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The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 1

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


ONE CENT. Grive ISice Who Give QtJLickly 99 64 JHL RELIEF FUND. HULL AN OTTAWA'S ARRANGEMENTS FOR energetically. But the fire fanned by the gaie broke out in many different places at once, and the efforts of the men were of litie avail. The onrush of flame was so lieree that the firemen were hemmed in and had to flee for their lives, leaving the lines of hose atlaclied to the nozzles only to be consumed in the general destruction.

Few of the hydrants were shut off and hence when Eddy's water supply was connected with the city hydrants, but poor force enuld be obtained, as the water was directed through the desert-id hose. EXPLOSIVES TSED. THE CITIZEN has received the following to a Relief Fund for the sufferers in the burned RELIEF GREATEST CALAMITY The City Council and Other Bodies Meet and Take Steps to Provide Food and Shelter for the Sufferers. Twelve Million Dollars Damage, Many Thousands of Citizens Rendered Homeless, and at Least Seven Lives Lost in the Flames. City Gives $10,000 and Hon.

R. W. Scott Says the Government Will Make a Grant of $100,000. Ottawa and its Sister City a Mass of Smouldering West End of the Capital and the Greater of Hull Wiped Completely Out of Existence. Assistance to the Local Destitution and in Urgent The Militia Called Out.

i to be destroycJ. And si it proved. The 'entire district wvst of Division si reel been wined and but for th- spin. work of hundreds of citizens, who bucket brigades the riymes wouid have extended much iiiitiier t.ui. Members and appliances oi the Montreal amount or JiHO.ixO, on write htlicre is brigade arrived in utlawu.

in the ey- ably not more than fcOo.ono insurance. An a.ueuipt was maao to cnectc ine an- to blow up houses, but this was not found to be effective as the area of buildings thus destroyed was not sufficient to slop the Harries. Communication with Hull during the progress of the lire could only be obtained by means of th? ferry boat, as th-3 Chaudiere bridges were impassable, the ferry was crowded during the day both ways. Hundreds lied from the burning city, carrying treasured possessions, cr assisting helpless friends anil Here could be seen a working man c-ire-fully nursing a battered cash box. pro bably containing all that was left of his worldly possessions.

Jieside him mood his wife with infant in arm. older chil- dren awed and frightened grasping her gown. On another part of the deck were the members of a familv tenderly guarding a young girl who had fainted from sheer exhaustion, superinduced probably bv the excitement. Among this group sat a girl Wfeeping silcntlv. while with her nestled a little tot with doll in arms', looking on in wonderment.

Prominent business and professional men hobnobbed with the laborer in their common misfortune, and sweet-faced nuns sympathized with their sisters in distress. Many inquired after absent friends or relatives and all seemed lost in terror and wonderment at the spectacular destruction being wrought by the tierce flames. Confusion and dismay reigned supreme In Hull all day and night. Men and women rushed aimlessly about with a (Lilt's carriage, picture or other valueless article, in their arms. One woman, after the last cart load of furniture had left her door, rushed into the burning home and rescued a pair of snow-white kittens, which she exhibited with childish glee.

SOME REPORTED MISSING. And Several People in Hull Hai Nap row Escapes. It was reported that several people were missing in Hull, and It is feared tne lire in mat city nas neen nttenoe.i with loss of life. I'-ter Hamilton an engineer at Eddy's was reported mtss- ing, and an aged employe named Daoust BRITAIN'S CHANCE. London, April 27 The Times says editorially this morning: "Great Britain must help Canada, who is lavishing her blood and treasure in South Africa by contributing to the funds for the victims of the Ottawa fire." is also said to have DeriFhffl.

The lat- ier who fell untonst ious in the mill, was AMI K.T 1 I kd their lives in linc so. Daoust. however, is believed to have perished, as his fellow employes hail to llee to save their lives, leaving the old man, when he had partially revived. A by is also said to have perished in the destruction of the Marston. t'onsfnble had his hand badly hurt and others were slightly injured.

Several had to make a hasty exit from Eddy's mills, while others (had to leap into the creek in KddyviKe, to escape the onrush of flame. THE iMARai OTTAWA Something Regarding Progress of the Flames in the Capital There's nothing left todav of tlmt i euimj. and rendered etUcuve service in. the southwestern portion of the cit. aU 1 tit previously slated.

Hull is practical- Iv wined out. The Gllinour an.1 HUKn- mill, the Ed.iy sulphite mill and nrp 1 lie OlllV icirce M.l.lun.K. ll.i in in r.t 1 The city council this morning decided to place $10,000 at the -disposal of the committee which it appointed for the relief of the lire ssufferers. At a public meeiins to toe held it will be decided as to how much more it will advisable to raise. At tho opening of tlie meeting Mayor Payment saw it was unnecessary for him to itell tho council what had happened; the awful calamity necessitated some im mediate steps for the relief of Uie suffer ers.

