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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 8

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

RECORD OF: SOCIAL EVENTS PERSONAL NEWS Uri. Thome Oreen. ol I.turlm. Oat." aaaeuace the en rmsiit of their eldest daughter, 10 ir. a.

jats-sy eiusri. balding. Saskatchewan. to take viae s-l ntetl W. K.

Ierle announces ths engagement of 'hi daughter Violet Ana to- LUuL J. C. Mlskia. U.S. HT, tMwt aoa of Mr.

and Mrs. J. Mtaklna of Washington. Nurtu Carolina, aad grandson o( tea Hon. J.

C. Mieklna. KUsabeth 1117. North Carolina. Tha marriage will take viae quietly about tat middle of January.

ttr: 1. C. O'Connor, president of tha Civil Service Aasoelatloa. who )M been absent from hi oAes lo Ik Feat', OrBce Department since He middle at November' because of lilaeaa, is, returning to hls dutlee tfcls week. Mra J.

Charlotte llauluglon. chlei superintendent ol Ibe V.U.N, for Canada, left aWlurAiiy a Is Hi for He. gliia. where ana will consult with Sir ttk'hard Iha and the Ked Cross Society regarding tha Rural Nursiug Service for (hat province. Tills auralng aervice la particularly fur the returned soldier aettlera la Vt northern pert of tba province.

Mr. Haalngtoa'wlll also attend a Red Croaa Sorky meeting in reaver on IS. lo arrange for a similar nursisg service In British Crumble. A wedding of loaal interest iook DUce reoeaUy la Balcarres. ben Rublna Mcintosh, daughter of i.

ana Mrs. A. PouaMson, ol Ol t.wa. became toe brble of William Parator, aoa of Mr. and Mrs.

Martla Parmer of Balcarrea, bask. Mm! IS. H. Bt. Deal ealerUlned tba dnaant Saturday afteraooa In bones- of bar aebglaale daughter its Use.

Mr. Mayao lateta. MJe, P. K. Blondln and aide.

J5ir. Kov presided at the ten table. Mrs. Stern I Is Murphy, of To-vonio. wbo for the neat week has been tha guest Of Mrs.

Went Burae, returned to her hem. Sunday evenyj tng. Mr. 'aad lira. Stephen Haaa anj their three eons 'were- meajr the gotsts at Chsdlelfa and the dinner of Mr.

Alfred iJearamor. ut (r onto. Ir. aad Mrs. C.

H. Juvet and MU Panel a vet are visitor at aigvn-julit I 'ark. Mr. aad Mr. Wa.

Pugaley nd their little sua has retained to town after attending the holiday M-esoa with Mrs. Pugsley'g sister. Mr. Edward Mackar. Montreal.

Mian Marka and rioreneo Oreeno have returaed to anneatey Mail. To-roolo, to eoatlaae their university Work, having apont tba holiday as sin with thslr pa rents. Dr. and Mrs, m. It.

Greene. Me. Tred C. Beaodry. of King-atno, la visiting friends hi tb Capi-ut Mr.

and Mr. W. 8. Orlffln. of Tsui, have returned to their home after spending several weeka wtib Mra.

Mary Lamb, of Carletoa Msr-e. and Mr. and Mr Carl Lamb, af Bprweo atreec VMra. O. Beandry aad ugh, Lerralne.

bare returaed iim Kington. Tha holiday eeasoa toalmost over row. aad among those wbo helped cinhten the city during that Um were tba out-oMewa school gtrle oad bonv Maay of thaeo returaed Ji a-teX Cii Annual "I I w-m' Nyer frtn auch vstnet otferwd b(or i Janutry Sale. Never were such exquisite Modes shown -every 7 fsrment witV the Isat touches Of our nimble-fingered embroiderers just finished. 'These sdvsneed 1920 Styles are nsrke4 at prices prevaUing in the Autumn of 1919.

Diseonnt applies to every gsrment In our Sslons. -i. TO" realla that It is beyond human endeavor to curb the aoaring prices to do anything to prevent the hlghrf aoet of raw shine, expert la bor and rich lining which will pre-' ran aoxt aenaoa. yon will find that thU Annual January Sale la, well Th lilt Beaaoa left ta I to maka now garment re dUllngulshed by the highest quality peoalbl to tain. Irk design exclusive a they are beautiful.

