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The Ottawa Citizen from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • 1

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


PITH OF THE NEWS. The forest art rijlr.r.r tknbcrtt. VS. 6ouUx Waterloo now hi an Independent Itbor party. 'Clostn price of whom on Cbloaro Inarkat were weaker.

fiertoua rlota occurred durlnf the ftblpptnf anrlka at Cardiff, Wain. Tho double liability call upon the 'yarmere' Bank hareholders baa been jnade. The axlled Shah of Perr.a. bss re CANAOIANJLUBS Many Matters Before Session Held at Winnipeg. July 11.

Vnder th rWnf.rd Kvans. himsc'f of th flrt fa-nnd flub, at Hamilton, the Canadian Clubs met this nv'rnl'n eecutl esl.n In the cll iVn'Meral'ic urmnUatlt'li wr' w.n through with and (his aft' rn tho delesntes. who cmr nil purts -f the the i of the city at the exhibition Anion Interesting matters this nwrnlnc were rclu-tin f.r cheaper telegraph rate. the pr'vlnes. ehesper cable Mies, bringing tho various pe.ij.i, the empire Into closer tuiKh and other suggestions along similar lines.

SHOEMAKINC MONOPLY Massachusscts Legislature Out After the Combine. Huston. A message re questing the IiMt.sintiire InM-stlgHte th maniificture of shoe machinery In this stale, which the governor claims a nion. poly, and, If necessary additional bins so Ihat other industries rimy not be placed In Jeopardy, as sent the senate today tioV, FoSS, Tho nowriior points out In Ins mes-sine Unit the ni iiuiai'lurt' of shoes is one of lh. Industries of the state, mil It seems to be a f.u thai practically nil of the nniehlnery ud in tin Ir manufacturi! belongs to one irpomtlon, organised under the las of another stite, but operating principally In Slasach'ii tis.

Hy Us ownership of Muwe machines, this corporation. the governor, has been enabled to maintain an iibsolute not only of Its osin business, hut BOY AS PRESIDENT Revelations of Philadelphia Mutual Fire Insurance Fake. Philadelphia. July lk-At bore today of offlolals of It "mutual fire Insurance eompanKV of this city on tho charge of fraudulent concerns, a 19 yetir old testified he had been picked off the street and made president of two of the crns ar.J secretary of a third at a total snla'y of week, llie wltnss, Herman S. Rutinson.

said he was homos wlien h'reo to run erra.i.'.j 11c was told h- must "dren up" and laid that one tbi-defendants ha1 outfitted him tit a clothlnj atore. At the tnd the hearing the three olllcials. I'nvd Baialty, and I'hnrVs were held under for Roblnon testified knew he had been made president, but It vaa only a matter of form. He that the Janitor of an oincc niilding in which the fourteen companies were vpcrated from the sarre room was also made president of one of the con THE FIRST STAGE Corporal Trainor Got Bronze i Medal and $125.

Fcr Score of 101 First Stage Of King's Prize. Winner Member of R. C. R. at Toronto.

P.lsiey, July IS Co'porat Trainor of Canada won the fir', stsge In the shooting for the King's prise with an aggregate s'ore of 101 at the' meetiuir the National Ttlfie Assocl-. atlon today. He talies the National Illfle Association bronze medal, that brnnxe bndge and a cash pr're of i $12 Tialnor's victory wm exceedingly popular In the rnmp; the range he wos photorrai htd a times, also in front of the Cnnadinn pavilion, mounted on the shoulders of th (Continued on Page Ten.) AWAIT MORE NEWS Government and Financial Aif In Porcupine Disaster. At the evening sis1on of the house, of commons yrslerday Mr. Smythe, of Kiist Algomu, drew the attentloa of the government to the disaster' which has overtaken tha northern.) Ontario mining districts In the shapsu of devastating forest fires.

II sal that private Individuals and munJcl-pulltlrtf as well as the provincial eminent had contributed to thai relief of the sufferers. He had r.o-. tired in the prsss that the Federal: government was considering a mea- diire of relief, and he could assure the minister! that anything they might decide to do In that way would be met with the approval of tha Canadl-I an people. lie believed the govern-' ment would be Justified In contributing liberally. i Mr.

Fielding replied that the ov-1 ernment had learned with the great-j tut regret of the disaster at Porcu-! pine, and hud the warmest aympathjs, with the sufferers. Representational had been made to the particularly by a committee of Ot-i tawa gentlemen, but they were un! able to furnish the government Information as to the eitent of tha. need. The government would watt', ing before deciding what relief. It any ahm.M Va vlvian In th.

lie added, the government had snt rjillof In tha cr nt tntfl mnA li I a kets to the strloken districts. WOOL TARIFF BILL Sen. Root's Measure To Coma Before U. S. Senate Today.

