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The San Francisco Examiner du lieu suivant : San Francisco, California • 1

San Francisco, California
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Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

A aVeV -w -m if SV city abd county official pajpee. PTTBLICATTOa OITICS Nn, ASS Waaalaarteai etu. fltatrs. Tbe w-tZaXTFXASrrjrrB aacMsasa ml Thursday nMreJng, fa quarto form, aad eoatela aocrv-TOoa Ooamraa of tea I tag saatter. care fuTty saleoted from the DaCy XdrUea.

It la far alahsd to Man Hrirarribsra; WM. a HOOL CHA. L. WlXIjrB. I P.

A. BOACB JL S. MOSS A PUBLISHERS AND -i a FUBLIOATIOK OITIGK: WMhtagfoa (Up Tie DAILY EXAMINES ia published errsry evening (Sundays excepted), on tbe following tent: Few Oa. TTaalas For ft For Six 6 For Thm 8 The DAILY la delivered to City Bntturlbera at xXUnTOaXeTntt aWwa Cnplwe (One Year) -99m Fspsra to Clubs wll faryariabty be Beat te oa Twenty-ve Cents per week, payable to Curler, tatarlo Copies Ten Cents VOL: VII. SAN FRANCISCO, WEDNESDAY EVENING.

DECEMBER 16, 1S6S. as, Babaotptjorai mast be raid la edvxxxa I NO. 159. i sis ii it in. i i i i i i i.


IFBOX OUtt REOUULR COBBESPONDEST. DO TOD LOVE HEt Do yon love mt Tell truly, Tbe deep meaning of that smile! Dona it mean that I am dearest. Or bnt friendly all the white? Ia it bnt your Joyous nature Making all around you bright, i-ff Free to all who court its favor Beaming from your heart so light? Do von lore me? Are the glances That I cherish from those eyes, Granted freely to all come) a. Or that I alone may prize? Kike the planets that kindly favor All that are beneath their ray. Or a beacon-light bright burning.

But to guide ma on my way? Do you lore me? Ia there deeper Meaning in each word and tone, r5Tin it falls upon my hearing, That is meant for me alone? Or ao sort and ao enchanting Does it fall on every ear? Waking every heart to gladness Tell me darling still my fear? Do you love roe? Is the pressure Of the hand, that sends a thrill To my heart, whene'er I clasp it. Given without thought cr will? Ia its meaning naught but friendship? Naught but kindnets on your pari? -Tell me this, er tell me, darling, May I claim your hand and heart? Dexter and Pocahontas. One of the raw, windy days of the past week Mr. Robert Bonner drove over to pocket Eleven buckshot were found in Pollard's body. Immediately after the shooting, James Grant, a brother of the young woman, was discovered locked in an upper room of a building opposite, from a window of which the shot had evidently been fired.

A double-barrelled shot gun, with one barrel discharged and the other loaded with- buckshot, was found in the room. When arrested Grant was cheered by a large crowd of persons, that -hid assembled in the vicinity of the-murder. Grant does not admit, any of the An inquest was held 'on 'the body of Mr. Pollard yesterday, and the Coroner's jury rendered their verdict that the deceased came to his death at the bands of some persons 'unknown. A preliminary examination of young Grant will be had to-morrow.

Although the circumstantial evidence against him is so strong, hia friends are confident that he will not be convicted of murder. i 3 UAJUC TWAIN Eg LOW "ZEBO," 1- The Elmira (New York) Advertiser, of the 21th narrates the following pathetic incident "A distinguished author and lecturer, now on a brief visit to Elmira, (we prefer not to mention his name,) previous to taking a walk "down town, yesterday, examined a thermometer hanging just outside the door, to see how the weather was. The mercury indicating a degree of frigidity considerably below zero, he returned indoors and proceeded to put on various extra garments proper for such an extremely cold day. Among the appropriate articles of clothing thus appropriated to guard against the inclemency of the weather, were two heavy California over-coats, one bear-skin cap, another cap made of hare to cover the bear-skin, one rwoolen muffler, one pair of buckskin nether garments, two pairs of knitted over-socks, one pair of double-soied boots, one pair cloth over-shoes, and one pair of snow shoes. Taking on his arm another overcoat and a blanket shawl he sallied out.

A brief hurried walk brought him to the office of the friend whom he is visiting, in a condition of much perspiration, and as full of wonderment as Jim Smiley when' David refused to jump. The removal of the extra garments and the vigorous application of a full-sized palm leaf fan having restored the gentlsman to hia ordinary state of coolness, his astonishment was also disposed of by a remark from the gentlemrn who is the for ALaif Haa. The lazy man is nearly always good natnred. He never flies into a passion. He might crawl into one, if that were possible, but the idea of his flying into anything is preposterous.

Whoever heard of a lazy man breaking into a bank, where a crowbar had to be used, "or drilling into a safe? Nobody. Not that he might not covet his neighbor's goods therein contained, but his horror of handling crowbars and drills, would always deter him from actually committing burglary. He never runs away with hia neighbor's wife, simply on account of the horror he has of running. If he is ever known to run it is run to S66le He Tarely lies about his neighbors, for it would be too much exertion, but he can lie about a bar-room all day. He is of inestimable service to a billiard saloon, keeping the chairs warm and watching the game, for few would care to play were there no spectators.

The fact that he does this without pay, day in and day out, shows the unselfishness of his nature. What, an industrious man, who considers his time worth something, would want pay for, the lazy man generally does for nothing, showing a freedom from mercenary motives that should go far to his credit. The lazy man never gets up revolutions, insurrections or other popular excitements, and don't make a nuisance of himself by tramping around the country making incendiary speeches to promote public discontent. In his own neighborhood he is never a busy body in other people's affairs, for the very idea of being a tusy-body at anything would drive him out of his head. By the way, if he ever got out of his head, you would have to drive him out, for be wouldn't have the energy to go out of his own accord.

No lazy man ever ran mad. If he went crazy it was because he couldn't go anywhere else without walking. Lazy men don't disturb the quiet of peaceful neighbors by putting up factories, furnaces and such abominations. Finally, lazy men don't get up baseball clubs, which, if nothing else could be said in their favor, ought, in these days of base-bawling, to entitle them to pubho gratitude. Caurd SUqaette.

The Home Journal says: Visiting cards will be, for this season, rather larger than formerly, and ot the finest unglazed Bristol board. The hew sises will tend rather to the square than otherwise. The shape cf the card may be varied according to taste, the proper adaptation to the size of the lettering being maintained. Among the various texts in use, nothing will supersede the English script and these inimitable styles of Old English text the most novel being with dropped capitals, and the extremely neat extra shaded. Visiting cards, with the familiar words denoting the object of the call, will remain in use, to some extent, especially for calls of congratulation" or "condolence." The word vistte, on the left hand upper corner, will be engraved on the reverse side.

The corner containing the desired word will HESOLCTtOX KO. Beenrved. That Order Xo. 1 of the Board ef Health, eat, tied "Sanitary and Quarantine Bt-ulaione of the Board of Health." adopted December 1st, 1 868. be aad the name la hereby approved by tata Board.

In Board of Supeivisors, fan Francisco, Pec I. ISfid. Passed for printing by the fthrwing vote: A yes 8 a pervier. Winkle. Harrold.

Flaherty. Cole, Ashbury. Shattuck, Uing. Cavallw, ahra- der. Nun an, Ceoavau.

8 tan Tan dlo-5t JNO. A. BCSSCLL. Clerk. OBPEB KO.

1. Pa.lrary and Quarantine Kegulationa Of the Hoard of Bealtn. The Boa-d of Healta of tb City ant County of eaa Frandnoo do ordala as follow: Section 1 here shall be appointel by this Board, as soon aa pram-able after the passage this Order, one slth lnmeetor. whose ram-pensation ahall not exceed tow aura of are hundred and twenty (9 Mt euuar. per month- aad who shall hold Ma omce during the tdsssut of thU Board.

It shall be the duty of the Health 1' pecoe. amhr th dtrectton of tbe Hewltn to eerch out all ac.utnulatio a of fi t. street rubbish, oa) drains and cesspools, neglect, ed privw-a and pools of water; to noticea upo. tbe persons whose duty it is re-mo we such prolific causes of dia a.a.'and to pros, ecute any person who ahsll rgle to perform the duties tequiret of tana by the Begulatioa of this Board, or by the Health Ordinance, of tbe Board of Super visrs: and general it ahall be the daty cf the Health Inspector to carry into eff-ct all tbe Ordrrs and Regulations of the Board of Health and th Board of Sopervfaore anting the public aalth: ant nader the direction of the Quara.ttne Oihoer. to carry into tficct the Qu.r-anttne Inws and Betrolationa f-r the bay and harbor of fan Francisco.

