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The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 5

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THURSDAY, JTVE H. 15C0. TTTE CITIZEN, OTTAWA, CANADA; 5 should be built over Wellington street MUSIC, CREAM, and CAKE fairly active and prices ruled a trifle tetter at to $lu each ast to size and quality. Live hogs were in light supply ant? were firmly held at to 6c pei pound, weighed off the cars fur straight lots. Annual TRACKS LAID Council Authorizes Another Level Crossing Are to be had "galore at the ELITE ICE CREAM PARLORS, on Sussex Street, where the Capital's distinguished people gather daily to discuss the latest social topic, and incidentally enjoy entrancing music, sylphlike Ice Cream and Cake, and the innumerable attractions which alone are offered by WARNOCK VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS OF -BY THE Ottawa Land Association, Limited Will be held on the Property, COR, RICHHOND ROAD AND HOLLAND AVENUE Commencing Saturday Evening, 16th AT SEVEN O'CLOCK R.

MASSON 72 Sparks St. Terms Easy. Come and Get a Lot Cheap. Treas. W.

west. The public use of the highway was now impeded by thrto level cross ings, and the public needed protection. He considered that as a viaduct would do away with the expense of gates and crate men. the C.A.R. and C.P.R.

wouW not strenuously object to It. As a member of the county council, he felt safe in pledge ing its support towards helping to defray any expense that w-ouid be involved in such a work. Mr. George E. Kidrt presented a petition from resif)nts of Hintonburg, Nepean and West Ottawa protesting against level crossings, and supported it in an eloquent peeeih.

He contended that level crossing were a menace to public safety and an obstruction to travel. In Toronto there were overhead crossings on streets whers he traffic was rot one-third of that on the Richmond road, it was the dutv of the council not to come prejudiced In iaor of any corporation, but take steps to protect the Interests of the public. The C.P.R. had commenced work without complying with the provisions of the railway act. Mr.

Fred. Honey also spoke briefly in support of th views of previous speakers. Aid. Scott said that thre company would necessarily have to comply with the very stringent conditions Imposed by the railway committee of the privy council. In order that there might be no great delay-he had smrgestexi the calling of a special meeting.

He saw no reason why Aid. Morris should have made the unkind references to him w.hirh he had. The vote on Aid. W. D.

Morris' amendment against level crossings and instructing that the C.P.R. tracks on the proposed crossing 1m? removed wns then taken. The amendment was lost, the vote stand ing: eas Aid. James Davidson, Dearing, Enright, Foster, Hopewell. W.

D. Morris, F. F. Morris and Raphael. 8.

Nays Aid. Butler. Champagne. Davis, Dejardins, G-areau, Hasrey. Hewlett, Lapointe, Masson.

Roger, Scott, Sllnn, Starrs and White. 14. Aid. While's motion authorizing the C. P-R.

to place down its tracks subject to an agreement being executed was carriel by a vote 10 to 12. THa division stood: Yeas Aid. Butler. Champagne, Desjar-din3, Gareau, Hewlett. Lapointe, Masson, Roger, Scott, Slinn.

Starrs and White. 12. Nays Aid. Jas Davidson. Davis.

Den-- Ing. Enright. Foster. Hastey. Hopewell, D.

Morris, 1'. F. Morris and Raphael. -10. The council voted down Aid.

W. t. Morris' recoisid-rition cf the first reading of the by-law and Aid, While's THE BOARD OF WORKS Awards Contract for Brick to the Ottawa Brick Co. Insurance of Corporation Laborers. Tfndrs for the supply of half a million brick for the subsidiary drainage system on the- Glebe were opened by the board of worts last njght.

M.ssrs. O'Dell itros. offered to furnisn the supply at the rate o-f $10.50 per thousand; Farley Bros, at J0.35: the Ottawa Fin-proofing Supply company at and the Ottawa Brick Manufacturing company at The tender of the Ottawa Rrlck company being the lowest was accepted. Aid. po-i and area const dered that while the Fireproof Supply com-pjny's offer was a little higher than the lowest, its brick was best.

