The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 3
- Publication:
- The Ottawa Citizeni
- Location:
- Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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- 3
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Science Panel Disagrees On A-Fallont Hazard CD -1 7., it "We rttit 1 rorcrwl fcr layout UAtj," Dr. E. A. to tk 0 fc.p.e-s of the Allurxt Ml yet t. effect' rad.o-ac'.ive particle oa i reproduce "Of -exposure," he claimed, "will eaiii a of til, oa ti-r kt.iJit above are r.ore la ra'ia'ioa fall-out thaa Others, Dr.
Musa rerr.irked. in in hu been eiporH, on the by cfcjirn-fi, Dr. J. Cromwell Vourz, it ed.tor of CjniKiUn fiv-rnrre nt rrprrwn-: pr 1 were Dr. H.
li J. Nabitt, I the EnrjclupifCia Canadian, ta'ivf, Ka'iona we profMior of it Carleton Dr. Mann cr.a'c'ainH that the coxm;" on ra'iio-arttve in i University ird his eoilea'e nuclear te; should atopved. ligation. In 4 panel dura, Dr Aba Mjr.n, professor of becae are it til ka lit oa "Suclea 1 phytic.
I unable to the effect change in the cell. Taj may swe to one of the chsirnun be imroe.U!, or it may cot be questions, "Science nrutral evident for federal gesera-are :r.tisu?" tAat everal el hu awMxia'cs haJ reiijned it Dr. Watkinion broui'fct out fovera-Tsent scientist, bcau Tes'S ind Human Survival The authority rupl-Ined, Tbe lively diruU wu of eadio-artivfty oa future geo- it niiiufH in the Unitarian only i fraction of tl-e naiurai or Uiii etfiifi! proQem. Mr. Young Usar.ked the three experts for dealing trith the uncertain ubject btfore a audience of layrrien.
and M's. Georie Carr.eron thanked the panel oa betaif of the Evening Alliance. tirs If'! irr tfi.f fir Vh ft jrrt! Ihaf If It in lh fl.irittinn fr.A! The Quality You Know At Important Savings! Gr6ups Plan New Buildinji AO DAS Eli YET In Ottawa Left to rfht: 3. CromtJ Young. acia! editor Encyclopaedia Canadiana; Dr.
E. A. Wilkinson. Canadian representative JJ committee on svlenre; Dr. Mubb, pft)-sicist and Dr.
H. 11. J. Nesbltt, biologist of Carleton University. Phio by NU Nuclear scientist indicated last night they were not afraid of the level of radiation throughout the world due to fallout as yet, but they considered it would be dangerous if allowed to increase.
The scientists held a panel in the hall of the Unitarian Vhurcii sponsored by Evening Alliance. The Collegiate Institute Board will meet with City Council November 10 to air p.alems and outline their 10-year proposed building plan. The meeting a dinner meeting at gideau.Hlrh School at 630. annifii need, at -W9 The Ottawa Citizen last night's IB.meeJing.bir the. board j'aa'df the Advisory-.
TUESDAY. OCTOBER ti, 19S7 Pag The Pag; Biises For OTC Will Serve Oilawa Soon ttf 'wO place theeprop'oe'd' pla'n hefory Couiv tdiScused eeir nruvrrOi li the Inclusion of auditorla in the cost-fstimate of seeond units of the Rideau. R.ids'emont ahrt Laurentian High Schools will also come up at the meeting. Only other new business to come up at the CIH meeting was the decision to invfst the $14,133 (Cheque received from the Adam Ballantyne Estate for a five-year period, on a guaranteed investment basis. The income will be used to provide scholarships at Llsgar and Glebe Collcgiates.
ion city routes. He said there I had: been some controversy over fwhether the city should use small. A NEW L0OK FOR BUSES; As an economy measure Le OTC Is going to use. a more', simple pain.t-job on.its'buVes. As a new buset Just.
delivered will" nave silver roof, grey.siucs and red trim. Any other 'buses quiring a painting will 'get; the same treatment. Up Id now the buses have be tf given a black roof, grey sides and elaborate gold and red border trims. The estimate was that the OTC could save about $100 per bus in cost of materials and labor by using the new Fifteen gleaming new byses were officially turned over to the OTC by Canadian Car in a ctremony held at the Chateau Launer on Monday. These latest additions to the OTC fieet have a capacity and are the largest buses the system has ever had.