Every regular and specia poice offl er having a rearabur beat shall be ex officia Health Inepect-or, and stall b. required to mike a aEoathly report. In wnt rig. to tbe Htalth Cffiaer aa to the eanftary cooditeoa and c-enl wees of ewerj street, alley oou t. lanecr banldmc in bis b-at; and tn ease sa resnlar or apt-rial pot-re effirer ahall ebwtT at any tBM that any buddtag.

street, alley ecurttr lane in taut city aad county Is in a condition flensrr to tbe pnhlio health, be mat report tftereof to the Health Otttoer. Bald ex-ofllrio Health Inspector ahall Bsrve withoot py. It ahall be the duty of the Ilralth Officer report to tbe Police Oonv a-hwioners any nrw'ect cf tbe dutars required in this Order of et-offirio Hee th lusr-ertora. Sact.oa 9. It be the duty of each physician rn this e.tyaad county to rencrt to tbe Health OtOcer, i writiae.

every patient he ahall have laboring nnder Anarrr cholera or small pox. Immrdiatwly after be ahall be letirfted of tbe nature of the disease, and to report to the aame omcer every esse ox oeeta ream sock a immediately after it have occurred. hectics on J. It shall be the dutyofev ry boose. ie tMa city and county ttr.port.

ia writ holder i big to tbe Hea tb Omcer. immediately. of every person beaming or todeing st bis or ber house, whom he or aha shall bare naaai fo believe to be sick of cholera or amall-pox. and any deaths occurring at hi, er ber aonse from such diseases. Section 4.

Any person who ahall violate any of the proviKioos of hectioae two aad three of this Order, aad any person who ahall neglect or refuse to obey any i trier oe Brgulatton made by the Board of H.alta la theexerctse of tbe jeeia conferred by Law. shall be deemed guilty cf a misdemeanor, aad. upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a nne of sol more than Ave hundred dollars, or by tmprisotunent ia the Oonnty Jail not more than tea days. section ft. Any perton who ahall either sell or expose for sale any nuripe or decaying fruit, or decaying ye table a of any kind, or any kind of decaying or Ind meats, either in the public markets or elsewhere in the city and county of Sea ahail be deeabed guilty of a misde-meanor.

and. on eonvtctKin th. reof. ahsll be pun-bdied by a line not exceeding five hundred dollar, or by in the County Jail not exceeding three months. bectiou 6.

It ahall be tbe of the Qaaraa-tine Officer to board every treMBul subject to Quaraaiine or Tiattation by aim immediately on ber arrival (or as eooa sa be shall be nwuoed thereof) betweea sunrise and Unwt, and make such examination awl inspection of vessel, books, pspers or cargo, or of prrwon. oa board, nndrr oa. h. aa be may judge expedient to determine hcther said vessel aboald be tsjdered to Vuaran. tine, and it ao, tne petiod of Quarantine.

Sect ton T. Captain or other efflorr ia command of any passeuavr carrying viesil ot more than one huLdr and fifty tons burthen, nor of any vessel of more than one hundred and fifty tona burthen baring passengers on board, any owner, consignee, aye tit or other pcrsoa baring charge of ncu vesei or van i la. ahsll, nnder a penalty of not leea than one hundred dousrs, nor more than five hundred dollars land or permit to be landed any passenger or passengwra from said vasal or vessels until he shall have presented his Bill of Hearth to the Ousranuaa Officer and received a permit from tbat ofneer to land aaid passenger or raswenger. except ia such cases aa the Vaarantine officer ahall deem It safe tj give the permit before seeing the bul of health. bections.

It ahall be tbe duty of every mas ter or other officer, of each an all vessels in tbe Bay or Harbor of San francisco. or wbsrves thereof, aad of each u.uu or coneigaee of said Ttiil or vessels, to report to tbe (quaran tine omcer earn and ext. case or cnoiera. snip-fever, yellow fever or small pox, which shall occur or be on board cf any of said vessels, and ae boob aa fee or they ahail become aware of tbe existence of tbe ssuie, unkss such case bss already been reported. Whoever shall violate any of tbe provisions of this Section, ahail be deemed guilty of a misdemeancr.

and on con-viction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than oae hundred duuata, five bandied dollars. BBCtioa la addition to tbe tioaed in an Act of the Legislature, entitled aa Act to eetabUah a Qusrantine for tbe Bay and Harbor cf ban Fmncnco, and banitary Kegula-tioas for the City aad County of Baa Franc laoo. approved April 9d ISM. as subject to (quarantine, any other vessel, which may hsve eases ot cholera, small-pox. ahip fever or yellow fever oa board, whether each veaeela are from infected porta or not ahall be subject to Quarantine la the cbecrt-tion of tbe Quarantine Officer.

Section 10. All official acte of the Quarantine Officer shall be promptly reported to the Clerk of the Board ef Health, ard by hun to said Board at ita meeting next thereafter. Section 1L. Tbe Quarantine Officer ahall keep an office ia soma con reelect location, aad ahall make such arrangements aa be derm expedient for boarding vessels, the aeeeaary ex- prunes of which shall be paid in accordance with tbe ptrrrbuoBS of the Quarantine and Health Laws. Section 19.

Begular meetings of this Board shall be held aa otten ae once every two months, and the Board may bold adjourned meetings from time to during tbe interval of tbe Begular meetinga. Tbe Board, however, may meet at any time oa tbe call of the Preaideat, or on tne solicitation or any tnree as there is baatneae of Importance to them. Section 13. Tbe following shall be the order of bnaineas at any Bneeting ef this Board. First, Calling of tbe rullof members.

Second. Heeding of tbe minutes of tbe last meeting. Third, Communications and reporta from Health laspecter. Health Officer and Quarautme Officer, and arttoa thereoa. F.

wta, Oommurueatiooe aad- reports from Phyiciaa. Masters of Pilots, Keepers of Public Houses, and from Cbiaeoa. and notion Fifth, Miscellaneous boat. news. Sixth.

Adjournment. Section It. In addition to the Order of business as soove prescribed, the Hoard hereby adopts Cuahing'a MsLual ae tbe standard of parliamentary aanges in the transaction of the business which ahall come before them. Section 1 be fees of to. Quarantine Officer ahall be fixed as follows: For giving a permit to land freight and pesseagera, er both, from any via anl of ha tbaa one thousand anna harden.

from any port except from porta on tne Pacific coast under the Jurisdiction oi the Caitedetates. five dollars From anv vansaaaar4arrytasT vnasal at mors tbaa one thoueand tone burocn. except from ports on th. PactOc eoat under the juriedirttoa of the United States, saves aad one-half doUsra. For anv vessel of less tbaa one taousaaa tons burden, and carrying mora tbaa twenty nnm gers, except those coming rr racinc ports nnder tbe jurtadiction of the atted States, aovea aad one-half dollars.

For boarding all vesnela. except tnoee coming from Parifie porta nnder the Jwrisdictioa of the ulled States, ia addition te ins snore lee, nvw dBihsra. la. linn Is. The Fount Juagew vasxrt ot uw City and Coantv of Sen Francisco, shall have fall and enarrdete jurisoJetioa of all artkona or ii.lings lis: tb.

tv latmn trf thwproyissjns of in la tjraer. iwtie 17. This Order shall taks eftect from aad after ita approval by the Board nf Saprr- aetionls. an Orders er carte of Ciders, ao far as they conflict with the pro visions of this Cleaning- Vnnlts ef PaMfe Balldlngs. CLZBX.M OFFICE.

BOARD OF BCPEBTI8-ora. 6aa Francisco, December 16th. A. D. la accoraance wna a wan ration sa w.x ww tviwrd of Suoerviaors.

sealed 1)1 npoeale will be received fat open session of the BoanLj on MOS- DA VESiu, xjecemoer 'w. uvu -o'clock, for the removal cf the filth aoromulat ing at the County JaU. Jail yard. City Prison and 7v.Z th. CirvHalL aad ta yartof Oty and Oonnty Hospital.

Also, for cieanmg tne van its v. uw v. kiu nf vmnlts of ths Omtn- ty Jail, City Prison. City and Hoepltml 1 I -AA mnm ana CT ail xne rnpii-. Hose Hoasas of tbe Fire a-epertmeat.

and re-moving manure from stable, of sa bouses. Tbereanovalef all or any deed sabn Us lying ana. iwwa u. cleaning the streets about tbe Plaxe and City HaU durit tne year Tbe wars t. done nnder the super and to the satisfaction of Un Dupertetendeat or PnbUc Btreeta aad Highwata, except for the En-gine ead Hook and Ladder Oompasies- housrn, which will be sub)ect to tbe approval of the Mm Tim 1 1 1 me.ll and the 1.UJW Mutiinm w.

