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Ottawa Daily Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 1

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

78i .8 YHAUMAT. l.uSITIO YJIACl 3HT .8 HAilOn 2 'jpY nil liu iV 1 1.1?' II fclt i e.l mi (A 1 ti aa i in a i i i sJ i ait rr-t i OTTAWA, CITY, SUji QA'HUVSNING, JANUARY 3, 1874- 'CENTS. TIT vyT zO-3 Fry AY f-a ia 1 v.i mm I v.u I II it 1 1 vi li fi i the lield for Ottawa CountyjWfWanno AV YOU SEEN TILE DLSPI.AY NEW ADVJERTWE JUCgg, a A ii mmmwm mumtm mm ajai 'aM the proliwaUoa domAnag- Fiiriianent. 1 a3o tbe ppoinU' jtonta -j ct Qoaas, by Ittera tfdim'f wtI Blliuu TOKrex i. ne jmwhici fwiih -reat kiJit fr 'xaV.

W' Jrfsiiervice fefefi.ev,',! 1 needed in Parliament than at the present 4 juncture, la NortyieftJWAtwy Mr. Pkteb White, one cf the most jKpuiar of tho local men, will accept nomination T11 th Jiibrai-Coiicrvative itoret, and in tht South Riding of the Coiirilf we" tbat a strong candidate wilt be brought out bv the Opposition. S.uUh l.anaik is miIo in the kandof Mr. ll Auf akt, fKjfv an enort.iriJl mi. dofeatXcI3i' hUaitii in the North Kidmg.

Wc jreume that Mr. Joni: will eok re-election for North Lecd'aud UrenviiJe. and will rctwrii C'1. IIabWiX.d agaiq. Mr.

awaii will le HeotTinto the wilderaci by tho men ho ha.s bclrayoU, and a 111.111 who cannot be corrupted by the Out will bo elected in hi stead. In Two Mountain M. Fkevost's day.i a a public man are numbered. Though elected to support tho late Ministry, ho w.v one of their bitterest op. ponenU from the day he entered Parliament until it-i prorogation in Novcniboi.

We beliero the entire Ottawa JValley, wdh tho exception, perhaps, of one constituency, will M'nd inemhci-rt to oppose tho (loverniiieut. This section of Canada 1 loyal to the Kinpirc, and the advocatc.i ol iii'lcj iidonco and annexation will meet with (ji nil froui tho Ottawa Valloy con-Ktitiieucii-rt which they littlo anticipate. WK WATERWORKS JWXVS. la oterday' tnav ve pubilshe a chaiiler 111 tho history of the salo of the Waterworks bonds which tlm public, never saw before. The transaction vbmluoted so quietly that only a lew of the principal manipulators knew anything about it, and it was only within a woek that the facts which wo have laid beforo our readers woro submitted to us.

We at once called upon Aid. to explain his connection with the transaction, but ho has up to this mo. ment completely ignored the subject. We now reproduco our statement and invito tho careful attention of highly taxed ratepayers to tho facts which wo submit and which rr are yrcyaretl prove iwwly-itt-MiU'ch, likiwhile the Kiiutnee Oommit lea were closing up the settlement of tho cotly Domville blunder, a gentle man acting under authority Irom hondon called upon JVfrl. Chairman of tho I iiiancotJomtnittee.

ami made a jiropo. sition lo purchase the waterworks bonds Tho rejily of Mr. I'i: was so Uis ctMii-ttuip tlmt twmo to conclusion tliat no business could be transuded with him. He then made an ofler of 9.ii net in writing, through Mr. II.

V. Noki. ol tho (uobec r.ankjTor tho debentures, and asked lor an answer within thrco days. I lie reply was a polite refusal, nnd the jrentlcnian who had instructions to oiler as much as 1 if hn Cornor ii inn would not take lo-s. was was civen for tlie action the Kiaaneo Conj- inittee at trjolBne, bjlt.

was alerwanui 'l wuispersu ououi 111 a quiet wuy 111.11. um gentlemen whose oiler wad thus declined was merely a (iueteo stock jo-bber." Wo havo hi letter of instructions belore um, and jt (is from the samo agent of one of tho large hanking lionses in lyotidon, through whom the Quebec loan was negotiated at -ninety- live, net. Tho refusal of tho Corporation to sell was at once cabled to London, and another agent was sent out who effected tho purchaso of tho bonds at ninety-threo and a half, tho prico which was rejected some weeks before, and one percent, or $V0) (ess than tho Corporation might havo eeoivcd for them some weeks earlier. Wo published the foregoing in yesterday's LmrExnoping tnai wo couui eucit an ex pkuotJo.ilro.i kl.vJ iirstoW a4 tifl hot the eri81Aiiiiefsfof guilt timl IluJ 't guc. We Jiavo not tlio slightest doubt that ho will attempt some explanation to-nipht, for this is tho last opportunity, we wU have to tho subjoid.

hoforo the clw ol tlio contest lor the Mayoralty, ondhewul, necessarily, have the last word. That he Is UnacrupiUous euoujrhP ake advantage of thoM'tuaVion'to (tisiort facts, and lnisepte-sent us, we havo had atnplb proof sinco the commeiieemeiit of the campaign. Mo did hot sernplo to pack meetings with (Jrit roughs to prevent hbtopportentsiroui getting a fair hearing: liodidnot hesitate to dodge tho rcproscuUliv ot. the press and 111 the most cowardly maimer assail men who weio not pro-tent at his "private to de. lend themselves; he did not think it beneath his dignity to IntJiish an.

