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The Ottawa Citizen du lieu suivant : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 5

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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THE CITIZEN. OTTAWA CANADA. JVLT LEGAL CARDL HAVE YOU GOT THEM? The SOVEREIGN BANKh redlng aaint him will be long drawn out Should the decision of the Mlfurl court be sustained, he will tukeu back to the Yukon for trial. A BIO LOG JAM. Lumtxir operator are Interested n.t preoenv in efforts feelr.g made to brwik the big log Jam on the Houge called an advance.

It wo rlntmed th4 the ouimde figure and thut ftneM Oniiittoti t.mid be picked Up at thut figure. However, many were refustiiH to leM than 7 though It 1 doubtful If any one coiuvded that figure. Ihe country uur.Wy (here win a die. k-Ing of the doiiwrd progrrM of the market, unj li In jum that prices may be eh le firmer for short time to tnii, 'J'wnhtp were uutKed hi about 7 1-1 lu the wharf this nwrnlng some boxe QuelM. niHks, uftVred, and ll wai reported that th.

at 7 to Can do anything in the Banking line for you. floOme. Hnoe11 Home Jiloe. IS. McTnvou, Market Braarti, C.arence struct i NEW YORK STOCKS.

Market Closed Eny and Queta tlcni Point Lower in Rad Infl nd Panna. New Tork, July 11 Hy the tlm bunnies on the stock enchain wl concluded today the market nhowed the effect of the very large realising lcs thut had been going en during the early and ac'Uve period of the trading. I'rleeo opened higher and ihe first hour'e trading very large and flu. tuatloiif very narrow. This li a pretty sure Indication of the mgre of profit-taking after such a period el revived speculative activity ihnt pf last week.

Monday morning It favorite opportunity for proMunkmg by practiced speculators. The steady pressure upon this mornlng'i mnrki wni not unexpected, therefore, nd wii not disquieting to sentiment over the general outlook. The manner In which the market absorbed the proflt-tnklng and the small fluctuations cautai by It gave atlfoctory evidence of the new demand and gave promise 0f a favurable bael for a new njvance when attempt were made to renew the advance by bidding up of stocks. The dullness and he.ivlr of the speculation was not materially' relieved by these efforts. The irarket closed easy and at varying net de running to ne.irlv a in Renting and Pennsylvania.

The Central of Georgia Income bonds mnde sharp Jumps. Otherwise the market was Irregular. Total ales pnr value 2.i United States bonis were unchanged on call. Pre NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE New York. July t0 2 3, mocks.

Opg. High Low cig. Auial. Copper 52 3 lis', Am. pfd A.

Sugar Hefin Am. Smltg. A. Top. st.

Fe S3 pfd onlt. at Ohio pfd Brooklyn R. 'n 33', 171' Can. Pacific Cues. Ohio Chic, C.

Mil. St. Paul -ol. Con. Gas.

N. Corn Products, pfd. 33 195 H.C, 'irun i nitea Hy. Len. Rio 1 i i.

i 21 2H it 7S 74 ii, pfd S. S. pfd Gen. Electric Kan. Texas, pfd.

Louis. Sash Manhattan Elev Missouri Pacific St. P. St. Pi'd Metro.

Trac N. Cen. Erie Rv 1st pfd 2nd pfd N- Ont. Nor. Western Pacific Mail 3vv h-'H nv, U2V.

l'd lali, IM14, I4 V. IMS PI1' ti tI7 Ii7 i-3ii iiv.4 iir.ij 117 117 imai UT s.1 21; 241. 1 ('! 7H 37U, 37 37 27 27'4 W'i 5SS, 27V, 27', 274 27ls US', lh, 117v, 117'n 2s js 26 73 7J 73 73 W'h DIl 51 -inn siw, 71 71-v, 72 22 221; 21-4 21-, 2. 23' 23'', SSi, M(t Rsi 4'J 154 49 3" 3d, 37 244 2I 24i 6'i 7 6T4 81 SI SI Rl 11 11', 11 1(174, r.9', SMj, 5i4 5S'4 61.1, CSV4 BSC, ftSJj, 92' i 91 91 93 94 93 94 16. 16- Kr-i, 161, 37.14 r.u 35 r.

l'enn. Ry Pressed Steel pfd Peonies Gas Phllu. Read 2nd pfd Rock Island certs. Southern Ry pfd Southern Pacific Tenn. Coal Iron.

Texns Pacific V. S. Leather pfd V. S. Steel pfd tt.

S. Rubber, pfd. Union Pacific pfd Wabash pfd Western Union Tel. H7' R7'4 ST Wis. Cen.

pfd 39 X) 30 SS MONTREAL STOCK EXCHAnt.p Supplied to the Citizen by Meredith, MncLaren Co. Stocks. Ask. Canadian Pacific 121 Montreal St. Rv 20R Bid.

