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The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 7

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ijfday, December 12, 1016. THE CITIZEN, OTTAWA, CANADA, ILLNESS OF LLOYD GEORGE EXPECTS SURPRISE VISIT FROM HIS SON NO GREATER if Snaps for Tuesday Avenue de Bois du Boulogne, in May in a low, confidential tone, as he Paris, as well as the charming and Uurned his strong, pule face from the beautiful Chateau of Miramar, the window towards that of nis friend, "I grounds of which noted for their must confess that I don't at all like wonderful palms sloped down to the doing this my dear Juftray. It isn't blue.slowly-lapping Mediterranean onjfair it isn't honest." the outskirts of Hyeres. At Miramar, i "My dear Mossie, don't for Heav-of which he was very fond, he usu- leu's sake talk of honesty in the City," ally managed to spend a few delight- lushed the other reprovingly ful weeks in winter and in spring, here do you find it? No man, if when he invited house parties from "ally true and straight can CAUSES rUMrUNhMENT OF HIS CABINET POLICY STATEMENT SencJs Message to Commons Asserting Determination of money. wrmn- Stylish Cloth Coats Smart, Stylish Coats, made In Curl Cloth, with large collars, some trimmed with plush, others plain belted or plain a warm, serviceable Coat, and a regular $12.00 QPI value.

Specially priced at tfftifiUO Government to Use Lvery Means to Bring War to Triumphant Close. All Luxuries and Non-War Business Must Go in Britain Under New Policy. among his financial friends in both, London and Parts. The parties were gay ones, and many trips were taken to Monte Carlo. Like many another highly successful business man and today the world is a world of business he was a somewhat linely person.

He made very few friends because, as he had long ago discovered, most of those men and women of the upper class, who wormed themselves into friend ship with him. did so with some ui-terior ob'ect. It was all a matter of money cf financial tips or loans. The men, as he had laughingly aecutreu, mostly wanted to borrow his money, while the women, pretty or ugly, wanted to marrv him for it. There- i BLOUSES What more acceptable gift could you give than Blouses? We have prepared a large and comprehensive showing of which we offer two Specials.

Silk Blouses Silk' Crepo de Chine Blouses In shades of Navy, Black, White, Maize and Pink the styles. Values up to ta.OO. Silk fore, as far as possible, he always long as you Keep your own counsel, to the front. He was wounded on kept himself scrupulously aloof land don't allow Laroche, that eleg-; March 37th last and was admitted as much as he could, have for his ant young prig of a secretary of t0 an uppish hospital on April 27th own circle of cronies many of them yours, to know anything. I don't suffering from a gunshot wound and cosmopolitan financiers like himself.

the fellow. He's far too in-la serious attack of trench feet. He Truth to tell, he had begun his ipnsitive to suit me. Why don you i spcnt geveral i various hos-meteorio career under exceptional get rid of him 7" 'pitals but was discharged three auspices from the first moment he- Because he's a good secretary p0 when he wroe f(ltn. Jap Silk Blouses In shades of Black, White: and Fink large collars flshu front.

Regular $2.00 fl- nn and $2.25 values. Specially had entered the fevered world of ii nanro Kpinir the favorite nephew of knew, had made his money In steel In Am erica, he had entered upon his career Dominion House Furnishing Co. jHt HANK STRF.IT iitfrvw miMNCiLTS iinvr wcii uti an ideas of honour long ago. who shrink from sharp business nowadays arc quickly left high and dry on a shelf, and soon find themselves in Carey Street." "Hut this Fan Farigoul affair is particularly ugly deal." declared May. remained awoke half the night thinking it over.

I've still got a conscience, Fred if you haven t. "Then the quicker you get rid of it. my dear old Mossie, the better for all parties," his friend laughingly declared, as the pair stood together in the window whence, below, they could see the London traffic in the fast fading light. "What on earth have we to fear? Why nothing, as aim very Keen ana cicer, as me grea financier's Instant reply. us one da v.

