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The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 7

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE EVENING CITIZEN, OTTATVA, CANADA. Wednesday, January 11, 1911 oatofuer, doctor. But what was I say lng my father called? oh. STILL HAS FRIEND Admiral Schley Expresses Be lief in Dr. F.

A. Cook. Malice Do you buy good soap Sunlight Soap and save money there and know. Well, aft-r a time my father and mother and s- If left In "Your mother? I was not aware that "Shu died some years ago." said the girl in a saddened tone, amd th- sud VOTE IN FAVOR OP CHURCH UNION Ottawa Presbytery Gives a Strong Vote. Aforethought (Canadian Pro Do.

patch) New York. Jan. Ki fr. hYedk. A i' received this Ittu-r today from then? Or do you save a fraction by Kear Admiral V.

Schlev. LT. S. w. LE QTJEDX.

I ar in Mesident'of the Arctic club, under denly raisin? her eyes, sh fixed them on ven's a with an irteni.ty that made him feel ut range! til 't case. He felt he could not endure their iterative power; it was as thousrh she was viewing his inmost thoughts, reading the secrets of his brain, and he dropped his eyes till, witn a faint sigh, she continued; nhejie auspices rr. Cook made hi to the North. "IVar Or. Cook: using common soaps and pay the dearer price in clothes and labour? Remember IX WHICH THE PROMLEM IS CNTINI'EI.

Madame garf-d Odd thank you very much for your Length of Pastorate For Debate Today. kind and I would assure you staring with fixed astonishment at Opening Sale of Seven Thousand fSflfimilll that I huve never varied in the beli the craceful. girlish figure before I I Hi II It I that you and Civil Engineer Peary him. I thought I should astonish you. mi reach the Pole.

After reading the mi iill Doctor." laurherl Miss Gordon. "You published accounts daily and criti .1 I Various Matters Discussed at Meeting. have never consulted her. I think wily, of birth claimants, I was forced ds or the never injures trie hani to the conclusion from their striking New Shirtwaists Xn-fr. Rut there must he some mistake.

We cannot to similarity that each of you was the eye witness i.f the otltr success. the same person." yes, we are." Ottawa presbytery by a vote of 3 most delicate fabric. We will give $5,000 lo anyone who can find adulterants in Sunlight Soap. Without collusion it would have been impossible to have written ac to 5 yesterday afternoon deMded in For a moment or two Owen remained silent, lost in doubt, and then 5 counts so BlmHar. favor of church union.

diseus- hlle I have never believed that continued "The Madame Juliette I refer to lon lasted about three hours and was either of xni got within a pin-point is the woman who has taken all the or the Pole, I hav steadfastly hell West End hv storm hv her wonder ful exhibitions of clairvoyance and that both got as near the goal as was powrihle to ascertain considering the Lse Sunlight Soap according to directions try It Just once and convince yourself that it will do twice as much as other soaps. 62 1 "We resided for a time in the West of England, and, when my father had retired, came to Londmi. Here, owing to financial mis'ortumr. our oin um-stance3 were not as comfortable as they had been, and then it was that the thought 'vurred to me to make use of the knowledge I had gathered while a girl India. "I had a little money of my own.

and this I expended in taking and fitting up in Oriental style, a suite of roonw in Bond Street, and In advertising pretty largf-ly. At first my father was much against my plan, and it was only on niy undertaking to adopt a disguise that he gave his con-snt. I was familiar with Hindustani, and it was no difficulty to me to assume the character of a mysterious woman of the East. Hence the appearance of. Madame Jullntte the London stage.

And, rvctcir Odd, you have tio Idea of the superstition, and love of the mysterious and occult In the fashionable circles of today. It Is rampant. I assure you. and If I were to lower myself, and condescend to tricks, my clients wiould swallow them a grain of suspicion. But that I will neveT do; I give them just what I am able to do honestly.

a very careful one. at the close of which tho above result was reached. This result will be conveyed to the general assembly for Canada of the Presbyterian church which meets in Ottawa this summer. All th nres-hyteries of Canada will report to the general assembly and the assembly will be guided to a great extent by at imperfections of the instruments used and the personal errore of individuals under circumstances so adverse to absolute accuracy. Again I have been broad enough in my views to believe that there waa the result of these reports aa to whether or not it will continue work- enough at the Pole for two, and never narrow emough to believe big towards church union.

