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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 1

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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VOL. 85 BLYTHEVILLE COURIER NEWS THE DOMINANT NEWSPAPER np Blytlieville ARKANSAS AND SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Blytheville Courier Blytheville Daily News Air Force Voted 143-Wing Strength Funds by Senate Mississippi Valley Leader Blytheville Hernia 1 I ie liscal year start ing today, Uian President Tnmian asked. The measure, the largest bill before Congress ihis year, carried a provision Sen. O'Mahonev (D-Wj-o) assured the: Ail Force could finance a buildup to 14.1 wings by mid-1055. The present Air Force 11 a little over 'JO winirs.

The final total for the military! services will have (o be work-'d out in conference with the House' which voted 816,207.000.000. The ad-' ministration had requested S51 390 -i 000.000. I (The Senate bill presumably in- I eludes the $15,381,000 earmarked for reactivation of the World War II air bas.e at Klytheville.) i One Fund Remains i five as. billion dollars less SS Inside Today's Courier News l.v 111 approviirt' Ihe armed forces i budget on a es-0 roll call vote. Ihe 1 Senate completed its version of all: money legislation except a 10-billion-dollar supplementary fund now before the appropriations commit-, tee.

A vote on this is expected i Thursday. However, both the Senate and House will have to reconsider eight appropriations addition to the military are in conference committees. Congress has sent only one money measure to the President but legislators hope to clear all 11 bills before Saturday, a target date they've set for adjournment, in order to attend the national political conventions this month. A major difference between the Senate and House versions of the armed services budget is in the manner funds. Mllrry joins alHack Jle- Malh Tackell says it's old story of am kouk Ar Kansas liriefs l'u ae Inside (lie Iteimlilican i'a 10.

Juniors bloiv lead in to Joneshoro sparls Osccola News society Markets 5. Camilla and it easy on I'mnlh lakl editorials Page g. Truman Is Due In Stale Today For Dedication President to Make Major Address and Two Minor Speeches Truman Claims New Control Law To Hurt Economy Ability Hold Down Prices Is Weakened, He Says WASHINGTON resident Truman said todny the economic controls law "weakens our ability to hold doiviv prices and stabilize our economy," a slafeinem. Truman in of fr-i Congress for not him he stronger powers he asW tid ashed particularly at provisions limitmR the Wa Board to advreory powers in the future. The chance as to the w.i«e Truman said, "destroys nxist- ins sysipni without am substmile." In this respect.

he said "the Con- press has opened a danaerr-us fan the mobilization pro-rain" Truman not out a' statement of his views on the new law. But at no point- did ho tion a provision veqwstim; hin, tl) invoke the Tan-Hartley Act in all effort to end the steel strike 10-Month Extension Granted The new aw continued lor 10 months powers to curb prices. and rents and to allocate materials. But some of these powers are i whittled -Jown instead of strength- cned as Truman had asked. He 'al--o had requested a two-year extension of controls instead of the 10 months congress voted.

Truman signed the bill yesterday ARKANSAS, TUESDAY, 1, 1952 TWENTY PAGES SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS GOP Body TakesWalk To Avoid TV Cameras National Committee Moves Fight Over Rival Delegates The fi ht bolwwvi Sen. ht D. Ki S(! foi Uu was ilt the hcarl of the H.v KD CIIEACH A. Taft of Ohio c-id ,) TV! 1 OKI 1, ON WIIUVAL AT IGO-Jfrs. John Hamilton (left, of CiOP reception commiltet- shakes hands svlil, Sen' Kotot A.

Taft of Ohio dons his hat a he armed yc.nerd.y MKhvay Aapon in cWcaga is ME take charge of hiS Kimil thc me.denu,! nomination .1 GOP national convention which opem July i at International phitheatie. (Ap they found Truman i-ii i i ijt, ROCK Prpsiticnt nj u-iiHian arrives here today tor a I a lhe measure sent to him by i of laying out Air Force scheduled 32 hour visit in the home jii niK iiDuic i I stale of at least six members of his House Vales Cash Parly. it The Senate voted Tlll! President will dedicate and the House 520,752,412.912. com- Shoals and Norfork Dams in "North pared with $22.570,289,770 the Pres-' cn Arkansas tomorrow, ident asked. The House voted it-; I O11e major address and two minor funds all in cash taut the Senate i speeches diirinu his brief loin Congress Saturday He siim- ed it reluctantly, they said, feeling mem After sweltering again dur- allhe co'uld'do 1 rCS dCnts Ol -rice Kalses seen The Oifice of Price Sttbilrollon.

i The breezes accomnank-i studying the legislation, with- er that brought a YvVco nelri formal, One OPS than .01 of an Inch) ot rain Ilow- wiio aiionymitvi ever, hcai'icr showers wen- reported north. and south of here. After the shower, however still nillgsy air set in and the minimum temperature overnight uas 71 de- Ti in lh form tool last Mi-hl but not until the nsen to a high of 106 degrees. urday. The lowest hich of te month was a 80-dejrce rcadint; on June 1 which jumped to 02 for the nex several days nnd up the scale the bracket.

