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Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas • Page 44

Abilene, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8-B THE ABILENE REPORTER-NEWS Abilene, Texas, Friday'Morning. Dtcemljer 30, 1953 MEnCHAN'DISE WANTED TO BUV KH BUY OR TRADE tor your USED FURNITURE Tu'rmdge Exchange Ph. 2-7621 RENTALS APARTMENTS 14 MODERN individual cabin's, Cirares, a or month. Quiet, llafd BMV.CI. Red TCP Courts.

Z-Oitq Mlthout bath. lxw able, ree pzrklag Oak-- 2nd 1 NICE clean hedrooni, artkilnins bath. Un- cns tarnis tia Patm. Bedrooms, with kitchen priyilMi. home, bus line, nice closets.

livaU- balh 1653 Nonh 2 1 j. EXTRA Iwie in private bri home, private entrance, adtoimru bil kiichen privlleaei, -refer 1 vtrwn. isoa consider couple. j-Cj53. TO employed lady only, entrance, ns tarnished.

Garata if desired. in line. NICE bedroom, private LARGE, ciaan room, ioJnlni baih. mnn, preferred. JI In naoe NICE front bedroom, in fliufl hnme.

Hftse ID. convenient lo bus. 153 Mmtn Sin. 4.JS55. FRONT bedroom, near bus and 1173 Foplar.

Phone 4jH34 furnished pnvale entrances, and private bat hi, 1350 Featn, TWO bedrooms over brick (arase. men or two women, private A gf Victoria, NICE bedroom for conveni located, private entrance, inside P. Ir-, HUMand. RIO VISTA APT. ABILENE'S BEST.

Two Bedrooms Fuinlshtr) er Unfurnishtd. H. V. MeAMSTER, Mgr. 4026 South 7th.

Ph. 2-4090 HOUSES HOMES (cr rent, bonars For or trade. foi tale. Pooct I. Rhodes.

2 and 3 bedrconi hornet (or rent Clarence CoUias Agency CiOOH SELECTION flf 2 i 3 bedroom homts. For any rental tt illis 313 BICKLEV bidroom. plumbejl (or washer, fenced yard. Available now, Phone month. I'hone BU9.

side of Mr HO house 1110 Ormse. $72.50 -J nd Sun- REAL ESTATE HOUSES FOR SALE. AK NEW brirk on MjcfclufblM Lane-. 3 ooms, 2 twMt la.rleclrtc unce, shwaiher and orbase disposal, lou established. (mall cash payment and Phone G.

T. 2 LARGE bedroom sion, can yment, or buy equity. This property is only 6 Call cwutr. 4-5314, for appoint- wUK loan ACCi ntw, 3 bedroom brick, den, 3 lite batha. plenty closets, carpeted.

Central heat. Priced rtiM, Owner, builder, OWNER Klltae 1 snlce bedroom G.I, ultv (or JJI5. I3S9 Bowie 4-9Ht, after oall 3-93M. 50J5 owner's in 2 bedroom home, 913 DiP.ville Drive, J5? Owner 3-342J. KlxhU, 2-JR50.

FIREPLACE, "rooms. Save oa this home I you have a down pay meet, -207. 4-U1I. i BEDROOM and den home on lovelr Cedar cresl. a real barrata la C.I.

equity. Phone 3-3323. BARGAIN! See for yourself. 5 room house. 2 room apartment, nice location, paved street, only S6000.

Ada Greer. 4-4139, 4-HSfi. BY owntr 1 bedroom, Fenced yard, slorm other extras, IwcceJlem location. ToJal price S7900, wully 1' aym ents (51 com e. 1M 1 raiura rail north side, smiti, month futnished.

BY owner. 3 bedroom, down. eauUy total a $91. OL loan morUw. S9.7W.

M472- shed. Call BY owner 2 bedroom attached saraze itn. REAL ESTATE HOUSES FCW SALE M3 SERVICEMEN 0 rBMNCWa F. H. A.

HOMES $450 $550 DOWN PLUS CLOSING LOCATED IN 2200 BLOCK NORTH MOCKINGBIRD 2 and Tilt Baltu Bum-ID RanKa Ovrta A turn! Bum Window 1 Oiipoiala ijbrubi J. B. FOOSHEE, BUILDER t'Oft Pb. SSWt i I'SUi. BY owner: ISro bedroom, modern, frame 'iome.

corner lot. with all concrete storm Localfd to He-Iyhli Addl- Hon. doit to North, Junior, Priced rluht (lulckliale. Phone 3-3018. rooms, lai South side, -4-ril2.

3-57U8. 4-6E48. ROOM house ana garaje, $1SO Hi rconi furnished, house, J1300 down ind oth er rnlsh ed house anil imall down payment. Mrs. XltHaney, FOR or home, iSfri North 18lh.

MisM or Irade for part of down $1900 equity. Phone 4-1137 or a tarare. adull. iurnlsJitd or unfurnished, or with intact only. HI or rhone 3-3010.