unfair anal tlistortod account of that meeting to tho eiWy Journal that is so lost to nh.nnrt as to piibfisn it. fn View Muae alf iii that Aid. bar jbvn wUliolinp his explanation until ifio eleventh hour with the de.ii;u of unpo-iiiur upon the rate- oavers I sur, n-trv anl luK siateineiils 01 II Lt 1 Titi Il. JiK-Wilh rk4refcraolllijl.Jl.ti- uiciion iuriiii)cl in I ucvlav a 1,110 i.i,.,-t 'TTPrtloli Mr itrleT5iff K'paf fr a inandiuus to stop payment oil the Christian Uroth .1:. 1 1.

a 1 vim iiutuiueiiu 10 cay me state. iiMtul tvaa ttbtrue, 1 dunpl told Mr. Keath- i era oik Utata. did set Bier that convert atton VIIAMPJfESS. i'i iiir hiittir of tub ITIZEX, JffX jXrvJr dt lie TnornirtH tharTT anvon'e would take out a wandatnlix to stop ravment of me eneone to tno lirti-tian Brothctrs' Scliool.

ay loJ it, kU, VmgUmd wuone, name, l.oUtfrveclt ig'iodi to tho denial, wa not 'present at the li(j. Will Aldemian' Keathertdu. Uiiur attempt to ueny uiy statement A. W. LA.Vi.

Ottawa, 3rd. 1SI74. rin: ci'JMi; IUJHV I'M A I). lo TIIK r.lTTnit okTiik t'lll l.i:I Snt, Yesterday a Mter appeared in your issue, asking for information respecting the closing up of the new cemetery road across the railroad traok, at the east end of Ottawa street bridge. 1 believe that as a public journalist you will do what you can to remedy a public grievance, and as a resident of Ottawa street, I can boldly assert that the blockade on this rond hau lu i'U of serium injury to this street.

Who i. to Maine I know not, am aware that when application was made to tho JUy Luuucil lor pwniixwn to take- sand from within tho city limits to make ond, itWas the 11 stated' in writing that i wa tofxv a puhhc roml, no we nnr that somt as'the required qnanlity sand was taken away, the road was block-aduil aunt ho gitee locked up, so as to pre- ent-thA iot.lic from using the sain. If tho Cemetery Company continue the blockade, it will be advi-aMe for this por ion of Ijowur Town to take ouie4leoided action, and when the bridge is raised this winter, to have it placed 111 a direct line with this street, and thus aflord more direct access to the Montreal road. Youts, OTTAWA STHKEr. 3rd 1ST I.

SKPAKAT13 SCHOOL (iUANT MISl STi D. To tiik KlMToi: i. Tiik lniKK Sin, Tho (Jilts with their usual perversion of truth, are industriously circulating among thn Konian Catholic voters, tho unfounded that thn grant of filMSN) to the (Jnllociate Institute is hcmi: spread 6vef twenty years at the rale of hMJ per annum, and that the grant lo tho Seperato Schools of $7V) per aiiiuiui will continue lor tho same length time which if true would in the end leave the Seperato Schools almost as wiell oil as the Collegiate Institute. Cut a cuolul ion into tho statement will show every intelligent elector that such is not the rase. The grant 4 4U J- I i l.x yyir ariiormt every year they will bo very much deceived, as a new giant will have to he made each year the Council.

In the event ot the new Council refusing to giant a similar amount next year lor that purpose, it will be loot, and even it tho Council do tnako the appropriation, it has already been decided that sOjih an action is illegal, so ac. 0nrding to that, any ratepayer can apply to the Court ol hanoery lor a mnmbnuux or Iniittitlitii bu i would prevent the Treasiir. er of the city paying tho same. AM, fceatherstone lias certainly" pulled tlie wool over tho eyes" ol our Itoman Catholic friend inthe prysont instance. In the Hist place by making, them a grant which ho knew to bo illegal, and which ho knew could easily be upset by an order from the Com and in the second place by procuring liom the Council with the consent of tho l.oinan Catholic as an equivalent lor the former sum a grant for the ollegiato institute ol over twenty-six times the amount giantod for tho Separata Mchflbis, wnicii amount 01 he knew tliat no order in t'ouit or anything else could prevent him from gett- liiR alter it had once passed tlie Council.

'I'hi is on act 1011 of tho man who has tho Impudence lo lTd lor tho Roman Catholic vot 'ojf -false pretence 01 lavornxsro thein Will thrw not open their sf aiil eewimt reaiiv nas neen none, 11 ne at tliomass meeting to-night. HONKSI' KKI oltM. Ottawa, 1ST I Jiiitti-. On tliu U'UU hwt llmniii i'l Mr. on lh tin Iwlfn of William Linton Coliilin liil nl'a soli.