BospltaL which wiU be subject to the approval Of tne ttrsaoeiit royet um. For further parUcuwra. bidders vffl apply ta those officers respectively. Separate bids will be received for cleaning the vaults and (tables of tbe Fire Department, and for the remaining put irons of tbe work, i it-m i imw Mimala etc; statira ultw for bow much per month each will be performed. Ihe Board reserves the right reject any or all bids, as the pubue good aay require, and JK.ut.

I will demanti go ana ban two thousand dolisrs. with two or man i i nrli sureties, ear me iw-Mm tract, if awarded. b. approved by tbe Ooromlt- tes on in mi i ii jtmiii Proposals to be indorsed. For Clearing Pub-be Bnildinas." dalst J0B3A.BrriJ COerk.

FEE AID EA1LIE ffSCSiJCI THE FIREMAN'S 35 TT IO" 23 INSURAflCE COMPANY Of Ban Frsnraaoo, Os OFFIC. S. W. cor. CaL and Sansome sts.

OBOAHTZFJ) AFBXL Ba, lBsa. FULIsY PAID IX GOLD COIX. Fire, Xarino, Harbcr, and Inlaiid Trartsit BUka. Oal ROTH VIDEAU. Fine rjrraors, Eranriies, ARD PROVISIONS.

REDEMPTION SAN FRANCISCO DONDS. ra.BsUsn of at taa City i Conn ty of Sea Francisco, of tbe below, are hereby notiflsd. that tbe I ere of the Sinking Faad ot aaM Bonds will receive aealtij nrnnnaaal for taa am ibbiIbi of any portion thereof, at the office ef taa Treasurer, aaa Fraarlara, until twelve o'clock, noon, of WelatBday, FalxraarT lOtm, 1869. The following amosinta will ba applied to the redemption of Bonds, via Six per cent. Bonds of faaas ot 18S( S33.000 Six percent.

Bonds of tssas of 1SSS S.eta) Seven per rent. Bonds of issue of lSO-lt K.oaa B. F. A 8. J.

B. H. Bones SS.SOS Tea per cent. School Beads ef 30.000 Ta per seat. School Boadsef 1841.......

U.000 Seven per cent. School Bonds of 1S.003 Totals taoOeSOO Bidders will state at what rata they win Barren Vr their bonds tar peymeat ia ratted States gold coin, leas coupons due. Lack proposal must be accompanied by a d-postt ef tea per cent, of tbe Bonds oflered, or their equivalent ba coin or certified checks: aad aboald Uw Bonds tendered not be presented within five caysSaftar tbe sward, the next lowest bid will be accepted. Ko proposals above par will be entertained. Communications to be eodoreed: Proposals for surrender cf Bonds, Issue of.

By order of ths Ooninilaaliiie. OTTO aXOPPKXBCBO. TTesnurer-Baa Francises. Kovembsr 10, 1W. nolO-td SA1NSEVA1H Y7NE DITTERS Notice to the Public BEIXO ABOUT TO TEnUaTNATB ALL contracts with MLUCAIH1 at bECLLT en and after tbe first nay of October, lstd.

Miens. It. OHIBABDIXLI A CO. will be our sole and only Agents for tbe sals of ear rwbbialsd Wine Bitters, V. retain to eaiaul.ta tbe exclusive nian-utactory, and we promise tbe public that Bone bat tbe best ines, especially tboae of 1 Aliso, Co-eomnngo aad BeOevns, will be employed by Ba; and ia order to warrant again, carroterfette, all our ootuew wrui near tne aia-lature of P.

a SKVAIN." a a are confident to give our bu ua patrooetbrontfboat tbe world nt awe. faction in the future aa ww haw done in tbe past. aaUBkiau jUlisa. D. GHTBABDELLI ft CO, 411 aad 1T nan mawevsco, Brpt.

aa, lSSA. CEO. C. VAIIlTf7- war aa ew- m. ww wv ww -v A A BJ JLS JU saw Wast atda, C.

V. PURDIN. tint wn AXD MAbtFACTUBXB OF Copper, eTtntl Sbeet Iron Tin leJo. 30 Dupont Cwt. hia Clay, Partictilar attention Work.

Mepatring, eta. paid to an kinda of Job D-t-tf IX THK MATTKK OF THB BAJflBCPTCT of OaCAaV fiXUCdTBIaT ana felMOM HAM-LOCK. Aa -order aavtag been msds by the raited pistes insxriet (Jean ror in. nimii mi ew lork. on tne day of October- lata.

lola ing the aatd Oscar Bernstein and Bin Msmlors from traasf srrins er ili.naai. as' tsre ptopei and from any Interference therewith, and directing the Patted Slelis Marshal to take possesataa of all their property and saecta. All rtwse are aereoy warned not to rare base any goods or other property ot the aaid stetnsaata aad Mamlock. and not to make any advances on bills ef -sading. BMrchaafwe, a em ities or propex I.

of aay dewmpuon heaa by the csad Fnlaal.iia and Memiock. bra Frsncisoo, October lSSS. DOILB fc BABBEB. ocM-tf ror Www York Crsditora. TATS OF CALIFOBK1A UT THB TcS- tce-B LMurt or Ckwacsnt for tbe Osaaty of Dei Moras, ae.

Yon are hereby I asmyctnceaaCTieciai Tuaaaiiln. tataaeoaaty of Del Norte, oa tbe SUth day ef 1 ia ii A. D. isss, at I o'ciocc w. to eiaaii ante the mm plaint cf i.

Wenger A Co, wbo eaes for the sunt twenty cento 221 SO. I neinsr the maining due, oa mm hanill.t sold yon, ea account, aa per bill now ea Ala ta say office, when iodgnient win bw taken against yon for the said amonnt, together with coats and (lasiagis. If yon fad to appear aad answer. To taw rnetltT or any Otwstable of the aaid Del sorte Oonnty, i due return hereof. i Given waiter my A.

v. lsoa. ML F. McTTAMARA. ft- a.

llin sf Iki TtBin if salt TuaaatiUi oc.IswtA-Tb NOTTCn TO CKrulTORS- E8TATB CF EBKTfCZEB H. WASH BPB3T, i J. Kottea at aersbr atvea by tea anderautued. Fxecutor of the Last Will aad Teataaneat Ebansasr H. waahbara eaeeaawd.

an tha creditors of, aad all a amis bavinr chums against tne easa in una.a. to exhibit wuA the ai niiaeary worn hex within months after tbe first publieatioa of nonce. a tne earn nxecnaur. a of Haisbt A Tea ale. BIS Jwckson City and Oonaty of Baa IraacBtcn.

getaa at aaa STaac Iwrim. Psweabut HKST H. BimHT. Xxncntor of the Lest Will aad Tastamrat ot Absnexar H. Waahbara, OTIC I TO CRFTHTORa ISTATF OF HI SKY BATCUFFK.

1 1 1 i.bbiI Kotica hereby gvrea by tbe nadragned, Farutilx and Executor of tbe Last Will and Testament of Henry BatcbBs, Qui mm to the creditors of aad all pexsons having claims against tha said ate mud, to exhibit them, with th. nr ry viww Imbs. within tea months after the first publication of this aottrn, to tbe aaid Bsecnttia and hxeoutor. at the eaVa of Hnrbt Temple. Ko.

S10 Jackson etxost, ta taa Ouy aad County of Baa Franrnvo. MAGDALEHA BATCLinT. uamiA lASia, Ixecutrix and Fxecutor of tbe Last wm sad Testsment of risnry Bssrttfla, osia-lSwat-T I THB FBOBATS OOTJBT OF THB CTTT and County of haa Fraaclsoo, Btata of Oali. Ia tbe matter of WT-Lf-H, deceased. taa Batata of MJCHtXI.

Kotico bareby given ay aemmaxrator of the abova Batwtw. to the creditors of aad all petaune again said deceased, te exhiba tbe necessary vouch rs wi hia havtsg caieae the saswa wtta tm mcetts from the first nnMicatica of tbat at bis leeidence ea tbe r-m street, bet aw en Twenty -ec 4, eid ff oi-id ard Twraty- aTELSif. tsdAwawfV-T arms as Ctvorable aa anv alt wti.ti. w. i Qses Oompaay.

Ueeaaa IVBaisJyPsM tm Q. at. Oattt, xx x. trr afubb. r- ii OmAS.

a BOHD, Sa 1 1 nlnj gssVa? wwMaaVsal awaOVaBB f-f 1 -i sffaTnnraBTrwF Vlttabaal awd Pnrifie, appnnltn taa T-aU. Man -am rrrmw Onsn isatfnaar oreeda lor Berada Gscnoa, glinting: aer baft a II7TETJ.ATICr.AL HOTEL, Jarlun street, at few deenabeva Mont ft'otnci Hetn Krsvnrisr. RMcrtion to Price 1 BedncUon la Prlose. IT1HM FINE FTRK-PROOP HO- tet Is located on the same rtreet with iTTt the Postomee, Cnstoaa Hooss and raited tij, States Court, and one block from the City HZL. The City HaOroad Cars pasa the house for all parts of the city and San Jose Oare also, the Stages for the Presidio end Fort Point.