Wo suggest a Vlatt at' your, earlleot rt Fxrluslvo Ottawa. OF THE CAPITAL to their varjoaa college on Batur- nay and gtunday. and aineag taoea were Cadets roter later, WIndlUer, Newfoundland: Beverley Sturgeon, Maurice- OUL Bill Elliot. Chsrlte liurdman Jtdgur Thotupaoa.i Kdward frlncs. Charle- Brrinston.

of Victoria. B.C. Ed Wall, and Cadet Titus, all K.MJC- otudenta. Messrs. Carl lugersotl.

Jack Allle MoVey. Sidney Harris, fcwart Caldwell. eslwjra Wlleun, Lawrence Parlow, Andy Kraaer. Rdwin Crala, Ted Kchlln. and John Macoun.

to McGUl Ui vereity. Messra Erld Haooa, Osmund Pratt. Clarence Baker. Loo Kock, Ueeri Walt. Jama W.

Tork. aad AVarerlck Toronto Uni versity. To McDonald College went the Mlaseo seats Nalatuith, pbyllU Mattlirwman. Peggy UuaJn. Nora and Hilda MoLenaghaA, Malsie Cur rla.

Margaret- Hurcomb. Madeleine bievenson. Victoria Peabody, Kitty Hilton, and Dorothy Harrja The Mlaeeo Marjorlo Meailsrsoa Giadyo May. Alta aad Qeaevieve Huliock. Dabde Barrio, Muriel Duuno.

Lorraine Hbortt. Itirone Macfarland. and Chriaaie Ooodwla left for Wueen'a tnl vereity. Kings ion. Galea entertained recent.

ly at her besno to a most onjoyabl bouse dano and CbrsUaaa Ire, Tba open meeting for all CUffslde Ski Club metnfcora waa held Sunday morning In RookcUSe, at 11 o'clock It tie lAeet waa put on at tha apeclal reuueat of an imponapt -movie- producer, who took theee res la of Dim. Misa Chriaaid Goodwin, daughter of Dean Goodwin of Wueen'a lol- srsily. who baa been tbo guest of Mian Phrowo Macfarland. returaed Sunday evening la JClogaten. Mis Marorla Orovsa.

Toronto, afauabter of and Mrs. W. (irevea. who for ui past weeg nas been the nueat of Of. J.

K. ana Mr. Haana. returned noma sanaay cvvaing. Mtan Lyla M.

Cowan ffcrnwly of Ottawa) who recently returned from overseas, after" three and a half years unrstng In Prone, ha been anendang tha Ctorlatmaa hoti days Ip the Capital the guest of her brother. Mr. Clarence Cowan, aiid of tier Mrs. Oeo. ttteveaa, Crelgbtan etreet, la returning Mew Tork tod-, Mra.

Vrnv Cleoiene Craig. Wood la wa avenna. oatorumed at tha tea hour Wodnoaday afternooa for her aaaghtara, tha Mlssee Eileen and OUvo Crala- Mian Madeline Splllal In returning to Toronto to spend a few daye with her nunt. Mra. W.

C. Toung. be fore returning to let) op tieinun College. i Dr. and Mr.

H. Juvet aad two children have returned from High- tend Inn, Algonquin Park, where they openi the Carte holiday. Mm. James of 111 Bun-nysldo avenna. held a a hewer" last week In honor of the bride-elect.

Mien Bbrfo Morrison, whaao marriage to Mr. R. H. Conley. takaa place ea Wednesday of tola week.

Mra. Cvnley waa assisted by Mies Vieletta Srharfe, and her twa daughter. Mleeee Beryl and Reta. Mies Merrlsen waa lb recipieai oi many beautiful gUt. Hon, trtr Kdward Kema aad Lady Kemp announce th approaching ilil VUl VUIi fiP Jiwutixy profiting by.

no Pur Over. for this Bale te, our Salon convenience. Torrler. Queen HH Halifax: Patrenlssd by II I.xrellenry. Ducheaa Ivotuhlre.

