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Reading Times from Reading, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Reading Timesi
Reading, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VOL. 29 NO. 92. BY TELEGRAPH The Baltimore Convention The Arizona Indians GENEKAL HOWARD'S EEPOET THE TRIAL OF STOKES TUB GREELEY CAMPAIGN Election of Erie" Officer! THE HEATED TERM DEATH OF JUDGE McCUNN Spanish Cortes Election WASHINGTON. Weather Report.

Washington, July 7. Probabilities for Monday Light to fresh easterly to southerly winds and partially cloudy weather will probably preTaii on Monday over the South and Middle Atlantic Stales. Partially cloudy weather for the northern portion of the Middle States, with light to fresh winds. The Baltimore Coaptation. Washinqtok, July 6.

A large number of delegates arrived here to day from the South. They are all for Greely and Brown, and some of them assert that they will be nominated by acclamation. As far as heard from, there is no organized mot ement for a bolt. Gen. Seward and tbe Arlseaa Iadlaas.

Gen. Howard baa made his report to the Secretary of the Interior about his operations in Arizona. He believes Gen. Crook the commanding general should hare a large discretion. So one can anything well, bound hand and foot by a multitude of specific orders, whicn may or may not apply to the situation.

Gen. Howard recommends that the order relieving Crook from the operation of the telegram which suspended hostilities against those who refine to obey the orders of the Government, with a view to another strenuous effort for peace and be confirmed, and that his hands be strengthened by allowing him an additional number of mechanics and laborer, that the soldiers msy be able to perform the duty of soldiers. NEW YORK Why Dr. Honard la not Released wrant Presented to President Tiller. New Yobk, July 7.

The Herald special from London says tbe delay in Dr. Honard' release is becauae Senor Martes wants Minister Sickles to ask fer Heuard's pardon. This Gen. Sickles refuses to do, because the position assumed is that Houard plead not guilty, and that be is therefore unjustly held. Sharp notes between Gen.

Sickles and Senor Martes are being exchanged, and telegrams to nd from Washington are traniinitted re girding the affiur. President Xnierg received Lieut. Fred. Grant in Paris with marked cordially on tbe fourth. The President also spoke with great pleasure of Gen.

Banks and Ex Secretary Seward, and begged young Grant to present his compliments to his illustrious father. Lieut. Grant waa also presented to Madame Thiers, who conversed witb him in ISnglieh. The) Stokes Trial. New York, July 6.

The first witness in tbe Stokes case was John Moore, who testified that he saw Fisk go in tbe Grand Central Hotel afterwards tbe boy itea mond came out and said that Fisk was shot witness went in and caught the Colonel under the arms; no one present but the two of them. He was iust going to ask "Are you hurt when Fisk said, He was too quick for me this time." When witness came out fist's colored driver asked him what bad happened, and telling bim. the colored man taid, Won der the old man didn't pull on him for he was fixed," and afterwards said, "I tarry two myself for some time." The cross examination brought out no con tradictioos. George W. Bailey was next called; but the Court would not admit what the defence want ed to prove by him, as to what Stokes said before the ronrder.

Governor Hoffman and a number of dele gates from this State left for Baltimore this morning. Work waa resumed on the old basis at tbe Singer machine factory on Monday, nearly all the strikers resuming their old situations, Delegates te Baltimore. A number of delegates from this State to the convention at Baltimore will leave this city to day. Among them is Governor Hoff man. Tbe Weatber this morning is somewhat cooler.

The ther enotneter yesterday was 98 in the shtde. Thir ty four new cases of sunstroke were reported yesterday, and the number or deaths waa 33. The Erie Bleetlon. Nothing definite has yet transpired concern' ing the secret meeting; of the Erie directors held yesterday. The Times' information of the selection of Vanderbilt as president of the Jbne is baaed upon report, although it is known that gentleman would like to nave Erie un der his control.

The Antl Qreeler Democrats will hold private conference in Baltimore on Monday, and organize their contention on Tuesday at noon. They meet in the Maryland institute. The Germans Held a Meellss last night in this city to prepare a petition witb twenty thousand signatures, to present to tbe convention in favor of Greeley and Brown. Eft eels of the Strike. Tbe father of the girl Elliott, who was murdered by her mother yesterday, had been on a strike lor three weeks, and was dissipated, This is said to have driven the mother crazy, Terrible rtalltr.

During the past six daya 1S43 deaths oo curred in this city. A Port an Prlnce Letter eays The Haytien Legislature has agreed to pav the American claims in twenty years, and the Americans ate about petitioning the uoveroment to send naval vessels to fallow the example of the Germans. Heath of Jndgc McCnau. Judge McCunn died suddenly early this morning. Hit death occurred at four o'clock this morning, and was the result of great menial depression caused by tbe action of tbe Court of Impeachment in finding him guilty oi maueasance, ana removing him from his office as judge by a unanimous vote.

His relations who were with him at his last moments, state that he died of grief and a proa id neeri. The (lirmia Band arrived from Boston this morning and were received by the Landwshr Veretn and 6th German" Regiment, and escorted to Turner z. 1 TT.Il mhmra iIim Kr.iVf.ntxl. Thar nroceeded to Jones' Woods, where thev lira concert during the afternoon. GEORGIA.

A Hear Military Elretloa. 8AVANSAH, JiiIt 7. Gor. Smith ha is susd orders lo the mgro military orjaoiza I 1. ihhaIm 110I1 in tOM CUT, Knowing IUB umwiu Union Guards, to hold an flection for commissioned officeis.

Thin is the first instance of the kind in the State. MARYLAND. Arrival at at Baltimore. Baltimore Julv 6 About two hundred delegates to ihe Convention have arrived to night, mostly from the South and distant State. A m'jwity of tbe New York delegates, including Uov.