Ai ULuiix mi J.iuiuuy nd. L.IX-V J.uie. Ill I wife of ridlltp V.ii in i-Mrn, Jt-i4 nnnLUni. Tie teuerai wiUtaka frfae to-morrow iiikI Ml Ifave lim- Pterrrfl'lenee, Kelson sMrerlj few door.s from Mr. DeaUy's at 10 o'clock.

Krivndu and 8nunliitac" are nni etfuUy I Ut utd'li-l. NcWj Adycrtisomcnt8 this Dav A small sum of money a J. ii l.y ni'plvhm IH K'-n KHk-ini it1OlD-U Lav With Tare, Ititid Icir, pin I of Idiiiu'ss on. imi an UIVI hy CMlllllU it I II, proMla; perfv ami piiylnt; i-hai-i s. OWIMtf.

lM-Un l.r 111 IH W.flH A I-'k 11 inr M' Kirtmui atrcet. iitmi i S. Fowleh, Plasteheh, Corner of Nelson Rideau-sts. Country work done loonier. July inn.

YAH 8 An: YOUR EYES EE3T0KE jxr SI0H3; TDEi'W ifll MAI RPETTifTIS, llw nalac aMir lr IIITtHlX A tiMflv tSM its frKillT. Trlls IkiW VLm- atora I aaami rrf VtatJ I nrrwatknl Ertii MW U'alrrr, laflamrj, aavd l(raraB-ktcit 1 I nlaiaWS Ot tfja y. HMsr AO M(jMt U'tXAt BIT AlVWnQ at a.Asi iw rovm aki awo. I kIW to I. A gJ'M.

PaaattMrS'wriOOltacra Mailed t'ra. Kaatd ymmr SMldraaa) to ua alao. Agents Wanted in all a ar Ladira. i la 10 a Bay raarulcej. 1 wU putirmSar aaat firsa, arija iaadllrl, ta 0R 3.

DAXX fp. a boi s7 I.9t w-W-U-75 tm cur UraS. I yj ANTJCO I said ami rfuiMUnt Mmrtaefd! JArvMn J'? AiifcUlT. Corriaaa aial feiaia feaaksn ivwrair Shtt. 1 i.iii r-.

i n.ii iw Wi I A-c Tot-jopEU'AVU'n CJ All filiMaiiaW watklawiwa)as'Mrsilllier younf or oUI, tuuka uur niu sntai' usworahe' )' In rjtll iw ilmi'. nnui iimir spanp lnitinwiln, or 1 uuDf ataat raruraiait. I rortiMitd, Matua. afar KAf) HAN1XS WANITUJ IMMftrtJ ATW.Y. tlUU Men ami women qui riB-rupUi nM.ut i.i having nimiti uiomoiiL, m.dM, ui.

wuiknin mru. Hides avenue IH in wr fall fi to $1(1 siu-tinif. fire. Addn--' W. J.

CKUUTKIl A CO, OIUiW.S Uill IeenilH'r Pth. 9W-'I1W'. $25 REWARD I LL BE CIVEN for tho conviction ihoHti naiilS wlmnil llm i 11 (, liMi frania work, Iwat nljthl, In fmiH Piesion raiMS'o tiool aisl Plioc Huuv, Nis Hpnrka nIaci i ti'i-iii ner fVO LET. A hon-to with "ont houses and aetvaol Ian Ibnuionlrt Miklf MUr Uieclfy. Knr lrilculara nrl-ly tt J.

liKldl hln I. roMM uliih fcli.ii IliiiuediaiUy. lulii'i Isih. iii NrO'l'l('E Is hereby pven thai rij 1 i. will lie made at tn nrii M.ston oi the "is me of i a.

li, an 1 i oi ii k.ii puny U'l-allml Hie Buckingham Tiatispsilafiun Company. iMH-klliyhnui, Nov. Sfl '111 raw JJY A1T01NTMENT ti II To H. E. the Oovernor-Cionrrnl.

JAMES 1IUCHANAN, GENERAL ROOK siwex ntKirr. FUR FURR! Mdle' Jlifkl'h. Ladles' l.nuih Jatkrla, lisv.r llrown I I 'iMiueyniiil I jidh-a' InilUlWu Kimnie in kreiil Vlll l.v Hi PEACOCK'S. The I irutvlUMMii Intent of ihiiilleini'ii'a l-'ur I III the lily si PEACOCK'S, -i i ltlDEAr SI liEET. Nom-uiIh nth.

II A I HOT Tit it MM S( I I'll lift HUM I'll i Illation liiml.f. A Silirlinil in linr Dm. tin i TIIK I'nl'I'H In Inlli. Mum. i i lull, ins.

I'i i.V lut i-nih mid Niii.ii ,1. A I.AIUil; AK-sulll vll i Christmas and Nnw Yin-ii 'mOm i'iIh yU-m UN, I nil WrllUiit I slix, I I'iisi AI miiii. i.ill. al 1 1 toll va. su risiM-ow-N iiiulHi.

a usn, Inpcll, Invite. I. Henderson Co. 'J SPARKS KJ'RKKI'. IVceitilM-r I KWALWELL, rirr Melallln.

lUsMiwood. andl ordinary liilli.ii I 4'iwkelJ. Ciam-n. s.

