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Ottawa Daily Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 4

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DAILY CITIZEN WEDNESDAY OOTOBElt 2d. ''j FOUND DROWNED CITY SCHOOLS. A BAD BREAK. HOUSE ARGYL MOUSttUETAIRES KID GLOVES Must be seen to bo appreciated. To be had in all tho Beautiful Fall Colourings at Russell, Gardner Co Cavanagb had been iu conversation at the time of the arrest of the former, and iiis Worship did not attach much importance to tbe evidence, so far as want intent wa concerned, for bv sent the prisoner over for trial.

IMSITIKD OWNERSHIP. Andrew Lacelles was charged with unlawfully having in his possession a dog claimed to be the property ol Jeremiah Evans. Tbe defendant and (be animal, a splendid greyhound, were iu court, but the prostentor was nbeni, not having; notice ot the trial Lacelles claims that tbe dog is legally his. The ease waa adjourned and the accused allowed lo go ou bail. Beaudiu Reueau was charged with committing an assault ou Robert Hamilton.

Tbe case wat a complicated one. Tb complainant is a bail. If ot the Division Court, and under what be supposed to be a proper wairaui to rtptevin, tndeavouied to take possession ol a bag of clothing. 1 he warrant was made out against the father of the delendaot. Tbe defendant was in.

custody of the bag and refused to give it up, claiming that he had a landlord's lien upon it. It was also contended by tbe defence that (tie wairant was not legal, not baviag a seal upon it. His Worship concluded to dismiss tbe case, chiefly on tbe grouud that goods could not be taken from a third party on a war taut issued against second- If such a ruling were to prevail, he said, no one could have any security lor their goods. A warraut might be made out against aiV party, and because tbe goods were the sails as those described, they might be taken from a holder wbo was in full legal possession of theui. ADJOCBNKD.

Thomas Taylor and Joseph Taylor, two small boys, wbo bave frequently been before His Worship, were cl arged with having assaulted another youth ot tender years named David Batew. Complainant said (hat on Saturday night last the defendants met him iu the street and severely kicked him. Tbe younger of the defendants denied tbe charge, in which statement he was borne out by bis elder brother, who admitted be bad done the kicking but under provocation. When ques-tioiad, Belew admitted that the younger boy bad not kicxed but struck bim with his list. Tbe prisoners were remanded in order tbat a grown witness to tbe affair should be bad to give evidence.

HAVE JUST RECEIVED 5(bi! rs Lace Curtains JUST LOOK AT THE 2 YARDS WIDE, 3 YARDS LONG, 2 i This beats anything ever shown in this part ot' the country. It you are in want COBrlES COIMIK 1 GOME Buy Buy Buy Goods GOODS DliKSS (JOODS DKKSS (J OOPS. all till! New SlifnUs I'AM'V DIlKSSUVKtllS, In all the New Shadci IJjc- nkw fancy ooons, in nil tho New Shades lo'Ac. COSfMi: CLOTH in ail tho NewJslKidea ni.w fancy uoods, In all tin Nrw Nhadi a fancy uoous, in all tint Nfw Shade nt 25c. I It.

wi tfoods ure all exceptional valui not in any pint of the 1 1 imifiinn. vlit to our sti will repay itit-ud- i JiHfi P.i-m'-ni! No troiUii to cliw O'Doherty Co. 1IO Tin; 111 taul .1 -lure of uii- ri. lied i.ll.i.-illtt innl curly iii th' ccntuty took root in tin- t.nMis id' the Twee I valU'V, nli. lucit is commonly mntosi'l Tweed itroM-; but in ulif Ihi' iiuinc is duo to it iius- ik of "Twci-l," tinder v.

in (In- w.ts original 'I now ii. ci.ntin'K-1 vmi Bros, F.kril A NT TAILOKM, H4 Sparks Street. LOCALNEWS. I American Coal Oil, X'Mt per gil- "It 'J'J lillll'ttll street ('mini Virgin Honey in small boxes, i iU--a l.iiry. I inM.

The Lome Millinery, i Simiks struct, is the emporium lor rMlih jlillinery Mini Mantles at reaou-prices. A call tefpecttuHy Chirtholm Co. VASTeo Ctuisxb. Yesterday in t.o Police Court smiic i (i n. viiiif 'ii-rt lia'l to be esanduod i.i.

I ll. I rein i nnslalde supposed to on 'iniy was abauul. He wm sent in hurry, ami 11m Worship sug-; ttil to tho Clerk of the Court to have liiia chained In tho rooin, so as to I. i i him at liii) post. Saw Pinter Cloths, full assortment itt received at 11.

Wilson 71 Sharks atroet. IIaak The annual bazar la al.l ol the M. I'atrkk'g OqiLan Anyjutn is now tfaoil will contlnuo 10 until the Iant ol I bo moutb. The comuilltoo In whose in; Iri is hitvo nucuri lor the purpOHo ii, I I. l.iiiMintf on Kluin atrvet wbli n.i.ii.s II.

IluaII IIouhb. As usual tin wi-ll toi with ftooilH, both I. ornamental, ami the Urfint i of thi lu will be KlHl vc all mi ii irieinN. At tlm fin! ol tho allair It l.i l- i that ll.ii little onea for l.iio l.nnilit it in Ufii up wi" have i. to fi ll Iho public ot Ottawa i oiiH.

I'n Chhtim Chfap Sale t. i thia week. "1 1 (o4-U of ItnolM HU1 Mmm muni le car od out i.y lle l.tlli of ov(iuhr at ant xiicrilice. W. II.

Itutler, IViSHrkM Htret. MtihkAL. Weft ultsr wi't-U the I.iIIh bavn bren ringing in liner. The young ladieH ol that town i i i.otf I lii ami whlu for their talent hti.1 tlnrelorn II ran be no i. liiif hi i ninny happy i oilplri Bin I i ..1 ln-r in bymeu'a Mteia.