If the re mat only one man there. "I believe that both of you are em It was very good of you." "You must not judge me by this evening, doctor. As I say, I'm not myself, and under the.s circumstances I never do myself Justice." "Oh, I don't know. The first part was quite true, and as for the criminals well, I suppose we doctors do occasionally come in contact with them. But the murdw And Owen smiled, as though politely con-travenmg the suggestion.

"Ah. don't take any notice of that. It wae theire. I may have failed. I titled to the honor of the achieve psychic powers.

Her rooms at 103a. Bond street, are crowded daily by those who go to consult her, and who com away in every case convinced of her mysterious attributes. As I said, I have never been there myself, but I know- several who have, and they have given me a minute description of what has taken place, and it certainly appears to me that she nrust be gifted with some occult powers unknown to the generality of people. The Madame Juliette I mean is undoubtedly a factOT In London society of today." ReaHy, Dr.Odd, you are giving me a most flattering character one I am afraid I hardly deserve," raid Miss Gordon with a. smile.

"And you mean to tell me you are this person?" Without a doubt." "But, from the descriptions given me, she is stout, and middle-aged very unlike you, Miss Gordon," con ment. HCtlXJiY ports of the majority of the Presbyteries are favorable, the last step in getting the voice of the church will be when the question will be handed down to the people. Every member of the Presbyterian church in Canada will have an opportunity to vote on church union before tha assembly can definitely commit the church to It. The question of sending an overture to the general assembly from PHOTOGRAPHING SKY and no more, and with that they must could not see clearly; everything was indistinct. Forget mv words, doctor.

be oontemt. "And now I think I have fulfilled my promise to make a. full confession The Pictures of Over It would have been better if I had 000 Stars To Be Taken. and have only to thank you for listen remained silent. What? Must you be presbytery, with regard to the length ing to me so patiently." going Txindon, Jan.

10 Observations in My dear lady, the thanks are all "I really must, and am ashamed of due from me. You have interested me of time a pastor should remain In any one charge, came up last night and will again be discussed today. Rev P. W. Anderson introduced it.

many parts of the world have been havin taken up so much ef your time, more than I can tell you. Previous Engaged for several years in talking a I'll call In -tomorrow morning-, and imobograpntc survey of the eky. The after that I hope your father will have tinued Owen, still far from being convinced. "And she poses as an Indian, and looks it at least, so my friends tell me." "Your friends appear to he' close observer with rranhic powers of Rev. Robert Eadie gave a report so derived is tabulated no further need of my services." to this evening I regarded these matters a a pura humbug." "Birt they're not, I can a-seure you.

doctor. There is a certain amount of I trust not professionally; b-ut am sure he will always be pleased to description, for they have painted a humbug mixed up with them in some see von an friend, when vou can cases, tout the true practitioners ould find time to look in on Mm. You see, ignore such subterfuges. At times we! I'm obliged to be a good deal away very true picture of me in my professional guise." "You are not Joking. Miss Gor ii Law vmiiiiuoiis me which was very satisfactory.

It was decided to reappoint Rev. Mr. Eadie to that position for the coming year and to take action to arouse more interest among the churches in hospital work. Particularly will this be th case with re.fard to the Lady Grey hospital. Mr.

Eadie reported that the patients there complained of the and published in books, each volume containing little but a mass of figures. The work is Invaluable from a scientific point of view. Mr. K. A.

Bellamy. Hon. A A.S.. University observatory, Oxford, states that this great international task is probably tlhe most important of Its kind ever undertaken. "The entire sky," he said, "is to be photo- raohefl Iwift tliat la on-r! from him.

