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The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 3

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE CITIZEN. FBIDAY, JAXTJABT 20, 1890. RAILWAY IS ASSURED At the First TAKEN BACK Cntxrio House truthfully, there is no question but Ottawa will have the boon of a Sunday car service. In Feveral government matters" majority That your eyes are hurting, you should visit us. It may mean blindness If you persist in thinking that It is nothing and that it is not worth while to attend to it-it only takes a little oi your' time to have your eyes cxasuned will cost you nothing far examination we will tell you if you require glasses; and will fit you properly if you gise us a trial, at Sparks Street.

JnreUsr ft Optician PHONE IMS a. McMillan, agents for Grurtis Precision Watches: best made. fo Star K.M T3 n. Cecil Rhode Has Already Se cured $10,000,000 for the Cape to Cairo Line. Londun.

Jan. 19 Cecil Rhodes' great scheme for a railway through Africa from Cape Town to Cairo is meeting with financial encouragement. The hne from Buiuwayo, the terminus of the present Cape system, to Khartoum, 111 be more than 3,000 miles long, and ia estimated to cost $47,000,000. Mr. Rhodes has been aawured of IlO.OOO.wO) for the section from Buiuwayo to Lake Tanganyika, and the remanider can be secured when the surveys from Tanganyika to Khartoum are made.

It is said Germany will give consent for right of way through the strip of German territory north of the lake. At Khartoum connection is to be made with the Egyptian line, which the Sirdar has already built up the Nile as far as Atbara. Another transcontinental railway scheme has been revived In India to give a route across Asia from North to South. This would make Bombay and Calcutta the outlets for Russian commerce in Asia and enable travellers from London to reach India in ten days. KEMrTTULE.

Kemptviiie. Jan. 19. Mrs. Asa Gor don, of Ottawa, held evangelistic ser-vtr-es here for three nights last week.

The meetings were well attended, and Mrs. Gordon's addresses and songs were appreciated very much. All the seats in the Methodist church were removed and the carpenters started work yesterday morning at the improvements to be made. New seats will be placed In the church and new chairs in the Sunday school. New windows will alFO be put In instead of the ones now in use.

Mr. Cook, of Kingston, was the guest of Mr. D. K. Pelton over Sunday.

JJr. McAllister, of Peterborough, spent Sunday with Mr. Hatch. Miss Rosa Little, of Oxford Station, died last Friday of pneumonia. The deceased was only 22 years of age.

and had enjoyed good health till about two weeks before her death. The funeral service was conducted bv Rev. D. C. Saunderson.

of Kemptvllle. Miss Moffat is very low at present, and serious doubts are entertained as to her recoverv. Mr. Collins, electrical engineer, has sold his plant to Mr. Bowen, of Kemptvllle.

The manager will be Mr. Wing, of Pratt Brooklyn. N.T. Jarbo Lannlng was in town Saturday evening. Killed by Lisa.

The death Is reported of Mr. W. 11. Harrison, one of the engineers employed on the Uganda-Mombasa Railway. While out shooting near Klkiyu, says the Central News, Mr.

Harrison and two others came across a lion and lioness. Mr. Harrison sh it and wounded the Hon, who turned on him, clutching him by the left arm and dragging him some distance. Then, seeing Mr. Harrison's servant, he let his victim go and sprang at the native.

Mr. Harrison recovered his rifle and fired another shot. The animal, more enraged than before, seized; Mr. Harrison and so badly mauled him that hia left arm had to be am putated. Mr.

Harrison died from shok and loss of blood. harapagae Medicinally. Medical authorities and chemists of international reputation pronounce G. H. Mumm's Extra Dry Champasni the model of excellence.

Connoisseurs of the British. French and American clubs and hotels recognize its super iority and its popularity is due to Its remarkable bouquet, purity and natural dryness -qualities wbicb have made it the leading champagne of the world. Dwarfs Married. London. Jan.