The pieces of Amusements are convenient. Families taken on reasonable terms. The teroatkmal Coach will convey passe ngrra te tee Hotel free, and from the hones to any part of th city for cents. A fine Barber Shop and Batb House connected with the Hotel. A good San for tbe use of guests, Oood Booaas, good Beds sad good Board, F.

TC. WrETOANT. Proprietor. ay The only First Clasa Temperance Moose la me ercy. sT iHIJO WHITE SU1PHDESPBEGS HOTEL PHIS DtX'GHTKI PLACE OF A rteuit is now open for the reception ft jf visitors.

The entireestabllahiiient has IS jeea enlarged aad refitted, and la la perfect jrder. Tata Rath lag Arrange enta strasecesid to nene la liim SStnt. Parties leaving Ban Francisco by Kapa Boat at a o'clock, eaa from Vallejo by arrive at the Springs at half -pa. Ave o'clock the aame evening. myai-tf OOWSOIJ.T.

Proprietor. DPlO AT I iEADriVABTKI utneel ear. Minna aad Secaad sts. T. M0CXJEX1Y, HATTSO JUST BETTBXED FROM Atlantic trip, will be pleased to meet friends at the OLD SALOOX.

TVlneas and Of the Finest Quality. Wholesale and Bctafl. a27-tf CHARLEY SCIITH, TLATB OX TEB "BOOHKBUXO," Wines, LJquors and dsraira, SS9 Waahlaartoa Saw Framclac. SF Eot Lunch every day from to a. ee3S C.Lavarello r.

Co Punoh Mannfaoturert AKD DEALERS IN WI.VKS dt WHOLFSALE AXD BIT ATL. T'Warraatet te the beet, Tel Sin WASHIKOTOTf 6TBEET. Two doors above Waiilntoa Market, Baa Fran Jj3a-tX ARCADE, OYSTER SALOON A N't Chop iloase, Second street, between i end next door to the So. nreme Court. SACRAMENTO.

Finest WINES, UQCOBS, CltiARS, etc Agency of Winant At Ca, Oyster Dealers San Francisco. eV Oysters at Wboleeals. FamfJiee supplied Order delivered to any part of the city. House ooen six sisirr. mua ut uxsjui a um.


0. Morrieon, I aaw Sullivan A Caahmaa, Konusir tiros- rargoa Uoamer, Gowey A Hunter. Wand A Co. Livimrston A Oow Webster A Oa, J. Flanagan A Co, Cummins A Daly.

Jonee A Kirk pa trick. OiU, Hayes A Oa, E. largo Oo, French. Oilman A Oa- Bradley a Oocaxeu. alcAraaJlOo, bchulta ft Tea Bergen.

Also, at BEDrxOTOH ft 00.B, vTholeeale Drnirgistav Bear in minatnsy reoeivea we nrsi rremrume at State Fair. myll-tf COSTON FURNITURE CO. -J ASSOCIATION OI WOBXME5. Nathlnar bnt Strictly Cnstnna War" Wholesale and EetalL PllICEM TO SUIT. X.

LUCnSTSOEB, Manager, aplS-tp Ko. t4t Msrkst street. CLlRBTe omca. SOARBOISUPF.RTlrWtS. San rraaeisoo.

Dee. 1. A. D. Ia accqrdancs Res4uriou No.

ft? ef tb .1. II aana Ana rlasrsa sw whaa oOcoi th Ulftrfc rf th BcmrtL for th lowtiijr DrtDtaefil rnnilC Cirww as'Hwaja, aa tetfiM with th Wkrwtr. mpmdtcttiom hj tWls-a. -n as fArltl. 9KAa1mi1a.

for 7XaVMvr a.nav an era serf sever, ia rota street, from Mawtoa Sa Mow. anl street. The above named nruoa or aigan street a 1 n. Mh of tne coustructiou ot a brick sewer of the IbUowing a Thra. S) test wide aad tee (ft) tret Ida ia the eleartnade.

It ia to be cue elf is. red. bwether srlth asanbole and cover, ra aceoruaoee pww wra speaBoBtiawBea le tn the oraee oi the Buperuatsa-Sent of Public Strsete sad Highways, aad the in side bottom ef tbe eswer to be a proper depth be'ow the ciew grace. ThesBwer. where me.

aeaiy. shall Ueeeetrnrted op sa a madetioa of redwood planks three Incase thick aad act mors tbaa ail Inches wide, properly bseabd and dowotW, the dowa to be sot sot. than three lest apart. After tbe eewer te eempWee, tbe ertblato bi sil inH arell wntefd aad raaaed, tbe etreet put in asgwd enadltioa ae It wsaat theeoss- saesi.vaaeiit et the wora. aaa on bswiw work all surplus material removed.

i k. Sma mmA and BMiai. like a anar. under the direct. aad te the eett frtcnon of tbe rnpenaBiea(oi run mmm BupsriBteodeai 01 nnic rena man anrrCK Biddare will estimate by the baeal tbot Car the sewer, bo muck lor annucle and cover .4 m.

tnnasand sset. board mwure -T tbe redwood foOTdattoD. la orosr to pi isai i uBnonreiy, he asede upon blank form iernred by tW cf la tbe pertwmaaee of the work. etd as tbs public good aay reralrs. Mo la will be reewved after Dae.

XL, 1388, at gsl St st. n. bvcomu. CLFKB7B OmOB. eOABVD OF SFPaTB TlSOBr, Sea rraKisos.

Dee. 14, A. D. IMS. Ia accordance with Resolatka No.

5919, ct the Boars of eupsrvnora, oresrog saw wm, snosalB will be receive. few te Saya, at the oOcsof theCterkof tbe Board, fcjtbe fcl bowleg swk.ataoce.nMT ae bsw-" mrmtefideBt of Public Btreeta aad Hiahwaya, aad iVaooordaBos with the tolaawiag epsBiftcartoae TVor eonstractiag a brick sewer, wit saaabole amSeavsr.m Tayl.r street, from Ssorasaento te Clay rm! be eaeevetrd to a sufficient depth to allow of tbe ee.trscrio. of a trick eewer of the Wiowiag disMreioM viai Three (3) teel wie aoa e- the rk inside. It Is to be eouetrorted toweAer with mauboleaad oorer. msecoroaaes wttkaperta-oation.

an i rUn. on Die in the efflce of the rnper-mtient ef PabHe Streetand Htabways. a-S the ud- bottom of tbe s-wer an. rth belnw tbe ocil rrade, snt to exceed Bfte.a fret. After theemria eompteaa tnenrable be Iledia ever It sad well watered sad rssasasd, the bletioa of tbe enpermtendeet of Public Btreetsead Highwaya.

C. tMITH, Buoermtendeat of Public Btreeta aad Highways. BOTICaWBIdders wiU estbaste by the linea! how -ch for the aanbol. and cower eoaplets. wMtmt.

In order to pi una lb. award, the Board bswe to receiee BO btunbws msdeupna blank fcrma preparedly the Committee, ard airned two or asore surete la tne naniwt The Board reserve tbe right te ra)ect say er ell the public goci ue reore jtj bids will he twealwd athrr Eea S. i8, at 'UStii HO. A. IBXIeClerk.

Santa Clara College, S. J. CLASSES WIXXi BE BESfllKO ON THURSDAY. Auruat 37. Brudenta will be received oa TUESDAY or WEDNESDAY, 25th and 36th.

N. B. The attention of Parents and Guardians la called to the following announcement In the last Catalogue: "Any Student leaving the College for the Bummer vacation, and railing to be present on the day appointed for opening the el aeries, will, by the fact of absent be excluded from the OoUeiro until the followibg see Ion, except in eases where the Parent orr tiusrdisn of tbe dilatory Btndent a hall show eesM of absence which tbe Faculty of the OoUefre an all eomuder wholly sufficient. Kcw Aprucawra for admis. aioe.

may present themsetves aftee the STth. For conditions of admisaion, fee, etc, address uev. A. vaitMi, sen Jose. anlO-tf Prest Santa Cra Oollefra.

P. 1. Warrav K. M. Boos P.

J. White fe 0., WHOZ.KSAI.KDKJl.EB8 Ct CROOERIZS AK9 IMffc VISION 8 Front arm lit Ci'Tf ISaJTOZSOO. Jaitcs O. Bouwoun, etnO.M'Muitxa. Rountree Sr.

