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The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 8

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


WANT FUNDS The Board of Works is Practically Stranded. MOREJTAXES Proposition Made by Aid. D'Arcy Scott. Half Price Clothing Sale Idge was transferred from the pay sheet and credited to his defalcation. It was decided to increase the bonds of the city collector from $15,000 to 1.000.

in Tiew of the fact that he will in future collect the entire civic revenue. Aid. Desjardins aked that the business be dons through the company's agent. Mr. Robert Stewart.

This was agreed to. On motion of Aid. W. I). Morris the city treasurer will prepare a detailed return of all tax and local improvement arrearages on the treasurer's books previous to 1SSS.

it was nlso decided on motion of Aid. Scott, that the collector be Instructed to prepare a similar statement from 16 op to date. Bigger Bargains, better values and faster selling than ever. Every garment selling at cost price. Like gold dollars at 50c is our clothing.

If you cuold buy gold dollars at 50c you would rush to do it, and for the same reason there is rush for our clothing. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Holy communion will be celebrt4 at Knox church Sunday morning. Mr. O.

P. Brophy. of the Upper Ottawa Improvement company, has returned from a business trip to Montreal. The infant daughter of Mr. Ceo.

E. Kingsbury, No. Kent street, died ys-terday morning after a short illness. Mr. James Tahan, who has resided at Tupper Lake, N.

for a number of years past, has returned to the city. At the meeting of the social science club next Monday Mr. J. W. Patterson will read a paper on Ottawa Capital and Labor.

Mr. C. S. Taggart has been appointed district manager of the Northern Life Insurance company for Ottawa and the Ottawa Valley. Miss Edith 8hirreff.

who has been the guest for some time of her sister. Mrs. K. B. Eddy, left yesterday for her home in St.

John, N. B. Rev. Mark Ami. who has been engaged in missionary work throughout tha United States for some years, ia in the city visiting friends.

Thomas Deevv, of Albert street, has been appointed a fireman at No. 2 station in place of Fireman Devitt. who has Joined the Dominion police force. Mr. A.

P. Mutchmore, assignee, yesterday sold to Mr. K. C. Cummin, of Cummings" Bridge, the S.

J. Edmanson stock of boots and shoes for 44 cents on the dollar. The men working at Ailing the sleighs used to convey the now from the street car tracks, are paid according to the number of loads they send away to the dumping grounds. Mr. T.

P. Martin, barrister, solicitor, is retiring from the active practice of law, and is taking up the managership for Eastern Ontario of the National Assurance company. I'hamplain lodge, the French Canadian division of tha A. O. V.

laat night adopted a resolution of sympathy with the families of the dead and wounded soldiers of South Africa. There was no police court this morn-' )ng. Both January and February commenced as auspiciously in police circles but the subsequent records for both months was none too good. FROM IT ACTION. 9.O.E.

Will Immediately Fay Claim te friends et Late C. T. Thomas. When the news came yesterday of the sa4 death of the three brave Ottawa boys trom the wound receives in battle. Mr.

Fred. Cook. Supreme Urand vice-president of the Sons of England, immediately notified the head office In Toronto, the late C'uthbett Thomas having been a member of the order. Mr. Cook's telegram was as follows: John W.

Carter, Supreme Secretary. O. Toronto. I deeply regret to have to Inform you that one of our brethren, T. Thomas, of Queen's Own lodge, has died from wounds received at Paardeberg, while fighting for Queen and empire.

Within an hour Mr. Cook received the following reply from Urand Secretary Carter: TeKgram received. Please convey sympathy of Supreme Urand president to relatives. Funeral claim will follow immediately -JOHN W. CARTER.

This prompt action on the part of the Suns of England society in meeting the datri claim in Mr. Thomas' case will doubtless be appreciated both by the relatives of the deceased and the members of the order In this city. PATRIOTIC PERTH. Grand Celebration of the Relief of Ladysmith Procession and Concert Perth. March 2.

Shortly before nine o'clock yesterday morning the war bulle- tins announced that Oeneral Buller had I Ijiilvamtth After the news ha.d BOYS' SUITS Sailor Suits, imported navy blue serge, gold or white trimmings, lanyard and whistle, worth $1.25, to 7A clear at Sailor Suits, imported serge, white or yellow trimmings, lanyard and whistle, with white flannel front, silk work" 1 I A ed anchor. You can have them while they last for Boys' imported Brownies Scotch Tweeds, all shades and very neat patterns, silk stitched, Italian cloth linings, the best of workmanship to fit boys from 3 to 9 years of age, Kil through the town the greatest of school has sent two sleigh loads of mag-enthusiasm prevailed and the rVsldents asines, candy and fruit to the Strath-of good old Penh will not soon forget the cona Horsemen. The thoughtfulness of many signs of patriotism which took the children is much appreciated, place all day yesterday. The good nows I. j.

