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Ottawa Daily Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 2

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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DAILY CITIZEX SATURDAY AUGUST 1 1806 riilvae i. talked it and aa lr SHOULD PAKE HER WAGES, MURDER'S RED II.4ND TO GET THEIR BEER A WIND-UP. ion This is August. Summer is almost gone. So is my stock of sum-mer goods.

Following, goods are still in stock at CUT PRICES to clear at once. List Through. Please Read 27 Pairs Swimming Tights at 10 pair Boys weaters at each 4 Men's All-Wool Sweaters at .75 i Men's Extra Quality Sweaters. 2.00 39 Suits Fine Balbrig'o Underwear .75 suit 21 Suits Cotton Underwear 34 93 Flannelette Ehirt at 11 each 33 Extra Quality Shiru at 44 lln Fine Washing Ties at 07 19 Dozen 8ilk Ties at 10 Mil1 rbere is ease for tiose far one in ccnsumpton not ecovery ease. I here is C-'rc for no far gane.

lhere is prevention for those who are threatened. of Cod-liver Oil is for you. even if you are only a lit- oMavlUJa. The Ottawa Daily Citizen. GEO.

H. ROGERS, rOXXBAL DIKJCTOR fc TMnAI.lfirB, COB. BASS AX3 SLATES. Prl'M Pxaonml AsssnUaa AiriM iuio una. Hforgna.

3. SON, jtkti.z.4 IDC r-r tain all orders K. i.r- a utitAT.oii rosr aiiaed UtoB Mcoola bit Tolanhoat eftrns 8- HATKARD ROOCRJJ HARRIS, Til WELL KNOWN UNDERTAKER Its WELUN0TOM ST. r-4tta0M tS7. Oikb tvnry hour la ysar.

Baaldegst Over Ssars. WANTED. ANTED -TWO JUNIOR 8ALKSMK.V. Apply to-day, 310 to Jis Wellington bl WANTED-81X EXPERIENCED SALES WOMEN for millinery ana fancy goodx; abo four juniors. Apply to-day.

110 to 31s Wellington St. WANTED-A FURNI3HED HOU8K FOR two or three months, to good locality, or Mara in prtva'e raroily, tor laay invaua ana nurte. Apply A. I. uus omoe.

MACHINIST WANTED-AU roand man for shop work and erecting. AJgoma Iron wares, rwoit Bie. Mane, unu AUBNTM WAMTiD. a HINTS iiukHiidi. Marrelhnu tnren tlon.ret-.ttMcar.lia,Jboiaoldlnahoojie Saicplaa mailed i'KKJS.

Fowhea MotiaUa TO TARK HIRKa IN EVERY ill wo and oily no delivering; rood jMiwklv; docrdIUU BOsadywork. QIAaH XIT ANTED AGENTS for two genuinely new ariiclce; great xellera; territory new arwla Tobias, lorouio, unu I About 400 Men's and Youths' Suits to be cleared at special cut price during August. See our jobs in Straw Hats at 8c, 10c, 15c and 25c. Best bargains in the city. We have many jobs not mentioned above, and our prices are the lowest in Ottawa, quality considered.

Our store is 170 Sparks street. ED. O'REHXY. SET Y0EEE2S ABE D2IVES 10 JOIMSG SOCIALIST CLCB5. Eiade tbe Kaioet Bill Fifteen Hundred cf These Organljtions hare Been Incirjiorjud.

The "Dry" Sunday Set a Institution. N. July of Clt-h who have ijeen inoorjjornte.j with the Secretary of h'tatv- tOi-e the Kulnes' Liqu'r La k--ri in force vv.ll sim 1. exposed by an uiieAi-gaiioa conducted by lue criaLe Lu.ent.. The1 clubs are formed either to evade paying a liiiuoer tax or lo enable sa-Vu kwpers Ut sell on tunday.

