The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 5
- Publication:
- The Ottawa Citizeni
- Location:
- Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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- 5
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
FOURNIER, Limited GERMANY BEFOR Comings and Goings Between Germany and Wieringen Lead Correspondent to Belief That Little Willie Wants to Return. Ex-Kaiser Unpopular, While Prince and Princess Have Big Followings. CLE AN SATURDAY MORNING SPECIALS CLOSED SATURDAY AFTERNOON ASSERTS DEFEAT OF P. E. 1.
GOVERNMENT CAUSED BY DECEIT Charlottetown Guardian Declares Turn-Over Due to Public Being Deluded. Detailed results of the P. E. I. election, appear en Page 12 of tale issue.
UP LADIES' VESTS Fine quality ribbed- cotton, short sleeves, sleeveless and opera style, white only. rn 39c. Very 0, special at Second Fluor. WASH GOODS SPECIALS Imported Ginghams. 3B Inches wide.
A Hhowtng of finest Uale The smartest novelty ciiet'kn. overchecka and plaids featured with most popular colorings1 to choose from, reg. worth 50c. Satur- day morning special per yard 0JC Dreea Voilpe.
40 Inches wklt, displaying the latect up-to-daie UfcsiKns and smartest advance color grounds pleasing to every tnst. worth J8c. Saturday morning H'lf Wah Goodn -Main Floor. CLEAN-UPS Fonrnler Kale of Summer Wrnrnble Clear-awaya continue with greater barsalnat through the More, and thrifty folkn, careful bjirer. nn well na Intending vncatlontM are readily sntinfylng their Immediate need).
Look over thla llMt then bring your want liHt and look for the unarfver-tised lines. isV 1923, had been issued -to Mr; Alvm" Doe. parleton Place. When DiST Shortt is able to lay a complaint, a summons will be issued. PARIS.
July 29.Prlces Soye regularly on the bourse today. Thi per cent rentes 67 francs 15 ns. Ex" ohante on London 17 francs 35 cm? The U. S. dollar was Quoted sit if'' francs 84 cms.
MEN'S COTTON SOCKS Extra fine quality, shown In colors. Black, Brown. Grey, Navy. Sizes 10 to 11. Special clearing price, pair Main Floor.
SILK HOSIERY Sncial high-grade fibre siik, displayed in Black, White, Brown, Suede, Mid Grey, and Nude; all sizes, reg. 63c. Very Vo special, pair JHnin Floor. LADIES' SHOES A clean-tip of the balance of Jjadiea' White Canvas Shoes in stock at the present time. Values to $4.50.
Saturday morning; pair $1.35 Main Floor. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY A stllc-faced mercerised lisle with extra stretch-rib top. Hlack. White. Cloud.
and bponge. All Special at Mnla Floor. sizes. 95c TOILET SOAPS Several popular lines grouped in one; Included are round and square glycerine; round bath tablet; Seward's cream olive and complexion soap, values to 10c. Saturday morn ing only.
per cake Main Floor. 5c Trace Car, by Number. In connection with the auto accident on July 18th, when Dr. Adam Shortt was Injured as he was alighting from a street car In front of the Union Station, by an auto, which sneeded by the car. the driver of the cur has not been located.
The license number on the auto was On- lano ivo. --uz-ies. and Mr. Hector LADIES' SKIRTS For sport wear. Flannol, Serge and Baronet Satin.
White. Cream. Sand, tjreen and Rose, all reg. to J9.60. Very tin's ial iC (Q to clear at Spt'iO Second Floor.
MEN'S COMBINATIONS Odd lines of balbriR-Kan and mash. Zlmmerknlt, Watson's and Simpson's, short sleeves, full length lonj? sleeves, full length legs, a(ea 32 to 44, reg. to $2.00. Very QQ special to clear i'oC 31 a In Floor. LADIES' H-A-T-S Sport and trimmed hats In strawB.
braids and silks; all the newest and most up-to-date colorings, reg values to $7.50. Very special to clear, Saturday OCi morning wOl Second Floor. Carruthers, secretary of the board of trade, suited that this number for 1922 was issued to Mr. Ovila Le-vesque, of Kmbrun. Mr.