Jle a ok now'! edged ifho receipt of checks tor J1.0UO from the Governo'i'-Gen- erml; fr. rn the Bank Ottawa; 1LJ Irom sir Wiltnd iauner; Irom tho Ottawa the Evening MR. MULOCK'S LETTER. The following letter accomi.auied a cheek for from Hon. Wm.

Mulock, post mast ur -general: Ottawa, April 27, Jauo. Dear Sir, 1 am pleased to see that you are opening a subscription for the relief of the sufferers by the great lire here last night, and beg to enclose my check tor live hundred dollars towards the fund. Yours truly. W. CLOCK.

The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Out. Journal; J100 from Hon. R. V. Scott; Hour from Hon.

mo from lion. William Mulock: CM from Geo. II. l'erley; 411U bags of flour from the Lake of the Woods -Milling company. Jle had also received messages from many cities and towns.

Aid. Enright moved, seconded by Aid. Jas. Davidson, that a committee appointed for the purpose of taking immediate measures for the relief of the urgent wants of ithe sufferers- from yesterday's lire and for that purpose to expend sural money and incur stich liabilities as it may necessary until surti im HB f( and a vs( I t. ",7 H.T 7.

,7 ha been devised and adopted for a fuller and mure complete relief; a-lso to procure all the informal ion possible a.s to the extent of the suffering and the probable umount which wilt be required for its' relief and report at.'s meeting. The committee will be composed of Aid. Foster, AM. Davis, Raphael.

Oareau, Champagne. Roger, Hon. R.W. Scott, tjeo. H.

l'erley, Denis Murphy, Sheriff Sweei-kmd. C. J. ii.iotii. T.

i'., H. K. Egan, Ievi Crannell, A. Flock; Reapelle, X.

tieleourt, M. Alex. Lum.nlen, M. Hon. F.

K. Lalcn- ford. W. C. Perkins, Jos.

Kavanagh, Robert Gorman. J. C. Rrowne. Dr.

C. E. line ham. Dr. Dr.

Ouimet, N. Ctoam- pagne. C. li. Major, M.

P. Geo. Mil- John Gorman, John Keane. Campeau and Itev. Father Whvlau.

GOVERNMENT TO GIVE I The l.urin.d area in Ottawa covers a (lis- able cottages, and more pretentious dweil-Iriot extending from the Chaudiere to the bigs, at sunset resembled a barrel it. Si Louis dam or what is better known fcal tcrcO over with smoamg debris. The as' Dow's lake The easterly boundary I houses were for the most part iraine, took a course sweeping over the I it the destruction was complete. The flats to b.i.lge. thence' along the business portions of Wellington, waterworks aou' durt, crossing ehing- ''isht and Brewery suffered tre.H along Hill itreet to the same fate as the residential portion, an hill at the foot of Maria street there is not simi'lmg today a place of ous- In'the Rochesterv'iile district potUh of inoas south of Philomon street.

Almost tv- Brigades Many Families Need of Help now tap car tracks are a mass of twisted wires and rabies. The enure length of Main street will have to bo rebuilt, as weil as a wide area of the residential see tion lying back of it. It ij estimated that the loss on t.lus one street alone wltt THE RESIDENTIAL PORTION, "ut tnp destruction 111 the residential Portion of the transpontine city will email uuuwa. belonging for the most part to people In out of existence, what were ol siioriso Streets lined With TOWS Heat. CO.llfort- ir Lake street, was wiped mil.

That portion of the city lying to the south of Philomon street was ovenun by he lire. This included Brewery, Chaudiere, Bridge. Church, Duke. Hannah, Lake, Kent, Albion, Britannia, lnkerman and Alma streets and Laurier avenue, running south, and Philemon, Albert, Wright, Wellington and Main streets running eajt i PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS DESTROYED. Public Stores and Dwelling's i- Go t'p The principal buildings t.his arfa.

e-s-troyt'ti wrrp K. B. Kdriy's resid.rK'e. (irty Nuns' convent, lirolt.t-rs' public school, Si. Mary's scuuoi, poJire and lire stafion.

Vhr fire was a lierrp o.if. and workt.l prptvdily against 1) as wirh the wind. I'he water pressure was overtax-G, and finally aM UIiki ot (l'hi iiu the tin- was Kivni up, and the peplft lurnt.I Ihe.r ftt-i. ntion to saving their household Kvfry available vehirlp was pressed service, and the furniture and rixturt i wptp carteo aw ly irom houses two I blocks in advance of tho iirtme-.

ietdy was Lhe of tlic lire. i that the ni fixtures tia.l in stme cases to be abandoned, the houses or in the streets, only to full prey to the flames. Tne '-uy hall squara waa one heterotfeutoiM mas of furniture, co fking utensils, bed clothing, dishes, pictures, ornaments, and a numberless ar-ay of oLher and articles. The commotion and contusion were both painful and pathetic. Fathers of faiiiiii? implored assistance ana even sleighs, whedlfi rrowB and chihiren's carts were drnrurcd abiut w-lshtcd down with household effects.

