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Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas • Page 75

Abilene, Texas
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10-B Tim AlilLENK UEPOUTEH-NEWS Abiloiu 1 Texas, Thursday Morning, October 27, 1955 II lit'ii hfiii-cn is shut i anil them i.t no rain, lii'cuusp tlic.y have sinned gainst llii'i'; ij tliey irny tmrani lltis unit confess thy namt, anil turn jnim their sin, irlu-it thini afflictest Kings i i dolli nol after He i converted a man, convey liicn to Ijrawii; Inil -suffers him first to he Ijcntcri ujton liy i a i exalts liiin to Ins Ballyhoo Extravaganza The automobile where competition gets hotter all the time, has about run through flic annual chore of introducing the new 195fi models. A few, but not many, are yet to come. And thereby hangs a study in advertising techniques. This fall's new model announcements have been models ol' restraint in newspaper and magazine advertising. In general these spreads consist of nothing more a a photograph of the new model, with the sparsest of accompanying text.

The language is restrained, chary of extravagant claims, and straight to the point. The effect is to hit the reader straight in the eye with an arresting home the sales talk i a few wellchosen words--in some instances, no word at all, beyond the name of the product. The radio-television approach has been entirely i Some of this year's TV spiels are delivered in a a i i setting that makes (he Taj Mahal in the moonlight look like something beyond the railroad tracks, with orche'stral and the announcer i the full gamut of emotional delivery in'awe- struck tones. Hyperbole reigns supreme, and a minor change iti design or equipment is a as though it were of a a i importance" The watcher who can sil through one of these extravaganzas gels the feeling a nothing on earth could possibly warrant such a splurge but the Second Coming itself. A minor point is emphasized i a flourish a i would do justice to Moses at parting of the Red Sea to let the Children cross over dry-shod.

These manifestations of vaudeville techniques will, of course, he a The importance of conveying an advertising message i i i and convincing a i a long heeii recognized and practiced by the older forms of public communication, and a it will soak in on the newer forms. Or else. Members of the The Pentagon has now apologized to the three senators involved in last week's originating in the Pentagon i to HIP effect a i the Air Force had been obliged to ready two special planes, at a cost of 520,000. for a trip" to Europe lo return the senators and (heir wives to Ibis country. The Pentagon accepted the blame for the story, a Senators Stennis (D- Miss) and MeCTellan ID-Ark) stepped down in Washington from a regularly scheduled MATS plane from Paris anil asserted they had never requested special planes for their own i was Ihe nub of the problem, since the Pentagon's original story had said the senators could mil wail for scheduled planes, bul had demanded special a The third senator.

Democrat Chavez of New Mexico, also said he had "requested i and demanded a i the special (light be cancelled. He is coining home November 3 presumably on a scheduled MATS i the apology and (he explanations do not end the story. Senator Richard Russell iO-GaX chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, announced Wednesday the Senate will be asked lo consider limiting the use of military planes by Pentagon people as a result of the uproar. lie fc also senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, as are the three senators'involv- ed. They had been in Europe in behalf of that committee.

Russell was pretty biller in speaking of the Pentagon's altitude. "They have got about 35 fellows down there, most of whom couldn't be elected to anything, who can order up a plane fly anywhere in the world they want to go," he said. The Georgia senator's reaction might have been sharpened by the fact lie recently inspected airbases in Spain and England and lourncd Russia at the expense of the government, as chairman of the Armed Services Committee, so he must have had a fellow feeling for Messrs. Sfennis, McClellan and Chavez. 'Members of the Club.

Royal Marriage Act Princess Margaret's matrimonial troubles go all the way back to a monarch whom Americans despise, but to they owe a debt of gratitude- King George III. i pigheadedness figured in the accumulating resentment which finally caused the American colonists to revolt. Had a German-ill- Britain King and his ministers been more reasonable, there might not have been an American Revolution.) Bui George was dictatorial, and he carried bis tyranny right down the line to his own family" The third brother of George III, the Duke of Cumberland, without so much as by-your-leave. married a woman named Anne Morton, widow of a commoner. This i i a his royal nibs, and the duke was banished from the court.

In Hie wake of this sensational case, the king's favorite brother, the of. Gloucester, disclosed that he had married, six years before, the Countess of Waldegrove whose escutcheon, if she had one, would have borne the bar sinister. In one of his towering rages. George I I I demanded legislation forbidding any descendant of his a a George H. to marry under 25 i the monarch's consent.