Good-night, and once more let me thank you for what you have don?" said Owen, with his eyes still fixed on his companion's face, for as vet he felt hardiv able to thoroughly done. do employ 'suggestion' as an aid to bring the client's mind into a proper condition, but beyond this no. no." "Oh. that is quite legitimate. We doctors axe equally guilty In that respect; indeed, 'suggestion' In some cases does more in effecting a cure than all the drugs in the pharmaco believe what he had lust heard.

The "Good-night, Miss Gordon, and please don't mention it." And Owen made his way down the stains and out Idea, of this slim, eraceful girl, with monotony of the pink-and-white complexion of the Anglo-Saxon race, being able to the life and he urcdjand, a l)ng posure. Each of the into the night, while Amy Gordon re that Young People's associations, etc eighteen observatories participating turned to the room they had Just left. FRIDAY MORNING Remarkable and Sensational Offering of Elegant Waists, All New, Worth $1.50 to $2.00 each. The opening is not quite complete at the time -of writing but the different styles in these waists will number between fifty and sixty, The designs are all taken from the latest French and American models made up of the finest unshrinkable lawns, embroideries and laces. Also many tailor made styles of the new linens, not linen, but a heavier material like linen, washes perfectly and very durable.

The Opportunity Is One Well Worth Taking Advantage of SALE FRIDAY SEE WINDOWS THURSDAY The matter of selling 98c Shirtwaists is becoming almost a chronic disease but the usual and average Shirtwaist sold for 98c is just worth that money and even less, We have seen Shirtwaists sold at 98c in this city which were actually sold by this store at 69c and yet they were called bargains at 98c, The Shirtwaist Sale Announced Above which opens Friday morning at 98c each are dainty, and beautiful pieces of workmanship, everything in their make-up being choice and superior, You would expect to pay not less than $1 the cheapest and $2.50 would look reasonable for many, pose and take in the fashionable and, herself before the fire, gave up to her thoughts. poeia could do. But there is one thing I ehould like to ask you. Miss Gordon, If you will not think me too inquisitive?" "Oh, no, no. Ask me what you like, What they were none can tell.

At should arrange to have meetings ot song, there as often as possible. A committee was appointed to consider the status of Rev. Kennedy Palmer. He is going to complete his course in the theological college and the presbytery will consider on what times a happy expression rested on her fair featuree. soon to he pray." chased awav by a troubled look of win take about 1,200 photographs.

"The work has gone on continuously at Oxford since 1892, and our task is now practically completed. The total number of separate stars In the sky of which we shall have determined the positions and magnitudes will be about 2O0.0O0. EJg-hteen times that to estimate the work of the other universities as well brings the approximate total to nearly perplexity, which in Its turn gave standing he will enter in view of his place to a smile. Meanwhile Owen was making his Then what caused you to send for me this evening, when there were so many doctors nearer you?" "Doctor, you've asked me a question I cannot answer, beyond saying that something told me to send. I had good service as assistant pastor of church.

A committee composed of Rev. J. H. Turnbull, Rev. W.

A. Mcllroy, Rev. J. D. MaoOonald, Mr.

J. Taylor seen ycur name on the brass plate, but, way back to his solitary rooms, al-niost unconscious of those who passed him or of those he passed. "Is it possible she can know anything?" he muttered. "It's most extraordinary! And yet well, time will show." (TO BE CONTINUED.) and Dr. McMillan wm appointed to world as a dark-skinned, obese-bodied oriental, was more than he could momentarily grasp.

The smile on the girl's face showed how she was enjoying his perplexity, and she continued: "I am afraid, doctor, you hardly grasp what can be done with ju-dlrious padding, an artistic make-up. and suggestive surroundings. I can assure you the native origin of Madame Juliette has never yet been questioned, and all her clients are content to take her as they find her. and to believe, more or less, in what she tells them." "Well, Miss Gordon, I can only say you astound me, and yet, if it is necessary that you should make money, the role you have selected is probably as good as any other, providing well, providing that And here Owen stammered, for he hesitated to finish the sentence he had commenced. "Providing I am honest in my business, vou intend to say eh, name standing committees for the as far as I know, previous to this evening mj' eyes had never rested on you; and yet And once more, as the words came to an end, the eyes coming year.

of the girl became fixed on the face of the man before he.r with an intens St. John New Year Riots. t. John, N. Jan.