Lavesque however, says that he was not the driver, and said he was nt home th4 day the accident happened. Ifr. Carruthers stated yesterday that the registrar of auto licenses- In Toronto had, been communicated with, furnished the information that Ontario License No. 202-5(18 for HEAR I REPORTS Are Told Not to Despair, as Their Securities Will Become Valuable. (Canadian Press Cable) LONDON.
July 26. Holders of Grand Trunk Pacific four per cent debentures, meeting wers given a full statement of the negotiations between their committee and the Canadian government in which a compassionate grant for the shareholders was sought. Sir Harry Samuel, presiding, said there was not the slightest reason to dlspair. He deplored the large dealing in the stock recently and declared that undue inflation or depression was equally detrimental to a final equitable settlement. Even more deplorable was the information, sometimes true and sometimes false which constantly came from some source at present absolutely undiscoverable by the committee.
He declared that their security was far more valuable today than it was a year ago. To Send Rejoinder. "Sir Harrison Smith told the meeting that he proposed to send a rejoinder to the Canadian government. The committee left Canada, he said, with the door still, open to further negotiations. Their mission had cleared up the situation in several respects and had left them faced with the realities and had indicated their line of action to rescue as much as possible of their property from the wreck.
G. F. Fordsyke. who accompanied the mission to Canada, expressed amazement at the Canadian government's answer to their appeal. He advised the stockholders to hold on.
They would want patience but the result was certain. One stockholder suggested approaching the British government with a view to the appointment of a royal commission. The chairman said he knew of no better way of getting the whole question shelved. He could not recommend such a course. A resolution was carried expressing full confidence in the committee and re-appointing them "to their best in the Interest of the stockholders." AT Premier Baldwin Speaks on Reparations, at Glasgow Conservative Club.
GLASGOW, July 26. Premier Baldwin, speaking before the Conservative Club on the reparations problem tonight, likened the effect of the Franco-Belgian occupation of the Ruhr on international trade to inserting the blade of a pen-knife Into the works of a watch. The people, he declared, were learning now at a gigantic price the elements of economics and foreign exchange. "It Is not so much that we have suffered through confusion in Cen tral Europe," he continued, "as that we are beginning to suffer. Until some form of financial stability is obtained in Germany there will be no reparations to anyone." The premier also expressed the opinion that, though it was looking far into the future, "in Russia we have one of the largest potential markets in the world." Trade With Russia.
"I believe that in the long run it would be to Russia we shall have to look." he declared, "with one or two other parts of the to provide that increased scope for trade which must be found to ab sorb the exports of Germany, represented by her reparations, if you can get them, which absorption alone will enable reparations to be paid witnout bringing us face to face with some of the keenest competition from which we shall ever have suffered." Incidentally, the Prime Minister remarked: "One of the tasks of the coming Imperial conference will be the moving of populations to suit the needs of the British Empire and finding employment for our growing populations." FRENCH REVENUE EXCEEDS ESTIMATE (Canadian Press Cable, via Reuters) PARIS, July 26. French revenue for June totalled 1,588,000,000 francs including indirect taxes amounting to 1,399,000,000 francs. The latter sum exceeded the budget estimate by 35,500,000 francs, and last year's indirect taxes by 174.750,000 francs. Customs receipts amounted to francs, which was francs below the estimates. Returns for the first half of 1923 exceeded the estimates by 1,600,000 francs, and last year's returns by 884,500,000 francs.
Associated Press Despatch. LONDON', July 27. That the former German Crown Prince Frederick "William Is believed to be planning his escape from Wieringen is asserted by the Antwerp- correspondent of the Daily Mail. There is curiosity, also some anxiety, throughout Belgium, the correspondent cays, owing to confidential information regarding the comings and goings of various agents between Germany and Wieringen, and it is an open cecret that the prince wants to return to Germany. He 'is believed to be in constant communication with the German Nationalists and their organizations throughout the Fatherland.