Distracted mother? and members of families assisted in the work. LOOTING IN IL'LL. Touphs Took Advant'ixe of the Confusion to Steal. To nd.l to the oonl'usion, a lorce of hrawlinr shantymen appeared on the scene, lootinff the stores a. out: Hntannta and Aima streets, and earousitiK in the different some of which were oe- tu iily burning over their heads.

Indeed. while every other business was susiien lei by force of necessity or choice, the notel- I J. A. 23 00 10.00 3.00 10.00 25.00 J. Aylen Geo.

E. Hughes Geo. H. Justice Cummings 1.O0 Elliott. Marcus Smith.

Cash C. H. Tambllng 1" Geo. Simpson I'VW I Thos. Lindsay lmt.uO J.

K. McNeil I John Huckell i Van O'Connor, jr John V. Ellis l'' "0 W. VV. Egan 5oo.n0 Major H.

II. O'Brien Social Whist club, per Mrs. A. Rosenthal and Mrs. Meyer 7.52 F.

Gouldthrite 2.J Matthews Fowerslay, 20.10 McGiltin Q. 10 no A. F. Bishop i0 C. W.

Ross 10.00 RECEIVED AT CITY HALL. The following contributions were received at the city hall: Dominion Government City Council inttmrliO Bank of Ottawa 5'nna 110 Sir Wilfrid Laurier It 10 00 Hon. R. w. Scott iiKMifl Geo.

H. perlev WOO 1 Bank of Montreal 10,000.00 came to the city last evening and had a start of men at work mauing lists of tne losses to the company. He estimates the damage to the campanv's property on a conservative estimate of Rjow, which is of course covered with insurance. The losses in the C.V.K. yards Include a car of machinery for the 24 cars of merchandise, two oars of telegraph poles for the O.

K. railway, 1 car machinery for Geo. Mason, lumberman, car switches for O. K. railway, Gl barrels of belonging to the C.P.K.

The books from the freight sheds were saved with a few exceptions. The Export I. umber company lost in lumber which was fuilv covered bv insurance. Hoth the Chaudiere and Iow's lake yards were swept. The Ottawa Investment company lost heavily, its losses included the "Canadian comjwny.

Victoria foundry, Ottawa Paper mills, and Ottawa Saw works. The loss will total JlOu.fluO with insurance of The Ottawa Electric Railway company lost fully The insurance will not exceed JsO.iniO. IT WILL REBUILD The Eddy Company Will Lose No Time in Starting up Again- On all sides this morning were heard expressions of deep regret at the almost complete destruction of the K. 15.

Kddy njjt iu.nuoi. was aiso rite as to they would be rebuilt or not. Mr. E. B.

Eddy was not at tne scene ot destruction this morning, 'but Mr. W. Ii. Rowley, secretary-treasurer of the company, who was at the ruins, that early steps would be taken to rebuild the extensive work and warehouses. The sulphite mill at tho east ond of the city which alone escaped intact was i.insr operated full blast this morning and the tire will not interfere with the work there.

An estimate cannot be placed on the loss caused by the- destruction of the Eddy works, but it will io' il nearly Mr. George Milieu, mechanical superintendent, stated this morning that the machinery which is a total los was nm V. i il1' i -SI. KVK i ar-rps of Krouri'l, were valued at about There was ateo a larKe stock of pappr, matohps, wooden wro an1 other linishd produrts in the- Lu'g-p which was valuf-d at abou' The It road street warehouse which was de stroyed as wMl as the- main premises coin i npi in licnr-s va ini at The K. B.

Eddy company also lost about lOOO.Ooo ff-pt of lumber and all Its rollinE1 stock. Nonet of the olfliaLs of the company were in a position to MONEY FROM SAGINAW. Mr. Soper received the following telegram from Saginaw today: Saginaw. Mich.

April 27. Sending you one hundred dollars to assist Ottawa's fire sufferers. Hope results are not as bad as reported. S. KPUY.

state what amount of insurance there was on the buildings, plant and tinished products, but from a outside source it was learned to The vault in the main office withstood the fiames will he opened as soon as possible and the insurance papers, books, examined. Mr. Eddy's prn ate residence and contents valued at nearly are also destroyed. All the valuable machinery in E. B.

Eddy's match factory was ho property of rhe Diamond Match controls the output of the EJ-ly mills. 1.200 Ol'T OF WO Over 1.2IK) people in Hull were thrown out of employment by the destruction of the Eddy works. It Is stitel tnat at least W0 houses are and 4.0UO lieople rendered homeless. GETTING GOOD HORSES. Major Sent 1 Meeting With Success in Torouto, Toronto, April ,0.

Major Dtnt amioune-Ni totlay that the transport, with Canadian remounts for the Hri.ish armband draught imrses -r army service purposes will sail from Montreal on Maw lUtll, and by that time a full cargo will La ready. About i'i hoi son were examined and passed t'xitiy- an 1 Iient left for to pass upon a buncn of there. MAFEKINO. London, April 26 An official despatch from Mafeking reports all well on April lo. Iondon, April -26, 1.53 m.

The war office has received the following message from Lord "Rloemfontin. April 2a. Ooed news from Baden-Powell up to Ap-ul la. Mac-Laieti much beKr. All the wounded doirg weil.