10. As an af Fines For Long Hat Pins. New York, Jan. 10 Long hat pins, a subject which has agitated other city councils. were discussed at a meeting of Now York's board of aldermen today.

An ordinance providing a fine of not more than $50 for any woman whose hat pin, unless suitably guarded, protrudes more than half an inch from the crown or other portion of the hat, was referred to the committee on law and ity that was startling. But it was termath of the riot here New Year's only for a second or two, and then, as on the previous occasion, with a eve, the grand jury today Indicted eleven of the fourteen young mm arrested for being members of nn "un little sigh she became herself again. It's ounous, said Owen. I don lawful assembly and destroying pub understand it." ANOTHER BIC FIRE AT CINCINNATI Second Conflagration Within Three Weeks. ic property.

The trial begins tomor- 'No more do replied the girl. row morning. "But in occultism there is much that in our normal condition we are not able to grasp. But if I cannot patisfy vour curiosity In this respect, I may "Yes, that is what was in my mind. I confess," replied Owen.

'Naturally. It is the first idea that would occur to you, and I'm glad you mentioned it. We have rot known each other long, but when our acquaintance Is a little older. I perhaps in another. Would you like me to look at your hand?" "By all means.

It would be interesting." And Owen drew his chair nearer that of tho girl, and held out Entails a Loss of Over a Million Dollars. am sure, doctor, you win not regard me as a cheat and charlatan, as are so of those who profess the same powers as I do. "My dear Miss Gordon, don't imag ine for a moment that I am presum mum Several Firemen Unaccounted For Last Night. ing to Judge you. I have not the faintest right or groundwork on which to do so.

You startled me at first. I admit, and this must be mv excuse for saying what I did." The Home Sewing Month During Jannary while White a.Tis re in progress economical housekeepers get their home sewing done and, those who use THB WHITE SEW1X3 MACHINE are loud in their praiee of its beautiful etitohery, simple construction and; easy running powers. It comes w-ith all the necessary attachments for fancy as well as fine and we are it sole agents for Ottawa. 6ce it demonstrated and Inquire about Its trial terms. TRAFFIC IN ARMS Large Consignment from Japan to Abyssinia.

Tokio.Jan. 10 Sixty thousand stand of arms and some ix millions of cartridges Is a purchase recently made by Abyssinia. Both arms and ammunition were part of Japan's spoils of war, and were taken at Port Arthur during the last war. It Is well known that these arms have been offered by the. war department for sale, and It Is now admitted that they have artually been sold, and that In a few days they will leave a port In Japan for the French port of DJIbutil.

An old resident Tikio a foreigner was the purchaser from the war department, and his sale of the his hand. took it gently in her own, and. bending over it, examined it intently. For a time she did not speak, and then, almost In a whisper, muttered something in a language unfamiliar to him, breaking off to look up with a bright simile, paying: "Forgive me. I am so accustomed to this little trick of the trade.

I forgot vou were In a sense behind the scenes, as it were. But do you mind coming to the table; there is one point on which I am not quite clear." And while she spoko ehe moved across the room, and from a cabinet took a shallow crystal dish. Into which she poured some thick, inky fluid from an h. I finite understand. But vou see.

doctor. I spent a good many years of my life In India, and as It hannened. I had exceptional oppor tunltle-R of meeting and learning from one wh" was deeply versed in the mysteries and secrets of well, call It what you will, the science of orientalism. It has been given to CASH OR CREDIT Oriental clay vase, and set it on a (Canadian Press Despatch). Cincinnati, January 10 Entailing a loss of more than one million dollars, this city suffered Its second great fire within three weeks when the Chamber of Commerce building at Fourth a.nd Vine streets was destroyed tonight, adjacent property damaged, a dozen firemen injured and possibly lives lost.