Itiey cost about SB. 000 each. The buses feature an air- or large vehicles. Tests wlta the new buses would the size of bus most suitable tb Ottawa's needs. Higb Licence Fees The OTC ehairmaa registered objections to "excessive" licence fees charged against buses by the Ontario Highways Deparl- suspension system which will' merit.
Licence fees for the 15 provide very comfortable riding buses for the remainder of this painting system. yeaT would come to $1,530. If the buses had been available in the first half of 1957, the full tax would have been $3,060. By contrast trolley buses were charged only a nominal licence fee of $2. Mr.
McMillan suggested bus manufacturers should approach the province, seeking a reduction in licence fees. for OTC patrons. Another attraction is the safety gate at the exit door which operates a brake and acceleration inter-lock. The rertif.cate for the 15 diesel buses was turned over to OTC chairman David McMillan by A. W.
MacKenzie of the Canadian Car bus division. Mr. McMillan noted some of the buses were now being tested Ak STARTS jTIflTW 9 A.M. WJiiyy. vrv WEDNESDAY I tj 25 cnd M0RE i aV 4f 1 9 A.M.
Feature ML 2-PAOT SITS 1 VALUES TO REG. 59.50 1 1 fU AND 69.50 I 43RD yJJnfp I CELEBRATION PRICE CELEBRATION PRICE 1 Quality suits well tailored of Imported English ma I I worsteds in neat conservative patterns, plain grey, I I charcoal and blue flannel worsteds. Young mens iT) I nafurals, stouts, shorts and tails in the group, I I- sizes 35 to 46. I pants! ft I 1 linEfiRlIO 711 ICC SI I All wool English flan- I IliFAll1 HO IT ITll nel worstedi In grey, I 1 1 Bm Ul II xJr If lal Ha uJr i charcoal, brown and ivl I blue' 1 fi- SPORT COATS I to 22.50 1 I REG. -v 1 CELEBRATION PRICE 39.95 O) Qfl 1 1 43RD i mJ3 I I BK 1 I CELEBRATION Lb I I fij I I jjj II i Our regular well tailored handwoven Harris Tweed I 1 coaU in a variety of handsome shades.
sssssis LIMITED QUANTITY SHIRTS I whites and fanciei In- 1 -n jm. 1 eluding woven broad- i i fjl ft HI I cloth and fine count 1 I II ij 1 VJi lilt I 144x78 whites. Popu- I I 1 II li II 11 ll 1 II BH I lar shcrt point collars I Vii KJJ UU Vjir I In single and double I I cuffs- sizes 14 i I REC.T0 5.95 REG. iV I 43rd 49.95 AND 59.50 PRICE 1 43RD 'kin CALENDAR OF EVENTS Parkdale Church Orchestra, Parkdale Memorial Hall, 8.30 p.m. Ottawa Little Theater, Teahouse of the August Moon, 8.30 p.m.
Banning MP's Free Cards For Christmas Ministers, deputy ministers, and chairmen of boards and committees are going to have to buy their own Christmas cards this year. A directive has gone out from the Treasury Board barring the fre supply of plain Christmas cards to such officials and permitting their addressing by government stenographers and mailing at government expense. The move Is partially an economy move. But that Is not the whole reason, Treasury Board officials said. "The cards were plain and went out unsigned from a list supplied by the officials.
They did not mean anything and there was nothing personal to them. It aeemeU pretty useless." One department suggested to the Board that the plan be scrapped. And the Board was only too happy to oblige. The cards were formerly printed and supplied by the Government. Printing Bureau and In some Instances ran into thousands.