Honman and Augustus ccneii, have arrived and are Quartered the Carrol ton. A large number of newspaper men have also arrived. Among the Southern delegates already heie the name of Geo. John A. Mc demand, of Illinois, is most prominent as Presidi nt of the Convention.

CONNECTICUT. Fatal Accident. ParnnvnADV Tiilv A vnnnff manmimAil 11 1.1 I'll I VU.J Uinr. FL.ffmuVAr in Kh Yfirlc 11 llt'J I Pit foil fpum fha.nnfnf ih. Atlantic Hotel.

where be had gore to sleep, some time after ooe o'clock this morning, and was instantly killed. Snooting of Negro who Cammltted Wnuri.iT Tn 7 rtmiol.aa lha n.prn who committed the rape on Mrs. La Pierre, was caueht at New London yesterday, and carried to the watch Dr. Julian La Pierre gtined admission to tbe door of the tirioin.r'.

roll ami him twine, but not fatally. The doctor was arrested and held to bail in $15,000. As there was reason to fear that the negro would be lynched, he was ta ken tojau wunoui any preliminary cumulation. NORTH CAROLINA. Attempted Murder or a Beiiorter.

Raleigu. Julv 6. The Raleigh Aettsthis morning publishes a despatch from Tarboro, which ssjs that the Fourth of July was observed here to div by a large crowd of negroes. Captain Bigg, editor of the Southerner, was presented as a reporter. He was assaulted by runny of the negroes, and saved his life with difficuliy.

After having exhausted all his weapons, he escaped with a f. slight scratches The Xeu denounces the outrage as a brutal and cowardly attempt to murder a Democratic citizen of this State on account of his political sentiments. VIRGINIA. Fire in atlebmaad. Richmond.

Va July 6. At half rait one o'clock this morning D. C. Mayo Co's to bacco factory was destroyed by hre. Loss, insurance; nearly $50,000, principal ly in Northern companies.

It was tbe large factory in Richmond. During the fire a young lady, daughter of Rev. M. W. Staples, ate of York and ageut of tbe American Bible Society, dropped dead in ber chamber from excitement.

ENCLAND. Caiaeexy Aanlu. London, July 6. One Wideman has ad dressed a letter to tbe London Echo, otierii to sell to that paper a i amphlet written by Catacazr, late Minuter to the United Statts, containing terrible revelations in relation to the administration ot General tira nt. Wide man acknowledges that Catacazf engaged biin to sell tbe pamphlet in America, and that he has already treated with the editor of a New York paper fir it publication.

The Echo prints the letter, but declines to make any answer lo it. FRANCE. Ratification of tbe i.vacuatlon Treaty, Paris. Julv 0. The National Assembly to dav.

with oulv four ditsentu votes, rati' fltd the treaty recently concluded, providing for tbe evacuation of French territory by the German troops. The committee lo which the ireaty was reierrea upon us presentation io the Assembly, in its repot made through M. Broelie. the chairman, flatters the Assembly for the efforts it las made to relieve tbe countrv from the presence of the Getman troops, butstudiously avoids giving any credit to inters. Faecal Ion ol t'omnisnlils.

Paris. Julv 6. Two ronimutiiits. named Bondouin and Roillac, who word tried and convicted by couit niailial, were executed this morning at ratory. Loan to ttie tJovernment.

Tbe Minister of Finance has signed a con vention with tbe officers of tbe Bank of France, wheieby the l.ti.r agiee lo loan Ihe Government 40,000,000 frame. TURKEY. The Fire In cntarl. London, July 6. A Constantinople tele gram says the hre culan was checked al ter destroying but lew more nouses tnan oe fore staUd.

CFRMANY. Tbe tlaai Joan bvnndary Question. Berlin, July 6. The Gazette official, in its issue to day, says that Emperor William has appointed three law ufliceis of tbe Crown to prepare a report oo the San Juan Boundary question. SPAIN.

Spanlah Cortes Elections. Madrid, July 6. The Republicans have reconsidered their de ermination to abstain from all elections while tbe monarchy exists in Spain, and will participate in the voting for members of the Oitrs. Carllst Oturaates, A band of Carlisle yesterday appeared on the railway near Lends, and captured a mail train. A number of important documents belonging to the Government, which were on the train, were burned.

Tbe Borse and His Rider. It was a bap py day for tbe Horse and bla rider when the HoaTAno LurmiHT waa introduced as a cure ter the external dlseaHes and Injuries of both. In the stable, tbe barn and tbe household this wonderful emollient la equally uuful. If a horse la spavined, or foundered, or harness galled, or aril toted with any other of the many superOolal Ills that equine flesh Is belr to, the Liniment efltfoti aspesdy cure, and It is equal ly emoaoloua when applied to draft oxen or oowssufjerlng from outward swelllugs.stralns or harts ef any description. As an application for bruises, cats, burns, rheumatism, stiff Joints, sprains, neuralgia, earache and tooth aehe.

It takes preesdenee for all other topical remedies, and is therefore au artlole of prime necessity In families. JuoelS Iweodeniw To BcsmweMm. Tbe proprietors of the Times AMD Dispatch have lnoonnectlon with their newspaper office, a JOB PBIMTIRO DEr ARTaaRBT, wellsappllsd with printing material and all the new and beanllful atylea oftype. Weareat all times prepared to exe enU every description of Printing with una nalneatness and deapatoh, and at reasonable rates. Uerobauts, Bankers, Book Keepers, Manofaotarsrs and Professional mea are In vlted to give our Job Offloe their patronage.

We print Hand Bills. Posters, Blanks. Circulars, Lawyer's Rl'ks, Pamphlets, Envelopes, Paper Hooks, Catalogues, Cards, Bank Ohenks, Mole Heads, Letter Heade, Promls'y Notes, Ball Tickets, programmes, CsrUdoales, Hhow Cards. READING. LOCAL AFFAIRS.