From -May lo August, ly.j, Ibere. were in-crjrat-i only 17 clubs, while during the sariie period tins year tn numljer ot clubs aggregated 1,530. jinje of them, of course are bona fide or iniations. Seven-eights of litem, htwever, were established with HtW purr'CTfc of en-leavoring to pet around the iroviion'i of the Raines' law which prdiiiit-s Sunday selling by saloon. Nearly all of them are located in New York and Brooklyn, while aUfUt 75 have been incorporated to ijrfrate.

in Jiuffalo and a fe win the ottier city's of tbe State. THEY CAN'T HAVE LATCH-KEYS. But Jameson and Hia Pais will Rvjoy all the Comforts of Borne. July 31. In the Iluuw of Commons to-day Sir Matthew U'bite Hi ily, the Secretary, aanfru need that Dr.

Jamescn and the ether who were crmvicted of talcing part in the Transvaal rail, will treauelas first class misdeamenaaOi dur-inr their terms of imprisonment. The Hems Secretary anntunced In the House ye-tter lay in reply to questions on tbe subject that the Court alone could crder that the prisc-wrs lh traated as first class misdemeanants, and that no eurh order had lrn issued. He added, that it had not lieen decided wliie-ther the royal prerogative would be exerccvd and an order in the Queen's name issued that the prisoners have better treatment than ordinary convicts. Dr. Jameson and ltis colleagues will lie allowed to have their meals brought to tbem from outside of tbe Wonn-wcod-Scrubls prison, where they are ornfined.

They will not have to wear the usual prison garb, will net have to do any menial work, and will lie allowed to have small quantities of lieer and wine. HIGHWAYMEN AT WORK. Watertown, N. July 31. News has lieen received here of an attempt which was made to-day near a swamp to hold up the stage that runs between Gou-verneur and Rossie.

The driver, Everett Sayer, says that he noticed tw men on the road ahead ofhun, who actions routed hi suspicion. He quietly drove oltng until about opposite the two men, when a third man was seen among the bushes. This man seized one of the lines and the driver struck him across the ft.Tehead with the butt end of the loaded whio. The man was knocked innsilile, and, with blood streaming from a wound on his forehead, he was picked up by his conn pauiens and carried into th bushes. The stage then proceeded and reached its destination safely.

the. hold up had been successful the robliers would have secured but little luoty. It is thought that these men belc-n? te the same gang that stole a quantity of cheese near Dekalb a few weeks agoand held up Mr. Whittaker, a cattle buyer, near Hammond last Tuesday. NOAD'S EXTRADITION.

Montreal, July 31 E. Lafleur, advocate, has been appointed a commissioner of the State of New York, to take evidence in the case against Harry Noad, the former assistant paymaster of the C. P. R-, cow: under arrest in the American metropolis. Several de-liositions were taken this morning to be used in the extradition proceedings which the prisoner is fighting int New-York.

He is accused of stealing a package of tnnmry from 4 he. C. P. R. pay car containixnr five thousand dollars.

i TflE STEEL POOL. New York, July 31 A special meeting of the Steel Manufacturers' Association, as the pool or combimat ion organized last April is called, was held to-dliV at the. Hoi bind House. About 30 persons naere present, representing twenty-tvven enmpanies in the pool, Th which was in exclusive session lasted from, noon until 3 o'clocki Those present were uncommunicative and it could not be learned what bosi- ness waB transacted. A GOOD THIfsG FOR CANADA, Toronto.

July 31 As an instance of the fear that the present uncertainty it the monvj- market in the United States is instilling in the minds of American capitalists, may be cited the fact, learned to-day from a prominent breker, that a well-known financial man of Memphis, who comeS Canada for his holidays every summer, Hn this vear brtmcbt with him be tween $40000 and 850.000 in gold, and riennsited it one of tri city DanK. evidently feelitifr that it will be safer heri? than in his own country. It is also that a number of Americans. chiefly from Texns and Southern States, have signified tneir intention oi moving north and settling in Canada if the money crisis does not soon pass over. THE KICKAPOO COUGHED.

Port l'errv, July 31. Professor" Fred Lexirurton of tbe Kickapoos In dian Medicine was toVday fined S25 and costs fetr a violation ot the Un-tario Medical Act. Detectives Wasson and Boyd with Crown Attorney Fare well prosecuted. The case was before Squire Nott, J. and waU defended m-n; rar 1 by ituraxt WUirx fcii li knew tA or trcitie Imwwa Brown and the cartain'i and tbe lat ter wif-.

