breed 10 3 head saddle horses 65 00 Draft and driving horses are in good yet the market is well supplied at high figures, few sales occurring at low prices. 5 here has been recent arrival, from Scott's Valley, of 21 head of work and carriage horses, and also several matched teams.

1 3 to in PaclSo man" EUamEMp Cok jfany 8 StetxmsMps for I2EVY0RK, JAPAH CHIHA WTO Taw DtstNUrfewd as TlIw.i HAB coiwra ot riiririi tf 1 i a. too following dAtea, for PANAMA, en. neeting via Panama AUtlroad with one of t. oos-paay-a apkodtd alininisa from APIN. WAJLL for NEW YORK.

Oa the 9th, IStH and 30 tit of each soonUb Wh-n the 9th. lstn and 30Ut fall oa Bandar, they will leave oa Saturday preceding. Svnmer taartng San rraaotem on tbe tth "panes at ManaanUwy AH tench at Aaaaslen. Depanum of the th makes dose concert ioa wtUineaaMra for Central and South America. Departed of UMilSth are expeosed taoocw-f with the Frond! Trua-AOanUa steamer for 2h.Bf nd Ent-H-a steamer for Southampton and South America, Through tickets can be obtained.

f0WtD Wfll otSTptfea. oa dates given below May ISth CONSTITUTION-, Capt. Wm. H. Ha '-son.

connertng with HENRY CdAUN- CCT. Cant. flnhMr May 29tk GOLDEN CITY. Caps. Wm.

F. Iao. Mge.oanecting with ARIZONA. Capt. aanaar berthed fhmuh.

Mama. K.w.t tarongat 100 pounds allowed eaea adult, Aaexperieaoed Sargeoa oa board. UedlofM ana attendance froe. Thew steamer will poatttvWy mil at o'clowA. tnonaanB am reonaslwA aa k.M oa board before 10 o'clock.

Throng tickets to Uverpoot. by the Irmaa ed at the P. M. B. 8.

Co. a office ia San Fn. taorAiwbere may aiso Toeobtetaed ordera. for par. age from Liverpool or Southampton te BanFrar.

eteeo. either via New York or BtThoniaa-if del wnrffl a advaaerg with tea above orders. BnMMt ni. reqairsd te Identify themaeiTe. to the Agents ia EDolaad.

ForMerelnmdlsa and rraleht. for Wew Tors Ml Way Porta. Oomiaci'i form ri nm i only used. 3 7-No Freight wfll Tw leastosd oa board after 3 of the day Drier te the a in Steamahin wm for YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG oa TCE. DAY.

May 4th. 1800, at anon, eonnectinc a Toko. with the atoamer NEW YuRK for BHANG. For pnaaaaw and all ether rtrfraatn the PaotCe Mail Bteaauhip Co.a oaoaTaaraar rf Baaramento and LriiVodsrlT srmHa. novtf OUM8 ELDRID4S.

Agaat. 50ETH PACiTIC TRAISPOEU- TION HPASTS STEiMSHIPS. THE 8TEAMSHTPS OF THE aorta racifle TraasportaUon Company will leave aa follows. vu use iiiowiag natca; Prom Foli irnarC CALIFORNIA, Cram. Hlmr, Stan Kaa Lnia Oatepa.

8an Fran- lan Luiajdaa Bim-IMonte-jSaBte eon- I rry. Crs. aw 9 Alay 11 May 1 8 9 May 15 17 18 May SS 2T 33 39 29 haarlarat P. M. wr B-aaitat Barbara.

Kan Padrn, saa Dtego, taswl ORIZABA and SIERRA IST7ADA a'elocJk A. K. 9 Baa Baa i Baa Baata rraneuco. l4ev rwdra. Barbara.

PELICAN, a-or r.nreaa. Trialdad, Cinreal Clly, Caas BtyaBdCBia.aa Rive-, Leaving at 10 o'clock A. M. B7 On the Sth of each month the I tramer will sxteod her trip to Coos Bay and Cmpqua Birer. aau-unu 1AI Sth and 201k FOR HONOLULU, POR MEXICAN PORTR, TtE 3M3" A TaT HOLLADAY 4 BBEHHAM.

a334l FOR STOCKTON. THB KEW RTIl Men T. C. WALKER, WUI AVostva PatclflcHrtrvat iTkarf; AT O'CXOOB. f.