S'aneiala. In hl nmi'if ftit T.s. In SPARK'S Imv-oiiiImt Mn, jnn.fl JilSI'liATloN NO'lH 'jT I vhi-luli MuMI an I II. i oi lh ii IM.IUWB, ar tin' urr ai, i rout'l Ly I Imi i I.I.-U-I l.y llm 'J Hill .1 IJHI ,1... I 1I eeniiMY.

Is7l. All jmrliMi rf-nulrM p.w lo in .1 u.ri.a to lh uudorafeiiMl l.r.v I lo uoike i lu ll r'-Uirna pilof thnalioiiloli. W. V. I I I I.

lly Hull, 'Mtiiw Ih-nkinlM-r Pilli, is. i VKW (fOolrS MIMTAilLf! I 'VR A MAM riitXKNTMl TIm. aulavoi dwm havi Jut mraiamt a Irfrc Tba aulawi lm havp lit a aoruiuiiil id 1 1 hi, IUii.Ims. ini, i. aoruiuiin i r.i i iiu.n nan ijhiuv, ikh and Kronen pf ifum ry Ii nlaln.

n)m, Udl' i.od (,., i. hi. IVlMlna as, Mn.i' loilaii Pat. Il Ina HoMm. I oir llior lir.i-h,- I avi-ia, Vmm, awl a kuar aMKirilnaat ol i li.

III nenrrni. A. Christie I wyrauer sunt. 'i idlmilmki'a l. It.

nitKNSJ N'H, ttiJcnu Sfrt A. H. Chaudicto Planing Milla, cinvvtasm inland, oitawa. An aaarirtiaent lAimlx-r Hi pi .) on IniiMl. liUinlMr plannt, liaikixsl and -I, in il, 4M.

at acaammlrf prtrr-K, nnd K. anUaaaiHl Ui CiJa4otIi-ra, HuuMlny to fitfrtrt Ifhith th ttfttlc Untu, f. Bate aai Furring cut to order, lKsrulr UUfc -or X'MAS NOVELTIES ATTn Notman Studio, W. J. iUrLuhlt Jmarxmioji.


James Jackxrti, hdawlUi T. I Utle 4 beir-t to Ineinu hi iiiiinenHia IrieiHl and the pnbllr ritlly, Dial h- Una opeliixl I he uUiVf pmtnlM'N with apwHslly "HtsMet! Hltrk of SUGARS, Teas, Coffees, Wines, Spirits, Fruits, Ic. from the lone etprrleneelie has had In lbs Imnl-m-Ha. omiHod with a llmrrsiirti kiMrldic, of llm WiUilaoi a nnO-4'lasa Trede, he liea to ryolve a I Klmroiilpiiullc psle miic, IWeluber l.Hh. I GREAT BARGAINS IX Dress Goods and Shawls Knr two weeks at D.

CHISHOLM'S, iUSSEX OPPOSITK YORK i USPOMS DEP A ItTMENI'. OtUtmit, ISovcinlier 7lh PCt UTIIOR1 ED discount on Aukkica.n Iii. drka until Itirtlirr woiien Sin ricnl. It. M.

lUJlICIIKII riiiuialKMloiit'r itt Ciisioiua. COAL I GOAL 1 r'i VOAI. UK A l. Kits. 47 Sparks Street.

ivEMOVED. T. I Jiwreia-e has retnovetl hl Tailor- In hUthlMuueiit Pi lioblnaoira lllook, Hsirka Biri'i. iiii-rs lor lull suns promptly aura i let th. Moccasins, Mitts and Furs.

WHiU.KMAl.HA.SO LSI All. -AI O. COT E'S, Stewart's Block, Ritleau Street, Hlli. MARTIN SCOTT, linjnnft'tH ami ll'ioh mife lenhr -IV- Teas, Tobaccos, Pork and flour (KMiDERHAM WORT'S PURE sSPIRlTS, FAMILY PROOF, OLD RYE. JAM FX A KTINj (a LUKICT.HI IIT, Sussex Street, Oltawj.

I c-labor "jil. I nANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA I by Jfnytil Charter Tin- onrtof l'irPUrs iir'tv alva- inHea Ui h.lf- ily ilivl-W-liJ ut be rate of TEN VEH CENT. I annum Mt 11m- rnpllal of Uw Hani: III i-iM. 11a. Mh DAV OK JANCAltV.

IK7 i jhntMP ol Jaimary, to I b-n i nl hy lh l-al IVrda or Manatfra No lrn.f. f. U- miuM la th ilrd I 4 uiVKiena am. wiajuwi wia Sni Hit; pn.i ua the must lv vUmtol dnr bif that rrni. Hy of th vrt, J.

H. IIHALH uHIi. Mt'retJiir. Ko. Hit ttohnvat-Ht WlUiln, loavlon, JT.

I 2tuk isTi. th-c. lath 1471. U-Jvl-I NEW BOOKS Thn Cunatliaii Aliiiauae for 171 by KlMaiit 7i IwT' Uuin-toimari 6 ex. Monro Hemt, etiMj, EiUIUm I.SO OrfOuu-r and ArtJxan ii UK SVAI.K AT HENDERSON GO'S 39 KPAIaXH KI REET.

Heor fief BULL FOR SALE. BK 6LI IMMRPI wtsy a. term a. a ytmng iwrn, rVthleao nuoxtUa, old, WisrVriot. eiss.wsC v.