Nobody, the correspondent declares, would be surprised to hear that Frederick William had attempted to return to Germany, and if, he were determined to escape nothing but extremely vigilant watch would prevent him. There have been many arrivals also at Doom in the past month, including Prince Eitel former minister von BTelfferich, and it is reported that Hugo Stinnes, too, has been among the secret visitors. The correspondent asserts that the former German emperor also would difficulty in escaping, if he so wished. Twice lately he has motored to the coast of Scheveningen. The writer suggests, however, that activities concern the prince rather than the kaiser, whose popularity has "sunk to zero," while the prince is not unpopular with the ex-soldiers, and his wife is popular In Berlin.
OF DR. HUGH PEDLEY Chairman of Congregational Union of Canada and Leading Preacher, Passes While Golfing. MONTREAL, July 27. While playing golf at Knowlton yesterday Dr. Hugh Pedley, pastor emeritus of Emmanuel churcn, Montreal, collapsed and died before aid could be summoned.
Dr. Pedley was born in 1852 in England and was therefore in his 71st year. Throughout a ministry of about forty years, he had held only three pastorates, in Cobourg, Winnipeg and Montreal. In June of this year he was elected chairman of the Congregational Union of Canada when, that body met at Ottawa. Rev.
A. F. Pollock, pastor of the First Congregational church, Ottawa, stated that P.ev. Dr. Pedley was one of the outstanding figures in the Congregational Union, a man who was generally esteemed by everyone.
The doctor had a marvelous gift of oratory and Rev. Mr. Pollock said that Congragatlonaltsts delighted to honor him on every occasion. He held the highest positions in the Congregational church. With the death of Dr.
Pedley, the last member of the original committee on church union passes. His election to the chairmanship of the union last June was for the third time in succession. Dr. Pedley was born in England 71 years ago, coming to Canada with his father when the latter received a call to the Congregational church at Springs, near Cobourg, OnL Dr. Pedley took his mourse for the ministry at Victoria University when that institution was still situated at Cobourg.
Following his graduation In 1883. he was pastor of the Cobourg church for 12 years, going from their to Winnipeg and eventually taking over Emmanuel church, Montreal. In 1917 he resigned, ari since then lias been preaching in different pulpits In the eastern United States wnere he spent his win ters, and at Cornwall where he sum mered. A eon of Dr. Pedley was killed In the war, and an'other son died as the result of an accident before the war.
Dr. Frank Pedley, of Montreal, is a son, and Mrs. Gurd, of Montreal, daughter. Rev. James Pedley, of Toronto, is a brother, and Rev.
Hil ton Pedley, a missionary in Japan, brother. Dr. Pedley was well known to Ottawa ns. having preached in the first congregational cnurcn many times, his passing will be regretted oy many. FLIGHT BY NIGHT Airplane Carries Three Passengers in Epochal Non- Stop Journey.
Associated Press Despatch. GARDEN CITY, N.Y., July 27. Eddie Stinson. accompanied by Charles Dickinson, president of the Aero Club of Illinois, and Arthur Gray, mechanic, arrived at Hazel-hurst Field at 7.30 o'clock eastern standard time this morning in the Junker all-metal monoplane, in which he left Chicago at 11 o'clock last night, completing in 8 1-2 hours the first non-stoD three-Das- senger night flight between the two The machine flew In total dark ness from Cleveland. It was well over Pennsylvania when daybroke.
From Chicago to Cleveland the fliers were aided by the light of a full moon. The average speed was 100 miles an hour. It was planned to return to Chi. cago by daylight tomorrow. Ex-Premier Drury Accepts Leadership of U.F.O.
Conditionally. TORONTO, July 26. The U.F.O. elected members and defeated candidates met here this afternoon, J. G.
Lethbridge, West Middlesex, presiding over a large attendance. The proceedings were conducted In camera, and at the close the following statement was handed out by Hon. W. E. Raney, ex-attorney general: "Addresses were delivered by Messrs.