1 ROOil and a fiihls, nice roomi. ilrictb 1 pri wmpleleb- furnished, i RLOSE in. nice bedroom, private entrance, line. 1317 South 7th- Phone fZTRGE comAjrtatile btdroom wits balh and entrance, off slreet parfcinr, wnvenlent down town. 2-B106.

"CLOSE in bedroom, nicely furnwhed, private balh and entrance Phone 4-SffH. North wwv ROOM AND BOARD CLOStn dining room cpenlni at 515 Slul- board, rwm, and meau, lunches packed. 3-555S. VACANCY room and boarders, by the week. FunUr able 1153 Fine.

APARTMENTS ISM. 1833 Wai- Nouh 15th. cluldren. pply 1373 Botlernat. mdate.

phone "175. Call NFl'RSISllKD 2 bedroom araie, iO reonlhr lood localioa. 1K9 Cedar. Lshed house, UWt-j South UXFURMSHED house, itrirtly mod a rooms, carport, fenced yard, located nM North Treaiaway. CaU 2-1703.

ad J. BY OWNER, 2 bedroom J13S5 doft-n. total, pajmenU, Cali 3-11U. BY oivtifr, 3 bedioom and yard, irill sell equily $1200. 434 nd den.

fencei fenced yard, carpeted and drped, arransed two bedroom and den ho snuity in thi-: drped, we) SEW H. or we'll build one la suit. Small down, move you In. Harry Call Murrurl 2-0655. night UNFURNISHED Nice 5-voom home.

Fenced Yard. Double Garage and HILUIREST dream mahorans- pane den, burnlTig tireplace, bulK-ln oven ani very uoidue kitchen, 2 lovely (jl storeroom. $85. rUBVISHTJD Phone 4.6315 UNFUR-N15-HED 3 i IB nicelv furnisned, brd- room, SIS. Private.

Vnturnisned efficiencj. private bath, oclsice enlraccc MO. bills paV 1K9 S. 2nd. frgOlg.

NfCELY furciihed 4 room'apartment, pri- Tale balh, blllj paid, brict aparimen! house, couple. 3-21BO 4-7633. t. FOSTER AGENCV Ral Estate Insurance 101 New Citizens BIdg. PHONE 44344 LARGE furnished, room and private feilhj liistar.c* towuj nice apatt- Vient 609 Chestnut.

BEDROOM funjisbed apartment, tiled lh and kitchen. He near schools. See at itchen. Hesdix washtt, carport, ls. See at and Grape.

Call S-3336 or 4-7303 lor additional inform a Lion. MISC. FOR BENT FCJRMSttEU CabCni paid SELL-trade: 10 income. -Apply Fine. UNTUHXIFHED 3 room duplex.

Garaje. aid. 174J State Street, phone H5, water paid. M651 or 3 2653. MCE larye combinstJoa livji: room, kitcfaea tnd bath.

BiL I-7W6. UNFURNISHED 5 room Harare apartment, BTnall ehlldrtn, no ptts. 1J17 North 12ili, Jill 4-40W. Rear H-SU. Venetian Winds, drain, btlls paid.

Adults. IcOi SE in upstairs, 4 rooms, bath, week, bills paiilj 1758 North 2nd. 70 er 3-5566. duplex apartment. lood toealton, ven' conveaienl.

Couple, baby accepted. 533 Santos. MCELY lurnts'aed apartir pjplar. CaD Caw OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT REFRIGERATED I I I 209 NORTH MOCKINGBIRD LANE J. B.

3-3391 Haisball 4-E1C3 Jitt Tearc. Jr. Bsjltii OFFICE SPACE BACON BUILDING i room For a a 4-63U POR sale. 5 room furnished house and price $3250 2001 Victoria. See ovoier.

fiRIC'JE, F1U, new 3 bedroon space. Total price JiO.500. Lo-n pa'ment. Call 2-9516. down TOR by owner.

Beine transferred of town, will sacrifice for quick sale beautJful 3 bedroom, baiht, well land scaped, with plenty of Irees. To see house of charrrt come bv 73t Lexinsto Elmn-ood West. s900 DOWN, 3 bedroom, lile a beautifi titchen, central heat, south side. Katie 3-371S. Floyd 1W6 San Jos DKVELOPERS OR IN'Dl'STBORS iimproved acres i 140 lots with tress oa riorlrisid BRICK DUPLEX 1 lane roorot on each tide.

Lots ot close Tenced backyard- Rood rent va located on -wrth side. Total reasonable paj-menl. balance. FARM FOR TRADE Good cotton aciPtment. Oil pro Jucfion Trithin It.

miles. 1 2 minerats Will trade equity for borne in AblTene. TOD want to itU list with FOWLER REALTY larre 2 room apartment, private oath. Walk-in closet. Unfurnished.