The majority however, favored the Ottawa company und its offer waa adopted. The board i.i effecting- an insurance scheme on the corporation laborers on the Glebe drainage, indemnifying the city actions for damages, should any of the workmen fre killed or injured. Sftveral city agents of the Employers' Liability association tendered to furnish policy assuming all responsibility in the matter of accidents for one per cent. 'f tho pay roll or S5 cents on every Jluo under certain conditions. The Ontario Accident Insurance company offered to furnish a policy for ninety cents per annum, on each $100 of tha pay roll.

This company, however, named no conditions. There was a disposition to accept the latter offer, but it was finally decided to refer it to the engineer to report as to the most feasible scheme. Chairman Davidson reported that he had consulted Rev. NT r. in reference to his claim against th city and the latter had consented to settle it for 550.

At the last meeting- the matter came up and the chairman was authorized to arrancre for a settlement, but last nlgrht tho aldermen objected and threw out the proposition to settle the action on the terms g-gcsted. Max Horwitz, who lives on Nelson street, near Kideau, objected to being: for thp new sewer on the former because he had helped to pay for the Rideau street sewer before his lot was divided. The engineer will report on the matter. A RUN TO BRITANNIA. Senators and Members of Parliament the Guests of Mr.

W. Y. Scper Yesterday. Through Uie "hospitality of Mr. W.

Y. Snppr and dirpctora of the Ottawa electric railway, a party of gentlemen, incliiw-in several members of were yesterday (riven a trip over the BritannK rAad in one of the fine new cars whir-h the company has Just put In service. Mr. J. IX Kramer, secretary treasurer of the company, ami J.

B. Htitcheson also acrompanlefl the party, the latter offi-eiatlne at the motor. The guests Included fcir Sanrtford Fleming. Hon. Senator fox.

Hon. Frank Latrhford, Messrs. Cowan, Hurley, Loan, Wilson, Rosamond. Tal-hot, Morrison anil Calvert. M.P.'s, Robert Keefer.

Collingwood Schreiber. I. K. Jones. R.

H. Haycock, T. Allan, (reorge II. Pcrley, Peter Whelan, L. M.

Lyon, Thns. Workman and several others. A very fast run was made over the line, which operates wit.h perfect steadiness and comfort, and at Britannia the new promenade pier extending far out into the. bay was Inspected. The return trip was afterwards made, the quests thanking Mr.

Sopnr for his kindness and confiratu-latinsr tho company on its up-to-date extension of Its line. THE RELIEF FFSD. The Citizen fund for the relief of the Are sufferers ha now reached 170.3s, the latest subscribers beintr the following: Mowbray (Man) -publio whool Mandie Wilson Ontario Permanent Buildtnir and Lioanr Association, Woortfctock Ca town public school, per Lou M. Stevens Dsntes pitblic school, per Isabella McAlpina 1.00 100.00 1.53 l.M Previously acknowledged .131.066. J31.17" Headache Biliousness, aour stomach, constipation aud all liver ills are cured by Hood's Pill 3 The non-irritatinsr cathartic.

Price 2o cents of all druggists or by mail of C.I. Hood Low.ll, Mass. TRE GRAIN ARKETS. Montreal, June 13.ConslderabIe speculation is going on, but tracing Is very light owing to the strength of the American market comparer! with European. Manitoba No.

1 hard wheat, afir'at, Fort William, was quote at 74c sellers; No. 2 oats are quoted at Sle: afloat; peas are dull and quoted at 67' to 6Sc afloat; 624c afloat for rye, lor No. 1 barley in store; buckwheat, Bsc afloat. Flour The market Is more active In sympathy with wheat. Quotations are Winter wheat patents, S3.