ML, XVXBZ Taeadar, Thnxadar avad Satarday K-urnlng. Imts Etocktoa. Monday, Tr'adnaadar atatd Friday. 'DT "eiii or rantage, apply oa koard or te M. GREEJTHOOD, Ageat, splS-tf Offlre, SIS aad SIS Davis street.

SAUCELITO FERRY. 2- AFTEa the PRINCESS Will start at From Bancehto, 8 and 19 a. ar 13 and 10 and r. ax. From Meiaga' Wharf, and 11 A.

3M. XL and 6 pm. Oa Baturday. the 6 clock trip will be omitted and oa Monday morning the boat wilt Ira v. Meiggs' Wharf at 7 o'clock.

sinuAifiist: Meiggs Wharf at 10 A.M., 11 and and 4 r. sr. baacauto at it a. au, aaa i ana r. at.

Faro. Centa. A COTTLLIOX BARD In atlendano at the Dance Floor every Sunday. Stages to baa ata'aei. A good uvery table.

V. if. UAaaisu-t, Agent. 617 Front street. 18G9! 18G9 ill THE NEW rND ELEGANT SFRUVCr AND STOHS1XR STYLE OF CENTS' DRESS HATS wiiiBinrraoDCCEDOir Saturday, Tebniary 20th, 1869, 8T "(il LAMOTT, 'HATTER, No.

227 Montgomery street. Tte saoat nnlqaa appearing Hat Crred te th public JULIUS MORRIS, CIGAR MAHUFACTURE11, HAS REMOTED TO 209, 211 and 213 Clay street, Between Front avnd Dawis. apltdmap SUREENDER OF STATE MES. SEALED PROPOBAL1 WILL BE BEfiFTTED at tke OnTco of ko Bocretary of Btato, Baoramento. aoul clock kL, of Saturday, 3Iay 22d, 1SG9, yoa tub Sale and Siirrendcr of Bonds AdtSTtM VUI bV opened rJtZamm the rreite.

and only to such iountaawOibepaidlrythesuaiof Ono H.adtvd and! ISI.ety-fonr taoa-anaiA flva hand rod dollar. Gofd Coin, now la the Treasury for that pur. pose. Each Bid mast be aceompaaird by a rwii factory guarantee for Ihe delivery of the Bands. H.

U- EAIGIIT, BL L. SICH0LS. -Secretary of State. JO. UAM LTON.

Attrornry-OfcaeraL Ftoasd of ktajaiaera. Sacramento, Msy tth. lt9. aiy-d B.B.BAIOHT. arrXt.

IIA1GIIT TEMPLE, Attorae-fs ttad Connaollora tat J-atw OlO JOOlCavOXl SttrOOta EAH.FRA5C1S0O. ponding time of last year, showing a decrease of 390,250. last year they sold at $3050 and a great many small and inferior Oranges sold at $20 while this year they sold at $40 100 ft only those of extra quality brought the latter figure. 1 his great diSerenoe in price Is owing to the small supply and largely locreased demand. The crop from Ica Angeles is all In for this sea son, but the market Is largely overstocked with.

Oranges from Tahiti. Strawberries, Gooseber ries and Cherri. are coming in quite freely During the pist week the stmt Idaho, from Hon olulu, brought 710 bunches of Bananas, 4 boxes of Limes, and 3000 Cocoanuts. 600 bxs of Ore. gon Apples, ex Ajax.

hve just been received from Portland. WHOUSAUI PRICKS BY W. a ALB a OO, 836 DAVIS STREET. Apples Choice, $3 0OT53 "a box. Common, $1 50,3.

Cherries Choice, 60 S75c "ft lb. i Comma, 25340c. Oranges Tahiti, $30 35 ft M. Lemons Los Angeles, S5 60 109. Malaga, $14 box.

Limes $2023 ft M. i Cecoanuts $13 50 f) 100. Pine Apples 9 dos. Bananas $2 004 00 9 bunch. Strawberries, S12c Gooseberries 10 12 Ho Ib.