The Boers captured several native women who were trying to escape from Mafeking. but they were turned tack after being stripped and sjamboked." MBS. LOW DEAD. Mrs Low. Ottawa East, wife c.f the la.e deputy minister of died yesterday aged years.

Remember sale of paintings at J. Jar-mans. Saturday, i and fc p.m. Hon. Wm, H.

$500.00 1.00 v. iu. snutham. 60.00 50.00 iou uo lOfcjiO Knuh; Mr. and Mrs.

G. VV. i.e. i oi. and Mrs.

-U. P. Davis A. Rosenthal A. Z.

Palmer Col. Prior H. E. Dixon N. Barrett (I.

A. F. MacLeod D. Farmer Wm. Mac-key Hon.

Geo. Drummond J. E. Cusson 10.00 50.00 25.00 10.00 1.00 2o.uO 500. HI 1,000.00 1 00 BO'oO 100.00 1 00 5.00 5.00 2.00 100 00 1.00 2 00 5.00 Sri a ocl.lraue-.- Henry Aylen.

"a K. Williamson Mrs. Brady "porter's Island" it. J. Devlin O.

Legauk Mr. F. l- W. H. Harrington II.

Price, Mccormick per T. Vemiilye M. Donaldson T. Chandler J. F.

Orile J. Smith E. D. Ft 100. 00 25.00 10.

00 5.00 .50 J. P. Dunne eryson, Graham Co 200.00 SOME OF THE LOSSES Mr. Booth and the Export Lumber Company Lost Heavily in Lumber. Mr.

J. R. Booth was interviewed this morning regarding his losses in yesterday's tire. He stated ttint ft was quite impossible for him to estimate even approximately the amount of the loss to him. He said that in the ive yards that were destroved bv tire there were at least seventy-rive million feet of lumber.

1 ne vante of this calculate! at Jlo thou- sand feet would be Sl.12t.J00. Mr. Booth's residence on Wellington street that wai burned was built at a cost of from to R.0,000 but it was 'hardly worth au'ta as much now as it had been constr acted i when material was costly. At tho Chan were hurtled ana lour stone houses, a wagon shop, paint shop, machine snap, blacksmith slum and a "double decker'" storehouse. In the latter were stored 33.000 bushels of oats.

700 tens of hay a.nd a number of wagons. Seven or eight horses out of the 200 that were Biabled there were burned to death. Mr. Booth could not give an estimate ot the dam age at the Chaudiere but said that it would he very great. It will certainly be several hundred thousand dollars.

Then the lilting up of the live yards cost a irreott deal of money. Mr. J. F. Booth said Uiat it had required from $30,000 to to fit up the Hull lumber yard and the others cost as much proportionately.

Then on Broad street Mr. Booth owned 2o tenement houses that were razed to ground. These would be worth as many thousand dollars-. Although the loss to Mr. Booth would b9 considerably over a million dollars, he did not think it would be as much as a million and a half dollars.

Regarding insurance, Mr. Booth could give Ho statement as to Its amount but he said that everything that had been SHORT AG OF TAPER. Owinc to the fact that the paper supplv has been cut off through th destruction of the Eddy Paper Mills, the Citizen will be able to nn a few hundred only over and above the number required to sup- piy our regular customers. destroyed by fire had insurance to some extend HiMTie of it had been fully insured and some of it partially. Wr qiK-flih-iiBd an to his future Mr.

Booth said that as soon as it was practicable the mills would resume operations. The tramways and ioudway3 that due in the excellent waterworks system that 'had been Installed alter the mill was burned some four avo. Mr. .1 Biioerintended the efforts an( oniy left th eenc at six The tire on sever- thnmirh Hie mid it'ow not set tire In auv place us the llis eve'rythini? in the mill had t)0'en thorouehlv drenche-l bv the patent suruikline in use The building is damaged In one corner where the roof was blown off by the high wind. But even then when an opening wns mu le for flying embers, had no ef-feci.

'We damage to the mill only a tew- hundred dollars. lumber 111 the vieinitv was saved In a way that seemed almost miraculous. The office which was supposed to he compIeteSy was destroyed. The wind blew off the ro.ihi(r and the fire easily caught on the exposed wooden roof. In one of the burned buildings was stored 50 barrels of pork and this was saved.

Mr. .1 F. Booth said that lit considered that the mill was safe even when it was most seriously threatened the water puwer had been tested and had been found to be working in a BUUMlHWU manner. At present Mr. Booth has a numoer or men directing streams 01 lumber and buildings near the glowing embers of the burned slal.les and shops.