Aft-r the murder Brarn sj-poin'ed Brown fir iiue and it o-5 jfil n-ate. that when Brain and Brjn ere p-at in in.ui witri was in cmiuni ij ui u-A. lHirius rvjr-- Ar th br.Ues was L-l 1 and erniu-ted by M'wk. The w.wirl aaid to Brown: "You have kill-d h're down there." Brcwn i'id "No." Ii tr H. luuk the Hirvard student, tha rn'sejrer ia the 11 r'e-rt.

I'uiler. lit- nert wiinesa. He to Feme unimportant events prv v'uni to the jiibrl-r, anl a rec-s was tak-n. HU Far Trial. Afi'T reis JLju a tetiinonr was uani on cross-eianjiria- t(n thut he cxibilred Brown tne bf-at abuard, but noticed tat he had a bttbx ii talking to himself.

Though witness uspect-l lirarn the day after tb murdr-r he had outbing foe whi' to soH-tt until he was toid abrait lirrwn hnvifig allied his ciothwi. Mxmck ail he composed the murder tbwory at the uistawe of tbe mate. He never 8i id tbflt he ina'fc- a mistake in writing the murder theory statement believing thru that it was true. This closed the tininy. Ex-liislrict Attorney F'rank D.

Allen representing Brown and Jauwa Cottier, representing Bram, made brief arguments, being firflowel by I'nited States Ijttrict AtUrney Hoar. Commissioner Flake then hxb prisoners held without bail ttjf the I nited ritates grani jury wtiich convenes Oct. 15. Tlie witneiiies, except Klein and Monf-k, were ordered to furbish bonds in each) for thejr appearance at the! same time. Monck and Klein were permitted to depart upon their persfwal recognizance.

The prisoners were then remand ed to jail. THE IRI.SH LANI MLU Londm. July 31 TuV Irish Land Bill passed second reading in House of Lords to-day. THE SOCIALIST CONGRESS. London, July 31 At the International Soidalirt Trades Congress to-day a re- aoiunon wtm a'ltted in oc iree education mm kiauh-rgarten to univer sity.

It declared children eh.mld not I exetnpted pen attendance at scwxftill they reached tbe age ot 111 years. TJIE IRISH PRLSONERS. 1jnd.m, July 31 A. J. Balfour.

First Lord of the Treasury in th House of Uumiuons reply to question in rard to the release oil Irish political prisoners in connection with the 60th anniversary of the accession of Uueen said that time, bad hot arrived for ths amsulMration of tbu matter. NO USE FOR AMERICAN SILVER. Montreal Street Railway will Refuse ot Accept. Montreal, July 31 Those who own a United fJtatea quarter of half dollar wi'l no longer be, aide to pass it on tbj Montreal Street Railway. The management 'have decided bat beginning with to-morrow morning no Uniteii States coins of any denomination Will be received by theix conduotors.

This will include, of course, the tens fjuar ters and half dollars. The silver dot and the nickel five cent pieces have never been acr pted by them. They will still continue, however, to take the one and two dollar bills. A BIG HANGING PARTY. Nineteen Hungarian Brigands Sentenced to Death.

Agrsm, Hungary, July 31 For some time tha St. Fjiiavee district was in fest! by a traing that was organized for tb.3 purpose of brigandage and murdur. The authorities finally determine 1 to make an effort to exter- piate thtj gang with the resulti that a number of Win and "women were ar rested eithelr on rfirece knowledge that that hey wtare unplioated in the crimes in the gang wlere accuse pr on susiiiciun that they were implicated. Tits prisons js were brought to trial and to-day a verdict of guilty of murder was pronoumctnl against nineteen of fb'iu. who wtlre sentenced to death others of tbe prisoners were convicted of lesr crimes and were sentenced to various terms of iimprisonnvint.

Ttwo of thi prisoniera on wham sentence1 of death was passtld are women. THE QUEEN'S ILL HEALTH. Considerable Anxiety Shown In British Official Circles. London. July 31.