K'Miiilin, WHOLESALE DEAL EES, Grooerles and Provision, S'3 Front street, Between Clay and Commercial, San Francisco, seas James H. Cutter, COMMISSION MERCHANT, OfldM, 41m Heatm.i nraH. flainas Faoas na uuvarar raosrm.T mjiVT. H. Wtmsi.

B. L. Pax PACIFIC Land, Real Estate Commission Agency. Ho. 031 California street, 8.

W. corner Kearny, a7May be found at Rooms 99 and SS. terra Son's Building, till fifth of Hept. aulS-ap-tf D. J.

Jon Hru. Oollaliaa Hill, BIAL ESTATE AGENTS, Na. SOS Meantaiaaauiiy etieet, earner at Deeds. Morbracea. Leases and Ooarveyenoee of all kinds carefully and correctly drawn.

Particular attention given to Banting Houses, Collecting Bents, and everything conaect art with Heal Estate matters. out as ant clze Heal- Estate seourrue negotiated on favorable terms. eel Janas Ataa-a. Micuasx Ha wars Ealy Hawkins, BHAL ESTATE AGENTS. HO.

tX) KONT- GOiLEE drSSJST. opposite Enss Haa rauciann. kkstti. Hil.l.RrrKl oe WILLIAM LINDSSY. MONET TO LOAN, Real XItnto Aeut and IIouxo No.

IVIO Washington street, North side, near sn-il-3ai Montgomery street. H.F. WnxiAJr. W.O'NcnA. BobIO.

Pan Honry F. Williams 07 California Street, BAH FRAN CISCO. IF" Fromnt attention riven to an matters pev tatning to Beal KataM, such aa Buying aad bell. Ing on Oonunlasioa, Negotiating Loans, Investing Capital and Managing Avatatee. Wm.

H. Cnevers, NOTAUY PUBLIC AND COMMISSIONER OP DEKD8 No. SOS Washlagtoa street, na San Franetsna, JOHN G0aIAI. NOTAUY PUllLIC AND Ccumissioner for all the States and Territories. 61 MEUC1IANT STREET, i Between Mmitgomery and Kearay, eM-ls SAN FRANCISCO.

SECRET OF BEAUTY: CSS GEORGE W. lAiRD'S Renders the Mala soft, smooth, clemr. ataael baaetlml. Will rwsnnwn Tan, FreckUea. svnd aOl nthar dlscnlnrmtlvns.

Sold at all Drwararleta "aatcF C'U dernier. S3 X. SWEENY Sfc CO, HORSE CATTLE SALESMEN, EATS REMOVED FROM CORNKR Of POST AND Btoekton streets to their new and salens! Sale Tarda and Corrals, at the corner of Ninth and Howard sUntaa, San Francisco, where they have constantly cm band, and receiving daily, fresh family Dairy Oowa with yoang Oalvea. Also, Beer uatue. Horses, nuiea, oneep, bobs, Wsffona, Bamess, etc, We Im.

lam and lafiin a Tarda. With Sheds fcr the aceommedatiea of all kinds of stock at reduced rrse. Oash aaVAOea oa stooar rwosirnea I or saie. oel-tf D. flWKBNT CO.

T- H. SELBY IMPORTERS OT Bar, Plate, maid Sheet Irwn Cast Steal, Copper, Zine, Tim Platea, Wtm, Nails, Sptltea, Rnhoer mad -Issthsr BeltlaaT. Baw, etc 116 and 11N California stav. sea am CHAS KOHLMAN, (Successor to Loots BchneaJ Meerschaum Pipe Manufacturer, a at Mastiiaamr Sai Oppoatte Occidental uotei. m-mnn MIB Ptim BH All who want te have Pipe or Amber "rZ- i boiled: would aave both time ad money by applrms direct to the msnu- faoturer.

naaaM--tag Tobeoca always oa band. fyffQ graj ynA.aajj. GOODWIN Importers, Kanufacturera and WROUESAIJB AND RET All FURNITURE AND BEDDINU ass, tat. as. FTNZ KZAB MONTOOHXBT, aTl TBI ONLY STOCK OF FINS aad CUSTOM RADB PTJBHITtJBXoathia Ooas.

Beoirvbcsd by calling. aolttf OOODWTN OO. IIOUSE-CARPENTEhS' HOTJSK CARTPTSNTERS TRO- TBCTTTB UNION have a splendid HlLLi with new Machinery, new rnnninar in South San where all kinds of Wooden Material, are being maauf actnred for Building Tbe Company is contracting for every class of mniamga, rarniauing all materials, aad gmng a reasonable credit on am cle security. About one hundred Mechanics are always ready to commence and quickly finish the won we undertake. tar Office Booms up stairs, at 189 Marks in a rraarlBPB, BANK OF CAL! FO RNIA, SAW Capital Paid Up, D.

O. KILL8 W. a BALSTON- AGKHT8. 1st New Ytst i Mesas a. A WaJler Ik Boston Twswat Nmtloaavl DsusIk In London Orie aital Bauaat Corporation rpHIS BANK ISSTJES UJlTKKi JL of Credit available for the purchase of Merchandise throughout the United States, Europe, India, China, Japan and Australia.

KXCHANC1B FOB SALE ON. THI CITIKS. DRAW DIBZOT ON IxndoBt, DabUat, -Pavrla, Bit. FteroTeeursfi Amsterdam, Hambsrir, Vlennm, Ijelpale, Sydney, Medbouun Yoaohaaia, Ftna Bremen. Horner lionjr, Frankfort on tbo JKavin.

eel 9 CITY BANK OF Savings, Loan and Discount. no. ear Sacramento street, Pet ween Karsy nnd ontg-oanery. Corner Webb street. Officers: i A.

OOBB Cashier DANIEL MURPHY Trustees: H. A. OOBB, M. DALY. M.


P. H. KEN HI 1. 8 HI NEB ERG ER, Bocretary. Attorney WM.

DOUTIIITT Deposits received at OSE PEB CENT. Interest per month. Loans made on Beat Estate. Personal Property, Approved Notes, MortKagee, Warehouse Receipts. Bills of Lading, eta, eta.

selS PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY OF BAH FBAKCISCO. CAL. Office lVo. 422 California St CASH ASSETS, JULY 1. 1868, 91,433 037 8L Fire, Ocean.

3Xarlne, Iitlstn' I RA E. Directors Saw FaAscisoo: Oliver Eldrldgs, J. B. lioberta. I.

O. Wllmerdiog, P. Weaver, Wm. Hooper, 1. W.

Clark. A. Hayward, T. L. Barker, Alex.

Weill, Chas. Meyer, Chas. E. McLane, M. Bosenbaum, A.

i. Baiston, T. Lemmea Meyer. J. T.

Deai. W. a Balaton, A. L. Tubbs, Wm.

Alvord, Jonathan Hunt, A. B. Forbes, A. a. Stiles.

A. BeU-nuan, L. B. Benchley, Wm. Sherman, L.

Sachs, -Jam. De Fremery, I. a. Bray, David Stern, D. O.

Mills, Friedlander, Moses Heller, H.M. Kewhal, O. T. Lawton, Mylea D. Sweeney, Chss.

Marne, E. L. Goldstein, J. O. Earl, Lloyd Tevls, Thos.

H. Selby, Adam Grant, Alpheua Bui, a M. Wilson, D. J. Oliver, W.

Bcholle, Thos. Brown, B. Hanaman, Chaa. Main. Chas.

B. Peters, New Yobk: Louis McLane, Fred-k Billings, James Lees, t. a. Kelloiig, Wm. T.

Coleman, Moses Ellis. SACBAMKirro: Edgar Mi Us, J. a. Carroll, T. Wheeler.

Mabyvtilxb: J. IL Jewett. iPoBTLAiro, Oregon: w. H. La jo, Jacob YntoariA, Nevada! Wm.

Bhaion. Officers: Jonsv. Haat Vlje President W. Alvwrd A- J. RaUston Andrew Batirdl Marine Secretary H.


0,000 This Company Insures against Tornm or Damage toy Fire, MABXHI AND INLAND NAYIOATTOJI BIBXS, On liberal terms. Lass Promptly svnd Eqwltably Adjnst- sme, suaa raia in sia vhb, GUST AVE TOUCHABD, Presidsnt. CHABLES D. HAVEN, Secretary. QXOBGE T.

OOBXN. Surveyor. f3tf SAN FRANCISCO NOVELTY WORKS. rjTHi os. Reynolds, coppersmith AND BHXRJBOa Ft Boa Maker, Steaun Fltttmai SOa Frsnt gtaeet.