As far as Mr. H.Ktli knew no one around the mills was burned or injured. RKONSON- WESTON COM PANT. Mr. Levi Cranneil.

of ihe lirr nson-Wes-lon company, said that he cou'd not possibly estimate tne company's loss. There was no lumber burned. J'he heavy kiss n-jc nn buildings and machinery, if m.1i,i,.T-i destroyed the loss will who have been strtppea or ev erv restige they owned. From a careful estimate made by ottrer rsrti-s. hot members of the eompnv.

the loss Was put at f2.ju.i'J. THE C.P.R. COMPANY. Mr W. Spncer.

ge-i'ra! mtnager of the C.P.R. Hues eaat of Fort Wilialm Hon. It. W. Scott, secretary of state, been sufficiently well constructed to with-expressed his deep sympathy with Mi i wtanil the heat.

Where once the unfortunate sufferers of the tire. In ask- most prosperous business places on the ing support of outside municipalities he 1 Chaudiere uislrict had stood, nothing throughout the Dominion for assistance for relief of ti.e suifereis. Resolutions of thanks for Ihe liberal donations were adopted. The relief commute, will meet this af-ternon and tonignt at ft o'clock u. pubUo meeting of cUtit.ns will be held ail th cily hall.

BOARD OP TRADE. The Council Recommends That Its Ufa a led. The board of trade has 1 -eon called for o'clock tntiiht to a r. of the council that SMm lie voted to the relict fund. Tin- board.

will thtn adjourn to the city h.ill to attend the ciiiisens' meeting. 'J'his mornhss Mr, Cecil secretary of the board, received the following e.iiil.' Irom London, Enir. "Chamber of Commene regrets and sincerely sympathises with Ottawa in terrible calamiiv which has overtaken it. (Siirned) Mr. Rethune sent the r.

ply: "Thanks for sympathy." "WOMAN A Committee Appointed to Assist in the Relief. The Woman's Council a meeting at rhe city hall this morning under th presidency of Mrs. Tilton, and appointed a consisting of Lady Laurier, ady Ritchie. Mrs. Cotton, -Mrs.

Colson, Mrs. Frechette and a number of others to confer with the general jomniittee and assist in every way possible towards relieving the distress. The dramatic club of L'Instltut Cana-dien will give an entertainment In Ly ward market hall, Sunday night, in aid of the relief fund. HELP FROM GREAT BRITAIN'. The London Daily Televaph to Start a Fund.

Mayor Payment this moraine re.eeivc'l a table message from the London Daily Jelegrapn asking tor inroririati.iu as lo the extent of the and sufferinjr from yesterday's conflagration iu order that some means may lie taken to assist in alleviating the effects of the calamity. SCENE OF DESOLATION The Weird Spectacle Presented at the West End This Morning. If the scene of yesterday's conflagration, the western end of lite city was a de solate even while darkness partly shr.UHied the work of destruction last niglit, the return of thiylisrht did not im- prove tne spectacle, over lie area which. was swept by the devastating fiames. the view wus.

this morning, scn ely inter- rut.ted except bv the irtlv I wait of some stone si rnet which h.i.l remains but a few smoulder ng lleans of allies, with piles of tw isted machinery and jrml work marking the nil of mill or tnelory. Tht- big IVwth sawmill still though considerable damage has been wrought to the east end of it where tha ONTARIO GRANT. jr. Alex Ltimsden this after. thP fonwinB m.

from lhP premlvr Ontario: -will recommend a vote of im fr whole house is in deepest syrnpa- thy with 0111, 1K. V. HOS.S. fiames swept across lhe coiuer. One of the circum.sL.itice?.

wtuc com ribtitt tlie safety of the mill ni.t..matic; spritiKi. rs the null i- ui and whim are iin of Mr. Krcl Kooth. T.hee the oefwen ihe and w. t.alld were, no very fining 1,, i the mill.

Thousands of fee; of line timber, which was piled along lill.ljiie rfre .1, reaching to oui.ti i.j. the earth and not a sliver of it rem lius. 'the wooden lf.i ms ot C. A. it.

reaching around Hriiannia direct i't-1 lnrne.1 but every thtr. thoioughi'are was raz.d tin- ground. One named llermnin. -ti. of two girls -and a litllc boy, sat s.iiveri-ig on the site of their former hone- the-o this morning partaking of a scatily AH around the j.H-nllty the of foundry and nraehitiery i- frightful and tons of 1 i ttvited and warped ou" of all usefulness the sites im factories.

Along Lloyd strttt sums valuable re-iflerr. es were Foiir whose homes iiiljoi'ied, lout everything. Tucs-: were Ji.iy and Kifoy's. in th- iiiiter'sj pi-ace an was lieirn: n.aoe this morn-ing prv a aulf which th9 family effects had been all. A-ounl where the I'.

It. buildings formerly stood the is tho. only things brr beit.s a '-1' -f iron g-li'leis beionging to and intended f.r the Sacr-d Hiart chore and three b-x car1 v.hiciv strvtng sav, skipped bv the dev.mring Tan- Xreirht stools, tu-K and imnvrif qirantito-s of freight all went up in smoke. freight ra' were but the passerger e.nrti' were pulled out safe.

Toe freight: were packed with valuable freignl, and ail is imot a total IHE EA i HER. Ouaw.t V) a.m., I'rvbs. fresh ncrih to northwWt winds, fair. Saturday, fh.e. wita statinnarv or a intia temp'-iatuie.