I I I OIIAWA AGENCY, SUSSEX STREET Juimurj- STi'. pTHEJ (MAYORALTY. A PUBLIC MEETING UMVSvoiaiiBton whi win A lMald au the Queen's Hall, AT O'CLOCK, tphda mxtso. AM Krnthrrston will prrctit snj will ili-flnu ins lamiunii. All nm in 111 uMtteiil.

lion MA 1'llK Ul'KKN. i'i id. rfJ.iDurie Son Tin- Oay nf lls.u Ikmiitl,-, I'HHM-irn Mil hiiiI Now IjoihIiiii. iis IIV llrlll-li llaltlr. l.v .......1, Tlio ICr, mill nllit-r 1'iirahli-n, l.y l.i.-Ui-r jIj Ii, i.

Hveentniicaiiiivirtttlvx I'nnllns MlMMooro, (ja-Hi, -um B.irt.i 1 1 1 1 Da I.ix. Sly Kalnia, l.y MiAjili-y, Ittrtt'n Morn I ffclfii(ss. Tin- Irulliprs, hy Kn-kiiiuiiii I'hatrlnli, 1 1. 1 Tlie CiiMscrv.itnn f( KiH'fs, fnlemalloiml Hcieiirif, rscrii-s. 1.

(i. The Krlt-iiilship IUi by Mnnrhv, Opaline ra-r niiil I'Tlivlois. .1. nrniK sus, Mirks Uirmi). lToo.nilsr SOili.

I AMPS AND GHANDEL.IERS iriro, ami I'rlvate Purlins al THE OIL DEPOT, 7.i SCSSEX STKKKT. C. S. SHA In Ji. A AM VEX.1 CO.

January lluil. CHANCEKY.liltOWN rs. TA lly an onl. iiihiIi, In tills suit, Ix-nrliii; llm i-lirhlci-nlli tlav Injct-Uilor Insunil. IciiJitm a.liln-i-ii 10 William Marshall Mallirrwui, Miinlor or lUls lloiiriiiraiile Court hi i Mtuwa.

fur tin, i lalit suk In Iratle. anil ifisst WlM ot llw iri'iteral i-artnKrt aim rorwnriiiiiK imslDioS orrll on inn iiiime nf A. J. Tuvlor ninl otnuiy, III Im if rcl visl liji til Noon of the th Day of January Next. Tin-plant ami Mot-It tynslsls fJowllnf Iti-avy ilraiiiclil bt-nvjr tniiihi' waaifttiw, I Mulit Xir.H 1,11,111, 3 ht-nvy frt-lKhl nlflKliH, 1 iK-avy irelKni hii-ikii on WDtt li Mrameoii lxx Is I IIKIH PIpl-cM slplirli.

SMItloiiblx hni- i ins. The nurcliaaa aiotw-y tolmlsil.l within one wi i'k I mill UiOMIMeaUon lue tt-inl, Ih-Iiik Tim accf ptnnoe oruw bigneuor any nii, lie In tlie uiMrrt'lHtU nr UM mmi MnMer. I mr-t)-a nf tlio anil, wtB thaAxeeptlol nf tnm- having i li ntUtm tmltL am ki atlllv riv lo 1,1,1. Dfil very of mciauM to boglten on int'ynn "lof tno parrauae tutmey um umu' fiivlnw 'SMloaliiir tba tMiiers tc en ilorwtl Iha-MtNlila MllmiruM. Taylor The plant and stuck may be Uat the resiil, of Alexninler Harvey Tuyinr, Ottawa.

Paled this twwutleln ilay nrTlvrsmlM'r, one tnrni. kiukI 'lihl Imiidii-U ami st'Vcuty-llirw, 1 u.v-rltOiuw. IVeemlK-rfttli. Church of England Ladies' School, Li WELLINGTON STKEET, LA I))' Ml XVI PAL MISS FULLEN, Will open on Wednesday, January 7th, 1S71, Tlie C'ouiK-il hiivhiK rt-nUsI Hie- ivlktlnlnc la ill, I- Iiik, formerly tho iiauk of Moniraal, tliero will Iw AMIItanal ArmmmndmHmn fur BoardcrSa Appllcnlloti i Irf- in to I lie Ijuly l'iiiielNtl, or ii. I'odnrd, Hexn-tary.

iX'cerniwrnist, 10-31-1-1 RAKE CHANCE to obUin a lirst-elass re-idfitre In llin rholeat part of thn city. That valuable pr. iperty aluiaU-4 on llnly aiVast, idm i i is ot.iamiti ilk, Ixu-iialuu Uislton ljwls'a Daly ftirct. Is now In thn liauds tf Tliua laiwnluy for sl-. rrtro rirawiiialla and lonns oi iMtynx-nl 'ay.

Call for puillciiiArs. I llUt-'un street, January in.l. UHI-U QUE AT KEDl'CriON IN PKICJES. Mrfore Inking slork on ihe'lMh'of tho tnonlli, 1 lie aulmerllKT will aril Krenrli china llnnr. Tea and Krenkfnst "(eta, uroritte Ware, at jretly reduced prlivs.

and rxninlnc good. in prices Knamtited. T. W. MUTCHMOR, IIKNEVS BLOCK, Ml SPARKS STKECT.