Cote, watchmaker of Dalhousie read in the public school, separate street, died on Wednesday at the age of hool and Collegiate institute, and no 45. He, leaves a wife and small famjly sooner had the lat word been uttered The funeral took place at the Basilica than the pupils in every form rose In a morning, Rev. Canon Degulre oflicl-bodr and cheered In the heartiest man- attng. regular price $3.50, our sale price LtOVJ Boys' Fauntleroy Suits in light and dark Scotch tweeds silk stitched, best of trimmings, equal to tailor made in every respect, a very handsome suit to fit boys from 3 to 9 years of age. These suits are sold elsewhere for $4 and S5.

0 QC Our prices for the remainder of this month $2.75 and Boys' 2'piece Suits in Canadian twilled Tweed, nicely finished and well lined, good wearers, size 22 to 26. 1 AA Eegular price $2.00, to clear at Boys' Suits, strong linings and neatly made. A first class school suit, sizes 22 to 26. Regular price 1 OC $2.25, now church, which takes placs tonight, Mac O. C.

Parsons, secretary for Ontario, of this movement, will deliver an address on her work. This will be the first meet mg of the circle to be held at night. Heretofore they have commenced at o'clock in the afternoon but in order to allow young ladies to attend Those voca tions have prevented them from so doing. the hour has been changed to p.m. The monthly meeting of the board directors of the Old Men's Home was held yesterday.

The steward a report showed that there were two admissions during the month, one death and one ill in the hospital. County Councilor Ed. Kidd sent a donation of made up by a grant of 2S from the North Oower council. H5 from Marlborough and pri vate subscriptions. A vote of thanks was tendered the donors.

Accounts were passed for S37.23. and the salary of the steward and matron raised A house belonging to J. McNeil, occupied by Wan. Lynch, Jul Bank street, was badly damaged by tire yesterday morning. It was caused by a coal stove in the kitchen collapsing and the live coals igniting the floor.

The flames spread to the upper part of the house and the firemen bad to use five streams of water to control It Ths furniture was almost altogether ruined by srater and smoke. Both house and Its contents are insured. Mrs. Lynch was alone in the house when the fire started and was un able to get it under control. Mr.

P. Cairns, of Cairns rail way contractors of Depot Harbor, Is In the city. He is taking a contract on the Algoma Central railway which ia to run from Sault Ste. Marie James Bay, crossing the C. P.

R. at Messinabl. and following the north shore ri thi Moose river. The railway, Mr. Cairns says, will open up the greatest spruce forests Canada.

The road is already conatructed as far as Messlnabl and by May 1 It is Intended to have 1.000 men at work, al though it Is hard now to get labor and the wages are consequently high. HOUSE PASSES CONTINGENT VOTE (Continued from Page Three.) Jolced at the bravery shown by the Can adians, and the part they bad played In Cronje surrender. Senator Allan congratulated the speaker on Major Pellctier's exploits. He marked the gallantry and devotion of the troops, and gloried that Canadians had borne their share from time to time. The senate rose at 4.15.

COST OF THE CONTINGENTS How the Two Million Dollar Vote Is to be Distributed, The minister of militia yesterday laid on the tabic of the house a uetail-d statement of the cost of the two contingents to South Africa. The total estimated as required Is the government is taking a vote for the round two millions, in order t. provi-le for unforeseen Items. The pay list will be I09.S47.24 for the first continuant, JVi.f 1J for the Canadian mounted rifles, and for the Royal Canadian artillery, these two together forming the second contingent. The horses purchase! cost tl.SM.

Transportation by sea came to and transportation to points of embarkation Separation allowance to wives of non-commissioned frccrs and men will total The allowances to officers for outfit are: 45 offlwrs first con tlngent. at J125. total oftlcers second contingent, at I1S0, total four nurses second contingent, at t3Q, total $120, making in all Ili.cIS allowed to officer, and nurses for outfit. The cost of clothing Is: First eom'ngcnt, an3 second contingent, $36. JJ7; Tines, revolvers, ammunition, tents, l.rst con tingent and S411.887.60 second contingent.

Sundry articles of equipment are down at SiA'JOO, This makes 11,699.653.61 required to fit out the two forces and keep them going to June SOth, 1S9. A urther amount of 1160,000 Is put down as suili-cicnt to pay the bill until December 81st, 1900. These two amounts make up the grand total of A LAD'S HARDSHIPS. Stole a Ride From Fort McLeod in a Horse Car and is Now Very III. Francis Price, an English emigrant boy, came down a short time ago from Fort I 1 -VT Tir In a c-i nari a 'h contingent- His presence on board the train was not discovered until it was near Ottawa and he was permitted to come as far as the city.