1 afraid if you (ton 1 watch it!" remarked the red-faced solicitor. "He knows far loo much "Ah: vou don't like Laroche." re marked his friend with a dry laugh. "You said that once before." "Because he's so intensely honourable that I feel confident when he tumbles upon something not exactly well, in accordance with his narrow puritanical ideas he'll consider it his duty to make the exposure. And then well, we might both be compelled to face the music. So we must he prepared for all eventualities, however awkward they may be." Mostyn May gazed blankly out upon the smoke-blackened trees which, in the wintry wind, had nearly lost all their leaves.

The landscape look ed cold and cheerless, and passers- by hurried along In face of the keen east blast. Within, the fire sent out a bright, cheerful glow, for It was I not yet dark enough to switch on the! light. While May stood there in silence, reflecting deeply, Jaffray n.i was his habit, selected a good cigar from the cabinet which stood open. "I don't half like it, Fred," declared the financier again, sighing as I at the guidance of his uncle, nun jour oimiiic. i manv of his greatest coups had been a point of having a fresh secretary made at the cantankerous old fel- (each year a man up from the cotm-low's suggestion and prompting.

lry. By that method, no unpleasant. Yet even Clifton Judd. in the hey- farts can be pieced together," he ad-Av of hi success, had never risen Mod. With a grim smile.

"Ottawa Dairy" Milk BY WILLIAM LE QUEL'S CHAPTER I. In The Public Eye. Attention is drawn to a restful, solidly-furnished, book-lined room on the first floor of one of the largest and most handsome mansions halfway up Park Lane. From the four long windows of the spacious library was presented a wide vista of the Park, the trees of which, however, were leafless. Park Lane is the home of the finan cier, both British-born and foreign, both Jew and Gentile.

The house was that of a great, city magnate a man whom all Englishmen knew by name Mr. Mostyn May. His gigantic operations on the London Stock Exchange, and on the Paris Bourse, were olten sensational. London looked upon Mostyn May as a money-magician, a man to whom huge profits came from everything he touched. He had only to lend his name to any scheme, and its success was assured.

Often the papers told romantic stories of his huge gains, and sometimes of his losses, for, after all. he was a gambler whose throws of the dice had brought him many hundreds of thousands of pounds. Outside in the long, straight thoroughfare, flanked on one side by Hyde Park, rumbling motor-buses, taxis and cars were speeding swiftly- past, while beyond the iron railings opposite many people were promenading, for the afternoon, though cold was nevertheless dry and invigorating. In the room, close to one of the long windows stood Mostyn May himself, with a companion, his bosom friend Frederick Jaffray. Tall, broad-shouldered and athletic-looking, the great financier looked about forty or so, clean-haven, with very square-set jaws which showed dogged determination, a pair of keen, unusually deep-set brown eyes, dark wavy hair parted In the middle and weli brushed, and carefully manicured finger-nails.

Dressed with scrupulous care in a well-cut black morning-coat, a white slip beneath his waistcoat, and dark grey-striped trousers, he was a decidedly smart, good-looking man, whose face, notwithstanding its rather square hardness, betrayed a kindly expression, though his deep, thoughtful eyes spoke mutely of acute business acumen. One of the most successful men In our modern jjoncion, ana one wnose rise had been phenomenal, he had, as natural consequence, been greatly sought after by a certain section of London society, because he was often able to be of use to those members of it who were prone to erratic speculation. Yet, though many women of all grades, brunettes and blondes, old and young, fat and lean, had sought to attract him, he had nevertheless discarded all their alluring blandishments. Indeed, as a bachelor, he was never tired of uttering humorous sarcasms at the expense of his own married friends. Little of his life did he devote pleasure, for his days were always taken up in continual business "deals," and constant schemes which resulted In money making.