121'i 99 V4 Toronto St. Ry Halifax St. Ry Twin City Transit Richelieu Ontario Montreal Telegraph Bell Telephone Dom. Iron Steel pfd Montreal L. A Ogllvie Milling Toledo Electric 94- 72V4 160 160 10 94 7 155 74 117U 19 6IV4 41 '4 23 121 20 Nova Scotia Steel 61H Mines Dom.

Coal 42 Bonds-McKay 21 AFTERNOON' SALES. Scotia-50 at 62. 10 at 61. Coal, at 104Vs, 23 at Vii'A. C.

P. R. 25 at 124. Dom. Iron 10 at 8, 41 at 8.

Dom. Iron, bonds at bi. Molsons Bank at 201. Detroit 10 at 63. Merchants Bank 4 at 156.

CHEE8E BOARDS. Cowansvllle, July 11-Thirty creameries ter, ana UtL.S"le8,7i.Ir, 375 all 2 i 171-8C A J. Hrlce 85 at 17 1-2c; and 80 at Hl-zc; noag- son 217 at 17 l-2c; H. H. Hlb-fcard, ISO at and 34 at 17c; Gunn and Lsnglois, 75 at 1" 3-8c, and 33 at 171-4c; Alexander, 80 at 17 l-2c.

Cheese; sales: A. W. Grant. 128 at Alexander, 178 at 7 3-Sc; D. A.

McPher I iuii nV'r Winl' ni BRUIN CAUSED SCARE Thrown Ana uarree tnoi From His Wagon and Received Injuries. Pears nre reported from the Gatln- ini nummer. A r.iu few days ago a big black chap un acldent on the Cuntley road that inlglit linvn been attended with seri ous results. Jaine Lynot, a wen known fanner of Cnntlcy. was driving along tho road near Henry Cns-eldy's rtsldence united on tho front axle of a broken wagon.

Pniln stepped out of the bush and waddled the road, the horses took fright and plunged forward, Lynot was thro'vn over the first, hut he managed to hang on to the lines and ginde tho horses to the side of the road. There the rig wn overturned on a stump, and Lynot was mrown en. hp linn rraiirmi un- conscious for the time, but regaining consciousness made his way to his home nearby. Dr. T.

P. Pavles was called In and he ascertained that Ly- not mm neon l.a:iy injured about the back, ribs and lets. He will be laid up ror a couple of weeks. VANCOUVER AFLOAT. After Being Stranded for a Week the Steamer Was Floated Undamaged.

Mont mil. July 11 The Dominion line steamship uiicoUViT was success-fullv lloated Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock after having been stranded for a wwk. in the morning at 9.30 o'clock attempts to pull her into the channel prepared by the dredges were again begun, but the eltorts wer- continued up to one o'clock without moving the" ship In the slightest degree. Two of the ship channel dredges and five of ihe tinrs nt this work were ordered by the minister of marine and fisheries to aid in the attempt but even wnn total of four dredges and ten tugs the ship could not ne reieas- u. i "IR o'clock the stemnev Hayarian was Seen COtlling UP U1C CllillllH'1 Ull' 1 it was sent do-.

11 to meet her to nsk Capt. Mac Nlrol to pass the Vancouver at full speed. This was done nnd nt the Instant when the swell from tho Hnvarlan had reached Ihe Vancouver nnd so was pulling her upwirds every line attached to the Vancouver was drawn taut by the tups attached. At the same Instant almost every hawser parted nnd the ship was apparently a. badly off.

ns ever. Put she had been eased off. nnd the tuers nnd dredges continued (heir work with the result that nt half-past two the ship was floating In the proper channel. Phe was taken down the river where the rhnnnel war wide enough to turn her. whereupon she returned to Porel, took un her boats and proceeded to Montreal, wherp she arrived at 7.30 o'ctock vesterdnv morntnor.

The Vancouver Is uninjured nnd will sail from Montreal for Liverpool on July 23 New Innovation on GranH Trunk. The Grand Trunk Hallway System, ever on the alert to Inaugurate new innovations that are conducive to the comfort of patrons traveling on their lines, have nddd to their principal trains a staff of tram porters, who will be located In the first-class coaches to look after the welfare of passengers. This new system has been Installed on the "International leaving Montreal 9.00 a.m. for the West, and the fast 'rain between Toronto and Montreal arriving Montreal 6.00 p.m. The system has also been established the fast trains between Toronto nnd Detroit, Niagara Frills and Port Huron, and Montreal, Toronto and Chicago.

The Grand Trunk are the flrat line In Canada to Install this new idea, and the public will appreciate the great convenience It will be to first-class conch passengers, who will have a porter to look after their needs, give Information, nnd do nil he can for their comfort en route. This new feature will be especially recognized ns a boon to the traveling public bv ladles trav- Plng nlone nnd with children. CANADIAN DAIRY PRODUCTS. London, July 11 Canadian butter.the choicest. Is quoted at 86 to Ms; finest nt S2 to R4s.

