The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 2
- Publication:
- The Ottawa Citizeni
- Location:
- Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Issue Date:
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- 2
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Page 2 THE EVENING CITIZEN, Ottawa, Ont. Friday, April 30, 1943. '4 Nazi Atrocity Tale By Dorothy Thompson '-c Roosevelt Ultimatum To Lewis Brings Showdown By R. T. Elson From the Washington News Bureau of The Evening Citizen.
WASHINGTON, April 30. -Looking: as if he had trained for NEW" YORK. April 30. The conditions in the Smolensk territory are such that no valid investigation of the Nazi story of finding thousands of Polish officers, slaughtered and buried by the Russians, is possible. The territory has been for two years since July, 1941 in German hands.
They have had every being preserved by disinfectants! in the soil. One such was found in a salt well in Salzburg. Another was once found in a peat bog. Mummified corpses have been found in deserts, and frozen ones in glaciers. But no one knows of any found in clay.
The relative moisture of the soil hastens or retards decomposition. The Encyclopedia Britannica defines clay as "a substance very soft, more or less coherent, when dry retentive of water and often plastic when wet." The grave in which the Polish officers were "discovered" is ninety feet by fifty and deep enough to take twelve layers of men. That is an enormous pit. We are asked to believe that Russian assassins chose just such soil, very hard to 'H war I camouflage the grave after leaving every possible identification with the corpses. But if the grave was made in 1940, the trees were only a year old when the Germans first came and the spot therefore visible.
And, of course, everyone knows three-year-old trees can be transplanted. And, finally, trees do not flourish in clay. This fancy tale looks to me more like German thoroughness than like Russian ruthlessness. It reminds me of the case of Van der Lubbe, in the Reichstag fire, caught red-handed, with -a Communist party card in his pocket. I don't believe this tall tale.
I don't believe these corpses are three years old. But I do think there are important reasons why the Nazis launch the story, and about these reasons I will speculate in another column. K-im 'IZMi OKSiSi 35 Mf -W state that Nazis could even identify bayonet wounds in the legs as "Russian" by the width of the blade cuts. Their papers were legible. Everything was identifliable.
And oh the basis of this the whole of Poland is being set ablaze with wrath against Russian assassins, who, according to the Nazis, were Jews and O.G.P.U. men. I have consulted a number of physicians and also the office of the chief medical examiner at the Bellevue morgue. These experts tell me that an unembalmed body after three years is normally in such a state of decomposition that flesh has this risht along. Franklin D.
Roosevelt at noon yesterday calmly invited John L. Lewis to; step into the ring for the final' round of the long bout between; them. The bell will ring at 10 a.m. Saturday. i If Lewis accepts the challenge! the United States faces the great-1 est labor crisis in its history.
If 450.000 miners leave the pits at! midnight tonight on Lewis' orders the huge steel furnaces of the! United States, without which the; United Nations, cannot achieve: victory, will begin to shut downj within two weeks. Not for nothing has Mr. Roose- i velt called such a strike as Mr. Lewis now threatens "a strike; against the government of the! opportunity to plant any kind of atrocity story they want. But the story they tell is simply incredible.
They claim, just now, to have found the common grave of these officers, through stories told them by Russian peasants, who for two years have kept silence. The officers, dressed in their uniforms, with their medals, and with identification papers, letters, and diaries in their pockets, are said to have been found in a common grave, atop which grew three-year-old trees. This fixes the date of the slaughter, before liquefied and apart from bits of! co-operation with every other organization and gone his way alone. He takes it on himself to violate the "no strike" pledge other labor leaders gave to the President and loyally kept. He calls the War Labor Board, erected to resolve these disputes impar-.
tially, a "headsman's axe" poised against the workers of this country. Yet in 1917 this same man once called off a strike because he would not let his miners "strike against the government." But that is a long time ago and meanwhile Lewis has suffered bitter disappointments. He once had political ambitions. He once aspired to lead labor. He would! have been great but he remains in the last analysis a man a little drunk with his own power.