Dried Apptes 89o lis. Dried Peaches 68c lb. Dried Plums lb. Dried California RaLsins 312J0 ft. Dried Figs 12)415o ft lb.

Receipts of Fruit. Per stmr Ajax. from Portland. Mav 1113 hf bxs Dried Apples, Collius, Wheaton Jc Co 290 bn Apples, to L. H.

Allen: 169 do do, to J. W. bale 141 do do, to Knspp Grant; 9 do, to Order. STOCK QUOTATIONS. Weditesday, Reported by J.

B. B. Cavallier, No. 509 Califor nia street, Stock and Exchange Broker. Stocks.

Bid. Asked. 87 interest 100 90 91 33 80 tr. 8. B.

5-208. '67. Jan A- Jnlv. HA Ws OaL State Bonds, 7a 100 San. Fran.

Bonds, do do 185i 6a 95 gaao do 1858, 6s 88H do do 18SS. 7s. 835 Sao. City Bonds 30 Sao. County Bonds, 6s.

70 Marysville Bonds, 75 Stockton City Bonds 65 Tuba Comity Bands. 10s 80 85 77 80 07 30 81 G6J4 40 74 ll'O 123 75 55 75 Santa Clara County 7s 78 Butte County Bonds, 10a 7a San Mateo County Vfl 75 Cal. Steam Nav. Co 65 State Telegraph Co 26 San Francisco Gas Co SO1 Sacramento Gas Co 85 Spring Valley Water 66 Va and Gold Hill Co 35 North 8. F.

Homestead 30 LeRal Tender Notes 73)4 Fireman's Fund Ins 98 Union Insurance Co os Paciflo Ins 122 RAILROAD COMPAHIKS 73 Central 52M N. Beach and Mission. 75 Receipts of Produce. fOB THB TWBHTY-POCB HOURS EKDLNGt 13 O'CLOCM, May 13. Per Enphemla 920 sks potatoes.

Reynolds Co; 180 do wheat, McHugh. Morgan sks barley, Clayton to. Mateo 630 Bks salt, Molloy. Alameda 430 sks barley, Ellerhorst Co. Chin Du Wau 400 sks wheat, McColl.

Ajax 73G0 qr sks flour. 110 hides. 40 bales of wool, order. Richardson 1600 sks barley. do wheat.

1950 do oats, 350 do potatoes, order. California 620 bales wool, 110 do barley, 40 qr do beans, 60 hides, order. Paul Pry 190 bales wool, 230 hides, order. Railway, etc 124 1 sks wheat, Friedlander. Bolinas, etc 700 bales bay, order.

Barge, eto 410 tons eoal. order. RH Carter 360 sks wheat, Clayton Co; 140 do do, Friedlander; 800 qr do flour, Pflster Oo. BSC APXTUXjAxTOB Wheat, sks 2.430Corn, Barley, sks Oats.sks 1.950iHav. 700 Potatoes, 'sks 1.170WooL bales 750 Flour, qr sks 8.100 ICoai.

tons 410 feans, qr 40 1 Hides 400 ran. kIb Onions, bait, sks C30 Buckwheat, Bks. SUN AND TIDE TABLE. Computed by Thomas Tensest, Mathematical instrument Maker. May 12.


WATER. (SMALL.) (L. WATER (LARGE.) 1144 P. M. I 5 52 A.

M. I 0 14 P. M. I 5 28 P. M.

TEH BUN. ..4 58 I Sets .6 55 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. San Francisco May 12, 1SS9. Arrived. May 11 Stmr Ajax, Bolles.

3 ds fm Portland; passengers and mdse to Holladay Brenham, Bcnr annie juare, lit rry, euas in uatavia; rice and coffee to Feuerstein sc Oo. Schr I egal 'I ender, Keith, 17 Us fm Ounalaska; ballast to Waterman. Si-hr Fayaw ay, A 11 port 62 hrs Point Arenas; posts and shingles to Derby. kSailed. May 11 Bktne Eureka, Smith, Humboldt.