Bet. WaanteRtoa and Jackson, Baa Fraawtae rtrfleea nrompttv wwee STEAM tut lag Semse The Largest OSes in tie State. No. 617 CLAY STREET, 014, 4 bummcnuiai, el. COMMERCIAL ST.

ALE AND PORTER. R. J. HARRISON OFFERS FOR mjLLtEL, EX RECENT ARRIVALS, OO Casks Tsnn.nt's Pml Ale, Oaaka Twnnent's XXX Pnrtsx. OT BOND OB DUTY FAUX 10 Casks Htbbert'e Lendeat Stoat.

ALL IN PBIMB CONDITION. tOHnds Harriaa'i No. 9 Ala, SO Hatda Tesarar'. Ala, ISO Cases Old Port Wine (bottled by Ouboro Oo Oporto; suitable for raedlctas use.) 48 tanaurCrr Oavake Wntekw. SB rallOBa each; atarta la U.

B. WklekF. of Importattoa of 1SS8. 1 Clmy Street, sol-'" neiow SPECIAL NOTICE. THIS OPPORTUNITY OF IKFOBK.

ins; my friends, aad the public generally, that I nave resumed Business at So. im MONT GOMERY STREET, betreea Sacramento and California. I ahall. as bufore. keep on hand complete Stock of OLOTHIXQ.

GENTS' FUB. NIBUINO GOODS, OUTFITS, so aa to be able to suit the tastes and prioea or all eomera. Thankful for past avers. I trust that I may re ceive the patronage of former customers, i the public at awn. IT MABTT.

ForBMrry otihm What Cheer Cloth Ina; atore. cvpuatte las Wjsa vaeea curese, ajaaranini anM-lm ftllli New Yobk, November 26, 1868. TEX WASHBCBN XCPDLaV The whole batch of the correspondence be tween Mr. waahDurn and ue Paraguayan Minister of Foreign Affairs, has come to hand. It occupies sixty-three columns in the i-nciisn journal ox tsuenos Ayres, and a lair.

unprejudiced examination of the entire case not only jusnnes tee conclusion that wasn-burn was uttolv incompetent to maintain his official position with dignity and honor, bnt it also seems to settle tne point tbat ne was one of the chiefs of the conspiracy to over throw tne Paraguayan uovernment. in ins haste to denounce president lxpez as a nend in human shape. Washburn is betrayed into admitting facts which are his own worst demnation. He says is made fu rious with disappointment and conscious that his cause is lost, and as his career has been but a series of infamies, he now seems intent on destroying the witnesses and blotting out the record. He is the (creates cow ard ever known, and it was only through fear tnat ne let me go.

When uaptain mruand of the Wasp, in response to his threat that he intended to hold me, told him that if he, dared to touch me our Government would have his head if it had to hunt him through all Christendom, he then concluded to let me de part. assumes that the Government of the United States puts an extraordinary value on his life above the lives of other citizens. It did not occur to him. evidently. that threats of retribution in the case of Messrs.

and Bliss might prove as efficient for their release. There is, indeed, not the shadow of an excuse yet given for his abandonment of American citizsns and officers of his own legation to the mercies of a person whom he stigmatizes as a cruel monster, and who, be shows, was frightened into allowing him (Washburn) to leave the country by threats that our Government would have his (Lopez's) head in case he (Wash-bum) suffered any annoyance at the hands of the Paraguayan ruffian. The conduct of Washburn finds a parallel in that of the captain of a ship in peril who should abandon hia passengers and crew to perish and he is entitled to the same measure of contempt and execration. Mr. Washburn has displayed great industry in presenting his version of the affair, but he has not succeeded in removing the impression on the public mind that he has shamefully failed in his duty has disgraced himself irretrievably, and permitted his country's flag to be dishonored.

public will demand a thorough investigation of Washburn's whole career iu Paraguay. If he has received large sums of money, as alleged in the testimony, in the way of bribes and black mail, it should be Known, so that by his punishment an example and warning may be given. The fact that Hon. James Watson Webb, our Minister of Finance to Brazil, sustains and defends Mr. Washburn, will not go for much until Mr.

Webb relieves himself from the charge that he also was concerned in the conspiracy against Lopez. It is indeed unfortnnate that Mr. Seward did not withdraw Mr. Washburn two rears ago, when the allies furnished to our State Department ample proofs of our Paraguayan Minister's abase of his official position. As for Washburn's distress concerning the fate- in store for Messrs.

Bliss and Master man, his fears do not seem to be well grounded those gentlemen were alive at the date of the last mail from Buenos Ayres. Washburn evidently has not bad time yet to recover from the scare he got when Bliss and Masterman were captured and he supposed that himself the Washburn was in "danger of being "coralled." Mr. Washburn may find consolation in the reflection that he is not the only representative of the great American nation, under Radical rule, destined to retire from political life un wept, unhonored and ushoo. PAXAGISO TESTIMONY AGAINST WASHBURN. Perhaps when the whole story is told, Lopez will appear not nearly so black as he has been painted by Washburn.

The British and French authorities, at least, take a view of the case somewhat different from that presented by "our late Minister to Paragaay," as will be seen by the following dispatch from Washington this morning: "Several unofficial letters have been received in this city relative to the Paraguayan difficulty. It has been stated that the English and French governments had each sent a man-of-war to Paraguay. These vessels appear to have returned, as will be seen by the following extract of a private letter from Bear-Admiral Davis. The information re ceived from their officers differs somewhat from the previously imblished accounts. Bear-Admiral Davis' letter is dated at Bio de Janeiro, October 26th: 'Bear-Admiral Fis quet, commanding the reach naval divi sion on this station, with whom I am on terms of intimate intercourse, came yesterday to furnish me some information, re cently received from the captain of the gun- boat uecidie, in regard to bis recent visit to Lopez.

His report agrees entirely with the views expressed by Lieutenant-Commander Eirkland in his official letter and contradicts the extravagant stories which have been busily circulated charging Lopez with various crimes against humanity, and particularly with the assassination of certain foreign consuls, as, for example, the French Consul and and the Portuguese Vice-Consul The French Consul left Paraguay in the Decidie. lie has been under no apprehension of nis life or safety. The expression of Admiral Fisquet yesterday was: 'H n'a jamais ete Bear-Admiral George Ramsay, commanding H. B. M.

naval forces on this station, with whom my relations have always been very cordial, has just come on board to give me similar information from Lieuten ant Bush, commanding U. B. M. gun boa Linnet, now lying at Montevideo, but re cently returned from Paraguay. His intercourse with Lopez was entirely satisfactory in ail respects, in snort, several oi tne most important particulars touching the character, conduct, and situation of President Lopez, the reports of a month ago, undergoing modification from time to time, are now wholly contradicted.

My conclusion is, 1 cannot expect to ootain penecuy reiiavDiti grounds of action until approacn more closely to the scene of war. There has been at one time an ettort made to condemn Jjopez by exclamatory denunciations which are now gradually dying CALIFORNIA STEAMSHIP AFFAIRS. Mr. William H. Webb, President of the Nicaragua Transit Company has been elected a Director of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company.

The significance of this tact may be regarded as of a good deal of importance in connection with certain rumors of a proposed transfer of the business of the Pacific Mail Company from the Icthmus of Panama to Nicaragua. The route via Nicaragua is nine hundred miles shorter than by Panama, and it is estimated tbat a saving of fuliy twenty-five per cent in the carriage of freight will be made by taking the shorter route. It is believed by some persons here that the change will be effected immediately upon the conclusion of negotiations now pending between tee Steamship Company and the Niearaguan Government, which negotiations are said to be progressing tavoraDiy. un tne other hand, it is suggested that Mr. Webb received his place in the Board of Directors of the P.

M. 8. 8. Co. as a part of the consideration for which he sold out the North American Steamship Company and the Nica-aragua Transit Company to the Mail Steamship Company.

But, whatever may be the result of any negotiation pending Detween the Government of Nicaragua and the P. M. von mav be certain of the fact that all the property in Nicaragua of the Transit Company has been sold under execution and by that sale the Company forfeited its franchise or charter granted by Nicaragua. There ia not the shadow of a reason to hope that there will ever be another steamship line to California in opposition to the Pacific Mail Company. But perhaps that will be of but little consequence to Pacific Coast in terests after the completion or tne itaiiroaa.

as the latter will certainly be able to carry emigrants as cheaply as a Steamship Com pany could anora to ao it. THE ASSASSINATION OF RIVES POLLARD. I enclose the article in the Southern Opin ion, of Richmond, which led to the assassination of its editor; H. Rives Pollard, on the 24th instant also a communication from A. Pollard, a brother of the deceased.

to the New York Tribune. That the assassi nation of Mr. Pollard was deliberately plan ned and executed in cold blood no one doubts bnt as yet no positive testimony has been obtained to fix the crime on the person suspected. The article referred to was published on the 21st. It pretends to give an account ot tne elopement oi a young woman, daughter of Mr.