50 to ttAi; straight rollers, $3.25 to 13.40; in bags. $1.55 to Manitoba patents, J3.S0 to strong bakers, 3.55 to Rolled oats The market shows consid-era-ble range just now. Dealers are offering stock at $3 30 to $3.45 a barrel, or 51.60 to a bag, delivered In store. Feed The market has declined owing to light demand. Quotations are Ontario bran, in bulk.

$14; shorts, Manitoba bran, including bars. $14; shorts. $11; moullie, $1 to $-4 per ton, including bags. BCTTER AND CHEESE. Montreal, June 13 Notwithstanding- the talk of an easier market yesterday, tho transactions upon the country cheese boards show that prices are steady and the! market linn.

Sales of westerns were taking place here trnUiy at 7-Se, and these were supposed to bo on order from England, as local dealers do not care to buy on speculation at present prices. Quebec chtse is quotfni at 9 5-V to a shade higher. Ke-eelpts reiwrted on tho boaxd of trade today were 13.4IJ5 boxes. t'heese was reported have sold at Ormstown this morning at 9 5-S to 9 U-b, and butter at 19 l-4c. There not appear to be any reason to look for a declin-e in butter now.

Bids of 15 l-4c for dairies in the west were refused, and 15Vsc had to paid. This makes them worth 17c to half a cent lesg here. Finest grass goods are quoted at 19 1-4 to or 3-4o here. Receipts reported on the board of trade today were 4032 packages. THE HAT XKKET.

Montreal, June 1.1. Hay Demand Is good and prices firm for top grade and easy for Choice No, 1, S3 to $10; No. 3, $9 to $1: clover. 50 to $7.50 per ton on track. At Boston, hay is firm at $11 to SIS for best grades, and at $12 to $14.

for lower grades. At New York ths market is fi-m. Prime is worth No. 1, $16 to S17; No. 2, $11.50 to lower grades.

$12 to THE HOUSE OF AVER. New Canadian Offio? of au Old Established Concern Which i Continually Kxpanding. The well-known proprietary medicine firm of J. Aycr Lowed 1, has recently opened an office in the Bell telephone building. Montreal, in order to give eloper attention to their Canadian business.

It is nt generally known that they already have a lnre laboratory in Montreal, havlnc manufactured there for several years. The intention is to make the business thoroughly Canadian and io strengthen their facilities so as to keep pace with a constantly growing demand. The J. C. Ayer 'o.

are not only one of the largest manufacturing1 concerns of their kind in the world, but they are the largest advertisers, spending a million dniiars every year in. newspaper advertfsiinfr. For sixty years the leaders in rearl to family medicines, they are more in evidence today than ever before. The home office has just completeVimprove-ments costing JiOO.OOO, which represent new ideas and new methods in the manufacture of Aver preparations. They inten 1 that every hottle of the Ayer remedies shall be prepared as carefully as a druir-fcist nm-pounds a medicine by prescription, and in reorganizing their Canadian facilities they anticipate; in, advance a largely increased business.

SlCSIC ON THE PIEIV Brltaunia-on-t he-Bay. Dy kind permission of the commanding and ofiiopra, the Band of tho Regiment will play the following program at Erttanniu-on-the-Bay this (Thursday) evening, commencing at $.13: 1. March Peace 2. Overture IJanii tenstreiche Suppe 3. Concert Waltz Jolly Fellows.

Vollstedt 4. The Right Kind Smith (Selection of popular airs, introducing Whistling Rufus, A Litre Spray of Heather Bells, I'm Kasy. Tell Ho" to Coma tu Me, Coulinette, etc.) 5. Descriptive The British PatroL.Asch (Illustrating the advance and retreat of a body of troops.) 6. Selection A Gaiety Sidney Jones (Introducing the famous songs: Tnmmv Atkins.

Sunshine Above, Pour Pierrot, etc) 7. Ciavot.tte The Lover's Casey 8. March The Snow Man Boos God Save the Queen. JOLT IS GUILTY. Montreal, June 13.