A rrw fs-, Hi Milt-. I lllrda at iaal, -ml 70 '2-1 STIFF Artists in Photography, II i Inif rt-iiiovcd from the oid slntwl lo our iw-w Mini i oin uiishoiiM StiMles 7s H(iukSLrii, w.hiIiI li.lve all iiMilotrHi.hlc Art, lo uall ajaai li. ai thulr trIk'Ki oonv.MilMM-M. The pulille having hlMirally In air f. -rin.

Htndes wc lake tli" hU-rly lo iih. to Ihfiii llmuk. and ti merit thn rofitinia-d iilrtii.a,', iiiiMT aih. sia-tr Il OPEN )- LAW SON AJT OAli UF.UY. 1 V'' Hail lUorL, WtUittjlnn fihrrt.

Tm Mttmrrlr wrxtld reapreinillT Inftirm the ftrt. i.Im ouawa Bad vitsiiiy mat un iww iniu i Sisi-elaaaiuitonf plioOiBnNiir in iimw'i llntl wherv lm I prt-tairul plr- I- ofiJUawa BBd VIHtilt) that tiin-s in iIh. Iiu atvlo of tlM. mrt and klwiw lift niA' down tothe kOMilat Mlnkatttr O. lns.

All iwsxxUve by aoemptet AJtiat. A ruil IHn-iouur ilw ptmf, woaen'a Hall, awuranaa J. LAWHiNi I'lWfWlMOT. laseaidMr Uaa. JB-B-I J-4 HOMESTEAD FOR! SALE.

flHIE MiDBURN HOME-fTEAD is in the A mark, for aale or rent nil eiY term. It orients ti aerstif tha l-t (arnilnij iiiud. ueklt- I In. lly aiUiaUxl on III lUuka of (iron's rw, ftmr TrtMwt front -rnn PITT nmrui. ieTeniy-ne nrr, a ax in a rtnua(Krti.

wiMaaii wiW aaSli wXitl a S)i II SmSW Willi a4awiaaf ratihv Ar4UirOuna i rp MOOHE. 1 WWk.PlBS'l 111 ron i AHirlWafUaB Na, 7 mym- New JV; aoifW liect-naaatc BtaV i hVkAA XV WBMaaataaiacaaul Paaayr lw awaavti raiar Ifatwtae JoW on the alaMa ctotisa. flfcihotaa Bw-r? feutl litajaav; s. March arts, um. i nwi.

iv a wen mi VitMMi of Jwaj iii- rara juaJe tin HjUl It A Railway TM6' Wmion. Teutpeimnctf I'H UW i. St 1'fctrlck'n Hal) LecttiW WUiigtoa Wurd Mayoral Hft irtn iMrtalrtn ofT. nM Mf Jarley-W WifllV0i il JflUi Vmaay Dry Umod lllnun. Hon 4c IurMmlk.V.;.

i imrieanon Hooka JamH Keltwwi Wrlghl A Wim liiauu Malt.t TClmUtfn DooqmMt Lort I'uinii House. llorae Fou4j Jllylll A iloMI round CHURCH SERVICES. a. MifTTAf ru Stbkkt Ctacen. IUlT.

W. .1. Hunter at, 11 a.m. llmr, ICobttl. lart.

of Victoria Coflege at 7 p.xd. Ktho Krrt Ww.l!rji!rCBrRnt. i-ltav. Ii. llar, ot Viotoria ColUge, at eleven a.m.

J(r. numeral even p.m. WMlkyan at 1J a. nj. iiiwbionary sermon by tho liev.

Mr TKkiHKRAseij IIai.i., Tooloy'H Bridge, 11:30 a Mr. Mfltvajre: at 7 p.m,,Kr. Dr.Mftrk. Nnljct Jlonor due to Parents. HAVIT STnEET PRRSnTTKII'ASf ClU'RUMIter.

Moore, Tastor. Service at 1 1 a.m. hikJ i KT, Hr. Moobm will preach in Knox )iiir( li, Daly street, to-morrow evening. OTTAWA, BATUKTiAY, JAN; Mr.

Jamm Unowy is to bo opposed fn West llaMtirig l.y Mr. IJ. S. pAnaaaoif, tl6nt candidate. J-- 'I'liere aio lour caiididntos in the field' tbf Itusnejl alreivly Dr.

(Jkaxt, Mr. JlLACkuuiui, Mr. and lion. M. C'amkbox.

I lot). Jons ha been appointed I lour Inspector of Montreal. Wo aro glxul that thii mo, lei (irit ha been xhelYod at' lant. i The appointment of (Jeokqb tcajit, of (Quebec, to be Jndgo of the Vice Admir-ally (kurt vieo Hon. IlkxHr ni.A?.R, leceased i paetted.

We urn (Villhori-l l.y Mr, Jon ftK4HAit tonlatn that ho is not a candidate lor Watei Coirimisslonerslifp of Nf. Vleorgn Warl4'or tLia yedr. 1 Aldt Haxos may discover on Friday even mg that it would have boon much xalernnd k. i hiniHeif and lena lor Mr.

rATiiHHirfN. it id i-aid that' the Ontario Government will get rid of tho difficulties, In with tho Orange Incorporation bill Ly introducing a general Act, under which nil similar: Hoaietio can bo incorporated. It in rumored that the following cbttngca have bten made in tho Cabinet 1 Hon. Mr 'iiimriii: to bo Speaker of tli Nennto Hoa Mr. Ijaiiid to be Secretary of Stato for tlie Province Hon, Ii.