Washington, July 18. Senator, Kmmt nf the enA.te mmmttteA on 1 finance, win introauce tomorrow ma Wool Tariff Revision bill. It will be presented as a substitute for thi house measure and will receive thi support of the regular Republicans and of the administration. The bill provides for a Keneral reduction on wool and woolens, but does not go so far on either a the house bill. It fixes the same rate on first clasa wool that the La Fol-letto bill names so long as that rtasg of wool maintains the price of 22 l-2o per pound, but as the rate la specific the protection Is made variable as It Is under the ad valorem sytem of the Wisconsin senator.

It retains higher duties on woolens than ark provided by the La Follette bill. Aviator Debarred. London, July 18. The' Royal Aero Club has suspended for otae monti the aviator's certificate ham Gllmour, for flying In a man ner dangerous to public safety during the recect Henley regatta. Thle will prevent Oliir.our'a participation In the British circuit race for $50,000, which will start from oa Saturday.

Drowned Victim Found. Toronto, July 18. The body of Harvey Kenvan, of Isabella street, drowned In the bay on June 28, b-falilng from a gasoUns launch, wan pinked up this morning. A hroth Mr. A.

E. Kerwan, was ted with and Identified the remains. C. N. R.

To Trenton. Toronto, July 18. The will soon have regular trairs between Toronto and Tr line is prac-tit-aily cm now. The railway hope a regular service about Augoe-. Shot in Auto.

Richmond. July IV While InK to the 'itv In an motor car Chesterfield rounty tonight. Mrs Heattie. was shot and killed bv uncertified white man, who escf' Hhe was prominent and nr1-' a year ao. 'i; Investing Have your summer dresses dry cleaned.

Our process will not fade of run the colors and will not shrink oi alter fit of the Tou will surprised how nice It will look. Tha Imperial Laundry, cor. Wellington and! Bay Streets. Phone 2000. Coronation amber at KeUla Cai at Reld's Bookstore today and see the various Coronation Number showing views along the line of procession.

Telephone 2051. Coal and Wood Book your order now for Best Coat also ail grades of dry wood at Josv Dolan, 343 Rldeau. Phone 1905. 57aL THEM BON VOYACE I Farewell Luncheon to Dominion Representatives. Premier Asquilh on Vitality of Motherland.

Mr. Balfour on Sentiments of The Empire. (t'nnflillHii ANHK'Intttl I'rfw TliMo.) London, July 18 The Kins sent a I f.irewell to the luncheon to representatives af the Dominions given by the parliamentary committee yesterday conveying the hope that they and their wives had enjoyed th visit to the motherland, and an expression of pleasure at having seen them at Buckingham palace, adding also wishes fur a safe and pleasant Journey home. Premier Asqulth said he thought that as the result of a survey of the various parts of Britain the visitors would carry away two abiding Impressions, first that whatever pessimists and cynics have said to the contrary this motherland, the home and centre of the empire, is not yet moribund (cheers). "Wherever you have been you have seen aboundlns evidence of vitality and progress (I do not wish to speak of politics) In all soela.1, industrial and other walks of our common life, and next, but not the least Important, you will all go to your various dominions ami the colonies of tho King feeling that there Is an Identity of Ideals and alms between the different parts of the empire quite Independent of all political parties and which constitutes the nblcllng safeguard of the Empire In cn-operatlon with sympathy, freedom, and unity.

IvkmI patriotism and Imperial loyalty are said to be the characierlstic features of the conditions of our Empire, some people think it an accident, some think It a miracle. It is enough for nu and me to be good, true and loyal subjects of tho King, to recognize In It, a every one must the best solution which the political genius of mankind has yet provided." Mr. Balfour said, "I associate nv-eelf absolutely with the premier In what he has said In an optimistic vein. In a vein of true optimism, wKh regard to the vigor and vitality of every part 6t the Empire. We are not a.

decadent Empire, and we In this country are not a decadent part of the Emplr (cheerst. We this oountry, the motherland, are personally ready to bear all the weight and all the responsibility belonging to our position, and we know ther is an esuger, growing sentiment In every part of the Empire that we should not bear that burden alone (cheers). LIABILITY CALL Farmers Bank Shareholders Have Notifications. Toronto, Ont July IS. The call for payment of the double liability on stock of the defunct Farmers' Bank of Canada has Just been made to the shareholders by Liquidator G.