Schr Wm Irelan. Allen. Novarro River. tchr Parallel, Johnson, Novarro Klvtr. Schr Laura May, Gee, Mendocino.

Schr Ino, Anderson, Novarro Eivcr. Detained. Echrs Montana. tRelisn -e, Alfred Adams and F.nny Gilmor, all outward bodnd, have anchor ed off Meiggs' wharf. Memoranda.

Per California Left San Luis Obispo midoivht May Sin fcimeon 9th, 10 A. Monterey 10th, P. Santa Cruz 10th, 9 p.m.; arr ving at this port 11th, at 7 a. m. Per Energy Left brig li ora, to sail in la days for this port.

Por Fayaway Left schr Carolit. loading. By XelegTrmph. ronrz Lobos, May 13 ISO r. A gather clear; wind fresh, N.

Amnsements. Auiambba Theatre. Fanchon was played a large and brilliant audience last evening ad Miss Amy Stone played her part unexcep- well. It will ba repeateJ to-night. On Saturday evening the California luinittreis will resume their places, with a new "end man," Add.

Weaver, a capital bone player, etc. Thb I tali as Faib. The Ladies' Fair in aid of the Italian Hospital, was continued last night, at Piatt's Hall. The room is arranged and decorated a very unique, tasty and graceful manner. The attendance was large, every one being dis posed to help the worthy cause, regardless of nationality.

The fair will continue during the week and terminate wun a grand doiod oaturaay evening next. We trust our citizens always so ready and willing to encourage benevolent enterpriseswill not forget this Fair. Mescaktile Library Hall. Mr. Kennedy will give another of bis popular entertainments tonight.

The entertainment will close with the "Star Spangled Banner, which Is alone worth the nrice of admission. His third and last ap pearance will be on Friday night. MacMahons. This company will have an ex curaion to Sauoelito, on Sunday, May 16th. JSSstM Wolf Tone Guard.

They go to Paradise Grove on Sunday, May 30th. Meaoheb Guard. This company will have their eighth annual excursion to Point San Quen-tie, on Sunday, 10th instant. Aerial Velocipede. Paul Martinettt will, at the Mechanics' Pavilion, this afternoon, traverse with his velocipede, a wire Btretched the entire lrngxn 01 tno ouurtiog.

tie will make a daring ascension next Saturday afternoon and evening. From Oregon. The steamer Ajax, Commander Bolles, arrived last evening from Portland, Oregon, with the following passengers: James Crawford, Eonigsberger. Smith, Baxter and wife, James Fi etcher and two children, Mrs Akesn acd two children, Chris Kahron, Ira Ward, Tuthill, Stoce, Miss Peters, Irti, Meyler, Benj Williams, wife snd two children, Mrs Frank- John Foster, Holmes, Mrs Berry, Mrs Men. Singer, Ankney, Batt, A Hart, Mmsenbeimer, Grosies, Thayer, Thornton, McFarland, Albert Clifford, Langdon.

Mrs Mary Lawler, Mrs Jno Lean and child, Turner (Wells, Fargo ft Express messenger), and twenty-five in steerage. t. Telegbaphio Corrkspondkkce. The follow ing telegrams were Interchanged yesterday New York. May 10th.

18C9. President San Frandseo Stock Jcchanoe: The New York Gold Exchange sends greeting to the exchange or Ban rrancisco, ana nau with joy tbe driving of the golden spike which completes the grand enterprise of the age and the world. a homas tr. una, secretary. Pan Francisco, May 11th, 1869.

7b rrtsiiJtnt io York Gold KxchanrK Board Tbe San Francisco Stock and Exchange Board return your greeting, and join with you la hail-ipg with joy the completion of an enterprise that conduces to much to the developement of the wealth of our country. fbakklik law ton, secretary. Another fiokker Goni. The ranks of the old California Pioneers are being fast decreased in numbers; one by one, they are dropping into the tomb. Colonel Jabex D.

Hawks died at bis on Mission street, yesterday, after short illness, aged 67 years. Deceased was the San Francisco Manager of the Phoenix and Home Insurance Companies; was born in Ostego county. New York, and was known as au active businessman. He wm life member of the Society of California Pioneers, over whose Hall today the flag is placed at half-mast in respect to hii memory. The funeral will take place at 1 to-morrow, from his late residence.