Why in Stern l.k a pott I'lat t.en afle'led by frost? One i-- a and tie a later. Thriving Industries of Ruins- Montreal Renders are in Noble Great THE DEAD. MISS MINNIE "Wellington cremated in house. Aged 4') years. JOHN pt'MPLE Car repairer, 646 Som- ersct stretit; suffocated in P.

R. yards. GEORGE FEELEY Shoemaker, 124 Vuen street west: suffocated at 212 iliiuge street. JOHN DARE, II ELL Fireman E. 3.

J.K.y niissins. iHlw j.iished ill Che Eddy tire. I'NKNOWN MAN Found dead In N. Joyer's house, Wellington strect, Hull. A.

BEAt'DIN-Eisht year old son of Charles Beaudin, Duke street, Hull. MRS. CARKON-Aged SO, Wellington micet, Hull, died from freight. Twelve million dollars will not cover the caused by the lire which swept the entire of Hull and the west end Ottawa and also occasioned loss of life. It was probably the greatest conflagration in the history Canada.

Many there are who say surpassed the memorable devastati ins in St. John. N. and Halifax. It was a dire calamity and one which lae sister cities will not recover from many years.

Not only have thousands upon thousands of rsons been l. homeless and their savings of a htctime swept away, but thousands of bread-earners and heads of families have i.en thrown out of work for some lime to come, the progress of the business men of the district given a severe click many moneyed men and institutions 'ilinost ruined. The leading industries of tne two cities hive bei-n entirely wip'M out a. id even to. mgh the Insurance companies nay every cent of the insurance held a great amount of outside capital will be to even place on a small footing the fcreal establishments that have been away.

I-'or several hours the fire demon leaped and in his anu wnat previously had beci a scene of bustling business activity and happy life, was transformed into a desert of blackened ruins and abject mi-tiy. Not even then wss the fiend stayed. All evening and nint he continued his mad gamb ds, licking up and devouring tv-rything in his mth. Oh. the sad sprctacte is now pre-s.

nted in the aforetime picturesque gay Capital of i he air Dominion, nno li nd-j lining The contents of thousands of comfortable houses scattered about everywhere, grey-haired, toitfring men tied women wandering about the is wouen sobbing and cV'deii bitterly for the wont to experience. And sa.M-'s; of ail. the deep heart-rending grief of the tamllies whose loved onts riad ial'rn a ji.ey to the (lames snatched before tloir yes when their willing h.oirts an" hands were powerless to rem! assm sight will Iw indelibly engraven on l'ie memory of thousands. At h-ast Unve lues were lost In the eat catastrophe, and many sick people hive sustained shocks which the--sre not likely to survive. It is marvelon; unit many more did n.rt meet their S.

ores of narrow -scaoes iiutl heroic rescues can he chronicled. Men tumbled into seething masses of flame while aid to unfortunate wsx holders, ard although given up Iom, came out though severely otners fell irto the river, some gelling out without assistance and the remainder n.icue.l hv orive ppectaiors. Sc oes galla-t fel lows, who workid with untiring energy to save propel ly. at the Chaudiere and endeavor to sia ihe progress oi the tiames tii! aimom too iale lo escape, were to jump river. Fortuti- Hlely all of these The rlrem -n ii i ice.

-me fault was fi mid lie they oisiilayed, but say aaght Hgailist them i of lies- to perform any work cn. .1 to be advantage, no m.iu. grea: th" risk they ran in so. A score of brigades have s.av-i.I the Chaudiere and wen end. 'i ne hiew a hum.

and drove the fiu es pfore it with -oich ihat ror-s houses were licked up at ou e. an I a ,1 to the huge, roaring mass of fire The Ottawa firemen early the afie'-- on realized that Tne cnau.iiere doomed, ar. 1 devoted eneigies to sk 'he u.hern portion of the Bit; Mie Are zone soiead. Huge citideis f.1! far to the south, and dozens took nre. ll.e oremen iueo, nut icey uiiH iu to a o.i 1.1..

hlazs. Into I mlhon- 'i tn an hour it eeil mat the southweat rn portion the oitjr aiw 4tuid -The Part i I i i a to I. tunc part of the city kniwn as the havf. t0 he refiHiHtnirtfd and a hridge Flats, lrregulur columns of smnuhlnring Tvouirt have to bo built. Mr.

Booth ea-dftris tell the talp of the awul conllacra- timal(i that would tak his mill halt Hon which has transformed the thriving lhe summcr to cut enoun lumber to Industrial district of yesterday into a up the ronvenleuces in the shape barren, desolate waste to lay. in the an(j tnimwavs (hat had been hideous ruins hundreds of thouxa rU of As it is the mill 's practically is-dollars represent the los; hundreds of oi-itod Ptople are homeless, and InndreJs of; That' the mill eseape-l was Albert streei the fire broke out in me neighborhood of the Victoria bl and rapidly worked up Rochester street forcing its way against the heavv wind engulting the whole section as east as Division slreet. From Itoeliesier street west to llintnn-burg the destruction was rapiJ. (he wind driving the flame with" f-nve. Tin area burned in Olttwa (vten.lid two and a half miles fi-oin north to smith wilh an average width of a (inn'e'r of a mile from to west.