Scott, to be Minister of the nterior, with seat itt the Senate. JJl. ...1 The Uelleville lutelligtneer "sty, "Tho party Union and Progreas ia iiastuigs will be preporod to enter the oontet, and "although an unfair advantage ha been 11 taken of tho country by Uie men now in power, we liavo no faar of the result so far a tlnsi Oounty Is concerned." The (irits are circulating rumor turoygli tho city, ta thf efleet Ir. Hu han' resigned." need hardly say that it 1 an absurd invention of thai enemy. Dr.

Hir.r. is not moh a fool as to retire from a context wich is almost coi taiu to result in his favor. Wo havo traced tho rumor to a couple of (li iu who aro prominent churoh gown and leadori at claaa and prayer meet ings. 7'Jiey leavp their pioty at homo when they enter art election contest, and canjbehe nn opponent With as much impudence and pemiotence as the QUtbe itself. Tho UriU may as well make up thoir minds to accept a dofeat graoefully Dr.

Hu t. will poll the Iat vote, and will be returned by a hand-so 10 majority. BBiiiji)iiji)iiaiB)aMaiijiHH 1'ho Montreal Utrall oxproaso regret that tho (Government did not pass an election law belore diaaolving Parliament. Onr contcwporaix kilpw, Mini-dry did not wani Wi fha Mil -wiw prepared and printed, iU principal clauses had received tho sanction of tho House, and it would havo been passed without opposition hist November hj Ministry hadnot laa up their tniAd thai if should' not b4eome law unUlaUfUiioMolutipoof I'aTUamont lUere wa rjo'reaou why it should riot havo bewi paed, ballol clause and all two nays alter the change of Ministry. It was nl riot accident, that leaves thn country (wjthout lids, lm.ou fh eve 0f IxlJlO vJ.

It i Somooi the Grit orators who have more impildcuco iUauk houot tia? th 1 iviBifVHw m. cnarge-. againfrr KnTPrman which have4 been proved tin true. We deny that. Wo asked certain I neat ions of Um Grit candidate and he mado oertain coafeasion a oonfession which is, in our opinion, taffloienl to eondemn Mm as a man uawortb of holding a position of charge that the city has lost through tho bungling of AUarliiau or through something worse, the mm of in the sale of tho walerworka dalauture.

That cJiargo remauis uxuiuwerady and Um fact that the oily has BrW1jls losor through AUermaa''iAJUKaaivw'a, uut-management eamot explained away. A learned doctor ia Iowa given-bo opinion that tight lacing is a public- ben ell Inasmuch ants tendency js to kill off all tha foolUhgirla ud. kT one I grow nto women. 1 1 if its be If "Oourt ol Adtnfrtlty of EgftV1 dafe4 London thv27lb of OetoW, 1873; Las Kieen jlaai i ajpoaCGiiOftB ftrPASlV of Quebec, tUe rro-' rme pt Qnetwsc 'adge of the Vto Admiralty Court itHtbee, vice the fKIlonillKKEYBuAk, fifi i'xmtfcrcr xfAs iOTEKSon nleaned to mate tho following appointment, vus AlliXiXUtH MACAI4TK.i Ol tliO tjity of Kingston, in the of Ontario, (Jen -u tleman, to bo a Surveyor in Her Majoxty'n Cukloma." TIIK DISSOLUTION. An extra of the Cimttdn Garstte, innuod last evening contained the jroclamations li-nolving Parliament nd Orrlering general elections tJiroughout tho Dominion.

Tho wnta beat dato of January 2nd. The nonun-ations will take placo on tho 22nd and polling ofl the 29th iiudunt. Tho writ are relurnabloon lho2Iitof I'oU-uary, except Hr JTrituh Columbia, MiuntobA, (iatpe, ('Luajulinu and Saguenay, wbtoii are return. ivl'lo oil the I2th oi MariU next. Di is Midden movement of tho (j riL leivieix will flteii 0iiiititi little titno to Ircpare lor tho contest.

Not a 'lay' raoe has been allo.veil. The proclamation win not published until tho evening papers were i0i feJjaifttlyin advance ot the lirjtI 30ur will, Uietre, -oity of prompt and enercMaiotLhknU have taken evory uarH5Miat ftho etark i the raoe-V 3 Pbjo most for th fisitist tfifsmAiaaA toes, comtWit? aWlvUufioainfer- mission up to the moment of cloning tho liuX IJont est in liurityii pfaeew yoVrnay how rogard as sironhoidi f' "N'oti have an active nnscTOpulous foe to tight, and you must ilofeat h'm l.y greater ironili and eyual Thuro 11 no reason why a solitary cortstitueney tl. Ottawa N'alloy should bo lost to the 1 ja. Hition. Tho Orits are tho avowed enemies iar as it ha been announced, is hostile to our interests, and, above all, they aro the tonemiea of British connection and tho advocates of Annexation.