He went to the exhibition grounds with the troop and lived out there as best he could until today, when P. C. Campbell, who is stationed on duty there, found him. The lad was apparently very ill so ths officer took him to the police station anil wu than taken toi the Protest- 1 1 i 1 who "ZtB yea.7;?,nforn;ed; the police that he had beat his way from Fort McLeod and that be had In tended to accompany the soldiers as far as Halifax If that were possible. There he proposed taking ship, either as a sailor or as a stowaway.

for the old country. The coldness of the trip from the West and the hardships be had undergone, however, had played havoc with his health and he was on the verge of collapse when the policeman took charge of him. LATE MR. JAS. WARNOCK An Old and Respected Resident of Ottawa Dies in Richmond, Va.

After a Short Illness. Word reached Ottawa yesterday morning of the death, in Kichmond, of Mr. James Warnoek, of this cltv. 'The late Mr. Wamock left for the south the beginning of Inber.

and up to a few weiks was enjoying the best of health. When visited by his sons about ten days ago he seemed In a fair way to recovery. Mr. Jas. Warnoek.

son; Mr. J. P. Dunne, son-in-law, and his wife were with the deceased gentleman when he died. The deceased was a native of County Fermanagh.

Ireland, and came to Canada with bis parents when quite a child. He spent his youth in the township of Ross and later on went to Montreal In 1E1 he came to Ottawa and laid the foundation of what has since became one of the largest and most successful biikcry businesses in the city. He was at the time of his death, and had been for a great num. ber of years, a valued merebpr of the board of the Collegiate Institute, lie was regular attendant at St. Joseph's church and an active member of St.

Vincent de Paul society. As a man of the most upright and sterling character, strictly temperate and ef kindly and genial disposition, the late Mr. Warnoek will be sin cerely mourned by bis many friends of all creeds and nationalities. He leaves, besides his wire, three sons, Alexander. Jas.

O. snd Joseph snd two daughter? Mrs. John Gorman and Mrs. J. I'.

Dunne, to mourn bis Hon. S. 7. Parent has bn re-elected mayor Of Quebe for lSuS-iasd. F-a lovable Social CUveai Fidel ity Ledjfe- The annual at homo of 1'iJeiity lodge.

A.K. and A.M.. heid l- "Snl M.isona hall was a. compltw success. IJespita the rough wralUer some 35(1 Free-maauns aiid their frieud amended the affair una all enjoyt-d tte excellent of the program, the retresnmeuts and the inn.

All the iraiWrs appeared in the r-a-alia of the order. Ihe aiasocjt who axe members of Sirathcona's Horse had been invited and am cast tnose or them that were oreseut were Pte. muicx. Andersun and Miller. Amongst other aruestsi of were Senator Tea, of Nova Scotia: Past UraiiU Master Ellis, of New rlrunswick: Must Worshipful Bro.

F.ev. Geo. Walk r. 3d. of British Columbia; II.

I'- MarDonald. Grand senior wanltn. and T. ft. Hint, H.e..

Most Worshipful (i.and Master of Nova Scotia. The last mmnl gentleman gave a patriotic address that brought down the house. The pragram throughout was in attestation to the spirit tt loyalty that is now prevalent in Canada. Worshipful Master J. II.

DavlH delivered aa address of welcome, into which he introduced re ferences to the present epoch-making period in Britain a history. By request Mr. Beihune sang Soldiers of the Queen and it was as ever a favorite, winning him a well-raerited encore. Song, all of which were encored, were contributed by Mm M. Ktruban and Mr.

W. H. Thtcke. Miss Strachan and Mr. Miller rendered a duet as did Mrs.

U. AN in and Mr. Cecil tfethmie. Kecltations were gfven bv Buck. Messrs.

II. I Siiroule and Mr. H. Sproute. The whist ling solo by Mr.

J. Crawford was a nuv el and pleasing number. Miss Bowden's Highland dancing, in costume, was clev ami she quite1 tieserved the applause accorded her. I'ipe-Major Anderson, also in Highland costiime, delighted the hearts of all Scotia's sons who were pi-e-ent by warlike strains on the bagpipe. Mr.

Bowdcn performed the dirh- uit sword dauce. The Iuurentian quar tet, composed of Messrs. Beddoe. Thicke. JoluiHtone ami Miller, sang a couple of pleasing selections.

Mrs. Buyer nd Miss Bishop Mktlf executed an Instrumen tal duct. The Masons' baud shewed evidences of no little ability in its overture. Mr. Arthur Dorey.

past grand organist of the Grand lodge of Canada, was an efficient acconiauifct. The committee that so ably managed the affair consisted of Messrs. J. A. Campbell, c.

I.ljrht foot. B. W. Gran- g-r. A.

Frood, V. If. IXalllday, A. P. Herbert.

A. Baker. L. King, A. M.

Kos.s. J. p. Hempill, J. A.

Davitt, rhair-mnn, P. Iligsinson, secretary and H. W. Wilson, treasurer. AJaTfcF.MENTS.

ItuinptT Dumpt. Tlurnpty Dummy rciariMMl suDmn over th hlizzard last n.i;ht. iuid the Kunsell tht-afer was crowd. -i with his aimirtrs. Thry wore not in the lenst silntil In the expression of approval, anil tht tipple use waa ontinuoun.