141; FURNISHED i room ar.d bih, bills 1150 Hithlajid. Phone 3-1710. I LARGE room efficiency apart muni jear bus line and stores. Bills paid. iMi HuIberT-.

pcoac t-6918. NICE fumlehrf garase apirtment. 2 rooms bath. Not on alley. Hai Iront entrance.

Sice neUhbortsod. Adulu. Bills paid. JBia BtJmcnt. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4VJ room duplex apartment, water and sara.e fur niahed, na imall children please.

319 Jean WANTED TO RENT L6 LIST jour houst ft-ilh lit 'Kr information service for oewcom Mentey Real(- Company. 3-7A33. ONLY mr 3 bedroom, two bath homt- carpeted living, dinina ha ind one bedroom. Dlsnwasripr and-olhe Elecliical appliances, A solid, all wtxn 10 me, near South Junior, A MR virta and Catholic schools. Loan balance 56.ECC oarable SSI per month.

Loan will na te in only years. j- anpoln tm ent-- or 2-B1M. RENT OR LEASE Mini now occupied by Knlrhl Carpel 2to Grape Street. Lrisfer L. KlgBS.

Z-4312. 4-5702. HEAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY i 150' BUSINESS KL close lo down- lOR-n between 8th ana 9th on Walnut. Call Jerry a ReaJtr. 4-S6.

rent, air ernnt orat it Jrd. bilta plid, couple 1442 South FURK Bear '(. nom ospital, D-J- (rnrt Cedar. 4-5K4- 1 ROOt furnished aiJardnect. Bill! paid.

FrUidalre. No petf. tike oce small thild. Chejtnut, t-9a73. Apply Hickory, apartment.

H53 Wajaui. SMALL arifldency farize apart rfiejit, rrooBd floor, prlv.itt, south side, bus ane, bills paid. 2-34L UNJPVPJilSHfD 3 room apartment, plenty of r.a dots cr chiMitD. 702 Phone 2-sa51- fcntishrd 3 bedroom and one bedroom apartment, sear Me Marry. Call 1-S06.

FURNISHED apartment. 3 rooms bath, urport, child accepted, no pelf, no drink- lur. 1M1 South 5th. Phone 4-5J51. ROOMS and bath, fin WITS.

nirteti. bills paid, For Refit--OHice space in BuLldini, I id Casile, 2-lil9 BUILDING for rent. Good hf cafe, all kinds b-isiaess. Recentlj redecorated. Gcod location.

IE1 CheslnuL FOR lea'e 25 by 50 ttxrt bultdlni, tire piped for I water and lights, to leader. 717 Soulii Phone 10 FOOT on North 1st, excellent legation for office or small buiicess, OH iireet paiVinc. Phone 2-B1W. SMALL Building Flerff. olfiee to Call 214 FIM sub-Id In Bank il2 or see Lester O.

Bank Euildlnr. FOR LEASE waiehCDEe. 10,000 iqaari feet md pnone NEAR HIGH SCHOOL Gl HOMES $14,500 to $15,500 few G.l, left weit oi the sthool. All three boo rooms Ui tile baths, central he a tic i 2nd aj Call for an inspection. John E.

'Hyde Evwinrt Ca," 2-6297 3-4-O9 ft A droom home renla! raonlh. Ovoitr selj 1st year will carry Pri ol N. R. HAILEY SON "-51S1. LITTLE HOUSE -BIG IDEAS ocks all room wall to trail la bedroom lextoce wal.s new tile floors le bath, tub and sfcowtr; MeUI cabinets kllch eo Frlsad alre and stov wasfiroom and rtoriie closets lyehed sealed sbeeirnck; floor; Fenced backyird bus service and block; it center.

MeEaJ ducting to 1 Location 2SJi ST lo cotofortabU nil see? CALL 2-3223 a located i a laiie rectal! Jtie rooms ample cloiel space fcorated house Inside colored bsth BK ffWd location for ica look Dial 2 3i TOM WAGLEY REALTY CO. F. H. A. NEW HOMES 15 1633 KU BHIBGE, oci wert or Mockinibtrd Lane.

LOW DOWN PAYMENT 5 lash. J. D. MOODY, BUILDER Phone 2-7734 NEW HILLCF.EST ADDITION llsh oc hul. overlookint Abilene, no anser.

All new homes, Jt teaif Hen brick and LJM square feel. 2439 an Madi'oa A 3 bedrooms, 2 alhs, birch vanellinz in kitchen and ullt-in G. E. siove and dishwash er, arpet. athi ullt-in G.

wall ca 317 Washington Blvd. 4 bedrooms, 2 bath rick veneer. 65 EaH Norlh 15th. UOO iquirt ttt NATH GLENN WHITE OWNERS fhli 3 bedroom home Is truly loarta and beaultfuUy Improved. A beaati nome wlUi won erf al yard.