Wp have ad they pi Coming Mictngs. Arm' and' Navy Veterans Ladles Auxiliary A gsnsral mtlng will bs sals ea iu.ay eiaing, sea. si p.m., la he club rooms, Hprk trsst ll msmbsrs rseuested to at tsiie, as las alcvlloa ettlcer fur th new year win laae piece, v. marriage of their daughter. lLsac Baatrloe Stephen, widow of V.

Chat tan tttepheiis. lo Mr. A. B. Colville, of Campbellford.

Tha marriage Mia Gwn W'atchorn, daughter of Mr, aud Mra Thna Wstchurn, of Mrrrlckvllla aad Mr. W. M. Allan, avn of Mr, Henry Allan, of Carletoa Place solemnised In cU. tieorgeo Church Saturday.

U.C4. and Mra Pranristi. War. left for London last night on a mhof viett. Mr.

Thomas Robluette of Toronto, wbo baa been Uie gurst of Nr. George Wait, for tha past week, re turned home Sunday evening. Mian Helen Palen. burrfotrr. of Toronto, wbo lias been th guat of Mia Mary Mc.Nulty.

returned home recently. Mr. Leo Rock, who tu been speeding the ChrUtiu.i. tscatkin with al parents, returord Hjturosy to Continue bis studies In Toronto. Through the courtfjy of Mr.

11m- Icy. the Girl Guides havs the use of Ibe Regent Theatre every morning, for rebearasU. starting a week from Saturday. The (iuUie huve formed company of theatrical aniateura. who will play In tha Kegent Theatre In thd mornings to bcurnt a new Protaatant Orphan's 'Joins building lune.

xne prue or au mission win ten cent and It la hoped that tbeae girls admirable work will meet with great success. Captain Carlrton llanlngton. Cm who spent Christmas and New years with his parent, ha return 04 to McGllL Cap la H. A. Rrlffrnsteln la a guest at tik Chateau rronieuac.

Quebos. Th Misee Jeasl and Edith Mo Lachlln and Mr. Jack McLachlln, left Sunday evening for a throi months' vMt In South America. At Dundee. Scotland, on Decern SI.

1114. by Her. W. J. Cos.

Aktgaader, son of tbo lata Alesan- oer and Joan uonaiason, waa mar rted to Minnie, daughter of llatoll ton Edgar, Belfaat. Ireland, present address (1 Adlla atroot. Ottawa. Mia Grace Carletoa entertained nt a -most enjoyable holiday danco in in Mawon Clua rooms last evening. Mr.

and Mrs. Waterfleld. of Mont real, and Mr. Ralph athehyn. of Virginia, aro the guests of Mr.

A. R. Shhn at the Aylmer. The regular rehearsal of th 0prett4 being stagwd by tha Young Peopl' Social and Dramatic Club af He Patrick's Partsb waa held Friday evening In the ParUli 1U11, on Gloucester treat. i Mian Dorothy Sinclair' Cadet lea.

Sunday afternoon, was a -very charming aad pueceoaful Innovation. Mian Jfarjorl Slaclair received the gueets with her sister, th former wearing a band some tea gown of soft black charnaeua. Mia Doro thy's frock was of pal blue aatln. angora, trimmed. The tea table with Its- centre of palo pink roses sad fern waa presided over by Mia Majioa Thompson and among.

tha meet war tho Misses Ines and Edna Mood la, Anna MeArthur, Isabel Dowllng. Joan Grlerson. Nan Beorbv "Anna Tormey, Margaret Pothering bam, Naomi Jarvla, Mar. garef Qusta and Cadets Tttua, Poster Winters, Wlndllior, of Newfound land. Beverley Maurtr Lamb.

Bvaa OIIL J.III Elliot. Charie Umrdmangi. kSdgar- ThawiPsn.JSdW warm rrino. Chane Enrlngton, I Victoria. ItC, Edward Walts, Me, or.

John Maooua. Cecil Cos, Duncan McTavlih, Hanry GUI, Erie Haana aad Jack Anntrnv XMTKJtTArXm FOR BRIDE. ELECT. nnv-Wn, amlated by her Mra. Hugh Coaiey, la tho tatter's apartmeata atrtaJBd nbont youac gaeets la honor of n.