19. A pair of dwarfs, Charles Morris, a widower, 36 Inches in height, and Miss Goddard. 361-2 inches high, were married at Bolton on Wednesday. Good health ia worth mors than anything elss to you. and every bottle of Hood's Sarsapariila does it.

Decorations for a hundred Turkish officers have been received at Constantinople from the Emperor of Germany. SXAP For Br' Worker. STREK6TH ror STAMINA andChlldrea, READ THE PROOF Gtimzim, I have for a Ion; tint needed something to make Mood and build up my system. My blood was watery and thin, lacking strength and vitality. Last January a friend said Why not try Dr.

Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills They will supply the oxygen vour blood needs and rive you health and strength." 1 told him 1 was very skeptical as to any benefit that could be derived from any proprietary medicine and had no faith in them. There the matter rested until four months ago, when reading so much about what Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills have done for so many people with impoverished blood, I concluded to give them a trial. I have taken four boxes and my unbelief so far as Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills are concerned has been entirely removed.

They are a splendid blood builder and strength restorer, and an invaluable medicine for weak, enervated people. This has been my experience, they having given me strength of body and strong- healthy blood. (Sirnetfl, Peter Lawrence Wrtte. 988 Queen St. West, Toronto, Ont.

Ad good drug-gists can supply you. If ther won't, we will by mail. Price goc per box 5 boxes for S2.00. Tag Doctor Ward Confabt, Limited, Toronto, OaC Vitality WEAK GIRLS ANO BOYS Dr. Ward' Mee4 at.

Narva pills. rules. In Provincial government mat' ters majority rules. In municipal elec tions the candidate with the greatest number of votes wins and if in those matters why should a few gentlemen whether called Lord's Day Alliance ir Ministerial Association try and impose their little efforts against the will of the people. I trust your paper and the press snd others who favored the cars will continue to fig-lit for them till the privilege is granted.

Kindly ask the papers in Toronto and the west to help Ottawa by favorable ar tides. As Mr. Hardy's majority in the House is not very large it will be necessary to see that when the measure is introduced that it is sufficiently supported to win. Hoping that Otta wa will have the satisfaction of win ning in this matter, I remain yours, A. T.

BROV-. TWO YEARS IN PRISON An Ex-Soldier Who Falsely Swore Away a Girl's Character Sentenced in London, Ont. London. Jan. 19.

John Miller, the ex-soldier from Wolseley barracks, was convicted before Judge William Elliott this morning of wilful perjury. Miller was the principal witness in the case of Margaret Ridler v. Private Cooper, of Wolseley barracks. The charge againt Cooper was of a criminal nature, he having led Margaret astray under promise of marriage. At the trial Miller swore away the girl's character, end was largely instrumen tal in Cooper's escape from Justice.

The girl denied all Miller's and Cooper's statements, and swore that she had never seen Miller until she saw him in the witness box. Private Culing and Private Gammon gave positive evidence that Milier had never seen the Ridler girl and that the story told by Miller was an extrava gant conception. The prisoner was un defended by counsel, without witnesses. and had nothing to say. The Judge sentenced him to two years' imprisonment.

GRAIN MEN ABBESTEDk Charged With Having Contravene the -tJiMoaii Anti-Fool Boons Law. Kansas City, Jan. men and bucket shop keepers generally to me numoer or seventeen were arrested by the police to-day under the new anti-pool law. Included among them was John W. Moore, president of the Board of Trade.

The arrests were made on warrants Issued by D- A. Brown, city attorney, under the law prohibiting betting on any "event," the attorney holding that buvina- and sellng on margin brought the grain men under the law. The list of firms on which warrants have been served Includes some of the best-known grain firms In the city, some of whom have been doing business for years. Those arrested were released on bond for appearance to-morrow. A STEP IK ADTAJ.CE.