Work Saved The ban will not only relieve the bureau from the work of printing the cards but will relieve stenographers of the tedious task of addressing the thousands of cards. There will also be the saving of postage usually a government charge and congestion will be relieved to some extent In the post office handling of thousands of cards carrying no personal meaning and sent out often from lists not revised In years. Japanese Maples For City A gift of 125 Japanese maple trees from the city of Tokyo i now on its way to Ottawa, last night's meeting of the Recreation and Parks Committee was told. The news wa conveyed in a letter from C. E.
Pearce, secretary of the Board of Control. Aid. Charles "St. Germain, chairman of the committee, said the trees would likely be planted In the new Ottawa Municipal Tree Nursery on the north side of Montreal Road, adjacent to the Brewer Creek sewage disposal plant He announced that the nursery would be officially opened this Friday at 12.45 p.m. "Eventually we plan to have the sewage plant completely surrounded and hidden by trees," said Aid.
St. Germain. New Plantings Some 1,800 saplings will be planted In the new nursery, Including 800 removed from the city's present nursery on Federal District Commission property on Riverside Drive east of Smyth Road. Deputy parks commissioner R. F.
Neil reported that the planting of 330 young maple trees in the Westwood area, north of Carllng and east of Woodroffe Avenue, had already been Initiated. "We know that last year 80 percent of the trees died," acknowledged commissioner J. Alph Dulude, referring to the city'i previous planting program. "But this year we are obtaining our trees from certified nurseries." Previously, he said, hit department had obtained trees'-for planting "wherever we Today Federated Women's Institute of Canada, Chateau Laurier, all day. Ottawa Winter Fair, Coliseum, all day.
Horse Show at 7 30 p.m. Ottawa Toastmasters Club, Beacon Arms Hotel, 6 p.m. University of New Brunswick Club Annual Dinner Dance, Assembly Hall, 6.30 p.m. Quota Club, Chateau Laurier, 6.30 p.m. Courtland Heights Community Association Annua! Meeting, Carleton Heights Public School, 7.30 p.m.
National Capital Region Branch, Community Planning Association of Canada, 151 O'Connor Street, 8 p.m. Parents Association for Cerebral Palsied Children, Erskine Presbyterian Church Hall, 8.15 p.m. Camera Club of Ottawa, Room 3039. National Research Council, Sussex Drive, 8.15 p.m. Lecture on Childbirth Without Fear by Dr.
Grantly Dick Reed, Technical High School, 8 15 p.m. Lecture on Childbirth without Feafv Dr. G'rantly Dick Reed. Technical High School, 8. 15 Wednesday Federated Women's Institute of Canada, Chateau Laurier, aU day.
Ottawa Winter Fair. Coliseum, all day. Horse Show at 7.30 p.m. Richelieu Club, Chateau Volunteers Workshop for Senior Citizens, St. George's Anglican Church, 1.30 p.m.
Y's Men's Club, YMCA, 8 p.m. City View Kiwanis Club, Green Valley Restaurant, 6.30 p.m. Public School Board Property Committee, 7.30 p.m. Separate School Board, 8 p.m. i Ottawa Power Squadron, Technical High School, Room 106, 7.30 p.m.
National Museum Lecture, 8.15 p.m. Ottawa Little Theater, Teahouse of the August Moon, 8.30 p.m. Miles Are NtitimwIn 'Ham' Talks a.e the 'basement-, occasion the wives arid 1 Ken recalled. "That was a week or-10 days after he got his transmitter going." This contact, however. By Philip Cooper 5 CMieif' Staff Writer, For.
Kenneth G. Willing, of 163 FanshaVft'vfii'ueo waiting" letters must, seem' very- dull and Sof 'hernuch preferslio ichildrcn also took part in the was made over another ham sta-j could find them. The saplings being planted trans -'Atlantic conversation Kenis wife, Pat, with Janice. 11, Susan, seven, and Ricky, three talk with his friends, directly wife, even, though tjjey. re thousands a half, and Bud'a It I i Frasces, with Arlene, 10, Delise, of rriileVaw3y.
tion operated by. Frank Lay, on nearby Avenue. This spurred Ken Willing to finish his own transmitter, and within "a week or so the brothers established a regular conversation schedule. "Letter writing went by the this year are shorter Mr. Dulude told the committee, but healthier and better looking.