Wm. II- Grant, a wealthy tobacconist, of Richmond, and asserts that she was secretly married some months before in Philadelphia. The lady is slightingly spoken of, and it is insinuated that there are circumstances connected with the affair unfit for publication. The citizens'of Richmond ap prehended a serious dimouity in consequence of the publication, and some persons openly expressed the hope that Miss Grant's broth-, era would shoot Pollard on sight. As Pollard alighted from his carriage he was shot dead by some conceded person, jut.

nmna, the associate edi tvr of, the Opinion, and who is the reDuted author of the article, was within a few paces of Pollard at the time of the shooting, and a policeman wno was near at hand, supposed, at first, that Hanna had fired the shot but Hanna produced his pistols, and pointed to the fact that they were loaded. Hanna supposed that one of Pol lard's pistols' naa expioaea acciaenuy ma the Fashion Course with the intention of giving Dexter a mile triaL When he arrived at Doble's stables he fonnd the horse in splendid condition, bat the wind was blowing so fiercely across the track that it was plainly apparent that no animal could show to good advantage. Doble argued that the raw wind would make a difference of many seconds in a horse's time, and he deemed it madness to start Dexter with the anticipation of excelling all previous performances. Mr. Bonner, however, had gone to the Fashion with the intention of seeing Dexter move, and he decided, wind or no wind, to let him go a half mile.

He calculated that he could trot the distance in about 1 :12, but deemed it doubtful if he could reduce the time a second less. The marvel was harnessed, and when gently driven round the track so as to relax the muscles, he was started under the watch. He was struck by several strong gusts of wind, and yet passed the half mile pole in 1 .06. Several watches were on him, and all told the same story. Everybody was Bur-prised, and all agreed with Doble, taking the day into consideration, it was Dexter's best half mile performance, and, consequently, the most wonderful half mile trial on record.

Had the day been favorable, the same power and action would have carried Dexter to the half mile pole in at least, or at the rate of 2:08 to the mile. The day followingthis performance Mr. David Bonner was speeding Pocahontas on the Dubois track. She passed the stand like a shadow chased by sunshine, and a turf connoisseur, who was present, turned to Mr. Robert Bonner with the remark: "You say, Mr.

Bonner, that you will never buy another horse until you find one that can beat Dexter. Allow me to say that Dexter, in my opinion, is not the fastest animal in your stable. When the bay mare passed the stand just now she was moving at a rate that would have taken the King off his feet the best day he aver saw. I will stake my reputation that Focahontas can beat the white legged gelding to-morrow. Mr.

Bonner quietly smiled, but said nothing committal. It is evident, however, that he regards the mare very fast She will be given a trial some day, and perhaps Dexter will measure strides with her. a grand race would the bay and brown make! Think of it, Dexter and Pocahontas! Turf, Field and Farm, Nov. 6. Women In Men's Attire.

An English paper says: "Lately several women in male costume have been seen in public places. A correspondent writes: 'When dining at The London, three persons entered, dressed fashionably in men's attire. They seated themselves at a table iu the room appropriated to gentlemen, but their appearance and manners at once showed that two- if not all of them, were women. The attention which they soon attracted became to hot for them, and they left after being in the room for about ten minutes. Two foreigners were dining at the same table with myself, and one of them, who appeared to have traveled in various countries, expressed his great disgust at the proceeding, and innocently inquire! if it was usual for ladies to dress in men's clothes in this country, for he had only known them to do so at low casinos in New York, and at the Mabille, and simi-: lar establishments in Paris Another correspondent writes: I was at the Royal Theatre the other night, and was very much astonished by the entrance of a young nobleman, very well known among the upper ten, accompanied by a woman dressed up in man's clothes.

Her entrance caused a great deal of sensation in the theatre, as the disguise was palpable, even to the casual observer. I have heard since that the same young nobleman has been to the Holborn, and several other theatres, with sometimes two or three women disguised as men. As this act renders the perpetrator liable to heavy penalties, and at the same time intensely disgusts the spectators, I trust we shall see no more of it for the future." "Why Don't Tom Lean a Trade This question was propounded in our hearing, a few -days- a young I man who had been for several months un- Kuccessfuly seeking employment as a clerk or salesman in some of our leading houses. Complaining of his ill luck, one of his friends who knew he had mechanical talent, but doubted whether he could make himself useful either as a clerk or salesman, put the interrogatory to him which we have placed as the caption of this article. The reply was, that a trade was not so respectable as a mercantile occupation.

Under this delusive idea, our stores are crowded with young men who have no capacity for business, and who, because of the fancied respectability of doing nothing, waste away their minority upon salaries which cannot possibly liqui date tneir expenditures. Late, too late ia life, they discover their error, and, before they reach the age of thirty, many or tnem look wun envy upon the thrifty mechanic, whom, in the days of their boyhood, they were accustomed to deride. The false views of respectability which prevail in the sot disant fashionable society of the present day, have ruined thousands of young men, and will ruin Lnousands more. Naked Truths. A lady writes to the Rochester Chroni-.

cle, a wholesome letter on the dressing of little girls, to this effect "Can anv mortal man or woman estimate the mis chief that is done by our present style of rf urwjHing girisr roor lime miserable artificial curiosities that they appear I am afraid that some specimen gatherer will catch some of them, and bottle them up for preservation in museums, to be gazed at when this generation shall have passed away. Look at them in their contour as they are seen on our streets in the light of a cold, windy, shivering day. Heads In warm hoods, shawls or furs muffled about their shoulders, belts tight around their waists, short skirts thrown out from their bodies by hoops. and then their drumstick lees clad in cot ton stockings that do not always meet their muslin drawers, and their feet in shoes so thin that one step on the damp sround will let the dampness through. If.

we as a people, were as hardy as the Scotch Highland soldiers, and notaccus- -tomed to fire and other luxuries in our houses, it might do well to go with knees bare in the winter, but that does not Happen to be the case. Out upon such outrages, I say And I say, too, that the men of this age who are fathers need not arnajus to themselves superior sense so long as they cannot see or seeing, do not interfere to prevent them." A Waxjcib's CicnowajiT The mile tones. tunate possessor of that Russian jaw-bone, to the effect that a broken thermometer can hardly be relied on as an index of the weather. This little true storv was not in cluded In Mark Twain's capital lecture last evening, we believe. SANDWICHES.

In the account of the wreck of the steam ship Star of the near Bahia Honda, Cuba, some days ago, it stated that one of two persons drowned by the capsizing of a small boat in the surf was a Mr. Clark of San Francisco. Nothing further has come to hand regarding the identity of. the deceased. The body was not recovered.

"Jeems Pipes gave bis "Sixty Minutes in Japan and China" before an appreciative audience, at the Travelers' Club, in this city, a few days ago. He was quite successful. Since my last letter, Agatha States has won new laurels at the Academy of Music. She created quite a sensation as Elena in the "Sicilian The critics accord to her the credit of rendering the opera a brilliant success. Mrs.

States' place among the American primaa donna is assured. Capt. wm. parser, u. lias been de tached from the command of the Receiving Ship Independence, at Mare Island, and Commander Paul Shirley is ordered to relieve him.

John F. Carr, of San Francisco, has mar ried with 'Annie, daughter of Dr. Peter F. Clark, of this city. By telegraph from an Jtrancisco.

the New York journals are informed that a revenue cutter has visited the "important and valuable" Islands of. St. Paul and St George, in Bearing's Sea. Rev. nr.

lwer, formerly or Grace Church, San Francisco, has set people to talking and thinking, of late, by his bold discussion of grave questions of theology, in the pulpit ot (jurist tjnurcn, in tnis city. But as a lecturer. Dr. Ewer has succeeded to a high position in public estimation. A few nights ago he gave a scholarly lecture on "Life in Ancient before the General So ciety of Mechanics and Tradesmen, which was listened to with closest attention and delight by a very large audience at Steinway Hall.

Johji X. Otic. Womeau Nervous, enthusiastic and talkative women are the foam and sparkle quiet women, the wine of life. The senses ache and grow weary of the perpetual glare andbrilliancyof the former, but turn with a sense of security and repose to the mild, mellow glow irradiating the sphere of the latter. we associate ail ideas oi rest witn quiet women.

They are soul divinities reverently guarding their secret truth in the Court of Silence. The duiet woman moves in an at mosphere of benignant grace. Appealing, strong, compelling, ner pure me is a petition or a prayer. When she speaks, her words are aptly chosen, and fitly spoken. She is wise and thoughtful, but loving and meek The still waters run deep," but not in the world applied sense babbling rills do not wear their channels deep, but streams of calmest flow have hidden depths undreamed of, unsuspected.