Two bloc Ihe school jou'lj bt roc ban Impressed in tills homt. NET? BU'MES rwo lirtei new F.B.A, 3 bedroom horn witb two baths ate now available lor yc t-'entra! heatine ind well located on pav comer bis on thi Berth Don't mu Uiese. IN VESIORI 5 room borne on lot deep. a i and busline. A real buj 1'olaf rrice H.DOO.

aorrn. J. P. WOODS REAL ESTATE EAL OUSES FOR SALE $1,200. DOWN tow multy 3 bedroom home En Elm- West has central separate area, washer drtor conneclioni lots of closet spare.

No Red Tape Cjosini Costs Just asjiime payments per month. You can't afford to SA ih.i one! Catl Glena T. Cummins 4-72S7 Of 3-5008, RIVER OAKS and ou tan picking the The rfbn Is ideal i ilass iUJ- 8 This borne Is buJH around an (door patio that will have a huie tree the center. The architectural desizn wonderful You nvill UVe all the wrought Oa, Very reasonable price and might Call J. D.

a a al or I A "he 2.450 sq. fi, in (his 3 bedroom home that it Is truly a palace a i In if enjoyment, EO arransed that it Is truly Uvmff nd entertain In if enjoyment, tou 11 thrill to the plushness of the all wool rpelini, the expansive dicing room and a i drapes, ff you have bee a ookiiu' for the perfect home, call A. J. atrlicr at or 2-6322. BRICK ON POTOMAC art Ihe New Year rtsbl and fee this redroom all brick home Ln F.imwootJ West ilh bsth and a half, ventral heat, living.

nlni room nlenly of closet ace attached raraffe find many other a lures a can be bought for such a easonabTe clown payment. For an appoint tent fo call J. D. McGaha at 1-7267 2-BS6J. WYCHWOOD omt has all the modern built-lns yovi an ImniLne.

Sec this home before yo 1 uj 1 Call D. McGaha at 4-T267 or 2-89 OUTSIDE OR INSIDE a den mat feet (onr. The'uood a i 7 csruetlnz, beaullfulty landscape huge hrlck patio and eUss wal! makes rhls home heart's appreciate and enk-C' from an Many othfi" slriorriinary fralure ihow you in this a i house, Ca A. J. Carriger at.4-?25T or 2--135J.

YOUNG AMERICAN HOM Reautiful of Azte-t bricfc an frame at 1358 Leg sell Drive, corporal all ol the latest electric conve i Air conditioning, dl- washer and dryer, dee silent louch light sivilches, electric door. Two lovely carpeted bedrooms, iull baths, den or library, spacious mi- room with huie separate dinJ! area, the ultra in kitchen touvenien with breaJvfajt area, entry foyer, lars femi-CDVered brick patio, carport and rage. Choice location-Flawless constTM lion. cany rood loan 25 year tern Immediate possession. Reduced to TANGLEWOOD Tt's not tcvo late it you act now.

We it have several choice homesites for sile TEDO CB8151IAV 443CS e-r I A TWO Well located Soulb Side unusually nice t( i srnallrr place. BUFFALO GAP A Close in 20 acres 8 room brick a ever thins to make for tood Urine also 7 room frame Hi baths now in line proposed development area sell or trai all or part. 4 ACRES HAWLEY Modern 5 house storm cellar v.e 'ACREAGE UNIMPROVED Near cily L'mils and 7 a pirrM rieht, FARMS Lccated a Risir.i Star. Winters. h- 1 Fort Phpntom.

Lester L. Higgs, 3-4372 Vireil Wolle, iOl Cbestaut. Bjlcli Church boildinc- Lo( 100' HO'. aaO Square Feel In Buildins seats 240. chtxil rooms, Ou )tro Ereellent Lodte or convert ta my for Church KTOUP IQifl Belnior.t.

Kxtra bedroom Onl Re a ton Able down a and monthly a less than reot- HI Cnenry, 6 Room hoiDf with two ttnla! anils at a ol lot. Only J7.QO reasonable doom paymeDt and balance ran almOrt be handled with incoine from rent- ilj- HOUSES FOR SALE Mft room house, coictr lot, cy- thly. Vcar list en rerld enc properly appreciated and they our personal effort. or CLARK A l.RJt., inal. Ccslom built BJ- lilhl foni-ider jour ent.

lavtjiisate now. apanment on tus Jia pnvite, bslh, bllli J'Icc Pine. 2-0319. 4Jj. 2 ROOM lumiihed, i i bath, entrAcct, and fariee, ltdy or covple, 7W Peach.

OWXEIl lo eqaitr, mont hiy S73.3*. West Prsper. bednxvir.5. 2 car a a dijhwasher.

conneulans. (rom Bonhatn imt-diite po'sseision. CLOSE IN, nlceb' furnished 3 room apari- cient. 163 per month. J432 North 3rd.