Meeting of Councils. A stated meeting of both branches of City Councils will be held this evening. Accident. Mr. Samuel Bach was kicked by a horse at his distillery, on Eleventh street below Muhlenberg, on Saturday, and received a painlul injury on the lower part of his right lung.

His injuries were promptly attended by the Drs. Stephen. Suspended. The rolling mill of Seyfert, McManus and the iron works of Mc II vain Sons, suspended on the 3d inst, for a period of two weeks, to take the annual account of Block, and make repairs to the machinery. i i An old Revolutionary cannon, a 32 pounder, burst while a salute was being fired from it, on the 4th at Birdsboro'.

Ooe of the pieces knocked off a portion of the roof of the house, and the cannonier barely made his escape from a serious if not fatal injury. The greater part of the shares of stock of the Northeastern Market House Company have been taken, and the erection of the building will be commenced shortly. There will be an adjourned meeting of tbe Company at Shaefler's Gen. Taylor House, North Eighth street, on Thursday evening next. Personal Rev.

George Eomeman, pastor of St. Paul's Catholic Church, North Ninth street, will sail from New York for Europe to morrow. He will be accompanied by Mr. Anthony Schwenk, of this city, who goes abroad to complete his studies as a student of theology at Munster. For Baltimore.

Hon. J. Lawrence Gelz and B. Frank Boyer, delegates from this district to Ihe Democratic National left for Baltimore yesterday. Wm.

Rosenthal, Esq, editor of the Banner von Berks, will leave for that city this morning. Police Intelligence. As usual, the Sunday Court of Acting Mayor Richards was much better attended than on any week day. There were s'x cases of dmnkenness and disorderly conduct and one of assault and battery before him yesterday, in the former cases tbe usual hoes were imposed, and in the lat ter the defendant was held to answer. Elhotion of Officers.

Bernville Lodge No. 245, K. elected tbe following officers to serve for the ensuing year W. Wm. E.

Huber; V. David Uoose: John V. Kline: I. Joseph Hasel; O. 8.

Jonathan 8. Weniich; F.8., John H. Riegel R. 8., H. H.Brownmiller Henry a.

enrich V.P., John S. Wenrich. Installation of Officers. The follow ing officers of Phoenix Council, No. 129, were installed on Tuesday evening, July 2nd, at Shoemakersville W.

M. Snyder V. J. Keim A. R.

8., G. W. Unger; R. Chss. Seidel; F.

8., A. Unger; H. U. Wheeler; A.iiaines; I.S., A. ceiger O.

8., E. Olingcr. The Kutztown Journal states that the Messrs. Zehm, the enterprising machinists at Kutztown, whose works were destroyed by fire some monihs ago, are at present putting up the machinery for an ore mine in rrank lin county, this State. It has a capacity of 600 tons in 10 bouts.

The steam pump furnishes the water for au ore waeh miles distant. Mr. J. R. Ritteb.

the Manager of the Fair and Museum at llreneiser's Hall, has determined, in consequence of the warm weither, to open the exhibition every day at 7 o'clock in the morning, so as lo give persons an opportunity of seeing the manv beau tiful articles before the middle ol tne day ana afternoon when the heat is greatest. No doubt this change will be taken advantage of it by many of our citizens. Committed Sdicide. The Fade is in formed bv Mr. A.

Burkholder, of Lebanon county, who was in tbe city cn Saturday, that at an early bour that morning, tbe meiess body of Geo. C. Reed, who shot his wife in the arm, at Stouchsburg, on tbe evening of the 4th was found on the porch of the house of Mr. Adam Lndwig, near Richland Station, Lebanon Valley Railroad, about a mile from Stouchsburg. An empty, single barrelled pistol was lying by his side, and an examination of the body showed that he had committed suicide by shooting himself in the right temple, tbe ball remaining lodged in the brain.

An inquest wsr held over the body by iwmnre Uerhart, of JNewmanstown, Lebanon county, and the jury rendered a verdict in accordance with the above facts. Do Flies Spread Di'EASE? A writer in the Washington Star asks Has it never occurred to your mind flies have eometltin to do with tne spread of small pox ibis season tbey are everywhere, in utterly unlimited numbers, and aided by tbe wind, probably there are no greater visitors in the world. Clean and dirty houses are alike filled with them. The most ingenious devices of housekeepers fail to expel or exterminate them. It is hardly possible to exclude them from the hospital or the sick chamber, and the small pox patient is the recipient of their provoking attention.

Escaping from the chamber of the sick, tbey are blown about, with the virus of this loathsome disease upon their wings and legs, and then perchance light on some person constitutionally sus ceptible to take the disease, and who may ac cidentally have the incision by which it may be conveyed. If you have a scratch or a cut upon the hand or the face, the flies aie sure to seek it out and light upon it. In this wise, against all precautions of the widely' abused Board of Health and of the public, may not the small pox be spread by lues 7 Chapter of Accidents. An Ebbach's Crossing correspondent of the Eagle furnishes tbat paper with the following chapter of accidents occurring in the lower end of the county within the lau lew days Last week as Messrs. Luther Custer, Joseph Moyer and Samuel Brunner, throe young men, all tf Bechltlsville, had gone llliu unuwi uiiii uoiu IV ajiuii ner got into Ihe water beyond his reach, and not being able to swim, he went under.

Mr, Custer swam to the rescue, when he was caught by Mr. Krunner around the neck and both went down. Mr. Custer being a good swimmer, succeeded in working bis way on top of Ihe water and towards shore, where stood Mr. Moyer, who reached him his hand, with the other holding himself to a bench.

Mr. Moyer lost hit hold and all three were in tbe deep and went down. They again rose. and Mr. Custer's last effort to save himself and companiont was successful, bringing Mr, Brunner to shore almoit dead and himself nearly exhtusted.