E. C. Drury, W. A. Amos.
Hon. M. Doherty, J. J. Morrison, R.
H. Halbert, M.P., and others. "Hon. Mr. Drury intimated his acceptance of the leadership pro-ferred him at the recent meeting of the elected members on two.
conditions: first, on the endorsatlon of the action of the U.F.O. members of the legislature by a province-wide convention: second, on an appeal being made to all classes of the community. The former premier made It very clear that he would rot agree to be the leader of a qlass movement. "After a lengthy discussion the following resolution was moved by Mr. Oke, seconded by Hon, Manning Doherty and carried: 'That a committee of twelve, six to be selected by the elected mem bers of the legislature and six by the executive of the U.F.O.
Association, be authorized by the meeting to consider the advisability of calling a provincial convention of representative electors to select a leader and formulate the future A meeting of the executive of the U.F.O. was held tonight when the proceedings at the afternoon meeting were discussed, but no decisions were arrived at. From what could be learned the opinion prevails in this section of the U.F.O. that ex-Premler Drury would not be endorsed as leader by a general convention. No steps have as yet been taken in the direction of providing him with a seat in the legislature.
Keen two or three tins always in the nantrv. Thm when Unexnectad cntf.atl I urop in, you have to make delicious Sand wiches that everyone win enjoy. Stall ooea grocers. Visit Our Farm Near Merivale a short run ot either the Prescott road or the Merlvale road. A herd tuberculin tested.
Note the cleanliness everywhere. Watch how the milk Is handled. This is but a sample of "Ottawa Dairy" methods. PTTOXK Q. 1188 GoodSamaritan Hospital TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES Probationers required for Spring and Fall Classes.
Course three years. One to two years High Sehool required for entrance. Liberal allowance and maintenance. Apply Supt. of Hospital, Lebanon, Pennsylvania C.
260 1 Gloomy View of The London Times in View of Diplo matic Delays on Repara tions Stand. ECONOMIC STRAIN MAY ALTER THINGS But Symptoms of Internal Disorder in Germany Growing Day by Day. LONDON, July- 27. The recent tendency in many quarters here to take a sanguine view of the progress of negotiations in the reparations situation is disappearing under the influence of the latest reports from Paris, which- indicate that France nd Belgium virtually are immov- ible from the essential points of their policy in which they differ 'mm Great Britain, The situation is reviewed by The Times In an editorial today saying that the British government has attempted with sincerity and goodwill "to bring the whole problem into that region of economic calculation in which common sense may have some chance," but that the purpose behind this attempt "is being frittered away amid the shallow conventions of diplomatic delays." Germany's Disquiet. The prospect of negotiations dragging on until autumn is seen by The Times, which adds that in the meantime the symptoms in Germany are disquieting and it regards "the erazy movements" of the mark as of less consequence than indications' of growing disorder in Germany.
"The conspicuous fact about Germany," says The "is that she is sinking into sure chaos." The newspaper admits that it is quite conceivable that Germany's passive resistance may break down as a consequence of the intolerable economic strain, but asks, "Is there any guarantee that this moment may not coincide with the moment of general collapse?" What of tho Future? "Are the negotiations to drag on until this moment arrives?" con-i tinues the editorial. "Are slow dip lomatic exchanges simply to postpone any Dew form of action until Germany plunges Into complete disorder? If so, how will the Allies cope with the problem? Will there be any solution? Will not Europe then be in an entirely different condition from anything conceived in the of victory?" The Liberal press suggests that if the Franco-Belgian replies are along the lines forecast from Paris and Brussels, the time will have come for Great Britain to follow her own policy toward Germany and either send her own answer to Berlin or submit the whole question to the League of Nations. Tl Mr. J. E.