Pt.ont 4-9B24. LCMTATED on JeneriOD ioaa lisDed, r.o closing cast, 6 rooms, briclt veneer I i a 5 call 2o4o7. Ta.a. bu 1-M50. CLOSE IN, nlceb furnished, clean 3 room READ! couple or sober men, nicely fumiih- Lnnersprijir.

clean. Quiet, modem -4 room cutaiis a a a a separate kit, lu'ce clocets, balh. outb Me 3sSlfO. BOUTBWEST PARK ATAR 314J Uth Pbtae t-41U 182 ELN. 2 bednxjir.j.

2 bathj, brat, air-condjlimned. Wi North 2nd.j rcom furziihed ap raraie iparirr.ent 135.00 NEWEL T120ASPSON Abilene mofior Apartmenti 4-75B2 ELMWOOD VILLAGE GARDEN APARiaiBNTS 4006 LYNWOOD LANE ACC Hill, Kilknrt addition, 1475 Gar (it Id. 1EOO feet hf allot 3 bed- cms, ceramic tile (raiJ -xitt tmcunt oi closet space, C. C. Crozler, and buildwr.

Mil Campai Cocrl Pbone 2-2238. FOR sale by o-Aner, equiLr. 2 bedrcrr.s, den, carpeted liv int, nail, dishwasher dJi- fcactif, air attached raraee and carport. $1,350 CASH sett bedroom with a vacant r.ow, OWE er one I nf an appreciative curchau: WAREHOUSE Ol Albsn One rf nicest A bedioom hcmcs In tat tor sale. Air-conditioned Sbow paxiatment oaly.


LASStTTER m. 4-imi A Last Chance For G.I. LOANS Only 4 Remaining 802 i a wood Drive $10,300 634 Briorwood Drive $10,300 757 Briarwood Drive $11,800 726 Briarwood Drive $11,250 PLENTY OF FHA LOANS FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL, MONARCH CO. 3041 South 7th Dial Z-2842 Kites: 2-5110. 2-8245, 2-1266 tila baUi.

rteir school. oa 2 BEDROOM, ftoir I fd, tfar don costs, phone 2-5755. VKBV rice 2 bedroom home, louth kldr- ONLY 1IOM HOW 4 per cull O. 1. IOAD.

Na eloilgz ccjt. 3 tednxjcn. tftn. I 1 Baccar.ter. CtV 3ice corner mentl tcboolir, b'ji See, ihoppr den.

fenced bac equity (IKH, monthly 173? Sheltori. Pticne 2- center ird, 'pay- NICK 2 bedroom home. Sou-A Street. f9-S bui ICM.G.I. Einltj-.

PalTOeslJ. Ml. MI'am, J-3IJ2. NUhli. 2-UM.

MEMORIAL Park, rpado-ja 6 rtom inir Jr. Kllh and craer tctiool. i Ura. Gallon. l-it3l.


EDEH OWNER BUILDEH Ol, I rUral 1J11I EAL ESTATE OUSES FOR SALE M2 THE RENT YOU PAY per month figured at Intereit amount to $19,839.51 lu years. afford not to sour hornet us show you T3IE.SE homes. SOLD AT $12,500. NOW Is clean Briclc Venwr 5 bitM. drooms.

Chain Link Double tt. Central heatlns and carpeted, nnot be duplicated al anythlnj; like price. Loan jiUblished. SS2SO. offered for only $1900.

Call W. -raid 4-1254. 3 BEDROOMS NEAR HIGH SCHOOL have 2 i a 3 bedrooms tile balhs, never occ pled. Pr 1.400. and au.EOO.

Let us show thi and an.EOQ. us show these. Ira Duck, Jr. 2-a59. Heights, near schools.

room, achM (1533 Park Ave.j ST7W. th S1000 lance $60 month. North 20th. bedroom cove: rch to eara ire. rrieed S5750.

t' wo-balance ii2.2l month. Kealtovs 3671 850 Hickory 3-1S06 NIGHTS- I Onrk Ir nuck, Jr. a-86S9-- Bob He Shaio 3-26fift 3 BEDROOMS AND DEN Tell us what you wan. have i Priced lo fit Jfmr pocketbook. ho me Ta oaltwood U5.000 dorahle drapes Hlver Oafcs euonalaty Plus River Oakt lam.Ly home our dream home on ACC S' one lovelier Ehmvood West ven have one Klniivood Proprr ychweods beil buy uniy e-ar round air conditioned very aiie and priced 3 bedrooma rood selection of 2 bedroom and den fell bargains In 2 bedrooms PHONE 2-4101 MLS Harris JONES COUNTY FARM the best improved places hay.

190 acres in cultivation, balance in ajture. 20 mluute drive irotn Abl Triced for immediate sale. IX TREELAND VILLAGE will with pride of moving into i 2 bedroom beauty Jt. 6 mos old. It's complete in even et a U.