There was one permissible exception: the issue of a princess married into a foreign family need not the King's consent. So the Royal Marriage Act was adopted in 1772. but not without a great furor. An effort was made to limit it to George Ill's lifetime, but this failed by only 18 votes. The Earl of Chatham, belter known as William Pitt, denounced the act as "wanton and tyrannical." The King's Loyal Opposition declared it gave "leave to the princes of the blood to lie i our wives while forbidding them to marry our daughters." They.

spoke plain English in tliose days. Princess Margaret became 25 years old a few weeks ago. and therefore no longer has need to get Ihe consent of the monarch, who happens to he her sister Elizabeth, to marry. The principal bar to her marriage with commoner Peter Townseud is the Church of England's ban against remarriage of a divorced person as long as the divorced spouse is living. Other Viewpoints Fair Trade Law Misnamed They Him-lollo Observer: Tiie fair a arc misnamed.

repre.sent a i hut a i trade. The American philosophy of business is the field is open lo nt! comers and a competition is fnv and oo.u:d. Kadi person einers the game is supposed lo underst die nilcs. If all have an chance, the one cannot meet competition on equal terms he eliminated. It is a hard n.le.

hut a one. has brought us more production at er prices than can be found in any other of the world. Cold vs. 'Infection' liallimore Sun: At a symiwsium conducted under llic pices of the Maryland Academy of Medicine and Surgery Hie other evening. Dr.

Wnrdc U. Allan, associate professor of medicine of Hopkins I'im-eisily, had some common sense comment make on the common cold One comment a will, especial force is Ills proposal I use of Ihe Icrm "virus in', fcciinu" instead n( common cold be abolished. He called Ihe ri.iiculou.s. inaccurate and misleading. And who would bo so hold as lo nnesliiiu a Bul llic very fad thai il is inaccurate and misleading nccounls for its ularity.

The statement "I've got a cold" arouses no i and produces little sympalhy. The person to whom it is made i of it primarily as a warning lo gel out of cough and range. The term "virus infection" on Ihe other hand i provokes curiosity. It suggests selective PHXTSS. Anybody, il sc-ems lo say, can hnve common cold.

Hut only superior people arc entitled (o a "virus infection," It intimates Ihnt iH'isons who die of common colds arc buried by undertakers, while tliose who lo virus infections require llic service ol mm Uclnns. Conlrmllrlory though may seem, (he weakness of Dr. Allnn'i potion Is a It ts much Loo sound. The fail Irade laws inlcii.le.i to pivloct a a i against the opei.ntion ot these rules and to give the producer a i a monopoly. These laws allow him lo fix a price for his product and to force retailers to charge that price, whether they nood to charge it or not.

If one retailer operates his store more efficiently Ihan another and can shave the price, he ought to bo allowed to do so if Ihe niles- of competition arc to remain in force, lie should not In- required to charge more just because some loss efficient retailer could no! mecl Ihe lower price. Trie Supreme Court of Michigan recently held thai tlio f.iir price can he enforced only against retailors who have signed contract to charge thai price. Those 'who do not sign up c.innol forced to charge the price. That socms fair. J( seemed fair to Oneral Klevlric Company, which decided nol to re- iniiro iis retailers lo charge the fair (rade price unless they signed up lo do so.

More power to Kiectric and less power to several manufacturers who said they would continue to insist on Ihe fair a price, regardless of Ihe court's ruling. Quotable Quotes Whelhcr we like il or nol the Ticds will use the lift) Olympics lo give douuvrncy black eye if Ihey Kffan, chairman of the I'. Olympics finance committee. If the President ilCiseuhowcr) should decide In run hi! could make Harding (former President I campaign on die- porch and Frank Carlson (H-Kmis). Accidents don't "jusl happen" iti mosl cases.

They are caused. And they are caused hy uibafc jicl.s and imsnfo conditions. is up In liaiciils to accept basic philosophy and liven take individual rospunsililliiy for developing whul I call "aovldent mvmcnos.s" in II. IVreamer, safely consultant for -AT LEAST IT HELPED ME KEEP UIMPING ALONG. United Nations Private Groups Do It U.