'larkson. R. E. Men-zies, who appears in the books an a holder of SO0 shares, declares that he will contest the bank's claim through the courts. I sold out every dollar of my stock two years before the bank failed," he says.

Dr. T. H. Wylie, billed for J10.000 double liability and WMA unpaid first subscription on 100 shares, haa Joined with the Ilalton shareholders and will fight to a finish. He olaims he onlv actually su'oncribed for seven shares and that a certificate for 100 was sent him by a clerical error, hich he promised would be rec tified Immediately.

He returned the certificate and heard no more about the matter. Regarding a rumor that some Hal-ton farmers were leaving for th Northwest, with a view to sinking all their capital In homestead property upon which double liability could not be levied, Mr. Clarkson, the liquidator, says If acy such cases are discovered the farmers will be followed and their goods seized. In anv case, he says, homestead land can be levied upon as soon as the homesteader settlement duties are performed and all that Is necessary is to establish the liability. A motion has been made before the I acting master-in-chambers for pr-1 mission for the liquidator of the Far- mere' Bar.k to serve a writ upon th directors of Lloyd's, England, who are outside the Jurisdiction of the Ontario high court.

Difficulty Is an-, collecting the i which the liquidator claims as 'he amount of the two annual policie held by the bank of the honesty ''t Its employes. Formal proof has been forwarded to England of the defalcation of W. R. Travers, but and Company, solicitors for the liquidator, are getting ready to is- i sue a writ. i BAR EULL FIGHT Spanish Matador Turned Down by Toronto Police.

Toronto. July Flat refjsel from Deputy Chief 0f Police Stark met the piea of William a Spanish matador, that tie be permitted to boil a VjII fight In the stadium during tie last two weeks in August. The police backed up the deputy chief to man. Mr. Dunn, whose father was th Spanish consul at Malaga, propc to bring Bin bulla and six ttatsder-from Mexico and to conduct the fg according to Spanish etSlct From Strathcona Park to The East Side.

Alleged Scheme on Part Real Estate Man. of While the city fathers and the publicity coiniiiltice were on Monday night thinking about factory sites, bridnes across the Kldenu and nil the rut of It, a brlrtue was being actually euemlod across the llldenu rlvar Strathcona pnrk. It was started sometime Monday night. The residents In the vicinity of the park heard tho hum of saws and mistook It for mosquitoes. But while they were resting peacefully this bridge, that would huve done Justloa to Cnesar, wu being quickly Wild across the river.

In the morning It wns wcU nigh completed and last evening the work was flnnlly done and the railing on. Several hundred peopln lust evening Inspected the structure and pronounced It all right. What Is thu use of voting on bylaws when bridges can be built In night? This bridge Is about three nnd a hnlf fed wide and boglns Just where the Ottawa Improvement commissioners' property ends on the river side so thut this body evidently cannot complain. In future It can be used by people living ulrng the east side of the Hldean river. They run cross this bridge Into Ftrathcona park and by a trhort walk reach the street cars at the corner of Charlotte street and banrler east.

It is a big savInK as noe tho residents In this district hnvo to walk up to Cummlngs Itrldge nnd on to the Protestant hospital before they reach a street car. The water at the point where the bridge crosses Is only few Inches deep, except in the Hiring. This new bridge gives fnlrly con venlent aocess to the factory sites proposed over there. It Is said to have been built by a real estate agent to make a short route to a subdivision he Is selling. The bridge Is built so that It can Ife taken up In the wlntor when the residents can use the Ice.

It will be put down again when the spring floods are over. MORE STRIKE RIOTS Cardiff, Wales, the Scene of Serious Disorders. Cardiff. Wales, July IS Serious rioting occurred on the docks today, arising from the slrlks troubles, In which a dozen polloemen and a score of c-tvlllans were tiadly Injured. During the riots a Urge dock warehouse ebught fire.

The rioters Interfertxl with the efforts of the firemen to extinguish the flames and looted the warehouse of hoitsheids of liquors, a large quantity of which thev consumed. HONEY TO COST MORE Failure of Clover Crop Will Cause The Advance. Toronto, July IS. Owing to the failure of the small field crops and the high price of small fruit, the honey executive of the Ontario Dee Keeper's association will advance the price of honey this season. Reports received from all parts of the province show a decided falling off In the honey crop, except In Middlesex county and in central and western counties.