Mother Goose's interesting the favorite o( our chiliiliooit days, i proirayeii in stagelunj by KJdie McDonald, who aa a puntumine pt'rft'rmrr if a Mni of iurjr ray sTriir. and nnno tire, of Ms antics. J. H. Adams impersonating the favored Tommie Turki-r is also author mueh itt the evening fiiu, anuthrr conlrlhiitor the stove, beiiiK Jumca K.

Adams, a flown, whoe mirth provoking capabilities are und.Til.ihle. the title intlicatcs there is of abMiiJitlcs which nn van resist. The company, a larnre one, numbers, mtmbem, who Imo appear to in i varied line of specialties. Mis? Hohbs Martin, a. stately EntflHh girl, us Queen of Night, tins a bearing to f'lmmiind attention, one in keeping with n-r station.

Miss MarRueritt Williams, who by the way ts a native of Frescott, as Queon nf the Day. rivals her royal Nter and ran command an Rharn of attention and admiration. In contract the ruler of night's hours. Is a dt-tinrt type of biuii-ie, aiwi her very pres-nre I indicative of lipht. The dramatic are naturally few, but never-thrlesw both ladies put considerable strniEth and colorinijr into their lines.

In the mane Retting of tbe production ami the accompanying features, one finds much to feast the eye on. In the specialties, a few of which are eligible for lone service medals, both eye und ear are banquette). McDonald and Adams Inject liberal dossfji of th clever ajid grotesque, and the Trocadero quartet follow up with more of the same label. Katherlne Swan, a iJhicago prima donna, with a well cultivated soprano voice of remarkable cgm-contributed two numbers. Hfr lirid was the aria from CavaHerl de Uuticania, and for a well merited encore fhe sana: a 'pretty planet by a Toronto author.

I love you. The Burdock Bisters, dancer. Blanche Frayne, petite? comedienne and tiertle Holt, the whlstffnir las, all received warm receptions. Kerris and 'f wan I'm contributed naterlally to the even-Intar's entertatnment with their novelty ladder performance and some clever balancing in done, Charles Hvffnef gave a skillful exhibition of bajc punchlnjjf. literally putting It all over the -ro-cdid bag.

The scenic effects throughout the action of the spectacular production any similar displays made on an Ottawa stage. The fifth tin arrangements gave varied and beautifully effects, while the rand transformation scene at the close. The Birth of Morn. Is beautiful beyond description. The wealth of scenic productions are marvellous and win continued appreciative applause.

Throughout the evening there not a single objectionable feature introduced. There will be a production this evening and the closing one will be given tomorrow evening. Tomorrow afternoon a special matinee will be given for the ladies and children. Al G. Field's last re It.

On Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week and at a special matinee on Tuesday, the famous A I. Fields minstrels will occupy the boards at the theater. Mr. is always a welcome visitor to Ottawa and has made friends during- his annual visits. The magnitude of his greater minstrels is too well known to theater goers In the Capital to require much fald in advnnce.

Suffice It to say, he will without doubt give a first class minstrel show, Mr. Field is said to hive a company that for numbers and excellence has never been excelled. Grand Opera House. The attraction at the 5 rand opera house nil next week will be Lincoln j. Carters Chattanooga.

This play, is said to be Mr. Carter's supreme efTort and It is believe! by all who have seen it to be the strongest drama which he has written. In it lie tcltf a most delightful story which appeals to every aiitlienc who sees it and he has equlr-ped it with a stock of scenic effects second to none traveling this season. Thf usual realistic special features whieh Mr. Carter has given his other plays will he found in Chattanooga, although Manager Frank is promised a sensational act such as has never been seen In this city.

The plr has not been fui an particular class people. Ana tear Orrtiestra Concert. The Ottawa Amateur Orchestral society's concert on the th, promises tabes great success, and thte who were not fortunate enough to hear Ruby-Cutter at the lat concert, UrcvmbtT. should make early application for seats whe-n the plan opens to the public at the box office of the Russell theater on Monday next. In addition to Mifs Cutler's maeniiicent sinking.

Mens. Dubois will play twi cello solos and the orchestra will he hear! in several pleasing numbers. This society Reserves the hearty support the public, as th members give their services gratuitously and aire at considerable expense in bringing on such excel, lent solo artists as are always present at the concert. It is to be hoped there will not be a vacant seat on Thursday evening; the 8th of March. The S.

J. Edmonson bankrupt stock of boots and shoes, bought at 44 cents on ths dollar, is now being sold for less than wholesale cost at Una old stand, 1U-lieiU MizeH, SCHEME TO RAISE CASH Employment of Firemen For Street Washing No Iris, creases in Salary. The beard of works) ta practical' stranded. Notwithstanding the unavoidable demands made upon it yearly tha appointment the civic finances as arranged results ia an extreme paucity of funds, the total amount now available being but JlS.OuO as compared with over last year. Of this cemparaiively small amount is already pledged, while if tlie corporation would benefit by a grant of tlu.lM) from the Ottawa Improvement comniissioa 1c must spend simultaneously an ritual amovat on the five principal thoroughfares.