Notwithstanding th. aunnlv of Imnorted demand for Canadian on "(tpot." Tin-re MR. KEANE'S GOOD WORK. Arthur William Warner, the 18-year-old English sailor who became stranded in Ottawa last week, has He-cured work on an ocean liner and is now sailing once more on the briny-deep en route for Merrie England. Il was through the efforts of Mr.

John Keane that the lad got employment. After hearir.K the facts in connection Wth the lad's misfortune, th- Asso elated charities secretari- communicated with marine officials at Montreal and soon found a suitable poi-Ion for the boy ter. NEW ZEALANDER8 FOR CANADA fCanadian Associated Press.) Bisley. July 11. Colonel Collins, i.

I "fa a Q. ui' mnr to loan- BABRKi- UvaM'KK f. for Nov. acotia. 10.

Trut Building. r. N-iturr. Branch ft EN AND DLSsth, province ot solicitors for court ebee. 14 Trust Building, nt.

Bcom 1 nd A VUry Aylen. SMl-fe BAKKTI- lew. Bradley. R. Money to loan.

0 eEiTKKIN AND HAyJLj gt v-rln AKSlsfER. "1- VAKNE. BAKi reme tc. Parnamentary ana h(9 lit agent. lvV Spams AN'U ti0or Trust 7P-ANU indicators, ut Ottawa.

Money Rank St Chambers. 102 tor. otc Bank bu ph 2129, St. Money MEDICAL. a M.D..

hours to iu i D.m. Phone ij i RR- fS I 1 IN Ei ajhours 9-U a.m.. p.mJJ 0 'tmoved his office ro.wiet office Mru Office end to i to P-m. Fhone hinuxv, w. f'-i lfld digestive systems.

Tel. 4Sto.o College of Surgeons. England etcalfe St. rnnng aj--. MONEY TO LOAN.

KI ATI I RATE monthly. lot interest; VI ItYrly, half-yearly or yearly. A Mo- 51 Quarks Bt. 1'none HB UK SMALL SUMS-FHlVATiS lunas to ienu uu rates. Kidd ana Thompson.

i Sparks 0 TO 1X)AN ON NO'i'liS AiNL) jmorteaiies. Ottawa Loan uuiyauj. 1, u-rv a 1 (1 U. XitlN-'l-LY TO nan on chattel mortgages, notes Ois- fci. Konm 87.

Trust jiuiiains. TO LOAN-PK1VATJ3 FUNDS ichurch money), city propertiei or i tarms; lowest rates, puuhuio ic. wis. i and Smellle. 48 sparks TO LOAN IN LAHUK OR sums at lowest rates of lnter- tj Best rates and terms for large loans.

Warne. Barrister, etc, ilrtii sparks I.NET TO LOAN ON LOWEST IN- ttrest rates. John Hod gins, Barrist- Tmst Building. 0 GEO. BAILEY CO, ine Shoo and Brass Foundry.

211 St Phone 946. IJrflNES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS (repaired; brass casting supplied on pst notice; locksmiths, DiacKsmiths, jrjlcycle repairers. Edge tools sharp- a specially. "WO PAPERS ARE IU Wants go in both Morning pd Evening Citizens for one iiarge one cent per word. lETTER THAN ONE.

TO AVOID ARREST. Mon Why Joseph Guenette Out His Brains Wiih a Rifle. despatch received Sunday from I-ngnam and which appears in column, tells of a imin named hooiing himself in the of his family at iiis father's 3 r'fciir oupore. Behind the af nfiair is an interesting story of Jt- suicide and further particu-" obtained by a Citizen re-2 l-ls morning. time ago.

Sheriff Wright, of revived a letter from a Ger- named H. Hilgendorff, rig at a settlement at Clay lake, ne Lievre river. He reported on Jur.e lCth last, while he was ftX a rnan entered his house and -if 30 -ng "spiviously. attacked his XlJV1 tempted to commit an Z5r'- ass'Jlt.

She. however, ani -c sculls ran 'p. a for across the "scnpiioni Hilgen- the tnan was of An officer was sent ...36 an investigation with the evening Hieh "''I set out w-'th a -war- 1 nwaay morn- a place met -is wife nnd three constable found out -rn noTise. was to arrest. He tum- hailed 5u.7!e..e to out of tli fa 1 i von Rrrt 1tn-3e7e.

He thes h'th "1 wont to I', Hif "V-wt rTr. -a v. -7 "ie rtw -o T----t totn-n. Limber MACROPHAGES AND PHAGOCYTES IN YOUR SYSTEM. Tht Stcrtt of tht Ctuit of Old Agi Hi Bn Diicovrd by Mr.

A. G. Lt of Dtnton, Who Haitont to Announo tht Ntwi to tht World. Tall and allm. wU ircci, nbuut forty year of of aci with mui.y evidences of education and a n.

who bu at A. G. Lf.e tti.U tj) bla popl ruUo ia lci.oti. Textu. liilo CUUua cduuriul ruviiii buiiday nwnUi.g.