S. Spreads Freedom Message Bv CONSTANTINE IIHOWX WASHINGTON Soviet Premier Bulganin's vigorous protest to West German Chancellor Adenauer over the West's propaganda cnnrpnign did more than annoy our Ambassador to Uie Soviet Union, Mr. Bolilon. also made unmistakably clear to the world that the propaganda was getting through to the Russian people, ami the irate response of the Kremlin plainly indicates that it is at least noticeably effective. The Soviet leader's protest, made in the course of Mr.

Adenauer's official visit to Moscow, was specifically over the sending of fret: buHooiis to areas be Lund the Iron Curtain from Mt-st Gorman launching sites. But (lie haf- lootis are oniy part of the vigorous and well planned campaign be- waged by private American organizations to carry the messaye of frvedotn to the captive peoples of Kurope. Much lias bt'Cii heard of the SLIC- eessfnl operation of Radio Free Europe, a privately financed organization, supported by contributions Americans in all walks of life and of widely varying financial moans. Thi ex-x-Hont enterprise runs one of Europe's most jxnverj'uj transmitters. Ivani- ins programs behind the Curt-ain regularly and insistently, de- spito Russian "jamming" Although Radio Free Europe hus no official with the Vnited States government, it is ivadily aekiunviedgod hero that the group has been 01" Immense aid to world's resislaniy to Communist expansion ami suhversion.

ns well ns proviriing a voi ce of -o to ihe millions luJd in KeU blindage in Eastern Kurope. More Could Be Said has not Ixvn wr it en. however, to award eredH to its full extent lo Freo Kuropo, ami particularly to other publicized groups carrying on the figlit for freedom in other areas of Uie world. More than two years the official Voice of America programs GRIN AND BEAR IT fo U'Um America were dropped by Ihe United Slates Information Agency. Consideration of budget, plus the concentration of available resources on Europe and Asia, brought the decision to discontinue llic broadcasts lo and South America.

But the need for placing the fads ol freedom before American amm'ncf-s not cease (o he of major importance, particularly in light of the known anil by no means inconsiderable Communist activities throughout Ihe Kepuhlics lo the south of us. The iiulk of (he burden of providing more a two and a half million Latin American listeners willi news end fac-Ls of America ami Ihe free world has since been borne by i a broadcasters, notably the powerful station operated by the World Wide Broadcasting System. This far flung, privately financed organization broadcasts daily programs in Spanish and Portuguese tlirough a network of stations in Central and South America, as well as over the direct short-wave Irausmitiers of WRUL at Sci'unte Mass. t'nder special Coiisrossioyal legislation, i system broadcasts specific programs i for the WSl.Y Memhers of Congress were recently- informed a mail response to these programs from all over Latin America lias averasevl over 750 letters a month ami is still growinj: in volume. Sigiut- ic.uitly.

about 30 per cent of the mail response has been coming from Arsentina. a nation on Ihe list of Communist in South America. A i i a i IMe.isoil IHvp.le the necessary preoccupation our policy-makers with those areas in Kuroiv and Asia most directly menaced by Ihe Moscow i there is no disposition to ou-rWk Ihe importance of Latin A i a in the world wide defenses of ihe i a.eniiw its greatest men.uv in history. Thus our I a lias Ix-en pleased (lie enterprise ol such i a Atlleri- By Lichty 1 had my Wood pressure cluvked The doi- is Injj mo on a shift diet of only LU shnres a dny! can groups as a of the World Wide system in carrying the messages of the free world to our south of Uie border. Even the White House has been pleasantly surprised by Uie obvious success of these Latin American programs in presenting the ideals and aspiralions of our leaders.

Following the Geneva "summit" conference, stacks of letters from Latin American listeners came lo tiie White House, commenting in English. Spanish and Portuguese on the leadership of America in (he fight for peace with freedom. Tiie outstanding success of private organizations such as this in spreading the free world's message, ui itself points up the nature of (he fight between freedom and the all powerful RUTH MILLETT About People Every now ami then you have the forume to meet a woman is refreshingly different from the cnvAd. Whenever you iiii you should nuke a point of finding out what makes lier different. What keeps her from talking and thinking and like most other women her I'sually you i find out that one of three things makes her seem like a real person instead of a smudged eartwn copy of what every wnmaii is saying, ami wearing at one ticular time.