If this la done, the unance committee says, the cost mast be borne by the board of works und the whole appropriation is thus eaten up. The situation is perplexing for the streets must of necessity be taken care of and this cannot be done without monev. Sveral radical moves to relieve the stress are suggested and the matter la likely to be a leading topio of dlscussfon at Monday night's council meeting. Aid. Hopewell thinks that a savins can be effected by redaction of salaries or refusal to rrant recommended increases.

He states that too rapid strides are being made in the direction of Increasing the salaries of the higher officials. He proposes that a fixed scale with minimum and maximum salaries be adopted and any increases be made on a basis similar to that previously in vogue In the civil service. This would necessitate ths rescinding of several by-laws appointing officials. The alderman from Wellington ward also has another proposition which Is not looked upon with dlFfnvor. It Is that the services of the fire brigade should be utilised for the street washing, thus obviating an expense ef about y.OW.

The work could be done alternately by differ ent stations and so arranged that no hardship to tha men would result. There is a consensus of opinion that something wiil have to be done and dona Immediately. The city clerk Is sending out to all the cities and towns and members of the provincial legislature, the memorial of the Ottawa city council for the repeal of the Conmee I'll which constitutes a bar rier to municipal control of lighting plants by providing that before a cor poration can construct a plant of its own It must first compensate or purchase any gas or electric plants already In evi dence. The co-operation of all munlctlpal bodies is sought to appeal an obnoxious piece of legislation which was secured through the influence of Interested com panies, notwithstanding the strenuous opposition put forward. OSCAR SAUV'ES DEATH Evidence Touching This Fatality Taken Last Night at St Luke's Hospital.

The Inquest on the late Oscar Sauve. of Montreal, who died from injuries sustained at Grenville by a passenger train running into a snow plow special on Sunday last was continued last night at St. Luke's hospital. From the evidence offered It appeared that the accident was caused by the stormy night as each of the engineers stated that they had takon extra precautions to prevent any pitch In. The Inquest was adjourned until next Wednesday, as Conductor dloward, 74 Somerset street, had not recovered from injuries sustained on that night.

The station agent at Lachute will also be summoned to give evidence. Walter Carruth, Sherwood street, en-giner of the snow plow special, state i that he had orders to run his extra from Mile End to Calumet. When he arrived at St. Therese, he received order to run ahead of No. 7, the passenger train.

This latter was due at Grenville at 11.40 p.m. Ills train reached this place at 11.64 but ne apprehended no danger as hl orders Indicated that he was to have pmcedeusf Ulri lllc train was running at 2f miles an hour. There had been lamps on the rear ml of the caboose, but, he thought, it would have been difficult for an engineer, who was coming behind with his train, tu see them on account of the storm. He could not run the train any faster as the wind and the track were heavy. Ltitil he hai.

reached Grenville. there was much snow on the track. His train had stopped at St. Therese for almost 33 minutes as tne nJ haf to to be made as the steam had become lo through snow getting Into the coal. JM had informed the officials at St.

There thtl he could not make the siding at Grenville before the passenger train, am! orders were therefore obtained for am to have a clear track to Calumet. At La- chute he advised his own conductor tc I Inform the agent tViat his train was mak-iner slow time and that It would be ad vlsable to stop the passenger time at I tliftt rtlAce. W. J. Powell.

Mosgrove street, brake-1 man on the snow plow special, said thati there were three red lights on the rear I of the caboose as he had examined them aC Laehnte. He eonld see the light on thel top of the caboose at any time that hcl looked from the engine where ne wa stationed. J. J. Klliott.

P.rockvliie. fireman fori Engineer Carruth, corroboiated his sup erior's fjtternens. Michael Charrier. Fourth avenue, Bays-water, who was the engineer on the pa-l senger train, said he had no orders I at Orenville station. There 'i one siding there.

He had not seei a signal to stop. His train struck th snow plow siieclal about opposite the tion. The last semaphore Indicated clean trnik. He did not notice any lamps. th caboose of the snow plow.

The 9' cident happened at midnight on Sundavl It was very stormy and suowing. It wa I possible that the siow or smoke frori the engine might have oVscured llrht on the caboose mentioned even they were there. He knew that the spc lal was ahead of his train as he had rl calved orders to that efft al St. Mvl tin's Junction, about 47 miles from Grer I ville. His train wa running about miles an hour.

He had gone on duty o'clock that night. The snow plow St. Martin's an hour and 10 minutes tx I fore his train and ht had lost 12 mlnutej between the two places as he had rt Ki? train slower as a precautionary roeael are to strevent a pitch in. Gee. W.

Smythe. lireaim In ChevrieT I train. A. B. Wright, conductor.