THE OTTAWA JOURNAL. 1 AND WOMAN'S WORLD i i 1 Values in Ws art offsrlng our largest and most beautiful display of run of known quaJltj and itjle at greatlj reduced jnicea. -Some Of Our Unequallecl Reductibxu HJTDSOJf UAL COATS, TKXZCIZO WITH ALAEXA SABLB fpAfW-Mada 'front best goallty skma. sBJUtJ hav UrcS'Cap ahawl collar and Ksrp suffs of bent auality Alaska awbls. full box styles finished and packets, fancy brocaded Willow silk lining 4S aad long.

Regular lt. HITDSOIf 8KAL -WITH BZAYZX CA Lnrgs shawl dltar. eywvv nneet dark rnU furred B'avvr. Pull length. Lined la beautiful Pussi autiful Pussy Jawwary Sato Prtca $385X5 Hudson seal Alwaka Sabl X49C Cnp and shawl collars' and jTstw cuff of extra gnallty Alaska able.

Loos rippled skirt. Choice Hudson Seal afclna, 0274 staaaary Rale prtc 9lleV 4 Aleuka'; Ves and stoles. IIear: ilr fnrred and beautifully lined. Jan. ia ei'nn Prlca Mia Elal UvrrUgn, who mar- riago lo Mr.

Hubert Conley takes plaeo Wednesday. Jan. 7. Mra. tDr.) J.

J. Danby poured th coffee, wbilo Mr. James Coaiey cut th Icon, Mra si Was naalateg by Wu. Colo-and Clarence U. Spence.

i PKVKilUTTA. On Cbrialmaa Day at tho homo of Mr. George Latta. Corbyvllle, th nirrLu took place of his pungent daugbur. Misa Edith L- and Mr.

Ernest' V. Paarsall, formerly of Shannonville. but now of Mexico. The trldnor'lvVryfttk--and- net embroidered, la silver, and veil aad orange blpaaonie aud was given an ay by her father. Her only at lendant waa little dower girl.

Miss Muriel Prlngle, wearing a frock of whit Swiss, and carrying pink rosebud. Rev. J. S. McMullen of Cannlfton officiated.

Tha groom gift to the brld was a diamond and ruby ring. After the wedding luncheon the brld and groom left for Ottawa. They will reside In Mexico. DAWOKON VI.NLBKRi;. At the home of.

Sir. and Mra! J. Preimau. the wedding of Mia Beck Vtntbcrg, daughter or the late Alexander Vineberg. to Mark Davidson, a Rldeau street furrier, was aolemnlsed at sis o'clock Bunder eveniiix.

The bride la a njeeo of Mr. ami Mrs. M. Btlsky. and one waa attended by Mia Lucy Bllsky as brldesniuld.

Hh worn a pretty sown of navy nlnon. witn a blaca picture hat. aad corsage bouquet of orchid. Mia tutsay worn orcnia panno velvet and carried pink rose buds. The ceremony was perform' rd In the drawing room, which was decorated with roeebuda, by Rabbi S.

Pyne and Rabbi J. Mtrsky of tho lildeau Street Synagogue. Amongtb ut-of-lowa gueata at in wedding sad for dinner were: Mr. and. Mra Alec Bllsky.

lb Miase Anal and Evelyn Bllsky. of Montreal: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pierce. Mr.

Sydney Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. N. Silver, Mr Also Silver, and Mr.

A. W. Jacob. all of Montreal. Mr.

and Mra, Davideoa will reside In tho Wallace Aparimeoia, augm e- i WT.DDlXU A.tXIVEIlSART, and Mra R. Bowea were hiar'ried In Ottawa oa January I tit. by the Rev. Dr. Moor of Bank street Presbyterian and on Sunday afternoon last, tho I lib, an nlveraary of that happy occasion they received' the, and beet wishes of over one hundred friends.

Lieut, and Mr. Bowen four chll dren were present. Mr. Harold Bowen. tlfb oldest.

child, saw three years' active service oversea with no ind Canadian Macnino uu Corps, snd waa also a member of the array of occupation In Germany. Th Mlssee a reta and Thelraa Bow on ore living at homo and th young-set member of. tbo family Is Master Gordon. Lieut. Bowen was-a prominent re cruiting officer aad instructor daring tho Svo years war.

aad Is now Ot laws Humane Society inspector. Tha charming boat received her guest In a simple. yet becoming gown of taupe georgette. xna nrawing room was aaornea with narcissus nnd 'mumay while the oa-labia waa centred with marguer ite and fern. Mrs.