First of al! she probably lias al le.isi one real iniereit ixifcide of herself ami her family. Not just a a i interest, but a working i Or. perhaps, she is that most feminine of all women, the woman who is sincerely and warmly in- tei'ested in others, wishes others well and is always ready lo lend a helping hand whon it is iit'ed- xi. Or it may he that she is that rare creature, a woman without pretense who is a she is and evpecls others to lake her or leave her avvoniing to their own inclinations. If her whole attitude iowurd lowant herself, and toward others is refreshing simply he- slie is no; so busy trying to say and tut and he a is.

ex- of her a she hasn't any upjHirlunily to Iv jusi herself. She's not hirinj: decorators to make her house look like the fashionable nmtvplion of a a house should hok like. She's not pouring over fashion m.iga/ines lo sine she i i look the way a i i oilier women are soing lo look in a few weeks. She's not spending hours at heauly salons i lo look yvnmger than she is We women would do to study I hose rare members of our sex stand from Ihe crowd. What they have achieved we mighl lo able to achieve if our goal were lo nn individual instead of i to like everyone else.

A Service, Iw.) Waiters Woe Let Freedom Ring! Let His Mustache Blossom! BY FREDERICK C. OTI1MAN WASHINGTON You now are looking at a paid up member (dues $2 a year) of Ihe International Mustache Protective Association. Headquarters arc at (S3 Wanda Street, San Francisco; president is George L. Sauza ami membership applications from sympathetic proprietors of muslachios should he sent to him. His lodge is not for fnn: nobody ever was more serious than President Souza.

He's a waiter, who can't get a good job because be won't shave off the decoration on his upper lip. Head waiters, it develops, can have mustaches, but plain waiters like George can not. Not in fancy eateries ibey can't. All over this land, says he, are waiters who'd like to sprout mustaches, if only they dared. Let them attempt to decorate their own landscapes, says be, and they're out of jobs.

Only brave waiters like himself retain their mustaches and they don't eat. At least not regularly. Il's Not Fair! What George can't understand is why cooks can wear mustaches if they want. So can dishwashers. But let 'em meet the public in a topnotcii (lining room and their upper lips have got to be clean.

The president of my lodge said that he was fired from every hotel deluxe in San Francisco, because he wouldn't shave bis mustache. He's still managing to keep body and soui together, because he's got a job In a place called New Joe's. Joe doesn't care what's on the lips of his waiters, so long as they deliver the table d'hote, but this is not the kind of establishment for which President SOUM trained himself. He said a the ban on waiters wearing mustaches began generations ago in Paris, where they were supposed to look humble. Tile idea then was that a mustache made a waiter look too gay.

In 1907 the waiters in Paris' flossiest places struck against the mustache ban. They lost. To this day Ihcy have plain lips. This manifest bit of unfairness spread lo the whole United Sta.e.i. It is not only San Francisco where waiters in tony places are forbidden lo gratify (heir cravings for mustaches.

So that's the reason for the Mustache Protective The president that if he gets enough members al 52 per mustache, he'll have some funds to hire a lawyer lo defend the next waiter who loses Ins job because he won't serve. Every member he need not wear a mustache so long as he is sympathetic has got to supply a photo of himself. He also must fill out a questionnaire which asks whether he wears a mustache, for how long he has worn it, and why. I can report to Ihe president that I have been wearing a red mustache since 1U26, when I reported at the age of for work in the Chicago Bureau of Unitetl Press. I was what you might call chubby, my checks were round and on my first day of work 1 overheard a telegraph operator something about the baby face in ihe news room.

Smells Good, Too That, President Sousa, is when I started growing a mustache. At first it was pink and I bought for 35 cents a stick of mustache wax. This made it stiff and dork brown ami cast a spicy aroma over the telegraph desk. My cohorts wondered what made me smell so pretty; I never had the nerve to tell 'cm it was my mustache wax. Eventually my mustache attained maturity.

It made me look older for a fact and when I got married the first thing my bride did was throw away my wax. She said she didn't mijid the mustache, but she couldn't take the goo that went with it. Other than that. Mr. President, I've had no trouble with my musiache and I trust the waiters of America, including yourself, soon achieve this happy circumstance.