The Park Lane house was comfort-1 able, but he owned another In the I Is a Pure Food "Health and vigor cannot be maintained upon a diet of meat, fat or oatmeal alone," says Milton J. Rosenaii, formerly director of the Hygiene Laboratory, U. S. Public Health Service. "Ottawa Dairy" Milk will sustain life, because It contains the essential Ingredients found In meat, fat and oatmeal, and therefore makes a complete meal In Itself.

"Ottawa Dairy" Milk is not onlv a beverage, it is a food most nutritious and easily digested. latest Specially priced $2.95 Blouses priced at (. Corner Gloucester Street, i mwwm Phone Queen 1188. Tuesday at Darwin's Third Floor Offerings Special Chrislmas Gift Things Everything Suitably Boxed to the hign pinnacle oi puiiuwui) as that now attained by his nephew, The man who stood at Mostyn May's side was a person of an entirely different stamp. While Mostyn May's face was pale and refined, and his complexion good, that of Jaffray was red, blotchy and bloated.

He was a man somewhat under the middle height, fair-haired, slightly bald-headed, and, by profession, was a solicitor. Prosperity was written all over him. Though principal of the well-known firm of Jaffray, Jones Martin, of Coleman street, a firm which stood high in the rank of company solicitors, he had also made a considerable fortune by following the lead of his bosom friend, Mostyn May whom he always addressed as "Mossie." For years the pair had acted together and, playing into each other's hands, had often been able to squeeze dry vendors, inventors and others, and so consequently enrich themselves. Jaffray, as he stood there in a blue serge suit, did not look in the least what he really was. Indeed with his stout figure and rather plethoric countenance he might easily have been mistaken for the skipper of a ship in his shore-going clothes, and the more so, perhaps, because of his breeziness of manner, cultivated, be it said, because he had found that such affected breeziness always paid.

The past of Frederick Jaffray was, like that of so many men in the city of London, shrouded in mystery. That he had been admitted as a solicitor earlier in life was proved, but his firm was but a mushroom one, and Mostyn May had really never sought to pry into his friend's antecedents. He was a loyal friend who was, at times, very useful to him in his dealings, and who had safely piloted him out of one or two of the dangerous shallows of city life. Therefore they had become most intimate friends. "I must confess." declared Mostyn Nearly a Quarter of a Century of giving higher possible value for your money has been the enviable record of But Mr, John Dolman Getting Anxious.

13 Nothing has been heard of Frivate Georgo Dolmnn for three months, and his father, Mr. John Dolman, of Blackburn, Is getting anxious, al-thoughhe cheers himself with the reflection that his son Is comlnff home and platis to make a surprise return around Christmas. Mr. Dolman has been a well-known figure around the court house for the rast twenty years, where he acts as constable during the sittings of the Ontario Supreme Court and the county court. He lives In Blackburn and is sanitary Inspector for Gloucester township.

Pte. George Dolman went overseas with an Ottawa battalion and was transferred to an Eastern Ontario battalion with which unit he went jer telling him so. Since then not a word has been heard of him and as It has been learned Pte. Dolman was Incapacitated from further service at the front, his father believes he is on his way home and has not written so that his return might be a pleas ant surprise for his parents. Branch 28, C.M.B.A.

At the last regular meeting of Branch 2S, Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, which was largely at- lenued, the election of officers was held, following the regular business, with the following result: Chancellor, William O'Brien; president, S. T. Mc-Evoy; vice-president, M. J. McGrath; second vice-president, T.

O'Loary; recording secretary, Thos.; assistant recording secretary, C. Isnorj financial secretary, T. Smith; treasurer, W. J.

Mooney; marshal, J. M. Higgerty; guard, M. T. O'Meara; trustees, S.

Khhs, J. R. Mctsaac, Martin Clancy, M. J. McGrath and D.