He ei.ulred fur tr.e r.n. and adrea of tile otuwa rcyrutUv U. Jut-jiOkialEd MttJU. Ual axur of tie bad ami lb JJ-cover)' 01 me cau aid eCecl Of od uge ana dvslrea lu con.uiuuicate it to Uie ouwlJe world. 'ine umii, it unduuuteaiy tn victim of.

baiiu-cinutlon, registered on baturdy al or.e of ihe city notej j. Le, Pbliantiiropy." inlituiuiropy i tn noole eentiment of which Lee eays he the exponent and, at least, in his imagination, Utopian colonies, each bearing thut name, are being established all over the United States for the propagation of the doctrine of the universal brotherhood of man and the embodiment of benevolence and altruism In Us fullest acceptance and meaning. Behind the movement, the man thinks, Is W. ft. Hearst, of New York.

Though Intelligent and with many evidences of Intellectual power, the unfortunate fellow Is evidently the victim of some mental derangement and he states himself that he has been treated In many hospitals for nervous depression. The following composition is what Lee desired to have put on the wires: "It seems that Ottawa Is to become related to Attalla. U.S.A., and Whltesboro, Texas, In the history of a great world philanthropic movement. A. G.

Lee, who is connected with the World's Diathetic Institute, which is located In the exact geographical center of the t'nlted States (the place Is named Philanthropy) came to Ottawa a few days ago. He came here for the purpose of getting away from business cares and personal acquaintances that he might concentrate his mind on the study of the cause of senile decay or old age, which he has been studying for years with the view of discovering the cause of old age. Yesterday Mr. Lee made the discovery. Briefly, it is this: Health Is normal, sickness Is abnormal.

An old person feels just as well as a young one. The difference is in the state of the health. Old age, in the sense of physical health, is not necesarily the result of time, but the result of battle between the good, or normal, and the bad, or abnormal, elements of the human organism. There is a kind of cell in the system, known as the phagocytes, and there Is another kind of cell known as macrophages. The phagocytes and macrophages perform opposite functions.

Just like the organs for secreting and those for excreting. There is a battle constantly going on, or being planned in the human system between health and disease, between the normal and the abnormal, between the good and the bad elements. It Is an active struggle for supremacy In the body, on the part of the normal and the abnormal." It is evident that the man. whoever he is or wherever he halls from, is a person of considerable talent. Lee says he came here from Tetroit and is hound for ft.

Louis, by way of Portland and Eos-ton. A NOVITIATE BUILDING. Company of Mary to Add to the Institution at Cyr-villa. The congregation of the Company of Mary has decided upon the erection of a new and large novitiate for the order at Cyrville. The order, which is a French one, directs the church o' Notre Dame de Lourdes and also the one at Cyrville, and some time ago erected a fine scholasticate on the Montreal road for its advanced theological students.

Canadians, however, desiring to enter the order have heretofore been compelled to make their novitiate In Europe, but by the erection of the new Institution this will no longer be necessary. The building will be erected this summer ac a cost of several thousand dollars, and the superior will be Rev. Father Brldonneau, now superior of the orphanage of aid formerly cure of Cyrville. The new building will be another addition to the numerous religious institutions In and around Ottawa. ALIEN LABOR.

Mr. Hays of G.T.P. Objects to Being Hampered In Employing Men. Mr. C.

M. Hays, general manager of the Grand Trunk railway, was in town on Saturday, consulting with ministers regarding the proposed amendment to the alien lnhor law Tha G. T. P. wants from fifteen to twenty thousand laborers to complete the en-', terprlse within schedule time, and if the promoters are to be barred by a drastic alien law from bringing in Italian laborers, then the company will have to pay greatly advanced prices for Canadian laborers.

In that event Mr. Hays estimates that the company must look to the government for better terms. ALL ENJOYING THEMSELVES. Mr. Hadrill, secretary of the board of fire insurance underwriters, has written the mayor in acknowledgement of the city's application for the curtailment of the insurance surchage and promising to lay it before the board.

He adds, however, that In the holiday season It Is difficult to get a meeting. ISAAC BURPEE WILL FIGHT. According to advices received by Lieutenant-Colonel Sherwood. C.M.G., i c-r-minisHonei' of uominion p.jllce trie i extradition court against Isaac Bur- pee. who Is wanted for alleged frauds in the Yukon, has sustained the i charges of breach of trust, but missed those of stealing from hi i partner.

This was done by the com- 'h sinte of 'in the grounds that the criminal code of the st-ite crTains no law- affecting partnership dealings. Burpee, evidently intends to fight hard for liberty, for he has decided to appeal against thj extradition decision in the or." case, and if necessary to go to the Supreme court at Washireton. It is likely, there'ore. that extradition pro- Corns Make You Limp. It's not the limping but the pain that counts.