A earef-i' estimate plares the number of h-tH i.tigs of all Kinds destroved in Ottawa at tniilonhiirc suffered the most sever-ly of tile sul. orbs, hut even it was for'imate. But a f. in the village were Of the sufferers in Ottawa. Mr.

J. R. Bo. is uuootibieilly the heaviest loser. His extensive offices and millions of feet of alii.

Lie lumber owned by him. have li. .1. i His maemin enr resi.i-I'r.'.-ti.p street is also a mass ruins. Mr.

Hoolb's loss will amount i oollars The ij 1 i Msmii.T oriiifmny joss V'-ry unn)untin, it hi esrimated, to Pn-bably the nxt Iner is the McKav Mill in cnrniiany. The entire works of tiie -'imiKiny. the mill, elevator and offices, nre entirely wiped out, and the loss will at least amount to The eler-iric. lihtinGr company and the electric railway company each lost a power house with plant. The former's loss will foot up to ai least $125, and that of the railway company to All the insurance companies doinff hufdneas In the city hive bard hit, and som? them estimate their losses in the hundred thousands.

The Ottawa cumpanv is a lvavv sufferer, but the escape of Mr. R. Hooth'9 mills saved it a very bin; sum. It carried a heavy insurance on the mil! pro-pert v. In Hull the Eddy comnnny suffered the, preatest loss.

Its paper mill, box and match fact'-ries. bronm and pail factories, saw mill and offices wre wiped out. Th- company's will bf upwards of a million. Seven hundred dwelling's were uestroyed. APPEALS FOR HELP.

Tflpzram sent by Hon. Mulock to Montreal, Brorkville and Peterboro. Following1 Is tii" telepram sent by Hon. TVm. Mulock.

addressed to the mayor, city clerk and chairman of the rlre commit tee of Mont r-al and ro the mayors and city clerks of P.rockviile and Peter boro "Ottawa, 2Uh April. "Mayor Montreal; Please send to Ot. tawa by special train at ffovernment expanse, whatever tire appliances and other assistance you can spare to help irt heht inif disastrous conflagration here. fire spreading with dangerous rapidity. "fScdi William Mulock.

"Acting Minister Public Works. THE START IN HULL In a Few Hours Three-fifths of the City Was in Ashes. A'most the entire business portion of Hull ami a (rreat part oi the residential were vviptd out in less tiiar. three by yesterdays tire. The splendid as bi-K liS alopjr the entire length un slreet, trorn Rreweiy street to r'-e river side, weie to tile si.T,..iil.l'-riti ruins and few tell the tale of post remains but a shrl.

while the naked walls tell of the jail and court houe, erected "out few years ago at a cost of The hail, it was hoped, would escape, hut r.V.ur five o'elrpck the ftr.nn- wee notk-J paying about the eaves, and ltss itaif an hour the chic hej.ieuar-.uti were a towering mas? of;. One of the ilr: hmldit'i 0,1 Main be seized on hy toreh-like rmti. rfl was St. Anclimn ehurrn, and the motion of He' adj dnm 1 in short imie. Keu tiie and teiei.hone poles on the tnrlvhnr oohfai were eaten away to stumps, and strangers soon be.ime brawling bran'- 1 to be in the ria-ier.

lew sar.i-. The enib. is alwut three o'clock: minutes and one of the of iie c.ilnioiir and Hughson's lumber piles 1 tawa Electric eomnnny took tir-. folia No. ward, and shortly afterwards lowed quickly by Baldwin iron works, the leautiful residence b.

N. Cham- tile factory of the Dominion I'arbide p.ine. M.P., and the home-1 company, the M' Kav Milling compirv, stead Laurier avenue, were merely an(j other properties adiolning. High heads of families out of em.duymfiiu. it was about 12 o'clocK when the tongues of flnme leaped from Hull across tho river and ignited the lumber pi'es at the end of Vietoria Islan ictoria Islam, and which the Brotnuin-Vt'eston com- belonged to pan jr.

Favored bv a hith wind and with such dry and imlamtnaWe material as a prey, nothing could stop the of the devastating element. 1 me bv one the hoae piles ignited and then the large through the- stories of big -Mc Kay mill tne flames extended and It was then recognized that the wliile Chaudiere district was to go up In smoke. AT THE FREIGHT SHEDS The high wind carried embers over to the lumber piles and in time than It takes to tell it the immense yards were a seething mass of smoke and flame Krom the t' sheds Ignited. Transfer rigs, de'Ivery vans and flrays hustled around In a vain effort to saw tie 1.1 1 1- worth of freight which wns soon Ci Ato tip in smoke. Comparatively sneaking, however, their efforts were futiie.

for only a very small portion of the Immense quantity of goods which tne sheds contained were saved. The flames on nd tne wind seemed to Increase in velocity. Thousands of gallons of water forced up by the mighty pumps at the waterworks station seemed to be of li'tie ef fect for the streams were quickly dri.d uo bv the abnormal heat of the jeething sa.l it would be necessary for Ottawa to lead the. way with a very liberal con- ribntion. Tne Ottawa rirer should not be line of demarkaition but the ciiy of Hull should also be suggested.

of persons needed assistance and it should come quickly. The government had placed at the immediate disposal of the committee and he felt sale In paying that when t.he house met on Tuesday the government would recommend a grant JlOO.OXi. Blankets and ouher equipment from the stores would also be available Hon. Air. ScoM In conclusion suggested that the I city raise WiHt.OW by debentures to meet, the emergency Aid.