Last Thuisday evening as Mrs. David Muthart, an elderly lady, of Colebrookdale township, bad walked out ot ber kitchen to attend to some work on the porch, her cane, which tbe is obliged to use in walking, slipped andshefellon her arm and dislocated her left shoulder joint. Two years ago Mrs. Muthart met with a sruilar accident, dislocat ing her right shoulder joint. Sheisdoiog well.

On Friday morning as Messrs, Reichett, of Washington township, and Lewis lleimbach, of Hereford township, were working in the iron ore mines of Jacob Gilberch, on Mr, John Gehman's farm near StUliollzville. in Hereford township, a large quantity of ground and ore tell down, burying Mr. Keichert several feet deep, lie was soon re leawd from his critical position and brought lo his homt in Forge Dale, where his wounds and injuries were attended lo. His face was scratched, hit body bruised, and his left thigh bone broken near the hip joint. An unfor tunate, painful and long lo be remembered 4th of July to Mr.

Keichert. Mr. lleim bach escaped without any serious injury, MONDAY MORNING, JULY 8, 1872. A Beautiful Painting. There it now on exhibition in one of Kline, Eppihimer Co's.

windows an oil painting; tviociog such marked ability in its production as to excite universal admiration. Thit admiration it materially heightened by the fact that it it tbe work of an amateur artist, Mr.Jonn Heyl Raser, of thit city, who teems to notsest such fertility of resources and amplitude of reserve power at to be continually surprising his friends by doing something in the line of the painter's art, in botanical science, or in constructive mechanism, any achievement in which would do credit lo a professional devo tee. His lail turpriee it tbe painting to which we would now call the attention of our readers in general, but lovers of art in particular. The picture it intended to represent Fault. and Mephistopheles in "Auerbach't Keller" (a wine cellar built in 1530, in Ltipsic, by Heinrich Auerbacb.

a medical professor and senator at the time of George the bearded, duke of Bsxony.l and it painted after a de sign by Schrodttr, a Duaieldorf artist of ce lebrity, xbaiour readers may more luny enter into the spirit of the representation, it would perhaps add to their appreciation of the picture, when looking at it, by reminding them of the legendary character of the two leading spirits which the artist hat depicted with such marvellous power. aust, who it represented in an erect pos ture on the extreme right of the painting and immediately in the rear of Mephistopheles, was, according to tradition. celebrated ne cromancer, as well as a prominent character of the national and popular poetry of Germany. He flourished during the latter half of the 15th and tbe beginning of the 16ih centuries. Having mattered all the secret sciences, he was seized, we are with gloomy dissatisfaction at the shallowness of human knowledge, and with an intense longing after a more elevated kind of mental and physical enjoyment.

He conjured the Evil One, and made an agreement with him, according to which the devil was to serve Faust for full twenty lour yean, obeying all his behests, and at the expiration of the term Fansi's soul was to be delivered to eternal damnation. Fautt having signed thit agreement, Satan tent him a ipiriiui famUiarit, (Mephisiopheles), a devil who likes to live amoi'g lii n. fautmow pagan a oruiiant worldly career. He revelled in all manner of sensual enjoyment, of which hit attentive devil servant, with an inexhaustible fertility of imagination, was always inventing new and more attractive forms. The scene of the picture on exhibition it laid, as before stated, in "Auerbach't Keller," whither the twain have repaired lor enjoy HPL nfil.

IUCUI, IIIID bv Faust and Mephistopheles. achieved a somewhat diabolical reputation, which it still ambitiously maintained by the townspeople and tbe students of the place in whion it it located. Tbe occasion, too, bis been happily reproduced on canvass, to thtt, though centu rion have since e'apsed, we hart tbe artist's conception, and his vivid portrayal, of tbe characters and tbe place so lamoui in tne myihical literature of Germany. Faust and Mephiitophelet vttit thit Keller. where they meet quite a number of debauchees.

Mephistopheles, to thow hit supernatural powers, causes wine to issue from the table. Ooe of the party having already filled hit glass with the wine.and being raised to hit lips, it suddenly burns into a blaze, tnus snowing its infernal origin. Its ignition of course spreads consternation among those immediately around the victim. The result it easily discernable in the frantic menacing of a burly fellow in tbe background, who is liter, allr thrusting hie fist under the note of Me phistopheles. The latter individual, however, though the concenter of all, Menu the leatt concerned of the entire Party.

Hit viaago it wily, mischeviously artful and insinuating, and to the connoisseur in an tne representation of these characteristics by the artist will strike the beholder as being exceedingly well painted. Another of the party it Justin tbe act of draining bit glass to the very drega, with bead reclining upon tbe table lull an. other is filling his from the crimson current issuing therefrom while the remainder of those surrounding the table are engaged some in sineme. others in violent getticula tiog, and others ttill may may be seen in a state of absolute ttupor. But we will not further particularize, but leave to the specta tor the enjoyment of Interpreting the story of he picture lor himseiL In conclusion we have only to lay that Mr, Raser hit reason to be proud of hit last effort in art and while expressing the hope that his srtistic talent may be tangibly appreciated by his fellow citizens, we trust that he may continue on in the good work to auspiciously begun, and so full of promise of pleasure to bit friends and of reward to himself.

Summer Bain. What it more beautiful and gently toothing than the softly dropping rain in the heat and dust ot midsummer 7 It comes like a dispensation of love to cool the fevered air and moisten the dusty streets and narched verdure. lis music delights tne ear; its beauty charms lbs eye, and its cooling touch lends vigor to tbe mind and body. Who bss not blessed tbe poet who wove into beau tiful ihyme these happy thoughts: The queenly rose And vassuil flowers their eyes nnelose. While Ood His benlson bestows; And tbe sick man dreams of health again, Cured bv the dauoe of the dropping rain, The Plague Fiend stops In his dread career to hear the drops Then, farmer, why mourn o'er your crops 7 True faith sublime ne'er leaned in vain Un the power tbat sends us the healing rain.