The trial of Evan-gelito Joly, who was accused of stealing over $1(" froni the office of the Dominion Exprs company at Joliette, was concluded the court of Queen's bench this afierroon and resulted in the prisoner's conviction tho jury bringing in a verdict of guilty after a short deliberation. BANK OF OTTAWA Head Offic: OTTAWA, CANADA, Capital subscribed 994.WO Capital paid up li31.u0 Heat Eranche. In Ontario: Alexandria, Arn-prlor, Avonmore, liracobrlilge, carlaton Fiaca, llawkesbury, VankieoK 21111, Kee-wailn, Kcmptvllle, Mattawa, J.anarU, Ottawa; ditto, BanK street; ditto, Hiueau rtreet; Parry Sound, Pembroke, Kat rortage, Kniew, Toronto and bmltn's talis, la Manitoba; JJauphin, Winnipeg, portage la i'ralrie. in Uuebeci Uul. Montreal and JLaehute citAKLEs -siAGiiu.

hurn, Frealdont, General llanaeer. MEBCI1A.NTS BASK OF 1IAUFAX. Incorporated 1SS3. Capital paid-up 000.00. ltenerTO fund 1,700,000.00.

Iload Of floe Halifax-President, Thomas E. Kenny, Montreal-General Edson Pease, Branoliei 1 In Nova Scotia Halifax Branch, Antl-ponUh Bridgewater, Uuysboro, Londonderry, Lunenburs, Maltlar.d (Hants Fictou Port ilawkesbury, Sydney, Shub-fnaoadie Truro, Weymouth in V. 11. is.and Bummerslde In British Columbia Atlln, Bennett, Grand Forks, JCanalmo, Neison, RosslanS, Van-couver (City OMce), Vancouver (East i.nd). Victoria, Ymlr.

jn Quebec Montreal (City Offlce), Montreal (West nd Branch), Weatmount. In Ontario Ottawa, In New Dorchester, St, Jnhn, FredTlrton, Kingston (Kent Co. 1, Moncton, Newcastle, Huok-vllle. Woodstock In Newfnunlllnnil St. John'p.

In Cuba. "West Indleft Havana. In United States New York (18 K- Place), Republic Washington State. Ottawa Branch Cor. Illdeau and Busses streets.

ON THE RICHMOND ROAD Aid. W. D. Morris Strenuously Opposes the Action of C.P.R. The proposed crossing ot the Richmond road by tho C.P.R.

was discussed at a special meeting of the ciiy council last night, and the outcome of the session was the adoption of an interim which authorizes the company to imme diately place down its tracks subject to a final agreement bein(? executed between it and the corporation. A by-law to sanction the suKgt'sied aeremrnt rewivvd its nrst rcadiiiK. The considf ration of eo-jfet evoked cuniiderabie discussion on the question of level crossings In pcneral and an outside deputation, which was given a hearing, strongly urged the construction of a viaduct. A feature of it meeting was the challenging by Aid. W.

1. Morris of Aid. pcolt's vole, on the ground that the lattrr is the paid representative of the C.P.R. At the oncninir of the meeting Mayor Payment explained that the session had been called to specially consider the subject of the C.P.R. crossing the Richmond road juet west of its present tracks.

Aid. Morris inquired as to who called tho metimg. The Mayor I called It. Aid. Morris At whose suggestion? The Mayor At the suggestion of AM.

Scott. Aid. Knright said liie matter had been referred to the railway and lighting com- mittt'e. He moved, ly Aid. Jam? Davidson, that the question should go to tile committee.

Aid. Starrs wanted to go on with the discussion. He objected to the council being called for nothing. Aid. Champagne moved that the by-lavV to sanction and adopt the agreement restive to the crossing of the Richmond road receive its tirct reading.

Aid. W. D. Morris inquired If any communication from the C.P.R. was in hands of the city clerk.

The mayor said that the only communl cation was in the shape of a propos-d agreement between the city and company He remarked that he had the right to col 1 the council whenever he saw fit to do so. ADD. MORRX3' AMENDMENT. Aid. W.