Askwith Comments on Developments Rare Possibilities. and Progress is being made on the new lookout at Rockcliffe Park op poslte Gatineau Point. The founda tions are now in and the building, which will be covered and 20 by JO, will he' finished in another month. Mr. John Asquiih, former police magistrate of Ottawa, through whose efforts, when an alderman of Rideau Ward, Rockcliffe Park was bought for the city, stated today that, in his opinion, the site of the new lookout would lend itself to much finer structure.
Mr. Askwith was born in a house which formerly stood In Reckcliffe Park, not far from the loojtout, some S3 years ago, and has. always been keenly inter ested in the work in the park and of the Ottawa Improvement Commission generally. He stated that the site opposite Gatineau Point should Be devoted to a tower, which would, give a wonderful view of Ot tawa and the surrounding country Bide. "I believe a stone' tower should be erected on this site," said Mr.
Askwith. "It would give spectators a view or Ottawa and or the sur rounding country for miles around. The tower should carry a gigantic beacon light which could be seen for mllea around. The view of the Gatineau, of the city of Ottawa and of the Ottawa river, both up river p6 down river, from this point is unique, but to get such a view the lookout should be from 100 to 150 feet in. height.
I believe it would make a unique advertisement for Ottawa." Mr. Askwith said he realized the Ottawa Improvement Commission might not have the money to embark on this work at once, but he thought the plan should be kept in mind, in order that it might be done later when finance permitted. PAYS HIGH TRIBUTE TO DR. E. Dominion Cerealist Dwells On the Great Value of Marquis Wheat.
A warm tribute to Dr. Charles1 E. Saunders, the discoverer of Marquis whsat, is paid by L. H. Newman in hit annual report as Dominion cerealist, in which position he succeeded Dr.
Saunders, who resigned i year ago on account of ill health. The report says that the value of Marquis wheat, not only to Cana dian agriculture but to that in the t'nited States, Is almost bevond com. butation. Its worth lias been so Heflnitely proved that it now nudi ties by far the greater part of the spring wneai growing lands of Can-ida. According to United musicians, lurtnermore, there were Imost 12.000.006 acres devoted tn raarquis wneat in that country in 919.
"And," the report continues, while Marquis wheat has won for Dr. Saunders and for the cereal dlvi. kon a widespread recognition, yet a asi amount or. material resulUng rom Dr. Saunders' hand mi fnatna for further Investigation.
It not oeyona ine realms of possibility that from tbis material, there nay yer. emerge varieties which may nark as great an advancs over Mar- mis as aid the latter over- Red fife." ALLIES CAN AC Three Great Saturday Morning Sale Specials To Stimulate a Full Day's Business in Four Honrs 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Everr Dress in this Saturday morning Clearance is Genuine Merchandise and the rare values offered -will crowd this, busy store-' from, the minute of opening until closing. Shop early for best selection.
CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I., July 27. Owing to the large majorities in practically every poll, revised returns from the elections today do not change the general result of: 26 Conservatives and 4 Liberals, three in Prince County and one in Kings. The Guardian (Conservative) commenting on the results says: "The Bell government was defeated, not as its supporters claimed, be-1 cause it increased taxation, not be- cause it had improved the roads, not because it had improved our educational system. They were defeated because they had assured the public that there was no need of increasing the taxes and afterwards increased them; because they adopted a road policy which they had denounced as an 'infernal scheme' and because by that road they incurred a heavy provincial debt. In short, the Bell government was defeated because it deliberately and officially deceived the people." The Patriot (Liberal) says today: "The former leader of the Conservatives in 1920 stattd when speaking on the Liberal government's Tax Act, 'The government has done the right thing, but the result will be its Nemesis ia on their trail.
In this in stance he proved a true prophet. The government did do right and did Its duty faithfully and well and all but four of its supporters have been politically annihilated for tho time being. Every member of the cabinet including the premier has suffered defeat. History Repeats Itself. "In this notable election history has repeated itself with respect to the Liberal party.