Of murmuring shells And tbe silver chime of fairy bells Were never born such muslo spells To cheer the vislouray brain Of listening bard as the summer rain. Earth looks more fair. When drops that banish tbesun's hot glare Fall from the cisterns or npper air; And her breast Is cleansed of many a stain By the gentle bath of summer rain. It caught Its chime Not In this fading realm of time, But above above In a holier clime A nd I ever hear an angel's stral Blend with a dash of summer raiu. LOCAL BRKTITIR.

The ihowera on Saturday night and yet. terday were opportune ana rtiretmng. There was eight feet of water in the Penn street reservoir last evening. The flow from Bernbart't Dam wttat tbe rate of about a million gallons per 24 hours. The citizens residing on Eleventh street, between Penn and Walnut, are petitioning for the laying of the water pipes, Their request should be immediately granted.

Tbe soring on the Fair grounds from which thev have received their tupplr of Water hat be come dry. Thanks to Mr. John N. Slittrer, the courteous Clerk of the Keystone House, for his kind remembrance. John it a good judge of what the editorial frtternity are fond of.

One of the Bethel tlagt horses was ton struck on Friday litt about seven milt from the city. Be cartful of the poor dumb am malt. The Fair and Mueeum at Breneiter Hall is ttill tbe centre of attraction. It will remain open for teveral days yet. The Reading Maennerchor tang on Saturday night and gave general satisfaction.

They will appear again to morrow evening. Mr, William Shearer, tf Kulttown whose license wat refuted last tprlng. in con sequence of remonstrance, bat bees granted a licenae upon a ticond application, upon the request of seventy two prominent ciutent of tbat place. Tbe Hamburg Sural Prttt ihinkt that Reading ahouid have a Committee of Ssv entt" appointed, wnatiorr The Rural Prut presents In flattering terma the advantage! ot Hamburg as a turn mer resort. Some of the Kutztown moneyed men are discussing the project of erecting furnace it that place.

Barn Burned. Tbe frame and log barn of John Willi's, in Alsace township, near Blind Hirtman's (now Rothaupt'a) tavern, waa totally destroyed by fire, on tbe 4th together with two hogs, one calf, about three tons of bay, and a grain fan and other implements. Mrs. Willi was at home with three of her children. A boy of five years of age, had some shooting crackers, and she supposes, he was in the stable and ignited one, from which the building took fire.

There was no insurance on the building. This Coal Tbadb. The Miners' Journal says Tbe quantity sent for the week from thit Region was 99,694 tons by rail, and 32, 354 by canal for tbe week, 132,048 tons, against 163,040 tons for tbe corresponding week last year. The supply of Anthracite for the week waa 477,746 tons, against 480,100 for the corresponding week last year, decrease, 8.354 tons. The total supply of Anthracite to far thit year is 9,033,167 tons, against 4, 467,950 to same period last year.

Increase so far, 4,565,217 tons. The supply of all kinds for the week was 527,614 tons, against 545,745 last year, and for the season 10,003,832 tons, against 5,522,741 tons to corresponding period last year, making the increase of all kinds so far this year 4,486,085 tons. I he trade for the week shows a slight falling off compared with last year, but is upwards of 29,000 tons ahead of tbe average shipments last year for the balance of the season which were 498,000 tons per week. As this is the 4ih of July week, the reports next Saturday will show a large falling off compared with those reported this week. The lots and gains in the different regions up to the first of July foot up as follows i LOSS TONS.

GAIN TONS. Schuylkill Lehigh 671.055 1,593.22 Wyoming Sharaokin I.ykens 57.G7S m.cas 79,818 160,011 Bituminous 4 Increase so far iu 1S72, all kinds 4, 1811,085 This statement shows the proportion of loss and gains so far this year in the different regions. OVK HEIGHBOHN. The nnenmnnia. which has been epi demic among the cattle of Chester county for several months, it gradually subsiding.

The Lochiel Hotel of Harriaburg has been told by Mr. Harry Thomas, its present owner, to Mr. R. Bates Jones, of Philadel phia, for $30,000. Emanuel Shaffner.

now in the Ilarria burg Prison under sentence of death for the murder of his wives, has been granted a new trial by Ihe Supreme Court. The Marietta (Lancaster enunly) Register ttyt Ua Tuesday last a rait was moored to our wharves which is said to be tne longest ever set afloat upon the Susquehanna. It measured 324 feet io length, and 20 feet in width, and contained about 9000 feet of bill Umber. It was brought down by our Marietta raftsmen, with Mr. J.

M. Haolen as pilot. The raft belonged to Wm. Albert, and was told to Job. Gillinghan for 22 cents per oot.

The Allentown Dailv Kevs says that on Thursday afternoon a son of Mr. Chas. Brink er, residing in Salisbury, Lehigh county, with a number of other boys was celebrating the 4th. They were firing charges of powder from an old stump on the Lehigh Mountain, and had their powder stored in a keg. At one discbarge the clothes of young Brinker caught fire, and in running past the keg, then containing about tix pounds of powder, il caught and exploded, burning him badly from hu head to hit hips.

Conrad Alleman, Postmaster at High epire, Dauphin county, died on Thursday from the effects of fright. The Harrisburg Patriot says that an unknown person exploded a shooting cracker, which resulted in setting fire to a house occupied by Mrs. Cannon, his daughter. This so wrought on ihe mind of Mr. Alieman, wno was over seven'y years oi tge, that he died shortly afterward.

The deceased was the father of S. II. A lleruan, Esq of Harriabarg. He was a man much esteemed by his neighbors and others who enjoyed hit acquaintance. The following we clip from the Mancli Chunk Democrat One of the most heartrending accidents that has happened in or about I be coal works for years, was that which proved fatal to a mute hoy, about 14 years of age, named Brennan, near Uarbondale, on Monday ot last weeic.