"They're only lpfeet high," he said, "but 'Inside of three years trrose trees will be 18 to 20 feet is how has. beea An amazing special purchase of fine imported tweeds' .3 for 10.00 ill iat.iaii aiiu oci iii sicic sbricj. i. ayside then," Ken confessed. At times the signals wertare.OS rt VIlCT ly audible, he said, but'usuklly diffy With Matches Fsfflbhshing clear Tonunica- U.
seven, and Scott, eight months. Bud went to Germany nearly two years ago as a captain and radar technician with the 40th Canadian Infantry Workshop, RCEME. Before he left, however, the brothers madetcs to establish radio contact with each other, and work was started on building a new transmitter for Ken. Capt. Willing took part of his own mobile transmitter with him, and overseas he assembled the rest of his equipment from bits tion.
When the siznalsbecame Start 97 Fires i i II 1 i 1 1 I I 1ZJ hiW COATS Handkerchiefs Gerrrjafty. last December 'untiL, two brothers cJiStted person-t' person over 4,000 mjies of land and ocean. It's alllone, of course, by the magic of home-made radio for Ken and Bud both are "haras." Ken operates his 90-watt basement transmitter as VE3CCV, while Bud's call letters in Germany are DL27Q. Frequent Contact "Last New Year's Day we made solid contact for an hour and a half," Ken Willing told The Citizen. "He came in just too faint for "fone" or spoken conversation, the brothers switched lo Morse code.
"It was in code that hreceived aews of the birth of Bud's son," Ren recalled, "along with the weight and ail tit statistics." In fact, their pievious radio and pieces he bought from war surplus in London. It was roughly a year, though, before he had his r.ew transmitter in operation. "It was December 15 when we made our first contact," brother Children playing with matches have been responsible for 97 fires in Oluflva this year, a city fire department official said last Lt. Roy Duncan told some 20 members of the Carleton Optimist Club that one of the main aims of the current fire prevention campaign is to cut down this hazard. He said a drive to get Ottawa merchants to display signs stating they will not sell matches to the youngsters has proved "highly successful." Lt.
Duncan also said Otawa firemen are spending more and more time on fire prevention. Generous size, inch hemstitch, fine count Reg. to 50c ea. 43rd CELEBRATION PRICE 6 for 1 .45 DBREAKERS i SI PopHn, Jumbo wool knit I I collar and cuffa, ilpper ft ll I Suede leather I Vr! I I regular or dry cleanable, I Sn s-mI. ill sut'de collar and cuffs.
Rust, mm i a Popular ot blg, I brown, na-y- Sizes 86 to 44, (fi charcoal and navy. I I II Reg. 17.9S Reg. lo 25.00 43rj 1 43rd Vylq CELEBRATION PRICE 1 CELEBRATION PRICE QQf I I 1 ONLY TO EACH CUSTOMER 150 Pkgs. Only I 7 I I p.
i I i V. 4 in I i l- A 1 conversation was interrupted hy the news that Bud's wife had to go to the hospital. Reception was too poor to establish contact the following day, but then the code message came Shrough "It's a boy, Scoft McRae." Ken and Bud lost radio contact through the summer, partly because of poor reception. Ken explained that rammer conditions are less favorable for long distance reception, because the bnosphere the mysterious atmospheric layer which bounces radio signals back to earth is then too low. "There was also a lot of sun-spot activity last summer," he added.
"Often the BBC was blacked out completely." Contact wa re-established last September, but came to an end a couple of weeks ago when Bud began to dismantle his transmitter for the long journey home. For Capt. Walter R. Willing is returning to Ottawa this Decemberperhaps to build a bigger and bet st jet Use or Open Your PJB.A. No Layiwaya SAVE AT BOTH STORES DOWNTOWN WEST END KINSMEN NEWSPAPER BINGO No.
25 Tocfffr'j thmhtrs: N-37 0-65 I I Km v4- 2 Rideau at Sussex Wellington of Holland "HAM" KEN WILLING.
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