A it ol i xi-ilfiiieiit prevail In m.i ittl i preseitt regarding the inarti jje a inifway to one of the bur of the plui.e. '1'Iib event to-ilay in one ol the thurtheH, i i.iirv il.c i remony over tb guy i i ii weibliii; tour to IJiitle arrvtti" alonir with lln rn 1 hi' 41' 1 tnill ol thP l'i till- Villain the i.iU-i 1 i 1 ele I Joyt-ti rH lit lloi lb wii ka'. I'lnlcr I. .11 i 1 .1 rtieiveil ut II. SV ii 1.11 7 I'.

1 Coal Oil, pel gal- i. HiillnM Hl.Jeiiii Mfent. ir.tu Kau.wav Not a day ttiMi'niMho oiiiirrenie ol home i.S ill fri.m Ihe 1 million of the afreet a 1 1 1. It wbii It late ohi-tnif tioo, ilaogeioilK iii-ui an. I beaut.

'Ihe latent i.l ii 1m cbroniclo which very rt 1. 1 nieiy ih.l not result in any eerioua i', 1 ipperu .1 it lig oppoaita the T.uni lintel jesli r.Jay aftt-ruoon. a nvtn named Kewin. a larmer wm iifivln out of the vm I 1 I the lmlel named to the oppositn .1 i trcet h'xmi tumbled on .1 the mill, which Hnvoral luehea il is. il, load war, and fell II it on Ida I Ait the aumial waa walkini; kIow ly a lirno 1 he driver luanaed to keep viitli dilliiiilty.

1 Mall'-' Catarrh Cure taken internally I I 11' directly upon Ihe hlond ani Ihe us surlaeefl ol the eyuleiii, I'riee 7.1c. I i-r itil-by II. V. iMcCarthy. This reamn Henjaiiold'a Sauaaca aie 1.

la be anna be makes them Ii 1 yci day. Ottawa Dairy, Spark a 1 near iSomo of th obi nifinl of (ha Iiacfnet Club held a meeting; rdiiy aft.tri.oon in Sir. Ma-f'luiijftf cllii a lor the purimne of The matter was (Iihcumh-. I hI lungtb I nil preliminary ti made tor tha tormatiou ol 1 l.e 1 Itih anew, it being iltM-hlt!, l.i adjourn until Suturday next, vtiieu a iiieeti would take place iu the 'II the olection of ollii'erg lor i 1 uiniiic, neaaon. It will be remembered Unit, through a 1 tiling oil of the r'iip and some other drawUicka year the club had to break oil, tut I thii addition of new blood and it re.

on a lirm liaHla thla aeanon, ini'bt pronpei ta may ho predicted lor 1 l.e future of the club. Vu'iti, middle or old men, Irom nervoiia dehility and kindred in ftkm ii if aliould tend two stuinjn lor Ufya fi'Patiii', giving aucccaatul trealuifnt. World'a Medical Association, iluflalo, XY. Dress The Dam at "Hog's Back Gives Way. OUR REPORTER'S ViSIT.

7 Damage Probably l'rompt Repairs in It seldom that any rcidant takaa t'iace which fleet tue trallic on the Uiiieau Canal owing, in a great measure, to the vigilant' of the atiperiotetident and bia aid. Accident will, however, occur ihebfgt regulated conceriu, and guch an rvent took place on Htturday iiht at the dam known a ihe Hog Hack." The Hog' Hack la known to every pedei-tnan about Ottawa wbo enioya aa atUr-noon'i ramble, and if not picturesque was one of the supposed substantial parts of tue work which made old Colonel a name in Canadian biatory. It was constructed in 1832, and there still live in its vicinity two now elderly men, who were only boy when it was built. Lyio between llartwell's Lock and the liog'i Cack Lock, the dam receives the drainage of a considerable area, including several laree creeks. Although at the time of its construction it was considered amply strong to sustain any pressure which could be brought to tear upon it, it has met with TWO SERIOUS ACCIMSTS.

The first ol these took place ia 1857, when a breach was made in the embankment not far from the present one. Since then the dam ha been the constant source cl attention on the part of the canal authori ties, and it was considered by proper Duddline on the inside and the con struction cl a culvert to cany off the waste water to the Uidcau, any lutuie danger could be avoided. The damage at this tirst accident was consideiable, not only as regarded the damage to public property but in other respects, tor the was then more than now tbc channel of intercourse between iloufeal and the dot ol lake navigation at Kings ton It was, however, expeditiomly repaired, and until now, when TllK MttCOXD ACCflUtNT took place, no such serious event was anticipated. The matter seems to have tieen most comtletelv unexpected. It took place on Saturday night hut, and was the result of the same old trouble.

The overflow does not oeem to have been sullieient, and the water has year alter year been forcing its way with greater nd greater effect through the old crib work laid down aa far back aa 1H2.1. The result of this at last on Saturday night was a regular breach in the dam, ana in the course tl a short time a hole no bigger than a man's arm bad widened into a chaJm fullv 50 feet wide, down which the whule water of the artificial lake went nonrinir into the natural channel ol the Rideail. ALD. UENKr bad at the time two boats in the basin, and in a abort time tbey were stranded, much to tb surprise ot the men in charge, wbo did not know how Ju account lor their touching bottom. At first they (hougbt that the boats must be sinking but a all in the bulds waa dry and right, the conclusion that the water must be going down forced ilselt upon them.