D. Morris then moved an amendment against any level crossing-; being put down at all instmctirr the engineer to have the tracks put down by th: CP.H. torn up. and further instructing that C.P.R. employes trespassing on cor poration property should be prcsecuted.

The mayor ruled the amendment out of order at that juncture. It couid come up' after tha lirst reading of the by-law. Aid. Raphael said that the C.P.R. hoi; put down its approaches and tracks with- out the slightest authority.

He objected to that company riding over the council sini-' ply because It had the support of a few of the aldermen. Aid. W. D. Morris said it was bad taste! for Aid.

Scott, in liis capacity of solicitor: of the C.P.R. to take Meps to legalize a grumr of trespassers. It was time that i the C.P.R. and its satellites should know that it could not override the interests ot the city. Speaking of level crossings.

Aid. Morris referred to the difficulty existing on Bank street, and opposed any more of thm. He characterized as a scandal that certain members should sit In council to proimote the interests of an outside corporation. SUPPORTS C.P.R. AH.

White said that there appeared to be a nigger in the fence on the question. There was a lot of factious opposition to the C.P.U., which was only doing what Mr. J. Booth had done without any objection being offered. Aid.

James Davidson resented the Insinuation of Aid. White that there was a nigger In the fence. He went on to say-that there was no necessity of calling: a meeting of council merely because Aid. Scott, an interested party, had suggested 11. He could not see why the scheme sJiould be railroaded through so hastily.

Tho vote was then taken, nnd the lir3t reading carried on the following division: Yeas Aid. Champagne, Davis, Desjar-dlns. Gareau. Hastey, Hewlett, Lapoinie, Masson, Raphael. Roger, Scott, Sllnn, Starrs and White.

14. Nays Aid. James Davidson, Dearlng, Enright. Foster, Hopewell, W. D.

Morris, F. F. Morris. 7. ALD.

SCOTT CHALLENGED. Aid. W. D. Morris gave notice that at the next meeting he would challenge the vote of Aid.

Scott, who was a paid agent of the C.P.R. He also gave notice of reconsideration of the first reading of the by-law. Aid. White then submitted a motion that the C.P.R. be authorized to at once cross the Richmond road with its tracks, subject to an agreement to be entered into, and further providing that at any time before the execution of said agr ment the company shall remove tracks if the council desires it.

Aid. isson t.hought that the city owed the C.P.R. a great, deal. He said it was the only railroad that had come In without being bonused. I'njess the C.P.R.

were given its crossing there would be no entrance to the Central depot by the continental trains, which would not come nearer Ottawa than Carieton Place, and necessitate the removal of several families from the city to that town. Aid. Hopewell said he had voted at the railway and lighting committee in favor of the C.P.R. crossing, but Jie objected to the road runntng things as it pleased and putting down its tracks without any semblance of authority. It seemed to him that when such haute was displayed there were reasons other than the actual urgency of the rae.

Aid. Roger thought that when a report favoring the crowing had been carried almost unanimously by council there was nothing seriously wrong In the work being proceeded with. He cited the case of Mr. J. R.

Booth, who had extended electrio poles to his shops before council had finally dealt with it. Aid. W. D. Morris said that If he was mayor next year he would take it upon himself to see that railway trespassers were fired off corporation property.

He wanted to know If the large fencing between the corpore.tion property and the C.P.R., put up since the fire, had been paid for by the city. The city engineer was derelict in his- duty In not placing a watchman on th Riohrnond road to prevent trespassing by the C.P.R. Mr. Gait, he thought, should be censured. There was.

he thought, a White nigger In iha fence, and that accounted for the haste. The council then decide4 to hear a deputation from Hintonburg and Nepean. County Councilor D. II. McLean, who first addressed tile council, said that the interests of suburban residents were Identical with those of the city.

He considered that a private corporation was asking very exceptional privileges without guarding the public right. It another crossing bad to be tolerated a viaduct H. LEWIS, Auctioneer. Rideau St. LONDON AND PARIS HAIR WORKS "Strongest in the World Surplus Over $61,000,000 BEGGING HANDS are held out at almost evrry street corner.