He leaves a family to mourn his loss. Tbi Srookd Street Grade. We notice that large body of laborers axe engaged cutting down Second street bin. At is tiwu street will be open for travel in less that three months. Ow The case of Barcey Murray and John Magulre, jointly Indicted for arson in the second degree, ia ofl trial to-day in the County Court.

LATEST OYESlilYD DISPATCHES. DATES TO MAV Illh. ttanroaa celebration oit the ther Deciiloaa ef Judffe Laws to be Enforced Bf iacellaaeoma Deaneatle a Foreig-a Items. Railroad Celebrations East. 1 Chicago.

May 1L This da ba one long to be remembered in the history of this city. The demonstration In honor oi me completion oi tne I'aclfic Railroad was a true uprising oi me people, spon taneous ana not manuiacinred tn nr. The city waa all day decorated with flags! 1 1 imuucip, iuu nuva tne oeiis an nounced mat tne last spike had been driven an immense procession began to move. Owing to its enormous length It was fouad impossible to adhere to the programme, and the Marshals guided it as best they could. Apparently, almost every vehicle in the city took part and nearly the whole population turned out.

Never were tne streets oi unicago so densely pacKCd. Business was totally suspended. Durinz the afternoon thousands or vehi cles, directed to Nevada, California, Sandwich Islands, Japan, China, Egypt, and displaying unique ana grotesque congratulations and other devices, paraded the streets. The bells were ringing, nearly all the steam whistles in the city sonnded and cannon boomed forth congratulations over the great event. While tne procession moved along Michigan avenue, some fitty tugs were manoeuvring in the lake in front of the city.

The celebration, was in fact universal and the most imposing ever seen here. To-night many buildings were illuminated; fire-woiks are being let off, and large mass meetings of citizens are being held at Library Hail, and are being addressed by Vice President Colfax, Major nice ana others. Arrangements were made to strike the fire bells at St. Louis, MUwaukie, Cincin nati and other cities simultaneously with the last stroke ot the hammer driving the last spike. The telegraph worked sulen- didly, and persons in the office there had the scene at Promontory Summit brought Visibly before them every stroke of the nammer oeiog announced Here.

inkw iokk. May 10. There was much enthusiasm over the completion of the Pacific Riilroad. A commemorative ser vice waa held In Trinity Church. Dis patches from Washington, Philadelphia and other places report a general jubila tion over the news.

The bell on independence Hall was rung. There has been no such demonstration in Philadelphia since me news oi Le 6 surrender. HI face 11 an eons. Chicago. May 10.

The Journal's Wash ington special says the Spanish Minister informed Secretary Fish that he has posi tive iniormauon ot extensive organiza tions aioot in tne leading cities to aid Cuban insurgents, with men, arms and money. kichmosd. May lu.uhiei justice Chase delivered an opinion on an appeal from Judge's Underwood's decision declaring null the sentence oi judge snamey, oi the 8tate Court, on the ground of Sbaflley's ineligibility under tne ourteentn Amend ment. The Chief Justice holds that the State Government of Virginia had been recognized during the war by Congress at Wheeling and Alexandria. JJhsmey was ft legal Judge, bo lar as the Stale govern ment is concerned.

Tbe question was. whether being ineligible he was absolutely removed by the Fourteenth Amendment. In the examination of a question of this sort, great attention is properly paid to tbe argument ot inconvenience. A. construc tion which necessarily occasions a great public ana private rniecmei muss never be preferred to a const ructionwhlch does not, unless the terms ol the instrument abso lutely rcnuire such reference.

The Chief Justice then proceeds to show the anarchy wnicn win do produced oy declaring past legal proceedings void, xie men considers the character and intent of tho third scc- Fourteenth Amendment, which The Fourteenth Amendment is not self- enforcing, and needs further legislation. Congress, two months after the judgment in Question was delivered, passed a joint resolution providing for the removal of all ineligible officers, showing that the persons then holding office were regarded as de faclo officers; aho. providing the means ior meir removal ny a Military Court. He said the Supreme Court unani mously held that a pet son sentenced by a Judge de facto though not Judge de jure could not be reached by habeas corpus. udge Uiidcrwood's decision was reversed, and tho prisoner remanded to the State authorities.