His trump card is soldiers cannot dig coal with bayonets and! the nation needs the coal miners who follow him where they should be today in the pits. President Ready And what about the President? Well, he came back to Washington looking a little ruddy from the spring sun in the south and from the wind whistling over the plains where he saw the United States army training. He exuded confidence, glowed with new-found energy drawn from the rest that dig, oozy when wet and brittle when dry, in which to bury these bodies. We are also asked to believe that the O.G.P.U. laid them out with their documents, diaries, and everything else.
We are asked to believe, furthermore, that these papers were preserved by the "fat from the skin nothing is left but bones. If buried atop each other, the decomposition process is accelerated. Paper also disintegrates, and clothing. Only teeth are identi Pilot "Officer Cantin PO. E.
Leo Cantin Killed in Action, Gnr. Joseph E. Phillips. 24-year-old son of Mrs. John Phillips and the late Mrs.
Phillips. formerly of Carlsbad Springs, who has cabled of his safe arrival overseas. Gnr. Phillips who was born and educated at Carlsbad Springs and has two brothers In the armed forces. AC2 Lawrence with the R.C.A.F.
at Dunnville and Fte. Michael with the S.DO. overseas. War 23 Years Apo APRIL 30, 1918. (OP.) French troops recaptured Locre.
Arabs attacked the Hedjaz railway capturing 550 Turks. Gavrio Prlncip who assassinated Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife June 28, 1914. died in Austrian prison. People who want what they want when they want it, appreciate the Quick service of Citizen Classified Ads. fiable to -the man's own dentist.
The Nazis, at first, did not try to explain preservation of the bodies. Now they are doing so. They say the bodies were buried in clay (Ton-Erde) which preserved them. Experts know of no such clay. They say hundreds of bodies have been disinterred from clay in the same state as if disinterred from ordinary earth.
There arc records of bodies corpses." Again, experts I have consulted, say that animal fat. organic substance, would also decompose and be no such preservative. Only mineral oils would perform that function. The bodies were not discovered because carefully hidden by a three years' growth of trees. In other words, the Russians tried to the German occupation.
The bodies, were, of course, not embalmed, and have been decomposing for three years in the Smolensk climate, where the ground freezes to a depth of eight or ten feet in winter, then thaws, becomes mud, freezes again, and hardens and blazes with heat in summer. Yet these bodies are in such a United States itself" and said that the spread of the coal strike would have the same effect on the war as a "crippling defeat in the field." Men and Principles As the decision is awaited here is the latest on the two men whose ideas and principles clash in this fight: First John L. Lewis: Lewis stands alone in the United States! You Are Invited to Orme's Spring Opening Parents Notified Deputy Reeve Leo Cantin of Eastview has just received word from Royal Canadian Air Force headquarters that his only son, Pilot Officer E. Leo Cantin, 21 years of age, has been killed in action overseas. The message contained no other information on the youthful pilot's death.
Pilot Officer Cantin had only been overseas for about three months. He received his wings and his promotion to his present rank in October last. Prior to his enlistment he was widely known in the sporting fraternity. Born in Eastview, he was a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Cantin, 287 Montreal road. He studied at the Montford separate school and at the University of Ottawa from where he graduated with his Bachelor of Arts degree in June, 1941. Two months later he enlisted in the Air Force and trained at Toronto Mont Joll, Victoriaville, Cap de la Madeleine and St. Hubert. He received his wings at St.
Hubert on October 23, 1942, and the following day he was made a pilot officer. An all-round athlete. Pilot Officer Cantin was prominent in sports during his studies at the university and was particularly proficient as a rugby player. any man finds away from this city to plagued with political fever and neurotic quarrels of an overworked bureaucracy. As he read his stinging telegram to John L.