Prepare lor tho bt niggle aud bhow tlio dwloyal Party Lhaf ha.1 seized tho roini of power, that tho (Ottawa Valley will tolerate neither treason jior traitors. I'llU enr COLLECTOR. We regret to observe Hut the City Collector, Mr. T. Kirrt, continues to canvass aotively in support of the Orit candidate for he Mayoralty, Adrico of friend and mfngs of political opponents aro unavail- ng prevent him from taking an active art in the elections.

As the excitement ncreases and tho day of polling draws earer, his zeal in tho Ontcauso grows moro ntense, and there is not a more nctivo and imtiring canvasser on Mr. Fkatiiers ton's Committee than this cjty olUcial. On the first occasion, when ire called attention to his subject, Mr. Kir.iiY wrote a reply which published in Tim Citizf.v of Dec. ISth.

lo denied that ho was taking an active art in tho municipal elections, thus acitlyadmjtting that i would bo iiuptoiKjr ot IkUUftauo sowluihe remains in tun csponsiblo position which ho now occupies, nd he added I havo tried to act impartially. If tho public or their rcpresen- tativos think I havo not dono my duty, the remedy is in thoir own hands." Well, Wo bcliovo tho public arc dissatislied and Wo hopo they apply tho remedy which ihey hold. It seems nothing but a shaip femeily 'will have any elloct 011 this ollicial who loves his party "not wisely but too There can bo no dilleronce of Opinion as to tho impropriety of on ollicial Who possesses uch power to influence votes as a tax collector, taking an active part in elections. It is worse than briboiy. The latter is a temptation, ta Induce-hiom to toto against thoir convicllons 'tho forn'ier a whip by which to diivo needy electors (o support canditlates who have not their Oonfidoueo.

It is nsoless for Mr. Kiuuv to spy that ho utters no threat to anyone to Voto for the Orlt candidates. This is an indiscretion of which ho is not likely to be guilty while ho can attain his end by oxpros.iiig ft wish winch tho unpecuuoous ratepayer knows ho would bo no loser to respect. r. Kirry cannot bo ol tho jowcr he wields, and hi 'conduct is.

therefore, inexcusable. It is a blow at that freedom of the franchise whieh every Ontl professes to love ami respect, 'but which tho Pnrlv ltQ4 tint. Mm TiMi nf Wivnm I utmoal to if os troy. Mr. Kikiy is tmai(JjtilXteward wj' hope the incoming council will call hiin to account nr betraying tho trust repoe4 in him by the people TIMKSELIAL JiLECTJOXS.

The names ot several 'candidates hav already been mentionetl in connection with the (turn Valley conJtititeucies. For tho Capital, we heltVre MK M. Ci RidER will asked to oiler himself as one of tho two Isberal-Uouaervativcs for re-election. In Carle ton, Argenteuil, Kusaell, and Pontiac, bo gentlemen who Wf rs electext last year will be returned again with litUff'difHctilty not wahout oppoaiUon. Wo have not heard wWflw.ltT.-WfrO JfcotlT will be in a.MdfVWTiT.

I facts. "JJiitliisonmanly t-r-s mit savo'J I tHiJKidjM i tmut i. ill .111) ilrT-t, ,4 Ba4 H-f Moal'll biutfioio dffca Jf w--ril- nr no tir on to od by seir-conceit he read tho band writing on the walL. ivevheJ the balance and fouud. wanting." Tho ladies aro singing alxiul "the niolh eaten bustle, tboldjraa bustle, tlm-lotb oaten bustlo that imng fn so well." Die bard times alse affect the Indians.

l)no will now purchase two Apacho simmb, aswt the wner wf trm -women -witH- tlirovr in a- War tvso rathsar thait spoil ak -f id) A IIRSjKVKit the Bodily Vlcor wu, 'Whellier from IH ellects of old n1delri In lkt rhniale, li.nuLix'iit nourishment, aUiU-'H rapid STwtSvt'XreHaa. e.r SUsts' niod sIv-rMa sf ilAplrnltea will lt)nrl rHe ii io me in anil MMnrestora tin- oull Blrrtyjlh. Tho feTt-i1 rlrkrw TrmiTlil wlio way have liad l.u rpenvery n-uinlnl Infanllto ws will tk- rt-rovor under llie Inriuenee of. t'e I lows' Colu-puuiid isynipof lly MAVCTACTCK oy i'A Willi) iV an aeeount of the peceMitloptsl by Mr.

Jaiues KnA'o of dietetic arWle Ibrlr M-orks Uie KiuiiItM.LIiiJu."-LVus(j HuuifluiUtXfntU. HUH AK FAST. ri-l'S'S Asm Oomkoktimj. iiy a Uiomtacti auuwlol oi tb imtural tr.wp, which unirm tiiu ojifniikoiis diKu km and lutntioti. ami l.y enrrfnl upplleaUon Ot liH-s lliiK ol weU-srltsrusd txn-oiH Mr.

Kpy the our lal.h-s Willi Bavorvo lipvenure. wtin-n may mm Very nmtV heavy doe bills." IhitMlr. Mi IT mlrnylx WIUl ifcilhiig Water or MHfc. Kj-h ckPt la lain-l- lt, "Jimi KppaSS IbimI I POOR COPY.

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