Washikgton, May 11. Orders have been telegraphed to tbe Federal officials at New Orleans to look sharp after certain Cuban expeditions said to be fitting out there. The receiDts irom Internal Revenue for the present month average about ball minion a day. ine receipts at me cus toms also continue heavy. The indications are of a large revenue irom that branch ot the service during the present month.

Tbe coin balance in tho Treasury Is besides $20,000,000 of coin certificates. The Government to day received advices direct from the insurrectionary district of Cuba, giving information of movements in that quarter. The Cuban sy mat hirers here state that there are now over 25,000 men in the Cuban army, 2,500 of whom are Americana 3,000 more Americans have recently been added to these parties. The day of the success of the revolution Is assured if the Government concedes belligerent rights. A negro compositor, the first ever appointed, has been assigned to a case in tho Government printing office.

Cuban Intelligence Havana, May 10. Gen. Dulce returned from Matanzas. Fighting is reported going on near Neu-Vitas. No particulars received.

EarspeaB Intelligence. Loudon, May 10. There was a great mass meeting at Coik on Saturday evening, to express the popular condemnation of the Government in the matter of Mayor O'Sullivan. Madrid, May 10. In the Cortes, on Saturday, Stuor Arny atked what action had been taken by the Government towards acquiring Gibraltar.

Deloreazeas, Minister of State, replied that the Government fully recognized the importance of the Gibraltar question, but before negotiating for its session, the nation must be strongly constituted and financially reorganized. Axapob Commr Jots. We take these local items from the Amador Ledger of May 8th: Sinking and prospecting is still going on with vigor on the Summit minev and their labors are crowned with the most flattering success. One Hundred and nitv tons of rock were crushed a few days ago and the yield was thirty dollars per ten. This is decidedly good, particularly when it is Known that they aiave a large, wen uennea teagn oi quartz.

We are pleased to learn that B. C. Downs, of Sutter Creek, has struck a large vein of quartz on the north extension of tbe old Union mine. The lode is about ten feet wide, and the rock of a good quality. The Wolverine mine is the first north of the famous Eureka, and for some time the owners of it have been at work opening iL and we learn that lately they have struck ft body of very good rock.

Tho Amador mine, at Butter Creek, is at her old tricks again. For the month of March the yield of gold was $61,000, while that for the month of April was Cojttba Costa Coc.vtt Pacheco Gazette of Msy 8th says: Withal the apparently favorable season, we are hearing from various sources fears expressed that without more rain much of tbe Winter sown grain will turn out poorly, while any considerable amount of rain would injuriously affect the heavy fallowed grain already in many cases to large extent now heading. IscoBPOBATioits. There have been filed in the office of Secretary of State, the certificate of incorporation of the White Cloud Tunnel and Silver Mining Company; organized to mine in the White Pine District, and also, ef the Irish American Benevolent Society of Stockton, ban joaquin uounry. Trade.

John Btrentzel of Contra Costa Countv, has filed in the office of the Secretary ot State, his trade mark Alhambra," for painting, engraving, or stamping upon boxes, barrels, etc. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY A DECREE OF FORE-closure and sale issued out of the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of the State of California, in and for the city aod county of San Francisco, in the a-tion of Thomas 8. Miller against George F. Sharp, Monroe Ash bury, Holliday and Wheeler, duly attested the 5th day of May, A.

D-, 1369, 1 am commanded to sell All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being ia the City and County of Saa Francisco, State aforesaid, and particularly bounded acd described as follows, vis: Known ami designated upon the map of said City and Cotinty of San Francisco ss fifty-vmra lot number one thousand four hundred and fifty-five (163), and situate on the southeast corner of Kearny and Lombard streets, in said City and County. 8S Notice is hereby given that on SATURDAY, the twenty-ninth day of May, A. D. 1869. at 12 o'clock, noon, in front of the City Hall, in the City and County of San Francisco, I will sell the said above described property to the highest bidder for United States gold coin.

P. 1, WHIT Eheritr..

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