The reason Is that the drought dried up the cJover. There will be a million pounds less honey prodiK-e-d Id th5 prlvlnce. IHSURCENTS AHEAD Fears For Stability of Government of Haiti. Port au Prince, Haiti, July I9The situation for the government Is regarded as rriti-al. All the districts r.orth of rtibonlto are In and the Insurgents are close upoh Cape haitlen, which they fire to attack at any time.

The" government has chartered the German steamers and All' man-Lia for the purpose, of bringing the president and his troops ba.k to Port au Prinze. This city Is practically without defenders and the president Intends to organize as effective resistance as possible against the revolutionists. Oen. with hi followers, ft Is reported, has landed between Monte Cristl and Fort Iiberte. He Is on his way to Join the Insurgents.

Press Association Secretary. Toronto. July 18. John M. Imrie, itor nd manji(r-r of th and Publisher, wai at a meeting of th ex-vy.

tiva committee of th ranailan Prni Asvtfitio-n hM nlsfht appointed wi-Mary of th- Canadian Pre with offVs in Toronto. Mr. Irnrie a-pteJ th position today on Th nn'WataTin'iniS that ftuvJd ept-nd half bift time in th work Of ainoe.aifon. Was Woodstock Girl. Woodstock, or.u July Msfoel who lost her life in the Detroit Hlver by jumplrg from a lumen when the gasoline frtk fire, was formerly employed as a dinlr.g room- sir! at the North H.el.

I.stterlv she bad bn working the kjilum factory. On Saturday sh left Woodstock In company with Miss McOoreen reh enriWved St the North American Hoel. Miss McJovern was on the boat, bit es'apsd. For New Government House. Toronto.

J-ilr Excavation work has beer -uinmnee4 on the site of the new government house at Chocler Park. Reseda le. The eotrtraet for this portion has been given to Thonrpeon Brothers, of Toronto. Said Premier Has Authority to Use King's Name. Expressing Hope Differences be Solved.

London, July 19. Mr. Balfour had another long conference with Lord Lansdowne tonight and it is understood that they decided to adhere to the policy of allowing the amended veto bill to pass the third reading without division. So far, there no sign of any motion to reject the bill and although It Is still, possible that the Insurgent peers may challenge division It Is not expected that the revolt will be big enough to endanger the bill in this stsge as Lord Lansdowne and his associates are doing their best to counteract the threatened rising. The Liberal morning papers predict that the crisis will end quietly without the creation of new peers.

Assuming that the lords will, pass the third reading of the veto bill on Thursday, they state that Premier Asqulth will on Monday announce In the house of commons that the government has the power to make the nation's will prevail One rumor goes so far as to state that Premier Asquith has also authority to announce that the King desires, through his ministers, to express the hope that no violent differences of opinion shall be persisted In between the two houses of parliament. After an announcement of this kind the Liberals assume that Lord Lansdowne will counsel his followers not to persist in opposing the bill, but wlH the same time intimate the determination of the Unionist party to repeal the bill when they come 'into power. Some of the insurgent peers may even then hold out, but not enough of them to prevent the final passage of the bill. Color Is given to this Liberal view of the situation by the attitude of the Unionist organs this morning. They all anticipate that the bill will pass its third reading on Thursday, and some who have up to the present advocated the "So surrender" policy, now counsel moderate views, admitting that the insurgent policy would only lead to another general election when the Unionists would be certain to suffer defeat.

Masonic Grand Lodge. St. Catharines, July 18Practl-callv all the Masons who will attend the opening of the grand lodge of Canada in Ontario tomorrow morning- are now in the city, many arriving by boats and trains during the day. This afternoon grand lodge officers were taken on an automobile tour through the fruit belt, stops being made at the Rlttenhouse school, Victoria and experimental farm at VIneland. Headquarters have been opened at the Masonic Temple.

Ontario street, where all the visitors register and are then taken In charge by the local committee, who will look after their comfort. Tonight a special concert was given In the park by the Nineteenth Regiment band as a compliment to the visitors. Halifax Man Lost Halifax, N.8.. Julj' IS. D.

K. Wlilnton, a retired business man of Halifax, who lived in the suburb, is lot in the woods. A big crowd of neighbors has searched for hi msince five o'clock, but up to 10.30 p.m. no trace of him had ben found. Whiston Is seventy-eiffht years of aee.

At three o'clock he went into the woods with a dog; at five o'cl-xrk the doc: returned, but not the man. A bad marsh is in the rear of the woods where Whin-ton entered, and it is feared that he has been caught in this. Killed by Shunting Engine. Quebec, July 18. A man.

whose name is supposed to be Amyot, and whoe residence is In Llmoilou, a suburb of Quebec, met with a fearful death this evening, when he was struck bv a Canadian Pacific Railway shunting enicine at the foot of Dominique street and was almost decapitated. Th remains were taken to the morgue, where an inquest will be held. Triple Drowning Tragedy. Kosthern. ask July IS.