(rlrr. brakeacaa In the pa train, aJsa gave evidence. LANDLORD AND TENANT Will Both be Effected Market Inspector Hornidge to be Prosecuted. The extreme Bnancla.1 stress of th. board of works and the meagre amount placed at its disposal for the maintenance and repair of the city streets, necessitates, in the opinion of Aid.

Scott an Increase ia the rate of assessment from fifteen to twenty mills. Alo. Scort has figured out the matter and last night told the nuance committee that an increase of I1I0KXI in revenue would accrue if the proposed change were adopted and very materially relieve the stringency experienced by the board of works from year to year. The subject provoked a vigorous dltctKsion between Aid. W.

I. Morris and the mover und the motion was linully voted down. Aid. Morris thinks that in view of the situation all increases In salaries of mayor and civic otdcials, aa recommended by the finance cummittee, should be rescinded. Unless the council initiates a movement for retrenchment there will ba nothing left after iixed charges and salaries are liquidated and the abolition of Increases this year would considr-rably relieve the j'ress.

He renewed hts strenuous objection of the previous evening to the increases, considering the state of aflalrs in which the committee is placed. INCREASED ASSESSMENT. In introducing the subject of sn increased assessment. Aid. Srolt pointed out that where other municipal corporations of the province were empowered to tax themselves up to twenty mills.

Ottawa limit was fifteen mills since the passage of an act to that effect In 1s. Ottawa, he said, wns a progressive city and he thought the ratepayers would bo willing to have some additional taxation In order that the public thorounb-fares be maintained In a proper and presentable condition. Aid. W. D.

Morris Aid. Scott ought to know how the present state of affairs has been brought about. Tears ago a limit was placed on assessments when the city became bankrupt throiiKtt mismanagement. If we nnw provide more funds it simply means additional scfWf for maladministration of civic which alnn is responsible for the pre sent condition of the board of work. It's ouiraKeous to propose to tine the rate payers for civic mismanagement.

Aid. Siott-Ald. IorIc Is bad. lie would debar from rnilnr more money because he thinks it would be improperly spent. Aid.

Morris I mnin'aln that retrench ment is what Is most needed and neither the salaries nor taxes should be Increas ed. Aid. Pfott The board of works needs from rSn.DCO to WWn take proper care of the streets. Aid. Morris And they would have but for civic mlsm.mnirement.

Men are now being employed that are unfit for their positions and In some oases one pood man can take the place of four and do belter work. Aid. Scott Well then they should Jie dismissed. 'A general clean-out Is what Is need ed," remarked Aid. Morris.

'Apparently yon have no faith In the city," rejoined Aid. Scott. 'I've got faith In the city, replied Aid. Morris, "bul not in the way it Is being managed. Aid.

Scott We have to Keep up with the times. The city Is progressive, hut every stranger talks about the muddy streets. Aid. Morris If the aldermen would make an honest effort, lio.fmo could be saved this year by retrenchment. Aid.

Champagne (chairman) We have Increased salaries by K.m. What 5oes that amount to compared with the re quirements of the board of works. It Is the interest and sinking fund mat is eating up the revenue. Aid. Scott I think that Aid.

Morris has personal motives. The increased assessment will affect him as a property owner. Aid. Morris I and the other ratepayers are now paying all they should: tht fifteen mill limit was established for a purpose to protect the ratepayers from imposition, extravagance and mismanagement. Aid.

Scott explained that he had brought the matter up so that it might go to council and receive consideration. It might not bo advisable to inaugurate the change this year, but later on. He moved, seconded by Aid. DesjiMuins, that the city solicitor be empowered to procure legislation to suthorfie the proposed Increase In the rate of assessment. The motion was defeated.

Teas Aid. Scott and Desjardlns. Xnys Aid. W. I.

Morris, F. Morris, Knrlght and Forde. FOR BETRETNCHMENT. Aid. W.

D. Morris then moved that, owing to the stringency of civic finances and the small sum available for the board of works purposes, the estimates passed previous evening be recoasldered by striking out all increases In salary. The motion was defeated on the following division. Yeas-Aid. W.

D. Morris, F. F. Mortis and Forde. Nays Aid.

Scott. Desjardlns, Champagne and Knright. TO PROSECUTE HORNIDCEL The committee will recommend to couja- il that air. IL L. Hornidge.

the late market Inspector, be prosecuted for his defalcations. The matter came up in It letter from the city clerk submitting correspondence from the guarantee company relative to the matter. Aid. Morris inquired as to what steps the committee proposed to take to prosecute Hornidge. The mnrket committee had failed to take up the matter, but that was no reason why It should be allowed to drop.

If it should be passed over, the precedent would be a bad one. Several members of the council seemed afraid to tackle the problem. Aid. t'hampugne said the guarantee company which was responsible would look after Ilornidges prosecution. Aid.