The old, time-worn rumor that Queen Victoria is to retire from tbe throne in order that she Prince of Wales may Ie crown! King was revived to-day, but attracted little attention. There is said however to be considerable anxiety in official circles regarding the state of the Queen's health. Common report has it that Her Majesty has decided to live hereafter at either Osborne dr Balmoral, the Prince and Princess of Wales to occupy Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle. TO ANNEX HAWAII. McKinley Reported to be in Favor of the Step.

Honolulu, July 23. via San Francisco, July 31. The Advisor publishes the following letter, written to Thomas G. Thrum, by his son. Ed.

Thrum. The Mr. Hammond referred to is the San Francisco agent of the American Bible "Mr. Hammond, in talking of the Island's affairs, said that ithin one year Hawaii would he possibly annexed as he had just retarned from the east and while there had a personal interview with his Intimate friend. Major McKinlev.

who said that the Islands ought to be annexed, or words to that effect." The Government has completed the details of arrangements with Taul C. Jones, of Honolulu, "who represents a California syndicate, for floating the new Hawaiian loan ot Sd.A5U.uw. lnis loan is to run 23 years at 4 percent. with privileges of 50 years at the same rate, ft is the desire of the cabinet to have this loan placed ki the United States if possible. Trti-nntn neonle are worried over ru mors of rioting in Western Chint as then" are several Canadian missionar ies tliere.

A Servant Oixi Saves tie Honse From a Nyack, N. Y-, Ztj. Lyoi.a a servant emp'cye-1 I tcrp jration Civil Ku.or J. j. prevtiited a negro frorc r'jij, ng tte house tLs "tn ILe Hcover-rd the burglar st.

ccase-1 Lim through the house and Lrtd two shjts, one of v.Lich grazed Lad and ciaibed through a gias donr. The other bullet struck the The negro ran downstairs and ec'p-d tie darkness. He Lad picked up a lare quantity of jewelry, silverware and clothing, which he left behind in bis fiigat. Mr. and Mrs.

Harinif are away and tbe girl was in the house alone. rbe had Mr. Ilaring'a pistol under her pillow, and when she heard the thief walking in her room ahe did not hesitate to use it to ea her employer's property. PLEASANT DAYS IN CUBA. Havana, "July 31.

News has been received from Santiago de Cuba to the effect tbat an engagement has taken place between the command of Col. Se-gura and a party of insurgents under tbe leader near Bayaino. Details of tbe fight are not obtainable but it is said the rebel loss wa heavy, while that of the government troops was slight. Three political prisoners Alfredo Afan. Alberico Yarona and Nunez have been found guilty by a court-martial at Puerto Principe, of the charges against them.

Ad an and Var-ona have eack been sentenced to 20yeara imprisonment in chains and Nunez is condemned to be shot. A TORONTO BOY DROWNED. Toronto, July II. A young man named Frederick Dempster. 17 years of age.

a Collegiate Institute pupil, was drowned in the lake this afiernaon while out sailing with a companion named James MacGregor. squall fame up while MacGregor was fixing something in the bottom of the boat and the skiff was upset. Dempster could not swim but MacGregorclutebed bim by tbe hair and held him to the side ot dhe boat on top of which he had succeedfld in getting, for about aji hour and a half. MacGregor then liecame unconscious and Dempster was lost. MacGregor was picked np by a passing steamer.

He was unconscious when found. The body has not yet been recovered. THE CHOLERA SCOURGE. Cairo, July 31. The returns received by the health authorities July 30 show that there were reported from parts of Egypt 2kti cases.

WIND CP. Waterbury. July 31. The Wa-terbury Watch Company, which employs several hundred operatives, closed down all the departments of itj plant this evening until September. The phut-down is the result of dull business.

McGILX'S NEW PROFESSOR. Montreal, July 81. It is authoritatively announced thin morning by one pf the governors of MoGill University that Mr. Frank Carter, of London, has been appointed to the additional chair of classics at MoGill University recently established by Principal Peterson. THE FRENCH PRESIDENT COMING Montreal, July 31.

M. Alexandre Felix Joseph Robot, the author the Franco-Russian understanding, and late Premier of France, is expected to visit Montreal and other parts of Canada during his trip to America in, September next. M. Ribot is one of the most prominent of French statesmen, and he has a striking career extending over 23 years, though he is but 54 years of age. TAMMANY ACCEPTS BRTAii.