Chinese Government la Scad Cent- mluioo to Europe and America. London, Jan. 20 Th Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Mail says: "The Chinese government wrl send a commercial mission, to Europe and America starting next March and re turning in If it reports xavoraoiy, commercial agencies will ne established in Important cities abroad next year. Two directors of the Imperial bank of China will ac company the mission to select locations for branches of the bank abroad." DRIFTISu OUT Td SEA. Foot Men, of Pete en float ing Ice Perce, Jan.

19. Four men, con sisting of Mail Contractor George Au- bert, with three others, while crossing from Bonaventure Island to Perce, a distance of three miles, in a small ice boat, yesterday, were caught between two fields of drift ice, and carried out to sea by a suden gale of wind, which sprang up. Immediate relief was wired for to have the local steamer now lying at Port Daniel come to their res cue. ISF0BMA5T9 TNBET.IABLE. Mr.

lasts Costs oa Miss flora Shaw's Takes statements. Toronto, Jan. 19 (Evening Telegram special cable) "The Financial Times to- day publishes an Interview with Mr. Louis Coste, chief engineer of public works, Ottawa. Recently Miss Flora Shaw, special correspondent of the London Times, published certain state ments with reference to the Tukon In the Times.

Now Mr. Coste says that the evidence of Miss Shaw's informants is unreliable and not worth much." About Catarrh. It Is caused by a cold or succession of colds, combined with impure blood. Its symptoms are pain in the bead, discharge from the nose, ringing noises In the ears. It is cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla which purifies and en riches the blood, soothes and rebuilds the tissues and relieves all the disagreeable sensations.

Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills. Mailed for 25c. by C. Hood Lowell, Mass. Prevent Disor-ier.

At the first symptoms of intern! disorder, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills rUould be resorted to immediately. Two or three of these salutary pellets, taken before going to bed. followed by doses of one or two pais for two or three nights in succession, will serve as a preventive of attacks of dyspepsia and all the discomforts which foiow In the train of that fell disorder. The means are simple when the way Is known. Where can I get some of Holloway's Corn Cure I was entirely cured of my corns by this remedy and I wish some more of it for my friends.

So writes Mr. J. TV. Brown, Chicago. Parents buy Mother Craves Worm Exterminator because they know is safe medicine for their children and an effectual expellee pf worms.

A cold Is daager- wvm. let It get the start yen. A few tioses ef sty Cold Cure will break no any fnra cold la a few bocrs sad prevent grippe. diphtheria ana paramenia. It should be la every home sod everv vest pocket.

It Is better tlisa a life Insurant- policy. UVTSJOS. at in arasaisrs. Sc. a W.

Onto to BMltk BILLUtGr BRIDGE. Several Accidents Happen ta Which Uasbs Wars Brakes. Mr. Kelson Hall, of the Preacott road, bad his greenhouse burned the other evening. His total loss will figure about 1300.

Mr. Wm. Birch, ex-teacher of S.S. No. 3.

Gloucester, has gone to Boston to take up a Journalistic career. Mrs. Wm. Hall was taken to the hospital this week suffering from th-grippe and other serious complaints. Mr.

George Plerson, while taking oil stone at Bailey's quarry, had a leg broken by a stone falling upon him. Mr. William Whrtten was engaged In stoning a well for Mrs. Sam Evan on Belmont avenue, when the cross board on which he was standing gave way and he was precipitated to the bottom of the well. The well was feet deep.

He luckily had no bones broken, but received a bad shaking up. Mrs. Isaac rouse, while going see Mr. Wm. Pierson.

who had broken a limb, sustained a fail herself which resulted in a broken arm. She is pro gressing favorably. Mr. N. Greyburn Is able to be about again after having been laid up with srippe.