While several firemen still are unaccounted for up to a late hour, reports of fatalities among firemen and spectators who were caught In the wreckage of the collapsed roof have not been confirmed. it Is known that there were a large number of employes at work when the Are few to be favored as 1 was, and now. table beneaith the electric light. "lClndly sit opposite me, and gaze intently into the fluid. You will see nothing, but it will be an aid to me." Owen did as he wa bid, and for a arms and the ammunition -was made In Paris directly with the arents of the Abyssinian government.

The price paid Is not stated, hut the seller state! SA Metropolitan House Furnisher. oi Agent for White Sewing MscUtnt 69-61 RIDEAU STREET. OTTAWA. fP rl) (TrfTTTOTO MANITOBA HARD WY Mor few minutes there was silence, hrrtken at last by his companion's voice: that he has already been paid. It Is not Improbable that a good deal "Your early life was uneventful and more will be heard of this matter, a started.

happy. You did fairly well at school and college. You have- traveled far. the British government is much con cerned. and been mahlnr anxtou The Cincinnati stock exchange and the Ivoulsvillo and Nashville railroad and seen strange sights.

on have inquiry. The Japanese war depart been in the company of crinimalu nient. however, pmfeases 1o be entire HHHMMHMasWHHHastMMMaMMas offices, both of which contained records almost Invaluable, were consumed In the conflagration. Only yes, ves more tnan one; and yet tins ly an Innocent party, and asserts It ig not clear. There Is sometning that botokeins a murder.

Still. I no, It Is full right to dispose of the stock af ter securing an assurance Oint the not clear even now. the bare walls of what was Cincinnati's most magnificent architectural building remain. The building had a valuation of tl.fiOO.OOO, while the arnn were not to 1 sold 1o a belllger When occasion demands. I see no harm in putting iny knowledge to Cl'Ullt." "Certainly mot.

Miss Gordon. 1 now begin to understand a. little more clearly." "The facts the case are shortly these; my father was Hlile to do a kindness to a certain man In India, amd he was iniirli at our bungalow. Krom h- first he appeared to take a great f.mcy to me; I but a thild at the time, and endeavored to show Ins gratitude by Instructing me In muc that lie knew himself, and which i J-alously guarded from Eu-ropo-aii as a rule. This new path of knowledge took niy youthful fancy at once, and I give more attention to It th in I diil to niy ordinary lessons.

My memory Is good one. and I forgot that I i.i taught, and at the same time ma ever enn'r to learn more. My aptitude and diligence no pleased ni, tea. Iter that there was no trouble that noiiM not take to help me forward, till last. I may say.

I kii-w as much he did htm -('If. and el i ihi-n he and I continued to stuiiy logmlier. for like olln-r leu. -there is no limit to Oriental mysticism, and the one learns At these words Owen gave a very ent country at war wlfh a frl.odly palpable start as his suspicions of his friend flashed across his mind. With power.

nxtures in tne various offices were valued at 150.000. The stock an effort tie pi'ld nimseir together, and bttr tor a several business houses In the block and his companion gnve no sign of IS A MISNOMER were damaged, hut the lire was con having ohserved his action, but con linen to tne cnamber of commorce tinued: building. "It is not clear. It in not cloar." And. pii.sing her hand across her fuuy live thousand persons were Com.

Peary and Discovery crowded directly outside the tire linfts The Kind Yea Have Alwoys Bought, nnd wblcli lias been the North Pole. (Cana.llan Dopatch). Smiifl VToniAn Wear in ue for over 30 yearn, has homo tho eljrnaturo or eyes, she rose, saying, IKictnr, I can do no more tonight. I ought not to have attempted even this much. I have had a hard dy.

and iny father attack has tried me more than I thought. You must execute me, when the roof collapsed. Smoke and flying sparks filled the streets fur tw. sijuares and a panic followed. Men and women fought to escape anil many were trampled In the OUT Sumt Wothoii Rust Washiicton, January 10 Thr 1 no royal road to the North Pole and TliHMhprs Use aim lias hpcn maIouiiuT His personal diipcrvlnlon Klnrfl its infancy.