Desjardlns This man took money that did not belong to him. and there is no reason why the offence should be condoned. I think he should be punished the same as any other man guilty of snch an ofTence. Aid. Morris I would move that the committee recommend that the city solicitor be Instructed to take the necessary steps to prosecute Market Inspector Hornidge for defalcation.

Aid. Desjardlns I'll second that. The motion carried on the following vote: Teas Aid. W. T.

Morris. Desjaxdias. F. F. Morris.

Scott and Forde. 77ayAld. Snrigbt As ttmnit ef 133 salary due Mr. Boys' 2piece Suits, imported Scotch Tweed, light and dark shades, pleated front and back, silk stitched, best of farmer satin linings, to fit boys from 4 to 6 years. Eegular $2.50, 1 AQ sale price Boys' 2'picce imported Scotch tweed, all the latest shades, Norfolk jacket, knickerbocker pants, silk stitched, Italian cloth lining, equal to any tailor-made suit, size 22 to 26, cannot be purchased elsewhere lor less than $3.50.

Our price 9 for the remainder of this month is LL0 MEN'S SUITS The second class of the Elcln street The council of the county of Wright will meet in Hull on March 14th. In all probability Mayor Bylvain, of Gatineau Point, will receive the wardenshlp, as his name is prominently connected with the position. Another instance of the unequal division of things in general; the month just emhd hail no new moon, while its blustering successor has a double portion, the dates fiiliinn on lie first and 3 lust. ur p. L.

McLean, president of the ija Lucy mica mines in Otta- wa county, states that the company has 40 men at work and a lot of mica Is being mined, it Is sold to American buyers. Owing to one of the regular street cars on the El-in street line being temporarily disabled, one of the new Brit-' annia cars was used on that street last night. The equipment of this car was admired by all on board. The arrangements for the reception to the members of the Strathcona Horse at the Y. M.

C. A. tonight have been completed. A number of prominent militia oftlcers are expected to attend. The affair will commence at 7 30 o'clock.

The mascot of the Hull fire brigade. Is a pure blooded bull dosr owned by Chief Benolt. Jack, as the doj Is called, has an established reputation as a fmh- ter, but nevertheless he Is quite friendly In and about the fire station. Mr Joseph McOllllvary, the veteran mining expert, who has been In the city for several weeks on busttiess connected with Anglo-Klondike Mining company, returned to Dawson yesterday. He goes In over the ice with horses and sleigh.

Rev. Father Portelance, of the church of the Sacred Heart, went to Valleyneld today and will preach the Lenten retreat in the cathedral of Bishop Ermarrt. Rev. Father McGown wiil administer the parish affairs driving the absence of the cure. The Lenten and day services commenced yesterday in St.

John's church. Rev. W. M. Loucks spoke on the Origin of Evil.

At the close of the service the congregation sang the Doxology as a mark of thanksgiving for the relief of Ladysmith. One of the Bank street cars ran off the track at the loop at the Old Men's Home yesterday. It was caused through Ice having gathered on the valla, ren' derlng them very slippery Little damage resulted and fhe car was soon replaced on the track, The tramps who stopped at the police shelter last night had to do an hour's hard work this morning in shoveling snow from the walks around the station. There was much grunbllng especially by one hobo, who complained that the police never allowed him to sleep long enough. The first sessional examination at the Normal school for this term will be held on Tuesday next and teaching practice In the Model school will commence th week following.

Mr. Dobbie, of St. Thomas, the newly appointed writing and drawing master, assumed charge yesterday. Mrs. Hannah Stanley, wife of J.

R. Stanley, 214 Division street, ditd yesterday morning after a lengthy illness. The deceased lady had been a prominent member of McPhail Memorial church and wns highly esteemed by a large clr cle of acquaintances. The funeral takes place tomorrow. -Extensive Improvements are being made in the third flat of the new wing of the Protestant hospital.

A private room is being made which will be furnished by ladies from Hull. The lady superintendent will have an office on this flat and the gynecological department will be located there. The Deschenes Milling company Is extending Its business. Within a few weeks the company will commence the erection of a new mill near Sturgeon Falls, in the district now being opened up for colonization and which is becoming well populated. Mr.

E. Lavote has returned from a business trip to the district and completed arrangements for the proposed manufactory. The funeral of the late Jonathan W. Wurtele took place Wednesday afternoon from 342 Stewart street to Beechwnod cemetery. The obsequieo were conducted at 9t.

Alban church by Rev. Archdeacon Bogert. assisted by Rev. W. M.

Loucks. The chief mourners were Judge Wurtele. father: Mr. A- Wurtele. brother, and Mr.

F. A. McCord, brother-in-law. There was a large attendance of friends. A rich profusion of floral tributes attested the widespread sympathy felt for the bereaved family.

At the aaeetiaf ot tb Weasen's Mis- ner possible. All the schools were im- mediately closed by the school board. Me rs. Shaw end MoKerracher. of the cash store, supplied the pupils with an abundance of flags and a procession was soon started.