Still tbey could not understand why the ollicials should unexpectedly draiu the chaunel in such a hurry. The delay to the boats will probably cost Mr. Ileney several hundred dollars unless he is recouped for the lots of time to tha boats and bandi. Mr. Ileoey's boats were up after wood, wilb which the market Ibis year is not over well stocked, and every day at this lata season of navigation means a loss to him or an increase iu price to the consumers ot fuel in Ottawa As soon ai be heard ot the accident the enerRf tic alderman repaired to the icena ot it.

MM. WliK was t-iiiuQiumcaftd with with the greatest promptitude and did not lose a moment in btiog personally oil tha spot. Seeing the extant'of the accident and knowing the value of time in this month to all boats on tha canal, be, with the consent ot the proper authorities, took the most prompt measures to remedy the mishap. The only thing which could be doue wa to (ill in tha gap as rapidly as possible. Fortunately K.WI.D.

HTAUKJ bad a number ol teams, men and other applisi.ces in tbe vicinity, and he was at onca authorized to proceed with the work, which he has energetically goae on with. It can hardly be expected that navigation will be resumed lor about ten days to come, but Mr. Abbott yesterday informed a reporter of Tiia Cm.fta that every, endeavour would be made to save each day to the canal shipper. Aid. Ileney boats are, so far as known, the only ones which the accident has really delayed.

OTIlia BOATS were on the route for Ottawa, but wore seat word to as quickly as possible and locked hack to the Kingston terminus. Those ol them destined tor Montreal go down by the Ml. Lawrence roule and will return by tbe way of the Ottawa. Hy the time they reach this city the damape to tbe canal will In all probability have been repaired. In Till ST.

LOl'IS DA inlSTOaciit wai purposely made while the bush tires were raging 111 the county arid lor some hours converted Concession street into a river witu some four leet of water rushing down its Blope. '1 hose who remember that scena will bave some idea of what the view at the point ot the present accident is like. At (hat time, how ever, there was a greater hotly of water in the caual, for it took place at an earlier season of the year. TllK eHOIIABt.K cost of repairs to the Hog's dam on this occasion will be from $1,200 to il.fioo. At the scene of tbe casualty yesterday two ol the old pioneers of the place, who were present, remembered having dumped, in 12'', Into the crib wmk an old barrow, oil which the wheel bad nroken, and, strange to say, it turned up among tbe ihhni ol Sunday.

Vesterday there were a large mi inner of visitois lo tbe place Irom the city, among them several gentlemen who bave been active in promoting navigation on the Rideau during several years past. SUPREME COURT. 'i ho mint met ymiterday at noon, when there wero prenent on the bench Cblet Justice Sir William Kitchio, Mr. Justice Stroug and Mr. Justice Uwynne.

The Chief Justice announced that owing to a quorum ot the court not being present, it waa not possible for the business ot tbe aesalon to proceed. He waa therefore compelled to cause an adjournment, and with the consent of bis brothers on tbe Bench laid tbe work over until (bis morning at 1 1 ti'clock. Tbe abxence of (be other members 1 tbe Bench waa unavoidable, bat there is all likelihood of there being 1 a full at-teudmico to-day. A $20 BIBLICAL REvVAHD Ta publishers of llutftljc's Monthly Oder twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for Ndvember, anion ir which is the following We will give 20 iu gold to the person telling us which verse iu the New Testa-meat Scriptures fnot the New Revision) contains the greatest number of words by November loth, 1882. Should two or more correct answers be received, tbe reward will he divided.

Tbe money will be forwarded to the winner November 1.1th. 1882. Person Irving lor tha reward must send 20 cents in silver (00 postage stamps taken) wilb their answer, for which tbey will receive the December Manikin, ia which the name ami add reus of the winner ot the reward and the correct answer will be published. This may be worth $20 to you cut it out. Address Kltlkdgk I't bi.ihiii.-o.

Cowi'anv, Kaston, I'enna. TllK CtLH. I'p till midnight there ware only two partiea in the police cells. (100 waa a man arrested for beating wife, and tbe other a man who aought tbo abetter of the place tor fear bis wife Should beat him. Meeting of the Separate School Board.

The Kunerln School Otientlou OMer of Ills Lordship Illshop Duliamel. A special meeting of tbe Separate School Board waa held last eveQlnsr. There were present Itev Father Whelau, chairman, Messrs Ksmoade, Latremonllle, I'eacby. Campeau, David, Tobia and Father Bouillon. Alter the reading of the minutes, which were adopted, Mr, David referred to somo insulting statements which appeared in I CanaLi in reference to his ward.

Tha writer was Mr. Lapierre. He (Mr. David) considered tbe author of tbe communication should have made some enquiries regarding the matter, and not have written in the ignorant manner which he did. PITITIONS AID COIIKCXIOATION.

A latter was received from Mr. Gorman applying to be caretaker of tbe DufTVrin fcjctiool if tbe board purchased the same. Itev, Father Whelau read a letter from His Lordship Hisbop Dubamel asking him to us bis influence with the board 00 that it would not be found necessary that tbe Urotbers should bave to teach in the same school as the Sisters. The question was one which should decided. He (His Lordship) suggested to purchase the Duf-ferin Sclioolliouje, provided the board would engage to rent it for the lir only.

SCHOOL VAN A'. KMKN Tbe following is the report ot the School Management Committee, which was ntxt read: To thf Hoard of 11. C. S'lmralt School Truttett lor the City of Oilmen Ua.sriCMKN, Your School Management Committee, ia presentins this their bl'b report, lespectlully beg leave to recommend lhawin the event olits being ascertained Irom His Lordship the Bishop of Ottawa that the Christian Brothers will not teach in the same building with the Sisters, as that intended to be purchased from the Board of Public School Truttees if His Lordship will purchase the said property and reut it to your beard at 21) pet annum, your cocsmittee consider that it will be in tbe interest of the board to rent same property, -as tbe rent will be much less than "the amount required yearly to meet the interest and sinking fund were your board to purchase tbe property. And as to the question of baviag male and female teachers In the building, tbey recommend the question be left over lor future consideration of your board.