Blythculle nas the See WHATHKR on I'aire nearly a Inilf-hour Inte. thf IG-member National Omitnitli'i: suddenlj- shifted its meetitu; place from a third-floor ballroom to a srcond-Iloor room at the Conrad Hilton hotel, leaving TV lights and TV cameras with noth- ins lo photnstraiih. Convention sergeant at arms Charles Hacker roared out the announcement of the change of plans. 'C'iimenis and microphones will not be admitted lo the new meet- Hrs. McCorniick likes ihe Stand Plaintiff Testifies In Damage Suit Fur $111,000 Here Mr.i.

Willie Floy McCormlck, who is suiiiR Blytheville Propane Co for SU1.000 damages lor causing her i arrest on an embezzlement next last year, was the first witness to 1 0 al Circuit court hot- City's Fourth later. The Senate approved the contract authority proposed by O'Mahoney by 19-0 vote but it. was not I H. Steelman. Secretary'or explained how this, ralher thiiniate ash would help Sec St.SATE speed the on asc 5 Air Bif ll Weather forecast Partly cloudy this afternoon, tonight antt tomor- TH UNBERS flOWER row with widely scattered afternoon and evening thunrtershowers.

Not much change in temperatures Missouri rorecasl: Partly cloudy tonight- and lomorrow with scattered thunderstorms northeast and extreme north tonight; litlle chance in temperature. Minimum thts Maximum Sunset tod Sunrise Precipitation 24 hours to 7 a Total precipitation since Jan 1 Mean temperature (midway) twcen high and 88.5. Normal mean temperature July 81.5. This Dale Vi-ar Minimum this Maximum to be- for are to accompany the President, 01 'he trip. The Congressmen are Rejs Mills and Trimble.

In the 2-dam area, preparations will be completed today tor the President's arrival lomorrow. One of the three mountain towns See TRUMAN on rage. Allied Troops Halt Enemy's Korean Blow SEOUL. Korea If. A beefed North Korean battalion attackin" through deep mud hit Allied lines along a half-mile front in the heartbreak Ridge sector of Eastern Korea Inst night.

But it did not penetrate U. N. positions. An Army spokesman said "they came up in front of our positions and fired at us but they did not try to penetrate our lines." The Eastern Front has been relatively quiet in recent weeks in aSt "Bhtiifg in the More than 750 North Korean P.eds attacked on Ihe east slope ot Heart- oeak Ridge and at three other points the same sector afler See CONTROLS 01 Isi Crash Fatal To Steele Man Reckless Kelfey, 26, Dies in Hospital Services for Reckless (Rex) Kel- IB for tfis changes in temperature. Jmu' Average: 100 The heat wave here snapped onlv after temperatures reached 100 and abov on 11 of (he past 22 ravs.

Average daily high temperature utexi K.CI- Biytheville for the month of i ley, 26-year-oId steele, auto Ju ended yesterday, was ion de-1 mechanic who was killed in a plane 1 Sites. A 22-day strinc of loo and 1 crash near Batesville Sunday, will readings, marred only bv be conducted tomorrow at his na- a rifl 98-ricgrec reprieve on June 21, pii'heo the tolnl of daily hizlis (o 3.026 degrees for the 30-dly period. Six leadings of 105 and above were recorded here during the month. Highest hish was 10!) Sit fc testified yesterday afternoon an- also was ttie only witness heard Horning-. Court was recessed noon and reconvened at ,11 Most of the testimony centered about Ihe source of her income and ner work as a bookkeeper for the The suit brought by Mrs.

McCor- tnn-k charges the gas firm with her ta lose her home anr! GOP Won'i Ride With Dark Horse, Gov. Dewey Says Taft or Eisenhower Will Win Quickly, .666 Barter Thinks HOUSTON. Tex. Thomas Dcwey of New York, ivho Allows about (lark horse j.s yoili" Republican nomination by the committee," he shouted iriB I'lace until there is a decision Change of Miml? Other- officials said it was possible the National Commiitce itself would change its mind nnd allow telecasting. Obviously those- running i meetinir didn't, warn to argue about i convention opening in Chicago next the television option with the de- I Mo bale itself being televised.

thinks (lie nominee i- rain- Some of Tuffs supporters had I bo Gc DwjRht Eisenhower 1 been cool to televising the tow over Bm if ft isn't, the York co delegates, although Taft himsell i SB Vs the man who heads the i himsell yesterday abandoned his earlier opposition and said TV would be nil riiiht with him if it was all right with the National Committee. Eisenhower forces strongly demanded that the whole tiling be televised. The first contest lo come before the committee for decision was ilnit of Florida's 18-mcmber deleaation. A "regular" delegation turned up to defend iis selection of Florida's Slate GOP Committee February. Florhlians M.irch In Tlie self-described "mass roots" delegation marched in lo contest the croup's right to speak lor Florida The rival delegation Is publicly uncommitted, but in a statement handed out today Us members accused the Taft forces of "steamroller" tactics.

In a close race and this one looks ttlti-5-ilri-tiick GOP presidential nomination mi'-thl well be decided by the commit tee's rei op- delegates favodni; Ken. Robert A. Tall, or Ihnse backing Gen. D. Eisenhower.