When you see a person limping from corns you may know that they have not used Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. This preparation never fail to cure corns, bunions, foot callouse quickly. Don't put up w-i-h the pain when you can so easily be cured by Putnam's Painless Com Extractor and it taka only a day or two to remove the difficulty. river at Calumet. There are over a million logs In the Jam, Including about even hundrvd tbounnd pleve of pulp wood belonging to the Hlordan Taper company with mill al Huwketbury.

The Jum, which a mile and a half long, wu r.V'nslble for the destruction of the regular traffic bridge, which was plied Up the railway structure. Al present about eeventy-fiv men are engaged liberating tho logs In the Jum, but a the work ho to be done plectrr.eiil, lt will be several weeks bvfore lt completed. The formation of thle Jam, the biggest In the history of lumbering operations on the Kouge, may lead to interesting legul development. The Canadian Piwlllc Hallway company ha nolltled the municipal authorities that they will be held responsible for the damage to the railway bridge, caused by the displacement of the township structure. The council In turn ho notified the lumber companies that owned the logs, that It will hold them responsible for the destruction of the municipal bridge and the damage lt caued the railway structure.

THERE IS NO HITCH. Sir Robt. Bond Says Newfoundland Might Have Got More Eut Is Satisfied. (Canadian Associated Press.) London, July 11. Sir Robert Bond declares that there was no hitch In the Newfoundland negotiations.

All his transactions with the foreign and colonial offices were most cordial In character, though some of the French papers were alarmed with what he was reported to have said on the subject of Newfoundland. He had never made any statement beyond saying that he was satisfied with the convention. He had been several times approached by French journalists, but had refused to talk on the absurd rumor that Newfoundland had declined to accept the convention. It had been received with marked favor In the colony, except by the opposition, which was trying to make political capital out of It. He repeated that his government thought the colony might have received more, but was very well pleased with the results obtained.

MEMORIAL WREATH Canadian Bisley Team Paid Tribute to Memory of Major Parley. (Canadian Associated Press.) London, July 11. A special from Bisley camp states that the Canadian team paid a visit to Bisley churchyard yesterday and laid a wreath on Major Perley's grave. The custom of 60 doing Is followed every year by the Bisley team upon the first Sunday after arrival. The late Major Henry F.

Perley was for many years a member of the executive of the D. R. A. and took a keen interest In ritie shooting. He was chief engineer of the public works department and it was while superintending the construction of the Canadian building at Bisley that he died.

He was buried in the pretty little churchyard at Bisley. A SENATOR'S PREDICTION. (Canadian Associated Press.) London, July 11. Senator Thompson, of Fredericton, declared to-day that the Canadian general elections would be all over by November. A FRUITFUL VISIT.

(Canadian Associated Press.) London, July 11. The Bishop of Cal gary is very well pleased with the result of his English visit. He secured several good men and money Is coming as well. PETTY THEFTS. Sparks Street Merchant Set Trap and Caught Tj Tapper.

For some time past Mr. R. Clarke Cummings, boot and shoe merchant of Sparks street, has been missing change from his cash register. Sunday morning he put a couple of employes on guard with the result that the till-tapping has probably ceased. The police are working on the case and may make an arrest at any moment if Mr.

Cummings decides to press the prosecution. It appears that a party who knows the neighborhood in some manner secured a key that would admit him to Mr. Cummings' shop by the rear way. He frequently entered and took coin from the register. Annoyed at the petty thefts Mr.

Cummings decided to have someone watch. Yesterday morning two clerks espied a man entering. They notified P. C. White, but were unable to capture the culprit.

When seen by a Citizen reported yes-fjrday on the matter Mr. Cummings positively declined to give the facts In connection with the robberies and the police authorities also maintain a sphinx-like silence. SHOT HIS FAThFr. Renfrew Boy Heard Noise In ihe it Was a Deer. Kingston, July 1L In a lonely settlement In Kenfrew county, a horrible accident occurred whereby a father lost his life, his son having shot him for a deer.

During hot days lt is usual for deer to seek the water to escape fiies, and, as meat is scarce, it is customary for settlers to shoot the deer for this purpose at ingiit. Joseph Eno, aged 14, and a companion took a boat and went down the river and, unknown to them, John Eno, aged 36, the father, took a leaky canoe, and, crossing the river, went down on the opposite side. He had to stop to empty his boat and did this behind a bush of rushes. The boys, up the river, beard the noise and believed a deer was in the rushes. Joseph raised his gun and fired.

Thy w-ere dumbfounded to hear a human voice, and speedily found Mr. Eno badly wounded in the back teiow the shoulder. Mr. Eno helped paddle home, wsiked up to his house, and then fell. Ke lingered 26 hours! Hi- bowels had been perforated by a buckshot.