Your committee also recommend that tbe secretary-treasurer be authorized to procure the following furniture for the schools, viz; One largo blackboard for Notre Dame school 2 dozen chairs for Sisters' school, Murray street 1 clock for Cumberland street school 4 desks and I clock for St. Joseph's school curtains for new class-room iu St. Patrick's school and 1 dozen chamois skins or blackboard brushes for tbe Sisters' schools. J. Bouillon, L.

David, J. W. Psacuv, Mr. Ksmonde wanted to know Irom the Chairman ot Finance if he had funds to meet tbe expenditure which this would entail. Mr.

Campeau said be would not allow the committee of which waa chairman to expend over the amount put in the estimates, and this waa bis entire object in opposing the scheme of purchasing the building. Before answering the question put by Mr. Ksmonde finally he would like to see tbe amount of tbe balance in the treasurer' possession, yet be did not consider there was anything like the amount necessary, as it was not provided for in tbe estimates. Rev. Mr.

Bouillon wisht-d to know if the salary ot tbe new teacher in flte Anue's Srhool was included in tbe estimates. Mr. David explained why be intended to vote for tbe passing ol tbe report He was not in any way against the Christian Brothers as insinuated by some scrag in the French paper. Mr. Campeau stated if be did vote lor tbe report it was entirely because it would be shown him that the Christian Brothers would require to get a place separate from tbe Sisters.

Mr. Ksmonde said that be did not get a reply from Mr. Campeau such as he expected. Tbe question was, whether there were finances to meet tbe expenditure or nob If there was money to aseet tbe demand, then let the chairman of the Fiaance say so, and on the other hand, it there were none let bim state the same. For his own part be was quite satisfied that there were no provisions made.

Mr. Campeau endeavoured to show that by making some alterations in the present arrangements a greater part of the rent asked tor DuOeriu School could be saved and tbey would make sueffort in that way to meet the expenditure. Mr. Ksmonde was of the opluion that Mr. Campeau was begiauins: to draw in bis noma considerably sioce tbe audience present increased.

For bis own part be would do nothing which would bave tbe eifect of unnecessarily increasing the taxation of the ratepayers ol the city. It was surprising, to say the least of it, that nothing waa done to enquire into what would be the actual cost ol the properly. None, however, bad been maue and neither was there an effort made lor tbe removal of the nuisance which existed in the place where tbe school was situated. Was it possible to do next year, he would ask Mr. Campeau, what could not ba done this year? There waa apparently no consideration for the honest ratepayers.

II the board could not afford to paj lor a school, then don' let them buy one. He was satisfied that St. George's Ward was better, educationally speaking, since the Christian Brothers had ceased to teach there, not that It mattered to him wbo the teachers were. Il was unfair, however, of the Christian Brothers to interlcre wilb matters of knauce which lay entirely in the hands of the board, as in the caje. of collecting rc and 10c from children lor various trivial improvements which were required to be doue in the schoolroom.

He would like to know what business they had todo with such things. Where were their Secretary Treasurer aud Inspector? Were they not worth consulting 't lie lor one would not submit to such conduct. It was something strange, be added, that there should be so many applications from pupils in Ste. Anne's Ward to get to St. George's Ward.

Mr. Peachy hoped that the Board would lake the matter Into serious consideration. There was a balance on baud and tbe remainder could be made up in next year's esti malts. Mr. Esmonde Where will tee balance come Irom? 1Mr.

Peachy thought they would just ave to provide tor it, and he trusted tbe report wonld pass. Rev. Father Bouillon said that the nuisance spoken ol did not really exist. He was informed so by Yicar-General Itoutbier and others Tbe report was then unanimously adopted. Father Whelau rose to explain that in conversation with His Lordship tbe latter waa satisfied that tbe Christian Brothers would not teach with the Sisters, and it was therefore upon tbal account that be wished to purchase tbe school.

The board had placed itself In a position that alter bearing the letter of Ilia Lordship read which ottered exactly what wi contained 1 iu the report, thev took no action l.m brought in a report to the tll'tct that the whole question aa to tbe teaching ot the Brothers and Sisters together would be left over for future consideration. That was scarcely the proper manner to treat His Lordship. Uev. Father Bouillon thought the matter could be decided at a future meeting. Mr.

Peachy then moved, Ly Itev. Father Bouillon, (bat the oiler made bv His Lordship Bishop Dubamel to purchase the DuiTerin Schoolhouse and rent it to us for $2 i'J per annum be accepted, and tbat the said building be made use of tor teaching by Brothers only, when teaching under the board, inasmuch as His Lordship has informed us that Iho Brothers would not teach iu the same building as tbe Suiters. The motion was earried. It was then moved by Mr. Peachv, seconded by Mr.

Latremouille, that the. Truant Oflicer, on collecting the rate bill at th beginnicg of each month, is hereby t-m powered to take tbe attendance of pupils from the registers if found necessary. Tha board then adjourned. A Strong Man Drowned in Shallow Water. ALCOHOL THE CAUSE.