New York, July 31. At a meeting of the Executive Committee of Tammany Hall this afternoon, the following resolution which was oficied by John C. Sheehan, was adopted by a vote of 71 to 4. "Resolved, that the executive committee of the Democratic organization of the city and county oi New York in regular meeting assembled in Tammany Hall, does hereby accept and approve tbe nomination of William J.Bryan, of Nebraska, and Arthur Sewall, of Maine, as the wise determination of the Democratic National Convention re cently held in Chicago, and we pledge our loyal and nearty support to their candidacy." Nothing was said, however, about tbe Democrat platform. Those who voted in the negative subsequently withdrew their opposition and the resolution was then formally adopted unanimously.

CRIPPLE CREEK'S TROUBLE. Town Marshall and Police Magistrate weie In tne Push. Cripple Crk, 31. A reign of terror exists in this town and! a violent attack on Town Marshal Jim Mar shall and Police Magistrate Kobert has been made. It is asserted that the marshal makes regular assessments n-iTnhlinir fraternirv and that I.

respectable and law abiding citizens are i i. thrown in jail, ion urea uiu iuku lii-ut even a pretends of a warrant of authority. For several months, it is alleged, outrageous acts on the part of several of the city officials have been growing more frequent and bold, but so completely have the police terrified the people that they have not even dared to critici he acts of the officials. Among those who have been persecuted are the Boy Preacher" Rice and his wife. MR.

SPENCER'S SUCCESSOR. A C.F.R Circular Announces Mr. lard's Appointment. Montreal. July 31.

The C. P. R. to-dav issued the following circular Montreal, July SI. H.

B. Spencer, Assistant Superintendent at Ottawa, having resigned, Mr. J. E. Robillard will from August 1st and until further notice, perform the duties of asssistant superintendent in bis place.

(Signed), C. WSrncer." Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria THE THOMAS FCLLEK CASE BUX8 IS BOSIOS. A Seamaa Gives Etidecce ti Bram and Br a a ere lioic; the Fatal Vorcinf. Brtsa Seems to Eave been Concsrrne.l la the Atrocious Crime Do.u July 33. Th's relinUnxry of Ihjfiiai llratn, uate, ani t'hsrles Krwtn, B-amn.

of (he Hn-ljert Fuller ihe orniiL'tint thare'inj 1 fceru iih the tuur-dr i Cat-tain ii an 1 his ilt, Mrs. C. J. Ni-h an 1 A. W.

iiraintra. "as bim to-day I mt4 State. Kitk. Thnra waa a lare rond r-reent. E-District Atturry-y Alln appeared as ounnel for Ilrown.

Ilram was rer.rientei by J. E. anl J. U. AdT.

DWricB Attor.i-y Hoar riMve I that both trisorr-rs lje tri together. This was ordered. A Sailor's Story. Assistant District Attorney t'awy then called the. first witness, Frank cehJt, who testified, that he shipped cn the Herbert Fuller July 2.

He lat saw the captain alive at 7 o'clork on the nibt of the 13th. He Raw bis dead body About 1 o'clock, July 14th, he was on deck and aaw, the eenen 1 mate; went Into tbe fore-ctisw to rt hla pijie filled at 2 o'clock anl then went to tbe wheel to relieve Brown. It was the duty of the man at the wheel to strike the bell, lesaw the first mate froinT down tbe coin-pan ion way in a hurry toward) the cabina. Eome one called out, "Mr. Bram I Mr.

Bram Vitne tonpd over the comfanion, way and beard tbe passenger Monck aay to the mate "Don't throw that hoard at me, I am all right." Dram then came to tbe wheel and asked where Brawn was. He looked p-Ue. He went to tbe room. Witness aaw tne passenger put on some clothing. Both paaaenger anl mate came cm deck, then tbey went! to tbe window between tbe main and nifczemen mast.

At i o'clock the cook ISpencer) came on deck. He, the cook forward and joined the mate and p-as-ne rarer. They came back and told wit-nefa that the captain was dead, witness said "Good Gcd." They tnen went for ward. Tha crew came up and talked of directing ths courie to the nearest port. The Mate Took Command.