Lewis that combined a friendly appeal to the miners with a stiff ultimatum backed by steel, the President never raised his voice. As if he had no care in the world he came to the last sentence and said, "Now that disposes of that," and went on to tell us at his press conference of his trip to the camps. Visit to Mexico The testimony of those who went along with Mr, Roosevelt is that the trip was tremendously successful. The visit to Mexico was a shrewd stroke of diplomacy; the visits to the factories and the camps a mission of mutual confidence to restore Mr. Roosevelt's perspective and to give the men who have to carry the load a chance to size up their commander-in-chief.
On this coal strike the country Special Prices on Quality Chesterfield Suites today, apart from labor, apart from Roosevelt whom he once backed for President and apart from Wendell Willkie whom he backed to spite Roosevelt. He commands the loyalty of 450.000 miners not on political issues, not on a personal basis, but because his hard-fisted fighting tactics have won for the United Mine Workers substantial increases in their pay cheques. The men who may strike at midnight at his command are neither traitors nor slackers but what the Americans call "working stiffs" who buy war bonds and whose sons help fill the ranks of the UJ5. army. They want two dollars more a day because their living costs have risen.
But Lewis in his isolation from labor, from the national government, has done little to help hold the line. against Inflation. While C.I.O. Leader Phillip Murray and A.F. of L.
Chief William Green have been campaigning for rigid enforcement of the price ceilings, Lewis has stood on the side lines and complained. Stressed Wages He has not told his miners to see that the laws be enforced regarding price ceilings, he has KROEHLER 3-piece chesterfield suite covered in rich heavy pile cut velour, 2 pieces in maroon with matching chair in dark blue. ClTQ 3 pieces 1 1 backs the President; the army is at his command. He can seize the mines for the government or KROEHLER SUN ROOM CHESTERFIELD SUITE Light sun tan legs and arms, covered in green and maroon homespun. A bright colorful lounging suite.
Ciir 3 pieces iJJ BAETZ All steel spring 3-picce suite. Frame of solid walnut. Deep upholstered 3-seat chesterfield. Reclining lounge chair with cushioned Ottoman covered in green. Excellent wearing $01 frieze.
3 pieces DOWN LOOSE CUSHION 2-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE With spring filled seat cush BAETZ CHESTERFIELD SUITE SOLID WALNUT High grade hand carved show-wood frame. All spring construction. Covered in heavy embossed damask. 2 pieces in maroon with matching green chair. CCTC he can use the soldiers to break Occasional Furniture up picket lines, but to really keep them in operation the President needs the miners in the pits.
That is the biggest part of the 3 pieces merely demanded more wages for problem. them. Lewis in this issue is the true I V-'asMr i All Mr. Roosevelt likes to evade showdowns so he doesn't invite them unless he is ready. He seems to be ready for this one.
isolationist witnin his own country a man who has refused BAETZ ENGLISH STUFFOVER Buttoned back. 2-piece chesterfield. Hair and moss all spring filled suite covered in figured Nipponese Patrol On Guadalcanal Wiped Out WASHINGTON, April 30. (A.P.) American troops wiped out a Japanese patrol of one officer and eight men on Guadalcanal Wednesday, the Navy Department reported today, but the reason for the enemy's being on that American-occupied Solomon island was not given. A communique said the patrol was discovered in the vicinity of Beaufort Bay on the western coast about 25 miles southwest of the American airfield.
All Japanese resistance on Guadalcanal ceased on Feb. 9 though the mopping up of stragglers continued after that. ions, covered all over in finest $225 quality damask. 2 pieces 5365 old rose and gold damask. 2 pieces Magazine Stand, Brt Mahogany Drop Leaf solid walnut top Coffee Table 14.50 Chairs, solid walnut.
upholstered Eft Solid Walnut Coffee Table seat 3U with 19,75 13.00 Three Book Case, single door. Gibbard Walnut Coffee Walnut 17 75 Table 975 Double Door Book Case, Hall Table with folding rwer2. top 29-00 27.50 Walnut Knee Hole Desk. Knee-Hole Deik. 7 drawer.