Wm. Smith. Mrs. Qeorge Crawford. Mrs.

Rowland. snd Mrs. N. MeArthar presided at Iho fea-table, assisted by Mrs. J.

McLaren. Mra T. Rlngroa. and Mra. U.

Noyee, sisters of th hostess, alo Mleeee Greta Bowen. Ruby Cowan w. Ho land. Dr. J.

J. Danby proposed a toast, wishing h-eal'h. happiness and prosperity to th Lieutenant Snd hi RJDEAC BALL SKJtTtXG PARTY. nipping atmosphere. I'orreou sunshine, splendid msato and, by no means least, a glistening sheet of Ice all did honor to tha' first skating party of th New Year, given Satur day aflameon at Rideau Hall.

Their Kseeneaciea received th guests, who nam bored nearly tee. at tho on-' trance of the skating 'lodge. Th HUDSON SZAL COATS, BZLT nOOOD eWOkt rull wld e7asej rippled coats Of No. ,1 Hudson Seal skins. Larg With belts and Pwary 41 inches collars aad deep enfr.

enrrs. utuiiy wneu Jai SaasP-rtc-s $385X3 and cuffs. Beau- $265X3 Beau dson -Seal rl i VT-r Coats lasawanntsnjBWsSBBwBwsm WTJZ CAPS Seat Jocksy Caps: All siwa. Otter, Bearer Persian, Mink. Epecial Jairaary Bala Prioaa.

122 Rideau St. YOU AfiD YOUR MONEY Sill Si A Widow's Investment Problems By Jufaa THE wonunwh seeks my 'advice 1 la a widow. Hlia la a working woman, but tna auto or her bealih prevents ber frerrt putting In full lime on hr lob. She very greatly Worn-led and with reason, This' la what she writes: "Not long aao. before I began to listen to Iho advlco of a stoiik btok-sr.

owued two LOSS bonds of two big packing companies on psylng ms ti a year la interest and. the other M. I owned tea chare of a steeping car company inat paiar I per cent, dividend a yetr, I owned ten share of a copper stock, which paid ms JS a year. Thus my total income wss I31S year. Not much, but It was paid regularly.

Then cams tha broker. ''II Inducted me, tint, to buy 10 thares of a certain slock on margin this was rhemloal company stock, snd I paid a share or promised to pay that. It began to go down, and In order to cover my lues he advised ni to buy on margin 3t shares of a carriage company stock st 1147 -ha said It would g. up to im. -Then ha suggested an oil slock at Its a share It hares.

And. Anally, a leather alock 1 share at a share. I turned over to the broker one of the packing comBnny bonds, which sold for HI. 1 sold tb other snd gave him lite 'of the proceeds. I signed over th copper stock, but he hae net sold It yet.

lie tails ms taat hs has to pay 11 per cent, on th money borrowed charming hosts looked exceedingly well in a gown or navy colored m-colette, with beautiful sabl furs and a small black pa nas rotvst too us. Her Excellency did not skats, nor did tha Ladles Blanch and Dorothy Cavendish. In th grand entry HI Excellency' partner was Mrs. A. Calder.

who looked very charming ta a dark green velvet skating cos tume, lynx trimmed. Little Lady Anne-, in smart coat and bonnet of ermine, went through the Intricate movements of th waits with Professor ChatU. Varied aad gay war th costume worn oa tho to a larg number of aathnslaatlo skaters, while for maay th cosy fires built through out tho lodge wsre a real attraction. Among those present were Lady Borden. Hon.

W. Macksnxl King. Hon. J. S.

and Mrs. McLennan. Plag Lient, and Mrs, Douglas Nelles, Mrs. Arthur Slftoa. Mrs.

Dennis, Col r. B. Wsre. Prof, aad Mrs. K.

A. Stone. Mrs. Charles O. Cop land.

Mum Katharine Cop land. Md. P. E. Blondln.