Ivirly yesterday moruing Coroner wits called upon to look after the Uxly of a man found dead in the Canal Basin between Maria and Slater streets. Dr. t'orbott at once proceeded to tli'jBpot ami utter examination found that there wan 110 reason to n'srscT rotx rt.AV, and ill i.iimc.jiioiii held no iuqueid. Having MttiKlied bluis. Il tbat death wa the remit of an accident, for which pre no one was to blame but the doceamid himself, the coroner aullioriswl the burial of the body, whith wa-.

convey oil to the morgue of Mr. Sam. Rogers and afterwards conveyed for Interment to Itoechwond Ceiiinti ly. TUK I' Kill MAN was a Korweghtii by birth aud about forty year of age ami known as Thomaxsen. He bad eeu an aide h.

auiau and s. as Mich. Pining the present Reason he Ltd been em- ployotl as a deck hand 011 Iho Allan (litmour, and along with wuiih ol tiers had been paid oil 011 Monday. Iu cocj-pnuy with a follow baud aud follow-couutrymaD, tlioono hailing Irom Chris tiana and the other from Christ iansands, be wont out after getting bis money and tbo two scorn to liavo spent the day drinkinir pretty Irecly. Thoraai-wu'B ompanion returned to the b'at VSIIT PKCSIK, and novor lulssod bis friend until next mornlnir, eni tben be admitted that bu bud been ftr tbe influence of liquor as not to know what ba become ot bis frit mf or where bo bad left bim.

Both men wero deacribed by tho oflicera of the boat as btiug ex cellent hands while on duty. The one wbo tamo safely on bourd bad his certificate aa first mate. They were said also to bave beeu on the very best of terms. When paid off there was only a small am ount coming to TbomHhSen, so ttat it is not strange that there waa only, thiity-tive cents in cash fouud iu bis pocket when the body wan, recovered. Hi BODY WAS rol'ND early In the morning by one of the pilots of the AHan llrfmnur, named Mc-Leod, close to where the steamer was and in lesa than five feet of water.

Mr l.eod soems to bave been tbe first to miss tbe dead man, and asked his companion what bail become ol him. At first the man could not remember, but alter walking up and down a moment or two said 'Thoinaeaen must be drowned." As nearly as can be known now the two men, although paid off from tho boat, were Llred to work 011 a farm lor tho winter, and were fo have gouo to their new work at onco. They weut out togethor, and at night returned to ho bout. They lirnt of all went to the barge, and finding it too cold lio out there came to tbe boat, taking with a lantern irom tbe burge. In crossing a plank to tbe boat the man got safely on and the other must have fallen into the wat; but not without bis friend missing hi in and endeavouring to aid bim.

VKKTKMD WOHNI.SU when Mr. McLeod found tbe body there wa a rope close to it flung over the vessel 4 aide, and wbitb was unquestionably thrown to the drowning man by bis intoxicated friend. Tbat tho deceased mtiRt have been badly under tbe influence of alcohol, is certalD. There were no mark a on his person to indicate that be bad millered violence, accidental or otherwise, and aa ho waa a temarkably powerful man and well used to the water, he could not if sober bave been drowned as bo wa. His watcb, found in bis pocket, had not run down, but bail been stopped by the action of tbe water, at twenty-five minutes after eleven, ao tbat it must bave been close to tbat hour tbo and event happened.

POLICE COUKT. (Before M. O'Uara, P.M.) There was a long docket before Ilia Worship yesterday morning, and several of the cases were ol a nature which tno presiding oflicer of the court could not dispose of. Drunks and disorderlies contributed largely to the list. John Barleycorn and tbe uurly member, tbe tongue, furnished several cases.

The parties accused of being OKl'NK AMD OlSOBllKHLY were Edward Dnrant. Ho was picked up on St. Andrew's street by P. C. No.

17 in a state of noisy intoxication and trying to raise a row. He bad no valid excuse to otter for. bis disturbance ol the peace, but not being an old offender trot off with the light line of and $2 costs. Josephine Bush was charged with having been druuk and dinorderly on the streets. Sergeant Dupont stated that on Monday evening he had lound her about a quarter to n.

tie in tbe eveniog noisy and intoxicated mar the corner of Bolton and Dalhonsie streets. The prisoner said she had no defence to make. His Worship fried her flu and $'2 costs, and in default of payment sent her lo iail lor three weeks. Joseph Trapannler was charged with having been drunk and disorderly. He was arrested by P.

C. 17 in Lower Town at au early hour on Monday night making a general nuisance ol himeell to the neighbourhood. He did not attempt a defence and wus lined and $2 iu C03ts. iAUKANCY. Margaret 'I hompsou was charged with bing a vagrant.

I. C. I I said thai on Monday night he hsd arrented her on St Andrew street between the hours eleven and midnight She was tljon in a state ol intoxicstioii and coming out ol a vacant bouse in company with a man, wbo ran of', Tbe prisoner, an elderly woman, said aba was not in company with any person. She was cominsr from her work and was caught in the rain, to avoid which she went into the house in question. His Worship did not credit her story, and sent ber to jail for one month at hard labour.

KIBASnH). Peter Albert was charged with disorderly conduct in the streets. In this case Sergeant O' Keele, wbo bad the matter iu band, said he was not prepared to go on owing to tbe absence of material witnesses, and asked for an adjournment (or a day, which was granted. 1. ARCHLY.

John Carroll wascbaige.t with larceny. Iu this rase also there was no evidence taken. The prosecution was hot toady to proceed, and tbe prisoner, in on seqae nee, was sent back to jail for a day. Joseph Conce was charged with stealing sums of money from two brothers Oliver Larocque and Jean Baptiste La-rocqne. He elected to be tried by iury.

Tbe parties alleged to have been robbed said that they hired the prisoner to drive them to a certain point in the country for each. They hail considerable amount of rash with them, and at a tavern Coricesaw it. When tbey came to pay him he demanded $11, and when one of the brothers took out his roll of lulls the prisoner made a snatch at it, secured it and drove off. Corice was committed lor trial at tbe ntxt competent court ot jurisdiction. Michael Connolly was cbargrd with larceny.