He was engaged in pushing coarse coal into the teeth of the breaker, and by some misstep one foot went with the Ccal and was caught by the teeth and suddenly drawn and crushed with the coal, until bis body tilled the mouth or opening above the revolving iron breaker, and thus stopped the revolutions of the machinery. His cries brought many tojhis relief in a few moments, but thero was no way to get him out but to send to the machine tbops for men and tools to take tbe machinery apart and allow the coal and the teeth to fall awty from the mangled leg. This poor boy suffered the torments of death for nearly two hours before he was relieved, and then it wat ascertained that most of his foot bad been entirely torn awty. He only sur vived about half an hour after he waa taken out and carried home. The most remarkablo thing connected with this sad affair, was the fact that the boy, although a mute, and speechless for life, actually begged of those about him to get him out quick and prayed to God to spare his life as fluently and distinctly as could any boy.

Will some scientific party explain the cause which gave tbe power of speech to thit dying boy Whoopino Cough Remedy never fails to give instant relief. To be bad only at Hunter's Drug Store. Asiatic Balsam, for Diar rhoea, Cramp, dec, it the best article to be found aamt place. july 8 5t PURIFY your houses to prevent small pox and other diseases, get the genuine Carbolic Powder, Bromo Chloral tira, Chloride of Lime, at Stevens' Old Stand, 724 1'enn street. july 8 lw Berks County Prlsoaa.

RkADiHO. July 3d. 1872. The Board of Inspectors met In regular stated meeting. There were present Samuel Summons, caivin Woodman.

David L. Wen rioh, Geo. Leroh and W. B. Urleemer.

In me absence of Peter A. Kline, President, on motion of Calvin Goodman, Uo, Leruh was chosen rresiueni pro tern. Mlnntes of last meeting were read and adODted. On motion the physician's report was re. ceiveu ana oraerea to dc nteu.

The following bills were presents! and or, ders directed to bedrawn for toe khiiic Borne, Mofarlan Co, sole leather 1I2 nuiKiey a sons, uo no Godfrey a Bona, leather and findings Gottlieb Frank, leather. O' Kelly Co, blacking Art man, Dllllnger uo, yarns Singer Manutaolurlug Co.maonineaud slik Albert uornowsky, Hating 64 7n 7 if. mm 1 oil 6M to 1 11 46 Hi In Urit nu 9 till I 7rt Milter A Co, priming kdward scull, repairing j. Bara a twDnr, Rwavely st Barnhart, coal Dntsl Bbenielder, spltlooua Gsry, soap Donglas A Oonnard, repairing Sellers tjo. Zlegler, local express David Lobaeh, soap Phils and BHD Co, freight Jacob Noll, salary Jtcoo Hoider, tlary Jssob Hehenne, wages John Graft, do Adam Knaner, do 8 Franoie, mentbs' salary Mai ah Francis 8 mouths' salary a Franel, boarding prisoners 1 Him anus 7u Kf 77 tH 111 it 21 5101 7.1 IKI Ml un 7 On 7" Ml no iu 7fj 00 Will lie turn iu Goods manuftotnred at the PiUon during tne (noma tt5SK yards of carpet, IP" do obeck, leg pairs of bnota and shoes.

Carueta sold duriniz the mnnth For cash I 37!) IK on eieuii mix Boots sou shoes Bold durlmt the moDih For cub 17 1M Onoredlt 4H0 On motion adjourned. It GKIKHKSlK't, Secretary. DIED. RICH ARD. In this oity, on the 6th Allen Charles, son of Edwin and Lizzie Richard, aged 8 months and 16 days.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the fnneral from the residence of his parents, No. 114 Franklin street, on Monday morning at 11 o'clock, to proceed toCnarlea Evans Cemetery, ll BRTJNNRB. ln this city, on tbe 6th intt. Willie infant son of J. Edward and the late Ellen R.

Brunner, aged 6 months and 9 days. The relatives and friends of the family are invited lo attend the fnneral, from No. 243 South Eighth street, this afternoon, (Monday,) at i o'clook, without further notioe. Interment at Aulenbach's Cemetery. Alas how ehang'd that lovely flower Which bloomed and cheered our heart, Fair, smiling comfort of an honr, How soon we're called to part.

It YOUUM. In thit city, on the 5th Harry, only son ol Francis and Mary Yocnm, aged months. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend bis funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. 130 Franklin street, on Monday afternoon at 4 o'elock, to proceed to Charles Evans Cemetery. Julj62t Arrivals at the Keystone House, Up to la o'clock Hldnlght A Kalbach.Womels'f Lewis, Iremont ueen, mnville Kaufman, Blnndon Oliver, New York ETKehr, Pottsvllle 8 Thomas, Ephrata BJ Hagenbacb, Allen'n Hennlnger.Mlllra towa Lord, Union A Dauber, Phila Lenhart, Molllown JDStltzel.Pa Shaffer, Fleetwood Fritz, Pottstown Adams, Fleetwood 8 Shell.

vers town Lorn do Lehman, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Zeller. Ziebach, Hell. Geo Owen. Brown, Uo Bard, Bemaek, FPelcard, si Moore, Lewis. Moody, m.

muii, Elliott. Moore, Robert Even, Jno Tipton, Llgtitfoot.Maldeno'k whaflor, Fleetwood Hartman.Pottsl'n li aven, DBAlthouse, Arther. nans, Morgan town Chapman. Potis, New York Allen, Tarn aqua A Alpact, do Lenard, Pittsburg Fister. Easton Savage, OSteober, Derbler, a ueiuer, Geo i ong, Qeo Lebr, Anderson, ft Annus.