He leaves a wife and sir children. The son Is distracted over his act. NATION RIVER FLOODS. A r. from the county of Russell is shortly to wait upor.

the government and a4 that obstructions be remove that cause the annual flooding along the hanks of the Nation river. SCHOLES SHOWED IMPROVEMENT London, July IX Under the heading "The Her.ley Aftermath." the Pali Mill Gazette declares "hat Keiiy at test could not likely have beaten Scholes. who hd Improved out of all knowledge since 1W2. z'i appeared able to last for a month. wnicn wm rather more tlmn it was hopel they might be secured at.

i Chicago, July 11, nutter teadr, I creameries, li to 17; 12 to 15. Cheese easy, II to t-i, ESQ MARKET MorKreil. July 11-I' -The mar ket Is steujy, Merchants are paying 13 1-3 to 14c nt country point, Ihe lal-tr being the extreme figure, S'n'gh! gathered stock Is chang, ng nt 15 l-c, and hlghr for smaller quantities. Straight candied stock Is e.tll to be selling here at lfl to 16 l-4c. The miir-k-t Is little uncertain.

Chicago, July 11. rggs Mini. lil-S to l-li. WHEAT HIGHER, Reported Darrmye to Crops Sent Up Pricis. Sept.

Wheat Closed 7-8c Up. July 11 Th Liverpool wheut market quoted Sept, closing 3-M down at lis 6 3-id. Spot wheat ut tie l-'l to 6s i for No. 2 northern Manitoba. Winnipeg.

July 11 Wheat stronger with American market, but trad! nniill, exporters picking up small lots, July. Mi l-2o, August, VO 1-lY; October, wheat more active. No. 1 nor- thern, Mil-He; No. 2 l-2c; do.

3 S3 l-4c; No. 4 75 l-4c; feed, i hb 2c; No! 2 rac. Rrcelpts of wheat, S2 cars; year ago. 74. Montreal.

July 11 Wulte a little quantity of oats Iris been sold for export duiinc the pnt few days nt prices ranging from 36 3-4 to 37c. afloat, so It Is sail. The last sale was reported nt 37c. It Is difficult to secure the stock at less than 36 3-4c. The stocks of oats in warehouses show considerable of an Increase, but lt Is understood that this Is owing to several lots being brought In for export which will be shipped out very shortly.

This would exjdaln the apparent lack of any easiness. Holders here nre quite firm at 37c, store, for No. 3, and for N'o. 2. Local trade Is about steady, no activity being noticeable.

Peas are about steady nt 69 1-2c afloat. Montreal; No, 2 barley, No. 2 extra, 48 and No. 2 rye. 62c.

Chicairo. July 11. With the country IrAmilnfr tlm a nir rn nil wlrrm hnt with despatches claiming damage to wheat too ka fresh start upward to- day! September wheat 7-8 to 1 otit un fWn la rinn-n rint are off 1-4 cents. Provisions nre 2 1-2 lower to in cents higher. Minneapolis.

Duluth and local receipts of wheat wer 309 cars airalnst 210 a year ago. Future? closed: Wheat, 90 1-4: old. 90 7-S; oM. 90 7-R; 49 7-S to old. Rfi: Vav.

sr. 7-S: corn, Tilly. 4S1-4 to 3S: pptemher 4S 3-4: December. Mav. 44 1-4: Oals, July, 3R5-S: to 1-S: December 32 3-4: Mav.

34 to Cash (flotations- Flour steady; N'o. spring wheat. 95 to 95; Vo. 3. Rfi to 95: No.

2 rd. 1 04 to 1.0: Vo. 2 cpm. 49 3-4 to 40; Xo, 2 oats. 37; No 2 white, 39 POTATO MARK P.T.

Montreal, July 11 Potatoes New potatoes are meeting with a good demand, and Prices nre steady at f.3 per barrel of ISO lbs. to farmers, and $1.20 per bag of SO sod selling from store at $3.25 and $1.40. Old stock Is not wanted, and there is a large quantity offering. They are selling at 30 to 50c, in farmers' loads. HAY MARKET.

Montreal. July 11 Hay The market Is easy owing to the heavy supplies at present in Montreal. N'o. 1, at $9.50 to $10 per ton on track; No. 2, $8.50 to clover mixed, $7 to and clover.

$6.50 to $7. U.S. CROP REPORT. An Increased Acreage In Corn. Winter Wheat Shows Improvement.

Washington, July 11 Preliminary returns to the chief of the bureau of statistics of the L'nited States department of agriculture snow Uie average of corn planted to be about ul.Ddu.uuu, an illCreae of about acres, on the planted last year, as revised In December. The average condition of the growing crop; 7 -'r ,7 Z.Z in. 4 on jui m.u ponding date In 1902, and a ten-year average of S8.4. The average condition of winter wheat on July 1 was 7S.7 as compared, with 77.7 last month, 78.8 on July The amount of wheat remaining In the bands of the farmer or, July 1 Is estimated at about 36.630.000 bushels, equivalent to about 5.. per cent, of the cron of last year.