A triple drowning occurred or. Ked Deer Railway Lake, those drowned beinp Leroy Mao-donald and his founeeruyear-old son and Owen Hughes. The three were out rowing In a small boat- Two of the bodies have since ben recovered. The victims lived at Gilles, thirty miles northwest of Rosthern. Woodstock Sends $200.

Woodstock. Ont. July IS. The Woodstock city council this morning sent a draft for I21 to Toronto to be adiied tp the fund for the relief the sufferers In the northern Ontario fire. A number of the aldermen thought the amount too small, but It was decided to send the 2 first and supplement the (rift if the needs of the s-jfferers demanded It.

Heavy Rain in West. Brandon, July JS Heavy rains set in again here tonight at seven o'clock, with every Indication of continuing for many hours. With this rain which seems to be general, following the big showers this afternoon, crop conditions will as good as they could possibly b. The moisture will be ample for some time. Ask Tco Much For Power.

Ft. Thomas. Ont July The town council was billed J3S per horse power for Niagara power, and they refuse to ssi- such a sum, as the Ontario commission said that the price should not exceed X'f'-ii per h.p. Steamship Arrivals. Montreal.

July IS Turcoman, from Liverpool; Montezuma, from London; Sardinian, from London. New Tork. July IS Olympic, from Fouth-Rmrrton; Minnehaha, from London; Krcm Prtrutessln from Ermn; KroonlaM. from Antwerp. Baltimore.

July 1 Main, from Bremen. Philadelphia. July li CarfT.arlnian. from Glasgow. Boston.

Julv It XnmMlan. from Glasgow Liverpool. July 1 Lake Champlaln. from Montreal Manchester Commerce from Montreal. Avormo-ith.

July 1 Monmouth, from Montreal. Eremen. July 15 Kaiser WUhelm II-, New Tork. Mareetiles, July T7 Vermis, from New lone turned to make another bVd for the throne, Baltimore and Rochester are tied for the lead In the Eastern Baseball The Ontario Bee Keeper' Aasocia-tlon will advance the price of honey this season. JferW Tork tock exchange awoke from Its lethargy In the final hour of trading yesterday.

A footbridge has been built over the Rldeau river from Strathcona Park In the night. The CJtyTennJs Championship meet ma, opened yesterday on the oourtt the Ottawa, Club. Reciprocity was again debated In the Canadian house yesterday and le to be continued today. The next British and forega mall close at Ottawa post office Friday 1.16 a.m. and 2.16 p.m.

A. financial mix-up has occurred over the pay of the contractor for the city's address to King George. Sine. Thomas Patterson, of Cape tBeale lighthouse, heroine of the 'wrecked ship Colome, is dead. It is thought the Insurgent peers not be able to have the Veto bill rejected by the house of lords.

The bouse of commons' first division yesterday was upon the question mf rewards to Fenian Raid veterans. Lance-Oorporal Trainor, of Toronto, iwon the first stage of the King's Prize at Bisley yesterday with a core of The German warship Bremen hae anchored off Montreal to show Germany) sons in Canada the flag of the dear fatherland. W. Morley's Vlttoria rink Is In the championship final of the St. Lawrence Bowling Xisociatljn tour- nament at- Prescott Ottawa.

Cricket CIbt "hae asked for' a postponement of its matches against th Toronto for the J. Rosa Robertson trophy. Some revelations of the methods of mutual fire insurance company fraud caused a sensation at the Philadelphia' hearing yesterday. Philadelphia leads the National BaeeTiall League today by 14 points. Detroit and Philadelphia were both winners yesterday In the American.

The King sent a message of fare- 'well yesterday to the luncheon of the Dominion coronation representatives. Premier Asquith. and Mr. Balfour flpoke at the function. 1 The city has allowed a public school playground fence to be removed without notification and work started upon a roadway through.

The school board is up in arms. It Is said in London that Premier Asquith. has the authority to announce that the King hopes for a eolation of the difficulty between the lords and commons quietly. Liberal papers do not anticipate today that new peers will be created. The Weather.