In 1879, forty-four years ago, a Liberal government, headed by the present Sir Louis Davies, attempted to raise sufficient money to adequately carry on the public services, and did its full duty. It was crushed out of office. The Progressives fared badly yesterday, every man being badly defeated and their influence as a political factor for the time being has been considerably discounted. The result indicates that long term governments are a thing of the past here. In 1912 the Conservatives swept the country, 28 to in 1915 they were almost defeated, 17 to 13, and in 1919.
tho Liberals had the overwhelming majority of 24 to 6, a condition reversed yesterday. The new premier will have among his supporters two defeated federal candidates, f. A. MvNetll, former com-, misslo'ner of public works, and J. H.
Myers. The second district of Prince, which gave the Liberals their leader in 1912, when they had only two seats out of thirty, will likely again furnish a leader in the person of A. C. Saunders, K.C. This district has been Liberal practically since Confededation." TRAVEL WORN AUTO Car Bore Signs of Gun Battle When rrest Made Buffalo Street.
on BUFFALO. N.Y.. July 27. Police today arrested two men on a downtown Buffalo street in a travel-worn car which bore signs of having been in a gun battle. There were two bullet holes through the sides of the automobile and several spent bullets lying on the floor.
An investigation was started to determine whether there was any connection between the car and Toronto's $130,000 daylight hold-up of Tuesday. The men said they had been in Toronto yesterdoay. They had in their possession a bill ot sale tor another car, and evidence that several cars had been purchased and disposed ot through the manipulation of the one bill of sale. CME TO BAXDIT. MONTREAL, July 27.
The sawed-off shotgun dropped by ban- aits wno neicl up and engaged in gun-fight with bank messengers in the heart of downtown Toronto on Tuesday morning, was purchased by a stranger, believed to be an Amer ican, from T. W. Boyd and Sons, sporting goods merchants. 27 Notre Dame street west, last Monday or tne Saturday previous. An excellent description of the purchaser of the gun has been given to the local detective office this morning by the salesman of the gun rne description was wired to the loronto police this The law of the province Insists upon the names and addresses of purchasers of revolvers only being lanen oy sellers or sucn weapons, thus the actual identity of the purchaser of the gun in the Toronto case is wnii unknown.
Killed by Train. MONTREAL July 27. Struck by a C.P.R. train at Montreal West tnis morning t. Eteran.
a section. man employed on the railway, was instantly Killed. Mr not the most in 500 Gingham Dresses at a Given-Away Price JJ 3 ALL THIS WEEK JAP-A-LAC WOOD GRAINING DEMONSTRATIONS By lady representative from the factory. You Are Cordially Invited. W.
A. RANKIN, LIMITED. 410-12-16 BANK ST. Exceptional values- every one styles shown for the irst time, Saturday morning. All new arid" 'made from "Anderson 's color-fast inghams every imaginable color, and dozens of styles to choose from, Sizes to 44.
"Dres.fiOs worth up to II and Women's Wash Dresses Peg. up to 311-95 It CO Juniors' and Misges' Summer Wash Dresses Misses' Summer up to $1195 $C95 AM our best dresses. Finest Tissue Oinsrhm-' Novelty Wash Just Try an Experiment Buy a oacKet of Reg-, Dozen." of styied to choose from. All fresh, crisp and new. Voiles, Muslins.
Hatines. All colors. Sizes for Junior? 13, 15, 17. Sizes for misses 18, IS, 20, grade Voiiei. 1 KHbrles. IH to 4f. All reduced for morning's clear "Mir Buy a Tent And Spend Your Vacation in the Great Outdoori Our quality tent are made In all sizes at reasonable prices, carry in atnrR camping requisites eluding Folding Camp Beds, Stool, Etc. We Will he Pleated Serve You. Jutt Pay Vt a Call.
in- "T'WL 1 USlW THE J. F. NIC and see if it is LIMITED. 'Ottawa's A'ett Specia It Shop for Women" C. H.
PETCH 167 SPARKS ST. Q. 8433. delicious Tea you ever tasted. Most Tea-Drinkers Think It Is." PROVO ST A LLARD Wholesale Distributors 8 DoonVel of O'Connor.
Maker of Good Awnings and Tenta. Bank and Strathconav.
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