Allow noono tolerrlveyoii In this. riinn. sustained bruises and no aign pnt mark th way. accord ple.lHe." cut hut no one was reported serious "i 'urtHinly -certainly. I sTry that Ing to faptaln Hubert K.

l'ery, th Arctic explorer, who appeared today ly injured. "wing to the demdtv ah rnimfcrf. lm. Imitations nnd Junt-aM-ifiMMl but hefora the house commit! on naval of the smoke the police were powerless to cope with the situation for fully ten minutes, and nearby office affairs In connection with th bill pending fur his retirement as a rear buildings were turned into hospital: admiral. II declared that th data for the Injured and shelter places for collected on th dah of the Pesry DIAMOND CLEANSER The Greatest of All Home Help, era.

All CIrivrrs sf)l it. Put up in lnrjro improved sift- expedition to the top of the world would tie or practically no value "th'-r pirliig Polar Argonaut. tne panic ittricken STORM RESPONSIBLE "Then the North Pole Is as much the more Ihi-re is to know." "Anl I in iilti umlcretHnil that vou found II in. st fascinating study, )ik i lordo'i I did Indeed- Put stop a moment, please; I thkik 1 hear my father lalllnr" And ns she from her i ll.iir nuen said. "RimIIv.

Miss Jordn. I might not to haw you lalklng In this way. Ill bo goin.v" Atid he, too, 1 1 so. "No, idor; you don't mind wailing few minutes long I should like tu tell you ii lit. more, kk I have miners'-! While Fhe n.m lcnt 0-t! could nut help iiMrvi'llittw at the tn.Mnt oi" the Isst ml a half.

rn-vlmii iot a ever? Inuulred live tlreg of Tn. "The rtimoverv For Suffocation of Two Miners the North Pole is a ninomer. Experlinenls that trifle Hth nnd riidnncrrth health of Infant und ChUdrcn-Lxperlciico ncainst Kipcriuieut. What is CASTORIA Cantorla Is a harmless uhallliil for Caator Oil, Tar)-porle, lrops nnd honthlnir Syrups. It is Pleasant.

contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic IMiliMiuice. Its bk 1 Its puaranteei, 1 1 deatroys AVorms And nllajs IVverlelmeas. It cures Plarrlm a and Wind Colic. It relieves Teethlnjr Trouhles, cures Con! I pat Ion find Flatulency. It nsolmllates tho Food, retfuhitcs th) Mntimi Ii mid HoweN, jrlvinir healthy nnd natural ulccy.

Tho Chlldrcir Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS rtorted t'apialn Peary. "It la an attainment. VS ILK- The Salt of Stilt Manufactured in Ottawa. in an Alaskan Gulch.

(Canadian lrc Hcspntcli). N.mie. Alanka. Jan. 10 'Jus Martell The explorer explained at length ih privation or trip to th Pol, and declared hla success a wraith mining nwin and one of the mreotiy atiriiMiUbi to hi tn'v lot Tsble, best for Dairy.

Improved melh. ods make it pur. rat and clrtnesl. All Grocers. years of experlenc In Arctic work i that he had little to engage his In rpone to nuestinn hf ackers I.

thoughts brvond his prmtiee the discoverer of tho Kougsrok district, and K. Simon, hla partner, wer as-phvxuied im rlalm No. 5 Nlnn jtuich during a heavy storm, their cbln brooming ul. edged that had mad no offictil report to the navy department. natter connected ith hi frlrnl Jcr aid now, lnliwr mi P' OTTAWA'S EXCLUSIVE CARPET STORE.