Toronto, July 15. Rain has fallen today In Eastern (Quebec and the Maritime Provinces ard showers have occurred In many localities from the Rocky Mountains to Manitoba- Minfmnm and maximum temperatures: Victoria, 64-74; Vancouver, 68-82; Kamloops, 54-58; Edmonton, 46-64; Battleford, 48-64; Prince Albert, 60-62; Medicine Hat, 50-72; Egina, 49-69; Qu'Appelle, 4S-66; Winnipeg, 48-74; Port Arthur, 60-76; Parry Sound, 58-78; London, 46-80; Toronto, 52-76; Ottawa, 54-76; Montis 60-76; Quebec, 62-76; SU John, t-70; Halifax, 58-f2. FORECASTS. Ottawa. Valley and Upper St, LawrenceFair and warm today, showers asd local thunderstorms tonight and OB Thursday, Lower Lakes and Georgian Bay Moderate to fresh winds, mostly southeasterly to southwesterly; partly fair and warm, with- showers and local thunderstorms.

Lower St- Lawrence Fire and warm, showers and local thunderstorms by Thursday. Gulf and Maritime Provinces Hhdrratc winds, local showers at test, then generally fair. Lake Superior Moderate to fresh Winds with showers and local thunderstorms. Maaitaba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Fair, not much change in temperature. Sun.

rises 4.13 sets 7.4S p.m. Today's Events. Dominion- theatre The Wife. At- The Palm Garden A loot Est of Ice Cold Thirst QjuneheTm, dainty combinations of Cool refreshing water ice's and Ice cream. A cage fan running day and Bight keep the Palm Garden always cooL Oace a customer always a ens-tcmsb "Quick Service." DEPOSED SHAH BACK IN PERSIA Ali Mirza to Make New Bid for Throne.

Teheran, Persia, July is Ali Mlrza, the ixMct shah of Persia, has return to his on land 'r the purpose of making another bid for the throne. The ex-sliuli Is now at Cumcsb T-pe. a small port in the Caspian Sea In the northern pi.rt of Pertla, nar the Ituoiinn border, nnd it Is stated that a Russian vessel conveyed him to that place. Soon after Mohimmed All Mlrza was dethroned, In July, pro-cedel to Itussla and arrived at Odessa In Oct iber of the same yea- The Russian government undertook by piotocol keep the ex-shnh under strict surveillance and prevent all Intrigues with respect to his return to Persia and possibly to the 'hrone. Notwithstanding this the deposed r.liuh has made progress through P.ussla quite rapidly and without moles'ntion from Odessa to Gumesb Tepe, a distance of about l.CCK) miles.

What force Mohammed All has with li Is not known. The government has ordered Sldnr Safar to proceed to Kurdistan with 2,000 horsemen and guns to crush the rebellion In that district, which has made considerable progress under the leadership of fiular Fd Dowleh, brother pf the deposed shah. FORFEITS LARGE PENSION. London, July 18 The sudden and unexpected appearance of er-Shah Mohammed All Mirza In Persian territory Is a great Surprise. He left Odessa some week sgo for Puden, ner Vienna, where he has been living his family until July 6.

It Is understood that he left Baden for Marlehbal to take the waters. with the Intention of returning to that place. By this to recapture the throne Mohammed Ali for'eits a pension of JS2.5O0 yearly. According to recent despatches from Tehe'nn his brother, Salar Ed Dowleh, Is at the head of a small rebellion In Ku-d stan with 3,000 men, and has proc'almed himself in favor of Mohammed pretensions. HEROINE DEAD Canadian Woman Who Assist ed The Shipwrecked.

Cobourg, July 18. The death of a Canadian heroine, who spent her early childhood and girlhood days at Brighton, Northumberland county, occurred a few days ago at Alburn, B.C., In the passing of Mra. Patterson, wife of Thomas Patterson, keeper of the Cape lieale llghthoupe. During her fourteen years' residence at the lighthouse she became known to the world as haiing heroically exerted herself upon several oocaslon to assist In saving shipwrecked people on the west cjast. Notable among these acts of self-sacrifice and heroism wa her noble effort fourteen years ago, when she was not able to overcome.

Be-sides the lives of the crew of the fitranded ship Colome. At that time she suffered Injury to her health, which she was notable to overcome. Besides being made the recipient of public tributes in recognition of her braverv, her work was at. that time officially recognized hy the governments of Canada and the United States. CANADIAN TESTIMONY Regina Man Drifts Into Lori-mer Election Charges.

Washington, July 18 -Charles Mc-Gowan of Regina, Canada, took the stand today as the hitherto unidentified "yourg Canadian," wb was en the Winnipeg flyer in March, isn, during th? alleged conversation between F. Wlehe and Wm. Burgegs about the Lorimer ejection ac pot. irgess testified We'he remarked to him In the presence the Canadian tbat a Jack pot was raised to elect Lorimer srd that he subscribed to It "Didn't W'ehe at any time during the conversation say anything about there having been a JacSc pot to elect Lorir.ier or about Mr. Wiehe contr'buted to It?" Inquired Attorney Hynes.