The almshouse and orphan asylums are full. Private charity supports hundreds of poor people. Old folks-rke out an existence by doing odd Jobs and chores. Children make their living from hand to mouth on the streets. The ranks of the fallen are largely recruited from those who have a choice between such a life end poverty.

It will not do to say it is their own fault. It will not do to say your family will never come to such straits. Even If you are well to do, how long is your estate going to last? Others have lost theirs, so may you. There is only one thing in this world besides dfath that comes anywhere near being sure that is life Insurance. Some policies are Burer than others.

The kind issued by the KQUITABLE LIFE Is the surest kind, "because they are backed by a surplus of over ISl.Oftl.ono." If you carry such a policy it is a guarantee that none of your family will hold out begging hands or make a hand-to-mouth or disreputable living. THE EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society B. F. STEBEX, E. KINO, Executive Agent.

District GEORGE J. HAWKINS, Special Agent. Long-Headed Man A tn ays Gets the Best He Can For His cMoney. I Packard' Shoe Dressings ARE THE BEST. LH.

PACKARD GO. A all Sho. store MONTREAL. When Tired of Common Tobaccos SMOKE MYRTE NAVY I on Each Plug or Package, THE MARKETS A Disappointing: Dullness in Grain. DAIRY PRODUCE HIGH Good Demand for Live Stock Weekly Review by Canada's Leading Expert.

The following review oC the markets is writtea specially for the Citizen by the leading markPt expert in Canada. This review is a weekly feature of the Citizen market reports; much valuable information is given; Montreal, June Special) Refer ence has been made before in these letters to the outlook for oats, the prospects in regard to this grain having more than the usual imprest, owing i the that the reserve stocks in farmers' hands this spring were larger than usual. Within the past week or so the tenor ot ad-wces; from abroad have- been rather niure favorable to holders of Canal) ian oats. English letters state that good rains and warm weather are absolutely necessary to the growing crop which owing to climatic conditions and the ravages of the wire worm is very backward. in France and Germany also the crop promises to be very poor.

Despite this news business in Canadian oats has been very dull at to II I l- atioat a few cargo lots having been worked at these figures. In fact buyers on the other Fide despite the condition of the growing crop are no j. anxious for Canadian at present, though from lW.HX) to bushels of American oats have been shipped via this port during the week. It is worthy of note also that compared witn tne prices ruling this time last year Canadian oats are very cheap. A year ago 2 white oats were selling this mar ket at 3rv4 to afloat, iiased on these figures current prices ought to be near bottom.

Indeed, since Monday spot prices advanced lc to 3-c. Business In alt other grains during the-past week has been equally as disappoint ing as oats, lhere has bt tn less enquiry for Manitoba hard wheat, though some business has ben reported at HS1 to OS1- for No 1 hard afloat Fort William, the top figure beintr for the last halt of June ship ment, and today was asked. Export demand for peas has been, backward up to within the last day or so when prices advanced 2e per bushel to bhc, Jso. 1 barley has changed hands afloat at 49c, and No. 2 at 4H These llgures both re present a dfcline.

Rye on the other hand has been more active since Monday and is Ho to lc higher at to til'H-e. Buck wheat has also been placed firmer at SSc he volume of business transacted however since the advance which was In sympathy with Chicago has been extremely light in all cereals on spot. In dairy produce the farmers if till have decidedly the bes-t or thf argument. Everyone expected a reaction in cheese values after the first week of Juno but the contrary Is the case for prices have averagpd fully Mc per pound higher than the week previous with sales of finest western here at 9T to l'c and eastern 9 to Exports of rh'-pse to date also are in, ibi boxes or odd boxes excess of those for the same period in As prices averaged lc highrr the farmers have realized at least more this year last. Producers are having quite as good a t'ma in butter as in chpese.

sales of round lots having bn noted at HiUc, which Is an advance of and demand i active at the rise. The influences which have led up to this sustained strength In butter have already ben fully discussed and need not repeated again. Suffice it to pay that there is unquestionably a scarcity of fresh creamery in England, for finest Danish is selling 10s dearer per cwt. than it was a year ago, and it looks at present as if it would be some time before the scarcity would be realized to any material extent. The lirst exports of fresh eegs this season were made last week tn Glasgow and some other lots have ben sent forward to Liverpool.