395Q Walnut. 24.50 Drop Leaf Duncan PhTfe Slipper Chairs, In color-Table, en fui chintz 7c 30 In. height -fct3U Russo Polish Crisis Still Remains Acute A Few Irresistible Buys in Diningroom Suites SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAY OF FRAMED HANGING MIRRORS BAETZ MAHOGANY DININGROOM SUITE Buffet, china cabinet, mahogany, ladder back, leather seat chairs. Choice of 10 legs or Duncan Phyfe table, beautiful crotch ma 18th CENTURY DININGROOM SUITE In mahogany. Buffet 66 inches glass door china cabinet, Duncan Phyf table with hand carved pedestal pillars, brass claw feet and choice of solid mahogany ladder back chairs or shield scroll back, covered in extra heavy Loan Oversubscribed MONTREAL, April 30.
iC.P.) Military district 4 here has over-subscribed its Victory Loan objective of $400,000. by $300, headquarters announced today, and is still going strong. Want something? Then let Citizen Classified Ads help you get it. through Citizen Classified Ads-ambitious men and women read them regularly tor new oppor- damask. 9 pieces $375 $560 hogany fronts.
9 pieces I- 4 iPf? ORME'S cordially invite your inspection of the latest arrivals in Quality Furniture, also their enlarged and redecorated Furniture Department. Five floors, redecorated and enlarged with special Fluorescent lighting, are now devoted exclusively to furniture. This allows ample space for the.display and grouping of various furniture suites, enabling our customers to readily select suitable design, color and finish. The new Fluorescent lighting will be found a great help in choosing color combinations as it brings out the true color and design in all fabrics. QUALITY COUNTS MORE THAN EVER NOW! Furniture is a long time investment the Best is the only real investment fundamental values do not change through good times or through shortage and plenty, the past years have no doubt taught you the importance, the permanence of quality.
Whether it be an end table, a chair, a suite or a complete refurnishing of your home, here at Orme's you will find lasting quality, furniture in modern and period everything that is in good taste today. By A. C. Cummings From the London News Bureau of The Evening Citizen. LONDON, April 30.
The diplomatic crisis between the Polish and Soviet governments remains acute with the center of discussion shifted to Moscow where the press has been making bitter attacks cn General Sikorski and certain political groups about him in London and the United States. Hopes of eventual settlement are still held here and every care is taken not in any way to embitter the issues relating to Poland's post-war frontiers, to the alleged murder of her officers, and ether matters in the dispute between the two Slax neighbors. UnitedKingdom newspapers, Indeed, remain models of discretion, fully aware they must in no way assist Goebbels' plan which is diabolical in its ingenuity for dividing the Allies. What Hitler's arch liar is now doing is drumming hourly into the ears of tortured Poles in Poland that Moscow is responsible for the murders at Katyn. The object of this campaign of lying is obviously to discourage Poles from looking to the Soviet Union for eventual liberation, to Induce them to slacken their underground resistance to Nazi rule and to lessen their cabotage and their retributive killing of Gestapo agents.
Goebbels has installed loud-speakers in Polish cities for his insidious propaganda and is offering to Poor Pa wnr Your YgVV'J I Prince Makes IT-V'tf Communion send reputable Polish citizens to Katyn to see the bodies of murdered Polish officers. Allow Bitter Attacks. On the Soviet side, while the Moscow government has not officially declared itself, it has allowed bitter attacks on General Sikorski and his political associates. These attacks suggest the Polish ministers do not really represent the Polish nation and hint that unless they mend their ways they may find another and more representative Polish government set up in Russia. Unfortunately anti-Soviet propaganda by Polish groups in the United States combined with reports from Bucharest that former Foreign Minister Josef Beck in exile there Moscow has always regarded him as Hitler's secret agent has been conducting anti-Russian intrigues and has intensified Russian suspicions of the Sikorski government's good faith.