"Xo, sir," replied M15fJowan. "there was nothing said about tie election of Lorimer." The witness den.ed the Father Green Incident Burgess had testified was discusse'l in the train conversation. Prince at Methodist Congress. Toronto, July 3 mor.z the delegates to the ecumenical of Methodism, Thih Is to be hi id In Torotto October I to will p-otably be a prin of ore of the Fr'endly Islands, a grandson of King Ge'-rge of This yourg man Is 2( years of age, a college graduate, a member of parliament, and, In addition, a prince own right of the shoe mnniifHctiiliig Industry. NEARING VILLAGE Amherst Forest Fires Are Still Burning Furiously.

Amherst, July IK The for est fires tt'htch hau been racing here for the puot fight or ten days continue with uuahatel vloloncc. During the past twenty-four hours the first must have run fully ten miles. The conflagration hns cross ed to the cast side of the Mhallci river, and has practically destroyed nearly oil the green timber on the lumber (ircim of ltoblnsoti and Wright. Yesterday the fire was fully two and a half miles from nny of the re sidences at Shallee, but this morning the flames were within three-iunrters of a mile from where the village stands. ICE CONSPIRACY Sweeping Charges Made Against New York Companies.

New York. July 18 Hwfrplnff chared of conHplrai-y in restraint of trade In Now covering both production and salo of war Io1kM today hy District Whitman ounlnut the Kiilrkerhorkcr Icf Company, the Ice Muiuiluiiurlng Company, thlr of firm and (Hrertor. Tho L'omplulnt 0 1 lent thut th monopoly rrittlnntiiifd in hy-Bono yenm by the AniTifan Ire Company hun btn bv the drfctvhmtr, and 'tas that the rotirt uhpoena tlftf-en wltrirttas namd and examine the re on In of the two ronrrni to leif ruihie the truth of the occui tU'D. The formal complaint laid rfore MaglBtmtt Appleton. 1'tihllr nlttlnKa for Ihe taklnr of tentlmony will ba held probably for eighteen day.

Counsel for Ibe deLnuanttt exprMM li in to. produce the d-lred word at4 wit nre without ftubpornan, mid an ad jonriiment waa tfikeu until tomorrow afternoon, when the taking of evWIence will bKln. Science Saved New York. Now York, July 18. The tent tube bf the health offlrer ntnff of phynlrlnnti at quarantine have paved New York from a prumiblfl Invexlon of Asiatic eholpra by five carriers of the dlea In thwelvfH well, but bearer of million of baiMerla.

Their presence waa madp mnnlfwt today the ritilt of the Individual bacteriological examination lnMlt'itd In the cne of every person drtftlnM at Hoffman an extraordinary precaution. Their discovery, together with the failure of pe of cholera to develop at Quarantine. fiiud Officer Doty to re. gard the outlook tonight a brighter than at any time within the pat wek. Finds Below Ground.

Cuelph, July IB A -ullar Pnd was made yesterday by workmen at the subway excavation at Huiikls-son street. They were digging the solid earth, over 13 feet below the surface, when one unearthed a stick of dynamite over 20 Inches In length. Another, picked up a Canadian copper coin which was found to be over 100 years old. Another coin was also found, but nothing can be mads out of It. Canadian Artist Dead.

Toronto, July IS A promising young Canadian artist died early today In Toronto In the person of Mies fj. Tully, daughter of the late Kivas TuUy, O.K., for many years architect and engineer of the public works department of Ontario Miss Tully had been 111 only a few months, being a elctlm of pernicious anaemia. To Pen For Life. Sault Ste. Marie, July 18 hound for Kingston penitentiary, where he will end his days Instead o( expiating his crime on the gallows, Carroll, the aged Jillnd River murderer, left today by the steamer Manitoba In custody of Leputy Sheriff Carney and W.

H. Copeland. Peterboro's Nominees. Peterboro, Jolv is. The 'onsr-vatlve Association of West peterooro tonight nominated J.

H. Burr.tiam barrister, and E. A. I'eck, barrister, to contest this riding In ti Ix.mln'on and provincial elections respectively, the nomination in etn case being unanimous. Another Porcupine Victim.

New I.lskeard, July An employe of the Dome mln, Wm. Cooper. burneH In the Porcupine fire and brought to the Lady Mlnto hospital In IJs-kearil, ilii today. He was frightfully burned. His body was shipped this evening to Toronto for burial.