The svmge condition of the ont cron on July 1 was 89.8 as compared with 89.2 test month. 84.3 on July 1, 92.1 at he corresponding date In iV'2 and a ten-rcflr average of 87.3. The July p.veras-e condition of la-ley on 1 ti-ns 55 aeatnst on month sn 66 on July 1. 53,7. fl.

the ate in ftnd tj a-erap-e 57.1. cr.rdly,n of winter r-e on'Tulv 1. f-f fiv of snring rve or 1. 51 of toVfJiCCO is IVa tVpt r.f iat rear by pcres ne -r-florl If -e- rent 1. Wf efi- po Vf MANITOBA CROP PROSPECT.

Winr.lper J'lly ll-Mr. M. H. chief of the Canadian Northern has returned from p. trip over the cor.par.y's new lines row in eourse of "onfra'tlon in Sou'h-err.

Msnltoha. ae that the 3 of wheat this season are very bright. The Mr. M-lod y. tooks to be r.

rood shape, and 1r.dl"-tlor.s point a much better crop than GOT OFF WITH DUCKING. 'h. wi ot.H I 1 1 1 i I I mi' Y'titl 'lvt iii I l.i ii i THE BANK OF OTTAWA He.d Offic. -VelllnBton 6t t'npttal (suthnnid t'spllal (paiil-upj Kt 2.4W.U fn'ir of thrae being In th City of Ottaw in nun. mvuen ine nr-fit'ii' M.1M invito, th ncenani- or mrnomtlons.

firms end tn1lvWiU na prpnred to grnnt the bet term, ooo- "tent With K.nWln "Kn HAY, DAVID MAOI.ARF.N President. VIO-ITesWIent. I'KOHliK rttinN, 0neral Msna. M. FINN IE, Assistant Oen.

M- CODE BURRITT Chamber. 74 Spark St. eJHOO.OOO TO On Real Estate Ceoorlty. Meredith, I crtVers end Brokers 110 Wellington St Plreot Private Wire to our Montr! Office and to ZIMWERMANN Memttar. New York Stock Exchange, Corraipondenta In London, Beaton, Chicago and Toronto.

TELEPHONE 1999. Stoppani Hctchkin Members of the New Tork Conaol. Idated Block Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade. Investment Securities bought and old on commission. OTTAWA BRAUCHi iO Uueen tjtreot, cor.

luin (Grand Union Hotel.) E. J. MOLONtY. Manager. 15? l601- Direct Hrivot.

Wire, The Ontario Accident Insurance Company Liability and Personal Accident and flick-oeaa The Mutual Life of NewYork Pur Life Contract. For particular aa to plan or rU communicate with R. J. HEALY 245 Temple Montreal. P.

Q. Marriage Licenses ISSUED BY Af. D. Stewart 68 8PARK8 ST. At ml after Office hours.

PHONE 183. Ollmour Bt. VV3VI. JilNllUP CITIZEN BUILDING. Money loaned on improved farma low rate of interest.

No valuation fee, PHONE 2440, TO THE TRADE-CHOICE FRUIT SYRUPS, In bulk for the fountain; In bottles for the family. Lyon' Famous WEST INDIA LIME JUICE, In half pints pints and quart. ALLTHE FRUIT EXTRACTS Inbulk. Qunllty and price right. Win be plenaed to quote you price our new GEORGE 6TREET.

THE OTTAWA DRUG CO Phone 127. Wholeeal Druggist. "St. Augustine" (REGISTERED.) The perfect communion and invalid's Wine. The (1 product of Pelee Is- jand's choicest grapes.

OTTAWA VALLEY NEWS. Perth baseball team defeated Brockvllla 18 to 1. Perth defeated Lunark in a basebt! game 19 to 10. McKenzle of Bmlth's Falls succumbed to pneumonia Lanark Baneball team beat the Jovial sportt; of 11 to 8. The rush of logs on the Upper Ottawa is tlie greatest In years.

The hay crop In the vicinity of Perth la the bent Ui many years. The Perth Giant baseball team waa defeated by Lanark 19 run to 3. A largo portion the business center of iluvelo'-k wa wiped out by fire. peter McK'-rizle. of the McKenzle House, SmJtii'y i-'allH, la dead.

The 'res nt t'-am of Toronto win t'i'ir eastern (J itario next month. Old boys of Perth in various cltlei expri-MH in favor of a reunion. Win. Ryan of was drowned at Ci.ftplea'i. tliro-igii the capslziiiK of a Alrn'iM'- will a d'-rn'jnstra-tlori on J-iiy Utii, at which H.