It was a-enerallv renorterl ihn dsy that Mr. Joseph Taylor, a man who lives all alone and who e-oea by he name "the old fisherman." hal died suddenly. Mr. Taylor desires contradict the rumor through th Press as Incorrect, be still being hale and hearty. A series of revival nervines he.

irg conducted in Taylorvilie by Rev. Mr. Crawford, leader of the Horner-ites. The Hornerites will shortly be- Sln a series of meetings at the Bridge. -the Billings Bridge brass band boys are diligently practicing and getting Into good shape.

They have purchas- a new stove for ttielr hall. The members of Holy Trinity churea met last night and reorganized the Guild. The Sundav school management have changed the hour of Sunday school from 10 a.m. to p.m. air.

m. Longley, who In the summer eason keeps the river road toll gate ceased his duties last week and Is now spending a few weeks holidays at home. Mr. Alex. Heron's and John Heron's families are all laid up wtth Jaundice.

Air. Gabriel Dowler had a narrow escape from serious Injury on Tuesday. His horse ran away unsettine the cutter and throwing Mr. Dowler violently to the ground. The cutter was badly smashed.

A piece of the shaft pierced the horse's leg. disab ling htm. Only the other day Mr. Richard Dowler's horse ran away causing the upsetting of the milk sleigh and spilling nine cans of milk. Mrs.

R. Plerson, one of the oldest residents. Is very low with grippe. The new Billings Bridge Brick Mak lng Company are making great preparations for beginning work In the spring. They are laylmr In 800 cords of wood and excavating the clay, which Is of an extra fine quality.

Rev. Jas. Lawson is conducting a series of revival meetings at Hawthorne. WINCHESTER SPRINGS. Winchester Springs, Jan.

18. On the evening of Thursday, Jan. 12th, brilliant and closely contested match was played here between the home team and Cass Bridge, In the presence of a large number of eager and interested spectators. The gams was closely contested from beglnni.ig to end and finally resulted In a vic tory for the "Springs" by a score ef five goals to four. After the puck started It was soon captured by the "Springs" and after several fine pass es (he first goal was scored by In home team.

This was soon followed by another, but this was not allowed on account of an off-side. Tie "Bridge" seemed to get the better of the gme for the remaining part of ths first half, as they succeeded In scoring three successive goals. At half time the game stood three to one in favor of the visiting team. At the beginning of the second half the home boys started out with grent determination. The result of this was the scoring of three straight goals.

This made the score four to three In favor of the "Springs. In a short time the "Bridge" scored one which made it a tie. Soon another goal was scored for the home team which was not allowed on account of an off-sii- Again about four minutes before tine was called the "Springs" scored lh last goal which gave them the victory by five goals to four. After this both -teams and many other friends adjourned to the spacious dining-rooms of Mr. John Connor, where a sumptuous supper was served.

We understand that the boys are billed for another match on Thursd.iy evening on the home rink with DC BEAT RF.PAIKE STORED. French Minister ef Justice Defend. the Conrt of Paris, Jan. 19. The senate to-day Indulged in another somewhat noisy debate on the subject of the alleged partiality and slowness of the court of cassation.

The minister of Justice, M. Lebret, defended the court and urg ed the necessity of maintaining a separation between legislative and Jull-cial powers. He also Said he believed that M. Quesnay de Beaurepaire's resignation of the presidency of the civil section ef the court of cassation was due to pique, because he thought that Insufficient deference had been shown him. A resolution approving the views of the minister of Justice was adopted I by a vote of US to rhrec-Ccnt Stamp May Now be Exchanged MAIL FOR DAWSON CITY Canadians May Now Own Mining Property Anywhere in the United States The number and diversity of postage tamp Issues, consequent upon Mr.