W. D. Morris Tend a telegram 1 irom 1.. j.erKiy Jn.11, j.j. r.

asmns for Sntormatio nas lo the extent of the loss by the lire in order that the provincial house, might take some action. The city ciers; was instructed to furn-ii Mr. Powell with the information iisked f'jr. Aid. James Davidson expressed the opin ion tlmt under uie crrcumst itic nu 1 eirizens could not do as much a-, wa i suggested by Hon.

R. W. Scot, considering the condition of the civic He. I.eliev.-d that if the matter was properly. dealt ven- iitKTtl assistance wou.a come from outside places.

Aid. Champagne said the city had to co something. If it did n.rt raise it could raise or JTn.u.... Aid. Koger said that the city must take the initiative.

He moved that the corporation ask the legislature for pmv.r to raWe by ckiejnture a sum not exceed- MR. ELLIS REMEMBERS X- Ottawa, April 17. The Citizen, Remembering the kindness of the people in this vie- inity to St. John in 1TT. I send you fl.Ki towards the relief t.f the suf- ferers by the calamity of yesier-- day.

if there are separate funds for Ottawa and Hull please divide the sum equally. ing Ii there was any gre-u forthcoming in regard such expen.iiture t'he would liave tin opportunity of dealing with it at the evening meeting. H- sat.l that the council wa HCting in this matter as a and not es individmls. Aid. W.

IK Morris was opposed to BO large an expenditure. He mov-eil an amendment that RogeT's resolution be referred to the reikf committee. Action on the resolution was deferred until the evening meeting. CITY GIVES iioioi. On motion of Aid.

Scott it was deeded to vote for thfi immediate relief of Ihose affected the tire. On motion of Aid. Roger the was incirucred tali a meeting of evening in the city -fc eight o'clock lor tile purpose of adopting systematic of telief of the njtfetv.s fr-rn yesterday's tire. His wot-ship the mayor was rnstructed to make an appeaa through, the press fanl.istio forms ot flame. The portion of tile ward, inrlu.Hns valle-iiuelte's hotel and the Chapeau block wtro the next to buist fortii in flame.

In the me-intime lire had attached itself the lunioer pll-3 alon the water front near the eitv hail, and the latter bul.dirg was 'inally seized. The hre was burning on Main and Alma streets like a and the frame market building in the rear of the mv hail, blazed up The collection of furniture, had been gathered on the eitv hall square was seized upon by the tiames. and the owners had to retreat for safety. AT Kt.iDYVIL.LE. A FWce Fight Succeeds Checking tile lames.

In the other end of the city at Eddy-ville the tire was cheeked after it had seized upon a of houses. Zlor. l'resby terjan church was saved by streuuons efforls rind fortunately the wind veered and this quarter of the cily was saved. tin a eonservHi ive estimate it is etaed that three-bfths of Hull now lies in ashe and Its business and industrial interests are paralyzed. night nearly 3.0"0 of the inhabitants of the Transpontine City, old and young, strong and feeb'e slept in the open, their homes in ruin and their means of obtaining a livelihood swept away.

The food supply was phut off by the tire and today not a bakeshop stands. Destitution and hunger stares the homeless ones in the face and many have been without food since their home? fell a prey to the names yesterday. Assistance and senerons required, as great suffering seems inevitable. 1'IREMEN' WORKED HARD. TIia newly organized tire brigade under Chief isenott worked la iiuil yeatatday mass of flame i total a fancy figure, but there is hope The Cnion station was now in danger, ehat a great part of it can repaired, while across Br.

street ard on jIr Crannell would not venture even a wood street several of the thin -oofe 1 to 'the loss. houses had caught fire and the res dents yyr (franned's persxm! loss included were preparing to move, 't would be nollse nd furniture. He only raved difficult to imagine the eue 0f cr.acs Ri5 clothes. and confusion which everywhere 1 'Referring' to the devastation Mr. Cran-vai'ed.

The residents saw mat their I ntl "jd tnat while the company's loss hocses were to be destroyed and w'tli al(j own were heavy, ihey had not not half enough available there was neapty 5.3 much reason for grief as the tne greatest aimcuity securing ine removal of household effects to a T'lace of eafty. The women nearly went fritn-tic: they ran about Ilk" wild shouting and screaming and dozens of them fainted. A great tniriv of families were over in Hull and cat off (Continued on Page Six.).

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