(United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Ruark's Remarks Airline Weight Rules Give Fat Man All the Advantage Ky ROHERT C. K17ARK While the airlines arc fiddling around with whether or not to play Debussy unless flying over France, and worrying about what (o do with the drinking aboard, I wish they'd give a small thought to a slightly more concrete beef thai 1 bet is shared by every-one who has ever made "a trip that lasted more than two hours. Subject: Weight, overweight. It's rude to bring it up. bnl one day they'll have to Face it.

as they've had to face all the other rude suggestions. And solve til em. A weighing 300 pounds will on a plane, and slop over into the lap of a shrimp Ll-t. lie fat guy is traveling it. The shrimp is traveling heavy, The pays through his neetUe nose for his excess and the fat yuy ridei for tiie face of his ticket.

Il's Expensive You're allowed more for overseas flights than for domestic, but it adds up the same. A guy going lo Texas from New York for a turkey hunt, carrying his hunting gear, is going to wind up paying htiU his fare again in excess, A businessman who has to tote a weighty dispatch case, in addition to normal Ullage, is riding over (he mark since they started weighing hntid age. Kut a sap baby rides for free and creates a yrand disturbance bes toes, and mv typo- wri'er by considerable. So long as the little darling doesn't take up a sent, tho weight doesn't count. would seem to me that an eminently fair solution 'to the weight business would be to declare a maximum of weight, under excess penalty, for boili pas- and luggage.

Let's pbce it arbitrarily at 22JS pounds. Tins would cvs! some people money, Toots; Shor, for instance would have, to pay more In travel alone and so would 1 Ionium Hickman. Rut they probably could make up the weight on Haliy and Helen Hickmaii. if the lines would allow family weight an This would make it (air for everybody, if you estimated i i gros.s weight of a family ol four, pins bags, at l.wo ixuinJs. T'lis eantnt bo 1 because '225 would put Liu 1 over the score if i one a i a tr- iable i 1 wouM be i i to ivy sort ol I i i ul IH i ihe sm.ill i 1 I age mit A lih jvuoMcis.

I could gt-i even by traveling with Mama, alo as an entry hut right now pays as much penalty on her excess and ames al way have more excess baggage--as 1 do on Bonus Income On the regularly scheduled airlines excess baggage does not. figure in fliyhL load, with rare exception, except us a source of bonus income (o the lines. If the plane is loaded to capacity and each pas- sender is heavy-taden, then air freight is off-loaded, or another flight laid on (o sop up the difference. I could be off on minor details here, but the' excess-baggage rap, especially in the overseas trade, is a nimble 1 hear growing louder, mot uerulou s. and ermo frequent.

One day they're going to have to standardize it to equal out for everybody. 50 that a jockey, his saddle, and what the carries in impost will come out as one figure, not a problem in short division. United Feature Syndicate, Inc- In Hollywood By ERSK1NK JOUNSOX HOLLYWOOD, i A Hudson, once a big star nt 20th Century Fox, is back on the payroU. The studio Ls paying her royalties for oil under properly she owns adjoining the slndio'a backlot oil field London pals say he will do three big a a i shows for TV there and won't he returning to Hollywood until sometime in 1956 Lanza is talking about moving tiie whole Lanza tribe to Oregon an.i returning to Hollywood only for movie assignmenis The wide open spaces are a he judging by lawsuits of former landlords, Lima Turner escapes from period pictures as a rich society doll in "The Rains of Ranchipur," but she's U'llinj; her she to do a comedy. Her lat a "Sliizhtly Dangerous" in 11H3.

NHC, as Bob Hope's percent partner. Ls due for a profit oil investment in his movie, "The Seven LittK 1 Foys." It's r. western for Yul Bryn- nor, he liopw, alter "The King an.1 i version. Ho's catching on quick, "IT (lie story the acting aren't loo in western, the scenery takes eare of everything." THE ABILENE REPORTER-; JEWS i AmM 11 i i 3. i cf tlio ivusjvTiTii ol Kir I ccilllii'S l.

-I, IftO ul tlr dty a M.umnc i i -iiiil Older i on IU mail tii an" i i JMO a month or 1 1 i .1 of U'U 5J.71 4 i i i a ear. Olhrr ralti on Horses, Horses DALLAS. Ono nf lial- ica liorsos hns bird) (o moro oix jit tlu 1 AiiuariLun. Uir i ii id i On Mfiubrr Ihf i A i i i 10 tlir nl i i a of (he local i i vM-lf Ihi i mi, i (,. i In fht lamp it All i i I.UUT* an- nri hauls.

Tilt: will rir nn nr li tllT nie of i I i tir n'lli-ilhui nrvji i i cr roi'Ulrtlloii tn wrrtrtet to I i i i i nf.

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