You ould xpeet Id ay iore for a home with so many impi Owner leaving city Immedlnteti "ill sacrifice equity for oaly ClTAY REEVES ASENCV 1 1: Scr'me" PHONE 2-SS2! ESTATE IOUSES FOR SALE "thick'Brakes Fall; Crash Kills Driver SERVICEMEN! ET VOUH nENTAL ALLOWANCE VETERANS! IF YOU A USED G. I. LOAN, YOU ARE LOSING MONEY ONLY DOWN you iuto favored Southwest AUSTIN W--A dump truck, apparently running wild after brake failure, plunged off a winding road near Tom Miller Dam today, killing tlie driver. Marvin Edens, 24, died wliert the Iruck hit an embankment, flew 50 feet over a deep ravine and then dropped 60 (eel to the bottom of the ravine. Police, firemen and volunteers worked an hour to pull'Edens 1 body from Uie cab.

History of Dallas DALLAS Uf--The Dallas TTOCS Herald said today Stanley Walker, former city editor of Uifi New York Herald Tribune, would mite a special story on Dallas history for the paper's 100th anniversary edition Feb. 5. Walksr returned to Texas nine years ago and lives on his ranch near Lampasas. ('ill movt ark. The bood, S10.6JO to '2 hcdrtoms 2 bedrooms dea 3 bedrooms 3 betitcorns L- den 1 anil lii balhs NON-VETKRANS Own one ot these sracioui homej tor as little as 51000 plus demon costs.

DfAL "The Home oE Belter l.tsllngs" BRANSFOKD-H1NDS Lefffrel! Dr. Dial 2-8527 Constructed by GERALD G.LAWLEU Builder Developer H17 Barrciv Dial 2-51158 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY-l i M. Until Dark ONE TEAR OLD ion. All 3 bedroo arge kitchen and a cooxl buy? This 5 room excellent condition, good loca- roon.5 -ie plus a Urine re-era. Vielti 1 rdvvotxi kxi rs a floor uma re itt Ached Sarace, owners consider i trade for a 2 bedroom.

You can own his one. Call Prank Cawycr W235 or I-W83. bedroom and den, living room dining combination, targe kit eh en, 2 baths, carpet. redvrMd fenced back a ichetl raraxe. beautiful yard and food to schools.

This lovely home can he yours for Ihls low price, you musl check Ihis one before buying. Caff Jacfc Furaer 34233 or 34235 In Abilene JIMMY PARTIN INSURANCE REALTY SEASONS GREETINGS Many thanks to you for your help in 1955 being ovir host year. If you just can't wait 1R5G to buy or sell, call one of us and we will try to help. LEO RYNDERS i-6975 ROY BELL 2-6193 A I DICK HENLEY 1-9113 EALIOItS" ItLS 1 REAL ESTATE HOUSES FOR SALE A GOOD NEW YEAR RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED: That you will select one o( Ihe twelve choice 3 bedroom brick Homei now under conitnictfon In Wychwcxxl Addi- tiOl it further you scrulintte the constructioi of sa Uon, to Ihe completion OE sata It is further understood, and afreed you will assist thi that ALL BRICK $11,350 ee bedrooi.i, IVa hath home central hent. will be ready for sewn.

You may chooic your in- colors on this one. down tcsins, G.I. Call Mrs. George 2-2SJ7. SOUTH JR.

HIGH 3 borne 3 blocks Boirte, locks South Jr. Hicb, and 9 Joseph'j Academy. rhis home has automatic heat, nashei lumbins, a a rarage storage, md fhrubs. price Oaly $10,000. cr GI.

BU.V now and select colors. Call Dan PaiiBeU S-2S57. GOOD BUY ONLY $10,000 bedroom hoir.t readi' lo move in. rooms throughout the house mth rmlra, metal tile bath, central heatinc. U'e'U trade.

Call the building of the founda jmp'letlon ot sar nderstood. and the decorator, Ir. tion of colors, df brick, paints. waHjaper. bath fixtures, etc.

When said is reridy (or occupancy shall be your privilege lo finance same on F.H.A. lenns, 1 lenns being 5Tr down plus closlnt, tor sen-ice men. 77c down on lirst S9.0M.OO and 277r on baKnce lo civilians, plus cEoj- Details, plans, prices, locations, etc. can had by seeing Twtor Cols, WYCHWOOD DEVELOPMENT CO. and TTillij Phoi LOTS FOB SALE REDWOOD DR.

-Mnioit ready lor accupancy ire Ihese modernistic 3 bedroom hornet with Mabosany fcUchens, lormica, lullt-in range oven, Hi ceramic tile jath5, completely insulated and doable cnrport. KHA constructed. Priced 113.600 JP. l-'or caC Dan PatiEeH $9,500 1 Bedroom KRA, centra) heat, wisher plumbing, close (o schools, shoppine center, and bus line--buy and select our Inside outside colors. CaU 2-2S57.