Mrs. Arthur Melghsa, Miss Booth. Mr. and Mra VArey Bcott. Mrs.

Walt. Msaars. Walt aad Mr. Thomas RoblaetM, af Toronto: Dr. and Mrs.

A. i Leggo, Mrs. Stuart Hawklaa. Lady Kin gem 111. Japan -ae Consul and Madame Ps- ruya.

Mr. aad Mrs. J. u. roster.

Mr. Ma uric Goor, Mr. W. B. North run, M.P Mrs.

MU Bred la Atkinson. Mrs. O. Armstrong, tho Miane Walker. Major H.

Horsey. Mrs. W. P. Lett.

Mr. snd Mr. Dudley Oliver, Mrs. Philip Ritchie. Mrs.

P. A. Aelaad, Mia Mary Aelaad. Mrs. P.

J. Nicole. Mlases Dorothy aad Nora Nleolan, Mine Dorothy SmalL Miss Prise. Cadet Edward Prince, Cadet Charles Krrlagton. Victoria- B.C.: Mrs.

Jus-tic Anglln. th Misses Anglla. Miss Nora Bangs. Mass Dorothy Jonktna, Mrs. T.

P. Poran. Mrs, TB. B. Eddy.

Caaow and Mrs. Ksada, Miss Pnoob Reade. Mrs. Sharpie. Mies Betty Sharpie.

Mlas CaroUn pvickateed. Mr. and Mrs. J. O.

re ley. an. ward Mlesas Oaborna and Rachl Poly. Mlas Anna Tortnsy, Mr. aad Mrs.

Charles Stuart. Mr. and firs. Harold Short. Mr.

aad Mrs, W. Cods, Miss Cods. Mrs. O. L.

Pluaket. Mlas Plorenos Plunkett. Mrs. J. R.

Simpson. Mrs. Prank lyu Aheam. Mlaseo Annie aad Jessie Low, Mrs, Taylor MeVslty, Mrs. Oor.

don Oais. Mr. aad Mrs. TK P. Crulk- haak.

Mrs, Prank Mrs. Plaher. Mrs. Duncaa Campbsll Beautiful Furs Tha lnoomparahlf low flgures now -oarked on aur axquiiite garaenti art not nearly tho cost of tho raw- skins la today! inarkita. KT5X KAUS0T COATS, 'SXAL TKBOXLDY port Co to af flV aatrtst styl.

Trlromed with shawl collar and' cuffs of Seal. SIHt lined. LTrX $115.00 Australian and border. January Sato Sals JOUDSOV 07 CftPlns waf eel wait sr coat. Plnt 9asi welt auliud lining; collars.

M. OaklaxM. to carry my stock. Is ry short with ms. nnd wants to sell out.

But I cannot afford to toe so much, and wonder if you can tall what I ought to do. I still havo my IS shares of sleeping car' company stock that I can use to protect what bo bought for ma" I took at today's quotations for these stocks to discover this widow's position. Tho chemical stock, for which she paid II a is down te 174. Tho ewrriag company slock, costing 1147. is down to 113 a.

Th oil atvck la down 143 I shar from ti. 4. Prom I liars th leather stock has dropped to 117. Hex i a total lows of IIJM. To this must be added the Interest charged on tho unpaid balance due oa th stock bought on tuargla and th broker's oommmlaslorur for sailing hsr bond and buying th stocks.

This last item ahould not, however, amount to luor than 110. Now tho broker wants her to sail and It's the best way out for ber. She ha sacrificed over 11.100 In order to make about IS In ciirarals-e aioua for that broker! For be had no reason for thinking th stocks hs sdvlaed her to buy were going up be had no information that was convulsing. This woman problem la that ot many others who are drawn Into tho Block market at times of great speculative excitement. Such victims always get in at tu top ana seu out at th bottom.

Scott. Mr. and Mrs. 81m cos Mont- nm the Mlssns linnlniintrv. Mlas Kathleen MeArthur, Mies Ma 1x1 McLean.

Mlas Ev-, Lewis, Ms. and Mra J. A. Kodd. Mr.

and Mra W. C. Pound. Mrs. M.