This is less than just to General Sikorski who, whatever may be said of some groups about him, has sincerely worked for good understanding with the Soviet Union. In December, 1941, he met Stalin in Moscow. Both soldier-statesmen pledged themselves to wage war together on Hitler, to render each other full military assistance and in peacetime to collaborate as good neighbors and friends. Relations Deteriorate. However, since these pledges were exchanged Polish-Soviet relations have unhappily deteriorated until they are now critical.
Impartial observers here, however, think the crisis may not be without its benefits if it 'leads to a realization by all Poles that unless the Allies win the war there will be no future Poland at all, that without Russia no peace settlement that would last a year can be made in Europe, and that any attempt to create a bloc of anti-Soviet states in eastern Europe must never again be attempted. At the same time it is suggested that the creation of a supreme Allied Council to insure that all Allies conform to diplomatic as well as military requirements of total war is now the most urgent need. Communion Suits MAX FELLER Ltd. 15 Nicholas Street. 3-4001 wttMiMiwwawB ww -ire Sheraton Diningroom Suite With Duncan Phyfe table, Empire buffet and china cabinet, solid mahogany chairs with blue leather seats.
i- 9 pieces Back the Attack Buy Victory Bonds SlAfFER'S ITU flfc. JfTVn I -5 ft- WALNUT DININGROOM SUITE Apartment size, 56 in. buffet, refectory table, glass door china cabinet and 6 chairs. OAK DININGROOM SUITE Cathedral finish Credenza buffet, refectory table, glass door china cabinet, 6 maroon leather seated chairs. Caa 9 pieces 143 to 147 Rideau St.
-4mJLJ 9 pieces ri. Bedroom Suites at Prices Difficult to Equal J. D. Sanderson Co. Contractors for Roofing Asphalt Shingling Sheet Metal Work "Ma prizes the old mug that has been in our family so long, but she fusses at me for bein eld.
I haven't got a sentimental value like the mug." Claude Callan. MAHOGANY BEDROOM SUITE Shaped fronts, wood knob handles, shield shaped mirror. Dresser with 4 long drawers, chest on chest vanity dresser-Straight back bed, low back EXTRA LARGE DISPLAY OF Breakfast Suites NATt'RAI. MPI.E BREAKFAST HUITE und Interior in Chinese Bed New roll edge table with rhnlrn CQC vipholRtered In red seats. 6 Tleres (REAM ENAMEL AND NATl'RAL MAPLE BREAKFAST Sl'ITE Plate slldlnu gls cabinet top bullet sturdy qure edpe table with folding leaf 4 chairs cream leather ff 4 upholstered seats.
6 Pieces HESPELER BED ROOM SUITE in beautiful mahogviy design, sleigh bed, 5 drawer high-boy, roomy dresser and seven drawer vanity, upholstered bench with bow back. Read Citizen Classified Ads and heed the bargain news in them. McLAGAN BEDROOM SUITE In striped and crotch mahogany, heavy framed swing, British plate mirror. Chest on chest shaped vanity with low back bench and semi-sleigh bed. 8-3125 575 McLeod Street 5 pieces $425 BACK the ATTACK tag $295 BREAKFAST 17ITE WITH CABINET DROP LEAF TABIE and upholstered bench.
5 pieces The Walk took 5 pieces 4 sturdy chairs Natural finish. Pieces $295 Matching Night Table 532.50 Twin Beds each $72.00 $38.50 175-179 SPARKS ST. 2-4231 Loveiy Rugs 1 Table and Boudoir Lamps A selection of Table Lamps and Boudoir Lamps with Silk Shades. Values from $2.00 to $30.00. HALF-PRICE Urate AXM1NSTER RUGS Figured design, fringed.
6 ft. 9 ins. 9 It. $30 00 WILTON RUGS Broadloom, two-tone design. Size 6 ft.
9 ins. 9 ft. 50 my IL, rc-, TfflT rnrunrii irN-lMi F. SL0VER LTD. On By Ward Market low Cost Water Paint for Walls and Ceilings.
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