It. Gamey w.II The d. clared a stock. C' enrnpany ha nd of 7 p'-r cent, on The explosion toiine stove In n.obt cauatd a la P- rtt. rl Lea.

i-'t. Ja t' Miss In and Miss Mary r- l-'aiis were married la of A Topping of jvrtli was mar-W iln-haoan Hio.ix City, iberly and Perth. -reason of Oruiorr.or.d lost Lanark the money being Mown Land by a of i and outbuilding" of Henry Id of In jrr.mwi wr- -tr-jck by and to M. A. well known rt of in th i'-il after a long illness.

Ft Ktr.l"! of Alr.v.r.t.' preserved the Iforte Juniors. xf re-v pastor i 1 Lis 't Kemptvllle t. ion ef Pla-j P.e-.-. tv. r.

of ifav.ra'.ie tion. vion b' e-i r. ty college. onto 'f Carp killed irlrg Ir-'h'-s from tip to to ataok one of Mr? Brltatnia Sards. Children's Paradise.

Safe Bathir.3 and Boating. son, 275 at 7 7-16c; Fowler, 125 at 7 l-4c, 7. at the corresponding (late in 1 i Improvement in quality dnllv, and 30 at 7 7-16c; A. J. Brlce, 47 at 7 i 1902 and a ten-year average of 78.3.

I without a recurrence of mould In ealt-7-16c, and 1.019 of butter and 1,155) It should be borne In mind that thlsj less, which la year was so prevalent, boxes of cheese carried over. report relates to conditions on July 1, Cheese is In moderate demand for and takes no note of the effect of, old. but for new there Is only a hand- Alexandria, July 11 Offerings, 1.536; Ftorms that have occurred in certain to-rnouth buying. Old Is selling at 39 all sold but 79 boxes at 7 9-16e. J.

A. states since that date. to 42s. according to condition, new McRae got 336; J. F.

McGregor, The average condition of spring bringing 39 to 40s. c.i.f., J. A. Walsh, 564; J. A.

Cameron, 121. wheat on July 1, was 93.7 as compared are down on the week, showing an d-Capt. J. A. Cameron, representing A.

wlln 93.4 jast month, 82.5 on July 1, vnn-e. jMKt there was conslder-W. Grant, was introduced on the board 92.4 at the corresponding date I able speculative operation. Quebec here Saturday. )n V), anrj a ten-year average of cheese, c.i.f., quotations, are 36 6-1 to mq 37s; 38 to 39h.

wTn-i "-BfWde'l "The average condition on Julv 1. of- Shipment, of ch from Canada he ondln son v- i-s 5.: date in 1902. 1 Riley: J. F. McOreg-r, 395 for Level! Christmas, and J.

J. Logan, 252 for, the Ayer Limited. Last year 2 466 were sold at 9 9-lc to 9 3 Belleville, July 11 Offered, 4, '60 white, 300 colored, Sales were: 800 at 7 l-2e; tf at 7 8-16c. 1 ionaon. July 11 Boarded 1.180 boxes, of colored and 515 white; 7 l-16c the highest bid; no sales; a few lo's sold on the street at 7 3-8c; moke large.

Watertown. N.T.. July llCheese sales: Ninety-six hundred at 7 1-4 for large. St. Kyaelnthe.

11 creameries offered jackages of bu-ter. No eales. Bids of 17c wer? refused. 'ABUTTER AND CHEESE. Motreal.

July II Butter OfTerinee at th boat this momir.g 0 were siH to be about Xhe only report heard ot that tl-iey eold at 17 but this (ts BlTmoirt iike a falrv -ale. as It is pos sible Vo buy choice Township in Umlte. quantities that figure merchant elairn. Of course. It Is Jus.

commandant of the New Zealand team. speaking to the Canadian Press man. eald he wa endeavoring to induce the team to return to New Zealand via Canada, ar.d so shoo, at the JJ. R. A.

at its ar.nufcl meeting. Should I tr-ge the team mt with sure. Ou-Irg the; Mr. p-'ev meeting It Is slmort s-ire tola 'r- visit Canada. DCVESTIC INFELICITY.

Mrs. Wright, of Ch sea. has entered a fushand for sersra'Ion against nr for- merly a M.s Hannah Latimer, and al. jegec that husband has ill-used her ir.nicted severe bodilv harm and a most ungntim4nlr manner, and (T.t care broke her r.rm. Tr.ey ere itarrIM in ago am I I poesib.Je that some pe-uliar circumstance may have br ight about the f-iTure jnentioned.

bu- it doe not eet-rr. at all l-onsHrt'nt with the other reports to the effect that the a-er eral price for finest "townships is to 1 71-4c. ci10lce probably bringing 17 l-2c. dairy tubs are rioted as at -to about 14 1-2- Cheeie The mark' pear nrm-T today, thoujh wa te.g In the nature of hat could be 'near Sar.dav. Jamee lire or.

a farm of over A acre at Chei-V'Cua'g ard John Ardill were thrown I sea. Trey have eight grown-up chil-icto the water. Both were rescued, dren. C. J.

Brooke Is actiri fo- I escaping with a severe ducking. I plalr.ant..

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