DOMINION SALT CO, LIMITED Manufactursrt aod Shipper Sarnia. Ont. a Must Pay For His Breach. Maiisrllan Pre liewimU'lil. (arent'v risual sumiimoiis.

he found himself chatting fimlllarlv with, mid oKtoning the ionfein of, a girl Soars tho SIgnaturo of SI Toronto, Ann to, M1.S Jentt niffird a ho, being with a of H'lVMX avenue waa tUv an-aMM (I, im such lie ha1 never Ix-forn id th fortune to scro, was nf suit r.i emi Th.sTiaa Jrffria. of Mtrgueretta for breach of promise, irned nlfh poweo ihii had "tt her one of the firt places to Die talk and si ii was carried through tn the rword little of Hie West Mid drawing. litne of tn mlmit Mt fllffofd Pczyr strove It was nil strange mid in t-tnflM thai sh rama rgM s-v. merged nd the atnvaj plp choked. The fiimea of the an ft noal fir of the stove, left burning when they re-tired, filled 111 ratlin, with 1h mill ihnt both were auffoiviied.

Mar-tell Is dvi'l nnd hla partner Is mt upecti-J to Hit. MrfHell, who tlinde I tvir last year, K'li'ling the winter In Nome, Appointed a Senator. Hit nail In il rrcw, )rHI h) HuMfiird. i't Xin. 1-4eo, 1 11111, B'-wnmr In this nut In 1fi nd will ii th an4t' fr'iin 'iiMei miicdllig Ih pre.

art, i jwiabT Morgan Hm kl'. Mr McliCn dnfmied th senior aenaior In 111 catp-ua today by v.m i.f iu lo I'll I Xplli We And theft the I lirl'MIS fact en yra ag-, bill JefTrira l.r. off th ucroi him (hat should outer) hruM had Ui f. mw have been summoned ihera The Kind You Have Always Bought 'in Thv berar r-n gsaH ere a ore of tln-lors 19 Jeffries again put itmrrins Jf. IVevnn (larl'i.

than hU rv Kv frlra diil put mi jrtrsri. in Annual January Sale 20 Cash Discount OFF ENTIRE STOCK OF HIGH CLASS CARPETS, CUR. TAINS AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Terms of Sale Strictly Cash CLEGHORN BEATTIE 30-33 O'CONNOR 8TREET. Phone 1772.

rvthiog this eiet.ltiit wettied more or oiirl and lh ludg. aMcr e.tmtiiit. ig iiiifav.rsllv on 1fnta In. In Use For Over 30 Years. There Is Health and Strength in every Cup of EPPS'S COCOA In fine invigorating qualities tuil people of all Rfi.

Rich in cocoa butter, end FREE FROM CHEMICALS Lppi'i Coco i the favour-ile cocoa of millit liomri. ChiUrtn thrivt on "EPPS'S." i.f mvpterv, stul with ii shrug i.f hit Ii" left th" mittur ihre, jui the opened t. mil his Vo'i'H foreHe me, I know. Mv father hi it'' hed, (Kid seeit nj.llte 1 1.m,.frta,ie mid likely in Ms l. me ttn'iJt for M'g Willi Mil for it li'lle lime, fi.f he said sure I Villi be ij'ill nil on oil.

d-'tit it. fl ordon I he Itch tat lttlrr'i-l wtnt in "I ifit my you ri i eweDwrt eiructed ih luM fiixl thr. fir P'siMifT Th vfdirf saa rraihrd lse Jiirt leavlri Ih To Succeed W. E. Corey.

New fnfk. Jan a. Jut rrfi Hfrt.HU! 1 (n ih'i of tfie f. ah'-A IH IV si rifprSlInn Will fnrev d'lit Pie r.p. sfif lh c.Miiii.

(nip firnn Chalrttih Oar ln4 tB lUterDMf. I .1 Nt'' 'I 'l'lll' (111 Iplfnf I.I l4l i Society is Powerful. l.i lH, I. I 4., tf, rt II, a Pretender Leaves Regiment. aimilliiii Prc li'niclil.

HI pl.K.M Jsltli- I'" ramm pifUmlrr, i a fc.liinM lo. rni.tnOwv lit file ijrn.lhn H'i'1 (h iii-ior ha -kmiIi, i in ih rank nf lni.l I inn iwiM HH lli Im. am. in ih)

vr, beini datorattd let tal- HVGtnr is MUsrw flVe 1, 'f1 ll. on r--. h.r, J'. th UijClfr tn I his in h-v ar thrift win trofMlohallral.

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