The mate talked of going to French Guiana. Tbe mate gave orders south foutb-east. Witness was relieved by Oecar Anderson at the wheel. Getting amon? the crew, witness Raid ttm mate said: "Donf blame the living for tbe dead. Tbe dead cannot answer for themselves." The mate 6aid the captain might have got an axe and killed them and then killed himself.

To this proposal Brown paid: "Let us throw the liodies overboard." Bram Was Drunk. Mate Bram was drunk at 1 o'clock. He was crying and praying, but witness did not see any tears coming out of his eyes. Bram said the captain was a Free Witness said that soon after he wai at the wheel be heard a sound like a gurgle. He leaned over 1 with one hand on the wheel and saw the mate and pa-'senster going to the rota Witis described rwsition of tha bodies when found, When Brown.

Andersrn and Iipnlrycks were putting the canvass on the bodies, Brown handled the bodies "roughly." In the present of The mate, witness heard the rteward (Spencer) ask Hat cuts were on the Tbe mate replied that he didn't know. Brown was talkative before the nur- der. but after the murder he would net talk with the men. Brews first talked with the witnn's the morning after the murder, paying: "That will lie all rUht if there is not arty more done." Whn the crew, partper and the first mate wa present, also Brown, the fiat mate, the steward and the rus-fenieT nsked if these rresent knew any- thin? aliout the murder and Brown answered No. Cheerful Mr.

Brcwtf. When the ait was brought Brown grinnel wnen ne paw it, anu me uwic t.lirtpw Tr oiverboard. Up to 1 o'clock, 'July 14th, it wa.i i i. Krown Icon-out. inose present on i V1-X' on me morning i muun were Bram, Brown.

Mc-nck. Spencer. Clp nnd "Anderson-. The ves- fel was then abeut 000 miles rut. Brown did net have cn the eamo clotnes auer i r.l..r- lw.f,.T-P Tie hreW his overalls overboard, Saying: "I could lie tne muraerer nrw i blcod on my Witness insisted on putting the mate in rrrns.

iije mate eoid "I am an innocent man." Brcwn a Murderer. On witness Sai 1 that cn ths Sunday before the murder Brown told him that he naa Kmea fomebedy in Holland and that he got off on a rte oi in'anity Witness helped put Brcwn in irens. wnpectel the mate fir1 It was rrl the following Sunlay thAt the mate, was put in and rip to that time th mate had Birected the ship. stated it was after 2.05 wh-n he tc-k charge of tbe to tha.t nr he had hear! ntthinz unusual to at react his attention nrd was at his past of rfuty. It was two minutes later, be thought, when he saw the men going down in thy cabin.

He put Brrwn in irrn by direction of Bram. and rut Pram in irens by direction of Spencer, ths cck. TSram's Astonishing Theory. What Bram paid was, "Ths dead can-rr-t- talk cf hemlve.s." The. secoM mate went Tc assault the captain's wife.

Tbe captain got the axe and killed his wife. Then the second matie. Iwinz th- f-troiitrer men. ert tmm the canain and killel Kun, nnl thsn the -ceond mate killed ire.elf and threw the axe oa tne aeck. nd then went into the Ths witrrs reiterated this statement iraving been made by the mate.

23 Pairs Good Tweed Pants at Haircloth Pants at fi.lo Fine Tweed Pants psi 1.2.-1 1.49 27 Fiae Worsted Pants at 13 Pairs Boys' Sailor fruits at 1 1 Boys' Sailor Suita at 10 Extra, at 47 Boys' 2 piece Tweed Suits at. 2.00 I.oOeaek 1 25 1.50 2.75 3.00 2.95 3 25 73 Boys' 3 piece Tweed Suits at 13 Men All-Wool Suits at. 9 Men's All-Wool Suits at MONTREAL EXPOSITION COMPANY '96 September 11 to 19. EASTERN FARMERS' 1 Ofi FIFTH CARNIVAL. VVV EXHIBIT Everyone should visit tha New and Interesting- features, attractive everyone.

Tna latest and moot modern improvements in Industrial and Agricultural Machinery. A SPLENDID DISPLAY OF Industrial, Agricultural, Dairy, Horticultural and Domestic Exhibits. GRAND SHOW OF LIVE STOCK AND POULTRY. Novel Special Attractions. Raduced ratea on all railways.