J. Lyons. Mias Mara-uerlts Coagrovs. MranSurn Dale Murphy, sf Toronto; Mr. "Robert Praser.

Mr. aad Mrs. Gordon Grant. Mr. and Mrs.

W. J. Lynch. Mlas Lily McXJee, Miss Lola Wilson, Mr. T.

A- Beament, Mr. Normaa Glanalll, Mr. aad Mr. Walter reave. Mr, Pusor Greaves.

Mrs. Creeear Gaa- klna of Toronto: Mr. Hoimee, of Toronto: ths Misses Gladys aad Norma Rogers, Mrs. Alan Keefer and othera CHARMISG HOCHB DANCE. Oa of th last of holiday bouse dances for young people was given Saturday evening by Mrs.

J. Angus) McKesai la honor of her daughter Helen, who leaves very soon to attend school In Compton. P.Q. Ths Utile rakesn d'etre wore a dainty gowa ot frilly blue silk net. silver trimmed.

Raes'a orchestra waa In attendance, supplying splendid musio for ths daaoera. a Among those present war th Mlasas Nora MoCayUiy. Peggy Me. Laron. Lola Pranck.

Mardy Parker. Dorothy aad Betty Hurcomb, Coo-stano Caan. Constance Winter, Ruth Wilkin. Eleanor Mulvey, Margaret Queln. Louie Qualn, Uobel Blyth.

Vara Blrkett, Katherta Kortkway of Toronto. Jaa Wads-worth. Margaret Davis, aad ths Mian a Harry Tamplett. Doa Bat. Ed.

Austin. Char lis Mulvey. Roily Evans, Ed. Taylor. Alex.

McLaren. Cadet Morris Lambe. Henry aad Evaa OUt. Cadet WIndlUer. Cadet Winter, Jack BhlUington.

Alan PowalL Cyril Bill. Law Cox Cadet Ahem. Iaa Brunei, aad Kenneth Ontario. I THE rCTGEB KAIL'S HIHTOatT. Tho rapidity ru growth 4Tths aalla a IndtcatHra oV tha Ileal Lb, Th frrwwth til Chi right hand is in vnswt peopl rnore rapid than thoos oa ths left wand.

Another curloas point Is that tho rats growth or whs nail as-pends directly ea. Uis length of ths flnger; thus toenails ea tha two mid die flngtra sf jnea grow uxor rapidly than thos on ths Arst aad third fingers respectively, aad tbess ta tarn ara-aaora spdy to ths growth tba thoe ow -th Uui opossum abawl collar, "cuffa, JDwiulsitely 4elwtl sporr. Prloa i i IZAL lfZCZPZZCZS ullty okins, silk UQed. Can Wem ever MA fi PsTenCsB f'sWwWw RACCOOlf COATS full furred. tnatcJiod sklntw Plain and large frtiawl and square 0O9C Art Preon eSaes.VV IOTJACC00irCOATS If Well furred January 5 "U- SI75.C0 Bldeaa vnd Nlchoha fitreotj Suitable For Smart Sport costumes Ko wardrobe) la complete) these days "without at least one smart Knitted Wool Set for sport wear.

'The opportunity afforded in choice of style and color is so extensive that a becoming costume of this type is easily selected, and if yon make it your-(elf, you can have one at an unusually moderate price. Por Ladies' Sport Sweaters We Recommend: JL 4-pIy A stronf, faH'yarn in a beautiful ranrs of colors, inelading Hist Orsy, Baff, Tobaoeo Brown, EhaU, 1Iiut, Hell ay Pnrple, Chinese Bins, Copennagsn, Emerald, Coral Boas, Old Boss, American Bcaatr, Cerise. Price 15.00 lb. XDcmbk ITirtttrng.WocJ (Forbes make) A fan, soft yarn in a anitabla weight for sport a-weatert. Colons Seseda, EmeraldVlolet, Cardinal, Hose, Torqnolse, Tsn, aad Old lose, COo perj 2).

pkt, or $180 lb. Boimarmirta i-piy Ttngninz. This a lig-bter wei--nt yarn than tho prerionslj mentioned, and mora suitable for palloTer sweaters. Colors are light and Dark Turquoise, Copenhagen, Rose, Maroon, Salmon, Aprieot, Champagne, Brown, Nile, Flame, and three shades ot Heather. Price $100 lb, or Wo for 2-oa.

pkt. SaUsrin's Taaxla WooL fipeeJany or making braalied i weatera. Colors Copenhagen, Btj, Pink, Vernon, Emerald, Ijarender, Purple, Coral Old Squirrti, Orsy, Black. Price $180 lb, or 80o Konavroh Down. CorUoaHl AnntnJansx ban.