McTague.Mt Holly do March, Limerick Broombach, do Jno Zlebaob, do JB Ballads, Reading NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED EnergetJo ladles, to work ata light business tbat will pay from $50 to 3 100 per inoul.b. For further 'nlormatlon call on Mrs. Smvtue, Room No. II, It CITY HOTEL. "SjST A vriEIt Several young ladles, who are vl saleswomen in stores, are wanted to assist in tbe evenings the Fair and Museum alBianelsei'sHaU, Apply to J.

RITTER, 717 Penn street. KcCULXOCH A HOOP, Auctioneers aud Retf Estate Agents, No. 606 penn street. WILL SKLL, atNo. Sta Spring Garden street, on Tuesday, tbe 9tn at 2 o'clock p.

a lot of household goods, consisting of Tables, Cane and Wood Seated Cbalrs, large Looking Glass, small Stove, a Sewing Machine, as good as new, and a variety of other articles, Julys 2l GEORGE JOHNS. JOHN B. RASER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, 146 3KToxtlx Otlx 0tt On hand a full slock of Drugs, Camphor, Alcohol, Trusses, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Wax and Ai list Material, Kgyp tlan Ulslnleoting Powder, and Broml Chloial nm for thA nrMvAnf.lvA of mall oox. Pretcriptlons carefully compounded at all hours. July82w 618 IS Et.


OFFK'S Boabdov Hialth.) Reading. Pa Julv 6. 1X72. At a meeting of the Board of Health, held July 4ih, 1S712, the following resolutions were adopt ed and ordered to be published, vis Jtetotved, That within five days after tne promulgation of this order, every person practicing medicine within the limits of the City of Reading, snuii report, me name, reHiaence, Kirn, color andiexof each amd every nerson sull'erlng from small pox or varioloid, alao Uow reoently such person has been vaccinated; and thereafter, asoon as any caaeof the character above referred to shall corns to tbs notice of such persons praotlotng medicine, a reoort of the fact shall he made within twelve hours alter knowledge of tbeaame to tbe office of he Board of Health and upon each return being duly made, It shall be ihe doty Ol VUW I I 1 1 v.u. ww v.u.u, yu, lesx than six Inches square, to be fastened np on tne trout floor or oiner conspicuous piece anoh house in which such sickness orevails.

and to be maintained during the existence of thediHeaie. JtMolveil, That no person recovering from ilm riineuie of amall rox shall be permitted to appear upon the public streets or tbs city of Heading, uumi ue or hud in piuiiuwi oerttncaie irom meaiieauius puyeioiau iuh all danger from contagion, oy reason or auen tiiuAKMA Iirn naesedswav. liMiihml. That the citizens of Reading ere re spectfully requested to report to the office of the Health Department, or toeltheroneof the members of the Hoard nf Health, all eases of smali pnx witnln their knowledge which a'e not aitenuen oy anguiaT pnyeioiau, witn a view of obtaining a complete record or all such cases, and io prevent tbe further spread of the disease; also, all each nuleenoes which exist Iu their reKpectve neighborhoods; tbe names of parties reporting cases or this kind mil to be madepubllo. Hrtolveil, That every person dying of smell.

pox in the city or reauing, eoan oe removed and burled lrom the place of his or ber c'natli within twenty four hours after such flanth. Itmlvtd, That the oltlaens and several ptiy. slniansnf thecity are respectfully invited lo co npersle with and asalst In oariylngout the rules, regulations and orders or the Board ol Health, lrom time to time, believing that when the of the Board are fully Iu force and understood, tne same win oe properly appreciated by the community, II older of tbe Board nt Health Jul) tfd B. F. AU8, Scerelary.

THREE CENTS. DRY GOODS. mm. urai GREAT BARGAINS IN LADIES' HEADY MADE SUITS In order to close out until Julv tsih nnr ttock of Ladles' Suits, wo will offer I 8.00 Wbito Lawn Suits for 5.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 1 White Lawn Suits for 7.00 White Lawn Suits for 9.00 White Lawn Suits for 12.00 8.00 Colored Linen Suits, for 5.00 Colored Linen Suits, for P. 00 11.00 Colored Linen Suits, for 8.00 15.00 20.00 Colored Linen Suits, for 12.00 Colorca Linen Suits, for 14.00 An early inspection of these goods is solioited.

KLINE, EPPIHIMER CO. Jcme29 tf FOR SALE OR RENT. lOtt JtitA 'l' A two dtory house with mod Inquire at fmyai tf HOt SOOTH THIRD ST. 1M ite dwelling parlor house xou. io: and 104 idonu Sixm street, heuumt.

orluriher 1 uiiinii.Miii tflh street. Junel If KEFFEIt A CA88IDY. Loti i ihe good will aud fixtures ol SJU WUldUU UALUl Ca U.riri.rtlrir.M.l.l i.r Ma 1 1111 Olb lOp UUldH, lOOxCiUg gliUWOfl. IA Oi lered Xor Bttie. Apply io rl I M' I I IM A h' I IV LP may22 tf No.

87 ooutu Jtleveutu 8L jWK i Vaiuauie Holel Property JC lu tne city oi Heading. Apply toB. trans: "Muiugwunt. lliiVJ 11 LlUtt st its rue seuouu and third story A roouinauuveiiiealure of ueorge W. Mii r.

given i lumedi al ely. in 4uue of JOHiN a. PKAitaoN. jan tr 3il penn street. (LOit SajLb.

a Wine and Lager Beer Ba tV iuon near the Ueadiui; DeuoL. autiHiacLni reason for seliiug ul. inquire at north east corner 7th aua l''iuiUin hlieets. JlyS 3t jV.uK Sale a 2 story brck bouse, ti room. Jv hall ihroughlue nouoe Suutu lom eu'eei, will be ou reasonable terms, Apply to owner, uenry, Brtuer, or u.