He pleaded not guilty, ami declined to hi tried summarily. The evidence lor the proseculioti was that a party named Cavaiiagb had ruinphoned that a watch had been stolen Irom bun The watch had been returned to him by the prisoner. Cavanagb, when in the hjx, said he was aware that the pnsoner hail taken the watch from bis pocket, hut did not think It was done with any felouloui intent. Auolher witneai was produced who also made a similar statement. It transpired, however, tbat the prisoner and St.

Lawrence On an.l nlltr TUVHSDAT. ifti Al train will nnu lowt UT AVISO wT-I AWA. IS WtiS, From IWojt lo.OO a.m., For tho South and South-hast at 6.3o a.m. and 1.45 p.rn.

p.m. Close connection mad at Otdtgike wi'h trains to and fro ywt Boston, an! with rnail tins lUsrasnj Prescott. Trains are run on Montreal tim. ARCHER BAKER Ottawa. Augusta Mib.

1882. IMElli'OLOMAL RAILUU? SUMMER ARRAN GMNT Comtm iiclngSfd July, Throuth ress Psjuerursr iralti daily l.Suntiiys excepted) lollnwi Leave l'mnt Lens. Arrive Kiver Uu Loui. do C'ncuo nt 1 L.fc V-ffii, If M. J.

7.2S ba, 11 Bi, 10 Ull do do di do do do do do Jo ao frois PiftoUs Riuiouf-ki Littlo Metis MeUpedin Oampbclllun Dalhousie. Newoa.ii la. Monet vi frfc Joh-l There trams c.innet-t at ('bkuilisrs Can. With the Unit I trunk train luvmt U. real at Mo'iiu.

and at CasitiUllUiii with the stonmer M. Lswrsno,", Wfdiius.Uv and tiatnrdsy uorniriii Uaspe, Perce, Pnspebiac, ste. Tbe trains to II alitax and fit Mirth rough to loeir destinations ob Hsadts. Tbe Pel I man tr jriD M.iotrMl Monday, Wednesday, and Fri.i rr. through lo lialilax, ari th ons le.rit,, Tuesday, Thurs.

Is and, JrtU Tbrougli Tickets at Ksjuniut may uow be obtained via rail st! tuiss.r to all pi.ints on the Lower lit Usisum, Metapedia. Itnstiguuelie, lUv Chalsuri Oaspe, Prince K.lward Island toil all In the Maritime Provinces. For tickets and all iDlormstiun Is reiai to passengor fares, rates of fre ght, tram raiiseiusiits Ac, apply to R.C-W. MaoCUAIJ, HparkiiL.Un... 0.

POTTINUEK, Chief Haisrlnlendsnt. Min.iton. N.U.. 1st July. Iv2 CWAIIIAX PACIFIC lllilli.

I'HMtrn DltialftB. TllK ONLY DIU FIT KOl'Tf TO Montreal, Tb Sasusmy, Htlfti bt. John, the White Mountains, Soti an.i all r'dnti In Now F.ttuU. Only Tlioroiiffhlj First-('lit Troy, All. nny.

New York, Toronto, Dttrm' Chicago, and all points South and Vi est. Elegant and Luxurioui Parlor Csmos l'') Ex press Tmins and Pullman Plespini on Night Trains. Trains (ioliig Kast LeavOIIs: CO a.m. -Morning Fast lor Car attacbe.l. fur MBtraJ. andsll iinti Mrt p.m. Aliernoon Lifbtains wiih PsrlnrC.r. 'W Oiicbec, thsetagusnay.llslil". M. Joho, and all Pi" tbo Lower l'rovinws.

Trains l.nlujf West 11.00 s.m. ExDrsti for Jlrwi' Toronto, Detroit, Csiesit tU hII points West. 1.4.'. p.m. -Through Past KtvnM broke, and all Kiver p.m.

-Alternuon Brek vol. Perth, Aluxmts, Kotvw. Par broke and all intermedials tions. 10.30 p.m.-N!ght Exorsss, with iin'. llrocavlll.

ii'Mnl'- UV?" Chiess-oanJ 1,11 puin" Trains ruaB atontrl llmt. PKor rates, in arlor ft tune table, and ail i passenger business applT C-nptif Cily Ticket liiii 'J, $or. '10 MreeL- AMt. 0b. Ps-'" C. Uen. ftlanaser. Pt.gsssoige siosiia KifTiJinm 1 illron a.

Leave Kofbel fn UUfil.nO A rr. Ml Olio). SO l.fOa.mi i ol.MA for Arrtr, at iiocbelags LSHVe lu.ruuiK til. Felix Valois A rrin Fll Vab.i Fein do Bl Sjop-Bl Valoii IJuch- Areiee at rrVaW.1 raiTs lle-Id UiHO lioclislasa. as ill SVfT- MasniBcsnt ala Paasenver Lotv Trains, aud on irsins.

Msn.Uy trswis leave Moairsai r-h Mtfrf Mure cn. enlon. "''Vi' KstlwHV aid Irom 0tta QPKSt MOS! Jamsh wtkssT. nrW' Ht. U.oia $1.1 J-I titn l.i Pacib A- H.

G. ROCHE Practical Pler' (STrAMlfTT Bell Hanger MAS REMOVED W- 24 KIDEAU STBKEI' on. rm a. All b. onct.

tl. i ni" dt-Me tfreirri witb.oitau order irom OITAh'A RAIIWA PRICE 3' YARDS LONG YARDS WIDE, ol any come at once. rn A LiJ Street 137J, OTTAWA DIP i FRAMING MAXfJFACrrOHY. 544 SUSSEX STREET. Picture framing.