Jlulock's ambition to shine as the world's champion philatelist, promise to keep the department over which he presides In hot mater. With the reduction of domestic postage to two cents a Held of employment was opened up for the new- imperial speckled beauty, while the old 3-cent issue threatened tit lapse into disuetude. People, therefore, who had the latter on hand were desirous of exchanging them for two cent stamps, but a per' emptory order was Issued to postmas ters forbidding the exchange, on the round that It would confute the de partmental accounts. This order caused no end of dissatisfaction and protests against It poured In upon the P.M.Q. Certain doughty Liberal organs, in spite of Its unpopularity, were Still busy defending the "non-ex-rhange" policy when the following res- cinriing order made its appearance: Exchange of three-cent stamps Notice is hereby given that persons fearing in their possession three-cent postage stamps which they cannot conveniently use may exchange them Sit the post office at which they ordln rlly transact their postal business for tamps of any other denominations they may require, such exchange to be made at the full face value of the tamps handed in." A Prosperous Farmer.

Mr. Robert Hall, on of Manitoba's tnoat prosperous farmers, was In the city yesterday, having been In Toronto on business. On his farm of 1,000 acres, which is situated about two hours' drive from Brandon, Mr. Hall keeps bout 100 head of cattle, mostly thoroughbred stock. And not the least In teresting feature of his visit to the Capital wss a half hour's chat with Mr.

W. C. Edwards, the fame of whose short-horn herd is widespread In Manitoba, where, amongst other farms, that of Hon. Thomas Greenway boasts generous importations from the Rockland establishment. I Mail to Dawson.

The post office department has arranged for the departure of a mall for Dawson City and way points, from Kkagway. on the 8th and 22nd of each month, which, with that sent from Seattle and other points, practically makes a weekly service from the coast Into Dawson. V. S. Mining Law.

During ths debate on the second reading of the Atlin alien mining bill, which passed the British Columbia Legislature on Wednesday, as stated In The Citizen, the fact transpired that tne laws or the United States do not now forbid aliens acquiring mining property In that country. It appears that according to an act passed by the fifty-fourth Congress, and approved on the 2nd of March, 1897, and Intended to better define and regulate the rights of aliens to hold and own real estate, the following provision was made explicit: "This act shall not be construed to prevent any persons not cltlsens of the Cntted States from acquiring or holding lots or parcels of land in any incorporated or platted city, town or village, or in any mine or mining claim, in any of the territories of the United States." It will be observed, however, from the date of the enactment that it was riot passed until the Influx of American miners Into the Canadian Yukon opened the eyes of United States legislatures to the awkward consequences Of a retaliatory law. Fersenal and General. Sir Charles Tupper Is expected to ar-riv Ottawa Saturday evening. to indisposition Hon.

Mr. Foster was unable to attend the Conservative "smoker" last evening. It la now said that the vacant New Brunswick senstorship will not go to Mr. A. H.

Gilmor. but that he will receive an appointment In Ottawa which will give him a salai-y of M.000 a year. The governments of France and Austria have Issued an order prohibiting the Importation of fruit trees and shrubs from the United States In view of the prevalence of the San Jose peals In that country. During 18OT, according to a report received at the Department of Trade and Commerce, the private shipyards of the United Kingdom turned out 923 vessels of 1,531,998 tons, the largest output on record, being an increase over last year of 228 vessels and half a million tons. There were also launched nine warships of 73,000 tons displacement, five more than were launched in 1897.

The bill introduced in the New Tork State Senate prohibiting the importation of all cattle not having passed the tuberculin test thirty days previously. Is calculated, dealers say, to prevent export from Ontario. But the result, they say, will be to oblige stork raisers to fatten cattle for the home market rather than ship everything to Buffalo and other United States ports they are now doing. B09DAT CAB SERVICE. Editor Citizen.