$54.00 PER MONTH On these new 2 bfldroam homes belnt built ivilh formica drain in kili-hen, washer binK, wall furnace heat, slid In doors, and carports. Priced 57.HJO up. Call 2-2SJ7. MILESM. FOX Itori Seati Phonri WANT (o lease one In four sertlcmi rrass, Callahan cr Taylor County.

Phone. 2-0785 or FARM RANCHES MS 1,300 acres, near Abilene, 550 i Mary Carter, 3-1055. ACRE farm, 1 nort tere on Abilene HUh-i 3JS63. G. T.

Fourdr. Abilec, i a a ranchei. irade (or Abilene, property pr land. I farms a will G.I. Acreare nt Clrd-.

Homer S-mrall, 3J25 6th, 3-2174. IRRrGATED. 40 acres up. 5W) SCO SgfiJW-a; AGENCY 240 ACRES. 175 in cultivation, 2 tanki, ne 4 ro 13 111 southeast Abilene.

Contact I). S. Liv njrion at Po- tosl Slow. Write Abilene R.F.P. g.

WANT to buy term or ranch would corne under loan. Have until Jan. uary 20th to t-ompleie application "-7951 Box lJ land, fenced for sheep. Plenty ol water. House and barn.

S55 acre, a UB COp. Usti in Brick, shake root. opei In tlcn with A nwvn PANELJNtj and thuse firtplace, cenlraJ leatinz nd ttxilLne. nool carpetinr. Am beamed ROCK MAPLE JOE JACK QUALLS BUILDERS HAPPY NEW YEAR YE1ARS SEW can hive many HAl'PY 240 ACRES, SIM acre.

eullivalion. i mtles west ol Eula. Good fences, Block Unk. noase, Phone or Lcldon Clifton, Box 4SS, Jraan, "Testa. OIL LEASES M6 1 NEED UstinjB on BTirf olfBrt royalty Give; details Vrhe Charles 417 FfcM Bank Building.

131U acres, 5 0 4 mites Ov-lo, Tex-s REAL EvSTATE WANTED M7 ft'ILl. p.ay cash la Indli-ldurl lor WE Wish To Toke This means Of i i you And youi! A CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY, PROS- NEW YEAR. We arc a a i glad to be Of service to you, so call Ul for Real Estate I a Loan Now and throughout the year 1 i 6 A West ci nexv Hieh Scnool. 3 aJedrooinE. 2 baltis.

shape ica counter, centv.i eaUng. 40 healer, attached storage. plus cfosmg. 1018 (.1 new i School, 'A bedrooms, large fcitc.itn, central heat- LTiE, tile bath, attached earagc, storage. Buy now and select your favorite colors.

1201 AMARILt.O-S 1 to nd brick home, I i i lovely lloor tuinai'C 2 car sara.e, uiilily room plumbed ror washer, ample storasc. Heal buy LOW EQUITY HOMES Nice 2 bedroom Gl, Total Price $6,100 4 I room home, cortntdc near (Ota) orire $3,500 Corner lot Southsidf. i i Other Inve.flment and Farm 2-8449 LOTS FOR SALE jOC.CO 3.0CO.M foot front on tool frcml on I--J3? foot front on 1 l-yj foot Iron! on I-2OT 14S with 25 46 Metil Bulldlnt lurt off Mta II acre Jrici cloie In. Should be Jer devetopment Tor a I Oil MILLERA1AN MILLERMAN RAY LEWIS A I I I CHURCH BUILDING FORSALE TO RE MOVED a baildiisr, new belnc used 1-y i i a i Church, a i i flcor space, and i at the of Ccnc-ho and 10th fitrett. Mail to 161.

Co.eman. no 1 later Itian I a 15lh. Contact Rev, Pi-ul Smith r.r i 'rtd Walsfln for I a i Rizhl to reject any or all mam THIS A nftw home. There li still i to le.ect and move Into "Mk.nv Styled" home New Vesr'i. No ionthlv a i March lit! -So i own.

loo you can almost a your w-n terms: Small FHA or Gl down oay- nonit an lha down (nymrnl. For only 1.11 i i a cus- 'trTn home of ted rooms. wrx-J canellrd M.tchen b-iilt-fn GE ranee and a central a i and each ticnie ibrw place ol a ind brick, FHA Impeded, ol course. Vo-j ippruve. loo.

of this KUiht ftHti aelihborhood a and center. Call 34,177 now (or An "TliB fle-me e( Llilinfp" BRANSFORD-HINDS ICI i i JlHil T-HT1 ELMWOOD WL3T On coveted tt'alclemar we have just lirled exclusively larfe 3 bedroom masonry e. separate dinlne room, kitchen open- on bree patio, and stall. Lb located near Lcerelt Drive. Only SOUTH 6TB More charm per siuore incli than the market.

It's carpeted and hai arse ivith -epfacc, elect rEcal i a i id eatina space i vide patio, iluuljle lea ret) ears EC. redwood fence. SIS.750. SCPERO LOCATION one ol Ihe top new ions IL.s torgeoui homf. There's room In all ol three large bedrooms.