Three Toronto Victims Buried. Toronto, July 1. Three young men wh lost their llvep In the Porc ipine fire rNormin Whatmough. J. D'Ksterre and Stanley Nicholson were burie.1 in this city today.

shape collars by a new method. A method that ensures perfect satisfaction and comfort for the wearer Phone J312. The Baker Laundry, Co. 293-35 Wellington Ftreet. Hotel Victoria Aylmer Members and their friends should find the Hotel Victoria a very pleasant place to have dinner and spend the evening.

The masquerade ball Wednesday evening la the attraction tbi week. cerns. Uobirvson further testified that he ha 1 presided at tors' meetings of his companies but rad no idea of what was done. "I always read a newspaper or went 1 1 Dalaity did all the he said. Ernest K.

Mueller, a solicitor employed by two of the concerns, which the state Insurance dLparunem charges were all controlled by the same principals, testified ihat while ne was connected with the concerns, new ones were organized with a total "fake" capitalization of Jl.MO.OoC. The names of the allege, subscriber, he said, were taken from the city directory. Harry S. Thiel, another so1 citor, testified that "agents of the companies got 50 per cent on all business they wrote and Inspectors ten per cent of all business written by those under them. "The money came in fas'." he testified.

"Balalty and Malshlcl; both had tin boxes In which they kept the cash and the boxes were often full." The offices of the concerns were re cently raided. The concerns, it is charged, wrote Are insurance in au parts of the country, and It is c'aim-ed their total receipts were JITAKi a month. WOMAN LET OFF Los Angeles Proceedings Regarding Dynamiting Case. Los Angeles, July 18. The contempt proceedings against Mrs.

Emma McManlgal, wife of Ortle E. MoManigal, the alleged confessed dynamiter, were dismissed today by Judge Bordwell. The court held that the affidavit filed prosecution was Insufficient. 1 The defence, hailing this action as a victory protecting witnesses from being questioned before the grand jury. made public a certified transcript of OrtieMaManigaJ's testimony before the gTand jury.

according to the transcript of testimony, told the grand Jury that Jaimes McNamara admitted blowing up the Times building. This admission was he said, while he a.nd James McNamara were in the woods at Conover, Wis. MoManigal said he first knew J. SIcNamara under that name, but later as J. B.

Bryce, and after he came from the coast as Frank EulUvan. He told of discussing the Times explosion with Joh.n J. McNamara in thelatter's office In Indianapolis. "What is going on out there?" McManlgal he asked. "Those fellows killed a lot of people?" "Yes," McNamara replied.

"That ought to make them come across, the scabs." McManlgal then told of blowing up the Llewellyn Iron Works here, sayin? he was sent by J. J. McNamara; that he later reported to J. J. McNamara at Indianapolis and received 1535 In all.

He also declared before the jury that a piece of mechanism shown him was an Infernal machine which James had Invented. WARSHIP'S VISIT In Montreal to Display Flag to Germany's Sons. Montreal, July 18. Kaiser Wil-helm's American squadron, the Bremen, ae neat a cruiser as ever scoured the Beas, arrived at the Montreal wharf thLs afternoon flying the fierce eagle standard, of the Caesars. Her mission Is a peaceful one, merely, as the genial second in command, Von Ferboni dl Sposett, explained, to ehow again to Germany's sons In Canada the flag of the dear fatherland.

A round of ftettvities has been mapped out by the Momreal Teutonic Club for the entertainment of their Neptune guests. In which the national beverage will figure large.y.. The Bremen will be open daily to visitors and will remain In Montreal until August 3rd. Chatham Store Burned. Chatham, Ont, July IS.

Fre broke out In the McDonald store today, and the big and extensive stock of the company was ruined bj- fire, water and smoke The loss will run ud in the thousands of dollars. The cause of the fire is unknown. The was heavily stocked with furniture of an expensive variety, as well as curtains, carpets and rugs, on all three floors. Most of these will be almost a total loss. Widow of Judge Dead.

Toronto July Word was received In Toronto today of the death at Vevey. Switzerland, of Mrs. Isabel J. Mac-Mahon. widow of the late Hon.

Justice Macmahon. of Toronto. On the death of her husbawJ Mrs. MacManon. who was in lli-heaiih, left Toronto for Switzerland.

Thirty Would-be Police Chiefs. Ir.goa Or.t, July li-Thlrtr for tee poeltin of chief of made vacant by the resmitlcn of J. T. Chilton, who went to as the head of the police department mere, hare bees reeelTea..

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