I notice that a few called the Lord's Day are statins; that they will prevent the citizens of this city from bavins; the privilege of a limited Sunday car service. The recent vote showed that the citizens desired the cars. Of the total vote cast (1 per cent, were for the service, while only 29 per cent, were against. The majority was per cent, over those who votii against. Surely if this matter is placed beor.

the Hon. Mr. Hardy and tne a 82 Sparks St. in first-class order. jJew.ler.

and Opticians AN 8-DAY CLOCK For $2.98 Ton would hardly think it possible, lnt such is the case. An eight day clock, with half hour strike, warranted and made oak or walnut case, is being sold by na for r-ncli an offer-in); was never made before, and Ottawa citizens NEVER SAW SUCH GREAT CLOCK VALUE Our stork of these clocks cannot last long, and if yon are in need of a trusty time indicator, you bad better grasp the opportunity. ADDISON BOYD The Jewelers ssi Opticians. 117 Sparks St. Ottawa The Sanitarium 107 O'Connor St.

OTTAWA. R. V. FUNNEL L. AL.D; A staff of twelve skilled operators fully prepared to treat as skillfully aa any Sanitarium In America, all KERVOl'S and MENTAL, derangements.

DEFORMITIES (spinal curvatures, club foot, hip, and other Joint diseases), snd all CHRONIC conditions of men. women and children, by means of M.8-8AOE. OBTEOPATHY, ELECTRICITY. SWEDISH MOVEMENTS. liVl.RO PA THY and other absorptive, ellmlnatlna and developlns methods.

Thorough and nclentiflo diagnosis. Feel at liberty to call or writs for particulars. JUOiTUUQOOOtjrC HOTEL CECIL, 'OTTAWA equipped tbrauehoat. Kew Improved tenra-beatlos; system new baths with porcelain tubs; open plumbing-; rlvetrlo Uhts la all rooms; new lr deevrated and aewlv It ratified. Musle every Wednesday and taturday, during dinner WCsT3ar0rfsr COAL ALL RAIL NONE BETTER $4.00 ANO NINETY CENT3 C.

RAY Ss Co (J SPARKS 5TREBT PwMl Instant Headache Cure A positive cur. for sll form, at headache or neuralgia. In boxes of on. dozen wafers, 20a, J. S3.

DROWN Dnrcssrse CHBanar. Phone Mgnt bell-Cor. Rideati an sriei aureate. I bvHctons' prescriptions aero ately dlr-pensed, with the purest rd promptly delivered-. sums-ton st, 'vsrewawseeas.

rHvMvMHvv THE SUM 15 NARD On the eyes, especially If they ar. the least bit weak, and the longer you neglect them the worse they become. We examine your eye. free of charge. KOS13NTIIA1V lli-113 Sparks St.

Dandruff. Is a disease. It can be cured with DORE'S DANDRUFF CURE. For sale at all BARBER SHOPS at 11.00 per bottle, or 10c. an application.

JONES BROS. Toronto, Ont. R. ANDERSON IS. Canal Strast, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Agent Toronto T.lectric Motor Companv.

Air ine and lnAiaiAtlnn a specially. H. H0RW00D SONS flaswfactarwrs st Stained Glass Windows 98 BANK ST. OTTAWA.

W1HQ OJt. Chinese Laundrv. Washinz ns im- ina done on tlte shortest notice, nuirm ami cuffs ironed as smooth aa via machinery. Satisfaction guaranteed. Law est prices.

Collars at reduced rates. TO CURE TOOTHACHE LN A MINITP Je KER VOt One application eerea if net, aa Headache. I at ail fcrismlsts. MXMMMXKMXXMXM Watches and Jewellery repaired BRUIT and LOWERS Milton H.HcVeity Cor. Bank and GilmoorSts, PHONE 1SS0.

Lackawanna Coal BEST IN THE MARKET. $4.90 PER TON THE GOVEBjrSlEjrT AXALTSIS CITES SO rER (Mt, FIXED tARBOS John The Coal and Wood Dealer Cor. Sparks aaJ Canal Streets TELEPHONE 4M. SCALES OF ALL KINDS MADE AND REPAIRED. Men sent to all parts of the country.