Carving and tc, by tirst-rlais workmen only, bar all our work is ruaraiHss i. (JiiU.lirxr, Keuiem call Attention to our InstA-lment yt! wbloli afford everybody an opportunity em furnish and make (hair home deaant pirtiirti, on mll weekly payment. It DAVEY BROADHEAD Opposite Museum. Grocer and Wine Merchant, Begs to Intimate to tbe customers of the late James Finn, and bis friends and tb public generally, that be has purehased tha stock and aood-will of this estate, and proposes carrying on tha business at the old stand, and will, by strict attention and Courtney, endeavour to merit a sontinuanea ol the patronage haratolore accorded the same. II is slock will replenished from time to time with tb oheleest goods in the market, and everything will be Crst-cls-n, and at lowest price, lie solicits a share ol your pittronaxe, so give him a trial LXiUZON Huooaaaor to James Pino, tJrocer fantl Wine Jtf erelsHui, 135 JKIdeaii tr3eL.

SHOEMAKERS WANTED Thro good Shoemakers, steady employment for the year round, lliirhes waes paid in province of Quebec. Addrens I'has. MeOolsin. Onio, Ouebnn STARTLING DISCOVERY LOST MANHOOD RE8TORED. A victim of youthful imprudence, causing Premature Decay, Nervoun IM.ility, Manhood, having tried iu vain every known remedy, has discovered a simid sell-cure, which be will send FRKiC lo his fellow suUerers.

Address J. II. KEKVES. OTTAWA CARPET HOUSE Just openeJ out 4 Window Cornices in Cases Black Walnut new deftigua cases Improved Carpet Bweners, also nsw. SPECIAL PATTERNS is LACE CURTAINS forth Hprinr.

8H00LBRED CO IMTORTFILS 148 Siwrks Street. Lumber and CommissioD Agent, Orders for dimension and grades ot and all other kinds AWI UK i J.IIJtlHFJl promptly attended to. Timber limits an.i the i iuar timber trade a specialty. OsTICK: A Team of Thorocgn Bred I omei also, Driving Horse, a externlon Buggy and Ilarnenr. AiltlacDOMLD AUCTIOXKKK.

IT. Clemow. 1MUIUSTEK, Cu: VEYA.M Kit LAND BROKER, etc. MANITOBA. 'JOSEPH MARTIN! HarrlsUr, Solicitor Ports its La Prs.rie, Manitoba.

(Late ol Ottawa). Monsy wanted to loan on first-class security. Loan on country property at per. cent. Correspondence solicited.

mil to L00ALNEWS- Shootinu Match at Mutcbmor Park on Thursday afternoon. Personal. Mr. Casgrain, M.P. tor L'islet, is at preaeut in the city on bui-netn connected with the sittlug ol tbe Supreme Court.

Sepahati Schools he meetings of tbe Separate School Board are attracting HU i to an audience now, tbe room being nearly filled last night when the I) offer! School matter came up. Caral Kkpaibs. Preparations for repairs at various points along the llidoau Cunai, to le made din ing tbe winter aeasoii, are already iu progress, aud tenders for material to make tbe needed repaint have already been called for. Bad Wsathku Bbbwino. If them is any truth in tho old Haying a rainbow In the morning is a pallor's warning," a storm should beeloee at band, for there was a very marked one In the west about Seven o'clock yesterday morning.

Pa bade This afternoon there will be a full parade of the police forcu at the Drill Hall, when tbe entire body will be inspected by tbe Cominia-aionors. An Audition. One of tbe most recent additions to tbe National Art Gallery id a Study of a head," piesented to tbe Gallery by Sir Frederick Singleton, president of the Roval Academy ot England. The work Is ouu which will be well appreciated by all lovers of art who visit tbe collection It Is gratifying to note from the register that the number of those who visit tbe rooms is outdo increase, showing a growing Interest Iu the public luind iu tho collection. LoU AN 'JONSTHCCTIOM COMPANY.

About thirteen days sgo it was mentioned in Tub Citizen that leu carloads of portable bouses bud been forwarded to the North-West, to bu used a barracks lor tbe North-West Mounted Police, by the Logan Constitution Company. The bouse were all built 011 tbe Logan templot system. It may be stated that since the date of last shipmetit the company bave ten mote tailouds ready (01 tranHKr(atloii. itatbur quick work cetlaiuly in the way of house building. I'kinitv Chchcu Kstbbtainms xt.

On Thursday evening next, the instant, the tirst entertainment of Ihe season will ttke place lu the schoolroom ot Trinity Church, Arcbvllle, for the pur-pOHe ot raiaing funds to pay off the debt incurred by certain necessary repair and improvements lately made. Tbe programme Is a very full one and pro. raises an entertainment of an unusually superior order. Admission as usual. Kntertalnment will begin at 8 p.m.

Drowning Accident. Ou Saturday last two sons of Mr. Baird, of Strathroy Harbour, aged respectively 12 and 18 years, met with their death by drowning. It appears tbat the two, in company with a companion, were out in a cauoe, which accidentally capsized. The eltlor Baiid aud the third one 01 the party managed to reach a boom where tbey would have been safe, Tbe younger Baird, bow not so lucky, and was evl dently going down.

Seeing this tbe elder brother struck out for bis but ouly to be clutched and drawn to bis death In tbo clasp of the drowniiig lad. In tue double affliction which lias fallen on them, the family of, the has tbe sympathy ol many Irielids. 4 Inn 1 of tClialuuil Kiilerlniiniietil Night. The entertainment under the auspices of the Church of Lnglan.l Temperance Society, held last night in Hi. John's Church Sunday School room, was a complete success.

The ball was tilled by a large and fashionable audience, and the enthusiastic applause aud In quent encores shewed (hat ibey fully appreciated the programme set before them. The string baod under tne leadership of Mr. Johnson renderei good service, and was heartily applauded. A duet on the piauo, followed, by tha Misses Ridout, was given wita reat taste and leellng. A song by was so admirably rendered tbat it elicited a rapturous encore.