The market is decidedly easier with sales of round lots at 11 Ms to 12e.the latter figure being for choice candled stock. Hot weather lately hus affected the shipments arriving and allowances have hud to be made of from 4 to 9 eggs to the case or 33 to 30 pT cent. Miscellaneous country produce has not contributed anything particularly noteworthy lately. EvajfOrated apples were quiet at tic per pound and dried at 5c these figures being for good sized lots. Baled hav has met a fair demand at JvW to for No.

2, and to 110.50 for No. 1. Straw Is quiet at to as to quality. Offerings of potatoes have been kss liberal but there is no change prices, car lots of choice stock being quo red at Iftc and ordinary 30c per bag of 90 pounds. Beans continue steady at SI.

52 to $1.66 as to quality for prime stock. Maple products are unchanged with syrup 7c to 7ic In the wood, and OH to luc per pound in tins. White clover honey in ordinary sections peils at 14c to 15c and extracted do In Ifirga tin ftc to and in small 10c to lf'-c. Tallow is quiet at for refined and 2 to 2Hc for raw. With a steady upward tendency abroad shippers have naturally been active buyers in the live cattle market here, and during the wvek higher prices have been freely paid.

Supplies here on Monday were exceedingly small and of course full prices wpre demanded and readily obtained. Cii'-ico beevex poM at 5c to Re, good to 4a4' fafr to An, and common 3c to H'io Pr round llvo weight. There was a gooil demad for suitable sheep for export, shipper freely b'iding 4c to 4vtc for Lambs met mi aet'vp rifjnand wnd ruied higher at to $4.25 each as, to fli29 and quality. Trade la calves was H. H.

WILLIAMS, Sec. DR. POLLOCK ELECTED. He is ihe New Moderator of the General Assembly of Presbyterian Church. Halifax, June 13.

The twenty-sixth general assembly of the Presbyter-Ian church of met In St. Matthew's church here this evening. This Is the third session of the Presbyterian hlRh court in this city since 1876, when the union of churches was consummated. The attendance at the opening was large, commissioners being present from all parts of the Dominion. The church was handsomely decorated for the occasion.

After public worship, the opening sermon, which was an eloquent and impressive effort, was delivered by Rev. Dr. Campbell, of Perth, the retiring moderator. The election of the new moderator was then proceeded with. Rev.

Kenneth McLennan, of Toint Levis, placed the name of Dev. Dr. Allen Pollock, principal of Pine colleire. Halifax. N.3., in nomination.

The nomination was seconded by Rev. Dr. Lyle. of Hamilton, and Pollock was unanimously elected moderator. HE HAS TRIED IT.

Mr. John Anderson Kinloes, writes: "I venture to say few' if any, have received greater benefit from the use of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil than I have. I have used It regularly for over ten years, and have recommended It to all sufferers I knew of, and they also found It of great virtue In cases of severe bronchitis and incipient consumption. Will not injure the kidneys.

Excelsior Lager, the Capital Brewing Limited. Ss s- 2 Just Received One Carload of Furniture One Carload of Springs and Mattresses And I am well disposed to let tham go Cheap for Cash. See prices in other stores first and then call on us and we will deal sure. J. O.

LEBLANC, 179 and 181 E. MILES, Latest style Bans, Switches, Gent's Wigs, Toupees, etc. Racine for restoring grey and faded hair to its natural color. Toilet requisites cream for ton mid burnt skin, fvethem, K. MIT.K.

op. Post OtTice; Everybody Reads the Citizen jHHHk.

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