McGee. he turned upon his heel and faced his friend, his hands behind his back. "Like It, be banged:" laughed the other, as he bit off the end of his cigar. "Nobody can possibly know, and you'll make a cool two hundred thousand if a penny, while I stand to gain about seventy thousand. Surely that's not to bo sneezed at in these hard times!" (To Be Continued.) FIVE ROSES Hat Made Theia Famous Roly Poly Sponge Snowball Yorkiblte Butter Caramel Chocolate Cottage Marmalade Christmas Poor Man's Syrup lac I tea a r'r a a Paddy Bundles Raspberry Ulng Fruit Plum Rice.

on using it I er xa SA S. 2 TEA The standard of excellence that has won such public confidence will remain unchanged at all costs. Prices may fluctuate but the quality will remain the same and, at all times, vill be the finest procurable. i i Kimonos theless its presses all great importance im-the writers. The Tele- graph says: "It is a revolution taking rank as such with the small number of well-marked departures from precedent which form the landmarks of our constitutional history.

Not Cromwell himself ever devised a bolder experiment. The mist drastic of the measures which the prime minister was credited with the intention of taking are insignificant by comparison with this daring innovation." Attacks Cease. The Northclii'fe papers cease attacking the appointments of Arthur Ealfour and Lord Robert Cecil although the Mail refers to them briefly as exceptions to otherwise excellent appointments. The Times declares: "The cabinet is received everywhere with enthusiasm and fresh hope. The ditlieulties are immense but Premier Lloyd George has chosen the right way to solve them." The majority of the nominations receive detailed reasons connected with the personalities of Individuals concerned.

This is especially notable in connection with some of the appointments of men without previous experience in official routine. A warn ing note, however, is raised in this connection by the Times, which says that it will be necessary to beware iest these ministers become subject to the influence of permanent departmental officials, many of whom, it says, are apt to be active politicians and seek to impress their own views on the chiefs. GETS MASONIC JEWEL MAGISTRATE J. E. ASKWITH, Who Has Completed Fifty Years as Member of Builders liodge, A.F.

IjXLTVfiEMFl GET SALARY INCREASE Tnitd Press Despatch. WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. The first definite and official step by congress as a result of the high cost of living was taken today when the appropriations committee recommended sliding increases of from 5 to 10 per cent, for all government department employes, the increase to remain in effect at least one year. The increases were urged in the annual legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill carrying $39,479,685.75.

Welcomed Returned Soldier. Pte. Murphy, of Braeside, a returned soldier, arrived in Ottawa yes-terday and was met by Porter and Aid. Brethour and Mrs. H.

Scammell, representing the Soldiers' Hospitals Commission. Owing to the late hour at which the mayor was notified it was impossible to get more members of council in time to meet the train. The mayor was accompanied by his daughter and took Pte. Murphy in his auto to the Soldiers' Club. The mayor, arter luncheon, drove Pte.

Murphy around the city and show him the sights before he returned to his home tonight. A number of dinner parties took place on Saturday evening at the Hnyal Ottawa Golf Club, and afterwards the guests mingled in an Impromptu dance. Miss Edith Mc-Lachlm was one of the hostesses, her dinner being given in honor of her guest, Miss H'-Ien Hoiton of Hamilton. Her other guests were Miss Edna Thackray, Miss Nancy Watson, Miss Hetty Hodgins, Miss Marion O'Connor, Miss Xorah Banss, Lieuts. Hyam.

Baxter, Desmond, MaeMahon, Charles O'Con nor. Walter Palmer. Billy Mat th-ws and Glass. Mr. Barry Ger man's party included Mr.

and Mrs. R. O. Johnstone of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Bertram of Montreal, Miss May Lewis. Miss Jean and Miss Shiela Miss Fran ces Arnoidi. Lieut. Charles Slater of Montreal, Major Parker, Mr. Allan Lewis.

BEDS Don't use Feather tteds. Uave them made Into Sanitary Feathet Mattrescs. Prices vert reasonable. buy Feather Beds. Crown Feather Co 421 ULADSTONK VF.NL'K ehone Catling 27.