2 a llle baths, tiDEe den i firoplaLe. utilili ocni. push button i summer and nnler air The best available. Tic arc arrt lovely, (he work- a i See the olhers and make a bre.iJi for this Ko location by phone. Ihe ttc-y, VAXOI.K1VOOD the best buy aristocrat 1 if I fine Erldittous new bricJf 3 2 very spacious tile oaths, unusualt' urge ien wilti fireplace.

JtLlity room, kitchen. O.K. a 'round a i pindJlioninc. deep encMeil lawn. A a a home.

at othors price them- the a i ind i you have lor leM money ii OFF i I A GAP RHAI1 Oo want 2 ha i i kitchen space dryer, dcrp porch? Tiii, 1 .1 hoi. Kigtt Schixil. payment onli $1150.00. Will consider trading for equity In 2 bedroom. Ta see, call S.

L. Kelly at 1-B153 or IN ELMWOOD WEST This a i 3 bedrcon, Erlck home can be you rs. for only 5:2,500.00 anrt S9i.M monthly i is lrub a home family can cnioy lor years to come. To see for yourself, iust rail James at 4-FI58 or 2-I02I. PLEASE DON'T Buy your wife a new -love, when you :a.i have this NEW 2 bedroom ho.Tie i huilt oven and table top ranre.

Many i enxiyaMe Features, mch as garbage disposal and tile bath. TtiLs house Ss it.v and can b- a FHA or GI. it art the NEW A right by csJline Doyle Linsle-y st or 3-XJ73. ONLY 55.50 A MONTH 3Ely SDOO.W tloivu payment and roa ert a Dec in this lov ely 2 ucii room ho me Ln Elmwood West on L.nS,i]le Drive Could hindle for SCOO.M down side nole for J.tOO.00. Better on i one! Call 1..

Kcllv at 4-filJtt or ONLY $1,000 DOWN you are looklitf for nice 3 arife living room, dininc rrwm. i attached gzrast, large a yard Int mth payment only jiontli. Doii't wail, just call fames Dun lap at 4-R158 or FHA OPx GI -vc this new 3 bedroom home vith and Innc a Trie very clojo In tccallon is you can't a to ovorlonk. In block fro Cit Rus, block IJouLe and oulh Jr. i schools TO.

fee" KS" 11 11111 DoiJC LiluIW ac I I I 5 DOYtF I.IXPI rr 1 B. KEM.Er JAMrs DUNJ.AP I I I A (d'JTpM cash for iraall equity In homf. Fhonf 4-9303. TOLD oul of rood honiH. II lou mot to med'laiply MRS; JAMES WHEEtERf buy from oM-ntr, boust vilh acreaxi WILL buy your Woods Real Estale.

I tnc. PJio ntrd Proper ti' listings fo? i an 11 IP a Co. qi1 a homes ccniinerclai will TM 1 1 td, and I lo nil your Thrn a i fall rtfid STcdXoVft'r, brs Mtmbfr einlllti. Clay Reevu. NEW YEAR SPECIAL I'nur choice 2 new I'HA.

built homes. i b.iths i -rar-Tifs, eniriil hcnt. I'hnters. blinds. plus clo.unc.

Ihen nionlh month, 3 years, REALTORS 3-3671 850 Hickory 3-1606 1EOO- ar SjO. DESIGNED FOR FAMILY LIVING F.H.A. and G.I. Homes 1300 square reel, 3 bedroom, bath, orlc-k veneef. Vouniitown kllrhens, ilJJ- Ihe a from a i room, nhpoial, built-in a anJ oven, Green yor inlor ma lion calf: YONGE FOOSHEE BUILDER OF PROGRESSIVE HOMES 4-5627 2-7662' THE f.AST NEW S-IHl.

HOUSE IN TOEEr.AND VILLAGE Close to al! schools town. Small FIIA Down Payment. 5 Choice lots in this urea for all new homes. 3 large lots Pioneer Dr. 2-BR Den 1310 Crockett.

loan established. 2-BR, 2102 Meander, close to school. G.I, loan cstal). (Small payment with no closing cast on Iliesc 2) BAILEY G. CHOATE OWNER rt.onr 2-8230 proper i lil HeaHors.

to sell. Call BUSINESS OR HOME FOR SALE? Pot i a i trill pleaie 1UI rrilK REAL ESTATE LOAN'S (iintti for net) Ko reJ tape, FOU SALE OR secured Heal SsJ-JHTM' Ml FOOT 153) 1. au1o, ainnll house or In Call or at i i A M. 5 houi 2 rI I "'o Daniel's Orocery, Cb'de. A IW3 Chevrolet.

1 car. niiUion for eqully 1n 2 bedroom hopie, A KSTATE D1SPLAV Comprehensive Homo LoanPlilan CASSLE CASSLE INCORPORATID IJll No. Tat Pfton, 2. 31.

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