The Associated Press delegate count shows 475 for Taft and 409 for Eis- Merchant's Division of Ihe cham- Ijcr of Commerce, the days provide a sales stimulant amour: merchants five the district a live home of Mountain view. Ark. Mr. Kelley died yesterday in a Little Rock hospital of head injuries suffered In the plane crash near his fathers home at B.itcs- vllle. His father Kelley, was injured in the crash and is report- cd in a critical condition In a Bates- villc hospital.

Prior to his death. Mr. Kelley was Steele Motor Companv. Besides his father, he Is by his wife of steete; his mother two daughters and two Home of Little Rocifls in Butler Assumes Rofary Club Post Mayor Ben F. Butler of Osceol took office as governor of Rotai ainmenf hy the eiilerlain the Blytheville tee.

which is in nrofrrani. Nine Arrested las! April on a charge of f-mbezaling more than Sl.OOO from the firm, she was acquitted after a five-day trial. Attorneys lor both plaintiff and sale pHce; to' 'cut She is represented bv Claude Cooper niiri Gene Br.ldlev Blytheville and John Bradlcv of entiower. Nomination lltr Eye Appeal EiH'iihower's hackers say national committee is packed with Taft mm. They See OOI' G04.

threaten to appeal cm 5 furni 1 1 the of Gene Bradley and 1 01 116 1 01 II G. Partlou and G. E. Keck nf' iilti I Legion to Hear ConvenHon Tafk Jesse Taylor. Blytheville attor- address members of Cud Caion Post 24 of the American Sion loriifiin on national political conveiilions and how cn.nclklales are picked.

ticket will be Sen. Robet ot Ohio. It is (he opinion of has batted Republican nominations in 1014 and 1943 and losing il 1340-lhat much more than too voles will be out- staiidiiiB on the first ballot at Chi- This means, he says, that favorite sons like Gov. Earl Warren of California, former Gov. Harold Stasscn of Mulncsota ami Gov Iheodorc McKelden of Maryland will be able to marshal only about that many between them.

ll'arren, MurArlhllr "Out" The Dcwey reiitciiiijifr HO leave no room for Warren Gen Douglas MncArthur, ttic conven- lion keynolcr. or any oihe dark horse to emerge to take the nomination away Irom Eisenhower or Taft. "II any man gets within 30 votes of Ihe nomination on any ballot he's got it," Dewey observed to a' conference yesterday. His theory Ihat Eisenhower will lead Taft on the first ballot gelling more thnii SflO votes while. Ihe Ohio falls short of that mark.

A total of OTt votes is needed to nominate ami Taft claims he has them in hand. The New York'governor wouidiri put it on the line, however, that ihe man who leads on the ballot necessarily will get the nomination. Under Dcwcy's thesiii. McKeldin nnd Gov. John S.

Pine of Pennsylvania would have to decide before the first ballot where they are going lo try to throw the majority of tlieir stale's GOP delegations. That also would apply to Arthur Smnmerfield. Michigan national comniitleeinan who has been sit- lin.t,' nn the fence with a rcpuled See on I'age 5 Reds ResumeTruce' Blasts"tod'av prisoncr reads Command of 'or o( hcl 1 new incidents" as truce af negoti returned North Korean den. Nam handed to AU.ed haison officers ii the ions armistice deadlock. Mr.

told the Reds "if th of war issue is an anni checked" by each side. Presumably captured Reds who Mused to to hoinn not be icluded on ilu- list turned over to ic Communists (or Nam promptly rejected jfarri- sue pris- be returned. Ho that tlie only wnv lo home has deadlocked the armistice talks for The meeting broke up a ft 2 9 Committee. Th" ts scheduled lor 8 o'clock at the l.c;;iiM) Hut on North Second Street and will be to all reterans. accordins lo Arthur Harrison, post commander.

mim zu'l9 nor 9 Parking Ticket's n0 i Cosfs $10 Here p.m. Tuesday EST). Ei.rlis Austin forfeited a sic in Municipal Court this morr- niE on a charce of vinlnlirm nf Stc- tlon seven. City Ordinance Missca Decision Upheld Hie AA is Com! 315- idn iffiimrd i Mi i IUJM coini- i Ch i iterv CouU older cnjo 111-1; I iu ribner uid nthcis fion'i larmhiK on land to tho Ftoi ih Stli tjiMii Hcolth Friday and Saturday The Unit In LITTLE LI2- MissiMippi County Health' re nil! be closed both Friday' to comt record of iunnri ot May 2 which calls for (he repatriation of .11.1 military prisoners Allied rt-fu-al to repatriate am- Allied prisoners who do not want lo tin Accurdin wn? IIK'ICI lick JI11V lhw "ction. Albert holiday, il was announced today ''fl 5lriO and He.illh Unit officials snir) rt sciiccluled lo receive tvphold shots V1 "8 Siitnrday shoulu report for then, was a The nicest ihir.g about TV lhal enables yoii lo entertain vour quests while you catch up on your sleep..

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