CLEAR SPRING WATER DIKLVT FROM THK SPRING Gal. Bottle I. A. S' OTT Phnna Carlin? 2906. by Joseph Race.

F.I.'." QUfcSl. Press Despatch. LONDON'. Dec. 11.

Premier Lloyd George suffered a severe chiu today and phylcfan 0IlJerei1 tnat he re-main indoors throughout the day. rrwi uespstcn. LONDON, Dec. 11. Premier Lloyd Geoff has sent me iouuwing 10 ail members or me iiuuto ui vuiiimuns, it as announced officially today: "The King has entrusted me with be task of forming a government, i bav carried out the command.

I hoped to make a statement to the house of Tuesday. I now find it .0 be impossible. On Tuesday Mr, Bonar Law. as leader In the house, move adjournment till Thursday. The one predominant task before the government is the vigorous prosecution of the war to a triumphant conclusion.

I feel confident the government can rely on your import as Ion? as tney devote their inergips effectively to that end." No formalities Needed. Andrew Eonar Law and the other members of the ministry who are not required to seek re-election on assumption of office, and also the iorils who are co-operating with the new administration, went to the palace at noon today, kissed the hands of the King and received their seals of office. A CHANGE. LONDON, Dec. 11.

The morning papers do not comment at very great lenetii on the new cabinet. Never- ADVANTAGES OF STEEL OFFICE FURNITURE i I Address by Rotarian Cruik-! shank. Rotary Club Votes Grant to Soldier Aid. Mr, D. Cruikshank, general manager of the bteel Lqmpment Company of Ottawa, gave a splendid ad'lress on Steel Furniture before the Rotary Club at the luncheon in the Chateau Laurier yesterday.

"Every Business should be built on a basis of quality rather than price," the speaker said. "The old adage that the price is soon forgotten but the quality lasts was never more true 1 than it is today." I He maintained that a small con-. cern which specialized in. any particular line needed tariff protection. The difficulty of securing help had been largely overcome In his company by the employment of women anu girls.

There were now aoout iw women working in the firm's plant in Pembroke, filling positions formerly occupied by boys and men who have enlisted. He believed that the female help was there to stay. One of the big difficulties at the present was to obtain raw materials, it nearly all came from the United States and whereas before the war case of copper were made in thirty tase of copper was made in thirty tiays, now It took four months, and 'ontracts for these materials had to be entered into without cancellation privileges. The Introduction of electric welding had made possible great advances in the steel furniture Industry. Marked progress had also teen made in producing silent, smooth-working steel cabinets.

While there had also been improve ments in enamelling and graining so that it is hard to distinguish steel furniture from wood, yet he believed the future of steel furniture did not depend upon imitating wood but rather in producing beautiful furni ture that would have a finish of a instinctive effect to that or wooa. Steel cabinets are not fireproof, but they do not add fuel to a fire. He tead an interview from the New l'ork fire commissioner recommend ing that all offices in high buildings be compelled to have only steel fur niture. With the high rental of omce space there, the officers were crowded with furniture, and although the buildings themselves may be fireproof, a fire on any of the floors may make a very dangerous maze mat will cause considerable loss of life. The speaker prophesied that steel furniture would gradually replace wood as office furniture.

Mr. Cruik-shank referred to the company's ant at Pembroke as one of the most modern in the Dominion. Mr. V. D.

Matthews, president of the notary Club of Fort William and l'ort Arthur, explained that the ciud of those cities was formed in June, and had about 33 members. He outlined the work it was doing. The chairman of the Ottawa club, Mr T. E. Clendinnen, announced that there would be no luncheon next Monday, but that instead there would be an srening meeting.

Vict Mans S. A. Luke and E. E. Mackenzie were appointed representatives of the club on the F.eturned soldiers' Reception Committee.