The touch of a quiet woman's hand is charmed indeed. It recalls, by its magic, all the precious memories wmcn time nas Plotted from life's calendar of years, and restores the beautiful lost visions of childhood, when the rainbow of a mother's smile spanned the rosy horizon, and the young heart thrilled to the music or ner lullaby as sue roc sea us in dreams upon her pure bosom. We confide in auiet women. Truth encir cles them as with a halo, and they give us constancy in return for our faith. Id sorrow, adversity or illness, tee quiet woman is nurse, counselor, and friend.

She soothes, comforts and caresses, and is the unlalteting guiae oi the weak and erring instincts. Into her steady and skillful hands the physician trusts tne spara, weu Knowing tnai uie iaitmui sentinel will not tire in watch, nor sleep upon her poet. She moves silently and orderly. ana does not irritate wun -questions, out surprises and pleases by her unobtrusive anticipations. She rarely speaks, but when she does her tones are firm, and sweet, and low, and linger upon the sick and drowsy ear like the musical vibrations of murmuring waves.

No other step approaches so breezy and life-giving. such a glory ot repose surrounds her, and her kisses rarely bestowed are lute benedictions. The love of auiet women is imperishable I It has no butterfly birth like the creature of fancy, retaining its gorgeous hues only while the skies are sunny and the flowers blossom, leaving in the eager grasp, when storm-clouds darken, a faded, dead moth, with all the brilliant dust brushed from its broken wings bnt it is an amaranthine flower, fadeless and fragrant forever whose germ is immortality, whose native soil is Heaven a love all sacrifice and devotion. Bcautiu of Mormon Polysraoajr. A Gentile woman in Utah lately gave a correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial this little, but telling, sketch of the practical workings of the Mormon system: Now.

there's Enh. Roberts over there." pointing to a stone house near the mountain; he brought a real young and delicate wife from New York, now goin' over sixteen years ago, and she worked hard, 1 tell you; why I've knewn ber to do all her own work when Eph. had three hands and the thrasbin' machine at bis house, and sometimes she worked out in the field, bound wheat and raked hay, which, vou know is awful oa a delicate New York woman 'taint as if she'd been raised to it, like we folks and after all, just last year, Eph. went and married another woman, a real young one, not over twenty; and, don't you think, this spring she knocked Maria that's his first wife down with a churn-dasher and scalded her. Eph.

stood by and just said: Go in Luce; kill her if you It all started about a churn, too. Both wanted to use it at onee. Maria had it, and her butter was a little slow oomin', and they eot mad. and Luce struck her. and then snatched the kettle right off the stove and poured hot water on her feet; so she fell down when she tried to run out.

And what was the result finally? Well, Maria left him; of course, she bad to or be killed. It' ver? nice, though, for the men. I had dozen chances to marry old Mormons, but. lawl I wouldn't give that for all of 'em. Why, just torn things around, and- let a wo man have two or three men, and see how they'd like that.

There wouldn't be no mur dering done in these pares oh. nol And I reckon a woman has as fine feelin as a man I tell you, if my husband ever joins 'em or tries to get another wife, that day 111 hunt another Uentile. jset your lue on that." Applk Dumplings. Uncle Jemmy, said a waggish blade to one of the beet old gentle- men that ever lived or died, I am told that you are very fond of apple said the patriarch, 'when-I lived in Virginia I liked them better than anything else in the world, and could eat eighteen or nineteen oi them at a time; Put, somehow. since I came to Georgia, my appetite has so failed me that I can never eat more than fourteen or fifteen before they begin to clog up my stomacn, ABttse.

The way to 'bluff an habitual miney-borrower is to ask bun to lend you some. RKjurMB The width of a "crosd hint. be turned down, so as to denote the object of the call. The word on the right band corner, felicitation, will be used for visits of congratulation on some happy event, as, for instance, a marriage, or a birth; on the left lower corner, the word Conge, used for a visit previous to leaving town; the other corner is to be marked Condolence. Cards sent to friends before leaving for a long journey, are issued with the addition of P.

P. C. in the left hand corner. These cards are enclosed in heavy and elegant, though plain, envelope, ornamented with a tasteful monogram or initial. In wedding invitations, all abbreviations like eve, for evening, will be avoided, as well as p.

m. the word afcernoon being preferable. Invitations to ceremonious weddings consist of square note sheet, embellished with a large monogram in relief, entwining the combined initials of the bride and groom. The individuals cards of both a bride and groom must be also enclosed, united with a neat white satin tie: and. in some cases, another card, with reception days for the following month.

A verv neat style of card has the custom ary "at home" on a note sheet, a ceremony card (at fixed hour), and the united cards of bride and groom, all enclosed in splendid envelops, of the very finest texture, with an elaborate monogram or ornamental initial. Ante-Mobtex Obituaries A writer, de scribing the internal economy of the New York Tribune, has this about the "Biograph ical Bureau" of tbat newspaper: In the bottom drawers of this cabinet we find a series of carefully written obituaries of distinguished live men, all arranged al- and in charge of Dr. Wood, hev are curiosities in their way. Here is a bulky one, as thick and as long as your arm. It is marked "Peter Cooper." Here is a second a Lilliputian roll small enough to go into a needle case.

We find this labeled "The Life of Walt. Whitman." These obituaries are found valuable when news of a celebrated person's death is received at an early hour in the morning. Thaddeus Stevens died at Washington, at midnight, yet a fonr column sketch of his life appeared in the Tribune of that morning. It had been put in tvnn and was "standing" when the news of his death was received. This was the ease with Buchanan and Martin Van Uuren, the latter cheated the office so long that the tvpe was distributed, and the old man, with singular perverseness, died within two days thereafter.

This Diograpuicai uureau is, indeed, a rare feature. No under in Rod. At a parish meeting in one nf the towns in the interior of Penn sylvania, where a new meeting house had just been erected, the question was agitated witn respect to navmg a ugnming ruu put up. Opinions were freely interchanged, and the project seemed to meet with general faror, nntd an influential and wealthy old Ger man thus let himself swing: 'Now gentle mens, I tells you vot I tints. I tink we bash been to mush troobie and ex-pensh, and none hash gin tollars more as to build a church for to Lard, and next Sunday we gives it to him, and if he will dunder down his own house, den I says, let him dunder away I gives no vote nor monish for dundering roo.r This speech proved a settler ox tna question the entemriae was abandoned, the meeting was adjourned sine die, and the worthy parishioners harmonized beautifully over a glass of lager at the village inn.

A Fast Walking-stick A hurricane. NEW HUSLNKSS. OOD AND COAL, TBADK FOB SALIC. A half int. rest only, ia one of the first re tail Tarda in the city, many jears established an-t making money for the owners.

Th re. maining ptrtrar an honest, hard worUug man. Employ tarn to six men the whole year. A'riee, flBSO. or eaia cmiy vj delSt M.

V. WHITMAN, all MoatgT t. MANUFACTORY BY ACHTXEBY. Fi-B Sale A halt of a sood. estsblihed trade; work 25 men.

ApoaiUve paxins trade. Small capital required. delfst uiiaAa, TTILOTTRINO MILL NEKS. A FBACTICAT, jumer aoa uoNom uwi in some established business which haa future Mikmcta of doing well. Negotiations to be made vith delft-m B.

r. WBliaAfl, auuug 7 NEWSPAPER BOUTS WANTKD UN SO WE peraianently established dry paper. Will pay a fair valuation for the Bonte. ot limited in prioe. Negotiate acaah Bile ith dl-3t si.

P- WHITMAN. 313 Montg-y at frnvv nrcTVTcq wri RAT.T Long lease, good location and trade. Addiv to del 4-9 1 8. P. WHITMAN, SIS Mootgy st.

COM1IIPSION MERCHANTS. I W1IX SELL a part or the whole of jour boaineaa if it is a solvent navinffone). I have a rest eatable bn sines- party with tlO.OOX, more or leea, aa ptr value, to invest, com libiiqb jngwm. dtd4 3t S. F.

WHTTMA3I. 313 Montg'y at. PARTNER WANTED I1C A POUSD, WEIX established business which is not laborious. Always has and now making money, with exceUebt prospects in the future, 'he nature of which will be made known to a Bui table buy- del-St B. P.

WHITMAN, 813 Montg'y at. I. Bowaxi, H. D. iT.

Btwxoant, M. DBS. RO WELL BLUXOME, oSO' Kearny street. Office Houra-0 a. at.

to M-5 1 to at. ants Jtbb F. LEE fc Manufacturers of aadDealersla SANTA CRUZ LIME, Conatme, Plstasev, etra-kcrlefea, etn 3-411 corner iMTie sod Washington streets euST-fca MX rBAXCaOOb.

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