Mr. H. followed with a humourous reading, which kept the Audience in roars of langhter. Sir Leonard Tilley tben gave a telling address on the benefit of temperance. He referred to tbe excellent work being done by tbe Church ol England Temperance Society in Kngland and Canada, and gave ihe young men present some sound advice on the subject.

Mr. Varnoy sang the "Guard Ship" in magnificent voice and style. II was succeeded by Mr. Nichols iu a short reading. MisjSi.

Hill then performed a piano solo very nicely and the orchestra gave a selection of their own. Mr. Small then gave another reading, entitled Buying a Horse," and Mr. Varney again kindly came forward and sang the highly humorous song, "The Man of" Many Names." scoring another success In response to a hearty encore be sang a medley with great effect. The proceedings teruilualed Willi the National A uthem aud tho audience separated after having enjoyed an evening of rational and eddying recreation.

so no it iv A 1: 1 is offered for any rase ot Catarrh that can't be cured with Hail's Catarrh Takeu internally. Price 75 cents, by II. K. McCarthy. Cure.

Sold 'fus Ottawa Daily and Hsm-WsasLT are printed aud published by 'I'bs Citizen Printing aud Publishing Company (Limited), at their ollice, 31 UettalfeHtreet, Ottawa. CHAS. H. MACKINTOSH President. 137-rSparIxa COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE.

CHICAGO MAI1KKTH. Chicago, 24th. Flour firm: common ohoina spring, i.f..riOto $4 ou common lofancv Minnesota, $4 UU to iialaots, to fair to choirs old winter wheats. 14 .50 to $WiO new, to 'jM low sradas, $2.60 to $3,70. 5 regular, Wjo.

to W4(o for October, Wr0 lo too for Novsmbsr No, 2 spring, Wo to W-'lo foresfb No. 2 rd, Hie for Corn unsettled at 64o for eaah, t8Je forOeUiber. Oats statdr at 34to to etic lor cash, I or October. Rya lower at 9i. Barler lower (Mo unsettled at to lZLr for cash and October, Y)Mk to (19.

for Lard stasdr at tll.ti'. to $11.70 for eb and October, $11. to $11.4 for Novemhsr. firm at Receipts Flour, 23w, wheat, Bli.OoO corn, llljunu; oatsJ.UuuO; rye, M.ono; barley, n.OO. 8hipments Flour, wheat, llWXW: eorn, 1.IW; oats, 74.0UO; rye, barley, 42,000.

NiW xoun. MAueimtJ. New York. 24th. Cotton steady middling Uplands, 11 Flour Racslnts, bblsi heavy.

Bales, 18,000 bbl. No. 2, $2.40 to super An, to common, $4.0) to $4 60 extra Ohio. $4 00 to $7.00 1 SL Louis, to Minnesota extra, $U5 to double extra. to flour steady at to $4.03.

easier at $4.15 to Wheat Receipts, liMUxiO busA strong- Bala, 2f5b2jH) bush, including 2.4,Oiii) bush on tha spot; exports. No. 2 spring nominal, No. 2 red, toil. 11; No.

1 white. No. 2 red for October, tUNii to firm St 7uo to 77c. firm; two-rowed htate.SOjc six rowed, Vwj No. 11 (Canada, $1.00..

Receipts, 4'), 000 -Receipts, 40.000 bush; mixed, lo 42o white, 42e to 50o No 2 for November 41 jo to steady at UOo. steady and unchanged. steady. nuist at 5c to 6io. steady at 2 '20 to $4.60.

6rm at Wa to stronger new mass, $23. M. MONTREAL (STOCK RKPORT. The following were the closing quotations ysstardarr Stoois. Bales.

Bk. of Montreal. at 210, at 2WI. at 2UVJ.2 at 20V. xd 207 200 12oat2o7, .1 at 2o at 207, 2 at Ontario li0K Bank dtl Peupla.

olson's Torouto Bk Jacques Car-tier Merchants' id Quebec I nion Bank Coxamerc 87 1) 182 123 l.w 12M 124 isi: nrj 121) 141; MlJ.ViBtl 14ii, I Ml Kxcbahge Bank. Imperial Federal Montreal Tel. Co Dominion T. Co. Richelieu On-.

tario Nav Co. City Pas. Ksilway Montreal (is Co Cotton Co tkiinda Co Out. Invest. Bos.

St.Paul M.M. By No'rtb-West L'd Winnipeg. 1 1 Kl 111. 1H4 l.m -M 7M 12S mi iii' i.i:' iiiji .1 i'j at I2'i I2f, st YM. 12" at at 126.

isxi inn st 1H', At IMJi. VJst lKfiJ. mi! 41 4" 1'iu at 40. TO LlMBEfflV' AND OTHERS. FILK MOI FACTI ItFRS, i to i .1 vi 1 ry IsjUTFi lc of every description inadei to order.

Old files reciil. IMiosphatiiic nil I'rt 1 lie Profession tun! Wltotii it may Concern. or Nerve Food, Phosphate Klenienl ba-ed upon Meiontihc Pacts, Koy-luulated by Professor Austin. M.O.. ot ISos- too, cures Pulmonary Coimuini.tniri.

biclc Headache, Nervinia Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgiaaod all wastiog diseases of tho human jystem. Phospaat ne is not a Medl-einn, but a Nutnineui, Icuuhb it contains no airetahle or insrul Poison. i nuruiin, mm mi niiuiuianis, nut simply tho and (last he Elements found in W---. I ij .1 iur uany 1'Mei a simile noil le nutriment lo convince. All lrasKists nell bottle) it, il.i") JaOWTMSIV At CO.

ooie Agejits lor tbe Dominion. MKS. 'I'WOMiijY UAOIK.S' NlfK.SK. La rsuioi to 1110 DALY Ii KB.

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