P.o-Urb-n Henry Watters explained the winking of the Soldiers' Aid Commis-Mon and announced that an appeal was to be made to the people of Ottawa to assist in contributions for the working expenses of the commission. It was derided to vote from the funds of the club an amount e'l'ial to $1 per member in aid of the ''mmlssion. This decision iwu be a' t'd upon by the directors. The Soldiers' Aid Commission will up ronms at 23 Cliff street. There was a large attendance at ti himheon and at the next meeting will be an address by Dr.

J. W. Robertson on his visit to the Vi'tern Front. Capt. and Mrs.

Fraser Hartley also, having as their guests Mb Kdith Todd, Miss Ruah Lord, Pauline O'Connor, Mr. Fred Mr. Sidney Dion, Mr. Mc-Vif h.ll. Mr.

and Mrs. Kenyon Fel-wea. Mr. and Mrs. H.

Carleton Mr. and Mrs. Louis White and others were present. i I I CAMISOLES Spocially boxed for Christmas gift giving, Crepe de Chine Camisoles or Corset Covers, Blue, Pink, White, etc. Tuesday Special $1.98 ANU $2.98 WAISTS A very handsome range of smart, new Crepe do Chine Waists, In all the fashionable shades.

Tuesday marked special for quick selling, at $3.95, $4.95 AND $5.95 WAISTS A wide assortment of Ladies' Fine Lace and Net Waists are now being shown and may bo had specially boxed if desired, at Sparks and Elgin A Sts. JK Phone 5826 1s Queen. At Fashion $5.00 Light and Savory, Easy to Digest Short Crepe Kimonos, daintily trimmed with ruffles and ribbons. Fink, Blue, Mauve, White, etc. Also some very smart flowored crepes.

Price range from $1.25 TO $7.95 Waists gotte Crepe Waists, Rose, Pale Blue, In fact every, a nabie and desirable shade. Regular $10 values. Tues. Special j' $6.95 Hair Dressing Department Phone 5900 Corner. Queen.

1 If Puddings were lighter and tastier, would you serve them oftener? Would you attempt new varieties? Then try FIVE ROSES flour in boiled or baked puddings. The same good flour that makes the lightest bread, biscuits and muffins will make your puddings more daintily porous' palatable digestible. Even when used in small doses, FIVES ROSES binds together the other ingredients and blends their delightful flavors. We invite you to follow the lead of Canada's best cooks and use Fivel for Breads-Cakes Puddings-Pastries And your reward will be those well-swollen puddings that maintain till eaten their freshness and aroma. The kind that cuts into dainty slices without crumbling or ragged edges Never soggy, insipid; never a disappointment And due to the wonderful nutritive value of FIVE ROSES, every spoonful becomes a toothsome source of vitality.

See that you also are given FIVE ROSES at your dealer's. Your success will be so stimulating that soon you will insist Everyone Has a Sweet Tooth Now JT it, OVER 70 PUDDING RECIPES All tetfed reliable. Alsn panes III! on pudding aaucea, cuitardi. deMertt. Infallible directions contributed by over 2,000 ucceniul FIVE ROSOuaera.

5S5 SEND FOR THE FIVE ROSES COOK BOOK Giveaaccurate.underetandable information on bread, paatriea, rollft, biacuitt, cookies. So etaentud thut over 200.000 tdo without this famous 144.Daffe manunl. Hi Sent ior 10 two-cent stamps. Address Dept. LAU OF THE WOODS i IIMIUD.

MONTREAL. Si 1 1 1 fi Guaranteed Hot BUachtd Vo( Blended. wnenever nour is mentioned. Tlie "sweet tooth" surely has its day (liiriu' the Christinas Reason. 'hrixtiiiHS without c.Hndy would be a joyous with all the joy taken out.

All the more reason to bo careful in the choice of your confectionery to see tout it is free from adulteration. All the more reason for to fir.l oil' the "after L'hri head-e he. It's good time to look closely into tiii '-liaracter of the store and the fruai'-fiiitce hvhind the name on the candy box. Perliaiis th advertising columns of The Citizen Mill help you? ill;.

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