The PRITCHARD-ANDREWS Co OF OTTAWA. Limited. 133 SPARKS ST. tTtmilf An ij.iiaiuuiuu Co BRANTFORD, General PELEE ISLAND WINE CO. Manufacturers St Augustine (Rexlaieted) Cnampagne Extra Dry (12 Qts.

$13 00 Cases. (24 Pis. 14.30 MOT JUST AS GOOD Did you erar inquire st a store for certain article, and get for a reply We have something ost as Diditerer occur to yon that "Something hist as good" something the dealer has been able to buy much cheaper than the articles you inquire for? This is true in drags, fabrics. groceries, hardware, and in fact every line, in. eluding silm-plated ware.

If you inquire lot 1S47 Rogers Bros. Knives, Forks or Spoons, don't accept any bogus Rogers' stamp because ycur dealer tells you it's just as good. J7 Ta- 1q4ROGER5BROSO Toe abor. trade mark has been stamped on every article of the original and genuine Rogers goods for over so years. Get this and yoc et the best that is made.

14 Your Wheel If your wheel is not ia prooor shape. NOW'S the time ts Lave it put rigb Ken. bat fcrst class workmen employsi oo- OXiO. BAIL.BY LOCKSMITH aaJ MAM WQRKE wsrajss.1 WclUsgtea Sr. Ashbury House School IS6 WelliQgt3.t 5:.

rOB RESIDES! ASO OAT BOT9. Principal: Ceo. P. Wooixconss, B.A.eOsfbrd) tiers are prepares sor toe universities. af.

atingMon. and business Una, Snscial attention aivao to little bcra Bora are lnstrucuid la aookkaepins; and shorthand. School re-opens January 9th. 139. For terms, apply to the Principal Toronto -r-tfne the rny vea sHB SB as flare eenrisrisbl an np-to-date as THE ARLINGTON HOTEL FREE orwtnvas3.

Roa ma tT Terrau Co. SO Sw caarcea, J. KMHAH. flay i was A wtnaerjR If You Want To ensure a Happy New Year, make a good start by getting PHOTOS from S. J.

JARVIS Studio it? Sparks St. $15,000.00 (Fifteen tbouiaud dollars) This araohat ssay seeas large, bat It Is the assosst that ths firss ef T. nlsa wsals taraed late rash daring this sseatfs sod ta do ss he Intcad holding a great clearing sale. This store Is at to BIDEAC ST, and is ens of the finest la the tlty. T.

NOLAN THE RELIABLE 40 Rldeafj 5tTewt FUHRIEK P.9.-rbe special fars advertised far (he last couple ef days la Ibis paper have bees sold. Insure Against Burglary. The Dominion Burglary Guarantee of Montreal, is the only Company In Canada whose business is it protect and guarantee Merchants ard Householders against loss or damage by uiiiaiary. The rollcies of the Company are Broad 1'snrt Liberal, free from vexatious or tc strictlve clauses, IM conditions being rradllv comprehended, and to which no exceptions can be taken. Take nut a ritllcy: the cost Is trifling, seruritv absent and freedom from anxiety areat.

Full particulars and rates furnished on application to CUNNINGHAM CO. SPARKS STB.EKT I Are the 1899 designs of the Karn Piano. Kara and Chickerinf Wareroams 197 Sparks St. LW.CRANNELL.Kfr. Do tou want your room papered wltb a paper different to that year aelshbor.

altcoea or roemT I mens paper net to be bad la the departmental stores If so, choose al J. B. Duford's 70 Rldeau Street PORTRAITS, VIEWS nd PHOTO SUPPLIES, TOPLEY 132 SPARKS ST. Foundry rasa, Brsass, assse Reat ar heave, Iill Minis flHiaiil rn wsik UsaraT waterwaras sapptlsa, Hrdraa. Valves, Bnlier.

fnrna and Mo: Air araacn (er aala THOS. LAWSON iron 4NO Brass FOtrroex. Cane oases sad Lena msaia, Ostawa, aed ttrvwerrsirac U. PMM 03..

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