Frank Uet iiu.mj vvaiuinafon btreet. JuJjblw FOB HUNT A number of rooms, suitable lor a iHiHd family. aOuveneveni.n on rem. street, wltu gas, hot and cold water, twi 4o. wu wv una uu leusouauio itrins.

Address unell tf Timks Olllce. LUalt ton Ata bargainTsuacies Ja? land of superior quality, with linurove inents; Uvorauly located in Fulton county, Ohio. For particulars enquire ol, oraddrehs J. il, I'UKJNcix, Jlj2 tf 780 North Pa. fLIOK Si Al.fri A second band Ore proof tale and one home exureaa waeon.

Will nt, sold cheap lor waul of use. Apply at ASHLAND WAUDLXU MILLS, Spruce st. below Third, Jnnell tf from 8 to lu a. nd Bt na.Sn. lSfcTI'ttA, ileal FniateAbenl, Auctioneer and Conveyancer, atleudo to selling real estate at public and private sale, remlUK of nouses, coileounir of rente, ennvev.

anotng, iusuruuee, sc, ofllce 03a Washington eireei luayat) II jlOK HKn'fA. mree siory swelling with JV rooms, No. 224 j. olh street; water aud gas all through the house. Will give a good tenant a lUreeyeais' lease.

Apply lo (iKO. L.sriTZEL, 203 N. olxtn street, mar 18 Itfil Eagle copy AFIftfc PKOPKKI'Y 1'Og SALK ON Olti il FUU K'i ti 1' 1SAU PN N. Oue two story brick noute, two story brick back building, dinlug room, kitchen and wash kllchuu, with as and lange. Lot 21 by 10 feel, with a Iraiue ulaote ou rear of lot.

Pos seesion given immediately. Teims easy. Fir Information cull ou JACOB 8CHMUCKFR, Heal islalj j.g6ut, jnu29tf No. 30 ioorth elxth etreel. b.

nrnnu. lCrTKA, Conveyancer, Auctioneer aud beat IV.ute Agent, Washington street, Beading, Pa, HAS CONNTANTLT OS HANI), FOP Sale and Kxchange, Houses, Farms, build lug Lots, Parlies having property thai they deslreto sell, or partus wisning to buy, should not fall tu call at my office, S'ii Washington street. JuueM) iv Attains VHaWCK FOK A Fl.OKIStr Will be soldatpubllo sale, on July 201 1H7J, In the town of Coatesviile. Chester a valuable floral Stand, doing a splendid business, and situated 13 miles from any other Bland oi the kind. S1.6 ot lot fonr llflus of an aote, planted nnder stock, a frame dwelling, two substantial green bouses, each fcjxai teet.

Sale positive and no postponement on account ot wealher. Persons wishing further Information can obtain It by applying on the premises, between now and day ol sale, lo commence at 2 P. when conditions will be made known by July ia P. CASEY. RARE CHANCE THK STOCK AUD FIXTURE OF A central MILLINERY AND TRIMMING BTOUF, with good established trade, and lease lo sul Wishing to sell oorore tne last of July.

For further Information apply to or address Rhode Merf, NO. NulU'H lilUUTH Heading, Pa, Beason for selling will be given. Jump lin DKMIKAHLE BU1LII1HIU l.OTN FOK MA1.K. A number or Building Lots, ou NINTH, MOSS, 1KNTH, MUlF.1:KKY and ELEVENTH streets, between Oi4h.KiV aud CKNTKE streets, city or Reading. TEltMS A small amount in cash and the balance in or quarterly Instalments For further particulars apply to JACOB B.

LIVINGOOD, apHlyd 800N. am mreet. Wo. T. LYON, Ancttoneer, Broker and Kenl Kttate Agent, Auction Kooin, No.

North olli street, above Penn, west side. Frni.IC HALE OF fF.RNONAI. FROT. EMI I. Will besiildat public saie.on die Erenusee, at the Wadding Mill, Spruce street, elow Third, on Wednesday, July 10, 1 o'clock p.

the following personal properly Offloe Furniture, Table, Matting, 4 Cbairs.Msp, Desk, Card Hack, Pen Rack, Looking ula.s, lot of Cotton, loi of Straw paper, lot or 6 ply Linen Chain, lot of Burlap, 2 pair of Platform Scales, 1 Boat Pump, lot of Chipped Logwood, 1 piece of Yellow PiueTimber, Soda Ash. Blue Vitriol, lotof ground Alum, IU galvanized Klre Buckets, a lot of Forks.siiovele, rich. Ladders, I Van Winkle Wlliower, good as new aud 1 considerably worn, Clothing stretuber and Orinder, 6U feet Uum Hone, oil Cn audcun leuls.Hllde Rest, lit of tail iw.bnndleol Steel, lot of Tools, Ol I Causaud Wrenches, Axe, lot of Pnlluvs, Wheellmrrow, Irou Tank, lot ol ricker cylinders. Fire Fxtingalsher, lot of Wadding, liell i lrcicher, lot of Bell ini Ha VI I) McKMIUHT, J.H. JACOBS, Assignees of Oeo.

L. Jenkins and Wife. Jniyl Eagle copy to July EMWIBLK BHII.Itlnt I.OTN FOB The follow lug described noticing lota, lu the northern and most desl table pan Of tbe oily, are oil red for sale at low rates and on aocouunodaUng terma, vis aoiouou b.oi Spring aud Boheeonrtl II Churcli Kobeeou street, 6 Spring For terms, Ac, apply lo UEOUUF. R.

KRll.L, aplllm sieN.nthat. JJOOFLANU'll, HOSTETTKR'S, PLANTATION, HWEDHIl, WALKER'S VINiOAR, and all other Bitters onn he had at STEVKN8 OLD STAN PtNN ST. JljUlwfp.

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