Through the deep snow marched the pupils of the schools in the highest glue. By this time nearly every tumeric, and place or Business in thej town had numerous I 1,1 Jacks flouting i i.nd nearly everyone on the streets was decorated In some manner. The fire-; hlls. church hells, whixtles and bslls on manufacturing Institutions were Kept tontlnually sounding nil morning. A.

mintber of boys secured the Salvation army drum and banner and with a varied quantity of tin horns, bells, serenaded each and every merchant and demanded speeches: and the speeches were always given. In the afternoon a half-holiday was proclaimed by mayor and a procession 'was formed at the Hicks house. About a dozen of the M-67 Fenian Raid veterans headed the procession followed by the entire IToys" Brigade, No. 3 company, Forty-Second battalion and a largb number of citizens. After marching through the streets and trudging through the deep snow the procession halted at Perth's new skating rink which was generously thrown! for everyone to skate.

Here the crowd was intense and the sight will be a loti remembered one. The rink was tastily decorated and the Forty-Second battalion band was stationed In the gallery and furnished an excellent patriotic program. In the evening a grand patriotic entertainment was given In the opera house and although the night was a very at r-i my and disagreeable one the hall was packed to the doors. Some of Perth's leading men and women assisted in mn icing the program an excellent one. Mr.

H. M. Shaw acted as chairman In plic of Mayor Stewart, who la awny from town this week, and on opening the evening's program he remarked that th following telegram had been sent to Joseph Chambexlaln: "Kindly convey to Jler Majesty The town of Perth's (treat Joy at the relief of A. STEWART. ly-or of Perth." Before closing; the entertainment Mr.

O. E. Armstrong suggested that a com mittee be formed to draft letters of con dolenre to the friends of W. T. Manlon and J.

A. Donegan. two Perthltes, who were killed in South Africa, and accordingly a committee wns formed to do so. The meeting was closed with cheers for the British officers and men. the colonials and especially the Canadians, and Her Gracious Majesty the Queen.

FIRE AT H1NT0NBURG. Building Owned byJas. Herbert Destroyed May Have Been Work of Incendiaries. Another fire of mysterious origin occurred In Hintonburg this morning. It destroyed an unoccupied building at the corner of Center and Gilchrist streets, belonging to Jas.

Herbert, of Bank street. Ottawa. The building, which had been used last summer as a butcher shop, contained some valuable scales and fittings. Altogether building and contents were valued at 11.500 and the Insurance was KS0. The fire had gained headway before the alarm was sounded and when the brigade reached the spot the building had been almost completely burned.

The men, however, protected the other houses In the vicinity. The waterworks service was excellent. The cause of the fire is not known as no one had used the shop since last summer. This is the second fire In a month that has consumed vacant buildings. CONDITION IMPROVING.

Italian Stabbed Progressing Towards Recovery--Assailant Not Yet Located. Felix Simonlo. the Italian who was stabbed In his own home on Rochester street on Wednesday night, and who was taken to the Protestant hospital yesterday, was reported this morning to be progressing towards recovery. He will get better. In spite of the five severe tabs that he received, unless unforeseen complications set in.

Simonio alleges that his assailant was another Italian named Joseph. Moneythop. He says that there was no reason for the attack unless it was that Moneythop bore a grudge against him. for a Quarrel that they had bad when In Cornwall last summer. The police) have been working on the case but av far vt not located wWsMsrarJTwsslwaftfc I I In neat brown and dark grey pin checks, single breasted, square or round corners.

Regular price $4. Oxford grey, mid grey, tan or dark brown, all-wool genuine Halifax tweed, single breasted, square or round comers, well lined and well finished. Regular price $5. I)ark brown and dark bronze pin checks, heavy English tweed, raised seams, single breasted, square or round corners. Regular price 4.95.

Dark brown and dark green mottled goods in all-wool Canadian tweed, neatly finished, farmer satin linings, single breasted, square or round corners. Regular price $5.75. Navy blue, all-wool Canadian Serge, surah twill linings, single breasted, square or round coiners. Regular $5. Double or single breasted all-wool Scotch tweed, neat checks and plain designs, farmer satin linings, raised seams.

Regular price $6.50. Your choice of any of our heavy 16 oz. goods, made double breasted, cotton tweed linings, raised seams. The real thing for the working man. Regular price $7.50.

Navy blue, all-wool Irish serge, single breasted, square or round corners, raised seams, farmer satin lining, complete. Equal any other house in the trade at $9.50. 2.50 2.95 2.95 3.95 2.95 4.95 4.95 6.00 jf -j jf P.S. Remember you can buy Christy's famous HATS here for one dollar, sold elsewhere at $3. Our Necktie sale is still on.

The greatest assortment of Neckties ever shown in Ottawa embracing all the latest designs selling at 10c, 13c and 25c. 55 T. LINDSAY CO 263 to 2X9 Wellington Street, 1.

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