18 different 8 For Men's and Boys, Heavy Sea and and Golf Hose pAT(araJt-UYYwf: Inlhree ahidos ol Heather Khaki. $100 1 PATOJTI S08X VTBXXUBM TS reo anade OrayWhltaj; Lorat leather, and Brown Heather. $3 JO and $3b. sxuuvx TurantEf 4PLT Three ahadea of Grer, four1 ahadea of Heather; Black $5.00 and $555 lb, Bpadal ral laat Boiinai1 worth ZJrt Gray, Blade. SOJOlb.

xomrufo ktsio cvcb. w.i.. Uiul. rlnK fa wtew Ins its second special coneert on Thursdar noralng. January I.

at lev en o'clock, la Gt Patrick's HalL A talented young Canadian, Mr. i. Davidsoa KeSohum, plaalst. la ta he tha artist tor this recital. Mr.

J- 1 A tA I- Iwt A ixwiviilim mm wvwm -T ketrhum, of Coboerg. Ha -waa a pupil of Madame Kathariaa Oood-son la Ixmilon. England, tor two mmm ISM Mlntlfl1tfllfll hi studies nnder L'LSvlno is Bsrlla. when war nroaa sen. no span roar years In the British civilian prison campi and returned to Canada last spring.

Mr. Ketchom has ehoeea Iho CollswiRg asugnuni programtjris for his concert hsr: IL Soenos from Childhood scaaman lit. Prelude in aod P. i Ktuds in P. ur-it tok A fbl IV.

Study (Storm la the Pores Snd Arabesinr. Dabussy Rhapsodl ta E. Brahms MUtek Morns uralnger vi' mxmaa ughs. ether laa da. th girls ta Turkey ara always looking for sign snd happenings that ara supposed to.predlot if as thy pass a ho re in tha street th animal snens.

they regard this aa a Burs indication that they will, not remain alngto much longer. If girl's hair becomes noctdsntalty an-fastened, fr eats a peach son-lalnlng a wpllt kernel. confident Uiat sh will soon he wedded. PTCTfTO -CTTOEKN A Vtiea' tn fuH tollsg th beech remarkable Tnr Its olos -ihade and coolness. Th branch nd such parts erf I he Iris a cannot mors usefully ejpployea anaks pltal firswoed.

Wools for J-o pkt. colon. 85a per different colors. soa per i-ox I per 1 BALDWnri WEZXLQfa Heather Brand.) I Dark i Narjr and )ChakL $353 ft. I Also irM Crrty '-Ulllb.

Batata ara t-pacial prioaa, i r- aATJTrTEf 1 -7 doubk oiirxaa' mita. Light Grej, Heather, $180. and $100 lb BALDWEfS maxxTjr 0 'WhlU Heather brand. THiitv ra 'Mid Grey, Nary. $175 lb.

tbk HAxma.nuuikJn w.iL.-;- Ths pocket kaadkerchlsf known as sreklaf sbiwis skef a asearlna1 Sor the bwad; than ta h. cam kandkarchlef. oTtinc tor th'hd sarrUd ta tbs haadi ana at last pocket kaadksrehiaf, a Aswt a Mm Smm wJV m. Wa BV a "ti a-aa-a am w-aia-si aasaBB ana kspt ta tha pockat. CHECKERS FAMILY Fine Piuntings From England; Ta ar larltsa ta iaspaet thssoi.

lection of ehole Paintings brenght from ths "Cooling' Galleries," Bond Stroot. tiondon, now a flew at J. 7ILS0N CO. its KPABJU IIre yon ean ehooee a piano, player-piano or phonograph with absolnte confidence of 189 Sptrkt Street la tnaiw sUtawas; Bmmm aba mmxr IT1.

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