Apply for information and price llBt to S. C. STEVTCNSOJi, Manager and Secretar The Dominion Cotton Hills Ltd. MAGOG PRINTS. A ruUIRaoseiaf Pure Indigo Prints Is now being shown to tha trade, Atk Wholesale Booses for Samples.

ATI Goods Goarantaea and Stamped WARRANTED ISDIG0 BLUB D. M0RRICE, SONS 8ELUXO AGENTS. MONTREAL, TORONTO. 1 POCKET RECORD OF TRIPS, MILEAGE, Every cyclist should ha Price 25c and 50c, el-jris-llrFic mm ill in i nnnrnTflriU'p nnri Kettle Island Park. Commencing Wednesday, July 15, 1 S96, BOAT LEAVES Rockiiffe at Kettle Island at 10 A.M.

10.30 A.M. 11 11.30 12 Noon 12.31) P.M. 1 P.M 1.30 2 2.30 3 3.30 4 4.30 5 5.30 6 6.30 7 7.30 Camping Condensed Coffee, Condensed Cocoa, Condensed Milk and Evaporated Cream (Unsweetened) ARE JUST WHAT IS WANTED. Ask for s. "Reindeer" Brand You will find it the ALL OROCERS.

Buy m-' Pelee Island Wine Company's WINES For Summer Use. For sale in Ottawa by Bate ft P. Baa kerville W. Cnnniggham, Kavanagl Joseph Kavanagh, Kennedy 8 J. Major, Provost Frerea, G.

Le BeL Grimet Oliver, D. V. Ranger. In Hull P. H.

Durocher Co. J. 8. HAMILTON CO. Beanttoro General Agents P.

W. 4 V. Ltd. Bicycles to Rent BY DAY, WEEK OR MONTH. See our bargains in Wheels before purchasing elsewhere.

We have two or three Youths' Bicycles that we will sell at HALF PRICE. Bicycle Sundries at lowest market prices, Lamps from 75c up, Bells from 25c up, etc, etc FISHING TACKLE. The largest assortment in the city. J.D.HUNTON&GO Phone 8S2, 334 Wellington St. "Round trip, including admission to Park, TEN GENTS.


Ottawa, 29th July. 1S9C. rjtegtmental Orders by W. E. Hodglns, cowmaiiaiug.

Plain clothes may be worn instead of nnlfonn an me rteinniemal snatches on fcaiuroay, August let, By Older, P. TAYLOR, CapU and Adjt. WAS SEYtBIXY SCALDED. Kingston. JuJy 31 This morning San-fcrl ltennsllj, chivf isachiniat the Hjb wa standiii cn Craig's wharf as the prcpelUc Culia was leaving on her way down to Montreal.

ATien the tot water gnslted out the condtnser and Mr. Uonijfjly it full lorce from hi3 tbi'h downward. The water was at a boiling tempt1 rat ure and con sequently ecaiaed rum pretty Wiuv GOLD IN ALGO.UA. Toronto, July 31. ilr.

A. Sligat. one (A the previrjeial in-nctors of mines, is in ths city. 3Ir. Slight says that tha mines of Alouia prumUe a very nob leturn for pirticularly in ths Old reirn.

The precious nwtal i ail in quartz and, tdiTefore. is no placer mining' done at all. With proper prcesases, however, the quartz of tbe Sudbury Pig-ion yields very rich leturai. TO PROTEST INGRAM. St.

Thomais, July 31. Tbe protest against tbe election ef A. It Ingram, M. P. for East Elgin, will be filed at Toronto to-day or to-morrows The petition contains about twentA charge alleging bribery, corruption, etV There are also several personal charges igiinst 3Ir.

Ingram. The Conservati es say they are not afraid of the res lit and claim that even if "the Con rvative member Etjould be unseated bis r8Tlec- by Mr. Ebiiels. Toronto's oldest inhabitant, Mrs. Latimer, died there yesterday at the age of ST.

Government Detective Rogers believes that the unknown dead man found in Late ccanmitted suicide. I WMuU I rhocauiSj. 4.

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